xt700000058z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt700000058z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 2004054 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2004-05-may4. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2004-05-may4. 2004 2011 true xt700000058z section xt700000058z MINUTES Meeting of the Board of Trustees University of Kentucky 1:00 P.M. May 4, 2004 18 Floor Patterson Office Tower Minutes Accompanying materials: President's Report and Action Items PR 1 President's Report to the Trustees PR 2 Personnel Actions PR 3 Naming of Memorial Hall Auditorium PR 4 Delegation of Management Responsibilities for the University of Kentucky Lexington Community College to the Board of Regents of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System PR 5 Establishment of the Position of Vice President for University Initiatives/Associate Provost for Multicultural Affairs Academic Affairs Committee Report AACR 1 Candidates for Degrees - University System AACR 2 Establishment of a Center for Visualization and Virtual Environments AACR 3 Creation of a College of Public Health Finance Committee Report FCR 1 Dr. Tim Wheeler Gift and Pledge FCR 2 Establishment of McCowan Chair in Alzheimer's Research and Fulfillment of Pledges to Two Centers on Aging Endowments FCR 3 Geoffrey C. Hughes Foundation Gift FCR 4 James F. Hardymon Gift and Pledge FCR 5 Kroger Food Stores Gift and Pledge FCR 6 Louise G. Scott Estate Gift FCR 7 Paul Parker Endowment Fund for Residency Training and Research FCR 8 Secat, Inc. Gift to Replace Unfilled Pledges to UK CenterforAluminum Technology FCR 9 Susan G. Ford Gift and Pledge FCR 10 Sutherland Foundation Pledge FCR 11 University of Kentucky Woman's Club Gift FCR 12 Renaming College of Design Research Fund FCR 13 Acceptance of Interim Financial Report for the University of Kentucky for Nine Months Ended March 31, 2004 FCR 14 2003-04 Budget Revisions FCR 15 Capital Construction Report FCR 16 Patent Assignment Report Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Tuesday, May 4, 2004. The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1:00 p.m. (Lexington time) on Tuesday, May 4, 2004 in the Board Room on the 18th Floor of Patterson Office Tower. A. Meeting Opened Mr. Steven S. Reed, Chair, called the meeting to order at 1:09 p.m., and Ms. Smith Edge gave the invocation. B. Roll Call The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call of the roll: Marianne Smith Edge, Davy Jones, Michael Kennedy, Pamela R. May, Robert P. Meriwether, Phillip Patton, Elissa Plattner, Steven S. Reed (Chair), Frank Shoop, Marian Moore Sims, Alice Stevens Sparks, Myra Leigh Tobin, Rachel Watts, JoEtta Y. Wickliffe, Billy B. Wilcoxson, Russ Williams, Elaine A. Wilson, and Barbara S. Young. Absent from the meeting were James F. Hardymon and Billy Joe Miles. The University administration was represented by President Lee T. Todd, Jr., Provost Michael Nietzel, Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration Dick Siemer, Executive Vice President for Health Affairs Michael Karpf, Executive Vice President for Research Wendy Baldwin, and Acting General Counsel Barbara Jones. Members of the various news media were also in attendance. A quorum being present, the Chair declared the meeting officially open for the conduct of business at 1:12 p.m. C. Consent Agenda Mr. Reed called attention to the items on the consent agenda, including approval of the Minutes. He asked for any questions about the items and called for a motion of approval of the consent agenda. Ms. Wilson moved approval. Her motion, seconded by Ms. Smith Edge, carried without dissent. The items on the consent agenda follow: Minutes - April 6, 2004 PR 2 Personnel Actions AACR 1 Candidates for Degrees - University System FCR 1 Dr. Tim Wheeler Gift and Pledge FCR 2 Establishment of McCowan Chair in Alzheimer's Research and Fulfillment of Pledges to Two Centers on Aging Endowments FCR 3 Geoffrey C. Hughes Foundation Gift FCR 4 James F. Hardymon Gift and Pledge FCR 5 Kroger Food Stores Gift and Pledge FCR 6 Louise G. Scott Estate Gift FCR 7 Paul Parker Endowment Fund for Residency Training and Research FCR 8 Secat, Inc. Gift to Replace Unfilled Pledges to UK Center for Aluminum Technology 2 - FCR 9 Susan G. Ford Gift and Pledge FCR 10 Sutherland Foundation Pledge FCR 11 University of Kentucky Woman's Club Gift Dr. Jones pointed out that the degree list has its first group of students coming to the joint WKU - UK engineering program that was recently approved. President Todd expressed appreciation to Provost Nietzel, Dr. Jones, Professor Kennedy, and Dr. Jeff Dembo, Chair of the Senate Council, for their help with expediting the degrees and recognitions. It is a good move for the state to have engineering available outside of the Louisville/Lexington area provided their ties are to the traditional engineering programs at the University of Kentucky and the University of Louisville. D. President's Report President Todd called attention to the following items in PR 1: Commencement will be Saturday, May 8th at the Lexington Center's Rupp Arena. It will be the largest Commencement the University has ever had. U.S. News and World Report has ranked several UK graduate programs among the nation's best. The way UK will get to be a Top 20 institution is by doing it program-by- program and college-by-college. The programs ranked among the best are to be congratulated. The Gill Heart Institute and the Gill Building officially have opened. Jack and Linda Gill were present for the opening and were extremely pleased. It is a state-of-the-art building and is greatly appreciated. The Institute will have a major impact on the state's health. The College of Nursing has created a program that will help bring people back into that program and allow them to graduate in a shorter period of time. This is an effort to try to address the shortage of nurses. The UK Health Literacy Project has unveiled a "Well on Your Way" program. The Health Literacy Project effort has been helping the University. The national average for health care cost increases is around 12 percent. Last year, UK held its increases to 6.1 percent. President Todd applauded the faculty, staff, and retirees. Health care costs are a major financial concern for the University. Two UK undergraduates have won Beckman Scholarships for research, which are given to very few institutions. Stephanie Logsdon and Brandon Sutton were selected recently. They are to be congratulated for their achievement. UK, CHA Health, and WKYT-TV are honoring Kentucky's high school sophomores across the state of Kentucky. High school counselors select their top sophomore scholars, and 30 second commercials are being aired to highlight those students and their 3 - achievements. This will be a four-year period. The commercials will allow the University to send an academic and leadership message across the state of Kentucky and highlight bright students. It will also allow the University to start recruiting at the sophomore level. Two UK students, Jack Challis and Ryan Gabbard, have won NSF grants for graduate studies. Each student will receive $30,000 a year plus other expenses. It will total about $120,000 for each student. These are outstanding students, and this is a great recognition for the University. UK COPC's first Citizens Leadership Academy class graduated 18 people during a ceremony on April 27th. The COPC program is financed through a grant. Dr. Retia Walker is the principal investigator on that grant. It is a way to work with the Bluegrass- Aspendale Teen Center, the East End Empowerment Program, LexLinc, and the YWCA Phillis Wheatly Center to get a grass roots leadership effort started. This program will have an impact on the surrounding neighborhood. President Todd called attention to a document in the Board packet. It is called &Success. He thanked Connie Ray and her assistants for putting this brief report together. It is one of several methods UK will use to track progress on the 2003-2006 Strategic Plan. He said that the Board would be given a full, more detailed report in September; however, he would present a few slides at this meeting just to give the Board an indication of how it is going. He said that as we go through this three-year Strategic Plan, it is important to give the Board an update on what is taking place. One of the success measures is the market value of the University's endowment. At the end of 2003, UK was at $414 million. As of March 3 1st, UK is almost on target. He applauded Mr. Mobley and his organization, the deans, Provosts, and everybody who is really focusing on endowments. There have been recent articles about UK losing some faculty to Texas A & M and Vanderbilt. These universities have substantial endowments. Building an endowment is one way to allow UK to be more competitive. UK's goal was to get to one-half of a billion dollars by year three and as of the end of this month, the University is above that. The administration may move that goal up because it is going to keep pursuing it. This is great progress for that particular goal. Another success measure is in the area of federal research expenditures. This is one of the things pushed by HB 1 - that Kentucky needed a flagship university that was a leader in research. This is important because this is federal research, and it is money that UK has to compete for. It is not institutional money. It is not state money where UK sometimes has to compete. This is the most competitive grant you have to go for. As of the end of 2003, UK was at $120 million. In 2002 when UK set its goals with CPE, UK projected to be at $87 million in 2002. UK is well above that goal, and it is now 20 percent ahead of the $100 million goal for 2003. As the "Bucks for Brains" professors get their 4 - programs going, and the administration continues to recruit into those positions, it is certainly the expectation to meet or even exceed this goal. We were pleased to jump three points in the six-year graduation measure this last year. UK has exceeded its goal. Before we change that goal, we are probably going to wait and see what happens with this next measure point. If you look across the state, UK is the largest institution with the best graduation rate. We need really to start comparing ourselves to our Top 20 counterparts. There is work to be done. These were the goals that we set for CPE a couple of years ago, and we have exceeded the expectations from CPE. President Todd also reviewed some other goals that UK has met or on which we have made progress. He mentioned the six-year graduation rate, the NSSE results, and the post- doctoral enrollment as three indictors for which the goals have been achieved. He noted that UK does have two goals showing little or no progress. One of those is the first to second year retention rate. UK went down from 79 percent, which is the highest in the state, to 77 percent. This happened the year after increasing the freshman class from about 3,000 to 3,700. President Todd said that he would like to know what happened to those who did not return to the University; therefore, some money has been spent to buy a database which tracks where students go to college. We are now beginning to get the data to see which students dropped out of school or went to another college. Some money is also going into UK's Survey Research Center on campus to call these students. We expect to try to analyze this 2 percent drop and get enough data to solve the problem. The other goal is doctoral degree enrollment and production. The enrollment has actually increased, but the degree production has fallen off. That is an area that we need to target. President Todd said that this presentation is an update so the Board will know where the University is in measuring its goals at this point. President Todd said that he would like to mention one other point about the tuition rate that has taken place since the last Board meeting. In trying to establish the tuition rate increase, estimates were made concerning increasing coal costs, increasing health benefits, and salary increases which were targeted at 2 percent. The financial sheet showed that an additional $6 million was needed to hit the bottom line. The budgeting process was still in progress, and by going through the units, $3 million was found to help the situation. It was then necessary to make a choice of either giving a 2 percent raise and reducing some staff and faculty positions or giving a 1 percent raise and stopping the budget cuts at that point. Based on the advice received, a decision was made to give a 1 percent raise to employees. He pointed out that about $5.6 million was put into health care to hold the health care cost flat, which is significant, especially for those employees on the lower end of the pay scale. This has been a commitment. It is really a partnership with the faculty, staff, and retirees - the less the University has to spend on health care, the more it has to do other things within the University. President Todd called attention to the retirement of Eugene Williams listed in PR 2. Mr. Williams has been at the University about 27 years. He officially announced his retirement from the University effective June 30, 2004. Even though it is sad to see Mr. Williams leave his post as Vice President for Information Technology, it is pleasing to see that he has accepted a three- year post-retirement appointment to continue to oversee the Information Technology functions and the integration of the IRIS project. The University is just beginning the IRIS project, and this is a critical stage for the University. IRIS will be a major transformation for the campus, and the Information Technology side of the business does not need to go backward during this process. President Todd said that Mr. Williams has had a tremendous history with the University, having served as the Chief Information Officer during a time when information technology has just gone crazy. He played a key role in building and occupying the W. T. Young Library and developing the Distance Learning Program. He helped raise the money from CISCO to acquire some equipment and other things for the James F. Hardymon building as well as for the library. He was instrumental in developing the university's e-mail systems and developing university- wide networks for voice, data and video communications. He also helped create the Student Computing Services group that operates and manages the computer labs for the student community with well over 1,200 computer seats on campus. President Todd asked the Board to join him in recognizing a gentleman who has put 27 years of his life into the University and is going to put in three more years. Mr. Williams received a round of applause. Dr. Jones said that he wanted to make one comment for the Board about NIH grant funding. The pay line unfortunately has dropped in the economy so that some of the faculty are getting scores back on their grant proposals that are the highest they have ever received, the highest quality grants that they have done. When the pay line dropped like it did recently to the 15th percentile, the University is in the Top 20 on scores, but it is not seen in the funding. There are efforts going on by the faculty that are achieving Top 20 quality performance that might not be visible. He said that he wanted the Board to be apprised of this information. President Todd asked Dr. Baldwin if she concurred with Dr. Jones, and she replied that she did. Dr. Baldwin said that NIH is now facing a time of less growth in their budget. That is going to affect the work of UK's outstanding researchers, and the University must be prepared for that. She said that she has been working with individual investigators and the NIH to try to find a way to try to negotiate something. It is going to be a very difficult time for NIH funding, which is the university's biggest single source of funding. President Todd applauded Dr. Baldwin, the faculty, and the staff for the significant increase in proposal output. This is something that is being tracked on a regular basis now, and there will be some measures on proposal output. He thanked Dr. Jones for pointing that out. 6 - E. Naming of Memorial Hall Auditorium (PR 3) President Todd said that it was his pleasure to recommend that the Board of Trustees approve the naming of the auditorium in Memorial Hall, one of the most used facilities and most attractive rooms on campus, the Edward T. (Ned) Breathitt Auditorium. Governor Breathitt did his undergraduate work at UK's College of Commerce and graduated from the College of Law in 1950. Throughout his career, which included serving as Chairman of the Board of Trustees for many years, he was an extremely strong advocate for higher education and for the University of Kentucky in particular. In recognition of Governor Breathitt's many contributions to the Commonwealth, a proposal was submitted to name room 103 in Memorial Hall in honor of Governor Breathitt. The Breathitt family is very supportive of this recommendation. The Committee on Naming University Buildings has reviewed the request and found it in compliance with University policy and unanimously recommended approval of this name change. The Provost of the University also supports this recommendation. President Todd asked Governor Breathitt's daughter, Linda Breathitt, to stand and be recognized, following which she received a round of applause. He said that there are many fond memories of Governor Breathitt around campus and across the State of Kentucky. Mr. Reed asked for a motion of approval for PR 3. Ms. Sims, along with several other Board members, made the motion to approve PR 3. Mr. Shoop seconded the motion. Dr. Plattner commented about the constant reminders of Edward T. Breathitt; the Edward T. Breathitt highway, the buildings named in his honor, and the people who knew of Governor Breathitt's contributions. When Francis Breathitt and Edward T. Breathitt were residents of Frankfort, the level of knowledge and collection of ability and appreciation of Kentucky was very high. Governor Breathitt did a very heroic thing when he declared open house to Civil Rights movements in Kentucky, a voting rights act at some risk to his own professional life. Kentucky continues to use the goals that Edward and Francis Breathitt set. She said that she would like the people who are going to graduate on Saturday morning to emulate these goals. Edward and Francis Breathitt and their children would be very proud that Governor Breathitt's name will continue to live. The Board applauded. Mr. Reed thanked Dr. Plattner for her comments and called for the vote. PR 3 carried without dissent. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes.) President Todd thanked Linda Breathitt for attending the meeting. 7 F. Delegation of Management Responsibilities for the University of Kentucky Lexington Community College to the Board of Regents of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (PR 4) President Todd said that PR 4 is a recommendation that the Board of Trustees delegate the governance and management responsibilities for the University of Kentucky Lexington Community College (LCC) to the Board of Regents of the Kentucky Community and Technical College System as required by House Joint Resolution 214. He reminded the Board that it took action on this previously. He said that Ms. Sparks and the Academic Affairs Committee did a great job working on this project, and he applauded them for their work. The Joint Resolution was passed by the General Assembly and was signed by Governor Fletcher on April 2, 2004; therefore, it becomes incumbent on the Board to do this transfer delegation. He recommended approval of PR 4. Ms. Sparks moved approval. Her motion was seconded by Ms. Wilson. Dr. Jones said that the legislation talks about an effective date of on or before July 1St. He asked if UK was aiming for July IS' or sooner. President Todd said UK was aiming for July 1Is. The transition committee has actually been meeting for some time, and July 1St is the appropriate date. The budgeting responsibilities for LCC were transferred to KCTCS since LCC will be operating under KCTCS with that budget. Dr. Jones referred to a question that was brought up in a previous meeting with the University Senate, Ms. Sparks, and the Academic Affairs Committee. It involved transitioning the institutional policy, not just transitioning the management. He provided an example of a particular curriculum, a business associate program, which was brought up at the meeting. That particular program is tailored so that the course work that is offered is transitioned directly into a UK program. The faculty member at the University Senate meeting said that the LCC curriculum uses a higher standard than any of the other community colleges. The other community colleges do not have a curriculum that prepares for the transition directly into the UK program. He asked the following questions: (1) Is the transition team doing anything to address this issue? (2) Will LCC be able to preserve that kind of curricular structure or is it going to evaporate? (3) Is this being talked about at the level of the management transition or should the University Senate be talking about it? Provost Nietzel said that the transition team could deal with that issue. The transition team is composed of three representatives from UK, LCC, and KCTCS. If LCC chooses to preserve that curriculum, he does not see any reason that they will not be able to establish that choice and have it protected through the transition. Mr. Reed asked for other questions or comments regarding PR 4. He called for a vote, and the motion carried. Dr. Meriwether abstained from voting. (See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes.) 8 - G. Establishment of the Position of Vice President for University Initiatives/ Associate Provost for Multicultural Affairs (PR 5) President Todd said that PR 5 is a recommendation that the Board approve the establishment of a new administrative position, Vice President for University Initiatives/Associate Provost for Multicultural Affairs, effective July 1, 2004. With the creation of this position the University will consolidate three existing areas: the Vice President for Academic Outreach and Public Service, the Vice President for Research and Economic Development, and the Associate Provost for Multicultural and Academic Affairs. This new position will be responsible for outreach and service programs on behalf of the communities throughout Kentucky, particularly in Appalachia, promoting the University's ability to develop and evaluate solutions to some of the state's most persistent social, economic, health, and educational problems, improving the recruitment and academic success of multicultural students, and providing oversight of the University's efforts to enhance its overall diversity. The position will report directly to the President and to the Provost for those duties associated with Multicultural Affairs. President Todd said that the University is beginning to have initiatives in Morgan County to try to create jobs in that region based on technology. There was a recent announcement about a $3 million grant at Carter Caves to try to improve the real economic development in those counties. That money came from the Economic Development Board, but it is an effort that the University is working on actively. He reported that he would be in Paducah within the next week or so to announce an effort to do some environmental cleanup. There are also some initiatives taking place across the state. This new position will pull that together as well as some of the other things mentioned. He recommended that PR 5 be approved. Ms. Smith Edge moved approval of PR 5, and Ms. Wilson seconded the motion. Ms. Smith Edge asked if there would be a cost to the University by creating this new position. President Todd said that there will be approximately $80,000 in cost saving by combining these three positions into one. Dr. Jones said that he wanted to make a public note that the Vice President for Research and Economic Development, Dr. Joe Fink, who does not have an opportunity to be visible at the Board meetings, has done a superb job in that position. President Todd thanked Dr. Jones and said that Dr. Fink will still be very active in the University's economic development efforts. Mr. Reed asked if he had not read recently that Dr. Fink had won an award for leadership. President Todd said that an award had been named for Dr. Fink. It is named the Joe Fink Leadership Award, and Dr. Fink is to be congratulated for that. 9 - Ms. Tobin asked when the position would be filled. President Todd reported that an announcement would go out that week, and he would like to have it filled before July 1st or somewhere in that timeframe. Dr. Doug Boyd, Chief of Staff, will chair the search committee. President Todd indicated that he would be moving quickly to fill the position. Mr. Reed asked if there were any other questions. He called for a vote, and PR 5 carried without dissent. (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes.) Mr. Reed called on Ms. Sparks, Chair of the Academic Affairs Committee, for her report. H. Establishment of a Center for Visualization and Virtual Environments (AACR 2) Ms. Sparks said that AACR 1 was on the consent agenda, and she would begin with AACR 2. She said that AACR 2 is the Establishment of a Center for Visualization and Virtual Environments. The Center for Visualization and Virtual Environments will advance basic research. Visualization can be broadly defined in terms of two categories: depiction of computer generated data of complex scientific or engineering processes, and the creation and rendering of virtual environments or the recreation of remote real environments. The scope of the Center will encompass core research, sensor technologies, and vision science as well as collaborative research in application areas. The Center will serve not only to attract talented faculty and students in the area but also to enhance the ability of the faculty to perform research across the campus due to the knowledge created by the Center's faculty. Initial funding for the Center has been committed to this and other related New Economy projects from the Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority. This proposal has been reviewed and recommended by the Senate Committee on Academic Organization and Structure and the Senate Council and recommended for approval by the University Senate. The Provost also supports this recommendation, and the Academic Affairs Committee moves for approval. Ms. Wilson seconded the motion. Mr. Reed asked for any questions regarding AACR 2. Ms. May said that she was wondering what the cost of the program is and how much commitment the University has in terms of initial funding for startup costs only or for any type of period of operation. Provost Nietzel said that he believed the funding from the two sources is for five years, and then the University has commitments to pick up the faculty associated with the Center after that funding expires. Ms. May clarified that primarily the University will not have to worry about finding new funding for at least five years. - 10- Provost Nietzel replied, "yes." President Todd said that he thought that this is a hot area of research that does apply to manufacturers across Kentucky. You can visualize manufacturing lines before you have to build them. You can vision three-dimensional objects before you manufacture them. The University is working closely with several companies in Kentucky. Hopefully, before that five-year period is over the University would double that money through research grants and contracts. This is one of those places where the University got $5 million from that effort as well as about $5 million in the natural products area, another hot area of research in Kentucky. He stated that this is a good investment for the University. Mr. Reed asked for any other questions and then called for the vote. The motion carried without dissent. (See AACR 2 at the end of the Minutes.) I. Creation of a College of Public Health (AACR 3) Ms. Sparks said that AACR 3 is the Creation of a College of Public Health. This has been in the works for some time. The Committee had an extensive report from the Provost and Tom Samuels, who is the Interim Director of the School of Public Health. This is combining a lot of different departments into the College. It does not require any new funding because all the faculty members are present. This College should do a lot to address another "ugly" problem in Kentucky. Kentucky's health problems arise from individual and community behaviors that place Kentucky at a greater risk for developing and dying from heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. A College of Public of Health will strengthen and enhance the public health infrastructure in Kentucky by providing a trained workforce to address these problems at a local and regional level. It also will facilitate the mission of the University of Kentucky by preparing healthcare professionals who will, through teaching and research, serve the residents of Kentucky by improving the quality of life for the people of the Commonwealth. This has gone through the usual steps at the University, and the Academic Affairs Committee moves approval. Ms. Sims seconded the motion, and Mr. Reed asked for any questions. Ms. Smith Edge said that she had a comment. Being a healthcare professional, she totally enjoyed the creation of this College, especially with the emphasis in gerontology. This will give the University a national presence because the "baby boomers" will be over the age of 65 by 2030. She talked about a recent Department of Behavioral Health summit that she had attended. It was emphasized at that summit that one of the reasons that we have not been able to address the "ugly" problems, not only in Kentucky, is that the information is there, but obviously it has not educated or motivated life style changes. The University is really lacking in the whole area of behavioral science and behavioral health research. Ms. Smith Edge feels that this will definitely address some of the "ugly" problems within the Commonwealth and throughout the country. Mr. Reed mentioned that he had heard the President from Harvard recently on the radio addressing the fact that there was a curriculum change at Harvard that would put a greater 11 - emphasis on science and international studies. The President of Harvard pointed out that this was the first curriculum change in many years at their College. Mr. Reed said that he talked to President Todd about whether this had any implications for the University of Kentucky or any lessons for the University, perhaps whether there was a need for the