xt702v2c8d3b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt702v2c8d3b/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19970619 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1997-06-aug19. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1997-06-aug19. 1997 2011 true xt702v2c8d3b section xt702v2c8d3b AGENDA Meeting of the Board of Trustees University of Kentucky 1:00 P.M. August 19, 1997 Invocation Oath of Office Administered Roll Call Approval of Minutes Resolutions President's Report and Action Items PR 1 President's Report to the Trustees PR 2 Personnel Actions PR 3 Central Administration A. Appointment of Board of Directors University of Kentucky Research Foundation PR 4 Community College System A. Candidates for Degrees - Community College System B. Inclusion of Paducah Junior College in the Community College System Pursuant to HB 1 PR 5 Lexington Campus A. Candidates for Degrees - University System B. Appointments to University of Kentucky Humanities Foundation PR 6 Medical Center A. Appointment of Dean of the College of Dentistry Finance Committee 1. Report of Leases 2. Approval of Lease 3. Capital Construction Report 4. 1997-98 Budget Revisions 5. The Frederick Van Lennep Chair in Equine Veterinary Science 6. The John S. and Elizabeth Knight Chair in Equine Veterinary Science 7. The Keeneland Association Chair in Equine Science 8. A Resolution Authorizing the University's Investment of Additional Funds in Health Associates of Kentucky, Inc. 9. A Resolution Authorizing the University's Participation in the Formation of a Medicaid Managed Health Care System Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Tuesday, August 19, 1997. The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1:00 p.m. (Lexington time) on Tuesday, August 19, 1997 in the Board Room on the 18th floor of Patterson Office Tower. A. Meeting Opened Governor Edward T. Breathitt, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m., and the invocation was pronounced by Mr. Welenken. B. Oath of Office Administered Governor Breathitt asked Richard Plymale, General Counsel, to administer the oath of office to the following members: Ms. Melanie Cruz, who will serve as student trustee for the 1997-98 academic year. Dr. W. Grady Stumbo, appointed by Governor Paul Patton to replace Robert N. Clay, for a term expiring June 30, 2003. Ms. JoEtta Y. Wickliffe, appointed by Governor Paul Patton to replace Lois C. Weinberg, for a term expiring June 30, 2003. Mr. Paul W. Chellgren, reappointed by Governor Paul Patton, for a term expiring June 30, 2003. Governor Breathitt welcomed the new members and expressed pleasure in the reappointment of Mr. Chellgren. He said he looked forward to working with them. C. Roll Call The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call of the roll: Mr. Ted Bates, Mrs. Kay Shropshire Bell, Governor Edward T. Breathitt (Chairperson), Mr. Paul W. Chellgren, Ms. Melanie Cruz, Mr. Merwin Grayson, Mr. John "Jack" Guthrie, Mr. James F. Hardymon, Professor Loys L. Mather, Dr. Robert P. Meriwether, Mr. Billy Joe Miles, Dr. Elissa Plattner, Mr. Steven S. Reed, Professor Daniel R. Reedy, Mr. C. Frank Shoop, Dr. Grady Stumbo, Mr. Martin Welenken, Ms. JoEtta Wickliffe and Mr. Billy B. Wilcoxson. The University administration was represented by President Charles T. Wethington, Jr.; Chancellors Ben W. Carr, James W. Holsinger, and Elisabeth Zinser; Vice Presidents Joseph T. Burch, Fitzgerald Bramwell, Edward A. Carter, George DeBin and Eugene Williams; Dr. Juanita Fleming, - 2 - Special Assistant for Academic Affairs; Mr. C. M. Newton, Director of Athletics, and Mr. Richard E. Plymale, General Counsel. Members of the various news media were also in attendance. A quorum being present, the Chairperson declared the meeting officially open for the conduct of business at 1:05 p.m. D. Approval of Minutes Governor Breathitt said that the Minutes of the Board meeting on June 10, 1997 had been distributed and asked for any additions or corrections. Mr. Guthrie moved that the Minutes be approved as distributed. Mr. Chellgren seconded the motion, and it carried. E. Resolutions Elissa Plattner asked to read the following resolution for James C. Bowling: Whereas, James C. Bowling exemplified the qualities of charity, benevolence and altruism, hallmark of a life of excellence. Whereas, he demonstrated that it is not what we make of our worldly goods, but the good we can make for others. Whereas, someday a new fact will be discovered, a new idea will take shape, an old problem will find a new answer and these acts will be born of the seeds of generosity that are the legacy of this far-sighted Kentuckian. Therefore, the purpose of this resolution of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees is to honor the memory of the life and good works of James C. Bowling. The 19th day of August, 1997. Governor Breathitt said that everyone appreciated the outstanding service that James Bowling gave to the University of Kentucky, a moving spirit behind the Kentuckians in New York, and his strong efforts through the Development Council through the years. He said he would be missed, and it is very appropriate that the Board recognize him with a resolution at this time. - 3 - Dr. Plattner also noted the passing of Juliette Combs Trapp, a distinguished friend of the University of Kentucky who contributed greatly to the medical school of this state and its work. On motion made and seconded, the resolution was adopted. Governor Breathitt asked Professor Mather to read the following resolution for Dr. Deborah Powell: WHEREAS, Dr. Deborah Powell was elected by the faculty of the University of Kentucky to serve on the Board of Trustees for a three- year term, beginning July 1, 1995, and WHEREAS, Dr. Powell resigned her position on the Board to accept the position of executive dean of the University of Kansas College of Medicine, and WHEREAS, Dr. Powell has represented the interests and concerns of the faculty in the University System in an outstanding manner during almost two years on the Board, and WHEREAS, she has served the University of Kentucky as chair and professor of the department of pathology, as an active member of the University Senate Council and in many other professional capacities with dedication and principle, and WHEREAS, her membership on the Board allowed the University and her fellow Board members to benefit from her experience as a full professor in the Chandler Medical Center, most especially in giving the faculty perspective on issues and items facing the Board, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky does hereby express sincere gratitude to Deborah Powell for the dedication and commitment she has given to the Board and for the support she has shown to the entire University, benefiting every sector of the institution. This the 19th day of August, 1997 Professor Mather said that Dr. Powell was almost two years of her second term and had served a previous three year term. He asked for a modification to the resolution. Following the amendment of the resolution, Mr. Wilcoxson moved that the resolution be adopted. Dr. Meriwether seconded the motion, and it passed. 4- Governor Breathitt called on Ms. Cruz to read the following resolution for Alan Aja: WHEREAS, Alan Aja has served his constituents well and faithfully over the past year as president of the Student Government Association and as student representative on the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, and WHEREAS, on any number of issues requiring Board of Trustees action he has articulated student views and positions eloquently and factually, and WHEREAS, he has worked diligently for the good of his constituency within the policy-making and administrative systems of the University, and WHEREAS, he has proven himself an excellent listener as well as an eloquent speaker on matters at issue before the Board, and WHEREAS, he has, in all matters, conducted himself with a great deal of decorum, thoughtfulness and consideration of the opinions and feelings of others, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that his fellow members of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees do formally declare their appreciation and gratitude to Alan Aja for his meritorious service and dedication to duty as a member of the UK Board of Trustees and for his exemplary service to the University of Kentucky during the 1996-1997 Academic Year. This the 19th day of August, 1997. On motion made by Mr. Grayson and seconded by Mr. Chellgren, the resolution was adopted. F. Letter from Lois Weinberg Governor Breathitt said that Lois Weinberg asked him to read a letter she had written to the Board and also include a copy of it the Board packet. He read the following letter to the Board: Dear Friends and Colleagues of this Board: It was not without a great deal of thought and concern that I made the recent decision not to join you today. The five years of my tenure on - 5 - the UK Board have been challenging and meaningful ones. It has been an honor and privilege to serve with Chairman Breathitt and share his dedication and commitment to quality education in Kentucky. I have gained immeasurable appreciation of the importance and complexity of the service the University provides for the citizens of Kentucky. Not only do students gain a quality education, but the outreach through the Rural Health Center, Medical Center, Agricultural Extension Service, Sanders Brown Center, to name a few, touches the lives of thousands of additional families. I have gained respect for the leadership of this institution, administrative and academic. Charles Wethington's skill in crafting policy to be implemented through the budget is remarkable. The impact of the Robinson Forest Scholars Program for talented Eastern Kentucky students will be a legacy to his commitment to using University resources to benefit those with the greatest need. His vision in creating a fiscal vehicle through which to build a library worthy of a "flagship" university was itself instructive for the next chapter in Kentucky higher education. The concept for the next chapter was discussed as early as October 1981 when the Prichard Committee's report In Pursuit of Excellence was presented to the Council on Higher Education at Spindletop. I remember being part of that presentation and thinking we were being ambitious in our recommendations, but resolute that we had come to these conclusions for the benefit of the whole system of postsecondary education. In Mr. Prichard's forwarding letter he said, "we trust...these recommendations will send out a signal to the higher education community for unity of action in the face of unprecedented challenge." Those sentiments hold true as we face the process of implementing House Bill 1. Concerns about duplicative programs for both undergraduate and graduate levels were present sixteen years ago, along with the recommendation that the University of Kentucky assume the role as the state's comprehensive research university and that appropriate state resources be provided to support this role. The Lexington Herald's article in last week's paper cites the 15% growth of research funding during 1996-97 bringing $125 million in contracts, grants and gifts received to the University. This demonstrates the direction we have been moving and Dr. Bramwell is to be commended for his initiative and energy in continuing to expand this role for UK. As we extend the focus of research at the University to embrace an increasingly complex world, so might we consider the replication of a Technology/Research Extension Service comparable to that of the Agricultural Extension to translate current advances into daily practice for professionals and businesses. As I see it, the opportunity for UK to continue in developing its premier role in nurturing knowledge and - 6- promulgating it across Kentucky is the next step in the University's evolution. Other questions involved in that evolution might be the shaping of Lexington Community College's future with the primary task of preparing undergraduates for upper division studies. Preparing and retaining the strong students we admit to UK might become LCC's mission. The time has come to address basic research questions of utmost importance in Kentucky such as the implications for schools of education of the state's illiteracy rate or how to accelerate our academic skills to qualify for higher paying jobs. We have devoted attention to study natural resources such as coal, tobacco, horses and wood. This may be our opportunity to coordinate and further our knowledge of the most important natural resource we have - the human potential found in our young people's mind. The conversation began in, the spring by this Board requesting increased involvement in formulating policies relevant to the direction of the University bodes well for the important transition confronting us. I am optimistic that the talent and wisdom sitting at this table can provide the momentum necessary to move forward. I look forward to a continuing dialogue with the members of this Board and between the Council on Postsecondary Education and this University. See you at the Governor's Conference on Postsecondary Education Trusteeship in Louisville, September 21-22. Respectfully Submitted, Lois Weinberg Governor Breathitt said that each member had a copy of the letter and everyone looked forward to working with Lois as she takes her seat on the Council on Postsecondary Education which is a very important role for her to continue her efforts for higher education. He recommended that the members of the Board attend the Conference on Postsecondary Education Trusteeship in Louisville on September 21-22. He then asked President Wethington for his report. President Wethington thanked Governor Breathitt and added his welcome to the new members of the Board. He said he was delighted at the appointment and election of the new members to the Board. He also expressed pleasure in the reappointment of Mr. Paul Chellgren to serve a second term on the Board. 7 - G. President's Report to the Board of Trustees (PR 1) President Wethington called attention to the following items in PR 1: 1. Faculty and staff attracted $125,607,107 in research contracts, grants and gifts from outside the University during the 1996-97 fiscal year, a 15 percent increase over last year's extramural funding total. 2. The University set two fund-raising records last fiscal year: 1) gifts to the University in 1996-97 totaled $41.4 million, 6 percent more than the previous year, and 2) $44,424 donors contributed, 2.4 percent more than the previous year. 3. The grand opening of the UK Children's Hospital will be held Saturday, August 23, with a formal dedication and ribbon cutting at 10 a.m. 4. New officers of the UK National Alumni Association named at the association's summer workshop in Louisville are Marianne Smith of Owensboro, president; Robert F. Pickard of Brentwood, Tennessee, president-elect; and Daniel L. Sparks of Houston, Texas, treasurer. 5. Henderson Community College has completed the most successful fund-raising campaign in the history of Henderson County with a total of $3,768,867 in contributions. 6. The Good Samaritan Foundation, Inc. recently awarded grants for 1997-98. Those grants are primarily health related grants that Good Samaritan is making to the University of Kentucky. 7. The Center for Rural Health has compiled a three-volume set of comprehensive health-related information which has been published by the Good Samaritan Foundation. 8. UK Hospital's Aeromedical Service celebrates its 10th anniversary August 28. Each year, the service transports more than 900 patients to UK Hospital. President Wethington asked the members to read the other items in the report at their leisure. - 8 - H. Personnel Actions (PR 2) President Wethington recommended that approval be given to the appointments, actions and/or other staff changes which require Board action; and that the report relative to appointments and/or changes already approved by the administration be accepted. Mr. Shoop moved approval. The motion, seconded by Mr. Chellgren, carried. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.) I. Appointment of Board of Directors - University of Kentucky Research Foundation (PR 3A) President Wethington said that PR 3A is an appointment to the Board of Directors of the University of Kentucky Research Foundation (UKRF). The recommendation is that approval be given to the appointment of Mr. George Woolwine as a public member of the Board of Directors for a term ending June 30, 2000. In accordance with the Bylaws, the Board of Directors of UKRF are appointed by the Board of Trustees after being recommended by the UKRF Board. He recommended PR 3A for approval. On motion made by Mr. Chellgren and seconded by Mr. Guthrie, PR 3A was approved. (See PR 3A at the end of the Minutes.) J. Candidates for Degrees - Community College System (PR 4A) President Wethington said that PR 4A is an action item dealing with candidates for degrees in the Community College System that will be awarded at the completion of the summer term. The recommendation is that the degree specified on the list attached to PR 4A be awarded to the persons named upon certification that the requirements for those degrees have been satisfactorily completed. He said he was pleased to recommend approval of PR 4A. Professor Mather moved approval. His motion, seconded by Mrs. Bell, passed. (See PR 4A at the end of the Minutes.) K. Inclusion of Paducah Junior College in the Community College System Pursuant to HB 1 (PR 4B) President Wethington said that PR 4B recommends that the Board of Trustees concur with the Board of Trustees of Paducah Junior College (PJC) that PJC continue to be included in the Community College System (CCS) as Paducah Community College, pursuant to Section 114 of House Bill 1 enacted by the 1997 Extraordinary Session of the Kentucky General Assembly. Paducah Junior College is an entity which was in existence prior to the establishment of the UK Community College System. There has been an agreement reached with Paducah Junior College going back to June 2, 1967 which gave the University of Kentucky the authority to manage and operate 9- PJC. The legislation envisioned both the PJC and the UK Board of Trustees concurring that such an arrangement ought to continue and that such management of PJC ought to be delegated to the new Kentucky Community and Technical College System Board. The PJC Board has already taken action. He said he was pleased to recommend approval of PR 4B. Mr. Shoop moved approval. The motion, seconded by Mr. Welenken, carried. (See PR 4B at the end of the Minutes.) L. Candidates for Degrees - University System (PR 5A) President Wethington said that PR 5A recommends that the president be authorized to confer upon each individual whose name appears on the list presented the degree to which he or she is entitled upon certification by the registrar and approval by the University Senate that the individual has satisfactorily completed all requirements for the degree for which application has been made. These are degrees for students who are completing their requirements at the end of the summer session. He said he was pleased to recommend approval of PR 5A. Professor Reedy noted that this list represents the highest figure of doctoral productivity in the history of the University and moved approval of PR 5A. Mr. Grayson seconded the motion, and it carried. (See PR 5A at the end of the Minutes.) M. Appointments to University of Kentucky Humanities Foundation (PR 5B) President Wethington said that PR 5B recommends that approval be given to the appointment of William T. Young, Jr. and Donna S. Hall as members of the Board of Directors of the University of Kentucky Humanities Foundation for a four-year term beginning with the October 1997 meeting. The Articles of Incorporation of the Humanities Foundation require that the Board of Trustees consider individuals for appointment to the Kentucky Humanities Foundation Board after being recommended by the Humanities Foundation. He recommended approval of PR 5B. Mr. Chellgren moved approval. His motion, seconded by Mr. Shoop, passed. (See PR 5B at the end of the Minutes.) N. Appointment of Dean of the College of Dentistry (PR 6A) President Wethington asked Chancellor Holsinger to comment on the appointment of the Dean of the College of Dentistry, Dr. Leon A. Assael. Chancellor Holsinger said it was a pleasure to bring the report to the Board. In December 1996 the current dean, David Nash, requested that he - 10- have the opportunity to return to the faculty at the close of the fall 1997 convocation of the College of Dentistry on August 20th. As a result of that request, a search committee was developed and chaired by Dean Tom Robinson of the College of Allied Health Professions. Chancellor Holsinger said that the search committee and the interviewers across the Medical Center strongly endorsed the appointment of Dr. Leon A. Assael as the new Dean of the College of Dentistry replacing Dean David Nash. Dr. Assael will assume the post as the sixth Dean of the College. He comes to the University of Kentucky from the University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine where he currently serves as the Head of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and as a faculty member in the Department of Surgery in the School of Medicine. He is a 1971 graduate of Columbia University and received a doctorate of Dental Medicine in 1975 from Harvard University School of Dental Medicine. He did his oral and maxillofacial surgical residency at Vanderbilt University and after that entered upon his career as an academic dentist. President Wethington said it was his pleasure to support the recommendation of Chancellor Holsinger and recommend to the Board that Dr. Leon A. Assael be appointed Dean of the College of Dentistry effective August 20, 1997. On motion made by Dr. Stumbo and seconded by Dr. Meriwether, PR 6A was approved. Governor Breathitt said that the appointment of the Dean of the College of Dentistry is approved unanimously and with great gratitude for his arrival. (See PR 6A at the end of the Minutes.) President Wethington asked Dr. Assael to stand and be recognized, following which he received a round of applause. Governor Breathitt encouraged the Board to get acquainted with Dr. Assael personally after the meeting. 0. Report of Leases (FCR 1) Mr. Hardymon, Chairperson of the Finance Committee, said that the Finance Committee met and reviewed nine items to present to the Board for action. FCR 1 is the Report of Leases of value less than $30,000 per year. The administration has already processed the leases and this is a report to the Board. He noted there were seven new very small leases mainly involving the Rural Health program but Hopkinsville Community College as well. He said the leases are extremely competitive and moved approval of FCR 1. Mr. Chellgren seconded his motion, and it passed. (See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.) 11 - P. Approval of Lease (FCR 2) Mr. Hardymon said FCR 2 is the approval of a lease with a value of $30,000 or more per year. This particular lease involves office/classroom space for Somerset Community College, and the annual rate is $35,000. He moved approval of FCR 2. His motion, seconded by Mr. Shoop, carried. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes.) Q. Capital Construction Report (FCR 3) Mr. Hardymon moved that the quarterly Capital Construction Report for the three months ending June 30, 1997 be accepted. He said that this report represents the tracking of capital construction projects and consultant projects that are in some form of completion. The Finance Committee reviewed and approved the report. Mr. Guthrie seconded the motion, and it passed. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.) R. 1997-98 Budget Revisions (FCR 4) Mr. Hardymon said that FCR 4 is a quarterly report on revisions for the budget. This report normally shows the stream of income and the Finance Committee discusses the expenditures made in conjunction with the income. He noted that FCR 4 is different and asked President Wethington to comment on it. President Wethington said he would like to comment on the $1.4 million which is an increase in the state appropriation that came to the University very late in the 1996-97 fiscal year. He reminded the Board that the administration was to come back to Board and ask for a recommendation concerning the expenditure of $1.4 million for 97-98. It has been determined that the best use of these monies for 97-98 would be the support of graduate and research initiatives which get underway during 97-98 and signal that the administration and the Board are very serious about the work this University is doing to become a better research university moving toward top 20 status among public universities. He said FCR 4 proposes that the $1.4 million be expended during 1997- 98 in support of research and graduate initiatives. Specifically, those initiatives are designed to recruit and retain the best and brightest graduate students and, second, that these initiatives are those which will assist the faculty to improve their research competitiveness in seeking external contracts and grant support. Thirdly, that these monies be used for initiatives to enhance the research environment, such as expansion and renovation of our laboratories, assisting faculty teams as they work together to put together - 12- proposals for research contracts and grants, and bringing distinguished scholars to campus. He said that in those three areas in particular, the graduate student area, the assistance to research faculty members, and the improving and bettering of the research environment, the administration will dedicate the $1.4 million in 1997-98 and let everyone know and understand that the first discretionary money that has come to this institution will be dedicated to the research and graduate mission which, in his opinion, is very important to the University of Kentucky. He asked Professor Reedy to comment on the research task force which he is chairing. He said Professor Reedy, as a member of the Board, will be a person who can keep the Board well informed about the research initiatives at the University. Professor Reedy reported that the task force began its work organizationally this past April and May. The task force has looked at the context of the legislative action of May 30 and the legislation that was passed at that time redefining institutional mission and directions and particularly the goal of achieving major comprehensive research institution status. The process now has begun at the grass roots. The task force has had considerable input already from faculty moving up through the department level. There have been several task force meetings, and the task force intends, by the end of the fall semester, to have in President Wethington's hands a set of priorities that will relate to research and graduate education. Those priorities will identify the areas of strength of which we know we have many and look for the areas that we know also have to be improved, but always keeping the focus on our mission as a comprehensive university and on our role in supporting the directions and needs of the Commonwealth. He said that this is a culturalization process, getting the involvement of a lot of faculty in the university. It is particularly important to note as a faculty member that this is coming from the ground up and not a top down kind of process. This is, in his opinion, a very important effort developmentally within the University for us to identify the strategic areas that the institution feels it can definitely move into national or international competitive status and that will also serve the needs and directions of the Commonwealth in the future. President Wethington thanked Professor Reedy. He said he wanted the Board members to know of at least a couple of actions that are already underway. One is the effort chaired by Dan Reedy which will identify those research priorities and initiatives which will help this university move forward more rapidly toward a better national status. And two, that this $1.4 million will be used in support of the graduate and research program. - 13 - Mr. Hardymon thanked President Wethington and Professor Reedy and continued with his report on FCR 4. Mr. Hardymon called attention to two other items in the budget revision: $912,000 and $500,000. The $500,000 is part of a $600,000 allotment. $100,000 was in the original budget. It is in support of the extended campus engineering program in Paducah as part of the regional higher education center. This is to run the facility and begin delivery of the program. The second part is in the same area but involves a one-time situation. It is part of an appropriation bill enacted during the May 1997 special session of the legislature. It is $912,000 to equip the center with telecommunications and computer equipment to support the teaching of the engineering classes there. On motion made by Mr. Hardymon, seconded by Mr. Welenken and carried, FCR 4 was approved. (See FCR 4 at the end of the Minutes.) S. The Frederick Van Lennep Chair in Equine Veterinary Science (FCR 5) Mr. Hardymon provided an overview of FCR 5, 6 and 7. He said that these three items involve the reclassifying from professorships to endowed chairs. The University's policy is that when the professorship gets to a million dollar amount they may be reclassified to an endowed chair. He noted that FCR 5, 6, and 7 are in the equine area: the Frederick Van Lennep chair, the John S. and Elizabeth Knight chair which was started in January 24, 1989 with an endowed grant of $850,000, and the Keeneland Association chair which started with $200,000 in July of 1990. He moved approval of FCR 5, 6, and 7. Mr. Shoop seconded the motion for FCR 5, and it passed. (See FCR 5 at the end of the Minutes.) T. The John S. and Elizabeth Knight Chair in Equine Veterinary Science (FCR 6) On motion made by Mr. Hardymon and seconded by Mr. Chellgren, FCR 6 was approved. (See FCR 6 at the end of the Minutes.) U. The Keeneland Association Chair in Equine Veterinary Science (FCR 7) On motion made by Mr. Hardymon and seconded by Mr. Grayson, FCR 7 was approved. (See FCR 7 at the end of the Minutes.) 14 - V. A Resolution Authorizing the University's Investment of Additional Funds in Health Associ