xt705q4rn36h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt705q4rn36h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-03-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 23, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 23, 1982 1982 1982-03-23 2020 true xt705q4rn36h section xt705q4rn36h MM Tuesday I,» KEN I UCKY in. J:\ " l i ' \. . It's not florldu. but . . . l 4 Mostly sunny and warmer today with ‘1 Endohho road highs in the low to mid 505. Increasing ’ clouds tonight with lows in the mid to up 3 , fee, The Lady Kots to” to No lrronked Loui- per 30:. Mostly cloudy tomorrow with o A /' \ 4 , SlOnO Tech in the Midwest Regional , chance of light showers, high in the mid J i Finals ending dreams of a national title ' 505. ‘ r *_ See the story on page 6 Vol Lxxxw No 127 luudoy Morctna I902 Unwom'v oi Kell'uthv leninqlt’" Kwum iii A‘ “W“ 4"” \' . i'“ ' ' "Ml“in" r‘ -' ”W Cont 0 e s'al polio ' discussed 'n BEI-E ‘ b s, . , {1 ‘3. , —— caused y a lack of communication enrolled in the B&E Colle edo this in ' I . 3 By .C'NDY DECKER from his office to the faculty to the hopes of raising their casts and get- ’ . f, x , 3i ‘ Senior Staff Writer students. ting in the college later. _/ / ' .i : ___—._____ The policy will not be implemented, He said while the college can make 1,, w" ‘ 1 . Furst said. An increase in the number sure outsiders don’t register for B&E ’ ' , l '1 _,' : -‘ Lower-level classes in the College of faculty members is needed and classes, many of the students go ll ' ' of Business and Economics will prO- several minor details of the policy through Add/Drop to get into the ll " _e f ' bably be larger next fall, although 8 would need to be changed first, he courses, “Drop/Add is being abus- , ’ l l 3".” " controversial policy developed said. ed.” , l | p,‘ f. earlier this month will not be im- More auditorium classes will be Knoblett said provisions are made I plemented. held in the fall because the college for students in other colleges who l | 'i / About 60 students met with college size is constantly increasing while need 3&3 Codi-gas to fulfill required _ ‘ l I f Dean Richard Furst and Associate facultyisdecreasing,Furstsaid. areas. . " I I ' 1']! Dean James Knoblett to discuss the The effectiveness of teaching will Administrators in the college are ' « l i ' policy and other B&E problems not change,hesaid. “Whenever we do thinking about requiring students to . i . A, d ‘, '.‘ yesterday. usetheauditorium,we’re going touse getacard from theB&E office before : , _ g i, .. : , . The proposed policy, which would ourvel'y best teachers." allowing them to add our: courses. - .. . , , . f have put teachers into one Of four The college will also attempt to This is probably the most effective . ; ' ' ‘ ~ ~ 5;“ . ’ . i,. it“ v '2; categories with different levels of reducethesizeofupper-level classes, way to deal with the problem, fi'} 't ' or. ..‘, '- ' ‘t-f .. '1‘. it “it"; . -' it teaching, research and service in althoughheconceded there won‘tbea Knoblett said. .t '46 , ‘ ‘ v? . cs‘i'. - ‘ ,. .1 .2 3,..n"i';,9f;. . 1 234.“ ,v,,.-.': 3:; . ‘ f j. . each, was designed to reduce significantreduction. He said the college isn‘t sure what , if, y , ' : ,s ' 7";j-{jxxaa -. ‘45 gm: ,. i 'IC-Q‘rflfsl; . .~ 7‘}: 13"“:‘7‘ '3‘:- f , :4 ‘ 3' teaching loath for faculty active in The college may have to further to do with students emailed in other i, , . i. ' ' yggglxé‘fl 5 " , ‘ _ ”fifty/5939K. o 37.; ‘ '.‘1,,‘;_,i,lfijs"‘ :' 31.:- t ~ A . - research and to develop more equali- restrict enrollment in both the colleges who want to take B&E i‘, 3;}, i ,f, y‘.‘l‘\01fl?'é‘yvgt."r"- - ,‘ f 'v ,' ‘t )iytg‘tlfi'fiitl"??? 1‘11)“ 1 8“. .4 \fih‘j ‘s‘s tyin teaching loads. undergraduate and MBA program, he courses as electives. The classes are tutti at “£3 ”-“i‘slvo'r‘éft’. ‘t‘v ‘. tin ' V i "Y " iéhgy-dcs l) "ii is 3,133.3”. ' ‘ .‘3 ‘nt -~ t- 'r' 5 " it would have also increased the said. Currently. thecollege requiresa already crowded, he said, but “you {3 5527 $5531. '1." i?" V " . . .—‘\ ‘.\ , .93, is:”‘i.,\"-""f\2""\€‘§ _‘fi “,2; g” := number of auditorium classes in the 2.3 grade point average to be admit- should be able to trade off (classes) whit; " - is -‘.w¥";f-"; ‘r l" : . ‘ i libi-‘é’fiifl. . it? 329‘s?“ 1 (“all . ‘ » finial { . lower-level courses while decreasing ted. 'niat requirement was im- withothercolleges." 3" £9} a; ' ' I“ It’l’ fir}. -.' . {At first: six, ‘\; giggly.” Hamel-.931- "' .. ”9?:- V. ' .‘ thesizeofupper-levelcmrset plemenledlastfall. Furstsaidaccreditors havecriticiz- $6, " . J, 412.17: 27.: «if»; -",~‘il'ha"ii< 'w iii i! 'l ‘5th" {that 9&4) ~,'.- .. ” - ' The policy, however, caused an Butasthenumberof students inthe ed the school because of the student- ; J j. a", '33 5' 1‘ ,- "1:19; @W ' .5’ ' s‘l‘lfirfi «19‘: 2.1-}; ".1 . :‘t‘ti 5" .- . uproar among some faculty and college declined,thenumberofhours teacher ratioand becauseofalackof y ‘2 l. {ff . ,9 ‘ . by" Di " ‘ : - O” ‘5'!» ',' «w of?“ r" _ students during lheweek priortospr- being taught increased. This is advising. He said while plans are be- - ‘. ‘7 ‘ ,5 ‘ 1 -,.‘:N -.-: J4, \ iii?” ‘ ;. Vi'i . "rs‘i'fifi'; ‘8 1V1?" ing break. Furst said he accepts because students outside the college ing developedtocnre advising woes, ‘1, t . / '-‘ i ’,., f ‘v, 5' l ~19 7 avii’irp‘. ' ,t ’51.: 3: 2‘ responsibility for the are taking 86:!) courses. Knoblett theyare“downtheroad." ~ ’ ’3 ,4...“ X. /E: t K. ' " ' “i, ‘.\ ‘I’ ' a t ' ~ 1 misunderstanding, whichhesaid was said many students who are not See ear page3 l’ , , ‘ _ fig " t l 5’ . i , )4, . if l - ,v 1% . a I l l 'l ' Z .1 V\ has”. . .1 ' V ill” 0-“- ‘ ' ‘; Deals With strip mining and taxes ' ' , ‘ ’ i l spawns-ft . .- . . . . ;.. . ' a.» . . ”to”: . '~ -' . ‘1 . Frankfort rally to SUPPOrt coal bills today ' ~ one We . ' 1‘ “1‘7 'r‘ "~13: " p f ——-——— coal and minerals, both easil ssed The group, upset by the pigeonhol- . ' ‘3, ' ‘ ., f, , , ' . it i' t ’, ’ By JAMES EDWIN “Ants out of committees with fzvlzl-able ing of two bills it considered a step . ' ‘ ' _ ' » _“~ . ;~ . 1 p. ._ :. _- ., ; ,. AssnstantManaglng Edit" reconunendationsearlierthismonth. toward positive reform inthisarea,is . ,n- {.143 , «4.5 .' . 5 « Q: i Ej- i, 23* ”i ___s____________ But the House Rules Committee organizing anlla.m. rally in frontof , ~ “3-13%.?1-‘72? f‘tm 2 ‘ i , , xii» .,. flash? , : . , dealt both billsa probable death blow the capitol building to protest what a . ', 3:. favotjr’fkl; ‘ Witt?“ " ,' ’_. “a: g .. . .’ I 7 _, _ , firs“ , z _ 3,231?"- ;' , ‘ ’5“ 1.5; ,- The pigeonholing of two related last week when it sent them back to spokesman calls “a failure of the '~ 9;, "‘4, V," i «’25 01.5153, ‘. .5! *3." i, ,. .e‘».:i.§;',:“. :43, «£1 '6‘}, g», '. bills before the General Assembly the House Agriculture and Small democratic process in Frankfort." {0-- ' .it- a; ,‘t‘. ' ‘ ',‘ ‘ .__' fatty-fia’ Tia. of}; .._:. .' i, ‘3‘ ". MW gag ' lififl‘x’é concerning property rights and taxes Business Committee. HB 495 attempts to battle the ‘ ,~ 1-37."; of}? u; -' " V , ".3th 3%; "“pfi'pjg' it'\ 1; a, $3th ~' t“ ”‘5‘; , ' ' in Eastern Kentucky has spurred a The committee’s actions angered notorious “broad-form deeds" that ‘ ' . - ,‘9 $1§sxgkwgi¢ 19141134 7'“ g i r; ‘ group of concerned citizem to the Kentucky Fair Tax Coalition. an have allowed coal operators to strip ’ ' ‘ ‘ ' ' "" "" ’ ‘ ‘ ’ ”9" ‘ ' ‘ - " -‘ ~‘ ‘fr' r, schedules rally in Frankfort today. , activist group presently planning mine most of Eastern Kentucky l “’"mm WWW" l ,, " House Bill 495, which would protect legal action against the state and at without holding them liable for : Sunroof ' g Eastern Kentucky land owners from least one large coal landowner for damages. l )3! ' , undesired strip mining of their land, what it considers gross undertaxation HB 549 attempts to resolve the issue , . . ' , , , . g ' and House Bill 549, which would lift of coal-laden lands in Eastern Ken- of taxation of unmined minerals ‘ This View of Blending Tower from the ground gives Cl graphic effect to an everyday Sublect. . l. , 2 restrictiom on taxation of unmined tucky. see gain page3 1 WW“ ., W, . . . .31.? La td td' f ht dtP A rt 1‘ ws u en 1498 0 guns 0 woun a age pa men s ——- “He had been under psychiatric his death,requestingitbepublishedi Christ with an unbounded commit- understood the lesson of Job) he child. the same 15 greatest in the ,v. ‘5, -,' ‘ By DAV!” PAULEY treatment for quite some time; I “My wife and I cared for a four- ment. Nor is it surprising that other challenged GOd for a SlSh- GOd W35 Kingdomof Heaven.‘ if} ' Staff Writer understand since some time in 1981 month-old baby girl a short time ago. children, from different sides of the merleUl. He was shown a shred 0t ,. - , in I ___—_— and for a while prior to that,“ Hager It’s been nearly nine years since we tracks, thoughtitfunny; especially so blue thread and small crumb of Thwgh ”‘9 "arrow “Ki '5 "0‘ said. experienced such pleasure and my because of the tales which were bread. crOWded as the .broad g way ' '2)? .. l A UK law student died in his home “He had some problems, but I‘m own children were thrilled beyond overheard, that he rejoiced around “Even still he was stiff-necked; his should the true belief?” suffer they '. i, at Greg Page Apartments late Sun- not sure what they were," UK Police belief. The experience was an addi- the pulpit and spoke a different rehabilitation could not begin. will be comforted. 1' or John wrote, :" , . .- day night from an apparent self- Chief Paul Harrison said. “He's been tional reminder of the sanctity, beau- tongue. And God Shall “we away hill] Liars _.' f - , inflicted gunshot wound to the head. under several doctors’ care.” ty and perfection of God's craftman- “But the spring has always yielded “He opened his eyes. While he from the" eyes, and there S no -‘,' ' ' accordin to Fa ette Coun Coron ’ ' - - - i - . . more death, neither sorrow nor cry- 'J’ 8 Y ty er Waddells bOdy was found In the ship. to the wmter. And its certainly no recognized that some believe Jesus . ‘th hall be . , . 1 Chester Hager. bedroomofhis apartmentat30400m- “As a flower blooms in the spr- shortcoming that all people want was only one of the prophets,sur81y mg, ne‘ er S hi any more pg; ,9 2*. Samuel Louis Weddell, 37, died at monwealth Dr., Hager said. Wad- ingtime, so isachild produced. It has their children to be educated. But the significance of His impactsth for the former t ngs are pa p12" ,‘_ 11:16 pm. after apparently shooting dell’s wife, Dottie, and two children. the judgment 0f Solomon; perhaps its education Should be warmed by fami— not be underestimated. Do not one away I: " .I‘f himself witha.38caliber pistol. Angiean'l Sam, Jr.,were in the living values are not distorted by an im- ly love so that understanding will billion Christians, ammo Muslims “Should not the familiar quotation -‘.' 5;" finger said Waddell died of a single room at the time of the shooting. he perfect environment. With an only shine. For when the flesh is filled with and 14 million Jews, about 37 percent — ‘I think, therefore I am' — be im- ='.-=, j SUNShOt Wth to the right temple. said. reasonable mixture of nuturing and the spirit of love, knowledge is filled of the world‘s population. pray to proved? Better is — ‘Before I act or .- >7, “The bullet passed through b0th lobes Weddell, from Paintsville, was a discipline (note the proverb—hidden with understanding. God? His alloted measureof faith had speak. with the love of God in my a, '5 ‘1 of the brain." third-year law student. His wife, who love is worse than an open rebuke) a “One former 11-year-old was achieved what a score of years of for- heart. 1 will think positive and be hap *. I", . niecauseof death willbeofficially works fortheUniverslty, could notbe six-year-old is able to bicycle with versed in knowledge. Yet a nagging mal education did not. He observed py." With this philosophy.each person . announced in 10 days t0 two weeks, 788(3th 185t night for comment. ease; it hasn‘t learned that things are agnosticism was beginning to bristle the miracle because it was within his may contribute his skills, however when test results are returned from Earlier yesterday, however, she impossible, with atheism. Sohe was reproved; his own heart. small, to the divine will of God and so " '53 the state crime 13b in Frankfort, delivered to the Kernel the f0"0"“th “So it isn‘t surprising that one 11- Maker withdrew His divine presence. “Jesus said, 'Whosoever therefore join in His inevitable creation —— a if 0,- Hageruld. letter, wflttenbyWIddell jmtpriorto year-old accepted God and Jesus Being ignorant (he had not Shall humble himself as (a) little perfectworld." . 1' ~ Funds for UK Pharmacy College included _ .‘ ; ' . . .' . 2. 9- ,.__ ~ House A&R Committee approves governor's proposed budget - Z . ' f; f 1 ___.— badly to maintain the quality of our able to spend $2.3 billion next fiscal House Majority Leader Jim - ' 7 .. . 5* From staffandAP dispatches programs andfaculty. year and $2.6 billion the following lJeMaster. D~Lexington, made the . . ' i 9 * g , ‘ , . ', . ___ _ “We have built a very strong pro- year-assuming revenues come in as plea for funding the school. saying it , ‘ .; ~ 1“ ;._ c , '. gram . . . we have attracted some of anticipated. now ranks among the Pushes! in the 3. f f" _ . FRANKFORT — The House Ap- the very best people," Deluca said. The executive branch accounts for * nationotits kind. . * no . . ‘ propriations and Revenue Committee “We want to keep this type of record almost everything — $2.3 billion next Rep. Art Schmidt, R-Cold Spring, ' , ‘ ‘ ~ ,‘ l ' yesterday approved the administra- and potential. year and 32-5 billion the l0ll0Wih8 tried unsuccessfully to put offthepro ‘ ' i tion‘s new proposed budget for the “This is why the building is very year. jected new teacherepupil ratioof zsto ‘ ..-- '. next two fiscal years — including badly needed," he said. “It shouldn’t The judicial budget, under wthh l — it now is 27 to 1 — by one year, _, _- i ' _ ‘ ' \ I l money fortheproposed newUKphar baa political issue—we servetheen- the courts are runnis $55.4 million saying it would save the state 810 ‘ V r “* a; ,a t l macy building. tire commonwealth. next year and $59 "1111th the follow- million and could enlarge thesurplus. ' '_ , . \ ‘ ‘ The document now goes to the “lhopewe seethebuildl’ng coming mgyear. _ After some maneuvering, an at- . . i ' an ’ House floor, where all fiscal bills up within the next few mantis. We've The legislative budget amounts to tempt to obtain $213,000 more for aid , ~ 1 I, 1‘ must be passed first, in plentyof time been looking forward to it for seven $11.1 million next year and $14 million to gifted and talented children also ‘ o . . ‘ for adoption before March 31, the years,“Deluca said. theyearafter. failed. ‘ ' .‘ ' .A i . f C .\ deadline for enactment of final The House committee acted on Thebalance projected—that is, the House Speaker Pro Tem David , ‘ « ‘ i 5 \ legislation. spending plain for the executive. surplus which the state Wolild have — Thomason. D-Hendelson, managedto . ‘ 5 Q ~ ‘5 Nomillion dollars hasbeenadded judicial and legislative branches. is only 81.4 million next year.but 816.2 get his proposal for $2,000 annual ‘ It, 5 . . , t - to the budget for debt service for the However. they are not final. Gov. millionthefollowing year. raises for Kentucky's circuit clerks, i ‘ ' .- proposed pharmacy building. despite John Y. Brownhuofferedaprogram Legislators offered a number of but that won‘t have any effect on the " f " . t , previous attempts by the House com- to raise $186 million additional for the amendments to the final document, budget mumxmsm mlttee to prevent financing the con- next biennium and the shape of those somelot which would have cost addi- The House has passed a separate struction. proposals remains in doubt. tiona money. bill providing the raises and sent it to s'rumm'". CID". “We’re very happy (about the lMl- The Huge committee projects only The only one with fiscal impact the sen-t3, my mg] w“ i don of the building to the budget) . . . stamilllonextra. which was adopted was the one pm- to make certain that the “Millie in , Mark and Barbara Rosenthol of the group ”Phoenix/’Jierform at I'm jut ecstatic about it," said Pher- As sent out by the committee, the viding for 334,0“) the first year and theproposedoverall budget wouldnot Oovd holl- loot niehl’o performance won on. at tho Stu out Cont-r macy Associate Dean Patrick Generd mid, which finances most 81.3 million the second year for the void the raises in the separate Board 3 series of Coffee Houses around campus. Deluca. "We need the W V“! gm, m and 0|!!!"th will be UKphermacy school. measure. ‘ l W K‘érnel'”°" A Dul- 0. Morton Editor in ltd-ml - am sum.» it... am... Mm, mo“ Alu Crouch '0va Sin..." M. Mb: lolln inn... ( m4 0.), in...“ NIusy I. noel- mm. in...” Am Ediiu. O'anh-uEd-vw Photo Edam ' Juno- ldwln Norrie e fi “as '0 n An". Chovlos Linl Kai-bu 19"" UNI. lobbi' leis-r ‘3'". M"”"”" 'mV m‘. "0' VIII...“ . Mu..,,q...q lit .. . ,9, “1,. , Axvsiunl Munoqmq fifiim- A“ \Nlll' sin is 0.1.x v Assistant All) Edwin layoul Edam i liter Photograpliot ‘ * ' tutu ' ' ' ' ' ha ds -. Dear |lOI)’,,, The re of women s rights in Kentucky Will be In your n 3 \f QU/cK, J27 A/),’. 7‘ E - ~*n -. {74 [m5 1 . Dear JOhn. last week defeated an amendment that would ' _ ; \\ 5‘s in \ . ‘ f' The ball will soon be in your court. exempt them from this bill — this means a vic- \ ’1’, V [I z- The anti-abortion bill passed the Senate last tim of incest will have to seek consent from 9,.“ f 5: TA 0 ‘I '. . 3 week now goes to the House for the approval of her rapist to obtain an abortion. Such neglect k . I“, jg; several amendments. After that, it hits your for the welfare of those unfortunate Victims is ‘ <‘ -. . . . , '. desk for your signature. appalling. . (6 at, r -.\ if 53:; :"-°55-'5_::'I:5_:'§:§:_-:, V. ‘2 -. ' The bill would require parental consent, Sen. Jim Bunning, R-Fort Thomas, voted for 1'“ . - “x, .9 4; “R4 "455/ w . .,"I with few exceptions, before minors could get the bill, noting, “It is sad commentary on our V ' , ..‘ ‘I . HM .gfi‘ . . 'L. . abortions and would also require a woman’s way of life to vote for or against abortion.” It :..f . , ’I, , 4;: . 35:55:55 MWA ‘ =‘. I husband be notified before an abortion is per- is equally sad that the issue of abortion is even ‘ «1" . “A , 7 ii . formed. questioned. 1-? K ~: ...-:=:"'.".'..,~:-:-'::-'"’. E; sub If you choose to enact this bill with your Women across the country were elated when 525...; I g 5‘“. .. SKI «a 1 -: -‘ 1,. signature, you will be sucking the rights from the US Supreme Court legalized abortions in 2 5 Y A». j \‘ - ‘\ a: . '. ‘ - the throats of all Kentucky women. 1973 because it gave them the right to do as \ fl 4:378 i~‘ W7 - Final passage of this bill would deny Ken- they pleased with their own bodies. But male- ‘:§§:I:3~I.r5 '«;’”\\§§A\\\ ‘ ' I. g l .. '1'”,- .. tucky women one of their most basic rights — dominated legislatures insist on making it as (2/, 5”,“; (ii.- ' ' )5“: 1:. , . i» g freedom of choice. Women who choose to have difficult as possible for women to take advan- ,)/ 4° 552%; ‘ I. , . f I "II .. iii , an abortion will find it more difficult to obtain tage of this right. ‘i If; 1:.- . ,4; (:7 " .- F I -I.I_-':' ' a ‘5 ‘ \C ‘_ one in Kentucky and will be forced to go The General Assembly seems intent on . ~ M (/15: . , I 517" / ' ~ (“I 5"" ‘I ..~ elsewhere. Those women who cannot go refusing women all rights — this is ev1dent in 1/, E 1:, AI,” ‘ ’ \ .5 .s/ e / / . , _ elsewhere will be forced to give birth to un- its attempted withdrawal in 1979 of ratifica- ' . 255,." I.“ /" . - ‘I . A ,. 4". 5K< \' ‘ . - . wanted children — an act far worse than abor- tion of the Equal Rights Amendment. It is for- a , N A- - ‘ . ' if; ,K/ (5?: , 7"; tion and with more far-reaching con- tunate that former Lieutenant Governor 14,-“. /, ’7 2 L - _ A" y)? \< T , ' sequences. Thelma Stovall had the good sense to veto the 674/- é » . ' I . . /)r‘ - . . . / .:::3-’3-’?I-':::::"::~--::.-E§E§¢. ' “' ‘ . If you put your bloody Signature on this Withdrawal. /--*-'555""” _ ’_ 1‘,- ' " , -i \ 4 . _ tragic piece of legislation, you will be signing We h0pe you will also have the good sense to - ”if/27 yiggggggggggggss. 1“; a ‘ If? " f - the death warrant of not only of the rights of veto this disastrous bill. You will be sparing ~ .. 5" fl “ ‘ -\\\\. \ \\ . . "- ' x d -, . all Kentucky women, but also those of children the lives of thousands of women and children 9 c I “I .\ .. . 7’, ._ . ~ ~ '. .. who are born with the curse of being un- who would otherwise have ruined lives. 1‘ (9 I . ” ’v ' 7.34. A“ x = .‘ wanted. ' - g ,5. L, '5' ‘ ':‘-“‘-‘nm II .- -' . . . . - “" ’9, -, ,r r” ' r" ”A 'lflI ‘ I 5, As we pomted out earlier, tlus bill does not Sincerely Yours, ‘2. / AW“; «33 . 2 x ,1’)’; f-qr’fii‘fy‘“ 7,, Z _ ’5 .’ exempt victims of rape or incest. The senate The Kernel ‘ t, . 7 \vg... , ' - ‘ I}; If '94; gig/ems: .-,. - gj ‘ e m: -1. ”sh '~ ”Knew A If, .- I I I I I I . v Frankfort lobbying mtensrfied by Gov s hands-off po icy ‘ A -, ‘V i A familiar complaint of legislators that are important to the legislator mounted a major campaign in the flood of criticism. Mutual fund dustry has been trying to water down of the bill would adversely affect pa- . in Frankfort is that they are being in- may take opposite sides on an issue, state, with full page ads in Lexington customers are not normally con- the bill with a series of amendments. tients or force them out of the homes. .-" undated with lobbyists. During this or interest groups may succeed in and Louisville papers and with letters sidered an organized group, but they Obviously the persons most affected The outcome remains in doubt. ,- ‘.' ‘. session there are 355 registered lob- mobilizing large numbers of con- sent by individual funds to their turned out to be one that could be by the bill, the residents of nursing If"; byists at the capitol. It is not surpris- stituents to make demands on the customers. quickly mobilized by outside homes, are not in a good position to Malcolm Jewell, a Political Science —' ing that freshman legislators often legislators. What is unusual about this cam- organizations. make their needs and views known to professor, has been at UK since Aug. 1;! feel overwhelmed by the demands This latter tactic is difficult to ac« paign is its success in persuading legislators. 1958. He is considered a leading 3 made on them by representatives of complish but can be very effective large numbers 0f the 60.000 mutual Investigative reporting by the What is most interesting about this authority on state legislatures, has ~. C organized groups. Legislators must take notice when the fund customers in the state to write, Louisville Courier-Journal and the ef- battle is that the nursing homes have done considerable work on Southern . 1‘ _- capitol building is filled with school call or visit their legislators to protest forts of Louisville Representative been trying to organize the relatives politics, is considered an authority on - . ' 4 ‘tI teachers, or labor union members, or the bill. Gerta Bendl have generated support of patients in nursing homes, urging Kentucky policies and has authored ' supporters of one side of a controver— At one point, supporters of the bill for a nursing home reform bill, but, them tosend letters and sign petitions several undergraduate textbooks. 122‘ sial issue like abortion or ERA. Dur— urged quick action on it to cut off the not surprisingly, the nursing home in- to the legislature saying that passage i1 , 1 Malcolm ing this session there have been . I . ' " .5 Jewell several exam les of unusual lobb mg - _._: *H mm, " y A network nightmare .‘j {I But it is noteworthy that veteran In February, the House defeated . I . ' j. legislators believe that lobbying ac~ the multicounty banking bill (to per- Tv , I k th t I, t t k 31;")..1' tivity is more extensive and intensive mit a bank to buy a bank in another ,7. just one 00 n n n a S a I 00 CA. than ever before. The reasons for this county) after extended debate before ', increased ac “my are interesting, a gallery mlpd mm bankers. The Recently, I trudged home from the to tell me that you don’t know what indefinitely even with drastic the horror of the dinosaur compare . ., .- -. the goyernor s handsoff approach to issue was unusual because it div1ded . . . . . . . . . if" most legislative issues and the in- the state's bankers arcadedown thestreet,andlhappen- stupid 15? Wait a second, let me modifications. With the disgusting appearance of j', creased independence of the The Kentuckv Bankers Association ed to notice whatwas on the television check my schedule book. This is The “Three Ds“are the most potent Th ree 's Company. Sure. .I- I legislature. opposed the billbecaus ea poll showed set. I was appalled to see Three's crazy. There isn‘t one class in stupidi- reminders of stupidity. No, these are Psychologically repellent? I'm sure I , _ _ , . - Company. ty. Tsk, tsk, UK, you mustbeslipping. not my grades. No, it‘s not a movie you‘ve all heardof telephobia. . . _ In the past lobbyists could concen two thirds of its members were op . . . . ._ . . . It wasashowlhad watched often in effect either. They are Dinosaurs, Soc1ally, I’m sure that you have I . trate most of their attention on the posed, but other bankers lobbied , -—-—__ . . . . z 7. , . . . , . . my Wild and reckless youth, but I had Dodo Birds, and Discos. These were noticed that while someone keeps the . governor and lus legislative leaders, Vigorously for the bill. Consequently . . . . . . . . 39717. now they must contacta much larger legislators faced cross pressures, and gladly stopped watching it when .1 Emanue| big in their time, ugly,and laughable. ratings up, nobody admits to wat- 7-,". number of members to get action _ probably paid most attention to the reachedareasonable level of maturi- When you think about it, I'm (of ching anything but 60 Minutes and ".1 or inaction _ on bills. bankers in their own districts. ty. The plot line of the show was so course) right. Something bigger than Lou Grant, or the intellectual few who “3.; t Experienced legislators are ac- Although the bill appeared tobedead, overused that it was no longer a plot rown a house with a brain so small that it watch such informative, issue- -" i { customed to working with lobbyists, efforts have continued to revive it. line but a well-trodden path. The show could be mistaken for a dust bunny? involved programs sum as Saturday I" who provide information on the view- Another financial issue that led to is so shallow and unrealisticlcouldn‘t W. ”WWA—W7 . Really. The very name Dodo Bird Night Liveand Fridays. 1. 5. . 6" pOmts of groups at committee hear- intense lobbying was a bill to reQuire laugh because Of my digust. Yet, It 15 . . . . . . says It all. The creature .mUSA be the Privately, we accept Diff'rent 52,-. - ~ ~ . . — 1 cc e l y a ces or our recen mg a . ro es an or an m y, u ' A . ings, keep members informed as money market funds operating in a hAt.Sh°w a Show that insults the S n [h d ctionar definitions are so n .A Of A D b ts AS St A“ d M h d M. d b t to .I: 7'54 issues develop and help to draft Kentucky to have a percentage of intelligence of sentient creatures the far away from the true meamng that for disco, I defy you to look in your publicly state that Gary Coleman is a ‘ Iii-Ali, amendments and legislation. these funds intoa reserve. a require- worldoveru . they come With a picture 0f closet and “.3"? at that white suit and deep, symbolic IpersonaIity while {At-Ii" Legislators often work in close ment that would be unique to Ken- In my opimon, the news, cartoons binoculars, and a thesaurus is even black Silk slurtw1thastraightface. It Marie and Mindy is a credible tale of cooperation with those lobbyists tucky. Opponents argued that this and the fact that cable can beattach- more useless, the task falls to that can'tbedone. two people coming to grips with deep 1.: -, , whose views they share and those who would probably force such funds out ed are the only redeeming qualities of embodiment of clarity and truth, Of course, there are always minors human emotions —come on. Ii: -,'_ 4; represent groups important in their of Kentucky. a TV. set. This is not to say that there yours semi-truly. that these things live on. The Loch Next thing you know, people would I? own districts The savings and loan industry sup are no good shows. But that the ma- First, you must realize that stupid Ness Monster and such. Why, just last say that TV. wrestling is real. Thus, 7'"! Occasionally. however. issues arise port the bill but it died in the Senate. jority ofT.V. shows are stupid. things don’tsurvive in our society and week I saw a horror movie about a you ask me, “Why are these shows I, ;-. on which legislators feel serious 0n very short notice. the national Huh? Whuzzat? Whaddaya mean, never have. They may last for a few small town being terrorized by a still around?" It is simple — really, inijl‘,‘ pressure from the lobbyists. Groups association of investment companies “Whatdoes stupid mean?" You mean milIenia or a few months but even- disco. Somebody killed it with a Roll- quite simple. When I turn on my TV. ”'u," . tuaily they bite the dust and are eras- mg Stones album, but not before to see those truly meaningful cultural In; , ed so thoroughly that the few remains Jamie Lee Curtis was almost hustled inserts called commercials, people BLmM COUNTY by Berke Breathed mustbelaughed at when you consider to death. That movie was almost as think I am watching The Dukes of ,3 . that such a thing ever existed among scary as last year‘s The Leisure Suit. Hazzard. £5 “3%" W j W“ flfigb people in the first place. They are Whew. ' . ‘ ‘ A'L/ ’ 4N / , 4' .5 .. . . . . . ,1“; ,3,” w *5 40W 50 phySically, psychologically, socially With these kind of predecessors, _ .1 ‘ W A m6; ~61?“ A 9,. N. w“! sechpaow WA“, repulsive and inequipped to survive can T.V. be that bad? You bet. Can Emanuel B'°“’" ““B&Ef"’h"‘°"- ‘1 .1 .- NW)? X‘N .v I :I 9‘?" ‘_ aiiVSM/«N m .I '% le" mew LIKE ' i. , a a; 4 ”our \ I.“ m W! T A SNIP€. B'llets ,' ' ‘. t ‘: *i r ’ ”K ‘ ‘ ' Av .. - A . . \ \ ~’. \ \ $15 .1 ii" Q 9 $3 .,{ . s -- .. c... «- I. ~- M \i a - . oux ,’ .. .' ”as. ‘i " ‘t :‘r‘ / _ 4, _.\ \ 'i '1?” n" 2 1" L (g. ' ‘ ‘1 7‘ 1 5"} .- ‘u‘ u '..A,'? ‘ epufz , s. 4 “‘6" 5 it ‘E ' ‘AAr WW II ~~\*"“""” .t. ."l ‘. Ike. .. ”a? .4. :- ”LIE Vi"; . | " It, 1 4,11, ’ . Q} 3: fi: 7; A ‘ p . :‘IiI‘ . 4:3 . severely retarded children are reducetoegg-carton status when she ,- .' . \ ‘ . 'A . ' Pr o-chorce dumped and left to rot? Why aren't becomes pregnant? Should she have ‘ - _ ' these right-to-lifers crying over the toabide bythestandardsof one group 1 our]; WW . no A W , "Al I have been reading the anti- injustice of battered children? What of people? Is not herlifeof any value ‘ ,' , ; W, .1, I; 6,, mom: . WWW. abortion rhetoric for as long as I can are they doing about the infants found to the antiabortion people? .. wwwv’ f. {7 up 3.9m) WN‘rfL' you-RE no. WW standit. There seems tobe not many in trash barrels by the side of the Pro-liters, “judge not, lest ye be - A ' KN 0" 0N HAM m A“); EVA SHOUT uoxwo. NAILIQTERY ' pro-choice people in Lexington. I am road? Is not the quality of life an im- judged yourself." We all must answer ,7 Vi? n. WC - % one, and I am speaking up. portant factor? for our actions one day. If you do not , . . “v 4 j » Pro-liters scream about fetus I feel that Prolifers are very wish to have an abortion, don't have . ‘y r W 5!? .--, I rights, the right to life. Each time I unresponsible in insisting that these one. But leave the rest of us with our - , I?! 3 . I «7):? t“ , - \ “i i hear them, I am impelled to ask the children be born at any cost. They of- constitutional freedom, the right to . 7 , / ; A . ‘1‘. _ Nah» . .1. . ‘ .1; . “a question which burns me. “Who is go- fer no viable solution to ease the con- choose. §{v">.‘~.~ I‘<¢IJ~.$ M‘gé'w. ,Ii .23., . >~ \. i" -. MI;\{h, .-,. ’r\,I _ -5€‘1-+:MA‘M. ing to take care 11 all thae unwanted sequencuoftheir male, - /¢= .‘r‘ \ ‘ If " \ ..: . 2;?“ 3; . ~ .t, babies?" So much is being said about the BethA.Kaufmiin :‘ .5 “ _- If It \. . ‘5‘ . i” 3:“ ‘ ,, _ Why aren’t Pro-liters protesting the fetm‘ rights. W