Miss Catherine.




Miss Knthcrinc Hrown, of London, Ky.,
in (he College of Arts and
Fidenccs, was selected (his year by students
as the most popular girl in the university. Miss Hrown was an attendant of the
queen in the May Day exercises. She is a
of The Kernel staff and of the
Alpha Xi Delta sorority.


Dr. Frank L. McVcy, president of the University of Kentucky.

Miss Marie Keckner, of Winchester, one of
the outstanding members of the class of
Miss Heikner was sdectcd by Flo
Zeijrfcld as one of the five prettiest co-eat the university. She is
the senior elsuis and a member of the Delta
Delta Delta sorority.


"Jimmy Mac," captain of
last yohr's basketeers and
for three years a member
ol the Varsity.

Ab Kirwan, captain of
lar.t year's football team,
and selected as assistant
coach for 1926.

Journalism students of the university who composed the staff which published the regular edition of The Herald on May 4.

The first goil ever kicked in the new stadium!
the opening game with Louisville in 1921.

Kentucky performed this feat in
How the stadium will look on Saturday, November 20, when the
Wildcats play Centre
here. This llictlire shown n:irl if llw. runr.r.l.l.....,:..
i ...i.!. i.
witnessed the annual classic in 1924.




ecu of May in 1925 was Miss Annelle Kelley, of Lexiiigtun, who
gruduuted last June. Miss Kelley was ulso elected the most
lar girl in the university her senior year. She was u member
Alpha u aiiiinu ueita sorority.

Memories of two years ago are recalled
of 192J. Miss Anne S
fe8UvitleB of tliat year.

by these scenes

in the Muy Day exercises
queen ruiea over me

Miss Dorothy Chapman, of L'liiontown, sophomore in
the College
Arts and Sciences, huh this year's May (Jueen. Miss Chapiuuu of
secretary of the sophomore class, company sponsor in the K.O.T.C.
and a member of the Chi Omega sorority.
