xt702v2cbx95 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt702v2cbx95/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-10-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 21, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 21, 1997 1997 1997-10-21 2020 true xt702v2cbx95 section xt702v2cbx95  









alcohol Inn

By Mat Herron

Camp/Lt lull/tor

\thn it comes to alcohol
consumption. sororities are giv—
ing an ‘atta boy to fraternities.

:\t its meeting in Norfolk.
\'a.. yesterday. the National
Panhellenic Conference unani-
mously adopted a resolution
supporting the ban of alcohol
from social fraternities nation—

“\Ve have little patience
with the argument that ‘stu—
dents will be studentsm Lissa
Bradford. :1 member of Kappa
Alpha Theta social sorority
who lives in Nashville, said in a
statement yesterday. “I“.duca-
tion. old~~fashioned character
building. friendship and coiii—
munity service are our reasons
for being."

To help ctirh and eventually
eliminate alcohol use. the con»
ference urged (ireck oi‘gani/ar
tions to cooperate with frater-
nities that operate substance—
free. whether it‘s for Home—
coming. parties or philanthropy

Already. the national frater—
nities of Phi Gamma Delta. Phi
Delta Theta and Sigma Nu
announced earlier this month
their plans to ban alcohol from
all their chapter houses in the
L'nited States byjuly 1.2000.

Drinking is not an option for
sororities at UK. btit alcohol—
reIated incidents negatively
affect all the chapters. Kelly
\Vesley said.

“It's obviously negative on
the entire Greek system." said
\Vesley. a political science
senior and president of Kappa
Alpha Theta's LTK chapter.

People seldom see the posi-
tive effect Greeks have. she said.

“Disregard the fact that we
devote all this time and energy
to the community when
something bad happens. it's
front page news for three
weeks.“ \Vesley said.

The ush for dry chapters
has surfaced in the wake of

unfavorable news: the death of
18-year—old I’iii pledge Scott
Krneger at .\Iassachnsctts Insti—
tute of Technology, the death
ofa Sigma Alpha I‘ipsilon frater-
nity meinher Beniamin \Vynne
at Louisiana State L'iiiv'ersity. as
well as the two-year suspension
of L'K's SAI“. chapter last week
by its national officers. and
threats of higher premiums by
insurance companies for chap-
IL'I‘S \VI’H) Std-V \‘Vct.

“I think that‘s what the
future is going to he for our
Greek system." said accounting
senior Andrea Holmes. Panhel-
Ienic president and a member of
Delta Zeta social sorority. “As
far as how sororities are going
to react to it. I think some will
be disappointed htit they're
going to have to find other
avenues for social activities."

\Vhile [K has one of the
strictest policies of any college
in the nation. officers from the
Iiiterfi'aternity and PanIieIIenic
councils are taking steps to

hlackball the alcohol. Some of

the policies they are imple-
menting include hiring security
officers to proctor chapter
events. and prohibiting non~
Greeks from chapter parties
unless they are on a guest list. a
move that may ptit them in a

"A lot of people assume that
it‘s an open party." \Vesley said.
yet fraternities do not want to
avoid liability for a person. pos-
sibly a lion-Greek. that could
get hurt. The intention is good.
btit getting others to tinder—
stand that is difficult.

“It's hard to explain that to a
person who's saying, ‘()h the
Greeks are inst trying to he
exclusive.m \Vesley said.

She predicts chapters at L'K
will go alcohol—free. if for noth—
ing else but necessity.

“It’ll take a long time," she
said. Greeks “will keep abiding
by nationals until the University
does something. Realistically.
we’re gonna have to go there.”




PLANNING FOR "IE FUTURE Sarah Dykcr (altot'e). a mood—year lat/(lira/tc ai‘rhI/tt'turc rim/cm. trail/t » for A 4' an: "Wls’ tlan

3m AND A H" (jar/ox Dratla :z‘on

the 11.11. [)011‘Illllg Fall 'lé'mliy 'Iom‘uameut

held (If L'lv thit‘ wee/(end. Sec Sports. page i’.

mm .\ [UNI/At (/Ulltl)’

today. high near fill, (.‘lear/ug
tonight. 10:." )‘5. Partly .v/l/l/li

tomorrozz'. high 5‘ i.




V/ifth—Vi't'ar lam/nape architect/IN ital/cm. :t'orlit on his .t‘tol‘m drainage plan fa our of hit (ll/_\\ pro/nit

lllt hosting national LaBasn

con creme

here in ’99

By Halli Wu

Sci/tor Staff” 'i'lter

L'Ix' landscape architecture stu-
dents will Iiavc the honor of host—
ing the Landscape Architecture
Bash. or I.2iBasIt. in I‘l‘N.

Students from around the

country will come to [K to cele—



prohahly be no monetary support
from Lily. Students like lid/It‘ll
and Dykes are shouidcriiig the
burden of raising almost 550.000
m a year and a hall.

The lab includes hills for possi
ble renting of the Radisson I Iotcl
downtown, for inviting speakers
such as Vice I’l'csidcnt \I (iot‘c.
for tours highlighting the Illiic
grass. tours to I.otiis\ ille‘s \Vatctl
front Park. for interesting work
shops Ilkc the one on wildlife plioA
tography and for the social ct cnts,

To Iiav e a success at this event.
Iaili‘asli I‘m” nceds to iaist some
funds. The coiitiiiittcc has raised
about 53.000 frotii car washes and
bake sales earlier in the semester.

Ila/lcll said they don‘t have to
raise all the money lit-cause there
will be a registration fee. But to
attract as many as students .is pow
sihle. the committee is shooting
for a low registration fee.

“( )tir goal is to raise as much as
possible, making the Ice .is cheap
as possible." Ila/[ell said.

Although other fund—raisingl
events have been planned. the
committee is counting inol'c on


brate the birth of their profession
and the Itilith anniversary of the
founding ofthe \uterican Society
ofl.andscapc \rchitccts. or \SI.>\.

”\Vt arc \‘L’ry. very c\citcd."
said Sarah Dykcs. a sccontlsycar
landscape architecture student.
when asked about celebrating the
anniversary at L'K.

“It‘s truly an honor. it's the best
waytogain visibilitynationally for
landscape architecture and to cele-
brate otir profession." said _laii
Schach. fourth‘year studio profes—
sor and vice president of \SI. \.

_.\ purely sttltIL’lll~(It‘g’dlll/UI
event. the international confer—
ence is held at different llltl\t‘rslv
ties each year.

"\Ve are making a huge push to
invite international schools." said
Mark Ila/yell. a fourth—year land-
scape architecture student, “It
seems to he the logical thing to
do. It's important to make that
connection. since a lot of the
problems we deal with are iiniver~
saI problems."

The I.aBash committee deter-
mines all the financial arrange—
ments. But because this is .l stlir
dent—driven convention, there w ill



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was at hAit‘iiAiiioN'
la'iiltl/t'i liar: il'wtrom). ./

city come

By Haili Wu

\i/Hv/ \IJH II ti/t/

It is the merge of rational sci
cnccs md creative .irt.

"Landscape architecture st ulpts
the Illiil .ind tries to heal the land."
\aid ‘.Iaik Hal/ell. a liilllllliyt'dt'
landscape architecture student.
”It‘s described best as the study of
the range of possibilities of city.
regional planning."

I..indst.ipc architects work to
natural and
ma\imi/c the potentials of the
land. while making the world
more comfortable and ciiioy'able
to humans,





Earthquake threat
causes City action

reached 4.6 on

By Jill Messar

Richter Scale.

rienced one and I have lived here all

the wand signs


VGd in a doomay or under a
sandy place of tumiture indoors.

Vltoutsldo. gettnaclearlngto
stay away from trees, electrical

Celebration to unite
diverse llN cultures

Smfl “m \I y I I II . ‘ By Delmar Watkins the L iiitcd Nations is itist a mural foods from represented
Th ‘h k _ I _ f 1 h‘I ‘ A “Sty [TOP L pry: )a )k" are not 'm In earthquake kit Wlll’l Staff” 'rlm‘ building. but it is really .i countries.
9 5 3- mg “I" ““5 LL “. l ‘ concern“ 3 mm H" qua LS‘ , 8 {“72 hows such .33 place to bring together differ Some of the dishes will
crammm for their next test mi rht “I"irth uakes aren’t somethin r I ‘ . . ~ ~ .
I f g h if . ‘ h‘ h fgh , “ b q ‘I “ ‘ ‘ 1., ‘ I“ We [M0, food. water and [Is students have a chance eiit cultures. include (.Iiinesc dishes.
not )c min t e ca einc 1% o t c worry a out )ecause vc never cxpc— . this \Vednesday to literally “The goal of L'nited “wucrwhnnlcl ”Hm (,‘cr.

three Mountain Dcws tey

ering around the corner.

drank. it might be the “big one" hov-

munications senior.

my life." said Chris Keith. a telecom-

VPractteo drills regularly.

get a taste of life outside of
the L'nited States.
The L'nited Nations Night

Nations .nglit is to Ii.l\c as
many people from as litany

different places as possible." Stilltlt

many. couscous .md tabooi
from \Irica. iicimi salad from
\mcrica. cuiry and

. n
J t . , ' W
. . . 1
- . “a ‘ ‘
t . ., . La,
. ' ‘ I
l ,. . -
. «r-
. ‘ ”T
., . #1..”me ‘49..» «a» .‘_ .. .- - . . . y I
0' " ~
‘ I‘

“People in Fayette County need to Activities for the week include U Wand caves . . . . . . 'I _ 'I _ f . K , . 1

' ' - - (.elehration will bring II‘JH‘H \tlltL ‘ “’I’ ‘ "l‘ "‘m “"3 “I“

he prepared and educated on what to helping )eople organize an enter cn- in could m the . . . , . . I ) )1 _ ,i _ {mm th , Um _ I

do in the event of an earth uake vi cv care riIIs fl‘dhiaflfl Ind _ together widely different \\ e want to bring all of the (I I ‘ I~ L ‘ U
i K A i l ' i U I students together and make 5km"- 5"" “”‘l‘

groups to celebrate the diver»
sity of the United Nations.

The theme for this year‘s
event is uCelebrate the
\Vorld." said Aileen Soo.
International Student (loun-
cil publicity coordinator.

“It is so important for stu—
dents to get to know what is
outside of Lexington." said
Juan IIayen. International
Student Council Vice Presi-
dent. “Most students don‘t
' see much outside of Lexing-
ton. This is a good way to
open their horizons."

United Nations Ni ht is
devoted to showing thefiienc-
fits ofthe United Nations and

'it. havin earthquake (
said Tracy Richardson, Fayette with school children and teaching
County Earthquake Preparedness people what to do if an earthquake
Week coordinator. “Lexington is appens, said Renee \Villiams. ( irec-
built on a series of underground tor of public relations for Earthquake
streams and caves that could increase Preparedness “’eek.
the risk of damage to buildings and The lguidelines for how to react in
injuries to people." an eart quake include gettin in a ,.
Kentucky lies in the middle of sev- doorway or under a sturdy piice of ”wwaflwu
eral earthquake faults. furniture indoors, Williams said. If
Some people are aware of the New outside. people can get in a clearing
Madrid seismic zone that touches to avoid being near trees, electrical
Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, poles and signs.
Arkansas and Tennessee. But Ken— “Make an earthquake kit with sup-
tucky could also be affected by the plies for 72 hours." Williams said.
Wabash Valley Zone of Illinois and She said to put food. water. a portable
Indiana, the East Tennessee Zone. radio, prescription medicine and any—
the Charleston, S.C.. Zone and an thing else needed in the kit.
active area'around Bath County, Ky. Joseph-Beth Booksellers will have
Kentucky is often touched by an educational displa on Thursday

.\fter dinner. the cclehra»
tion will have a fashion show -
case with 15 representatives
showing clothes and styles
from regions around the
world. Soo said.

Itlil I Iaklltt. (:I",( l of( ik'RIfl
an orgaiii7.-.itioii involved with
the L'nitcd Nations concerned
with socieo-economic condi—
tions. will speak about the role
and importance of the United
Nations in enforcing human
rights. I Iayen said.

After the speaker. repre—
sentaiives will perform tradi—
tional entertainment. such as
Indian and Irish dancing. and
the Latin .Vlerengue. Soo

mm. ,

It. nor

them aware ofdilfcrent cultures
and people on campus.“ Soo
said. “( lainpus is so diverse."

L'nited Nations Day is ( )ct.
l—I. htit the [K celebration
will be on (ch. 3‘). said Haven.

The ['Iiited Nations Night
celebration starts at (l ).m. in
the small ballroom oft e Stu»
dent (Ienter.

The ballroom will have dec-
orations representing many
cultures and nations. as well as
their national flags. Soo said.

Different groups repre-
sented at the celebration will
wear the traditional dress of
their countries, IIayen said.

paredness Kit this week.

Makin people concerned about
the possigility of an earthquake is a
big part of the week.


minor tremors. Thirty-eight earth- and the Lexington IeraId—Leadcr “The r9350" “'9'": pushing fm bringing more awareness of The celebration will start said.
quakes have rocked the region since will have a display up all week. Sam‘s earthquake preparedness '5 't has different cultures. Hayen said. with a buffet dinner. includ-
IW2.()n 'I‘hanl‘csgiving Day l996, an cup is dispIayins a Disaster Pre- ‘ SccOUAKEon Melt PAGE 4| “Most reor'e think that ingvcscmria" “5'1“"me St-rllNITEDon BACK PAGE




















Plum; [unurbril

HBESIM‘TEBS Xvi." l'arl' liar! l 'illagerr>7unarban l‘irc Eater create a:.‘

ur/g/na/ xii/mil in rltm‘ Ina/or lalwli/i'bm. ‘ll 'alfSa/igrfiil‘ Li/mbr.‘


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l‘iditor In Chief ............... Jennifer Smith
Managing l‘ltlili)!‘ . .......................... Chris Campbell
Associate Editor ........................... Brett Dawson
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Photo Iiditor ......................................... Matt Barton
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026 Grehan Journalism Bldg, University of Kentucky
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4:00 - 6:00 pm . .
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onatban Fire Ea





By Brian R. Gilbert


In the rock 'n’ roll world, the
line between past and resent is
quite distinct in terms ofpsound.

L'sually, a new and upcoming
band can be categorized as either
modem or something sitnilar to
“retro-rock." If it is possible to
blur that distinction, sounding
both antique and modern at the
same time, then there would exist
a category in which to place
jonathan Fire Eater.

Hailing from the hip and
trendy East Village of New York
City, Jonathan Fire liater com—
bines many elements of classic
rock with a unique twist ofmoder-
nity, producing an original, yet
recognizable sound.

Relying heavily on bouncy bass
and guitar hooks, a Farfisa Fast
Five organ and storyteller-like





vocals, at first listen ll'olfSongr For
Lambr plays like a lost Doors
album. But once the novelty of the
delightfully eerie organ wears off,
it is evident that jonathan Fire
Eater has spawned something
much more noteworthy.

At times the five-piece band is
methodical and orderly, led by a
tight rhythm section.

The melodic grooves and mod”
erate beats tend to inspire a hy )-
notic feeling. Then, within t e
same song, there can exist a sense
ofchaos and turmoil.

As the swaying verses of “I've
Changed IIotels" mesmerize one
into a trance, the chorus acts as a
complete antithesis exploding into
a forceful display of guitar and

The coupling of emotions
occurs on many songs, creating
some interesting dynamics.

The opening track, “When the










Curtain Calls for You," begins
with a noisy mess of guitar and
drums leading into a
spooky organ and then
as vocals appear. a full
sound of the supernatu—
ral is presented.

There is a mis-
chievous, and somewhat
evil feeling in the song.
until about the final
quarter, when it jubi-
lantly fractures into an
upbeat party—like num-
her. This change comes



(out offive)

In a news release, vocalist
Stewart Lupton says, “We wanted
to make each of the
songs like a sealed let—
ter, so they’d all stand
' on their own.”

Jonathan Fire
Eater is successful in
sealin each song
closet, but the ques—
tion remains whether
each stands on its
own. The roller—
coaster hooks seem to
peak and valley too


as a shock at first, but ‘Wo $01,83- often, creatinga sense

after hearing other for 1’ of overkill.

lonathan Fire Fater , W'olf Song; For

i » . . ‘ . mtbrm .‘

songs, it sccnisordinary. inEater Lambs is one of the
This first iiiaior~labe| cries) most interesting

release for the band (I mum albums of this year.

contains 11 tracks that

range from the tip-tempo "These
Little Monkeys," to the slow and
deliberate “This is My Room."

jonathan Fire Eater
presents an inventive sound that is
undoubtedly classic, but simulta—
neously present and new.


‘Playing God’ (it without sin

film lacking

in cbaracter

By Heath Tingle
Smfl (,‘ritii'

Tough decisions iii life exist
every moment and around every
corner. In Playing Gad, Dr.
Eugene Sands (David Duchovny)
has a choice of being a “shotgun
doctor" for the mob with the
chance to continue his life, or he
can continue to waste away on

\\'e join Duchovny in a trendy
LA. nightspot purchasing some
synthetic heroin and from there
learn about his addiction and its

During a flashback set in an
emergency room, we see Dr.
Sands' addiction get the best of

him and costing him a patient.

\l'hich leaves us in the now, ex-
Dr. Eugene Sands high on more
than life in this bar. \Vhen a gang—
bangcr is shot no more
than a breath away
from him, he is thrust
back into action .

Becoming a
.\lc(}ywer with a
stethoscope, Sands

uses some non—medi—
cal itcms to save the

After this scene
Raymond Blossom


' v

and evil captures Sands, as he
decides “to be a slave in heaven or
a star in hell," to do what is right
and not practice medicine or to
fulfill his purpose of
life, being a surgeon.

At first everything
goes well for Sands.
Ile gets $10,000 a pop
for each “fix—up." But
the FBI and rival coni—
petitors are catching
up to Raymond Blos-
som and are deter—
mined to bring his
empire down.

('l‘imothy Ilutton), a (cut OffiW) Caught in the mid—
slcazv local mob lead- (llc ofthis is Blossom‘s
. ‘ f ' ’ _ . .
cr. enters the picture. PqumgGod vixen girlfriend,
Impressed by Dr. Tombs-tom Claire. Claire seems to
Sands' considerable be attracted by the
skill, Blossom offers money and riches

him the chance to fill the void in
Sands’ life by practicing medicine

()1in this time, he will be called
upon to save lives of those who
take others.

This struggle between good

rather than Raymond himself and
this leads to her and Sands hook—
ing up later by near impossible

After a protnising start, howev-
er, the filrii leaves a bad taste due
to its lack of direction and sub—

stance and its inability to develop
main characters outside of

Even his character develop—
ment comes aided by an inter-
spersed voice-over narrative com-
mon to ’40s detective films.

Timothy Hutton turns in a
redeemable performance in this
tale. Psychotic, delusional and
spendin considerable amounts of
money if» car chases, Hutton pro-
vides a look into what an ideal
“trendy" gangster might be like.

The film is filled with classic
one-liners and memorable scenes,
but most of these are known from
watching the previews. The
remaining comic elements try too
hard to be slick, hip and sexy and
lose quality in the process.
Attempts at stylized editing and
camera shots proved to be unnec—
essary excess.

In the end, “X—Files” fans and
more importantly Duchovny fans
will enjoy his engaging perfor—
mance, but the neutral would be
better off saving time and money.


‘Much All‘aid'
a timid effort

Cbristz'an rockers fail to

math self-titled debut






By Christopher Emmick




A long time ago in a
Kentucky county far, far
away, I flipped on my
MTV. I was relieved to see
videos grace the screen for

A video caught my ear
with grinding acoustic gui-
tars and heartfelt lyrics. I
focused my attention to







‘ " “*"""" T T ' ’ "' “"W‘"









... . .. . .. ....’...’-.Q..- -.- .4...

the video and was
impressed with the song.
That song, “Flood,"
went on to become a huge
hit for the Christian group
Jars of Clay. Through an
incorporation of a power-
ful classical strin section,
solid lyrics anti! rhythm
section, the band’s self-
titled album was consid-
ered by many a welcome
contribution to the music


Now the
“Hod 0f ‘
praise has

passed, and
jars of Clay
released a
new album,
Afraid. The
mood of

the newest - ...... a..-
effort is m
mellower .

than Jars‘ .


At first listen,

Murb Afraid seemed
sluggish and com-
plex, but with each
consecutive listening

: ;. a. ,. . my



M‘a‘ "t‘ .. Q, «1‘9...
. w


Plum: fiirmtbrd

CHRISTIAN 0|." ]ar.t of Clay will play off/fr new album wirb opening act Plumb at the

Palace Theatre in Louis—Lille mi November 8.

session, the album
improved in the opinion of
this listener.

the best song
on .llai'b
Afraid is
“Fade To
Gray,” which
shows the
from the
band’s previ—
ous album to
its newest.

The song
starts out
with a fast
beat, but pro~
. duces a
solemn mood
with lead

vocalist Dan Ilaseltinc's
sober tone. The song picks
up as it reaches the chorus
with a triumphant mood,
but it stays hallowed at the
same time through the




air: “Hug.

honest-toned vocals and
rhythmic acoustic guitar

It is this solemn mood
that prevails throu hout
.llarb .‘lfraid. The fourth
track off the album,
“Craz Times," jumps into
a high-pitched heat, but
Haseltinc's vocals keep the
piece calmer and more ret-
rospective than the music

“()verjoyed" holds a
striding beat while keeping
a reverent praismg tern-

The rest of the album
allows the music to set and
maintain a mood that
sweeps the listener
through the story of the

For example, the track
“Frail” uses the sweet
strains of acoustic guitars
and English strin to send
the listener bo bing on




pensive waves through the
whole song.

Clearly the strength of
this album isjars’ ability to
carry a feeling or mood of
somberness directly to the

Also, this is the album‘s
greatest weakness.

This album lacks the
strong, hard-edged songs
that contained more bite
than mood. On the ]ar: of
Clay album, such songs as
“Boy on a String” and
“He" left more of an
impression on the listener
with their tougher rocking

i’I/lucb Afraid lacks the
tough sound that gave the
firm of Clay album so much

()n the whole, if you
want to buy this album,
don’t be “much afraid”
about the quality of this
solid yet somber work.
















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Patience pays 0" illl‘ “K

Injury bu fails to keep
receiver‘s 0m UGA trip

By Price Atkinson
Senior Staff” 'rin'r

L'K wide receiver Lance Mick-
elsen knew his day in the sun
would come. Patience is a virtue.

Starting his third game of the
season, the (i-footai transfer from
Snow Junior College caught six
passes for 131 yards ant three
touchdowns (33, 18, 4|) froiti
quarterback Tim (Ioueh iii the
Cats' 49—14 win over Northeast

“You iust have to be patient
because yoti know your turn may
be coming," .\lickelsen said. “You
know it's coming because people
watch your gattie film and eventu-
ally they're gonna try to take away
Craig. jimmy Haley and those
people on that side.

“One week it may be Craig's
turn, or Kio‘s turn. or the next
week it may be somebody else's.
That's what this offetise is
designed to do atid that's to take
what the defense gives you."

After the Cats' 38-24 loss at
South Carolina the previous week,
L'K head coach Hal .\lumme said

Mickelsen had

“I think he was like a lot ofour
team, embarrassed by the South
Carolina loss, aitd he wanted to

play better."

something to

the “:\ir
Raid" on the
his record Saturday
books by 323001“.

chalking up TV:
a few more WKYT-Channei27

marks of his Radio:
own. WVLK AM-590

night, the sophomore broke his
own record for passing yards iii a
game (428) and total offensive
yards (433). Couch‘s [2 straight
completions spanning the first two
quarters broke a school mark.
Cotich has broken the season
record for completions (239),
attempts (340). passing yardage

y 9" ”‘m‘lvaQWA-s «stems
. (,5 a ., g7 _


(2506), and T1) passes iii a season
(2‘)) — and keep in mind the sea—
son records are in H to If game

The natiotial leader in passing
yardage and Tl)s said it was his
sup iorting cast that deserved the
credit on an ordinary night.

“I think it was not a whole lot
better than the others." he said. “l
think the stats just may be a little
better btit l
liad some
guys break
some lotig
passes for

Part II

.-\n inex—
.\'l.LV sec-
couldn’t do
what l‘iliirl‘
da. South
(itirtiliil'd or
could do: stop Craig Yeast.

Yeast hurried the Indians for
seveti catches and 130 yards and a
pair of TI) catches. his second
IOU—yard game this season. The i~
foot—9 wideout becatiie L'ls‘s all~
time leading receiver in a season
and career with 48 and ()8 recepv
tions respectively.


Back on Sept. 30 against lilill'
ana. the speedy receiver cslalr
lished a L'K record for ll )s in one
game with four. Yeast has eight
Tl) receptions for the season and
is third in the Southeastern (lone
ferencc in scoring.

Injuries still nagging Cat:

.\t his w eekly press conference,
.\llllillilL‘ said Monday that receiv—
er Kio Sanford and tight end

limmy Haley will tra\el with the

team to (ieot'g'ta this weekend. btit
game action for the two is unlike—

“I don‘t tliitik they‘ll be back.‘~
.\lumiiie said. “Satiford\ got ilie
best shot (at playing). llalev will
make the trip like he‘s been iloing
as a backup snapper btit he stiil
can t ruti.

Sanford went down with a
sprained ankle against \labaitia
two weeks ago atid «lid not plat
against \ll'. llale_\ suffered a
foot sprain against Florida Sept.


l.inebacker .Icff Snedegar has
what is being termed .i “rotator

.\fter L'K‘s win over .\labama.
[lie stiplioiiitii‘e sat in tlie iiitei'\ iew
room with a sling on his right arm
but has been playing with a brace
c\ er since.

"leff may be a little worse this
w cek," .\lumme said.“



MATT BARTON A. m/ coir

GET Valli! HEAD Illl THE GAME Northeast Louisiana linebacker D]. Da't‘ix maker a (life at (Ia/s“ running [tack I kick I [rill/(’1' daring Saturday 3' 4‘)» H l 'I\'
win. Homer continued bit surprisingfr'crlmran season against the Indians. racking up 63 rota/yards, Homer. 0] Fort Knox. I.\' not among (.‘K‘x Ira/king
:z'orimlezl and is scheduled to play against Georgia this weekend.





Net etteot: Cats win tourney

By Dave Gorman
Staff ll 'riter

“hen the smoke
cleared on Sunday after a
long weekend of combat.
UK sophomore Carlos
Drada emerged as champi-
on of the H.H. Downing
Fall Tennis Tournament.

The tournament was the
first No. () UK has hosted
this fall and the team got
off to a great start.

.-\n(l what would be
tnore fitting than to have
two \Vildcats in the finals
of their own tournament?

Drada, who is ranked
No. 10], defeated team-
mate Patrik johansson, a
junior, in the singles final,
7-6, (7—3), 6-4.

Drada came to Lexing-
ton with high expectations
as a result of his ex eriencc
on various profissional
tours and the ex ‘rience
which comes with being
older than many of his

“It was the first tourna-
ment that Drada has won
in college and I think it was
a ood effort on his part to
wm a good tournament in
the A Division like that,"
UK men’s tennis coach
Dennis Emery said. “It was
the kind of performance
that we would expect.

“Carlos' win will ’vc
him the confidence to flat

quality players in the
(Southeastern Conference).
I atn very proud of them

Last year. johansson
reached the Division B sin»-
gles finals prior to losing
one of the longest matches
in UK history to teammate
and then-sophomore Ariel
(iaitan 3-6. 7-5. 7-6 (8-6).

During spring competi~
tion earlier this year,
Johansson held L'K‘s sixth
spot in singles.

But after an impressive
showing this weekend - a
weekend which saw
Johansson defeat No. 1
players from Bowling
(ireen, \Yest Virginia and
Indiana State — Emery
says there is no limit to
what the junior can

“Patrik is really stepping
his game tip a level,"
Emery said. “One of our
goals this year is for him to
play at the level he did in
the tournament this week-

“lt's ood to see some—
body w 0 works so hard
actually moving forward.”

Though Drada and
johansson spent the week-
end collecting trophies,
two of the most prolific
Cats found the going much
more difficult.

L'K’s top guns — No. 8
Cedric Kauffiiiann and No.
47 Marcus Fluitt — strug—
gled in the lTA .\len's All—
;\merican Championships
in Austin, ’l‘exas. The lTA
tourney assembles the best
of the best in NCAA ten-
nis. boasting a field com-
posed ofthe nation’s top 64
singles players and the top
32 doubles teams.

Kauffmann was upset by
No. 30 Doug Root of
Duke, losing 6—4. 6—4.
Kauffmann will continue
play in the tourney's conso-
lation round Friday against
North Carolina's Tripp

Fltiitt also fell this week—
end. losing a three-set

match against No. 34 Alex
Decret of UCLA, 2—6. 7-5,
6-4. Fluitt also will play
consolation against Duke's
Dmitry Mdzyea on Friday.

Though the duo strug—
gled in Austin, Emery
insisted Kauffmann’s futil-
ity was a'function of the
tourney's lofty level of
competition rather than a
lack of skill.

“\Ve are pleased with
Cedric’s play (in Austin)."
Emery said.

“Even though he got
upset the first round. he
really battled his way
throu h the (match) and it
should actually help his




photo firmnI-rd

m UK sophomore Carlos Drada tron last weekend}
H. H. Downing Tennis Tournament. deflating teammate
Parrik Johanxron in rn'aigbt rm.


fun/inky [\t'I’I/ti. [/11 Hill). flirts/w _'I I'/‘/' a






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