xt705q4rn42q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt705q4rn42q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-08-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 26, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 26, 1988 1988 1988-08-26 2020 true xt705q4rn42q section xt705q4rn42q  



INXS is in concert Saturday night. For a
preview, See Page 3.



For a look at life behind the
stars, See Page 4.

Today: Sunny
Tomorrow: Sunny 8. warm






Vol. xcnmo. 13

ucky Kernel

Established 1894

University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky

independent since 1971

Friday, August 26. 1988


v .



UK Presudent Davrd Roselle meets freshmen on the Maxwell Place lawn last week during freshmen orientation.

Housing, aid can be found
for help, UK officials say

Editor in (‘hief

if Lisa (“iurts had stayed at {K just one
more day. officials say. she could have re
ceived help

Faculty. students and Lexington resi~
dents offered aSSistance in housmg and
money to (‘ourts. who had arrived at tTK
late Friday afternoon only to find that
housing had no record of her

(‘hester Grundy. director of minority stu-
dent affairs. said that although the situa—
tion with Lisa was "very unfortunate." it
may help in domg something for future

tor Lisa .

The “outpouring of concern
has been really very encouraging. '
dy said

But Lisa didn‘t stay

Overwhelmed and tired. Lisa returned to
her Maybeury. W Va, home where she
still is a little sick. according to her moth-
er. Aleise She won't be coming back to
(K. her mother said. but Lisa will go to
school somewhere eventually

Lisa (‘ourts is an extraordinary case.
according to [K officials. and one that
should not hurt 1K in its recruitment of
minority students

"It has the potential of generating a per-
ception among blacks that this is a very
impersonal situation for black youngsters
to be sent into." Stevens said.

The same question was asked after a ra»
eial remark by tormer Gov AB. ”Happy”
Chandler at a Board of Trustees meeting
last April. Stevens said. But the incoming
minority freshmen increased from 76 last
year to i2? this year

The problem. Stevens said. is that many
people come to UK each semester in need
of immediate assistance in the form of
money or housing.

People. whom Jerry Stevens. director of
minority operations. said "fall
throughi the cracks "

Each semester he sees at least a dozen
cases in his department alone where assis-
tance is needed immediately. Stevens said.
"Students through no fault of their own are
confronted With situations they don't know
how to handle." Stevens said.

Many students get caught up in the hu-
reaucracy. Stevens said. Several things
can happen. Financial aid applications get
lost. computer errors are made or letters
are sent out late in processing information
to students. he said.

t'K officials admit a bureaucracy eXists
for students who need help. but assistance
is available.

The process for getting financ1al aid is
huge. according to Judith Marshall. asSis»
tant to the Vice chancellor for administra~
tiori. But students can be helped.

For instance. L'K‘s finanCial aid depart~
ment has set up an agreement with Uni~
versity Bookstore for students to charge
their books.

Marshall said financial aid can give stu«
dents short~term. small loans in emergen-

To try and help students before they get
to t'K. the financial aid department writes
students before they come to school. adVis-
ing them to bring money to tide them over
until their financial aid is released. said
Davtd Stockham. director of financial aid.

Phi Kappa Psi fraternity
gets long-awaited charter

Staff Writer

Establishing a new fraternity and get-
ting members to _]0ln it is a hard job.

Just ask the members of Phi Kappa Psi.
l'K's newest fraternity.

After a three-year wait for a charter. the
fraternity became Kentucky Beta chapter
of Phi Kappa PSI on April 23 this year

Phi Psi is one of 19 fraternities on L'K‘s

”Phi Kappa PSi has been on campus
since 1982 or 1988. but they disbanded after
two years and another group started it
over in the fall of 1985.” said Randal Ste~
vens. Phi Psi president

The first group of Phi PSi’s at [K did
not succeed and the Phi PSi alumns were
skeptical when another group wanted to
start a second colony and work toward a
charter. members said.

In order to receive a charter. Phi PSi
had to meet certain criteria and gain the
respect the first group had lost.

This group has proven themselves to UK
and their nationals by meeting their crite-
ria and winning several awards on cam-
pus. members said. Phi Psi won the
Dean's (‘up for highest effort and best atti»

The fraternity as a whole had to achieve


“We're hoping to get our
numbers up to 60 this year.
We had 36 members return
from last year . "
Randal Stevens,
Phi Kappa Psi president

an average. cumulative grade point aver-
age of 2.5. and have 45 members. which is
the campus average. The chapter only had
35 members. but it was awarded a charter
anyway because it was “so solid." mem-
bers said.

The fraternity received letters of appro-
val from Micahel Palm. assistant dean of
students. the lnterfraternity Councd and
the Panhellinic Council.

“Dean Palm was very instrumental in
getting us here." said Stevens. “Palm was
friends with a lot of guys at nationals and
that helped us a lot

Finally. a house was needed in order to
be granted a charter. The Phi Psi alumn
Housing Corporation provided the fratemi-
ty with the funding for the house. located
at 447 Columbia Ave. the former Tau
Kappa Epsilon house.

"We‘re hoping to get our numbers up to

The following are the primary
from housing:

June 1
of the $100 deposit.

Aug. 1

Aug. 3
Aug. 23

Aug. 24

Sept. 7


The last day to withdraw from housing and cm“ morn: 'eiuwied

Cards were sent by the UK housing out; iv -, . .
asking if they planned to cancel and out their ”VIC“ t i. iai _
their application or apply the deposn in i ou~ W11 "7,: "T

The last day to pay the $50 registration fee

All students who had not yet moved rim tum/we: i. r': 2 '.
telephoned and reminded of the Aug :4 TWO.“ ~ 2

Bed checks were made in all dormitories and 5
not moved in were declared norshows rt. W'- r HP, :1;

The last day for students to pay tuziion :m‘

I» Freshman class is

biggest, brightest

By \l.\TT ST \Hl
Staff Writer

[.ori i'liumpiuii
('tth. iiiiiki'ti ti' ‘

(‘hzinipion who .,- r'
liked the viliit‘!‘i"“
fers ‘

That and mute
gletary Scholarship
(WOT ‘('hf\il]‘ ‘It‘i‘i .

gin“, ”Hi

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in Lisa s case. however. she had not ad
yanced registered so there was no record
ot her with the llniverSity. said ”and
Stockham. director of financial aid

"We can do a good Job with people who
advance register and have a completed ap—
plication." he said. For those students who
don't advance register and need help
its a difficult time for them.”

Those students may have to wait one to
two weeks to receive their financial aid. he
said. so the tTniversuy can‘t release funds
to them early because it' an error is made
in federal financial aid such :is W“
Grants. "the lTniverSIty has to pick up the

The housing department, like tinanciai
aid. writes incoming students in June. ill"
forming them of the housing situation.
according to Penny Cox. director of hous-

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DAVID STEIUNO isomer btat‘

Russ Hoskins and Robert Gray are members of the en. Kappa Ds. ‘Vaterii.t\'

which received its charter last April

60 this year." said Stevens. “We had 36
members return from last year and we
need the numbers to get more adequate

Fraternity rush ends Saturday. and Phi
Psi members are optimistic

“This has been the best nish week we've
had since we‘ve been on campus." said
Stevens. “We encourage everyone to stop
by and see what we are all about. "

Kentucky Beta chapter is the 93rd Phi

Kappa Psi chapter established i‘hi l's.
was founded In ”L52 til .lOlit‘t‘siiii i'iiilege ltl
('anorisburg. i’eiiii . making it the iith mid
est fraternity in existence

Phi Kappa Psi was founded on tht prin
ciple ol seryirig others. Their national plii
lanthropy is the National :\rihrltl.\ Founda»
tion The Kentucky Beta chapter will host
their annual l’hi l’Si 301) (‘hariot Race at
Seaton Field in Member Funds raised will
be donated to the foundation

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:r‘i- ff'l\;ii‘jltfli
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Iran and lraq
begin first
direct talks

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Speaker and acting «oiiiiiiaiitici rt
titliilll') s iriiieti thaigcu
id). liiiwcu‘t. ‘litil in“. was disti'iitlim.‘~
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< spun-s

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twat c ciliit‘is
"ditto I epul ted

iL'ilSJIljdill said lr'aii «\ill keep .'s ‘>)lt\‘.\
.=l|)llp.‘ the front litic so that lraq is ! ii'ccd

’li tit i cpl [K'dt t‘

lit-tore their lateluiace meeting l‘hurs-
liay. \zil. .uid \‘elayati held separate talks
with Perez. de i'iieilar. the lraqi tor about
~o minutes .uid the lrariiaii for 73 iiiinules
Roth ignored questions shouted by report
cl‘s waiting at the main entrance of the

the 'wo delegations include political rep
resentatiyes. legal experts. army represen
tatiyes and offiCials of relief societies





2 - Kentucky Kernel. Friday. August28.1988



Tom Spaldlng
Sports Editor


Katrina Airhart hopes to lift
volleyball team this season

a) rim se \l,l)l\(i
Sports Editor

Being a defensive specialist on 1
toilet ball team is not the most gin
ritietl position in the world \our
Job entails hard work lots oi s‘iktm‘
and little attention But e\er_\ tmr'
has 'u have one to get the job done

Junior Katrina Airhart is hi't‘
tuck; \ deteiisn'e specialist \f‘il
:ur t\\o seasons she has HUII‘U :
land to get the Job done LEW'.’ t'

lint Airhart wouldiit hd\t‘ it at».
tllllt'l WA}

" doesnt really bother me in
ill! usually not playing "

tht tron! row and stutt ’ \il‘lldi"
\.1ii2 it doesn‘t bother me her .ii.~t

l knou what he done myselt

lx- helped make this play .tilif

t'\t‘l though ti lot oi titties peotm
remember the

thu' “as a great hit at the t‘litl tit

lust play like til.

the eunie.‘ it it wasn‘t for the
pass til the back N)“. that hit
wouldn't have occured. "

Airhart. a Hoot-9 junior from
I.Lligt}\‘”l‘. ind. has labored in her
int» years at i'K under the decep-
li\l‘ guise (it outside hitter L'K
\"h'lt'h hath} DeBoer said her per
iorniatit-e “as more like a "de
‘t‘ll\l\t‘,\p(‘t‘lilllsl "

Katrina proyides a role tor our
‘min i think is not very clearly
lt‘ttiglll/tlhlt’ by people sitting iii
the stands. ' lieBoer said. "it‘s just
.i tritical. critical function for us
\‘iu st‘t'\r'\ its a defensive special»

l‘t‘itliit‘ may not have noticed Air
illiri lost season After all it‘s easy
placed out ot the spotlight
when mu have stars like Lisa Bo~
kovoy Lisa Dausman and Annette
l‘:'»\.i\i‘k playing in front of you. But
then ~hgidow is no more. This year
~llt' insist vast one of her own

in Zii‘





News, sports and arts writers, photographers.
copy filters and artists.

Apply with the

Kentucky Kernel
Q in the newsroom,
Ur call 257-1915 0

it could pay all




we re gonna count on her to
pass when she s in the game,’ De
Boer said We want her to pass 70
percent of the serves We want peo-
ple to go out of their Viay to serve
away from her “

Airhart doesn't let the lack of at-
tention get to her. a trait that De-
Boer said is admirable

“it‘s like an interior line in foot-
ball or maybe a point guard in has
ketball. they do little things for
your team that's not recognized in
terms of kills that doesn‘t show up
on the stat sheet." DeBoer said.
“But it they don‘t do their job, the
whole thing falls apart

"No. it‘s not in glorified posi-
tioni." Airhart said "i guess
sometimes you think. ‘1 wish I
could get a little attention.‘ but you
know it's really no big deal to


UK junior outside hitter Katrina Airhart dives for
the ball in a game last season. Airhart, although


BEHIND Fll’l'll Qt'.tR'I‘l:‘R‘S

()FI“ Nlt‘lmuSit/.11: RI).
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4 gallon —- S43 35

~10 gallon
complete sctups:

01 ittlc


oDcsk top Aquarium
(‘ompicte With Everything Needed
including 2 goldfish per unit

2 1/2 gallon —- $39 89


Goldfish Bowl Setups



not a well-known player among fans. has been an
important part of the team for two years.








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CI‘IARGE: 233-3535 or 1-800-525-5900






Si .85 pitchers
Si .00 mixed drinks

25¢ Komikozes

25¢ “Oly” Drof’r


New Daiquiri Bor open on Polio

This Friday
and Every


Come and Enjoy this Great Weather with us!
And Kentucky’s Best Juke Box

Imperial Plaza 2 3 3 — 17 17







AND GRILL, Woodland Ave.

Editor's note: This is a first
in a weekly series profiling
campus eateries and other
nearby restaurants where
students on a budget and
tired of dorm food can enjoy
a good and inexpensive

Nestled between Big
Daddy Liquors and The Upv
perclass lies the home of
perhaps the biggest and best
hamburger in town

People with gastronomy


($3 65) which, as the menu
describes it, is the "size of a
small hubcap." The patty
comes decked with lettuce.
tomatoes, onions. a choice
of cheeses and mayo and IS
cooked to your liking.

If you've got a hearty ap-
petite and a burger is not to
your liking, try the Pub Club
or the Big Guy‘s Ribeye.
which are guaranteed to
make iaws swell trying to eat

For an extra 50 cents. a
variety of toppings. such as
mushrooms and bacon. can

problems best not attempt a

stab at The O'Round burger be added to any sandwhlch.




Auatin City Saioon — 2350 Woodhiii Shopping Center. Nightrire wiil play
tonight and tomorrow night. 52 cover both nights.

Babylon Babylon - 117 N. Lime. Tonight, Skinny Bones with The
Shytes witl perform. 30 invisibie Mth 9ib Hemmer will play tomorrow
night. Cover is $3.

The Brace A Saloon — 2902 Richmond Road.

kaodlnga-SO9W.MdnSt. ParedoxwiiipiaytonightdeeivetEivis

Cheapaioe Ber -— 131 Chemaide. Annie and the Hubcets wilt pertorm
tonightandtomorrow night. There isnocover.

Comedy On Roadway — 114 N. Broadway. James Lee Reeves.11m

Copperfletd’e — 249 w. Short. Parker Coleman will play miter tonight
and tomorrow night. Cover is $2.

Klnge am we — 102 which 31. The Sevevth Seal will open tor Pat
”9‘93“” WWW f ., M“??re~a
Malnatreata — 269 w. Mun St. The Metropolitan Blues Aiisttrs wiii play
Friday and Saturday nbhte beginning at 1 0. Cover is $1 for both shows.

Rhlnaetona'e — John Anderson will perform tonight. Tickets me $10
muscula dystrophy. Cover is $5 per person. A $3 cover or $5 for cou-
ples is required for the ba only.

Two Kaye Tavern — 333 S Limestone St Freedom of Expression will
pertormtonightendtomorrow night There ise $300ver.




A Fleh Called Wanda -- Rated R. (Lexington Mali: 1. 3:10, 5:15. 7:25.
9:30mdtonightmdtomorrow night at 1 1 :30.)

Betrayed - PREMIERE Rated R. (Fayette Mall: 2. 4:30. 7:15. 9:45 and
tonight and tomorrow night at 12:05; North Park: 2:10. 4:45. 7:30. 10,

Big — Rated PG. (Fayette Mall: 1. 3:10. 5:20. 7:40, 9:55 md tonight
and tomorrow night at 11:50.)

Cocktail - Rated R. (North Park: 1:20. 3:25. 5:30. 7:40. 9:40 me
tonight and tomorrow night at 11:45; South Putt: 1:10. 3:05. 5. 7:30.

Coming To America — Rated R. (North Park: 12:50. 3:05. 5:20. 7:35.
9:50 and tonight U'id tomorrow night at 12:05; Turtlmd Md: 2. 4:20
endtonightendtomorrownightet 7:15.)

Die Hard —- Rated R. (North Park: 2:15. 4:55. 7:20. 9:45 aid tonight
md tomorrow night at 12:10; South Park: 1:45, 4:30. 7:35. 10 md
tonightmdtomorrownlghtat 12:15.)

Here and the Terror - PREMiERE Rated R. (North Park: 12:45. 2:55,
5. a. 10:05, ltd tonight and tomorrow at W: Crooeroaoa: 1:30,
3:30. 5:30. 7:40. 9:45am tonightmdtomorrowat 1 1 :40.)

Hot to Trot - m tilted R: (Fayette Mdl: 1:30, 3:35. 5:40. 8.

w to the I. — Had H. (Laidngton W: 1:15. 3:20. 5:25,
7735, 9:05 m-Wmmmmu 11:45.)

Mghonare on m 4 - Rated R. (North M: 1:30. 3:30. 5:30.
7:50. 9:55 lid tonight no tomorrow night at mlmioht: South M:
1:30, 3:30. 5:20. 8:00. 10:05 ltd tonight no tomorrow nm at

heating Home -— PREMERE Med 9313 (North M:1:15,3:15.
5:15, 7:40. 9:45mtormmdtomorrownightat11:40.)

m - Md P0. (2. 4:45. 7:46. 9:55 ltd W Md mow
ntnhtl 11:55.)

You. One - Mao R. (North M: 1.3:15.5:25.7:55.1o no to
0W no tomorrow ntmt I 12:05: W: 12:30, 2:50. 5:10.
7:26.e:aemwnmmmma 11:40.)

mmmm—m PG. (North M:1:10,3:10. 5:10,

7:25 and Wit and W blast at 11:45; smith M:1.3:10.




Kentucky Kernel. Friday, August 26,1958 — 3

IN XS makes stop at Rupp
during stadium ‘Kick’ tour

Staff reports

INXS has come a long way from
relying on MTV to help them break
into American airwaves.

Back in 1982, that’s all they were.
scoring hits with “The One Thing“
and “Don't Change" off the Sim-
booh Shabah album,

Consequent follow—ups like “The
()riginal Sin“ and “The Swing"
made a minor ripple, but the band
really started attracting a follow
ing in 1985 with Listen Like
Thieves. which had hits like the
title track. “What You Need" and
“This Time, “

That album was the spark to the
flame that ignited last year when
the band released its latest. Kick.
The album continued the band's
brand of white funk but this time
radio listeners really took hold.

Although they managed to fill the
smaller Louisville Gardens five
months ago. the band has now
graduated to arena status.

Lead singer Michael Hutchence
will now move his Morrison-like
posturings out of an intimate set—
ting but he has the magnetism to
reach his audience. which is proba
bly going to be screaming at the
top of their lungs anyway

If the move to the arenas has
made them complacent. then Ziggy
Marley and the Melody Makers
may be ready to steal their thun-
der The son of reggae pioneer Bob
Marley. Ziggy recently scored a hit
with "Tommorrow People" and
will provide a good contrast to
INXS‘ hard driving sound


Rob Sang
Arts Editor


9“ QUICK-—

—~——— CUTS-

t'“"" .. .. __..___....



1 My ltiiitsl \i.
‘ v.11

‘ “\f


j iiitmii ~ixi- \l ‘\\lilil'l:'R~
l I'iljnnm \lusr (Lu:- (-1 ~


Lead sicger Michael Hiitchence addresses the crowd cor WW ..
Louisville Gardens, ‘NXC "-2 00v; "" 7: Stadium tiiii' r‘ .‘mmw— ,.


Huey Lewis breaks from the norm

Arts editor

:7 I’llJf‘y].L\Vl\ x the X. as

Huey Lewis and The News
(‘hrysalis Records

it‘s one of my guilty pleasures
but ill go ahead and admit it !
like Huey Lewis

Any album that‘s guaranteed to
\9” an easy million copies and
stock top-40 playlists tor the next
year wouldn't seem to need the

“Kiri imp wild-w“

Witl‘ ‘ir‘. :(tii'rvi -.
Hi." €ii‘.\i\

done \(immiim_,

make Yht‘l!‘ ’ 7L!\l.l\'i ?="--
minded l‘ZUl'H l"l“'i_‘i‘:ij‘jyh.w ‘
mad H"" "MW“ r‘ .....r.: . . yi‘t‘iu‘rr-r. ..
hymn- .)iiglr i Worth”: my»)? ,
'nth“ Tin!”

line "14' ,, ....
it to w-
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morn 1. ri-ii-iij M”, i: ,...
£1200? \i‘l'k H (mm ,n,i

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tin lt'
other ' i‘~‘
.. dirt. sort“
‘mi‘sr- n .--
aorticiii.l..ii.;.i. .
Hint.» “th' v.

Skinny Bones pick through

(‘ontributing Writer

Skinny Bones. ti hardvrock band.
will take the stage at Babylon Bab-
ylon tonight. The three-member
hand. tormally .I.B. and the Five
Blind Boys until a few months ago
will begin at 10pm.

"We‘ve made a change in our
mllSlC tormat from the last band.‘
said drummer Jon McGee. “Thi
name was too long, too trivial ant
too ‘ritzy rock,‘ " said McGee. 2
UK student.

In addition to the name change.
the band also added a new bassist.
Band Barrick,

Guitar player DaVid Angstrom
said. “We now play rock and roll
where you shake your buttock.“

"We're not an artsy band and
we‘re not putting them down.‘ Ang-
trom said. “We just want to make
people laugh.”

"Our main influences are Led
Zeppelin and Aerosmith. it‘s like
AC’TX‘ meets Harpo Marx,"

As part of Lexington‘s burgeon-
ing music scene. the band has felt
the pinch that resulted when The
Bottom Line closed recently.

The Bottom Line. a downtown
bar. was the home for many new
original rock bands in Lexington.
The Line closed last week.

“It's a shame that they closed."
said Angstrom.

“We didn't play there as much as
we would have liked to." McGee
said. “If it stays this way too long.
it could hurt the music scene in

Skinny Bones has put together a
demo tape which contains six

The music is not heavy metal.
but a lot of the bands outside artis-
tic influences can be heard.

The band recorded the tracks in
the studio of bass player David

”We recorded the demo tape. in
my studio, Reel-Time Production."
Barrick said. “But it may he avail-
able at (.‘ut Corner Records soon."

._..__ w- 7 7 __._____—__.__..______,


Die Kreuzen
- Touch and Go Records
3 The Sugarcubas
1 Elektra Records
j Soul Asylum
; Twrntone Records
; The Red Hot Chili
' EMi/Manhattan
Joy Dlvlalon
Qwest Records
The Ophellae
Rough Trade Racer“
3 Various Artlata
Reprise Records
Varloue artieta
New Musical Express
World Domination
10.8HORT sum
Michelle Bhookad
Mercury Raoorde
Aa determined by M I

’ .

Jm MK“ Sta”

Skinny Bones poses at Babylon Babylon where the band will be
performing tonight The club W'" close temporarily tor remodeling






Q — Kentuctty RUM, rrtdey. A090“ 2“. 1m

Town businesses profit
from WKU students

Associated Press

signs around town say "Welcome
Westem students. We’re glad
you're back." And with good rea-
son: Western Kentucky Universi-
ty‘s 13.500 young people pack a big
economic wallop.

“(The students) are a big part of
our community in terms of keeping
our businesses open and operat-
ing." said city finance director
Kirby Ramsey.

Students. faculty and the institu-
tion itself spent about $91.3 million
in the city in 1%7. according to a
survey conducted by Bill Davis. as-
sociate professor of economics. Of
that. $633 million came from stu-

About 323.7 million of the total
remains in the local economy and
is turned over at the rate of $1.35
for every dollar spent, generating a
total of $32.2 million. Davrs said.

“That number reflects total dol-
lars that are spent and remain in
the community." he said.

Students last year spent an aver
age $521 per month. mostly for off
campus housing. an increase of
$125from 1983.

“Not surprisingly. the economic
impact of the university is rising."
Davis said.

Businesses in and around Green-
wood Mall experience more of an
increase when school is in session
than those located downtown. some
merchants say.

"The music stores. electronics
stores. really see a difference."
said Irene Bates. marketing direc«
tor for the shopping center.

The economic impact Will likely
increase by more than 3800.000 this
year because enrollment is ex
pected to increase by about 500 stu
dents. Davis said.


I e


CLASS IN THE GRASS: Students take advan-
tage of yesterday's sunny skies to catch up on

some sunbathing while keeping up with the
new load of fall semester classes.

mCEV COLEMAN/Kernel St."



Clarke, Moloney uncertain about special session

Associated Press

FRANKFURT. Ky. — Two lead‘
ing legislators complained yester-
day that mixed signals from the
Wilkinson administration have led
to mounting confusion about the
status of education reform.

The comments from Rep. Joe
Clarke and Sen. Mike Moloney.
chairmen of their respective Ap-
propriations and Revenue Commit-
tees. cap a week of revelations
about the progress of legislative
and executive negotiations over ed-

Last Friday. Gov. Wallace Wil-
kinson surprised many people by
announcing he would summon the
General Assembly to Frankfort in

Write for

Kernel -—
A n d



your own





January for a special session on

On Monday. Wilkinson said the
agenda for the session would be re-
stricted only to education items
and not money. He also hinted that
the only education initiative on the
agenda would be his.

Lawmakers complained that was
contrary to what had been said in
private negotiations with the ad
ministration. They especially
warned that Wilkinson's package
had been defeated in the 1988 regu»
lar session and little had been done
to increase its popularity.

The issue was further clouded by
a report yesterday in which Educa»
tion Secretary Jack Foster said the
governor‘s opposition to taxes was
not an "irrevocable position."

Administration officials quickly
moved to discredit the report.

“I don‘t know what the adminis—
tration means with the mixed sig—
nals." said Clarke. 3 Danville

Moloney said it would be point-
less to bring the legislature togeth-
er to tackle education matters
without addressing the root prob-
lems of funding in the schools.

“If you‘re going to have a session
in January. you ought to do it all."
Moloney said.

“I can‘t see any point in us com»
ing down here and spending a lot of
money and not getting anything
done.” Clarke agreed.

Clarke hinted that if Wilkinson
crafted the call for a special ses-
sion to deal only with a very re-

stricted agenda. legislators could
simply go home.

"It only takes five of us to ad—
journ. " Clarke said.

Wilkinson's Press Secretary
Doug Alexander tried to clarify
some of the messages from the ad-
ministration yesterday.

“If the question is, ‘Is the matter
of a tax increase going to be on the
special session call in January‘."
the answer is no." Alexander said

Wilkinson has not ruled out the
possibility of another special ses-
sion specifically to deal with school
finances. Alexander said.

Furthermore. Wilkinson is will—
ing to compromise on education
programs. Alexander said.

Wilkinson's public relations cam—
paign on behalf of his proposals re-
ceived a boost yesterday with re-
lease of a 3&page brochure that
explains the program.

Entitled “QA. Improving Ken-
tucky Schools —— A Conversation
With Governor Wallace G. Wilkin-
son.“ the brochure will be sent to
teachers. school administrators
and others interested in education.

Meanwhile. members of the in-
terim joint Appropriations and
Revenue Committee yesterday re
ceived a status report on the school
funding lawsuit brought by 66 poor
districts against the state. The suit
alleged that the General Assembly
has failed its obligation to provide
an "efficient“ system of education.

N 0 plans
to continue
state AZT

Associated Press

Kentucky has no plans to contin-
ue a federal program that helps
AIDS patients buy an expensive
medicine for their disease, a state
official said.

“I made my commissioner
aware that it was being disconti
nued. and he understands that ei
ther the feds will fund it again or
the cabinet will respond in some
way or the patients will find alter~
nate sources of getting the medica-
tion.“ Dr. Reginald Finger said

But no final decision has been
made on whether state funds Will
be used to replace the lost federal
funds, said Brad Hughes. spokes,
man for the state Cabinet for
Human Resources.

The drug, known as AZT. pre
vents the acquired immune deil'
ciency syndrome virus from repro-
ducing. The effect is to reduce
symptoms and prolong life among
patients. though a study has shown
that about a third have adverse re»
actions to the drug.

A one-time. $30 million federal
grant was distributed among the
states to help AIDS patients who
lack health insurance and are ineli~
gible for Medicaid to obtain AZ'I'.
which can cost more than $600 per

Eighteen of Kentucky's CSII'
mated 62 living AIDS patients are
enrolled in the program. which
ends Sept. 30, Finger said.

”It‘s the only hope in a disease
that has no hope." said Jack Kerr
sey. spokesman for the Community
Health Trust of Kentucky. an AIDS
support group. “You have to have
something. You have to give these
people at least a little thread it)
hold on to ”



The Student Group Health Insurance Plan for 1988-89 will be carried by
Bankers United Life Assurance Company. This company carries a
B E S I rating of “A“ (excellent).




credit hours.

Undergraduates: Must be registered for 6

Must be registered for 3

credit hours. (Certain 0 cred—
it hour graduate students
may qualify for enrollment.
Check with insurance Of-



The first 30 days of Fall and Spring semesters

are designated as open enrollment periods.

the first 10 days of summer sessions are des~
ignated as enrollment periods for new enrol—


The effective date of your insurance will be the
date that the Company or designated repre—
sentative receives your premium. For cover-

age to begin on the first day of classes, pay-


ment must be received by the Company or by
the Health Service insurance Office on or be—
fore that date.

Students wishing to continue enrollment will
have 30 days from the day school starts in the
Fall (Deadline: September 26 ) and 30 days
from February 26. (end of 6 month period) in
the Spring (March 26