xt7000002m7k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7000002m7k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-09-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 21, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 21, 1971 1971 1971-09-21 2020 true xt7000002m7k section xt7000002m7k By MIKE WINES . 3 ‘ { -' 7
Editor-in-Chief n 0 th er 9 _ .

SG President Scott Wendelsdorf’s chances nose l/ve O
of becoming chairman of the Board of .
Trustees’ Student Code Committee appeared g 9 . .
to take another nosedive last night as a Happy I)ay l)ara(l€ |]]a\ l)l](l’l]t .
group of students announced a . 3‘ 1’ I
“celebration” to take place on the office 9 x o
tower plaza during the 2 am. trustees STW s (lode com mittee chances a.
meeting. ‘ " '3

The celebration ’ offICIally labeled a? ,3 optimistic about his chances 0t chairing the President Otis A. Singletary will introduce ' 3’ 9
part of Lexmgton Mayor Charles Wyhes code committee , did .. 3 g ,, . . ,
“Happy Day” plans could anger the trustees II -I I . I an amen c calendar of board meetings ~._ ~

h k ’ th . t t . ht . GOV- Nunn W111 be there, and 1t 5 the tITSt which wrll set four of the next 10 sessions 3, 3'

enoug to ma e em rejec ou F13 time the Governor and l have met,” he said. ff h UK .. . . . ' .
W (1 1d rf’ l t h . th tt I o t e campus. Another lour Wlll be . .

en e S 0 1 S p an 0 c m" e commi ee, Wendelsdorf said there was some chance of a .. . ' " . ' . , , . . '~,‘; ...
th SG d t d1 t t . I executive sesSions from which the S(; . 3,

e _ presr en 53’ as nigh. ” “confrontation” With Nunn over the code president 3'5 banned -_

Wylie has declared Oct. 2 “Happy Day —a issue. ' ‘3 {I 3
community celebration day—in Lexington. “I think this is a very rational proposal H fhe schedule is crucial to future UK '-~_ I,I
The UK students planning today’s he said “and we’ll see this time what their student proposals, Wendelsdorfsaid, because
“celebration” reportedly acquired a parade (the trustees’) real proposal is. three major meetings in which student 3 ’
pennjt and would march from the comer of “If it’s pushed aside without any real proposals Will be debated Will be held either 3' -.
Euclid Ave. and Limestone St. to the office discussion, I’ll be very bitter. I won’t even off campus or in executive session. .‘I. '.
tower. Once there, the students were to see any reasons to attend board meetings in ThoseIthree meetings-in February, March , .Ij tI';
“throw candy” at the trustees, Wendelsdorf the future,” Wendelsdorf said. and Apnl, 1972*Wih probably be the battle ‘1‘ ‘-
said. Amended calendar grounds for actions on the revised Student 1' ,’..; '

Chances slim Meanwhile Wendelsdorf said one other Code, aIrenewed Tripartite plan for m“ t '

Wendelsdorf said he had talked With the board action was scheduled for tomorrow Univer51tIy Senate, and full voting 1' -'

students planning the rally,but had failed to which could have far-reaching effects on membership on the ooard for the Student "} :7

convince them to delay their actions. Even future attempts by UK students to influence Government presrdent. . A; it.

without the celebration, he was not the board. Continued on Page 8. (.‘ol. 4 '. A91
V TA f1 1 . t
I he 'th 1 l HRC
. By JENNY MUERTH Elsmerc Park on the basis of
Kernel Staff Writer association With a minority '3 '_
A UK teaching assistant has group.
sworn out a complaint with the Johnson said she had "no
Lexington Human Rights comment" on the matter. 5
Commission charging that she Cottrell said the t‘VlCllon .
- was unfairly asked to vacate her notice came after thrce VISll\ ..
apartment. from black graduatc student 1
Charlotte Cottrell. a teaching Harold IHoward. Qt the (”ncg“ It 3“
assistant in sociology, took out of Social Professions. Howard f, 3
the complaint against her was visiting to learn more about
landlady, Catherine T. Johnson. tChc Northwest ('OgnmuIrI‘fl;
- . , .' inter program, 0 w ic '»
an mde endent n w - Ms. Cottrell said Ms. Johnson e I . ,

p e spaper published by students at the univerSIty of kentucky was trying to evict he, and he, Cottrell IS a mornben . I ,_
Tuesday, SEPlember 21. 1971 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY 40506 v"l ani M H roommate, Harriet Hopgood, The commtssxon. m outhnmg .
W from the apartment at 645 (Jontinut'd 0“ Page 8. COL 1 t' 3 g
.-:2.: 13::,3;1-.;.5532;E:f‘?‘§:;2§:§:§:§:3'51::§'§:3;f:.:§;;:3:§tt'2r', Wr**w ..zge'igzssga'$222553?‘twtttacestwHt 2d -:;?_e:§§=ts:5rz=2:s:szagszszstsstzégzzs» 3333523333552:3;s;s;s;5;s;sg§;s;sggagging;52533235533255:s:agsgsgzgsgggsasssggsg$535555;gigsgsegsaaizsgtsaazgs:stzgzgsgsgs:2:2:2:s:s:s:::s:a332a".e:s:::s:s:a:::s:s2:32:22::2gs:2g:~s=ztszz52:35:::2::-:;:s.a:s:.:::.-:'. L- . " '
Ifiggé'itéttfiit=5::‘3""={="{' ‘ ' ”Netti”. Wfigjfit‘eafi;§fiéfiéfifitaAw’tfi}’%f>rwfif) , .'
temem K enned i .3 ~.
:‘fit ~ V .. $3,“...Jik'i. {a " . 5“ ~,. I1; I I?“ ~m°51v12 a”! hug: :1: . , t ,I' 3
eat we -- r- -. “2a.... " ; X .J “ *2 ' Us; ' ., t- -- 1 '. :§:;2§:.f t ~ -.

II ‘ , . < 3, . ‘fix. are. I'~I 33*. ,_ .:. II\, ’5 1‘2. ._ "R .3: _ . I,
_. ‘- = " _ § g gag, ta... 3,123., xx. ' . ‘ . _ ,. .
Gloria Steinem, contributing editor of “New York” l . I jI .. - "N .3. II , z§i§f1t3 .' .73 It ., II. I
magazine, and Florynce Kennedy, author of “Abortion grit . ti‘ I . csfigt “*3 t '23 53' ’ ‘1._ I I ,‘
Rap”, will speak on Women’s Liberation 8 :00 p.m. Sept. ‘3 t. Va -. Fg ’3‘ 3'. 1' “ft-3T3 . hi3 ' ‘3 33 . _ ‘ ' I '. .
3 22. in the Student Center Grand Ballroom. ”~0i&” III I - “.I-.»I . we, ". 34,33: 2"“,3: 3,3, .. .3} 1‘ If"); III»; . 3I.-»3IIIv X II . I I I
Steinem started her career by donning a Playboy §§§fl J ' “.153?“ “III It}. ‘ 3 ‘ _ “1 I ll f . ’I_ § 3', . . I, '
Bunny costume and writing an expose for “Show" 3.: a: = .333- > ’ t ‘3; 3 3 3.3; t ' ‘ tail "AA? x “tit e; :- ' . I ,. ..
magazine. She has been active in the political campaigns t t' 5 g It in? l 5 3 3’2 3113 ~ It“? ', ti'l- ‘ . ‘
of Adlai Stevenson, John Kennedy. Eugene McCarthy, gt, ., - 5f 3:" ' f if t 3 I3' l . " "
e Robert Kennedy and George McGovern. g “t Z: ' 4 ‘f‘ I? t l t '{t‘ ._ t -
An alumnus of Smith College, she graduated Phi Beta 3f " 1t { ' 3. -- ‘ {33 3 ' 3.. L
it Kappa and magna cum laude in government, and was ' .‘ a? . t. 33 ' 3 . l It 3 I ‘ 3 i‘~ " '- I
’ awarded a Chester Bowles Asian Fellowship for a year’s . .. l t I "' £2 3-? . 3 1' f I f t ,
study in India. She recently was appointed to the 3 , §' . ,« :. {it t. ' It ‘.
:33 Democratic Policy Council of the Democratic National :33 ' g 3 (7;: g: t ,t It ‘ E52:
Committee. {3 ,3; ii ' 3.." ‘ z _, -
g3 Florynce Kennedy, lawyer and movement activist, said 1% I .. . 3.33. 3’ ‘ f ' :I ,
gx “to be black and a woman is to be doubly oppressed.” '3: ‘ ' If 1 .3 {3sz53 ~' ,
as; Kennedy is the director of Consumer Information {i=3 *3 v, ' ‘
"3 Services and its Media Workshop. Her book “Abortion figs . ' {1“ 1 .
333.: Rap” was published this spring by McGraw-Hill and has 5‘ - 5' I I'tt‘g ' I '
3.3/3 become a classic in the field of abortion legislation. "' ~ . . it. '. {£2333 I .
She appeared in the film “The Landlord” and recently g II ‘ a» . .3 2 31:33; '
“f; starred in Lionel Rogosin’s documentary, “Black 3 a 3 TE. "" I333 . g .
--a-3 Roots”. Admittance to the Grand Ballroom will be by ta ' " 15%.?" 3 I 3 .
% l.D. only until 7:45 pm. After that the door is open to ./’ 3 '3'; I. ‘ _ .1? / . .
' 3%; the public. A reception will follow in the small ballroom. ' .- ; .' " . ~~;" . g 313;; ’t {I )3 "
4,3 A reception for women only will be held Wednesday, 3 1- i " 3 ~ . 3-332}, . ’ '
, 7 Sept. 22 at 4:30 pm. in the President‘s Room of the g; j - 3" I" 3 I 3:: f / x. y _.
.. StudentCentcr, / 3 :2... gift: 1' 3.3 " t} ' '
«$5 i [t i Q? .I 3 w’. V 5‘ f .3 . \ {:5- ' ‘t
is; , ,- ~ _ ‘~ :3: 3 =' m ' -. ' .
fags: . . 9 e , 2 ' » . a: ‘~ ; ‘ L t ,3 i , '23:"; ., 3 '
3.55513: 1 I l t ' , . $3 631*“? I». a 3' it». ' 5 3333;? V '
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‘ I: ' 3 ' I - . - ' - $3” ~'g‘~ ‘ gates; .- . .
513355555? ' 1 t, et' - t- ‘ -- ' .- '
323331 Gloria Steinem, nationally recognized journalist and ' l '3 k ., I I, ‘* *‘éI .j, , ,'
Women‘s Liberation Movement figure, will open the SCB 3. ‘ -‘ . ’ . ’ " t ‘a 3 t I
353:»; speaker series with Florynce Kennedy Wednesday night. I] 4 If ‘ . . ' ‘3 ‘ 3 ~ ‘ ' ‘
" ' - , . " ' '-:i -:':I-"3151:3355";I-f':7:'f':i§":§:j:-,-' :;._:f‘f-:1"i - T' .:i:5.-f.-:; ~'-'j.-_3cal-3:323"f:'23:3:§:§:§:g;g:;.;:31;{$533:§:§:'”"'-:;::.§:§:5:§:§'g.§:3231:5553fi3t-x:'.~."‘t:5'i:i:"S; :5;:35..-e:§:i:€:-:§:-:'.-;i:3:7:?-$551?”-‘»mgr-r';:;:-‘~:-:::g:-. -:-_t;:‘;-:;;-:'j:;.-:- ~-:-:-; "

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 “—_— THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuesday, Sept. 2|, l97l — .‘l ’
m ’
’9 P C b t ' ' ‘ '
o 8008 OTPS mem 8T8 g0 : ~ .
a culture shock at both ends » l' , .
R By KATHI MILLIMET Thomtons’ arrival, a Peace Corps transferred to the capital city ' , . . y I
'- Kernel Staff Writer staff member had run over a where he taught speech and - - it -
KT Two days of “culture shock” boy. He moved north and killed research techniques at Kabul ' ' ’ . . ‘ ,
beset Dick and Christine 3 girl. He was finally give a University. “I’ll bet my class was " . '.. '
33 Thornton when they arrived in driver.” the first to do research 1 _
1% Kabul, the capital of Conditions ‘nice’ papers—in real sense of research ’ '.
L: Afghanistan. Thornton described their paperS—in the real sense of ' . , r
\ “The smells are different,” living conditions as “nice.” The research papers—with footnotes - -' ‘ -. ’ '
R” Dick Thornton said. “Their house was “better than we and outlines,” declared :' l' .
9% toilets are the walls. And it was expected. In fact, it was better Thornton. He taught juniors . , ,~ g
T: hot.” Thornton described the than a Peace Corps member while his wife taught first ‘ ' " ‘ .
first two days in Afghanistan as should have. The big thing was semester freshman. .~ 5 . "I
“pretty frightening” after the western toilet.” U. S. a let-down ‘ ‘. . .
knowing “Western .man with all However, they were not happy Returning to the U. S. after 2' . 1'
his nice, shiny things.” in this house, so the couple their two-year stay in .1 . “."v
As Peace Corps members, Dick “moved to a house with a squat Afghanistan was almost a f T .
Thornton and his wife spent two john. It (the house) had no let-down for the Thorntons. ._ . _ ,~
years in Afghanistan. Thornton running water; we had a well. “The most important difference ‘_ '- n i
any is a graduate student in the UK The kitchen was outside, and we was my ability to concentrate. . . ';
. School of Communications and used a Peace Corps kerosene Time there didn’t mean
"1 his wife is planning to be a stove, We really liked this anything,” said Thornton, and 3 - .:
tter speech and hearing therapist. house," Thornton said. he found concentration difficult . s V . '
‘The The Thorntons were first He said the people were very once back in the States. ‘ “. .>
e of stationed in Kandahar, in interested in Peace Corps “Re-entry into New York was 9 o l. ,- . g
. We northern Afghanistan. “Once we members and what they did. a bad scene,” Thornton mused. You ll lnCreaSC your . . -' i. '
Ileir got out of the capital city where Thornton noticed when he “There were so many cars and I d. d th ' -‘, . ;
an the people were used to tourists, painted his wooden door, their was afraid, realy afraid.” He also > ‘5; '
Y’ve we found the northerners neighbor did too and soon described his stay in ahotel that rea lng Spec 0" e Sp0t°
friendly,” declared Thorton. almost everyone in the area had night: “The man across from us c ' ' r 1 ,’
d t0 “Kandhar was a bad scene for his door painted. was beating up his wife and l , . =
and Americans when we got there,” Thornton didn’t enjoy his first had to call the police. I’d never ‘ "
ergigl said Thornton. Befor the job as a typist, but then he was done that sort of thing before.” HERE’S A GREAT OPPORTUNITY Evelyn 3‘ ' .‘x ‘ ‘
mu F d h l dd 9 .f Wood Refadlijng Dyrlizimics offers you a free ‘ 7, ,l
‘ g impseo w at it is i eto be able to read and . l
the un 01101.8 a 611 S W]. 6 study much faster. At our free introductory i ‘
for '_ . lesson you will actually participate in tech- 1 ,
ours A memorial scholarship worth qualified teachers—even married advisory board of the Florence niques that Will improve your reading and '., ‘~ . '~
the $500 a year has been established women. Crittenton Home. stud S 66d 011-th-8 of See what -, h [d i 1 | ‘
Who at the University of Kentucky in With marriage 3130 came the Her activities at the University b ky p d. 'p ' i b 0 mg i -
ply honor of the late Cynthiana responsibilities 0f rearing tWO included serving as an advisor to ac. your ma mg rate and see how you can 4. ' a.
1 lat Hales Gladden, a UK alumna and 3111:”: serving as ”I: W”: Of a the college chapter of the easin read mUCh faSter- , " . .
alt wife of Dr. James W. Gladden, et 0 iSt minister an gra uate YWCA, s onsor of the Dames _ : -
Y UK sociology professor. student, and a teaching career, Club forp the wives of UK WHAT YOU’LL LEARN:AFOUHerd,UC[er I ‘-.
we About $2,000 has been which began in Ellwood City, students, and an office, in the lesson you Will seethat Reading Dynamics IS a ., w I
this secured toward the $10,000 Pa- UK Woman’s Club. comprehensive reading improvement program. . . . . ,-
ontl projected goal, which will be I ”ISSWHO Kentucky Grandmother of five, Ms. You’ll learn that our students not only read
P885 deposrted With the Unrversrty as n , r. and MS- Gladden Glad den’s success as a faster but also comprehend more, and remem- . ,- ‘ ' . .-
lable part of its permanent moved to Kentucky, where he homemaker can be measured by ber better You’ll learn how 0 d h d .' "
endowment. The investment had accepted a POSitiOfl With the the success of her children. Her ' - - ur Stu y met 0. l ' ‘
- . . - - can cut study time in half. In short vou wrll ,- .-
' t0 proceeds W111 furnish the Uruversrty Of KentUCky. . MS. daughte 1', MS. Margaret . J ,, _.
sure scholarship for a deserving girl Gladden began substitute Hermann, is a doctor of have an opportunity to see what we teach and .3 ‘-
d from a low-income family who teacthing in ”(lie liaiette (Emmi); psychology at Ohio State how we lead] It- - ,. . r‘
O - could not otherwise obtain a 5Y5 em an a er aug University. James Gladden Jr. is ,_ - .
et a college education. Chemistry at Lafayette High a corporation lawyer in Chicago, OTHERS HAVE DONE IT— SO CAN YOU: ' , it
tion Selection of the first Sehool-a position she held for specializing in labor relations. He Seeing the instant results of your progress at - V
reby scholarship recipient is nine years. graduated cum laude from the introductory lesson will help you under- -‘ . .' '
is: :Chfduled Sfortthle fiat/gem“ yea" elégtedl 9p5rgéidrst' ogifidggym: Hapm‘rd LathCehsfgl- .n donating stand why our average graduate increases his . -‘ 1‘
‘ 6 nm e . , . ersons 1n er 1 - - . - _ .
gm g Biography Classroom Teachers Association, to the scholarship fund should Leading 55669617llmeiwnhlmlgrotlbvggocomprfl: ’ ;"
the A native of Worcester County, working 35 a liaison between her contact the UK Office of enSlQn‘ OU see. W y .Over . ’ pCOp e 3 .' ,.'
'0’” Maryland, Ms. Gladden received colleagues and the board of Student Financial Aid, or any have improved the” reading SklllS thIPUgh [he ‘ ' '1 '
the her bachelor’s degree from education in regard to salary and member of the scholarshjp Reading Dynamics techniques. YOU ll under- ' ‘ . '
the Western Maryland College. She working relations. committee. stand why Reading Dynamics has been taught , z ' ' ,
married Dr. Gladden dun’ng her FOHOWing ‘1 Year’s teaming I'" — — — -- -. at the White House to staff members of Presi- ‘ ,.
junior year. Her college training assrgnment 0f math and dents Kennedy and Nixon. _ .
5 had prepared her as a teacher of CllglgfzmggfyM “6183qu 2:11:01, I StUd i0 Players I ' , l
. - , s. a en re e as - '
and 1'32““ 55353553113323” 3321322} a teacher and became actively resents I COME SEE FOR YOURSELF: We want you to . . ,
5 S. systehls to hhe mamed women, engaged in community projects. I p decide for yourself the value of becoming a , - .V _~ .
of The advent of World War 11 She wasamember of the League Ann R a n d’ 5 rapid reader through the use ofthe Evelyn -_1 7-, 4' ,‘
ace’s changed the picture for Ms. of Women Voters, serving as I I Wood Reading Dynamics techniques. Plan ’. -. , ' '
Gladden and similar women who IDTeSlde“t 1“ 1957'68 Of the 10°31 N ’ ht ~ now to attend a free introductory lesson; they ;1. . f ' . ' '
tions wished to combine marriage and Chaim” and as "C8 p‘es‘de‘" °f I £9 0 I are informal and last about an hour. Come as . " 1 i, - '
the a professional career. The lack of the state OOOIO’ 1969'71' As a you are even bring a friend i . ’ '
manpower encouraged the representative of the League, she Januar I6th| , . . ‘. _-’ j"
ecial schools to search eagerly for was_ ”‘VOIVOO ”1 the I y ’ ‘ I,
estatzhshment .of Community Come to your free lesson. , ~
daily Action Lexrngton-Fayette I Sept. 22-25 I I , f;
“d GPSA 'll Cili‘élr‘fiifg'ii’éffixikw 8“ TODAY “"d TOMORROW ' ‘ ,. ' ’
21;: . fl 8 m Uhcfvmes d h l 3; +100 speCi'OI'thtugentl 5:30 P.M. and 8:00 P.M. each day . ,
i In addition, s e serve ont e C or e on urs O S ' . .
1.23: Office vacancy executive council of the local I wit: l D lus Ady I RAMADA INN . ‘-
’ chapter of the National Councrl - - P . . . ,
Kathy Shelton was elected . . 525 Waller Avenue , . |
of Christians and Jews, and the L..— _ — _. __ _l . 3 : .
treasurer of the Graduate and ,' ,~ .
Professional Students m Evelyn WOOd {.12 ', w
Association at its first meeting . . . ' ' 4 ‘
Monday night. WEDNESDAY . Reading Dynamos Institute --~ . - .
Miss Shelton will lo'm the QUARTER NIGHT or the Fll‘e- , -.
be executive committee consisting , . . Lexington, Kentucky Phone: (606) 623-7834 - ' .‘
m6, of A] Sharp, president; Judy place from 9 til 10 pm. Musuc by g w
oday Seibert, recording secretaryzand the Eddie Everett Group. . f ', '
Margaret Mason, corresponding 1 ' - , . :. .
the secretary, -— MIXED DRINKS — z .' ', ' .
0 all The newly adopted insurance W 3 ‘ ~ _ _. 1‘
le in plan was discussed and an THURSDAY g SEPfé—fl BL “BIRTHDAY 7 .
S. C, extension of the one-week - '” ' ,‘ .
. by deadline for part A payments The EXlIeS return by popular £DOMt ‘\ .’
r at was reported. demand. (40% ~ .
Mark Miller and Rich Lockett . O 9 O . . , .
ould were named to the Steering Back again Fri. & Sat. Night—the Eddie Everett Group © , _ ,
and Comm... [@ng l]@e n 3 e .
114, The association’s constitution. FIREPLACE .
later which was reorganized during ‘ / . . '-
efore the summer, was presented to 825 Euclid Ave. r
the members during the meeting. _ _ .

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t ,' I .' . ,. . The Rutgers Daily 'IARGUM Colin" Prus Service acc.
7 ' ‘7‘ ' ' v sim
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f' Ihe Henluck Hemel Le a] servmes K
' i A l'\|\'rk in or Kr‘vrrrkv . . . . gill:
x l' -, m \misnrn ism ' LEXINGTON. KY. COttrell evlcnon exempllfles the
y’ " ~. '2" WVim-~vi'ii‘ii/7rmIt 74):)??? {hr opinions of HM lidrlmxs. nor of (/u' ('ririw'r‘xrf)‘. us;
. I , i t .. ~_., _’__. . ,u—h—n __._.___...—__.—_—._._.__——_—_______ .
_-. 'V ‘Q \lrlu- \Vines. I'Iditor—in-Chir’f d d bac
' z. i I ' ii "'22 hm lirmxn. Klan/ruin: Ink/Mm Jerry Lewis, Associate Editor a PreSSlng Stu ent nee pro
5 A i » _ :__.I ‘. Druid ;\. lung. Business Manager john Cray, Editorial Page Editor _ . . . ext
. j , . ‘1 1 ' [.miu- ll.tll(l\. (tn-e ll.ntrn.mn. Ruthi-l Kuniuf. Limoln R. Lewis Jr. A Story in today’s Kernel not “dlstressmg Circumstances” IS the K
7 h, . '- ,1 lmh' \l.lllll(‘\\\. and \\(‘ll(l\ \Vright. inn/uni Managing Editors . . . - - K
' ' - i \lli’xt‘ 'l'rt-rnv}. Spwm I‘Idirur Don liosu. Cartoonist Rona Roberts, Arts Editor only raises SCHOUS queStlgnS trouble Cottrell CXpenénced In Ed ,
\ ‘_ t‘ concerning a soc1010gy teaching locating what her legal rights are-A isa
,i *i i ' assistant’s right to privacy in her The sociology teacher explained the K
". 9 own apartment, but illustrates the real problem when she said that if b
; ':.: .. ‘3 I“ v; A overnor S reSp onse immediate need for a student she had trouble finding out her pg-
- _‘yz- government legal services office to legal rights, disregard what about K
; . ., I, . organize as soon as possible. those 0f greater disadvantage than
- ” ‘- to student voter r1 hts “8- “WW W“ ”66”“ he” has
. ‘ .. f g an eviction notice for October from After finally being referred to
5 . " _ _ h e r la n d lo r d re cen tly. the Lexington Human Rights and
I, i h: I' 7 p The OPPOnentS in the UK voting Smith is right, and the point is so Unfortunately, the entire incident Commission by UK Student abo
-. “-ng suit could benefit from a obvious that we are dumbfounded is tainted with overt racism and Government President Scott tast
. g , Iv l k 't th . ti ns of Texas Gov that anyone would even contest 1t. unfairjudgments. Wendelsdorf, one has to be relieved 1
, ~ 00 d e dc .0 _ . . ' A voter—whether he iS 18, 21, or After several visits from Harold to know that a legal services office ‘
a '1 - _ I Preston Smith in a srmrlar case in 65~iS a human being, and it iS Howard, a friend of Cottrell and a is in the process of organizing 0n wh'
that state. blatantly discriminatory to deny volunteer at Northend Community campus. the
3" ,5 l l him the right to vote Where he Center, the eviction notice While Cottrell has learned that i
, ' f" n tn Texas .Cash‘, two North lives—even if it’S a college town. mysteriously was handed down. there isa “common law” entitlinga €31
. tilt i315 State University students And denying students the power of The mystery almost becomes a in
,- iii“ d. St”: 1‘“ tdeidl court, the vote because one fears they matter-of-fact, however, when one resident one month notice of m
,, ' ‘ .' _.j f‘thiig‘i‘g It]? leonstrtutronahtyof may use it is against all the learns that Howard happens to be eviction and there are also certain ‘
‘ . d } if“ egis attire law meh principles of “equal rights” this black. Cottrell is white. landlord rights since Cottrell was tex
. 'r ; pm “ mt] ‘1‘849'J'yedr'91d voters nation has talked about so long. Following second in line under without lease, she still has a case. t
,‘ '. 3, ,' trom registering outside then There are laws which protect a t
,i V. I: parents home eountres. The tenant from eviction simply on the :
i”- :i- 3 r““.r."t"7" Wills-”wt: Ed on d VOter smermmmvwanr grounds that She may be having ca
.. 5. a ‘ : A , registration ,5] g .y tWO Texas IF . o d black People in her apartment. pla
A- . ' , ‘ ‘. w , - “13'5”?“- “Ill“ T's tilt-V“ftdr9d lKane Grum- the readers Wl'lte, lfthc Human Rights Commission
,' j a! . , stu en s won t “ a 1‘ over some ~ f, ils t0 hel Cottrell in this gm
",1' _..' , T \ , ~ . ,. , ., , .V . ' prisoners to be assured of our support for id _ p ’ . ‘ are
,1 t;