xt7zs756gc8x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zs756gc8x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1967 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Programs University of Kentucky vs. University of Mississippi, September 30, 1967 text University of Kentucky vs. University of Mississippi, September 30, 1967 1967 2014 true xt7zs756gc8x section xt7zs756gc8x "'\
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FORTHISGANIE l contents l
* tk * ir ir ir air p“’° l
Game Story ........................................................,...........,..... 5 y
I O   {     S Governor Breathitt .........................................................,...... 6 l
Songs ...,.........................................................................,...... 8
    President Oswald .........................................,...............,........ 9 l
WATCHo Cheerleaders ......................................................................., lO
  Athletics At Kentuck ................,......................................... ll
10 w0rId’s fair grand prizes   MSI i
28¤<>l¤r¤¤¤¤ls @ Athletics Director Shively .....................,.............................. l2
Varsity Schedule and Scores ................................,............,.. I4
Longines watches are recognized i
aSOFFICIALfOrtiming World Coaching Staff ..........................,.......................................,. l 5
championships and Olympic sports Head Coach Bradshaw ...................................,...................... I6
' Ilt' Id th h tth ld. ,
me 'G S mug °“ eww 1<6-riirieity PIO}/GT pieiaies ........................ 18, 22, 26, 30, 34, ss
{ - Mississippi Player Pictures ..,...,....................................... 20, 33
//6 i  ~·; _ U  _ Statistically Speaking .......................................................... 24
{ /5 L_ Q  "¤ i_V%   Numerical Rosters ................................................................ 28
,.        Lineups __,_,,____,___,,__,,,..,........................................ Center Spread
J fe  -j~": il I •·  F}
 ’ K  . ._   ’   Depth Chart .,.....................,.................................................. 29
 ` `     @51/ —  Mississippi Administration ......,...,................,.................,...... 37
 ,- ,, W! if I"    
i-R   ‘*"Ef,5£\  - · » l \/\/hg That I-Igrse I5 ,,,,,,,....,....................... . .......................... 40
  ` - q i  ·‘     What Opponents Are Doing .................................................. 42
vv    `   Fygglqpqgn Rggtgr ___,_,____,,, , ,.,...,...,. . ................. · ··-·-···-·-····  
     1* UK Alphabetical Roster ......................,....,............................ 44
  U ° UK Varsity Team Picture ......i.....,,........................................ 46   _
· / · / Officials’ Signals and Penalties ...................................,........ 47  
Lur1zinesUItra-Chron =82O5,aut0mati·: with caIendar,$175.   QM .
Other UItra·Chr0n Models, $150 to $595. BOI'Id ............................................,.................i.....................    
» _ . ·i’·‘ i  
the fabulous new Wildcat Coaches——Athletics Staff ........................................ 5O  
      Education Writer Reports on "Real Medicine" ..............., 52-53  
J - ··.  
Guaranteed Accurate ToAMinuteAM¤nth l<€l'tl'UCl\LL pizocmivi     ,
automatically while you wearit.AIl-Pr00l® Published by UK, Athletics Association sell Y Y
con tuct` def t l ,d t, . . . 4  
Shojki mrzgggtisfil itwlfloigingglwittnauer } Bernie A, Shively, Director of Athletics xi;    
Francnised Jewelers, coast-to·coast. Edited by Ken Kuhn      
Director of Sports Information    
, , Represented for National Advertising by  
  lllATGQ§Eg0- Spencer Aiiveiiitiiig, im, · xtc;  
Mzkercl Watches OI The Highest Character 27l /\/l3dlSOn /M/enucr NOW YOlrl—U(l*-
tl · . . . . , . , . , _ . . _ X ' _ . t _ t _ t‘ . " . . t
j saletyman tipped an Indiana pass high lll the end zone and Qll*lIllll)*l(l‘ Blllui X‘“*ll Ulmllltlttl tlilll ol l· ll·*>’l*
lloosier end Al Gage grabbed it for the deciding marker, l<>1` 121 §‘¢11‘¤lS and end Mae llauk vzuiqlil live ol them lor
Mississippi, displaying SOIHQ opening game ptters, fum- 52 }·ll(l*·
bled its game away as Memphis State capitalized on mis- A big play tor the Rebels was an 8$)—yard kieltoll return
takes um] nlm made its Own lyyeulee in the third quarter by sophomore Bo Bowen. The Tigers
The \Vildeats, starting nine sophomores, got oft to a 10—() lmil it siinilur play \\`ll<`¤ Nl¤‘l< l°¢lDD¥t$ l<*tl
lead and unveiled a good running attack and some line de- tm tlw $<‘\`<‘¤ uml $<`¤ml°€¤`Ct=·¤‘·ls lt"` it
femjye Wet·]{_ touehdown just belore the first hall ended.
Roger Cann, sophomore tailbaek from Fayetteville, N. C., M¤‘mDlil$ SUNG l1<.‘U1i\ll)' ltliil <>11l§` <*11<‘ l<>\1<‘l¤ll<*\\‘¤1 M lli<‘
picked up 122 yardg and gqgrgd (mc touchdown (56 yaulg) result of a sustained drive. One eaine lroin the aloreinen-
in 16 earries in the opening minutes of play while David tioncd kiekolll return, another lroiu a T5-yard punt return.
\Veld made good his only extra point and Held goal (333 Another was set up when an Ole Miss l`uml>le ol a
yards) tries. Memphis State punt was recovered on the three-yard line.
Dieky Lyons and Terry Beadles saw equal aetion at Mistakes ot both teams eould perhaps be due lo open—
quarterback for the \Vildeats while substitute tailbaek Diek ing game jitters and Vaught and l{entur·ky`s (Iharlie l’>r.itl—
Beard, llanker ]oe laeobs and senior fullbaek Donnie Brit- shaw undoubtedly will have their eliarges really and lteyed
ton rounded out a good baekheld eombination. for their opening Southeastern Conlerenee game today.
LEADERS IN WILDCAT BRIGADE——Two of the standout individuals amon the l967 edition of Kcntuck Wildcats are Dick L ons (24)
9 Y Y Y
and Jeff Van Note (88). Coach Charlie Bradshaw will be depending on the pair for a repeat performance of the past action pictured
here as UK engages the powerful and hard-hitting Rebels on Stoll Field this afternoon.
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Alumnus Governor Boosts Wildcat Gridders . . .
Edward T. Breathitt at 42 is the nation’s second oun est Governor. A Ho kinsville attorne
he continues a family record of distinguished public service that dates back to pre—Civil War days
when an ancestor, John Breathitt, served as the state's chief executive
Governor Breathitt, who in his capacity as Governor, also serves as chairman of the University
ot Kentucky Board of Trustees, began his career as a lawyer and public servant immediately upon
graduation tram the University of Kentucky College of Law in l950, At the age of 27, he was
elected to the State House of Representatives, Later he was State Personnel Commissioner and a
member of the State Public Service Commission before being elected to la|| team

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University’s President Knows Value of An Athletic Program . . .
When Dr. John W. Oswald became the sixth and later rose through the administrative ranks
  president of the University of Kentucky on Sept. to the position of \/ice—President for Administra-
i'‘`i     l, l963, he brought to the position most unique tion.
»%`:;,;‘°_ . . , _ _ _ , . .
  qualifications that have since aided immeosur- Dr. Oswalcls athletic experience, that naw
   __    ably in his administration of one of the nation's STGr'tClS him in good stead as president of a uni- .
  foremost and fastest—growing educational insti- versity boasting an ambitious athletic program,
  t t` came as a la er in his colle iate da s at De
_, _.._   u ions. D Y Q y
  John Oswald’s background reflects the highest $OUWhGS he plgyeddgfmrd Om gli,flOOl_b(?ll lggmh
’ ·‘=·     . .
  standard of excellence in educational prepara- Or T me l/;GFS in lltgrhql hg ldmmc S SWS '
  tion and also includes experience in athletics at ?;mpUS_w im"] G gig li (mb ij; COqCdmg i
  .i..   both the player and coach levels, l]OV$;;;O; T G QH leggqbmgc QQ {EGM;)   d
  _  V n , e was name y por s us ra e
  {QQ  The bGCls¢¢”“!?.·&e*;   
1 ‘ 1         i ~ ··‘      ‘·     `» ;    
Posing prcttily in their new mini-skirt uniforms with the lone male of the contingent are the nine coeds making up the l967 corps of
l UK cheerleaders who will make it their goal to pep up the Wildcats. Often unappreciated for their efforts, this year's squad includes
i Steve Weismueler and Misses Suzanne Huffines, Cheryl Hughes, Winnie Ja Perry (team captain), Jennifer Burcham, Gwynn Deal, Suzanne
Oney, Marty Boone and Diane Parker.
p Places of Interest To Visit
i ln Lexington:
Henry Clay Home Big Red Mile Hunt Morgan House
Horse Farms Keeneland Race Course
And Now Also a New Store in Turfland Mall
Where Sports Celebrities Make Their Headquarters
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