14 Regulatory Bulletin 139 A
Berberis arido—calida
B. stenophylla diversifolia ...... - --——- `
B. stenophyllu gracilis ....... - -—---
B. stenophylla irwini ...... . . Irwin Barberry
B. stenophylla nana compacta .... Corallina Barberry
B. telomaica artisepala ...... . --——-—
B. thunbergi D. C. ......... japanese Barberry
B. tlmnbergi atroggrgea ...... Redleaf japanese Barberry
V B. thnnbergi atrogea nana ..... - ---—-
B. thunbergi erecta ......... Truehedge Columnberry
B. tlmnbergi "globe" · ........ - ———--
B. thunbergl "golden" ........ — ——---
B. thunbergi maximowiczi ...... Coral japanese Barberry
B. thunbergi minor ......... Box Barberry
B. thunbergi pluriflora ....... Flame Barberry
B. thunbergi "thoruless" ....... - —-——- A
B. thunbergi "variegata" ...... - ---—-
B. thunbergi xanthocarpa ...... -· --—--
B. trlacanthg_phora ......... Threespine Barberry
B. verruculosa ........... Warty Barbexry
B. virgatomm ........... - —----
B. xanthoggylon hort . . . . ..... - —----
Mahonia aggifolium Oregongrape Mahonia
M. bealei ............ Leatherleaf Mahonia
M. compacta ............ - -----
M. dictyota ............ Netvein Mahonia
M. fortunei ............ Chinese Mahonia
M. lomarifolia ........... — ——-—-
M. nervosa ............. Cascades Mahonia
M. pinnata ..... , ....... Cluster Mahonia ·
M. repens ..........,.. Creeping Mahonia
Under provisions of Federal Quarantine Number 37 certain limita-
tions are placed under the Lmportatlon of plants and seeds from foreign
countries. Anyone wishing to import nursery stock, plants or seeds must
first obtain a permit from the Plant Quarantine Branch, U. S.D.A. ,
209 River Street, Hoboken, New jersey. In applying for a permit to
import plant material the following imformation is required; ga) The