Lexington Human Rights Commission records


The Lexington Human Rights Commission records (dated 1965-2023, undated; 1 cubic feet; 1 box) comprise correspondence, appointment records, expense reports, resumes, and letters of resignation for the directors of the Lexington Human Rights Commission in Lexington, Kentucky.

Descriptive Summary

Lexington Human Rights Commission records
1965-2023, undated (inclusive)
1 Cubic Feet
Civil rights -- Kentucky -- Lexington.
Public policy and politics
Lexington-Fayette Urban County Human Rights Commission (Lexington, Ky.)
Collection is arranged by format.
Finding Aid Author
Mason McIntyre
Preferred Citation
2023ms037 : [identification of item], Lexington Human Rights Commission records, 1965-2023, undated, University of Kentucky Libraries Special Collections Research Center.
University of Kentucky

Collection Overview

Biography / History
The Lexington Human Rights Commission was created in June of 1963, its predecessor organization being the Committee on Religion and Human Rights. The Commission was expanded in January of 1967 by an inter-local agreement between the City of Lexington and the Fiscal Court of Fayette County and renamed as the Lexington-Fayette Human Rights Commission. The Lexington and Fayette County governments merged into one consolidated entity in 1974, resulting in the present constitution of the Commission as the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Human Rights Commission. The Commission is made up of fourteen commissioners, each serving a four year term, and a multitude of committees. The statutory functions of the Commission are to promote and secure mutual understanding and respect between ethnic and other types of groups; to cooperate with various government agencies, civic, and religous groups to promote inter-group harmony and eliminate discriminatory practices; and to "receive complaints, conduct investigations, hold hearings and make studies as will able the Commission to carry out the purposes of the Kentucky Civil Rights Act." The Commission has especially been involved in disputes regarding discriminatory practices in labor and housing.
Scope and Content
The Lexington Human Rights Commission records (dated 1965-2023, undated; 1 cubic feet; 1 box) comprise correspondence, appointment records, expense reports, resumes, and letters of resignation for the directors of the Lexington Human Rights Commission in Lexington, Kentucky. Also includes promotional material, conference reports, contracts, and newspaper clippings. The collection is organized into two series: Commission directors and Subject files. The Commission directors series makes up the bulk of the collection and documents the activities of individual commissioners throughout their time serving on the commission. With a few exceptions, the collection primarily documents the bureaucratic processes in which commissioners engaged rather than the actions and achievements of the commission. The collection includes subject files concerning the removal of Confederate statues from in front of the Old Fayette County Courthouse in 2017 as well as the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the March on Frankfort in 2014.

Restrictions on Access and Use

Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open to researchers by appointment.
Use Restrictions
The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.

Contents of the Collection

Commission directors, 1965-2023, undated

Adams, Cathryn I., resignation, correspondence, 1965

  • Box 1, folder 1
To top

Arnett, Gene, correspondence, expense reports, 1990-1997

  • Box 1, folder 2
To top

Asbury, William, appointment records, correspondence, resignation, 1980-84

  • Box 1, folder 3
To top

Atkins, Cathy Marie, resume, undated

  • Box 1, folder 4
To top

Avery, Napoleon, correspondence, resume, resignation, 1976-1977

  • Box 1, folder 5
To top

Berry, Mary Edna, committee lists, appointment records, 1996-2001

  • Box 1, folder 6
To top

Berthiaume, Brian, appointment records, resume, 2001-2004

  • Box 1, folder 7
To top

Bingham, William, correspondence, appointment records, resignation, 1968-1973

  • Box 1, folder 8
To top

Bolotin, David, appointment records, correspondence, resignation, 1975-1985

  • Box 1, folder 9
To top

Bresnahan, Edward R., court order of appointment, 1968

  • Box 1, folder 10
To top

Brown, Emma W., appointment records, resume, resignation, 1976-1977

  • Box 1, folder 11
To top

Brown, Walter, court order of appointment, 1970

  • Box 1, folder 12
To top

Carey, Carol, appointment records, correspondence, resignation, 1977-1984

  • Box 1, folder 13
To top

Carroll, John, appointment records, expense report, resignation, 1992-1999

  • Box 1, folder 14
To top

Caulder, William F., appointment records, correspondence, 1966-1970

  • Box 1, folder 15
To top

Crenshaw, Jesse, correspondence, contract, resignation, 1975-1983

  • Box 1, folder 17
To top

Crossen, Phillip S., letter from Harry Wiersema Jr., 1970

  • Box 1, folder 18
To top

Davis, Lori, appointment records, correspondence, resume, 2000-2003

  • Box 1, folder 19
To top

Denny, Jamison, appointment records, correspondence, 1973-1975

  • Box 1, folder 20
To top

DeWeese, Kathleen, resume, resignation, 1983-1985

  • Box 1, folder 21
To top

Dowd, Betty, appointment records, resume, resignation, 1979-1983

  • Box 1, folder 22
To top

Duncan, Kathleen, court order of appointment, correspondence, 1971-1973

  • Box 1, folder 23
To top

Edwards, Carolyn, appointment records, correspondence, expense report, 1996-2003

  • Box 1, folder 24
To top

Ehrman, Susan, appointment records, resume, resignation, 1976-1977

  • Box 1, folder 25
To top

El-Amin, Sundiata M., appointment records, correspondence, resignation, 1982-1983

  • Box 1, folder 26
To top

Elliot, James, court order of appointment, 1970

  • Box 1, folder 27
To top

Engel, Paul, appointment records, expense report, 1997-2005

  • Box 1, folder 28
To top

Fender, James, committee assignments, expense reports, 1990-2001

  • Box 1, folder 29
To top

Foster, Berryman, appointment records, correspondence, 1975-1983

  • Box 1, folder 30
To top

Geddes, Mrs. Frankie, appointment records, resignation, 1974-1976

  • Box 1, folder 31
To top

Givens, Jean, correspondence, advertisement, expense report, 1994-1996

  • Box 1, folder 32
To top

Gnatuk, Wayne A., appointment records, headshot, resignation, 2000-2002

  • Box 1, folder 33
To top

Graham, Jane E., appointment records, correspondence, 1979-1984

  • Box 1, folder 34
To top

Grevious, Murray (Bud), appointment record, 1986

  • Box 1, folder 35
To top

Griffin, Lora, appointment records, correspondence, resignation, 1980-1982

  • Box 1, folder 36
To top

Grundy Jr., Charles, committee assignments, appointment records, 1999-2000

  • Box 1, folder 37
To top

Hamilton, Webber, appointment records, correspondence, 1978

  • Box 1, folder 38
To top

Hatchett, Ryce, appointment records, resignation, 1996-1998

  • Box 1, folder 39
To top

Henry, Frank C., letter from Harry Wiersema Jr., 1970

  • Box 1, folder 40
To top

Hill, George C., court order of appointment, newspaper clippings, correspondence, 1968-1969

  • Box 1, folder 41
To top

Huffstutter, Pam, correspondence, 1972

  • Box 1, folder 42
To top

Hutchinson, Julian T., appointment, correspondence, resignation, 1966-1982

  • Box 1, folder 43
To top

James III, Mose, appointment records, biographical information, resignation, 1976-1977

  • Box 1, folder 44
To top

Jefferson, Katie, appointment records, resignation, funeral program, 1994-1998

  • Box 1, folder 45
To top

Jefferson, Robert R., resolution, correspondence, expense reports, 1969-2023

  • Box 1, folder 46
To top

Johnikin, Joseph, committee assignments, appointment records, 1993-2001

  • Box 1, folder 47
To top

Johnikin Correspondence, 2000-2001

  • Box 1, folder 48
To top

Johnson, Lori, committee assignments, appointment records, resignation, 1997-2003

  • Box 1, folder 49
To top

Jones, Sam, appointment records, correspondence, resignation, 1978-1979

  • Box 1, folder 50
To top

Kiger, Sylvester, court orders of appointment, correspondence, resignation, 1970-1975

  • Box 1, folder 51
To top

Kocen, Steven, resume, correspondence, 1986

  • Box 1, folder 52
To top

Laine, Mae, court order of appointment, correspondence, 1968-1986

  • Box 1, folder 53
To top

Larson, Jon, appointment records, committee assignments, expense report, 1996-2000

  • Box 1, folder 54
To top

Logan, Lealeah, appointment records, correspondence, newspaper, 1978-1985

  • Box 1, folder 55
To top

Mabson, Benny, appointment records, correspondence, 1972-1976

  • Box 1, folder 56
To top

Merchant, John, appointment records, correspondence, 1983-1984

  • Box 1, folder 58
To top

Metcalf, Charles W., appointment record, 1966

  • Box 1, folder 59
To top

Miller, Sherman Dr., correspondence, paperwork, photograph, 1966-1980, 2000

  • Box 1, folder 60
To top

Miller, Samye, appointment records, correspondence, resignation, 1995-2005

  • Box 1, folder 61
To top

Mitchell, Bryan, appointment records, expense report, resignation, 1994-1996

  • Box 1, folder 62
To top

Morton, Connie, appointment records, committee assignments, 2004-2005

  • Box 1, folder 63
To top

Papka, Pamela, appointment records, correspondence, resignation, 1983-1984

  • Box 1, folder 64
To top

Persinger, Trime, appointment records, committee assignments, resignation, 2001-2003

  • Box 1, folder 65
To top

Points, Lois, appointment records, correspondence, resignation, 1973-1977

  • Box 1, folder 66
To top

Powell, Charles, appointment records, correspondence, 1978-1984

  • Box 1, folder 67
To top

Powels, William Henry, appointment record, 1967

  • Box 1, folder 68
To top

Price, Cleo, committee assignments, resume, resignation, 2001-2005

  • Box 1, folder 69
To top

Johnson, Priscilla, correspondence, expense reports, press release, 1996-2000

  • Box 1, folder 70
To top

Reed, Mary Ellen, court order of appointment, 1970

  • Box 1, folder 71
To top

Salomon, Simone, expense report, resume, resignation, 1993-1997

  • Box 1, folder 72
To top

Shields, Harry, appointment records, correspondence, 1978-1979

  • Box 1, folder 73
To top

Shives, Paula, appointment records, resignation, 1994-1995

  • Box 1, folder 74
To top

Smith, Bernice A., appointment records, correspondence, expense reports, 1969-2000

  • Box 1, folder 75
To top

Snyder, Carolyn, appointment records, correspondence, resignation, 1977-1978

  • Box 1, folder 76
To top

Steiner, Rev. Tom, committee assignments, correspondence, resignation, 1997-1999

  • Box 1, folder 77
To top

Straus, Barbara, appointment records, correspondence, 1976

  • Box 1, folder 78
To top

Straus, Carol, committee assignments, expense reports, correspondence, 1992-2000

  • Box 1, folder 79
To top

Sudharshan, Nalini, appointment record, nomination form, 2005

  • Box 1, folder 80
To top

Sullivan, Nathan R., correspondence, resume, 1973

  • Box 1, folder 81
To top

Walker, Anna Brown, court order of appointment, 1971

  • Box 1, folder 82
To top

Weil, Vivian, court order of appointment, correspondence, 1969-1970

  • Box 1, folder 83
To top

West, Susie, appointment record, resignation, 1972-1973

  • Box 1, folder 84
To top

Westerfield, Rebecca, appointment records, resume, resignation, 1975-1976

  • Box 1, folder 85
To top

Wharton, William D., appointment records, resume, correspondence, 1982-1983

  • Box 1, folder 86
To top

White, Beverly, appointment records, correspondence, resume, 1976-1978

  • Box 1, folder 87
To top

Wiersema Jr., Harry, contract, 1970

  • Box 1, folder 88
To top

Williams, Russ, appointment records, committee assignments, 2003-2005

  • Box 1, folder 89
To top

Wimsatt, Robert H., appointment records, biographical information, resignation, 1976-1986

  • Box 1, folder 90
To top

Wilson III, George W., appointment records, correspondence, resignation, 1976-1984

  • Box 1, folder 91
To top

Withrow, John, court order of appointment, correspondence, 1973-1976

  • Box 1, folder 92
To top

Zeitlin, Hank, appointment records, correspondence, resignation, 2002-2005

  • Box 1, folder 93
To top

Subject files, 1989, 2014-2017

Confederate Statue Relocation, correspondence, news articles, photographs, 2017

  • Box 1, folder 16
To top

March on Frankfort 50th Anniversary, flyers, postcards, schedules, and correspondence, 1989, 2014

  • Box 1, folder 57
To top

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