i,€_ .
lh succession of experiments made by specialists, in order to learn what appli-  
. "’ cations of science will insure the best returns from the farm, the garden, the j
` orchard, the vineyard, the stockyard, and the dairy. 2. To the publication T
, of bulletins announcing such results of the experiments as are found to be
lil valuable to those of the people of Kentucky who seek profit from any of
3 those prime sources of wealth—the soil, the flock, and the herd.
V Results of experiments have been published in thirteen annual reports Y
, and one hundred and twelve bulletins, and general appreciation of their
J utility is shown in tl1e fact that, while no bulletin is sent except upon appli-
, cation for it, the mailing list of the Station contains about 9,000 names, and
l is ever increasing.
Q With an ample endowment, a large and commodious building planned
l for the purpose, adequate apparatus, a good experimental farm conveniently
  situated, and a staff of fifteen scientists engaged in seven divisions of re-
search and in correspondence with other stations, the Kentucky Experiment
i Station is not only an important adjunct to the College in the education of ·
i students for the leading industrial pursuits, but, directly or indirectly through
the wide and continual diffusion of knowledge for the benefit of so large a
Y proportion of our population, it is bound to be extremely useful to the Com-
monwealth at large.
The State College of Kentucky is established in the old City Park, just
within the southern boundary of Lexington and near the Cincinnati South-
ern Railway. The site is elevated and commands a good view of much of ,
{ the city and of the surrounding country.
_ Lexington, now a growing city of thirty-odd thousand inhabitants, is in
f the heart of the far—famed Bluegrass region, a region distinguished for fertil-
  ity and healthfulness, wealth and beauty. Numerous schools and churches I
i an intelligent and refined population, well paved streets, handsome build-
ings, extensive water-works, and an unsurpassed system of street electric
railways make Lexington attractive as a seat of learning and place of resi-
p dence, whlle the splendid stock farms scattered over the large body of fertile
country around it afford advantages hardly equaled elsewhere for the student
who desires to become familiar with the best breeds of horses, cattle, sheep,
and swine in America. Moreover, with railroads diverging in seven direct-
ions, Lexington is the railroad center of Kentucky, and in direct connection
with Louisville, Cincinnati, Maysville, and Chattanooga, and with more
·' * than seventy counties of the Commonwealth. And when four interurban
railways are added to the two completed, their numerous daily trains will
enable students to attend the College conveniently from their homes as far as
·;   twenty miles away.
The campus of the College consists of nfty-two acres of land, located
within the corporate limits of Lexington. The South Limestone elect-
ric car line extends along the western border of the campus, affording oppor- ¤