  • 41.

    Steam lab, Westinghouse engine

    Steam lab, Westinghouse engine

  • 42.

    Wood shop

    Wood shop

  • 43.

    Mr. and Mrs. Dicker

    Mr. and Mrs. Dicker

  • 44.

    the Dickers, group portrait outside

    the Dickers, group portrait outside

  • 45.

    Steam lab

    Steam lab

  • 46.

    the Dickers, representing 4 generations

    the Dickers, representing 4 generations

  • 47.

    Machine shop annex

    Machine shop annex

  • 48.

    Senior room, engineering

    Senior room, engineering

  • 49.

    Junior drawing room

    Junior drawing room

  • 50.

    Chemistry Library

    Chemistry Library

  • 51.



  • 52.

    Chemistry Laboratory

    Chemistry Laboratory

  • 53.

    Professor Anderson's recreation room

    Professor Anderson's recreation room

  • 54.

    Forge shop

    Forge shop

  • 55.

    Electrical Engineering Recitation Room

    Electrical Engineering Recitation Room

  • 56.

    Professor John Neville by cannon

    Professor John Neville by cannon

  • 57.

    Corner electrical engineering lab

    Corner electrical engineering lab

  • 58.

    Mechanical engineering shop

    Mechanical engineering shop

  • 59.

    Professor Wilson's office

    Professor Wilson's office

  • 60.

    Mechanical Hall, exterior

    Mechanical Hall, exterior