The Kentucky Kernel

.VOL. X.








Former Stars Working To
Hold Their Own With
Try-out- s

for parts in "Beau

Brum-mel- "

in the Stroller play, aro being
held every night in the Recreation
Hall at Patterson Hall, and enthus-

Class Responds and No Loss Results.
A flro which might havo caused
serious damage to valuable buildings
on the Experiment Station Farm was
discovered in the gas engine labora
tory Monday afternoon by a member
of the clags and was put out only thru
the presence of mind and heroic efforts of Professor Kelley and drover
Creech, a member of the laboratory
The class in Farm Engineering was
working with stationary engines in
the gas engine laboratory and the several engines had been started and
stopped by each member until he had
the operations down letter perfect
when some ono noticed flames coming up thru the hole in the floor thru
which the exhaust pipe of the engine
was thrust and the cry of "Fire" was
sent thru the building. The class responded nobly to the call for "firemen" and buckets and even paper
sacks and drinking cups were pressed
into service to subdue the Are, which
finally gave up the ghost.
No damage was done to the laboratory building but the excitement furnished a welcome diversion for the
class and was thoroughly enjoyed by

iasm and competition aro intense. All
aspirants are coming with the determination to "do or die," and each novice shows talent such as has never
been displayed in the history of the
Herndon Evans, who
had an Important role In the 1917
production, "The Lion and the Mouse,"
is supervising the work, as stage
Emery Frasier, who played the stellar roles in "The Lion and the Mouse,"
in 1917, and "Under Cover" in 1919,
is a contestant for the male lead in
Milton Revill, a
"Beau Brummel."
star of "Mice and Men," the Stroller
production in 1918, is also under consideration for the part.
Martha Buckman, Carlisle Chenault,
Mary Elizabeth James and Margaret
Smith, Strollers of dramatic reputation, acquired from successful appearances In other Stroller performances, all.
and Mary Elizabeth Downing, Clara
Bell Kaye, Martha Pruitt, Bernice
Young and Louise Connell are aspirants for the leading feminine roles.
Others who are trying for parts are
Nancy Smock, Mary E. Lyons, Kath-erin- e
Reed, Henrietta Bedford, ElizaContest To Obtain Subscripbeth Marshall, Myrtle Clar, Margaret
tions Open To All
Smith, Margaret Harbison, Grover
Creech, Preston Cherry, Auryne Bell,
Harrison Braylesford, Terrill Corn,
Could you uso $15? How would a
Frank Weidecamp, William Flynn, $10 prize look to you? Perhaps you
Norma Rachel, Virginia Qulsenberry. would like to be presented with a
Well, it's easy. J.
1920 Kentuckian?
LIBRARIANS TO OPEN Ed. Parker who is attending to the
INSTRUCTIVE COURSE financial end of the 1920
announces that a prize of $15 will be
Children's Literature To Have Com- given to the student who obtains the
prehensive Study.
highest number of subscriptions to
Ten dollars
the 1920 Kentuckian.
"The best way to make a child love will be awarded to the next contest
good books is to set his father and ant in line. Other prizes will also be
mother to reading them and loving awarded, the exact amount of which
them when they, too, are boys and has not yet been announced by the
girls." So say the authors of a book business staff.
on children's literature. It seems to
This contest is open to all the stu
the English Department and the li- dents of the University excepting
brary staff that the second best way those who are members of the Kenis to set his father, mother, and teach- tuckian staff. Start now and win a
ers to reading them and loving them prize. See Parker, get the subscripduring their college days. To continue tion blanks he has ready and start
the quotation: "Libraians are doing to "cash in" on your frinds, thus helpwhat they can with carefully-selecteing a good cause along.
books, assistants trained in library
The contest will be formally opened
work with children, story hours, and Monday, January 19.
with school libraries.
It is of Notice!
Teachers may do more
All organizations
no value to say that a boy of a cer- groups of any kind expecting to have
tain age Bhould read and enjoy a cer- pictures in the Kentuckian are heretain book, and the comparison must by notified to pay Ed. Parker, businot be made between one boy and ness manager, for the space required
others of his ago, but between a boy on or before February 1. Parker anas ho is and as he was at earlier nounces that no cuts for which tho
stages in his life."
space has not been paid will be sent
on Page Three)




The contests this year will bo short
and snappy, for an annual. If you
have any prints of campus activities
of any kind turn them in.
If you
have only a fow go in with a friend
and turn them in. The winner of this
contest will be announced in the Kernel two weeks from today, and the
fraternity and sorority turning in the
best set will also be announced, so
put the name of the organization to
which you belong when you hand in
your personal sets. This does not
mean that they will be given an annual also, but will merely show which
organizations take an active interest
in campus activities. Get busy.
Rules Governing Contest.
1. The annual will be awarded to
the person or persons turning In the
best twelve (12) snapshots.
2. All prints must be in not later
than January 20th.
3. Newspaper dippings are not accepted.
4. Flashlight pictures will be considered.
5. Snapshots that have pictures of
the faculty in them will not be ruled
6. Faculty members are urged to
7. No snapshots taken during rainy
weather will be accepted, as Lexington is a dry town.
8. No annual will be awarded unless at least eight (8) sets are turned
9. Hand your pictures in early to
avoid the rush, in fact DO IT NOW.
Pictures must be turned in to the
Kentuckian office or T. H. Green.





Begun For Opening of
Baseball Season.

call for
Thus will ring the welcome Bound
from Coach Gill's throat next Tuesday afternoon, January 20, when he
will open wide the door to the Ath1
letic Office and will welcome every
University student who expects to
try for the baseball squad when the
season opens this spring.
The Coach's idea in having the "first
call" so early is to get a line on the
material that will be at his disposal
when the season opens. The invitation is extended to every one who expects to be a candidate for the squad
in the spring, and the Coach Is especially desirous of becoming better
acquainted with the new baseball men
It is understood
In the University.
that there is some excellent material
among tho Freshmen, and all
school men aro expected to be present



ity. students Endorse
League in Referendum

Kentuckian Offers Annual
To Student Submitting
Best Set



16, 1920


Vote Shows Majority Favor
Adoption Without Res-

ervations Numbers

Ags. and Home Ecs. Hear Professors'
Opposite Views.
A spirited debate on the League of

Nations, with Professor Farquhar favoring the League, and Dr. Tuthill opposing it, was the feature of the program given at the meeting of the Agricultural Society Monday night.
This was ono of a series of programs given during the last week by
various organizations, on the League,
with a purpose of educating the student body on the subject which was
voted on Tuesday morning by students and faculty members.
Professor Farquhar's talk was a
brilliant presentation of his reasons
for favoring a treaty and a league.
The chief objections, and the reservations suggested were also discussed
by the affirmative speaker. Doctor
Tuthill responded with a spirited answer to the first speech.

Hapless Recreant Gets Five Years To
Repent of Boldness.
The Patt. Hall burglar, as George
Warren, a negro, is known on the cam;
pus, that hapless individual who on
the night before Christmas holidays,
sneaked into the basement of Patterson Hall, and from there invaded the
land, commonly
realms of
known as the upper floors of the dormitory, was brought to trial Monday
in Circuit Court and sentenced to Ave
years in the penitentiary.
Warren was brought up on two
charges of burglary. On the night of
his appearance in Patterson Hall, he
succeeded in thoroughly frightening a
number of residents who caught sight
of him, once headed for a fire escape,
and later, trying to hide under a bed
on the second floor. He was able to
escape, however, making away with
twelve dollars.
The next night he entered the home
of Mrs. Fannie Whaley, 341 Harrison
Avenue, and was there captured by
Mrs. A. J. Allen, who held her captive at bay with a shoe horn until
help came.
Discharged Soldiers Seeking Education Given Allowance.
Wisconsin recently enacted a law
giving $30 per month to any honorably discharged soldier, sailor, marine
o rnurse who desires to attend either
an elementary school, high school, vocational school, or school of college
grude. Tho total period during which
such allowance may bo drawn cannot
exceed 144 mdmths.


League of Nations Referendum.
4 Tot.
9 163
Students ....595 47 111 78 831
Totals ....728







in regard to the League of Na
tions the foregoing figures speak eloquently the sentiment of the faculty
and students of the University of
Kentucky. The vote was taken Tues
day, each professor passing out print
The voter
ed ballots to students.
placed an X in the box opposite the
proposition for which he stands and
signed hi3 name to the ballot.
The votes were counted in Dean P.
P. Boyd's office and the results posted
on a bulletin board In the main hall
of the Administration Building at 5
o'clock Tuesday afternoon.
This voluntary vote which represents the sentiment of over eighty-fiv- e
per cent of the student body and a
hundred per cent of the faculty, is
ample evidence that, if the University
of Kentucky had anything to do with
it, the League of Nations, as it stands,
without reservations, would go over
the top.
Dr. R. A. Elwood, pastor of the
Board Walk Presbyterian Church of
Atlantic City, was the speaker In
chapel Tuesday. "Intelligence,"' said
he, "is the unwritten synonym for
why you are here. Intelligence based
on knowledge, and knowledge with a
foundation of truth are the great
needs of America today. A university
diploma Is evidence of helther intellectuality nor ability to perform. It
is the way in which that diploma was
won that really counts.
"Next to Intelligence," the speaker
ranks as a
continued, "patriotism
great essential to American citizenship. We want a patriotism that- is
based on the law of the land. There
is no room in this country for those
who wish to change that law by means
of the bomb or any unlawful proceeding.
"The third and greatest essential
conof true Americanism, upright,
is character.
Character is the greatest asset that
a man can have."
"How far from here do you live?"
asked the man who had listened attentively to the real estate agent.
"OTi, soverul miles."
"I'm sorry for that. I'm sure my
family could be happy forever in this
suburb if we could only drop in on
you occasionally and hear you talk
ubout It." Washington Star.
