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- Amber Moon Productions scrapbooks (1)
- Anne and Harry M. Caudill Collection (1)
- Arizona Works Progress Administration… (1)
- Arkansas Works Progress Administration… (3)
- Art Work of the Blue Grass Region of… (1)
- BF1569.A2 I5 1588 (1)
- Barrow Unit papers (2)
- Barrow Unit records (1)
- Benham Coal Company Records (21)
- Bert T. Combs Appalachian Collection (1)
- Blue-Tail Fly (3)
- Caleb Powers papers (3)
- California Works Progress Administration… (1)
- Castle on the Cumberland (10)
- Chester Grundy papers (1)
- Colorado Works Progress Administration… (1)
- Commission On Religion In Appalachia… (1)
- David Hooden photographs of Joyland (2)
- E.F. Spears & Sons hemp records (2)
- Earle C. Clements Collection, 1922-1970s (1)
- Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.) (40)
- Fisheries Marketing Bulletins (2)
- Florida Works Progress Administration… (3)
- Frederick Moore Vinson papers (7)
- French Revolution publications (397)
- Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly… (31)
- Georgia Davis Powers papers (1)
- Georiga Works Progress Administration… (10)
- Glenn C. Wilcox Collection (8)
- Glenn C. Wilcox collection (3)
- Goodman-Paxton Photographic Collection, (2)
- Grover Page Cartoon Collection (1)
- Gwen Curtis Map Collection -- Sanborns (2)
- Harkins Family papers (37)
- Harriet Drury Van Meter papers (1)
- Hathaway family papers (7)
- Henry Watterson World War I editorials (1)
- Herndon J. Evans Collection (9)
- Hilton family diaries (2)
- Illinois Works Progress Administration… (1)
- Iva Dagley scrapbook (1)
- James K. Patterson papers (27)
- James Walters photograph collection on… (1)
- Jane Gentry Vance papers (1)
- Jean Thomas The Life and the Legend… (1)
- Jeffrey family papers (3)
- Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass… (18)
- Joe Creason papers (1)
- John Arthur Dearinger Memorial Theatre… (1)
- John Lair Music Collection (3)
- John M. McCalla Mortuary of Lexington… (1)
- John Sherman Cooper papers (1)
- John W. Tuttle diary (1)
- Joseph M. Tanner typescript (1)
- Jouett Shouse Collection (American… (3)
- Kansas Works Progress Administration… (1)
- Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station (36)
- Kentucky Building Code (1)
- Kentucky Equal Rights Association… (2)
- Kentucky Inter-Prison Press (3)
- Kentucky Jaycees records (1)
- Kentucky Negro Educational Association… (17)
- Kentucky Union Land Company records (1)
- Kentucky Works Progress Administration… (17)
- Kentucky alumnus (54)
- Labor union newspaper transcripts (6)
- Lafayette Studios photographs: 1930s… (12)
- Larry J. Hopkins papers (1)
- Laura Clay music collection (1)
- Laura Clay papers (29)
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- Lexington City Directories (6)
- Lexington Lodge no. 1 records (7)
- Louie B. Nunn papers (1)
- Louis Edward Nollau F Series… (6)
- Louis Edward Nollau Nitrate Photographic… (13)
- Louisiana Works Progress Administration… (1)
- Louisville and Nashville Railroad… (57)
- Madge E. Smith collection of Mary… (2)
- Major family papers (1)
- Margaret Lantis papers (1)
- Marion Pearsall Collection (University… (1)
- Martha Bevins letters to Tom McCarthy (3)
- Mary Shelby Wilson Woman's Democratic… (1)
- Maryland Works Progress Administration… (4)
- Massachusetts Works Progress… (3)
- Men of Note library and scrapbooks (1)
- Minutes of the University of Kentucky… (27)
- Mississippi Works Progress… (5)
- New Hampshire Works Progress… (2)
- New York Works Progress Administration… (1)
- North Carolina Works Progress… (6)
- North Dakota Works Progress… (1)
- Oscar Combs' Big Blue Basketball Monthly… (1)
- Pennsylvania Works Progress… (3)
- Perry family papers (2)
- Pettit, Duncan, Gibson family papers (1)
- Portrait Print Collection (University of… (3)
- Pride Community Services Organization… (29)
- Ralph Barker, Richlawn Farm Film… (1)
- Rebecca Caudill papers, 1919-1984 (1)
- Reverend Charles H. Smith papers (3)
- Russell Des Cognets papers (4)
- Samuel Wilson Collection (1)
- Sketches of Camp Boone (1)
- Smith family papers (1)
- South Carolina Works Progress… (2)
- South East Coal Company records (1)
- Temple Adath Israel records (19)
- Tennessee Works Progress Administration… (2)
- The Cats' Pause (10)
- The Green Bean (2)
- The Idea (23)
- The Kentuckian : a monthly magazine (5)
- The Kentucky Kernel (2673)
- The Kentucky Press (52)
- The State College Cadet (1)
- The State College cadet (2)
- The University of Kentucky Public… (1)
- Thomas D. Clark Collection of Mercantile… (1)
- Thomas Merton correspondence (1)
- Transylvania University Library. Record… (8)
- University of Kentucky Athletic Player… (1)
- University of Kentucky Basketball Media… (2)
- University of Kentucky Basketball Media… (1)
- University of Kentucky Basketball… (8)
- University of Kentucky Basketball… (1)
- University of Kentucky Department of… (2)
- University of Kentucky Football Media… (10)
- University of Kentucky Football Programs (56)
- University of Kentucky Graduate School… (5)
- University of Kentucky K Books (6)
- University of Kentucky Libraries Special… (18)
- University of Kentucky Yearbook… (74)
- University of Kentucky commencement… (10)
- University of Kentucky course catalogs… (29)
- University of Kentucky general… (6)
- University of Kentucky. Special… (1)
- University of Kentucky. University… (3)
- Virginia Works Progress Administration… (2)
- W. B. Griffin Photographic Collection… (1)
- W. Hugh Peal Collection (1)
- W. Hugh Peal manuscript collection (17)
- Wade Hall Collection of American Letters… (2)
- Wade Hall Collection of American Letters… (1)
- Wade Hall Collection of American Letters… (2)
- War of 1812 Kentucky Militia Requistion… (1)
- West Virginia Works Progress… (3)
- Wheelwright Collection (38)
- William Hayes coal mining scrapbooks (1)
- William Jason Fields scrapbook (1)
- Works Progress Administration Housing… (3)