xt7000002n74 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7000002n74/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-11-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 14, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 14, 1979 1979 1979-11-14 2020 true xt7000002n74 section xt7000002n74 m. 9 . . _ \ . -- '
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Posyb/e meeting In December
Law SChOOI delays part-time employment ruling
3) (‘HRIS ASH memorandum to law School Dean or as a means of getting a toot in the llioiiias l-ii/gerald. l ois ('alycrt. cor relation between lack of arid professor Kenneth (iermain. _
Reporter lhomas l’. l.ewis regarding the “great door for the future." Johnston said John Morgan and Steyert Wides. later motiyatron and the students' work prttlcssots .IOhn leathers. Mary
Recommendations concerning part- extent to wlrrch students here are "Most law clerksliips are low paying offered a memorandum as both a outside of their law school education, (irahant and Al .(ioldman.associate
time employ nrent of Us law students engaged in part-time employment." 530083.50 per hour due to the response and alternaiiye to the lactin rather than uniting the entire law dean Paul Van Booyen and I-it/gerald
haye been put on hold pending a Johnston and Rogers said estensrte law of supply and demand.“ he said. members‘ proposals |t authored sis school body to participate In a process lwhosc position has since been taken
meeting between law School laculty outside work results in inadequate adding "Also. arty \aluc in the proposals to deal with the situation. of holistically approaching the oser by .loe l-. ('hilderst.
and student representatiyes.according preparation for classes and “a esperrencc gained through clerkships citing a need for riiore grant and problems of rtiotryation. During a meeting on Oct. It). the
to .lon Felde. Student BarAssociation corresponding deterioration in tlte could be obtained while working a scholarship money and the "l aw studentsarc not receiying any committee recommended adoption of
~ 9 president. quality ofclassroom learninglorallol maximum of fifteen hotirs a week inipoitaiiceol allowingtlieindiyidual substantial nrortey through the law proposals concerning stating the
lhe meg-ring ha, been tentatiyely the students.“ lloweyer. many clerksliips hate to riiakc the decision regarding school in the lorrri of scholarships or employment policy in \arioUs
scheduled for early December. Johnston and Rogers introduced linirted educational \alue. as the eriiployriient awards. Iherclore.enforcement oltlrc handbooks and bulletins. scheduling
Farlier in the semester. the matter nine proposals to implement the students. work is not renewed by lit/gerald. a third year student policy could result in a racist and classes in compliance with established
stimulated much discussion about a restrictiye employment policy. constructiye criticism who at the time or the pi‘olessois' L‘lusslsl attitude in which only those school policies. making an effort to '
law school policy prohibiting first— Included in the proposals yyere denial "Howeyci'. to ptrt the critirc tiiattei proposals was a member ol the students yy ho are wealthy are increase linancralaid for law students.
year law students from undertaking of tise ol the placement office to law into perspectrye. this isa problem that \caderiiic Status and Regulation permitted to attend law school." requrring professors to disclose in
employment without approyal front firms \iolating the policy as well its a large ntinrber of law schools hate " ( oriiniittee. \oiced a concern met the l-it/gerald also dissented with the writing csaluatron procedures for a
the Dean's office. lhe policy also designingthe schedulingot law school Johnston also said the law school‘s reasons tor the prolessois‘ proposals notion that riiost students who lease class and apprising students‘
restricts employment of second arid classes rnsuchaway astodelerinstead accreditation is not at issue. since the being made law school do so because of grades. employers of the policy, .
third-year students to l5 hours per of accomodate law student American Bar Association inspected “I aw professors are frequently “l‘ew lltiitk out; most leaycloi reasons lhe recontrtiendatroris will bc\otcd
week. emplo_\mcnt.' the school‘s operation three years ago trained in law. rarely in education.“ other than academic ones." on at the faculty meeting with
‘ In Septenrber.twolaculty members “law studetits are inyolyed in and usually only comes once eyery lit/gcr'ald said "llicy search for a 'lewis referred the proposals totlte (‘Itlldcrm I‘elde and SIM class
or the {K I.aw School. (ierald outside work forthree reasons for seyen years. panacea for the lack of niotisationol Academic Stattrs and Regulation“ rcpresentatiyes presenting the law
Johnston and John Rogers. wrote a money. as a supplement to classwot'k -\ committee or tour law students. their students and come tip with a ('ommittee composed ol chairman students‘ new.
\‘ol. [XXI]. So. 64 Ker e] L'nlverslty of Kentucky
\\ ednesday. November 14. I970 .n Independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky
_ — 9
D ' h Id
1 ; _, . emonstratlons 9 on
s - campuses na tron wrde
%”‘ ,9; .I i X‘s ' -' 7' ’
' -1..% w i.” "t , 13M- ‘2 l n .
t " ' protesting Iranian action '
z? , "i . ‘> it 5 . . 2.9. . s“ .9 i
9. 499 . 9’ ’ ' Z 9A9: g9 fifi'i'ai” 3 ., _. ., 4'; of. "3;; (AP) lhc 50.000 lrumun SIUdCflIS II\CS (II ()0 hostages “I10 I‘l'dHf bCCH _
. _. ‘ ' . W .3 jf’ .3 :» .. Q ‘ ‘_ 25 9 u ' ‘ ,. q A ' 9 a: in the l'nited States. told to report to held 81 Iht‘ I55- Fmb‘dssy IniI shran for
99999999999999 99:292.,o; 999 m; .197? :9 9 99 l 9.1;: 9 9 s "x ' 99‘ ._9 % lm mlgrulio n OIIICISJIS 0r lace IhC Pa“ IO da)5 . 9 9
A . _ . 9-. 9_ ; any 9.399 , .. ' ..3 deportation. werc the targets 01 more In ( hrcago. federal authorities haye
- ' or V .. ”W .. 4r z Am-i'kifi» - .59 I”??? '1 ’ °__ ' " -‘ __:.5 demonstrations yesterday across the ‘11ch three Iranians ”“0 custody ‘0
. %m . E‘ U . I, ”4/ I232 6;. 3’s. ' w “mm” await ””5“”? or deportation
3 . it'- . . ”1:, V .f} 49.3, It: . Iranian flags intended to be burned hearings. authorities Wd- WIIIIIlm
1 , w 341,!” .- 1-1;” - 35/ 9 9 3. 1‘ ' .9 3.9 3 ‘53 ’ " were selling like htitcakes lorSlSeach Skrdmoreanassistantdeputy director .
9“- Vii A9 ..: '1». . _ ' .~ “ ' ”z ”'25.: “2?; ' ’ " 5.9 X , 3*; , Betsy Ross house in Philadelphia. whether the modem was related to
9 9-9” ~.,9 ~. way: __ ’18:, 999 . 9‘ a? x '9 "s ~ "We Reserye tlte Right [0 Rci‘ug; President (arter‘s orders to begin ‘
I 4 2.93 9.34, '&.g}' 9 m 2. . . 35: ‘I'j 6”; ”3f? ' -‘ Seryrce to Iranian (‘iti/ens." read a deportation hearings for Iranian
”99999 ._ 999- z . 9 1 (999999;- . 9 99% 9 2.99 .9 . ,9 9 9 9 Mg” posted introntol the First Edition students who are in the country
I v 5* A399,; 9 9" 9939.).“ . 9 "War/4) .932... 59999"; 2...; , ‘29 ,9 . ‘_ :3" 3 restaurant atrd disco in Oceanside. llls‘gil“)? . 9 y .
; . ~ w ' an; ._ A. . ~_ . .. M . MWIMI tor" Irma" ma.
’9’. i . . faggffit 4% ‘1'?» ’ l . W , 2 . - , ‘2 ' «by ‘00 , ‘h' ' v"[) ‘ k ailed since Friday hr 'll' ’d1
.49 .99. @2344“, 999, . 9% 3.". . . . 7/. 99; 3g .. . 3 9 tut: pLTSOIIsL anting rin l 9 . _- t a Veg: y
/ "aw? ‘ 3%. 9 » . "‘9' ' .wur ml watched as a homemade plotting tokidnap Minnesota (JOLAI
‘ at?" ‘2 ”Ptfih’é” ' .. ~ . s. Iranian flaws burned onthc Indiana Owe we released Ramsey County
99:91.. ' '9 figs?" 9;} 5944.“;yg9 . A 9; $99999 .,, 9 '3 . State l‘niyersity campus in Ierre Attorney ’l‘om Foley said that while .
‘9 ’ ‘ .39??? '3 1g;%gaa, '1 -" 33'..." 93-9... 49/ 4% W 9;. < at." Ilaute. Ind. _ there had been good causetoarrestthe
99;; 5 . . ; . ; 9.. 93%;,”59 99 599/ 9999999999.939929, . " ' 9 X 7 Residents of ('leyoland..lLinn-lined It'lll‘r Ir'tinlitnb Il’Om Mankatowbtate
W999;- 9999992999 A”... :99”; , .9 9 a; .999. A999 UP to Win an anti-Iranian petition [niyersity. there was not sulhcrent
" WW... We; . .. ' l' .- sII‘CI'IM “I “NW Marne-V “Mdm “’ FW“. ”‘9'": . . , -
3 g,.~/,/?~ .. f 'z” s it» a; 99 '-’_ . Kr 99 99 @93- ._ ”9 . (ieneral Richard Fischer. City officials . At the l‘niyersity of Missouri in
99999999 I“ 9 m9 . 9 . . . 9.99 I 9 9 1999 were the first to sign. 9 . (olumbra.9Mo.. about 500 students 9 _
NI/ Vaméa,“ . .1 . 9999 . 9/ . 9.9,”; 999 . , 9 . A 9 91,; “hr «.439 Small antr»lranian demonstrations hidgtd d demonstration that ended In .
W ’3” .4... . __ 99 3h 4;. .. . A 9,‘ 9‘1”"; e" were staged m New york. (irand jCCl'S. catcalls. shouting and chants
.1... ’ ”1/9ja,’9l 0% “$999“ “9 ”“9”” »-'-I.~ 3‘9‘9?k%9 9999 "'99 9 999 CISCI“IILI'TL‘ .395 Auurncy' (ieneral IWO Iranians In the crowd were g .
, . 4A 9 9 ‘%%?m 9999 M 329999 ' 9.4:“ 99 99993 _ . a . 1 Q9 “$32 “has“: '. 5’“ Bcnyamm (‘HIICIII ordered all lraman surrounded and hCCIs'ICd. but not .
,9 a ’ A m '4'”. “5: f I”? 9 ' 4 . . "Z ‘ g . students to report to immigration harmed. '
’ h. . : we {page “a"; 9%? W _ 9 " "is ””2?” . - 9 w Officials within 30 days to show that Stan Schiermeier. an organizer of
' f i ‘m "M” " . . B9 .ruv()sstyl'TiKernelStft' they are full-time students as required the demonstration. called for release _ “
Head on co|hs|on by'iheir \rsas. n" . 1 h k d pl the hpsrgeslin eittchange for t9l91c ,
.I goyernment 0 ma. w o as e ormer s a o ran.i necessary. e -.
A truck driver for the Lehman-Meade Asphalt Company was shaken up load of asphalt. The accident occured at the intersection ofNewton Pike not to be identified. said the action was was frequently interrupted by the
but escaped injury yesterday when his truck was rammed byal.&Ntrain and West Second Street. Two unidentified members of tow trucking anattempt to forestallany violence by CIOWd. WhICh chanted. “Deport. '5, 3
while crossing the tracks. The driver. not pietured,hadjust gottenafresh company survey the damage as they prepare to haul the truck away. Americans that could threaten the dCPOII. deport." i
Lt. gubernatorial candidate’s trial OdaSP—%__—__ ,
‘ FBI . . I I A REWARD FOR INFORMATION leading to the ’.
a ent testlf'es cox an Of robe person who shot and killed State Police trooper Fddie g3", -
g p p I State Harris has increased to S|5.000. police said yesterday .9."
oopcr James Jones. public information oftrcer at the '3’,-
b t I I I ' ' y 9 . 3 . ‘ 3 y 9 I ii/: bethtown post. said citilens from Hardin. lame] and ’1
u "at target 0 ederal InveStlgatlon . TH]: 60 IRANIAN .STl DLNTS enrolled at “CWT" Med :ounties have contributed much ofthe$|5.000and “ii
. kentucky lniyersity will be interyiewed Monday by a the tund“is still raising." '1
By CHARLES WOLFE in Fayette Circuit Court. 'I he case was (Huggin's) intent because he asked me 2632:311szleieihtiifi '19 [Lingzllfrilglhxi "mum“,mmn ”a?“ “3 “hm m death I.“ Wednesday mgh.‘ after T:
9 Amc'aied PIN “III“ delayed when federal attorney's specific questions about aspects of the lhe Imam“. an. m umplumcc with prwdcm (mm ‘ulppmg a Speedmg car 0" “‘5' ME near "Odgemlue' s99 .
. ordered Huggins not to answercertain inycstigation." order Sunday to deport human with illegal yisas - ".t'
‘ FBI agent James Huggins testified questions while giying a deposition. Vernon predicted he would be lhe International Student .-\ttairs Office is sending nat'on ~: '
. yesterday he told former candidate for They claimed Huggins's answers vindicated by the grand jury ‘s actions. IIItIIs‘s‘s III II“ Is‘tlI‘II‘Is'II IIIInIIIn sIIIds‘m‘ regardlng Ihs‘ mil ...9
. lieutenant governor James E. Vernon would jeopardize the investigation. but declined to speculate on possible I“ Immltlmlltm I‘IIIs'IIIb CALIFORNIA GOV- RONA”) REACAN launched 1'57"
that another former candidate. Attorneys for Vernon and Cox then indictments, hi5 third bid for ”‘9 Republican PICSIdCIjual "omlnaimn '93
’ William M. Cox. was “a part“ of a sought an order in federal court to “Since the beginning of this thing. THE STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFK‘I-L says entering the race yesterday as the party-s ““0““ng .95.
federal probe of alleged corruption in make Huggins testify. I‘ve been astruthfulas I could possibly it has found eyidence that merits study by a grand iuiy "9'." runner‘ .- ac}
state government. Jud e Benard 'I M ' h' I " ’ .. ' I ‘o “ n alle "IIIO s of cheatin onthe delrycry ol'coal to lhe 68-year-old former moyre star has been the leader 9f PL.
- -~ . . . g 0" na an ‘ r. on be. Vernon “‘“d‘ ‘ mum g 2“ n g . ' . the (iOP's conservative block for more than a decade. His . ‘.
* 9But Hugglns. testifying rn INS. Thursday told Huggins to answer “We are not dealing with whether “mmI‘I'I'Ilc‘dm'ngihs‘ 19’7"" Ctlalm'm‘“ Smks‘ candidaC' com letes a field of IO seeking the IQXO ,fl’
District Court. denied he told Vernon eight questions that had been agreed Bill Cox is guilty or not. We are 5”” “mm“ 6"”ch Rm"! smphcm' '" a report Republichn nom’ination. i 3 '
. , that Cox specifically was a“target"of upon by attorneys for both sides. dealing with whether I was asked to released yesterday. said two detailed inyestigatrye reports by
thernyestigation.which led toaspecial According to his testimony. give assistance to the FBI." h“ ”m“ “I” he 5°"! m “WI pr”‘°.°"“".“ ”I“ local pRFgIDENT CARTER acting at his “has behest. .i‘
federal grand jury now meeting in Huggins interviewed Vernon April J0 The Cox-Vernon controyersy primwmn‘ “hom Slephcm “Mild mi 'dcimfi' in” make orderedan immediatcll.S.airlift ofspecial food for children i. ;
Lexington. in Frankfort as part of the dominated the lieutenant g(l\t‘lll()r;s the “Ml dcmmmalmn II [he Wdcnce ‘homd be wbmmed and other supplies yesterday to Indochinese refugee camps ’ ' ‘
~. 3 . . . . _ to a grand rury. . ,3 _ . .
Vernon 5_a"0r"".V.Paul Braden of investigation and. responding to a race in the final month of the In Thailand.
9 Corbin. said the difference was “a question from Vernon. said Cox was Democratic primary campaign. . . . . . . Rma'ym‘ Carter. Who “sued me camps la“ week. '
.9 matter 0; semantics" and should clear involved. Vernon was badly beaten and (.0‘ . SINGER ANI“ “ILLIAMS. a longtime-friendolJohn announced the presidentiial action when she detailed
Vernon in a $2.5 million, slander suit “I felt agent Huggins said he told blamed Vernon's— charges for his ‘ “Hm“ 'Jr' W“ hc [ht grand marshal m the Walls?“ recommendations for helpingthousandsofsick and starving . ~
_ .‘ filed against him by Cox, Mr. Vernonthat Bill (‘Oxwasapart of narrow defeat b\ I rcuten'int parade |)ec ll when Brown becomes Kentucky s .lst refugees. , 9
' ‘ Vernon. durin 3 Ma‘ l televised th - ' ' ' ' i~ . ‘ . . C . . ~ f 8mm" - I' i
i ' 'i :3 forum for all [)egmocratiyc candidates said 0nllgemgcxlditldvehtelgm‘mnld Braden (royernor-clcct Mdrihd I ay m ( 0mm And me mm‘hmg hand m ”mum mm" high “5th weather 9 .
‘- 9; f Ii 9 3 ‘ . - . 9 won seek. a (0X did "OI dPPC‘” ”1 WU” leyington | atayettc. will beaskcd to lead the parade. ‘ 9 . 9 . . 9 . l
2 3 0f CU enant governor. said Cox was summary yudgment for Vernon on yesterday. He was represented by lhe parade will be shorter than Iour years ago; a huge MOSTLY SI NNT TODAY wrthahigh inthclow to mid 5
- 4' l among those under Investigation by the basis 0f (Huggin‘S) statement l.exrngton lawyer I y'lc Rohcy i $20,000 inaugural platform will not be burltand Brown will 405. Clear and verycoldtonightwrthtempcraturesdropping i
’ 9 . '- the FBI. He later said hisinformation because that‘s the Whole case,“ Monahyan 7“ eitpcctcd to run. attend the traditional pre-rnaugural worship services in to the mid 20s. Continued sunny and a little warmer ‘ 9 .
- _ _ came from Huggins. Vernon said after the hearing. Friday onia mom," to remand ”mum. l utiissille instead of l-ranklort tomorrow with temperatures in the mid to upper 405. l .
. ., (‘ox denied the charge and filed suit “There is no question in my mind as to to l-aycttc (‘ircurt (‘ourt l I
. .
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" m
Mm Grout -
KEN'I'I x :KY Steve Many !
mu. McDaniel “WNW? MW“ in Foam Tho- Chi Job Ch! Guy Landon
Editor in (‘hret Paid Mu- Eritrrm'mnt Etta: SP0"J 54"!” Dtrcrlm u] Photographi-
l... Don-curd It“ MGM
/ C"! Wfllh liditurtal Editor (Indy “'0” C!“ M" “I 'u“ 0"“ Mum
Manning Editor I“! 500’..- Aui'uont Mil-"Ml SP0"! Editor Photo Manager ,
T er a. Young ("opt Editors Entertainment Editor i
' editorialsflicomments
K /l'f' 't' m f m ’m mt' I' ‘
erne C an IGS ItS DOSI ion on SO 9 0 ca pUS ore e 0 iona ISSUES i
It appears as though it is time for the lserriel to concerning the selection process tor llotiiccomrng ogns of lici-oisni. paper as the editorial appearing onthe opinion page.
clarity its position on a few topics stirring up interest queen. It stated that the l‘rtryerstty had used reyerse What shotrld be learned from this is that people are While it may be a matter of opinion whether we '
on the campus as of late. discrimination in allowrtiga l’tlrcaritlrdatc. -\driennc people. whether (ireek or independent: Christian. devote too much space to letters. they will not be
\\'e lraye receryed some rather nasty letters from Richardson. to be added to ths' list 0' Nihilists Moslem or atheist; black. white or green. The Kernel shortened to makethem fewer column inchcsthan an .0
5mm...“ 0.1”“ng at a few ofthe opinions expressed While we still belieye a few proserbia‘r feet were pledges to maintain that belief in the future. editorial if they are considered trivial. That is ’
. on this page. kISSL‘d In obtaining [hill s‘llrl Ills Now“ “in In conclusion. it should be pointed out that letters censorship.
Some base said. though usually not in so many undoubtedly a complex one.;nrd IIIlstsillc‘L‘lllrtilhlllltl writtentothe Is'emclgenerallyare printed asreceived. The Is’emel‘s editorial page is intended to be an .
words. that the lserriel is anti-Christian. anti~b|ack or poor communications abotrt the situation led to yyitli spelling and grammar corrected only for open forum for discussion of anytopic about whicha _ é
anti-Greek. We are none ofthese. And ifwe seemthat tensions between this paper and l ls‘s Black Student purposes of clarity. ’ writer is interested. And only the unsigned editorialat l
way. perhaps an apology is due. Union. A letter yesterday complained that a “trivial the top of this page is the official stand of the 3.
\Vh‘dl I‘Ciill) prOVOh'Cd Ihc‘ debate over“born-again NOW Ihiil the SIIIOl'sC lids ClL‘llI'L'tl. \\ C III ll’lt‘ At'l'llt'l \Ubjtc‘Cl" should [101 be given as much space in [he newspaper. l
Christians" was the recent l'K appearance of Max hope and truly belieye the anger and trttstation l
Lynch and his ‘rusadin collea ue. Cindy Lasseter. between the two sides is dissoly inc. /’. f -"-w\ 7‘3- \
. ‘ t 'g‘ g ‘-. ,. , .‘.“ . ‘., . ‘ {1’//““f€/:ié“i\\—w\ .
(orrdemntng practically eyeryone as sinners Ihethird topic tsa long-lastrngarea olcorrttoyersy .- // /_/ y? - WNVIC‘ \ .. .\
' . . 7..., // . \ » so: 2
doomed to hell unless they stop listening to popular at UK. 4/. // V/‘f/r, ' .\:\’ “Nb \ K
. ‘ . _ I“ y ,, «_ /_1.. . Q‘.s‘\.\\ . K H ‘r
music and taking drugs these two enticed some Often has the subrect ot the ltrttcrnriy sorority ;’ 4‘, Izzy/”0’ A, s ~ \;~‘::.\.y:\\\‘-s N ‘ l
.. .. .. . . __ . _' .- . _ , 't'/,4" 41/“ 7 ‘~ Kathy. \ ., s~s\‘ NQ \
emotional and esen obscene comments from dress code become anisstre betwt-cntrrcek rricmoers / til/Or fill/I \ . s sssls‘yiQ \ \‘s: s *‘ssy‘Q .
‘ / , .1, I 1-." \\\\\ls\ s . ‘Q
passersby and independents. .4 ,1 1 .4 . i7/%’ 1 . \ shown“. ‘ll‘tQQV
lhatisunderstandable.\oonewantstobedamned Bitter. bigoted (rl)ls c\t‘ tssr-tl then hatred Maggi/3’ \\\\\\ \\.§\ V; “.Qs \‘s‘ll‘\¥ll‘ll\l«l : i“.
. . . .. I ../'-}"". . -. \ yt‘u-m‘“ . ‘ . .. .
by strangers or told how to run his or her life. toward their Alpha Delta ( lone counterparts. wlto , Willi/(”l I547} _ \. . \y QQQ ~ \\\y\;yl i‘yfl"l-‘i‘dlyllt'i'llkhvliill’i'ift| it
. ‘ c , ‘ ‘ . _ . . ' til . riff, ’, r” s. \\ V ._ ‘l. ‘I.".'_l bill. .. ‘ ’t‘
lhe situation sparked lurthercomments fromalew wear topSIdcrs. green slickers and pink ribbons iit , /’/,-’,..~f-,’/’/.;';/.+... . -k‘ . -»\‘.\‘ \'II.,-'-’.l'til3‘r‘;‘rl;§l,",ll Ill
. . . . ,. . , n” 3.7 t;/.’.‘-}"‘. _,_ y _ " \ ‘ .j,‘r~.‘.‘“~"r .‘i if, “I l .i'
lscmcl columnists. who expressed their personal their hair. “tilt the help ot .t certain ltnrtiototrs. , iii/*1 / k‘ l \\ ‘Q; \st .\~~' rig/,lllllilldgl' (lit-{l .
comments about hypocrisy and the force used Within slightly cynical columnist lot last years l\t'l'm'l. the l 7745/17 l ‘ \ \\\ jI‘lrr'ill‘,‘g‘fAélltltflill: l .
- - s ~ . - v ~ 1‘ ”I'm ,,,‘v' ‘ ',,‘, ‘7 _ , yy ‘. s‘ ‘ - Q. . ‘ i';rt,r‘r';(r,,f;‘,‘,.’.' {: . Ill .
some factions of the ( hristian faith. (Note. that was paper was dragged into the brawl I ['43 '1 l / / l \.\\-. how I y, (l , \ y.r’ir‘rv./;;;r,é";‘tl,r// i
~ . . . - - . . .. ~~————d -. ‘s. ‘. _ ~ r! .'ir; r .
personal comments from indiyidual columnists. and Hat men saw the paper as an eytrcrricry triiir—(rreekflair/133,717; . . .,, _ 5 . ‘ ll) 7 . « ‘4 Q “‘3‘; W H lilwi'llllilf/u
should not be taken as the official stand of this organization. ll lyl'il‘atiui 7' .' l V', 'Js‘; Z”. ‘ . ' 7? , ' V, i%‘. "pol/5:, i
- - "-‘ ,:,,, \ .rrl- -: ’ ‘ v ' , 'ffu‘r',
newspaper.) This year. noting alleged rritporiancc ot sororriy . .‘....;.,:;,,1,,:12.,.:f . R. q 23,4 l)? . .. J “c ‘ ' rill/l“ t
7 , . . . . _. ,.w«.i'...1 .‘., ...._‘.' i . , ‘. _ ‘ ‘v yr '.";;l,, r 'r -
lhere are hypocrites within the church: those who membership regarding thc llorr.ccortirrig queen l ' anti; l; I; " ‘l . Si '/ t \ s 7 r l
. . . . . " . . l ._ “ "" l‘ ‘ ” ' '"a i '
feel smug and secure in their “divinity as they selection. lashed ottt against some ot thc questions - "i"t"""" , Y i . fiat—3,; “\V‘ V“! ,p/t .
. . . . ‘ 5'57"" ' .. r . ' ' l l.\\ \ g 1.‘ ,,
habitually put down others for srnntng. Butthenthere asked of the candidates. t phi . ‘” l . \-:‘\ 1\ ’/ '
~ . . ‘ . . .. . . _ . ‘Q 'l‘".l':g‘:lill'\li':' tut-r '_ 1 ’1 /. r \x \\:\.y l/ _ l .
are hypocrites to rust about eyery other phase of life. And. If there “as mutt emphasis plas‘s'd on lk‘. it:-r"f’u.r'-"-s .213. -‘ c \ ,w"// /
too. belonging to a social club. L‘I’illt‘lsll't was certainly not ‘2‘ lu'fll‘ll-‘iiul .‘. l ~— .‘ . , ,4.” 7.,
g y . . _ ‘ ‘ _ st. \\ ‘1/‘Ol‘,'.‘.:¢'syl‘t ”a ,7 v / ,,,';-‘/,// ,/ (.J,’ .
It is sun] to amid confusing such sanctimonious out of place. But the [\(‘Illt’l i'cceiyed some \\‘N Spot; .- . \ A ..;.;,'.;,;,/vbli ,’
. . . . . . . . \.y.-‘,'.;.~ ‘4 71.24 ,, I .
indtytduals with true born-again Christians. who are unnecessarily raunchy letters to the ctlllr'll' in that \l‘gl‘t'i‘fi. I _ “Nil . : 2;, 7'” g
witnesses of a religious renewal. sincere and honest in regard. “c “.ofiéfy ‘ ‘ , , «mm \" ‘ ‘W‘Qstwyv 9"‘75ri'vr/i’f/l, '
r > - . . "'-:.~,.::'"-'~i.-‘... . ‘ ' ‘ \ -,/ a ' ",7? . '
their benets. Seyeral (ireeks responded with pert). claims that ~ eQ\">§95.",-'t..,.. f - ..\ -W“ A-“l‘f'M‘ ”KN/w M
\ow. on to the second area of misunderstanding: they are better than independents because they giyc \ ”15' . T;;,_.~;-’"._—.-r ' WW" - ,
. .. ' . .. . ' " - - «.’z-i'irréf ,5; ;’.‘7/¥/ ammo-am ‘
that old standby for sensrtive and often rash more money to charity, (trying money to the local . V: " r?‘?§%- . Z” '
comments. racism. cerebral palsy school does not always make one a “\ ._ ”'5‘ \:» SPf‘f' ;
. . . . . . ' .. ~*\\.' - r— . r’ . :
Seyeral weeks ago. the lyerriel printed an editorial hero. Kindness and acceptance ot .rrr people are one = '
VBHTS I” ran, aybe a I'BSU/I' 0f U. 8. p0 Icy, S CU 3V6 96H orseen
(‘tirrent eyents in Iran seemto have they speak an Indo-liuropean Iran. and tirade clear to our people language. yyitlia yast maiorityofthose orasa Britoninthe l9thcentury might tragic mess in Southeast Asia:throtigh
taken Us by surprise. asifwe expected |anguage(Farsi) but they write it in an there that they should regard few taking Spanish. followed by have said. being a citilen of a world an arrogant ignorance. If we are to y
the resolution to maunder along. adaptation of the Arabic script. And themselyes as ‘rcsrdent students‘ of french. with trickles in Latin. power is a delicate job. One cannot conduct ourselyes better on the stage 7
eyentually to emerge asa government one may argue that a language has lramanmores. lltrtrrnowappearsihat tierman. lalian. and Russian. What simply overrun a people with raw of world politics. we will have to ‘
ml‘rc's‘il‘ls‘“ lllys‘ the one oyerthrown. much to do with how a people yyili r‘yms‘l'ls'dm ”I IN” ‘M't‘s‘ casually happened to Chinese? Arabic? Greek? power. either military or change some of our basic notions of .
lhat future Iran. so we were told. formulaic basic yalues. cypress a ignorant of the people around them. Once in collegetwith the exceptionof technological. but one must developa education. ()ne of these essential ..
would be willing to conduct business ____ . .. and. as a consequence ot the growing yarrotis "name" uniyersities). students sense of patience and history. coupled changes must be the inculcation ofour
as boron». and not much has been said anti-Shah and .rtit.»wcstern teeliiigs III are encourage not to take languages with a respect and understanding of young “ilh foreign languagesas early 2
. . ~ - a . .. _ . . . . ' .
about .he Shah. But a kind of ’in manta 89mm, Iran. .lll‘sl a tad or lrrstory. a peck or since they are “not practical. And yet the welter of variations that make up as POSSIth In men grade school and ’
lltlllrlnrtlhllk‘ fery or has swept Iran. . two at Ill; cbbs .trr.l tlownigs oi hoyy do we instill among our so-called the world‘s peoples. How many high schoolcarcs‘rs.I.carningl.atin.or
presently taking a tragic anti- by [Ohn scarbomugh luropcan meddling rn "Persia“ and educated a respect for differing Americans have read the Koran French. or Russian. or German. or
American torm with the potential loss the \lrddlc l ast sriicc ibtlflyytttlltl liaye cultures? How do we suggest to the (Qu’ran). the source so Khomeini Arabic. or Swedish. or Italian. or .'
ot innocent r\merrcan lites. So how ———"——‘—— it‘yealed occasional l‘..ll:‘.c csplosrons local school boards that a couple of says ofhis reform notions for Iran? Greek. or....I~'arsi. orany other foreign .
drdyye gc‘t ttrto this mess? relationship withthe rest ofthe world. against rnipcrrahstre outsiders lloyy years of Latin can. indeed. prepare a Do Americans comprehend how tongue. allows one to peer into 5
( utrousry.amodrcum ofknowlcdge and suggest a uniqueness among the could State hayc forgotten the lessor. students to become a citizen of the powerful are the undercurrents of anothermind—set.andthat broadening '
about Iran. its language. history. and family of nations. learning a of (iordon at ls'hartourir"t)rwh_y ll. world? How can we. therefore. expect Islam? 0r putting such questions in allows further understanding of the ’
people could haye forewarned us smattering ofa language immediately I aw rencc almost succeeded tn welding ottr Department of State to train reverse, how much are we teachingthe world as a whole. Without this basic 5
many years ago. \llerely dipping back does three things: it shows why a pan-\rab dream" ()I' yyliy. at then carefully all Americans. posted by 50.000 Iranians among us about tool. American had better retire from .‘
a century shows “Persia“ a pawn of “translation“ is almost always faulty best. the Brrtrsh were ardent students State to foreign lands. in languages. ourselves. as opposed to our its role as world power. yielding that '
British and Russian imperialism. with (one can capture something like an of the languages oi the peoples they specially the language of the country technology? Have we. as Americans. mlt‘ to another nation more willing to ‘
the continual pressure of an Ottoman equiyalentl: it suddenly makes one wished either to rrrtirrcnce or to rule“ to which theirtsic) sent? How many of forgotten basic lessons taught by learn about the world of non-anlish -
limp”: to the west. (roing deeperinto aware of specific nuances that ()ur Department oi State is. ot otir people in Iran speak Farsi'POr did successful world powers of the past? speakers.
the roots ot Iran shows a link with the distinguish patterns of thought; and it course. part of tlrr. :ntrroi ot otrr we play the wearisome Ugly American Theseinclude havingasensitiveear for -
ancient »\chttmenid dynasty and the outlines the differences in rhythms educational system. and that system and insist that Ilt('_i‘ learn English so cultural norms. aquick eye for native ‘
Sassanrans. the conqttest by Arabs. a among languages. each cadence of presently offers little to prepare they could understand us? It doesn't prejudicesthatwillvaryfromourown. .
Persian resurgance. a Mongol each tongue directing speakers into Americanstortherr role ascrti/ensota take much perception to predict a and an inquisitive mind that is not John Scarborough teaches history
deyastation or two. and a medly of song and poetry. the heart of a liying world power \. recent strryey oi high buildup of hatred by the Iranians. if afraid to absorb manners and mores and the classics. His column dealing
herriages that emerged by I600 to language. We presumed. of course. schools throughout the country this was our attitude under the Shah. and yet remain American. with books. academics. the :
stamp 1h“. crossroads between Asia that our State Department carefully rcyealcd that a paltry l5 percent oi all or eyen alter Khomeinicameto power. So it seems wcgotintothi's messjust bureaumcy. questions of teaching ;
and the \lrddle last as distinct. Sure trained in Farsi our people sent to students were enrolled in a lotctgtt As a Roman might have muttered. as we got intothe earlier and far more "id‘h'm‘e IPPC‘I'SCVCI'Y Wednesday. . 5
BHGI'S t0 1' e ItOI' .
W V ‘
Faith no crutCh the person. Jesus Christ. He said that Iranian Student ()rgttiir/atron. btrt as a bananas! Why they. of all the groups you are alive, you cannot also bedead lying. did he realite it? Ifnot. he was a i I
only through himself can men have a student. By espressing my new I hope around. should be the subject of his at the same time. If the earth is a lunatic on the level ofa man who calls
In retort to sieve Welnganen'g relatonship wrth God. Hrs claim rs the it will answer your qtrestrorrs wrath isa mute question. but surely his sphere. it is not a cube. lfGod exists. himselfa poached egg. Ifhe did know
column " had enough of born again basis for our “brasl that Mr. 'lhe l'ntted States supported Shah much-deliberated reasoning deserves he cannot also not-exist. "Jesus was he was lying. hewas not onlyaliar. but _
(.hrrstrans :n lhursday's papertNov. Weingarten referred to in his article. Mohammed Reta l’ahlayr. who was some more attention. After all. be God. he was "0‘ also 3 m”? moral 3/00”” dying for what he knewtobc
l‘l I N to defend the born again 0‘" hope IS "0.! that others merely responsrbletorthe deatholthousands would no doubt be disappointed teacher. etc..ad infinitum. Remember. a lie. i '.
(hmiimn faith It; (hrisTt is not a :Igcepththc Christian teétcléing‘s. but of Iranian students because they otherwise. However. Steve. I would this is In“ for ”I“ ”k9 0f argument! Somehowthosctwopossibilitiesare E ‘
critic .norrsrtarei ton he ermof at t ey may accc t )0 t rou h reyolted a 'ulnl ' *- ‘ ~ ’ ~ . - - . . . . ‘ “ ‘
n t, g g j Ch . p g g s his regime Ihcsc suggest thatyou not read any further. I The problem With Christians (or at hard for me to swallow. but that only 2‘3
irrstran .irth is an intellectual ““5 "51- students weretalscn away by the Sayak know I won‘t "enlighten" you much - ~ - "r
o r t h f f To l d th‘ I . ' " ' . . ‘ least their greatest problem. it seems). leavesthetroublcsomeconclusronthat at
C. nstn tot e acts 0 the resurrected . . concu e IS retort. present for expressing their displeasure with and Im sure you have other things to is thatthcirleadcr claims to have been hew t n' th t th A d ‘fh - 3?
Hum and to the teachings of and religion. Webster's New Collegiate theShah. Khomeiniistryingtogetthe do. mm in“ mood and in fact to,” [h ”Hung “if" " ." gerelmi‘. 7g l
0 mm ”W m the mm m Did-km"! defines "hm" as “The Shah be“ m '"m "" ”w “""lllc‘ B h ‘ h