Dear Fellow Alumnus, l
• • • I want you to know with what feelings and intentions  
I have taken this job as editor of your alumni publica- Z
    tions. You see, a publication like The Alumnus and The l
l Open Door means more to me than just getting words
printed on a respectable number of pages regularly. A
publication has purpose and it has personality!
The purpose of The Alumnus is to inform you, to en-
courage you, to stimulate you, to evoke response from
 _.r t you.
'C ~      * The personality of The Alumnus is sometimes thought-
/ ·=, ful, sometimes reminiscent, sometimes warm, sometimes
[ 7; I  questioning, sometimes entertaining, sometimes listening. ’
      rj.    This purpose and personality, however, are dependent I
  I r    W upon two things—direction and participation. It is these ¤
    1,  2 catalysts that you and I must supply for the alumni }
 5 _  .  A-     V  publication to be a true benefit of membership in the E
    ‘   Association.  
  r s-f/Q  AS 3 beginning, I am introducing these features;  
   _A °”“l '.i`' I i 7   Focal Point. With only four issues a year, it isn’t pos-  
[  F  sible to devote each edition to one theme, but it is pos-  
’   V sible to zero in on one topic for a little while each issue.  
I   I Focal Point will do this. In this issue we are looking at Q
V _   Q_ ‘  ·‘ the various colleges that comprise the University’s central l
i`  ii campus—what they are and what they’re doing.
` Focal Point in the future may consider the energy
crisis, growing older (and better), religion on campus,
alumni membership benefits, advantages of an active `
alumni club system, inventions by UK alumni, UK devel-
Liz Howard Demoran has been named editor of  (;n;O;E§)53?§; igrggiigiiyt(;;?l}{;sSStud€nt leaders the
alumni publications at the University of Kentucky. Dem- C r r Ca is an item that digs back mtr) the mes and into
°mn*_ ABI 68* MA 73 trim UrK» Wm edt two quzgtrigly your memories to make fresh once again those good ole
pubh°2m°ns_Th8 Kentuc y A umnus magazme an te days whether they occurred one year or 50 years ago.
Olmn DOO'. newspapen ]. F. Corn first Kernel editor recalls some of the better
Prior to her appointment with the UK Alumni As- hum Or frogq 1915_1917m this issue
sociation, she was a publicity specialist in the Kentucky A r mm d the Campus Briefly is. an anecdotal Column
Department of Transportation where she editedamonthly about the Current Sc€n€_th€ Styles the attitudes the
gmploycs magazm? plglued SP_€¤ia1dPf9m¤¤¤¤S and pm" major and minor concerns, the collegiate happenings of
Omlcd a variety 0 Pu IC mlatlons ut1€S' _ , the moment. I hope you will enjoy this capsule featurette.
Demoran also does free—lance work on a part—t1me basis Also Ism invitm YOU t d b
_ _ _ _ _ , g o rop me a note a out your
and has Worked Wh Such ¤€*s'¤¤*·¢S as Mmm Peek ooooosos for the Association, sos the University and for
Tom T' Hell and Fawn Youllgf _ yourself. I welcome contributions for publication, story
Professionally, Demoran is v1ce—pres1dent for programs Suggestions and questions yousd like answered.
of the Frankfort-Louisville Chapter of Women in Com- Let me hear from Ou_On or OH the record I mmise
munications, Inc., and a member of the National Federa- su . y I P
tion of Press Women. y°“ be h""‘““g from me
She is also a member of the Zeta Tau Alpha Alumnae ,
Club of Lexington.
She is married to Leroy Demoran, ]r. They have one
son, Craig, 2.