This tern1’s work is particularly suited to those who are preparing for  jg
principalships and county or city superintendencies.  
Through the first term in the Senior year the student carries the work .
in Methodology, all of which is based directly upon Psychology.
. , The principles of general method, and the special methods of each
school subject are thoroughly discussed, and much drill is given in the I
making of lesson-plans. Q
The text book used is "Roark‘s Method in Education."  
THE Hnsronv or EDUCATION.  
The second term of the Senior year is devoted to the History of Edu-  
cation. i
It is found much the best plan to place this study last in the curriculum, ; _
because by the time it is taken up the students in Pedagogy are sufficiently  
familiar with the different divisions and problems of the subject to under-  
stand and interpret the history of educational development. n
The text-book used is "Seeley’s History of Education," but in this  
subject the library is fully used. Q
For a student to get the best results from the study of any subject he j
should read as widely as possible in the literature of the subject. This is i
_ especially true of education, which has such a wealth of literature and ‘
touches closely so many other subjects. One term, and when possible more ,
time, is devoted to the reading and analysis of such books as Butler’s "The  
Meaning of Education," ]ordan’s "The Care and Culture of Men," Hanus’ 1
"Educational Aims and Educational Values," Henders0n’s "Education and ~
the Larger Life," Hiusdale’s "]esus as a Teacher," etc.
The department library is well stocked with the best pedagogical litera- ~
· ture, and pupils are urged to make constant use of it.
As much time as possible is used by the students visiting schools in the
city of Lexington and the rural districts near by. Reports upon this obser-
vation of the work of experienced teachers are prepared and handed in by
each pupil, and form the basis of class discussions.
TH Eszs. "
Each candidate for the Bachelor’s Degree in Pedagogy is required to
write a thesis upon some theme assigned by the Dean. This work must be
done acceptably and a copy of the thesis left with the Department. W