xt7zw37kqk0v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7zw37kqk0v/data/mets.xml Philip, Uncle, 1798-1866. 1844  books b92-67-27081493 English D. Appleton, : New York : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Boone, Daniel, 1734-1820. Adventures of Daniel Boone  : the Kentucky rifleman / by the author of "Uncle Philip's conversations." text Adventures of Daniel Boone  : the Kentucky rifleman / by the author of "Uncle Philip's conversations." 1844 2002 true xt7zw37kqk0v section xt7zw37kqk0v 



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t:0- EDAME L    [BOtil-
Froi Ue BaO-Rehevo iu Xh R
   of he Capi at waeingto











" Too much crowded -too much crowded - I want more elbow-
       room."-Boone on his way to Missourt.

           NEW YORK:



   Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1843,
               BY D. APPLETON  CO.,
in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United State.,
           for the Southern District of New York.

      13 Chambers Street, New York.







          e ois voluue


                   BY UNCLE PRILM.

This page in the original text is blank.


                   CHAPTrER I.
Daniel Boone is born in Bucks county, Pennsylvania-
  His father removes to the Schuylkill-Boone's early
  passion for hunting-Kills a panther-Wanderings
  in the woods-Is sent to school-The school is bro-
  ken up-Boone returns to his sports-His father re-
  moves to the Yadkin river in North Carolina-While
  the farm is improving Daniel is hunting-The neigh-
  borhood begins to be settled-Daniel is dissatisfied-
  Settlement of Mr. Bryan-Daniel Boone goes out
  upon a fire hunt-Strange adventure-Marries Re-
  becca Bryan-Makes a home for himself on the head
  waters of the Yadkin-Men begin to crowd upon
  him-determines to move    .    .   .    .    . 13

                   CHAPTER II.
Early visits to Kentucky-James M'Bride-Dr. Wack-
  er and others-John Finlay goes to Kentucky trad-
  ing with the Indians-Returns with glowing ac-
  counts of the country-Visits Daniel Boone and
  spends the winter with him-Boone is charmed with
  the stories-They determine in the spring to go to
  Kentucky-Meeting at Boone's house in May-With
  four companions they start for the west-Adventures


 by the way-They reach Finlay's old station on the
 Red river-Make their camp-Amuse themselves in
 hunting and exploring the country-Beauty of the
 country-Abundance of game-Boone and Stewart
 are taken by the Indians-Make their escape-Re-
 turn to their camp-It is plundered and deserted-
 Arrival of Squire Boone-Daniel Doone is rejoiced
 to hear from his family   .    .                26

                  CHAPTER III.

Hunting party-Stewart is killed by the Indians-nar-
  row escape of Daniel Boone-The companion of
  Squire Boone returns home-The two brothers alone
  in the vilderness-Cheerfulness of Daniel Boone-
  Squire returns to the Yadkin for ammunition-Dan-
  iel lives in the forest alone-His pleasant wander-
  ings-Singular escape from the Indians-Encounter
  with a bear-Looks for the return of his brother-
  Disappointment-Is very sad-Squire suddenly ar-
  rives with ammunition and horses-Plans for the fu-
  ture-Daniel Boone chooses a spot on the Kentucky
  river-They return for his family-Sport by the way
  -They reach the Yadkin-Try to beat up recruits
  for Kentucky-Ridicule of the people-They start
  with five families-Forty men join them-Disaster
  by the way-They return to Clinch river-Various
  employments of Boone-He returns to Kentucky-
  Builds a fort-Removes his family to Boonesborough  42

                  CHAPTER IV.
Comforts of Boonesborough-Arrival of Colonel Cal-
  away and his daughters-Capture of three girls by
  the Indians-Boone and Calaway pursue-Are made




  prisoners-Happy escape-New emigrants-County
  of Kentucky-Indian warfare-Attacks upon Har-
  rodsburgh and Boonesborough-Expedition to the
  saltlicks on Licking river-Courage of Boone-Over-
  comes two Indians-Is met by a large Indian party-
  Made a prisoner-His long captivity and escape  59

                   CHAPTER V.
Indian customs noticed by Boone during his captivity-
  Mode of hardening children-Changing names-
  Marriages-Burials-Var parties-Celebration of
  victories-Torturing prisoners-Making treaties of
  peace      .    .    .    .    .   .    .    . 80

                  CHAPTER VI.
Boone's disappointment upon not finding his wife-
  Strengthening of Boonesborough-Indian hostilities
  -Attack of Boonesborough-gallant defence--Boone
  returns to North Carolina-Occurrences during his
  absence-Boone returns Goes to the Blue Licks
  for salt-Death of the younger Boone-Daniel
  Boone escapes-Kentucky divided into three counties
  -Hard winter of 1781-Indian hostilities-Attack
  on Bryant's station-Villany of Simon Girty     91

                  CHAPTER VII.
Disastrous defeat at the Blue Licks-General Clarke's
  campaign-Efforts to restore peace-Sullenness of
  the Indians-They continue their massacres-Strata-
  gems on the Ohio-Bold defence of Captain Hubbil
  -Harmar's campaign-St. Clair's defeat-Debate
  in Congress-General Wayne takes command-De-
  feats the Indians-Lays waste their country-Con-




  cludes a treaty of peace with the savages in August,
  1795.                     .             .    . 109

                  CHAPTER VIII.
Happiness of the settlers-Boone roams through the
  wilderness-Civilization sickens him-He loses his
  lands-Moves to the Kanhawa-Disappointed in find-
  ing game-Moves to Missouri-Purchase of Missou-
  ri from the French-Anecdote related by Mr. Audu-
  bon-Boone loses his wife-His sorrow-War with
  England-His old age-His habits-He dies in 1818. 127


The adventures of Colonel Daniel Boone, formerly a
  hunter; containing a narrative of the wars of Ken-
  tucky, as given by himself.    .        .      143





             CHAPTER I.

                 OME men choose to live in
  k              crowded cities ;-others are
                 pleased with tie peaceful quiet
             \ i   of a country farm; while some
               love to roam through wild for-
                 ests, and make their homes in
              the wilderness. The man of
                 whom I shall now speak, was
            one of this last class. Perhaps you
            never heard of DANIEL BOONE, the
            Kentucky rifleman. It not, then I
            have a strange and interesting story
      t     \to tell you.
           If, when a child was born, we knew
    . that he was to become a remarkable man,
         the time and place of his birth would,
perhaps, be always remembered. But as this can
not be known, great mistakes are often made on
these points. As to the time when Daniel Boone


was born, there is no difficulty; but people have
fallen into many blunders about the place. Some
have said that he was born in England, before his
parents left that country; others that he came into
this world during the passage of his parents across
the Atlantic. One has told us that he was born in
Virginia; another in Maryland; while many have
stated that he was a native of North Carolina.
These are all mistakes. Daniel Boone was born
in the year 1746, in Bucks county, in the state of
  From some cause or other, when the boy was
but three years old, his parents moved from this
home, and settled upon the Schuylkill river, not far
from the town of Reading. Here they lived for
ten years ; and it was during this time that their
son Daniel began to show his passion for hunting.
He was scarcely able to carry a gun, when he
was shooting all the squirrels, rackoons, and even
wild-cats (it is said), that he could find in that re-
gion. As he grew older, his courage increased,
and then we find him amusing himself with higher
game. Other lads in the neighborhood were soon
taught by him the use of the rifle, and were then
able to join him in his adventures. On one occa-
sion, they all started out for a hunt, and after
amusing themselves till it was almost dark, were
returning homeward, when suddenly a wild cry
was heard in the woods. The boys screamed out,



"A panther! a panther !" and ran off as fast as
they could. Boone stood firmly, looking around
for the animal. It was a panther indeed. His
eye lighted upon him just in the act of spring-
ing toward him: in an instant he levelled his rifle,
and shot him through the heart.
  But this sort of sport was not enough for him.
He seemed resolved to go away from men, and
live in the forests with these animals. One morn-
ing he started off as usual, with his rifle and
dog.  Night came on, but Daniel did not re-
turn to his home. Another day and night passed
away, and still the boy did not make his appear-
ance. His parents were now greatly alarmed.
The neighbors joined them in making search for
the lad. After wandering about a great while,
they at length saw smoke rising from a cabin in
the distance. Upon reaching it, they found the
boy. The floor of the cabin was covered with the
skins of such animals as he had slain, and pieces
of meat were roasting before the fire for his sup-
per. Here, at a distance of three miles from any
settlement, he had built his cabin of sods and
branches, and sheltered himself in the wilderness.
  It was while his father was living on the head-
waters of the Schuylkill, that young Boone re-
ceived, so far as we know, all his education. Short
indeed were his schoolboy days. It happened that
an Irish schoolmaster strolled into the settlement,



and, by the advice of Mr. Boone and other parents,
opened a school in the neighborhood. It was not
then as it is now. Good schoolhouses were not
scattered over the land; nor were schoolmasters
always able to teach their pupils. The school-
house where the boys of this settlement went was
a log cabin, built in the midst of the woods. The
schoolmaster was a strange man: sometimes good-
humored, and then indulging the lads; sometimes
surly and ill-natured, and then beating them se-
verely. It was his usual custom, after hearing the
first lessons of the morning, to allow the children
to be out for a half hour at play, during which time
he strolled off to refresh himself from his labors.
He always walked in the same direction, and the
boys thought that after his return, when they
were called ill, he was generally more cruel than
ever. They were whipped more severely, and
oftentimes without any cause. They observed
this, but did not know the meaning of it. One
morning young Boone asked that he might go out,
and had scarcely left the schoolroom, when he saw
a squirrel running over the trunk of a fallen tree.
True to his nature, he instantly gave chase, until
at last the squirrel darted into a bower of vines
and branches. Boone thrust his hand in, and, to his
surprise, laid of hold of a bottle of whiskey. This
was in the direction of his master's morning walks,
and he thought now that he understood the secret of



much of his ill-nature. He returned to the school-
room; but when they were dismissed for that day,
he told some of the larger boys of his discovery.
Their plan was soon arranged. Early the next
morning a bottle of whiskey, having tartar emetic
in it, was placed in the bower, and the other bottle
thrown away. At the usual hour, the lads were
sent out to play, and the master started on his
walk. But their play was to come afterward:
they longed for the master to return. At length
they were called in, and in a little time saw the
success of their experiment. The master began
to look pale and sick, yet still went on with his
work. Several boys were called up, one after the
other, to recite lessons, and all whipped soundly,
whether right or wrong. At last young Boone
was called out to answer questions in arithme-
tic. He came forward with his slate and pencil,
and the master began: " If you subtract six from
nine, what remains " said he. " Three, sir," said
Boone. " Very good," said the master; " now let
us come to fractions. If you take three quarters
from a whole number, what remains "-" The
whole, sir," answered Boone. "You blockhead !"
cried the master, beating him, " you stupid little
fool, how can you show that "-" 1 f I take one
bottle of whiskey," said Boone, " and put in its
place another in which I have mixed an emetic,
the whole will remain, if nobody drinks it !" The



Irishman, dreadfully sick, was now doubly enraged.
He seized Boone, and commenced beating him:
the children shouted and roared; the scuffle con-
tinued, until Boone knocked the master down upon
the floor, and rushed out of the room. It was a
day of freedom now for the lads. The story soon
ran through the neighborhood; Boone was rebuked
by his parents, but the schoolmaster was dismissed,
and thus ended the boy's education.
  Thus freed from school, he now returned more
ardently than ever to his favorite pursuit. His
dog and rifle were his constant companions, and
day after day he started from home, only to
roam through the forests.  Hunting seemed to
be the only business of his life; and he was never
so happy as when at night he came home laden
with game. He was an untiring wanderer.
  I do not know but that this passion for roaming
was in some degree inherited by Daniel Boone.
His father had already had three homes: one in
England, one in Bucks county, and another on the
Schuylkill; and he now thought of removing fur-
ther. It is said that the passion of Daniel for
hunting was, one cause which prompted his father
to think of this. Land was becoming scarce, the
neighborhood a little crowded, and game less
abundant; and, to mend matters, he began to cast
his eyes around for a new home.. He was not long
in choosing one. He had heard of a rich and



beautiful country on the banks of the Yadkin river
in North Carolina, and he determined that this
should be the next resting-place for him and his
  All things were made ready as soon as possible,
and the journey commenced. It was a fine spring
morning when the father started for his new home,
with his wife and children, his flocks and herds.
Their journey lay hundreds of miles through a
trackless wilderness; yet with cheerful and fear-
less hearts they pressed onward. When hungry,
they feasted upon venison and wild turkeys (for
Daniel, with his rifle, was in company); when
thirsty, they found cool springs of water to refresh
them by the way; when wearied at night, they
laid themselves down and slept under the wide-
spreading branches of the forest. At length they
reached the land they looked for, and the father
found it to be all that he expected. The woods in
that region were unbroken; no man seemed yet to
have found them. Land was soon cleared, a cabin
built, and the father in a little time found himself
once more happily settled with his family.
  The old man with his other sons went busily to the
work of making a farm. As for Daniel, they knew
it was idle to expect his help in such employment,
and therefore left him to roam  about with his
rifle. This was a glorious country for the youth;
wild woods were all around him, and the game,



having not yet learned to fear the crack of the rifle,
wandered fearlessly through them. This he thought
was, of all places, the home for him. I hope you
will not think that he was the idle and useless boy
of the family, for it was not so. While the farm
was improving, Daniel was supplying the family
with provisions. The table at home was always
filled with game, and they had enough and to spare.
Their house became known as a warm-hearted
and hospitable abode; for the wayfaring wanderer,
when lost in the woods, was sure to find here a
welcome, a shelter, and an abundance. Then, too,
if money was wanted in the family, the peltries
of the animals shot by Daniel supplied it: so
that he was, in a large degree, the supporter
of the household. In this way years rolled on-
ward-the farm still enlarging and improving,
Daniel still hunting, and the home one of constant
peace, happiness, and plenty.
  At length the story of the success and comfort
of the family brought neighbors around them. Dif-
ferent parts of the forests began to be cleared;
smoke was soon seen rising from new cabins;
and the sharp crack of other rifles than Daniel's
was sometimes heard in the morning. This grieved
him sadly. Most people would have been pleased
to find neighbors in the loneliness of the woods;
but what pleased others did not please him. They
were crowding upon him; they were driving away



his game: this was his trouble. But, after all,
there was one good farmer who came into the re-
gion and made his settlement; which settlement,
as it turned out, proved a happy thing for Daniel.
This was a very worthy man named Bryan.
LIe cleared his land, built his cabin upon a sloping
hill, not very far from Mr. Boone's, and before
a great while, by dint of industry, had a good farm
of more than a hundred acres. This farm was
beautifully situated. A pretty stream of water
almost encircled it. On the banks of the Schuyl-
kill, Daniel Boone found all his education, such
as it was; on the banks of the Yadkin he found
something far better. I must tell you now of a
very strange adventure.
  One evening, with another young friend, he
started out upon what is called a "fire-hunt." Per-
haps you do not know what this means. I will
explain it to you. Two people are always neces-
sary for a fire-hunt. One goes before, carrying a
blazing torch of pitch-pine wood (or lightwood, as
it is called in the southern country), while the other
follows behind with his rifle. In this way the two
hunters move through the forests. When an ani-
mal is startled, he will stand gazing at the light,
and his eyes may be seen shining distinctly: this
is called " shining the eyes."  The hunter with the
rifle, thus seeing him, while the other shines him,
levels his, gun with steady aim, and has a fair shot.



This mode of hunting is still practised in many
parts of our country, and is everywhere known as
a fire-hunt.
  Boone, with his companion, started out upon such
a hunt, and very soon reached the woods skirting
the lower end of Mr. Bryan's farm. It seems they
were on horseback, Boone being behind with the
rifle. They had not gone far, when his companion
reined up his horse, and two eyes were seen
distinctly shining. Boone levelled his rifle, but
something prevented his firing. The animal darted
off. Boone leaped from his horse, left his com-
panion, and instantly dashed after it. It was too
dark to see plainly, still he pursued; he was close
upon its track, when a fence coming in the way,
the animal leaped it with a clear bound. Boone
climbed over as fast as he could with his rifle, but
the game had got ahead. Nothing daunted by this,
he pushed on, until he found himself at last not very
far from Mr. Bryan's home. But the animal was
gone. It was a strange chase. He determined to go
into Mr. Bryan's house, and tell his adventure. As
he drew near, the dogs raised a loud barking, the
master came out, bade him welcome, and carried
him into the house. Mr. Bryan had scarcely in-
troduced him to his family as "the son of his
neighbor Boone," when suddenly the door of the
room was burst open, and in rushed a little lad of
seven, followed by a girl of sixteen years, crying



out, "0 father! father! sister is frightened to death!
She went down to the river, and was chased by a
panther !" The hunter and his game had met.
There stood Boone, leaning upon his rifle, and
Rebecca Bryan before him, gasping for breath.
From that moment he continued to pursue it;
Farmer Bryan's house became a favorite resort
for him; he loved it as well as the woods. The
business was now changed: Rebecca Bryan com-
pletely shined his eyes; and after a time, to the
great joy of themselves and both families, Daniel
Boone and Rebecca Bryan were married. It
proved, as you will see, a very happy marriage to
both parties.
  Being now a married man, it became Daniel
Boone's duty to seek a new homne for himself. In
a little time, therefore, he left his wife, and wan-
dered into the unsettled parts of North Carolina in
search of one.  After moving about for some
time, he found, upon the head-waters of the
Yadkin, a rich soil, covered with a heavy and once
more unbroken forest. " Here," thought Daniel
Boone, " is the resting-place for me; here Rebecca
Bryan and myself may be happy: this shall be
our home." He returned to his wife, and she,
with a cheerful heart, joined in all his plans.
With tears in her eyes, she bade farewell to her
friends; yet, with a light spirit, she started off
with her husband. A clearing in the woods was



soon made, a log cabin of his own soon built, and
a portion of ground planted. Boone seems now to
have thought that he must do something more than
use his rifle. He was to make a home for his wife;
and busied himself, accordingly, in enlarging his
farm as fast as he could, and industriously cul-
tivating it. Still, on his busiest day, he would
find a leisure hour to saunter with his gun to
the woods, and was sure never to return with-
out game. His own table was loaded with it,
as when at his father's, and his house, like his
father's, soon became known as a warm and kind
shelter for the wandering traveller. In this indus-
trious and quiet way of farming and hunting, years
were spent, and Daniel Boone was contented and
happy. Several little children were now added to
his group; and, with his wife, his children, and hit
rifle, for companions, he felt that all was well.
  But his peace was at length disturbed once more.
His old troubles pursued him; men again began to
come near. The crash of falling trees was heard,
as the new settlers levelled the forests; huts were
seen springing up all around him; other hunters
were roaming through the woods, and other dogs
than his were heard barking. This was more
than he was willing to bear. Happy as he had
made his home, he determined to leave it, and find
another in the wilderness, where he could have
that wilderness to himself. For some time he was


               DANIEL BOONE.              25

at a loss to know where to go; yet his heart was
fixed in the determination to move. The circum-
stances which pointed him to his new home, and
where that new home was made, you may learn in
the next chapter.


             CHAPTER II.

                   Yyoung friends all know where
                   the state of Kentucky is situ-
 e t        gtated It is hardly necessary for
                  me to say, that at the time of
                  which I am writing, that region
                  was an unbroken wilderness.
                     It was in the year 1754 that
          r      a white man first visited the
             country of Kentucky. This was
     -       James M'Bride. In company with
             several others during that year, he
             was passing dlown the Oh1io, when
             he discovered the mouth of Ken-
    tucky river, and made a landing. Near
          the spot where he landed, he cut upon
          a tree the first letters of his name; and
these letters, it is said, could be seen and distinctly
read for many years afterward. With his com-
panions, he wandered through the wilderness; the
country struck them all as being remarkably beau-
tiful. It is not wonderful, then, that when they
returned home, they were filled with fine stories



about the new region. They declared that it was
"the best tract of land in North America, and
probably in the world."
  In spite of their pleasant stories, however, it was
a long time before any one was disposed to follow
in their track. At length, Doctor Walker, of Vir-
ginia, with a number of friends, started upon a
western tour of discovery. Some say that he was
in search of the Ohio river particularly; others
that he went merely to collect strange plants and
flowers. Be this as it may, he with his party
wandered through Powell's Valley, and passed the
mountains at what is called the Cumberland Gap.
They then crossed the Cumberland river, and roam-
ing on through the forests, at length, after much
fatigue and suffering, reached the Big Sandy. The
country was beautiful, yet they were too much
worn out to go further, and from this point began
to return homeward. They had suffered more than
M'Bride, and therefore their story was not so bright
as his; yet they gave a very pleasant account of
the new country.
  No one yet, however, seemed ready to make
his home in Kentucky; and accident at last seems
to have thrown one man into that country, whose
story, upon his return, made some anxious to go
there. This was John Finley, a backwoodsman
of North Carolina. He was in the habit of roving
about and trading with the Indians. In the year


1767, he, with certain companions as fearless as
himself, led on from place to place by the course
of trade, wandered far into Kentucky. Here he
remained for some time. It was a very beautiful,
yet, as he learned also, a very dangerous country.
No Indian tribe lived there, but all the tribes
roamed over it as a hunting-ground. Upon these
hunts, the fierce and warlike people would often
meet and wage their bloody battles. These fights
were so frequent and so awful, that the region was
known by the name of the "D Dark and Bloody
Ground." In spite of danger, Finley lived there,
until at last