
     " ( R  i J 'is'atio.n  We made a reoquest on the Legislature
this year For increased funds, but our request was not incorporatc-
in the State Budget.   On the floor of the Fouse, however, an
item of $75,000 wvas included for the completion of the Chemistry
uii.ling.  This was passed by both houses and vetoed, by the
     The Nelson Tax Act wasT passed, makin.g, q-apprrtionment of
funds.   Under the new distribution the University will receive
2.01 cents out of every 30 cents coileet~d c= intangibles.   The
k'3tats Tax Commission has estimated that the University will re-
ceive next year $404,000.   last year rwe received $390,000.

     A new inheritance tax law y-as passed and under that law the
University receives 25% of it.    yhnn the law gets in-to operation,
it will bring an income of about $75,000 annually.    This year,
however, we may expect only about $30,000, as we cannot get the
full benefit of that tax for this year."

     "(,1) Crowded Condition in the Library  Conditions in the
"Library are very crowded. We have room at the present time for
only about eighty-five students.    I am suggesting that the
present chapel be made over into a reading room for the Library.
It would seat about 250 students, and the chapel exercises could
be moved to the new gymnasium.

     "(60 Chemistry Building    Plans are ready for the Chemistry
Building, and we ought to go forward with the construction of it.
The University has in cash about $125,000 which would be sufficier
to build the building, but it would not equip it.    In order to
w'et the additional space, I am recommending that the Chemistry
building be begun.

     "(g) Change in the 'Tate of Commencement. I am calling
attention of the Board of Trustees to the change in the date fdr
commencement.   We are arrvnging this ylecr to have commencement
take place on Saturday, May 31, and Sunday and Monday, June 1 and

     7. Meeting of the Board of Trustees for June.   It was moved,
seconded,. and carried that the Board of Trustees when it adjourns
on this date, adjourn to meet on Saturday, May 31, 1924.    This
meeting was ordered in order to permit the board of Trustees to
pass on the candidates for graduation before commencement.

     8. lans for t& Chemistry Building.      President McVey stated
to the Board that we have received from the architects, Coolidge
and "hattuck of Boston, plans for the Chemistry Building and
recomofended that advertisement be let for bids.   A motion was