xt7000002k6f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7000002k6f/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2008 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, December 2008 Vol.79 No.12 text The Kentucky Press, December 2008 Vol.79 No.12 2008 2019 true xt7000002k6f section xt7000002k6f Per. Dept. . m ' ;
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‘. RECOGNIZED ACROSS THE NATION AS A Q $x§h Permit NO- 478 § ((13) '
j‘ See page 2 A51" A I h e § I
T'RKJ ‘ ~ '
Full schedule of events for ;
KPA Winter Convention . ' ,
See page 3 t? ‘_t
r" ‘ ' “ WWW ress com '
VOL._80 ' DECEMBER 2008 - NUMBER 12 ' yp ’
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Two elected Wm meeting ‘
Mia. abides on» ' *'
1%“ «€th ‘ fi' .
to KPA/KPS , . Includes V
Danetta Barker, who along ‘ ‘( gig/3% :Zgi’fggmaf'l W . ' c a n es f
with her husband Garry, owns the I» -, _ - v: 3%” fig 1, I? . . Th K t k P ‘ y
. lemin'g‘sburg Gazette, and Jeff " ’ . gfi . , , ' ‘ " ' A . it... ,...§%3:AX .. res: _ ._ _ ,9, .
Moore, general manager of the y§/%r “ 2R sf . ssocra 1037‘s usmess mee _ 5‘ ';
Carrollton News Democrat and 2 9.3; . ”flgfti 0 . mg Ian. 2_3’ 2.009’ at the Gait
‘ Trimble Banner, have been elected ‘ neérgfggg ' (xgglgg’é ., House Surtes .m LOPISVIHE WI“ :
to three—year terms on the KPA /KPS , v ”y *wfiigm ’ . . (jg M g t ‘ ) Include the discusswn of, and ,
Board of Directors. ‘ ' \ as ...;.W ~ a a - ' ' ., . m membershlp vote on, Changes in
Barker was elected for District 8 ‘ , 43:7 W the Kentucky he? ASSOCIahO.“
that includes Bath, Bracken, Fleming, 395. . ; amfi‘mt Bylaws. The meeting W111 begin
Lewis, Mason, Montgomery, Morgan at 8. am. (Eastern) and the
and Rowan counties. She replaces _ meetlng room location W111 be I'
Bob Hendrickson, publisher of the . _ ' _ Cartoon by Chrls Ware announced. "._
Ledger Independent in Maysville, Miscommunication between the Secretary of State’s Office andcounty clerks around . The bylaws werelaswhahgw
, who did not seek re—election. the state apparently led to an unfortunate interpretation, of Kentucky’s election laws, In January 2003' .
: Moore will be representing specifically the media’s right to access in the polling places to record history during the Oh the recommendation. 0f .
1‘ District ’7 that includes Boone, November 4 general election. Some media were welcomed, others told to get out, and the Kentucky Press ASSOClahOh “
Campbell, Carroll, Gallatin, Grant, some even told to leave parking lots near the voting areas. And most said photographers Bohrd 9f DITECEOTSI the membef‘ -’
} Kenton, Owen and Pendleton coun- could shoot the backs of people or their legs but no faces, no profiles. Shlp W111 COhSIder é change. 1“ T
i ties. He takes over the district from . . , the bylaws concemmg a V1810“ .'
: Kelley Warnick, with the Gallatin Papers Share Electlon Day woes statement and misSIOn state—
: County News, who has served on ment. ‘ '
the board for the past 24 years and N0vember4was one of the biggest voter cials asked the news media to leave or Those two .statemelnts devel— '
; Chose not to seek re-election. turnout days in Kentucky history. But for restricted what part of history could be oped from {1 Slfi'm9n strategic '
1‘ Both new board emembers take the news media in the state, there were recorded. p an prfocelsfpg at (liségtSUFg the
' office at the end of the 2009 KPA more getting turned away than welcomed Here are some of the stories passed course] or . an ort e ‘3
5 Winter Convention. with open arms. along to KPA about election day 2008. next t ree to five years. I.
5 From being told to leave the premises, to AS proposed, t e amendment .
. o o o . only ”take pictures of feet,” to ”you’re not ”I was told to leave because the attorney fecommendattiion fillet/elf current .
A well-known McCreary County supposed to be here,” to warm welcomes, general’s office had a rep at the polls at the inillljjxge S: 11g] e Iturpgse 7 ,
native has joined McCreary County the news media faced difficulty trying to high school. She told me I couldn’t be in 3. . Sta? rep‘ ace: 1 RY] . a . ff
Record as advertising director. record history. there. Stlsion : emen an a 15810“
”I am excited to announce Donna At issue is a state law. KRS 117.235 that’s I said ”I beg to differ.” I walked over to a Aemen 0d h h B 1 ?
Stephens Corder as the newest been on the books since 1974. It states that another table across the room, and they let secon C aggeiot S y a??? ’
member of our management team only election officers and challengers are me takeapicture and talk—then, said they colrltcernleem ers 1p, hslpec1 l—
at The McCreary County Record. permitted in the ”voting room” —- a term had to call if the media came in. I never ca y a f mg 211' member? 11.) cat— 2,
. Donna brings with her a wealth of that’s not defined anywhere in the law. found out who they were to call, but the egory or on me publications/ f
5 experience and knowledge of the Though they had been educated differently first woman was called. newspapers. Whlle full—member -
’ local market. Her attention to detail and told of an attorney general’s opinion, The rep from the AC was summoned, newspapers “.1111 be 1nv1ted to g r
. . . . . . . ave their online publlcatlon as , -
, and emphas1s on customer serv1ce more often than not, county off1c1als asked and he sald 1t was up to the poll workers. I f th' t th A.
J the news media to gather and disseminate told them all that the Gazette always came a part 0 IS ca egory, 056:; '
‘ news.” With that, the attorne eneral’s
3 See PEOPLE on Page 12 opinion, more often than not dbugity offi- See ELECTION on Page 9 See PEOPLE on Page 8
‘ 7 ‘_—~. .— ié—r—LZH—l:

 Page 2 . The Kentucky Press - December 2008
Tom Gish
.Tom Gish, the crusading owner of The Mountain Eagle newspaper in Whitesburg, died T H E M O N T H L Y P U B L I C A T l O N O F T H E <3
Friday, Nov. 21, 2008. He was 82.
Mr. Gish had been suffering from kidney failure and heart problems. K E N T U C K Y P R E S S A S S O C I A T I O N
”He was the bravest and most honest man I ever knew,” said his son, Ben Gish, who . . l
is edit... of the newspaper, Kentucky Press Assoc1at10n
Thomas Edward Gish was a United Press International bureau chief when he and his _ BY 1
wife, Pat Gish, a reporter for The Lexington Leader, bought the Letcher County weekly in PrESldent ' Taylor Hayes Beattyville Enterpnse KPA
1956. They started running it in January 1957. . Kentucky New Era District 1 1 _ Willie Sawyers
The Mountain Eagle became the first newspaper in Eastern 1...}. g . » ., Hopkinsville London Sentinel Echo
Kentucky to seriously challenge the environmental damage caused ‘ , ' . T
by strip mining. The Gishes scrapped the paper’s motto: ”A Friendly if ' PreSIdent—Elect _ Edmund District 1 2 - Donna Carman .
Non—Partisan Weekly Newspaper Published Every Thursday.” The was. Shelby Casey County News and
new motto: ”It Screams.” Beattyville Enterprise the i3
The Gishes pried open the meetings of public agencies and took ’ét DiStriCt l3 - Wayne Snow tion
on corrupt politicians, rapacious coal companies and bad schools. ' «a; Vice President - Chip Lexington Herald-Leader Suite
‘They were respected nationally’but made plenty of local ene— 4%? Hutcheson - Princeton Times- District 14 _ Scott C. Schurz Jr. goer
mies. In 1974, after the newspaper publlshed stories about local g»; _ _, «5, Leader fame
police mistreating young people, an officer paid arsonists to throw W- - . Advocate Messenger tion
a kerosene firebomb through a window at the newspaper, destroy— Ni; t Treasurer ‘ Dennis .Hetzel State At-Large Fridi
ing the building. Mr. Gish said he later learned that coal company Tom Kentucky EanIrer John Mura _ Couri er- J Gum aI third
money was behind the crime. Gish Covington Rob McCullough _ Morehead be d4
The paper came out on schedule the next week, published‘on the _ _ N inclt
Gishes’ front porch. It had a new motto: ”It Still Screams.” Past Presrdent ' KrISS JOhnson ews pers
”They were breaking new ground -— no one had ever seen a weekly newspaper in this Lexrngton Herald-Leader Mark Van Pattén ‘ mate
part of the world that actually covered the news,” said Tom Bethell, who worked at the Board of Directors BOWl'rig Green Dally News B1
Mountain Eagle in the 19603 and now is a contributing editor. District 1 _ Loyd Ford Dennis Hetzel ' KentUCky imp<
Al Cross, a former Courier—Journal reporter who now directs the University of The Lake News Calvert Cit Enquirer circu
Kentucky’s Institute for Rural Journalism and Community Issues, said the Mountain ' ’ y Division Chairman ally'
Eagle expanded its reach far beyond Letcher County. It reported, for example, on policies District 2 — Ryan Craig News Editorial Division - Mike varir
at the Tennessee Valley Authority that encouraged the worst kind of strip mining. Todd County Standard Aiexieff, Bowling Green Daily Tl
Gish was never hesitant about writing the truth, those whoknew him said. _ _ _ . News . .- -. —~ - ”4w~ Jan J
"He was the consummate journalist,” said David Thompson, executive director of the D'Str'Ct 3 ' DaV'd Dlxon Adverti sin - - - _ ~ ‘M‘T ‘ '
. . , . _ g DIVISIon Eric adve
Kentucky Press Assocration. ”When I talk about the medla being the watchdog for the The Henderson Gleaner B II t d t Oldh E 'th
public, I’m thinking about Tom Gish.” - ' . . ff J b .a ers e ' . . .am ra . W1
Carroll Smith, a former Letcher County judge—executive who sold copies of the man“ 4 - Je o e _ Circulation D'V'Slon _ Jamle spea
Mountain Eagle as a boy, said the Gishes and their newspaper have moved the county BUtler County Banner Sizemore, Kentucky _Slfandard 181m:
forward as long as he can remember. ”They didn’t pull punches," he said. ”We were born District 5 _ Chris Ordway ASSOC'ateS D'V'Slon ' Elsi
and raised in the coalfields, but when the coal industry would get out of line, they would Eliza beth own News Enterprise Helen Carroll - Toyota Motor sellii
report 1t. When a politician CllCl something wrong, they would report it." Manufacturing .
Gish was a Whitesburg native. Pat is from Paris in Bourbon County. District 6 - Kerry Johnson Journalism Education tune
For the Gishs, becoming the owners of a small newspaper was the fulfillment of a Shelbyville News Representatives :2:
dream. -
But, they later wrote, they hadn’t realized that Eastern Kentucky’s economic and social 015m“ 7 _ Jeff Moore Stan M-CKmnéy - HIS '
problems were so deep Carrollton News Democrat Campbellsvrlle Universrty has 1
”We didn’t know that one of every two mountain adults couldn’t read or write,” D' t ~ t 8 D tt B k Pat Moynahan and
they said in a 2000 article. ”We didn’t know that tens of thousands of families had been Ililglfnin szce Gaazeatieer Northern KentUCky unlverSlty Eff“
plunged into the extremes of poverty, with children and adults alike suffering from hun- g 9 General counsels PIGS
ger and some dying of starvation.” , , , Jon FlelSChakerr AShley PaCkr A
District 9 - Ralph B. Davrs Dinsmore & Shohl a co]
Floyd County Times ‘ sincr
° ° . . ° . District 10 - Cheryle Walton ffgg:
The Rev. John Crystal MOI‘I'lS . Kentucky Press Assocration Staff hold
The Rev. John Crystal Morris was born in Rector, Ark., in 1899. The man whose life David T. Thompson, Executive Marketing Coordinator . on 5‘
spanned all or parts of three centuries was 108 years old and still writing his newspa- Director Sue Cammack, Administrative ‘ advr
per column for the Ohio County Times-News in Hartford when he passed away Oct. Bonnie Howard, Controller Assistant staff
27, 2008 — just three weeks shy of his 109th birthday. Teresa Revlett, Director of Sales Rachel McCarty, Advertising on 1]
Morris began his career as a contributing columnist at 101 when he started writing David Greer, Member Services Assistant She
for the Ohio County Messenger in 2001 and continued until 2004, when that paper DireCtor Holly Willard, lNAN Business Clerk Illus
closed. He then began writing for the Ohio County Times-News. Living in a nursing John Whitlock, News Bureau Marlene Studler, Tearsheet Clerk ,. . and
home, Morris wrote his column on an electric typewriter. The typewriter had paper in Director . . PTOE
it the evening he passed away, according to Sam Ford, a longtime friend and former David Spencer, New Media Staff members, officers and direc- Pers
employee of the Ohio County Messenger. Administrator tors may be reached by e-mail using her i
_ ”John spent about 80 years preaching behind the pulpit,” Ford wrote in an e-mail. Buffy Sams, Bookkeeping the individual's first initial, full last TECI‘
» ”As an evangelist, he traveled around the country. Prior to the beginning of this Assistant name@kypress.com. tion
decade, he was living in Las Vegas. When he came back to live with his son, the Rev. Stephanie Conrad, Research/ OUtS
John David Morris, he was only able to preach sermons on rare occasions, his age no The Kentucky Press (Permit #478) is published monthly by the Kentucky T
longer allowing his body tostand behind the PUIPit- Press Association/Kentucky Press Service, inc. Third Class postage is paid be a
”When I was working for the Ohio County Messenger, he contacted US about star t' at Frankfort, Ky. 40601. Subscription price is $8 per year. Postmaster: Send the 1
ing to write a column for the paper," Ford wrote. change of address to The Kentucky Press, 101 Consumer Lane, Frankfort, to fc
gee pAserGs on page 5 KY. 40601, (502) 223-8821. Ken

 1 I '2
. The Kentucky Press - December 2008 - Page 3 g
<8 «ff/9,; 42/7” 2” (26/ 5 / /r / ”l/ t
////f/ 754% /’ W4 // /, “a” m .
Wlderange ofspeakers highlightannual KPA vvmtermeetlng 7:
BY DAVID GREER put a sentimental lump in your throat during gative journalism skills. Before joining AP in
KPA MEMBER SERVICES DIRECTOR a look at our state’s past, present and future. 2004, he worked for papers in Louisiana and '5 V
And if you’re new to the state, KentuckyShow! Florida for 10 years. Barrouquere will share his :
is a concentrated yet entertaining look at the knowledge of how and where to find impor- f "
Blue rass. It’s not to be missed tant ublic records. ‘ .
. The past, present and future 0f Kentucky Frgiday morning’s convention action begins Tilihe management is always an issue with ' .'
and itS many fine newspapers - that Will be at an 8 am. business meeting with some ' sports editors and sports reporters. There are 4"
the primary focus 0f the 2009 KPA conven- important proposed changes to KPA’s by-laws. always too many schools, games, athletes, '
tion I an. 22 and 23 at the Galt House HOtel & youth leagues and issues to cover and never 7 “
Suites in downtown Louisville. Convention EDITORIAL BREAKOUTS enough time. So learning I? ,.
._ goers will be treated to a viewing of the Al Cross, director of the Institute for Rural how to use the available 13.7.: "2
famed KentuckyShow! multimedia presenta- Journalism and Community Issues, assistant time wisely is the hall- W , ‘ .. if .
tion and hear Gov. Steve Beshear Speak at the professor of journalism at UK a . ' . mark of a successful sports I *3. t ,
Friday Changing of the Guard luncheon. A and longtime Courier-Journal ,"M . 5,: department at any paper. 1 , :3
third of our convention breakout sessions will political writer, will lead two ’W ‘ Benjy Hamm, editorial ‘ w W
I be devoted to online and new media. That breakout sessions. The first 5 SW i director for Landmark ; ”t ‘
includes sessions on social media for newspa- is ”How they did it — how KW Community Newspapers w
pers, web site design and learning how to ani— papers did big reporting proj- g; and himself a former AP , '1
mate your online ads. ects” while his second break— a; sports reporter as well as ‘
But the convention won’t forget the all-° out will address covering and g2: “2% } editor, managing editor
important topics of advertising, editorial and . guiding economic develop- 1’ and reporter at papers in 2 n e i
circulation as KPA brings in top-notch nation— ment in your community. * : W North and South Carolina, Benjy 3 5 _
ally known speakers on a 2»3“;W2,r Next, Stan McKinney, long- ' W1 will moderate a panel dis- "am“ if
3 variety of topics. ”r ”if; time news editor and award- At cussion on time manage- gar-f" Wfiw k
The convention begins {5% winning photojournalist at CI‘OSS ment for sports staffers. W” 5., M ,

" “ «MwJanMZZ With a three-hour N ~ .. . the Central KentuckyNews , . _ . . Joining Hammwill be . . i ”Hm are:
advertising breakout SGSSiOH‘ i :1 Journal, will be joined by two . My" , I Peter W. Zubaty, sports 1- ' : iii:
with Mike Blinder, noted ’ : Campbellsville University «3%? . I V. editor at The Kentucky . i <, " if
speaker and author. Blinder officials as they talk about if?” Standard in Bardstown i iW
is an expert on Internet ad 33????5‘" j, is} the C-U photo archive proj- since 2007. Zubaty, a vet- ;t i V
sales and has just published ' ect using more than 20 years eran of Kentucky papers .
his latest book, ”Survival W’ of McKinney’s negatives X in London, Somerset, WI .;
selling even in the toughest . ” . from the CKN]. McKinney M Pikeville, LaGrange and =
times.” After many years in Mike is now assistant professor of WW; Kingston, Tenn, knows 11’ .
radio and television, Blinder Blinder journalism at Campbellsville fax? a thing or two about time Pete 5i
moved into online ad sales. University. 227‘: management. He is respon- Zubaty ‘:
His Florida-based firm, The Blinder Group, Dennis Anderson, manag- Stan sible for covering sports / 7"; ’ ’
has more than 350 media clients worldwide ing editor of the Lawrence McKinney at three local high schools [W " f
and helps them maximize revenues through (Kansas) Journal-World, now WW WWW WW . in addition to a myriad of 7W; 13 .

:y effective sales training and revenue generation leads a multimedia news- ggfiw if? other sports beats. a}
programs. room at his paper. His staff g»; '3‘” Also on the panel is jigs??? ,
, A130 at 1 p-mv Jan. 22/ Lisa Tackett Griffin, of 75 journalists is respon- 3 , . 5 Steve Doyle, editor of . , " if ‘
a computer software trainer .. “ sible for the newspaper, "’1 try the Sentinel-News in i 3’5
since 1983 and a pioneer in , l “ two web sites and 6News, a % Shelbyville. A Shelby flng’
pagination and remote print- in daily cable news program. ~ ”’ “fie County native, he’s been :" Z-z'
ing methods for newspapers, I‘ » The Journal-World won the g 1? editor of his hometown W 15‘;
holds a three-hour breakout Suburban Newspapers of paper since September. g 51/
, on software applications for ’ is?“ America Newspaper of the Before that, he spent Steve
‘ advertising and editorial “.gw‘é , ‘ Year Award in 2005 and again / more than 28 years at the Doyle 1;?
staffers with an emphasis in 2007 and it also received Dennis Orlando Sentinel, where -. W .
on InDesign and Illustrator. “term- the AP Managing Editors Anderson he was associate managing Wag .W
She believes strongly that % Convergence Award 1n 2007 WWW WW editor for sports, features, ., ;
rk Illustrator is an under-used we“. ea” and 2008. Before moving 1’; business, and most recent— ~32?” ‘
'k ,. . and under-appreciated ”53 to Kansas, Anderson was a 2’ WW, ,. W 1y, content development. “r35. .
. program at many newspa- Griffin 10-year veteran 0f Gannett. .. He also served as president hfié j? .; :’: ‘
ec- per 5. Griffin is a staff mem— He has worked at papers in e f 3* of the AP Sports Editors i‘afiygaWW 'f
‘9 her of the UT/ TPA Institute for Newspaper Connecticut, New York and a . AW and Florida Sports Writer th a _ j
t Technology. There will be a separate registra- Illinois and has won awards " ' 3.; associations. 45%? j; _
tion fee to attend the Blinder and Griffin break- for his column writing and ’; ‘W M Roy L, Moore, noted “33:3 e /,/ 5
outs. - supervisor skills. ’ I I . author and dean of NA
ky The highlight of the Ian. 22 evening will Associated Press reporter as W a, the College of Mass Roy L. W.
lid be a 6 pm. screening of KentuckyShow! at Brett Barrouquere is based 1 Communications at Middle Moore .3
1d the nearby Kentucky Center with a reception at the Louisville AP bureau - Bret Tennessee State University, ‘.
rt, to follow. Dinner is on your own. If you’re a and has received considerable Barrou qu er e . '
Kentucky native, KentuckyShow! is sure to , training from AP in investi- . ’ . See CONVENTION on Page 4 ‘

 Page 4 — The Kentucky Press - December 2008
CONVENTION Haenel has often been recognized for his creative social media for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, where E
circulation promotions — the subject of his KPA he oversees the newsroom’s efforts to more closely
COHtinUEd from page 3 presentation. engage readers with the newspaper and web site.
Geoff Vanderlin is with Shaw Newspapers, a Since Greenbaum’s arrival at the Post-Dispatch,
former associate vice president for academic affairs company with a number of’newspapers in Iowa STLtodaytcom has seen several redesigns and seen (_
at Georgia College & State University, pro fes- and IllanISI. He too. has recently been promoted its traffic increase substantially. There has also gwi
sor emeritus of journalism at the University of and recognized inside and outSide of. his company been a marked increase in the newsroom’s support . u
Kentucky and former executive director of the for his innovative Circulation promotion methods. of the Site. Greenbaum worked several years as a req
UK First Amendment Center, will address media Come and hear Geoff speak and pick up valuable newspaper reporter in Florida, started his paper's I 1“
law issues for newsrooms and advertising staffs. tips for building your paper’s Circulation. first website and later managed a business news 1
Moore, a licensed attorney in Kentucky and More and more newspapers are usmg the con- web Site in Florida that enjoyed significant growth edg
Georgia, has authored several books on media venience, speed and low-cost benefits of e-mail under his leadership before moving to St. Louis. 1
law and is often interviewed in the media on First to conduct Circulation promotions. The Louisville Meanwhile, Jackie Reau is CEO and founder of dEfl
Amendment issues. Come with your media law Courier-Journal is one such paper. Amanda Davis Game Day Communications, a Cincinnati-based ma]
questions and concerns. from the Courier—Journal Circulation staff will talk new media business. She has 15 years experi- recc
about her paper’s successes with using e-mail for ence in marketing and public relations. Her firm’s reg;
ADVERTISING BREAKOUTS circulation marketing. . . . clients include the Cincinnati Bengals, the Reds, whi
Peter Zollman is founding principal of Robert Rubrecht is director of Circulation mar— Downtown Cincinnati Inc., and the Cincinnati sior
Classified Intelligence and the Advanced keting-for the Newspaper Assoc1ation of America Enquirer. Last year, her firm launched its Digital j
Interactive Media Group, internationally known based in suburban Washington, DC. Rubrecht . Media Team to help clients . . .. j 2 » ject
consulting groups that work with newspapers, Will speak about NAA 3 study of future Circulation harness-emerging technology . ‘ , exei
broadcasters, dot-coms and yellow-page compa— trends andthll also discuss Circulation resources and soc1al media platforms. . E
nies and technology providers to develop profit- available for newspapers through NAA. Greenbaum and Reau Will j by I
: able interactive services. Zollman will lead two offer many tips on how your in a
breakout sessions. The first will concentrate on G S . k' NEW MEDIIA l papertcan harnesstthe power 1 j; fag; 3
increasing your paper’s classified ad revenue T afty osniec 11—118 a regiptna sa es mlalnager for of soc1al media to increase ' ‘ ~ duc
while the second will cover competitive selling Own e13; stcom. d Te spelitia izes m wee y friews- sales Of your newspaper and I' a; in t]
against local radio and Yellow Pages publications. gzpers. e 101T}: t towln deévs a year agphahter a. f inctrDease your web Slte traffic. ' 2'“ mai
Mary Ann TaYlor, former supervisor of the H 1y earttctareer itmc 11 de (LYntltfig W1 Its WI.e' esigning an attractive ”C C
employment /public accommodations unit and the eten, . ree wee ies an pu 15 mg a sma 1 daily, web Site that entices eyeballs . pub
current supervisor of e duca- all in Missouri. He also worked and keeps them_ is an art form Jackie den
tion and outreach for the , , for papers in Tennessee, IllinOIS and Mario GarCia Jr. is a noted Reau T
Kentucky Commission on and Kansas and now res1des m new media de51gner WIth 15 . . , , dest
Human Rights, will tell us . , Iowa. He 5 a past pre31denttof 1 years of experience. He is a ' ‘ ‘ A
the language pitfalls news- Q %“% 3‘ the I\/ll<1:)souri:ress'Assoc1atzton, :ww frequent speaker on multi- . 3. Act,
papers should avoid when 3 ”‘56? zar ress SSOClaFlon an @ level story telling and “(Eb . 1% mai;
publishing ads for housing. , a To? ’ Mlssouri Press SeerCE.,HIS » deSign. He’s worked With . _ r kw . (that
It seems that a few Kentucky 1% W: hrealhout wlilll focus orttweek- .3 :5: more than TOO news organi— , m3. sma cy a
newspapers are cited each 735;; (f ies t at sti aren t on me or . zations on improving their t T
year for such Violations. 3’." ”"3" M haven t figured out how to a? w web Sites. GarCia IS also an ' nize
Taylor’s tips and insight can “.Y'yf’":‘éi:. g. ,i‘ make money online. TOPICS We? “73‘: ,4 adltlnct faculty member at the to e(
keep your paper from being Ben Will include why papers need Gary Univers1ty of South Florida ,y for t
fined by the KCHR. She has Du err to be online, how to do it, how Sosniecki where he teaches multimedia o ’ so v
previous experience with to make money online, how to Journalism. His father, Mario M . th
several state agencies, including the Cabinet for post news Wlthout hurting. ; ' " *- » " Garcra, 15 a world-renowned a."° e 1
Health and Family Services. your print product and butld- :f'i‘t'" .. 1' expert on newspaper design. Gama Jr. ’ SHb‘
More and more online ads use animation to ing 0mm? traffic. Sosniecki a ”a, Shooting video is becom— r '- .. r i h
attract visitor eyeballs. The software program dld all thls and more when he ‘ ffifi ing an everyday practioe, at ’ .1
that does the web site animation is Adobe Flash. developed a web site forthis /7; many newspapers. Yet H S .a 42%,? PA
Ben Duerr, a former Chicago-based producer small weekly m M18801?“ if." ; g different world than shooting I I 1 Com
of materials for online, print and the web, now Caro line H' Eittle W111 offer «“4, fo’tlll photos. Nathan Stevens l- 5:33? :3“ it
teaches web and graphic an online overView. Little 2 at my” is a former editor for WTVQ t: .
design at Daymar College t “i ' , works as an advrser and con— , fit; and WDKY in Lexington. L :1wa *4 H1
in Louisville. He will give t sultant for the l3ritish-b as e d 3 Now, he’s on he faculty at .7 . ”3a. , . ; abou.
us a 60-minute introduction a . . Guardian Media Group, a if“. UK where he teaches videog- and t
to Flash for online advertis- xii?" company 190mg to make a Caroline raphy and editing. Come to 20th ‘
ing. That’s his day job. By WW‘EEW blg splash in the American little Nathan 3 breakout and learn h said.
night, Duerr writes, pro- . “25;. ‘ market. Her duties include . the ins and outs of shooting Nathan . A1
duces and performs weekly at“%“?;g. Eonsulting With Guardian, publisher of the famed Video. " Stevens thD
on Ohio Valley Wresting and ' I IV ' I uardian newspaper m London, on US web ' Hom<
Derby City Wrestling, seen r. ; strategies and online aequ151tions. Prev1ously, ASSOCIATES, EDUCATORS l 0111‘ 11
Saturday nights on TV on :. she was CEO and publisher for Washingtonpost. The KPA Associates will offer a two-hour Kenti
the Louisville CW network [on Newsweek Interactive where Wtwwmw a breakout sessmn on strategic planning. More busi- for h
affiliate. Leave this breakout Haenel :he was responsible for fitgaw %% nesses thantever use the strategic planning process news
session early and you run the eveloping online strate- ti; 3 to map the journey to success. Come and learn. F0
risk of Ben clamping you in a half nelson. gies for the Washington Post .2 W5» t how it 5 clone. Also, Kentucky’s college Journalism John
and Newsweek and several £34}; educators will have a meeting late Friday after- fathEI
CIRCULATION BREAKOUTS other web sites. She recently a £15..» noon. ”N
Lon Haenel began his newspaper career 12 spoke m the Netherlands ” W true 1
years ago with the Janesvile Gazette, a family— at the World Assoc1ation of it; . , “.2 j. 2.}, RECEPTIQN, AWARDS BANQUET JOhHS
owned daily in Wisconsin. He began in retail ad Newspapers conference. . 1:; v ~r A reception begins at 6 pm. Friday and the and E
sales where he flourished. That led to several Soc1al media is a hot topic annual awards banquet begins at 7 pm. where In
promotions after he generated more than $250,000 these days and the KPA 33W] ' results from the KPA Excellence in Kentucky from
in new revenue. Three years ago, Haenel moved convention presents two ‘ ” '“ rt ' ' Newspapers Contest are announced. Repre
into circulation as sales and marketing manager. speakers on the subject. Kurt Greenbaum C010 r
This year, he was promoted to circulation director. Greenbaum IS director 0f I i
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The Kentucky Press - December 2008 - Page 5 3‘.
o o ‘ 3
B . 1
, Emall creates open-records Issues
1 Q: I understand that e-mails on a ”state- of a public record creates a rebuttable presump- 41:
owned” computer qualify as an open record. F l I tion of records mismanagement.” 95-ORD-96. " i
t But what if I believe that the e-mails that I have rom a ega - ' But, are e-mails part of each agency’s require— 3'
" requested have been deleted? What recourse do -; ment to manage 311d maintain PUbliC records? 3
Ihave against a Public agency? t d ' t The answer is: THEY SHOULD BE, BUT WE j
A: This is a very interesting and cutting S an p 0| n g. g. ’ 4‘ i HAVE REASON TO BELIEVE E-mails ARE NOT i 5'
r edge issue. . 5g . . PROPERLY MANAGED AND MAINTAINED ;
As You know, the Kentucky Open Records Act B A P %§; iii-i BY SOME PUBLIC AGENCIES. The problem is
defines a “public record” as ”all books, papers, Y . SHLEY ACK i a i what is the remedy and what can we do to effect 3
maps, photographs, cardS, tapes, discs, diskettes, Dmsmore ”it; ' a change in the System to require public agencies 2 .
recordings, software, or other documentation , 8t Shohl LLP to retain e—mails? ; ..
regardless of physical form or characteristics, . Other states are dealing with this issue. For i
which are prepared, owned, used, in the posses- example, the Ohio Supreme Court recently heard 5
sion of or retained by a public agency.” If yo u h ave a ny leg a I oral arguments on the issue of whether a deleted
E—mails are public records and therefore sub- government e-mail file qualifies as a public docu—
ject to public view unless they qualify for an q u est i O n S ment subject to state open records requests. A 7’.
_ exemption. I newspaper requested from county commissiOn- . :3
But, how are e-rnails managed and maintained ‘ ' ers all e-mails sent, received or deleted durin an 5‘ i
by public agencies? Thousands of e—mails flow ca I I t h e KPA h Otl I n e 18—month period. g ; i
in and out of public agencies every day. The newspaper was told that these e-mails l- .i
More and more public business is being con- atto r n eys: had been deleted. The paper then sued to have i
ducted via email, which is only going to increase . . _ the county hire a forensic expert who would ‘
in the coming years. Are these e—mails being Jon 1" FlelSChaker' 502-540-2319 . recover any e-mails deleted from government - i
maintained for public disclosure? Or do pub- R. Kenyon Meyer: 50