xt700000057c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt700000057c/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19461315 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1946-13-nov15-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1946-13-nov15-ec. 1946 2011 true xt700000057c section xt700000057c 



     iAnut-es of the I.eceting of the Executive Committee of' the Board
of Trustees, Univeorsity of Kentucky, Novem.ber 15, 1946.

      The Executive Commrittde of the Board. of Trusteos of the Uni-
versity of Kentuclkly met in the President's Office at 10:30 a m.
F'riday, ~Novemrber 15, 1946.  The followin'; members woere -rresent:
Jud!r-c Ri.cha.,rd C* Stoll, Chairman; H. D. Palmeor, J. C. Everett, and
B* P. HOb;SOn*  President H. L. Donovan and Comptnroller Frank D.
Peterson, Secretary of the Board of Trustees, were also present.

     A. A-proval of Mi.'nutes.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of
the meeting of the Executive Committee of Au-,ust 23, 1946  and. of
the called m e etinr  of t'hle Ex;ecutiv  C Gomramittee of October 5 were al-
proved as published.

     B. Commendation of Horace Clcveland a,-nd :--arrv Walters.

     The termis of Ir. 'horace Clev'land and Jud-e Harry F. Walters
having expired, and their stacceslsors h1-aviing been appointcd, the
Executive Committee went on roco--d as commendint- t-'hem for their
services.   Ilir. Cleveland hts been a Board member .since January 1,
1936, and a member of the z,-.ecutive Committee since April 5, 1938,
Judc e Walters has been a me~ie.or of the Board since Ap)ril 1, 1941.
They were commended f'or tac reCularity with whiclh they attended the
meetings of the Board and tu'e 'xecutive Comimittee, and for the
onthusiassm and intc~rekst which theyr heave maintained in the Unive(rsity,

     C. T. H. Cutler Arpointed Mieilbeor Of the Executive Committee.,

     The term.  of hr. Horace Cleveland having expired, and his suce
cessor having boen appointed., the Committee took note of a vacancy
on the Executive Committee.   A discussion followed, -and upon motion
duly made, seconded and carried, T. 1'J. Cutlor, Frankfort, Ky., was
appointed to fill the vacancy on tho Executive Comruittec,

     D. Report of the Copan-trollor.

     The Cornirtroller mladce thc usual montLly financial rcport, which
was clamined in detail by reimbers o-f the} Clommil ttee.  Each section
was renorted on and oxplained.    The amount roalized te, date on in.
coIe wvas relported in total and as to perocntacre of the bud- :et es-
timate.   The eorpnditures for each collc\:e and divii3on werO roport-
ed as to totals aind )(ercentaecs o-Lf departrental appropriations, and
upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the report of tho
month of October, 194G, was ordered received and filed.



     E. President's Report.

           Creation of Office of Vice President of the
           University and Employment of Vice Presid'ent
                         of the UniversityT

     "Before my appointment as President of the University in April,
19-12, the Board of Trustees made a number of changes in the adminis-
trative orgahization of this institution,   The office of Dean of
the University was created at that time for the purpose of affording
some relief to the president in meeting his manifold responsibili-
ties in the administration of the University.   I have been told by
trustees that there was some discussion at that time relative to
whether this new office should be that of a vice president of the
University or a dean of the University.   The latter title.was
finally chosen.

     "The first Incumbent of this office was Dr. Henry H. Hills
who served as Dean of the University for only one year before ac-
ceptino the superintendency of the Pittsburgh City Schools.   At
the time Dr. Hill left us, tihe Second World War had already beguns
and both the faculty and student body had decreased in size.    In
order to save the salary of an administrative office at that times
I recommended that Dr. Leo i. Chamberlain, who had been Reg-Pistrar
of the University for a number of years, be assi :ned the additional
duties of Dean of the University, with the understanding that when
the w--ar was over it would. be necessary for us to appoint a new

     lFIor more than a year we have been considering filling this
position because the administrative work of the University has now
just about dotulbled,  After considerable deliberation, we have come
to the conclusion that we should recomlaend to the Trustees that the
office of Vice President of the University should be created and
that, instead of appointing a Registrars we continue to have one
person serve as Dean of the University and Reg.istrar, as Dean
Chamr.berlain has been doing for the last four years.  This would
mean no increase in the number of administrative officers over the
number we had. after your reorganization of the administrative set-
up of the University in 1941,

     A great many of the larger universities have had a vice presi-
dent, and in some cases two or three vice presidents.    This officer
shares much of the work that falls upon the president, as well as a
considerable amount of the responsibility of this office.   Permit
me to list a few of the functions we would expect a vice president
to perform,

     1, Act for the president whenever he is absent from the campus,
which necessarily has to be rather frequently.

     2. Study and. report to the president on problems relating to
instruction carried on at the University.   Assist in integrating
the instructional work of the various collegees with the view of


elirainratin unnecessary duplication of courses.  Examine carefully
all proposed new courses that are recommended for consideration of
the faculty.

    "3. Establish personnel records for all instructional and rc-
search employees of the University and be charged especially with
the responsibility of helping to select new personnel employed by
the University in the future.   (In these times when there is such
groat competition for instructors and research workers, it is highly
essential that these new staff members should be selected with great
care).  The combine; jvpdi:ment of the head of the department, the
dean of the collegLse, the vice president, and the president of the
University should be sought before important positions are filled.
Also, that the records of those w1ho are selected temporarily should
be carefully scrutinized when considered for permanent appointment.

    "4. Now that the Uhiversity is about to launch upon an extensive
buildin'c program, it is essential that all plans and specifications
for new buildings be carefully checked by an administrative official
who understands the educational function that a building is to serve,
and to hold many conferences with departmental heads and others who
use these buildings, to see that the plans are so drawn as to serve
the needs of the department,   Cateful planning of this character
saves many thousands of dollars and later alteration of buildings.

    "5. To plan and preside at convocations.

    i6l. To serve as ex-officio member of all committees for the
purpose of integrating the total administrative and instructional
program of the Universityr,

    t17. To study problems that affect the morale of the University,
especially those problems that arise out of the irritation of cer-
tain students or groups when they believe that there are conditions
about which t1hey have complaints.

    Gil. To keep ;oing a continuous survey of the University and its
problems.   This will require statistical studies of many of our
internal problems that wev may know what the facts are and attempt to
find a solution of these probloms.

    "9. Serve as President of the Kentucky Research Foundation.

    1110. Keep constant record on utilization of space of classrooms,
laboratories, lecture halls, and be res')onsiblo for assigning space
to college s and departments.

     "I am recommendin-:g that Dr. Leo 1I. Chagmberlain be appointed to
serve as Vice President of the University, effective December 1,
1946.   He has already bezel n performin- a number of the duties which
I have outlined altove in is caacity as Dean of the University.
'lolcever, he has been very much overloaded with w-iork for the past
year or more, and some of tte. woln: whiheh I would like for him to
undl1ertake heas: not been performed her;-tof`ore as a result of the heavy
load he has been carryin.,"



      The members of the Executive Committee discussed the recommenda-
 tion of President Donovan to create the office of Vice President of
 the University, and considered his recommendation of Dean Leo M,
 Chamberlain, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, Dr.
 Leo I. Chamberlain was appointed Vice President of the University,
 effective December 1, 1946.

           Appointment of Dr. Maurice F. Seay Dean of the
                      University and Registrar

     "I recommend that Dr. Maurice F. Seay, who heas been Director
 of the Bureau of School Service and P-ofessor of Educational Adming
 istration, be appointed as Dean of the University and Re&-israr, ef-
 fective December 1, 1940.   As Dean of the University Dr. Seay would
 have a number of the auxiliary agencies reporting directly to him,
 and he would also be responsible for the administration of the office
 of Registrar, which in a modern university is a position of great

     "Dr. Seay received his A. B. degree from Transylvania Colle-e
in 192,49, his 1te. A. degree from Transylvania in 1926, and his Ph.D.
degree from the University of Chica.:,o in 1942,  He was Superin-
tendent of Schools at Crab Orchard (1924_-:26). Principal of the
Danville High School (1926_29), Dean at Union Collec-7e, Barbourville
(1929.34)), Director of Educational and Training Division, Tennessee
Valley Authority (1934-37).   He came to the University of Kentucky
in 1937 and he has been a member of the faculty since that time.

    "Dr. Seay has gained a national reputation for his work here at
the University.   As Director of the Bureau of School Service he
has hadl charge of the Sloan Experiment which has attracted nations
wide attention in the field of education. Dr. Soay has made a num-
ber of school surveys in other states, the most recent being a
survey of education in Alabama where he served as director of the
survey of Public education in that state.   His experience as a
school administrator has been demonstrated in other positions and he
is extremely well qualified for this position,"

      The Committee considered the recommendation of President Donor
 van fop Dean of the University and Registrar, and upon motion duly
 made, seconded and carried, Dr. M2aurice F. Seay was appointed Dean
 of tne University and Registrar, effective Decemblber 1, 1946,



                     Aptpointre.nt of Dean of Men

      "-t the end of the present school year, Dr, T. 1. Jonaes, wlho
ha.s ,een Dean of 2.en for1 a number of years, will reach the ag-,e at
whlich time he w.till be given a change of work in accordance with the
rules and reg,^tulations of the 3oard of Trustees adopted a number of
y      0ears a  o.  Ackno,!led- mer.t should be made here of the outsta-nding
service wh-ich Dean Jones hLas rendered the University as its Dean of

      "For some time we have been studyin;-, the personnel of the Uni-
 versity withh the view of selecting from our staff a man to succeed
 Dr. Jones in this position, and h-aive concluded that Professor A.D.
 Kirwan is well qualified for this position.   Professor Kirwan has
 had a rich experience in dealin- wvith y, ounl; men.  He is able to
 ,ain their roespect and affection and it is our judgment that he pos-
 . esses those attributes and qualities that we want in a man who is
 to serve in this import-ant position.

      "Professor Kirwan graduated f rom the University, receiving his
A. 3. deegree from this institution.   He received his MI. A. degree
from tihe University of Louisville.   For the last two years he has
been w-tork;in- on his Ph.D. degree at Duke University wrhere he has
majored in the field of history.   Professor Kir-wan not only pos-
sesses a splendid personlality but- he also has the attributes of a
scholar- and he is an excellent -,public spdaker.  I am recommending
thle a-npoinlnment of Professor Kirwan as Dean of LIen and Associate
Professor of History, effective July 1, 1947,11

      The recommendation of President Donovan of the appointiment of
Dean of M.en to succeed Dr. Theodore T. Jones was considered, and
upon motion, duly made, secon-lded and carried, Professor A. D. Kirwan
was appointed Dean of ..en and Associate Professor of History, ef-
fective July 1, 19417.

     F. Revised Annual Internal Budc et for Income and Appropriations.

     President Donovan stated that it was necessary to recommend a
numiber of increases in denartmental appropriations, due to increased
enrcllment whaich had not been fully aiciated.     He submitted a
revised summary and detailed statement o:' estimat~ed income for the
current ye~ar, and recor mimended an increase in thle estimate of income
from student fees and Federal receipts, aggregatin~ 422O,5ll.27.
lie also recommeiended increases for some of the departments. These
; ere read in detail to the members of the Commlt.tee.  The total
eudgot increases recommended for various deipartments aggregalted
$)l401 20.66.  The revised statement of incomzie and departmental ap-
propriations was discussed by maem,,bers of the Committee and, upon
motion duly made, seconded and curried, the revised annual internal
bud,-et estimate of income and summarjy of departmldnt-al.T)rop2riations,
and the detailed increases in departmental appropriations were ap-
pT.roved and ordered filed wxith the Secretary.



     .1. lamin-Keeneland Budg.et kmended.

     President Donovan stated that he felt it necessary to revise
 the HagginKeeneIandl budget as adopted June 4, 1946.  le submitted
 an amendment to the Hia.,inKeeneland budget which was read and dis-
 cussed by members of tile Executive Committee, and upon motion duly
 made, seconded and carried, the amended budget was approved and the
 Ctomptroller ordered to accept same; a copy to be filed with the
 Secretary of the Board.

     H. Salary Adjustrments for Experiment Station Research Workers,

     President Donovan stated that he and Dean Cooper had conferred
at length concerning; the competition amon- experiment stations in
procuring trained research men, and that they were of the opinion
that the competition would. become mnore acute at such time as
Congress appropriates the necessary funds for operation of the
Flarnagan-Hope Act. It was stated th!Jt, among other projects, this
Act stresses particularly the work in marketing and economics, and
that any institutions permitted to receive these funds would un-
doubtedly make offers to trained research men considerably above
our present salary schedule.

     He stated that it was their opinion that it was not advisable
for the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station to permit itself
to be placed in a position where its staff would be raided by other
institutions, and recommended that the Executive Committee approve
the request of Dean Cooper to m-re salary adjustments f or two well-
trained research rmen now employed in the Experimont Station,,  It
'Was stated that both of these men were paid entirely from Lederal
funds appropriated for the exclusive use of the functions of the
Experiment Station, and that, in accordance with decisions of tihe
Solicitor General, United States Agricultural Department they are
in no way affected by any act of the Legislature of the State.

     It was also recalled that the University had a letter from the
Acting Solicitor General of the Department of Agriculture, which
holds that Federal funds arc not the property of the State, or even
of the appointed officer to whom they are paid, but only in custody
for proper disbursement as authorized by the groverning board of the
Experiment Station, same in Kentucky being the Board of Trustees.

     The imIembers of the Executive Committee and President Donovan
discussed at length the salary adjustmient for research personnel of
the Experiment Station, sand upon motion duly made, seconded and car-
ried. salary adjustments for Dr. Philip Ra, Edwards bacteriologist,
and Dr. D. W. Bruner, v irolo-ist of the Department of Animal Path-
oloiry, were authorized made, effective Janua-ry 1, 19-17.  The recom-
mendation of President Donovan and. Dean Cooper is ordered filed with
the Secretary of the Board..



     Z. F.eport on Plans and  &efic-.ions for Memorial Auditoriun
Field Ilouse, andl Chan,-:e of I.;eetin;' Date of the Board of Trustees,

     President Donovan reported. that; some chanes had been recommend-
ed in the plahns and specifications of the Mlemorial Auditorium-Field
rouse*   He stated th't all of these chang-es hlad1( not yet been made
by the architects and the University had not yet received ap-proval
from `the Civilian Production Administra.tion, permitting the letting
of a contract for work on the found..tion and the structural steel.
It wa.Es stathed that; the  .epl c;tion hlad been filed. with the Louis-
ville office, wh-ftch, in turn, had forwarded same to the Washinton
authorities.   To Cd..te no report had been received .:as to the action
of the Civilian Production rl-diministru'tion upon the application.

     It was su-gested that, due to the delays encountered, it would
not be possible for the Comptroller to advertise for bids on the
foundation ex cavation and the erection o:L' th-e structural steel, and
receive ouotations in tirme for the Lcard -.eetUin.: of "January 6, 194711.
After some discussion, motion was, i.made, seconded and passed to p)ro-
ceed with the rebLllar quarterly meetin- of the Board of Trustees,
vwhlch would normally fall on Decen.iber l0, 1946, and the Secretary
was ordered. to so notify the meibers,.

     J. Advertisement for Bids on Installation of Telephone Conduit
and ,a;nlholes.

     President Donovan reported thlat he was recommending that we
proceed. with the plans  to modeinize the carmpus telephone system, and
rea.d the following, comlilunic-Ition from the Co. iptroller.

                                        November 12, 1946

     Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
     University of Kentuhel'y

     1.1y dear Dr. Donovan:

           The Executive Commlttee, at the meetin- February
     15, 1946, entered into a contract with the Lexington Tel-
     ephone Company for the installation of a dial private
     iranchl service at the University of Kentuchy.  Under the
     contract, the University is to furnish and install all
     condluit_ and mainLnholes .  The plans and specific -ations for
     this work have bean completed, and with your approval
     _ dvertise ment for bids Was inserted in the two Lexington
     papers to run for five from Uoveiiber 12th; bids to be
     opened. December '7th, 10:00 a..m, O.S..,, 1946,  I balieve
     this should Wa brou 'ht to the attention of the Executive
     Committee for ratification and direction for handling of
     bids when received.

                                        Respectfully submitted.
                                  (Si(gned) Frank D. Peterson



                        PART ONE


     Sealed proposals for the followinl; work will be received
 by the Board of Tru&:tees of the University of Kentucky at
 the ofice of H. L. Donovan, President, University of Ken_
 tucky, Lexin:--ton, Kentucky, until 10:00 al.m, Centrral Stan-
 di.rd Time, December 7, 1946, for furnishins labor andlor
 materials and Derfaorming, all work as set forth by thais Ad-
 vertisemetit. Instructlions to 3idders, the General Conditions,
 the Special Conditions, the Specifications ancdor the Draw-
 in-s prepared by Lexington Telephone' Company, Lexington,
 Kentucliy.  Immediately following, the scheduled c losing
 time for reception of bids, all proposals which have been
 submitted in accordance with the above conditions will be
 publicly opened and read aloud,

      The work to be bid upon is described as follows:

      All branches of thle work required for the furnishings,
 of all tools, equipment., labor, mi-iaterials, transportation,
 etc.,necessar, to the p-oper and complete installation of
 telephone conduit and manholes on pth )roperty of the
 University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky.

      Specifications andlor Plans, and Contract Documents
 may be examined at the followin- places:

      1. Comptroller s Office,, Administrative Building.,
 University of Kentuchy, Lexinton, Kentucky,

      2. Board of Commerce, 112 South Upper Street, Lexing-
 ton, Ky.

      3. Builders' Exchang-e, 633 South Fifth Street, Louis-
 ville, Ky.

      ', F. W. Dod-ge Corporation, 708 American Building,
 Cincinnati, Ohio,

      5. Building '71i tnecss Publi shin; Company, 622 Broadway,
 Cincinnati, Ohio.

      6b F. W. Dodue Corporationl, 22c9 Heyburn Building,
Louisville, Kentucy,;.

      7. Allied Construction Industries, 903 Times-Star
 Building;, 0oo D3rpaldway, Cincinnati, Ohio,

      8. Lexinpton Telephone Company, 151 N., Upper Street,
 Lexington, Kentucky,

 or may be obtained from Frank D, Peterson, Secretary, Board
 of Trustees, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky,
 upon receipt of a deposit of Fifty Dollars ($50),   The



     deposits of contractors makinj- leceal bids will be returned
     upon receipt of plans and contract documents in ;ood condi-
     tion within one week after bids are opened.  -11o other de-
     posits will be refunded,   No bidder may withdrawri his bid
     for a period of thirty (30) days after the date set for
     the o-eninrg, of bids.

          Bids shall be accompanied by a certified check or
     bid bond payable to Frank D. Peterson, Comptroller of tile
     University of Kentucky, in an amount not less than five
     per cent (55) of the base bid.

          -id.s received after the scheduled closinf7 time for
     the reception of bids will 1be returned unopened to the

          Tne Board of Trru.stees of the University of Kentucky
     reserves the righht to reject any and all bids and to waive
     inf ormali ties,

                                  Board of Trustees
                                  University of Kentucky

                        3y (Sined)  Fr..ank D. Peterson

     The meribers of the Executive Committee discussed the matter
and, upon motion duly made  seconded and carried, authorized. the
ComoDtroller to tcdke bids as outlined in his communication quoted
above, and to report to the Board of Trustees at its meeting on
December 10, 1946.

     g. Constiruction of Proposed Len's Dormitory East of Rose Street.

     President Donovan reported that 11r. John F. Wilson, architect
employed to desi.gn plans and specifications for a second netw r men s
dormitory, was available to present and discuss preliminary plXMns,
LMr. i. F. Vlilson and ar. F. G, Hagan were asked to enter the meeting
and present preliminalrya p1las for the proposed dormitory.  The
site plan, elevation plan, floor planset:cetera, were examined in
some dIetail by mvembers of the Committee, and explained by Y'r. Wilson.

    A gerneral discussion followed, and upon motion duly made,
seconded and carried, the preliminary drawin-s presented were ordered
approved and accepted.   The arciiix.ot was ordered to proceed with
the final plans and specifications,  The Comptroller was ordered
to make partial payment of fees in laccordlance with the contract
agreement betweon the University and John '. Wilson, architect.



     L. Report of Preliminary Survey for Underground Steam and
Electric Distpibio .st Ms,

     President Donovan recalled the Board had authorized a contract
with Proctor-In,-els, En-ineers Associated3 Lexington, Kentucky,;) for
a survey. for the underground steam. and electric systems on the
c.:Impus.  He presented the survey report of the engineers.  Th Ie
report included a detailed statemient as to procedure of the work
andu recomiindatlion of the engineers, -and blue print drawings.  An
itemized statement of' the work done in accordance with the contract
was also presented to t0he mem;.-bers of the Committee.  A discussion
followed, and upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the sur-
vey report and blue print drawings were ordered received, accepted
and filed,   The Comp,)troller was ordered to pay the engineers the
sum of $5,000 for wuork done, same izein,; in accoracL;ue with contract
previously authorized6

     MF. Plans and Specifications for Air Conditioning of ILafferty

     President Donovan stated that wrie had m-lade an effort to air-
condition the library room of the Law Colleg-e, but so far had been
unable to do so beuause of lack of materilals, and hi,-h prices. He
stated that it was thle plan of the Uni-versity to g-,o ahead with this
work as soon as conditions would permit, and submitted a letter from
the. Corlaotroller concernin',,, fees of the engineers for preparing plans
.and s;:ecifications for the works

                                      November 9, 1946

     Dr. H. L, Donovan, President
     University of Kentucky

     MIly dear President Donovan:

          Durinj.; the sum.er of 1948,. you requested the College
     of Eng.ineerinig to assign somie one to prepare plans and
     specificat-ions for air-conditioning- Lalfferty Hall,  We
     deferred action for some four or five weels and later
     leurned that Professor Walton did not have the time to do
     thie work.  I then employed Proctor-Ingels, Engineers
     Associated, Lexin-ton, to prepare plans and specifications.
     Those plans and speci'ications were submitted to us cand in
     turn, were sent to Frankfort, Department of Finance. Bids
     for the work were invited b- Frankfort and all bids Vlore
     rejected because the prices were out of line with what wse
     thou -I'ht the job wa. worth,

          We are Lat thlis ti me, gain a dvertis1ings for bids on
     this worak,  I amn submitting to you involoc  fo01 the ser-
     vices3 of the? engInee.rs in the preparation of tIhe plans and
     secifications f or the air-cond`tionin,; of LaffOrty -Hall



     plus twenty extra sets of the specificattions.  I think
     that this should be submitted to the Board of Trustees
     for approval.   The bill hereto attached represents 3
     of the low bid, according to specifications, as received
     by the State Department of Finance, Frankfort, Kentucky.

                              Respectfully submitted,

                                 (Signed) Frank D. Peterson
                                           Comp trollicr.

     The members discussed the possibility of' having the work done
in the near future, and, upon motion duly made, seconded and car-
ried, ordered the enfineeT'in,, fee of Proctor-Ingrels, Engineers
Associated, in t1he amount of 3l46.350, p aid.

     N. Trzansfer of Contracts from the University of Kentucky to
Kentucky Research Found..tion.

     President Donovan reviewed the q ustion of transferring of
research contracts now hold by the University of Kentucky to the
Kcntucky Research Foundation.   He! re.ad a communication-from Dean
Leo iMI. 'Chaumlberlain, and oubr.,ittdc1.I an. aryeemont of assignment of the
contract with tho Steel Founders' Socitby o" Am(rica.   He also
presented a second lettor from Dean Loo M4 Chiamberlain concerning a
like agrooment of assignmont oi contrLct with Joseph E. Seagram and
Sons, Inc.

                                        Twenty- ninth
                                        1 9 4 6

    President H. L. Donovan
    University of Kentucky
    Lexington, Kentucky

    Dear President Donovan:

         With roference to the attached letter from the
     Steel Founderst Society of America I am suggesting that
     the accompanying- contract of assi-nmicft be signed in
     triplicate by the propor person to represent the Board
     of Trustees at the University,.  M;r. Fergus and I shall
     sign for the Kentucky Research Found.ition.  One copy
     of the contract willbe retained by the Board of Trustecs
     i'or the University, one copy will be kept in the Founda-
     tion files and the third will be sent to the Steel
     Founderst society, in accordance, with Mr. Briggs' request.


                                 (Signed) Leo M. Chamberlain
                                          Dean of the University
                                          and Rai-Istrar.


                  Contract of Assignment

     BY THIS AGREEMENT entered into in duplicate this
day of July, 1946, by and between THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF
THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, a body corporates hereinafter
designated as the University, and THE KENTUCKYIESEARCII
FOUNDATION, a Kentucky corporation, hereinafter designated
as the Research Foundation, it is mutually understood and

     That the University agrees to, and does hereby, del-
eate to the Research Foundation its duties and obligations
under and in connection with the following research con.

      Contract with the Steel Founders Society of America,

      dated April 6, 1946,

      The University further agrees to and does hereby
transfer and assign to the Research Foundation all of its
rights under and in connection with the above listed cone
tract, including the right to receive payments thereunder,
andcgrees to transfer to the Research Foundation any pay-
ments hereafter received by the University on account of
said contract, and to cooperate fully with the Research
Foundation in the performance of said contract, by furnish-
inks office and laboratory facilities where this can be
done without interference with the regular work of the
University. Providing, however, that the University shall
not incur any new or additional obligation or liability
in respect to the future performance of said contracts
and shall not be bound by any changes in or additions
thereto unless it shall expressly consent to the same.

     In consideration of the above, the Research Founda-
tion agrees to and does hereby assume the duties and
obligations of the University in respect to the perform.
ance of the above assigned contract and agrees t$ protect
the University and save it harmless from all obligations
and liabilities arising in the future performance of said
contractior from any breach thereof.

     It is the mutual understanding and agreement of the
parties hereto that in respect to any of the above contract
which has been partly performed on the date of this assign-
ment, and in respect to which the University has incurred
obligations or paid out funds or has received payments
thereon, this assignment is to have the same effect as if
it were made before such part performance, and all pay-
ments so received shall be credited to the Research Foundae
tion and paid over to it; all such obligations incurred
by the University shall be charged to and assumed by the
Research Foundation; and the University shall be reimbursed



by the Research Foundation for all moneys paid out by it
on account of said contract.

                            BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THHE
                            Ujl:V-ERSITY OF KENTUCKY

Attest:                          Chairman, Executive Comirttee


                             THE KENTUCKY RESEARCH FOUNDATION



                                     1 9 4 6

President H. L. Donovan
Universitv of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

Dear President Donovan:

     The attached letter from Xr. IErtersteoh of Joseph
E. Seagram and Sons, Incorporated, gives approval to the