xt705q4rn45g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt705q4rn45g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1990-03-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 28, 1990 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 28, 1990 1990 1990-03-28 2020 true xt705q4rn45g section xt705q4rn45g  






Kentucky Kernel

Vol, XClll, No. 136

Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lextngton. Kentucky

Indrarmridrr"? worn» ‘9




Decrease in voter turnout
expected in SGA elections

Stall reports

A smaller nririiher' ot’ earididates
this year tor the Student Govern»
merit ASSUCILIUOII electrons is ex-
pee'ied to result in a lower number
of voters this year.

“Last year almost 1.4M) people
(or about 10.4 percent ot‘ the stu-
dent lititlti voted.“ SGA eleetitiri
ehaiirriaii Jason Varitlri'er said.
"But I think the turn otrt Wlll he
smaller this time."

S(,i.\ \‘lk'kIlUtls l‘k‘L‘lll ttid'a} at ‘)
am and end ii iii

‘v'antliter said that a smaller
number of candidates usually
means that fewer voters will partie~

Almost «‘0 candidates ran for the
IS senator at large sr‘ots last )e'ar.
whereas only 3‘) are tornpetiritz lllls



lli the eseetitixe hrarreh rat e «‘vttls
luv li.l\els .ttt' \lll lite lltilliil last
sear \l‘. students ran for tiresittta
and ll\\ ttiriitietetl Itir site pres.

Also this sear mart) S(t,—\ oh
\k‘flels [\t'reL‘HL‘ Illill lllt‘ C\t‘s'llll\t'
hrarieh raees Sean I.ohriian and
Dale llahlxsiri tor tiresttlent and Sa
rzih (‘ourset and (‘hris \Voolrims
hir \ iee president are not eltise.

l'llll' or part i‘lllt. \rt‘tle'llls arm a
salidated l'ls Stritleri: II > and .ietii
ll} eartl are elis'rl‘le to tote

Stittlt Ill: llltl'w sr~te twr tvrit' tirest
titre i‘ seit.i

Llerit xi” ['.erltls'ld

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and times

Student (lenter
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Arts & St‘lt‘t‘tees

lll a.rii.-3 p.iii.
Allied Health


Law School
[0 a.m.-3 pan.

t I!‘.‘

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Business 8; lieononiies

Donovan. Blazer and
(‘omplex (‘omrnons

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[0 a.m.-3 pan.


Margaret I. King
9 a.m.-7 pan.

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his degree


5p8blet Piaptfin Writer

hl'aelvt spiritual lreedoiii song;

“Hie unit ”/I( Unite .tt
fight Kr'e/i war t \('\ wr the price

("1. Lani H

riiester to sal's are the time he \“al
ties the riiost right no“
etluetitrtin at l l\' .\nd. to ,-\lleri‘s
surprise, the l is eoiiiriiirriit) is
supporting liirii exery step til the

Allen, IN. is an inmate at
Blatlslttirn (‘orret tiiirial (‘tiriiplm
lli ls\lll3'lt'll sersrrigt a fil sear
selrlerit C ll'l t llt’kklllll .llltl \I\\lll
tard lraiid

l'or more than ti )ear he has
been torririit: to I ls during: the
“eels ori lilaeltlirirri‘s stud)
release proertiiii. titiilerrit: touard
a politietil stierite undergraduate
degree and takirii: tlasses in the
Honors l’rograrii.


When tits student Dwight ,-\lA
leri was rnarehiiig iii the l“(\“\' tor
eivrl rights, he lorind strength iii a

rte/rt mm the tilt. ire irvuhtt (1‘

More than _‘H years later. r-‘xlleri
again is ttsllt}! those words tor iii-
spir'ation as he struggles this seA


Inmate hopes to earn

from UK

,-\||eri is up tor parole in ()etti
her WW]. and II he toritiriiies tale
in; elasses during the summer
and regular sessions. he eorild
eoriiplete his degree h} their.

But the state has tliseontiriiied

i the \Illil‘. release prograrri, and


earlier this war pristiri ottreials'
told {\llk'il that thts stiiirte would
he his last ‘s'lllf‘dsi .itl ts

t\l lll’sI. \llt'lr sttttl ll\.
signed to reluetaritl) aeeerit the
deersiori. But alter help and en
etitir.i5:enierit trtirii the IR torri
llltlil|l\ and through a iie\\totiritl

snls It“

\lk‘lL‘lllllltJlit‘It he is liyhtrriz; the
\}\Iklll and, lit .i st‘ttst'
past tireiiritriuie llls
at (Is and rebuild his hle

“ l he whole I ni\t r .it,
retitlietl out and put their .ili .»
elIUlllltl int" he seirtl




[\rttt H'rr’ t‘.r\.wrt1r;t ,‘ ,i

x\llt'll greu up Ill ltitiisxille.
lss . \\ here he lieeanit .itti\e iii
the ei\r| rights ||tt“.t‘lll‘e’lll He
stopped his‘ torriial edrieatioii
‘.\lle‘ll he dropped out or t‘tritral
llrttli Seliool iii the lttth gradt

See INNIA’I‘IC, l‘aee I

D ARI LVKINSt‘tiv " rv '4

:"'tt)'ug‘ ‘ ”My

[)wrght Allen has been attending (lat: at UK Wllllt,‘ an ion at» at
Blackburn Correctional institute But a cut in state turids may tire
vent the Loursvrlto natrvr; troni earning ilIS degree




I i.» ,ANtitH‘s‘u ~


Cancer information line
awarded funding trom
National Cancer Institute


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Mcct mo


Senate candidates.
Pages 4 & 5.


Castaldo leads
thrashing of Morchcad.

Story. Page 6.


Today: Cloudy.
High 59°

Tomorro ': 70% rain.
High 44°





 2 — Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday, March 28, 1990


Inmate works toward political science degree from University

Continued from page 1

He led a life of crime for several
years, but after being convicted and
sent to prison, he began to tutti in
the opposite direction. While iii La»
Grange Reforiiiatory he decided to
pick up where he lelt of! in his edu-

Allen earned his (ilil) certificate
and was trained as a legal aid, stu-
dy ing law books, cases and proce.
dures, and working for prisoners'

But that wasn‘t enough for hiiii.
lie had his eyes on a higher prize.

“I realized I could be more ef»
fective, and 1 could protect my owti
rights and help other people and tie-
velop my humanity if I became
more educated." he said.

Allen began taking classes
through a program with Jefferson
Community College. in which pro
fessors came to the prison. He ex-
celled on the college level. earning
73 hours and an associates degree
in liberal arts, and making the
dean‘s list five times.

Still, that wasn’t enough for Al-
len. He said that he knew he had the
potential to do more, and he saw
UK as the place to help him do it.

“When I was a criminal I had low
self-esteem, I was insecure, and I
wanted to see ifl could hack it," he
said. “I knew that the Honors Pro»
grant was the best program in the
state and I said. ‘This is what I
want to do. Let‘s see if I can hack

“I wanted to come to UK because
first of all this was the battleship, in
my opinion. of universities and I
w as going to try to go to the top be~
cause I was rebuilding myself, and
part of that meant coming here."

Keep your t‘_\t‘.\‘ on the pfltf’.



“l was panic-
ularly struck
by St. Augus-
tine because
he led a tull-
circle lite."

After Allen was accepted to the
Honors Program, he was trans»
ferred to Blackburn so he could
participate in the study-release pro-
gram. He startcd at UK amidst the
tension over an alleged racist coni-
ment by former Kentucky Gov.
All. “Happy" Chandler, so he said
he didn‘t know what to expect at
L'K, or how people would treat

But he has met with only encour-
agement and respect, he said, and it
has made all the difference in his

In his first semester last spring,
Allen took an Honors Program
class with Jane Vance. in which his
studies included readings of Dante
and St. Augustine. Immediately he
made comparisons between their
works and his own life.

After reading Dante's Inferno,
which involves a journey through
various levels of hell, Allen put his
own journey into perspective
through the various stages of the
prison system.

And when he read Augustine‘s
Confessions , which describes Au-
gustine‘s turn from a sinful life,
Allen said he went through his own
“spiritual awakening."

Allen said that Vance helped him

"with rtiy transition to being free
emotionally because she looked at
me as a student. as someone that
had a unique set of experiences,
and she allowed me to let these
things out."

“I was particularly struck by St.
Augustine because he led a full-
circle life," he said.

Vance said Allen is “a kind of
student that i like most to see. He
takes everything he learns and turns
it in all angles to see how it fits in
his life. He savors every opportuni-
ty that he has."

At Vance's suggestion and en-
couragement, Allen worked on his
writing skills, with help from UK's
Writing Center. In addition to his
Honors Program courses, he is tak-
ing upper-level classes in political
science. in which he hopes to earn a
degree on his way to law school.

Keep your eyes on the prize.

Allen’s daily schedule this se-
mester includes a 6:30 a.m. military
science class, morning classes, af—
ternoon aerobics sessions, and stu-
dying and working with tutors until
he returns to Blackburn in the late

Brad Canon, a political science
professor who teaches a course Al~
Ien is taking this semester, said that
Allen is a “sincere and able" stir
dent and that the program he is in
“should be encouraged by the pris»
on system."

But the state has discontinued the
study-release program, arid Black-
burn officials have said they do not
have the staff to continue transport-
itig Allen to arid froin ITK during
the week.

Allen could complete his degree
through correspondence courses
with other state programs, but he


SGA Scholarship

Applications are here



SGA is offering three SIOOO scholarships for the
199091 school year. These scholarships will be
awarded to Current sophomores orj'uniors on the
basis of demonstrated service to the University
through campus involvement and leadership as
well as academic success and financial need.

Applications are available from
March 24 -April 4
in the SGA office.
room 120 of the Student Center.

’I‘wo letters of recommendation and a
college transcript are required.

The deadline for applications is 4:00 , April 4.






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D'ART LVKINS/Kernol Contribimot

Allen has taken several classes in the Honors Program. He spends some oi his time while on campus
studying in the Honors Lounge in Miller Hall.

maintains that only through UK can
he get the advanced political
science and Honors Program cours-
es that he needs.

With the support and encourage-
ment of many in the UK communi-
ty, Allen has appealed the decision
to discontinue his studies at UK.

Some professors have called state
officials on his behalf, and after a
recent article on his situation in the
Louisville Courier-Journal, Allen
said he received letters of encour-
agement from people at UK whom
he has never met.

UK Student Government Associs
ation President Sean Lohrnan said
he talked to officials in support of
Allen because his progress “is the
perfect example of our Kentucky
jails rehabilitating people."

Allen said he hopes an arrange-
ment can be made between [K and

state officials to allow him to com-
plete his degree at UK.

He expects a decision this week.

Canon said he realizes the prison
system has limited resources, “but I
think this can be worked out."

“My feeling is he cannot get
through correspondence courses
the same kind of education he can
get at UK, especially as he is now a
sort of advanced student," Cannon

Keep your eyes on the prize.

No matter what the decision is,
Allen said he has been surprised
and touched by the University's

“Within the last three or four
years of my life I've seen a lot of
people work hard and nothing hap-
pens. Just because you’re in a
bad situation and need help doesn‘t
mean you’ll always get help," he




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the Spring






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Student run radio is now accepting
applications for the
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“What shocked me most was that
an institution this big thought
enough of one of its students to
take a stand and help me spiritually
and emotionally.

“I can’t begin to point out every-
body that’s assisted me because
I‘ve been surrounded by so tnany
people to aid me academically, spi~
ritually, morally."

The spiritual that Allen sang with
groups marching in the '60s has
motivated him to turn his life
around —— become well-educated.
practice law and serve the society
that his former actions imprisoned
him from.

“You gotta take risks,“ he said,
“You gotta be willing to stand up
for what you believe in."

K ecp your eyes (”I the prize.


of ‘aggression’

Associated Press

VILNIL'S. L'.S.S.R. Lllllllllr
nia’s leaders angrily accused Mos
cow yesterday ol “inexcusable age
gression" and of kidnapping its
citi/ens after Soviet troops stonned
two hospitals in a harsh roundup oi
army deserters.

Later, the Kremlin ordered all
foreigners to leave the republic.
which declared independence
March I l. Soviet troops occupied a
fifth (‘ommunist Party building in
Vilnius, the capital.

Washington and other foreign
governments urged restraint btit
avoided attacking Soviet President
Mikhail S. Gorbachev, who faces
growing independence movements
in several republics as he tries to
institute rcfomi.

The Bush administration, in de—
clining to denounce Moscow. said
it did not waiit to “inflame the sitti-

Soviet officials defended their
actions and condemned the Lithua-
nians' aspirations as dangerous.

“Even Vice President Quayle ad-
mitted the other day there should be
some discipline in the army," Ser-
gei Chetvcrikov. minister-
counselor at the Soviet Embassy,
said at a news conference iii Wash-

Quayle said Saturday the Soviets
should not threaten Lithuania but
added that “ii the Soviet ITnion is
applying disciplinary measures to
people iii their own military. that‘s
a different situation."

In a furious letter to (iorbachev,
Lithuania‘s president. Vytautas
l..andsbergts. anti prime minister,
Karimera Prunskiene, said their
goveminent ”demands the return of
its kidnapped citizens."

They also urged negotiations
with b’loscow “in neutral territory."

Sox iet soldiers stormed two hos-
pitals helorc dawn yesterday and
seired 3i Lithuanian dcscrters who
had sought refuge. the official Tass
new s agetic y said.

Lithuanian telc\ ision said two
genuine mental patients were acci-
dentally sci/ed btit that the soldiers
let them go later.

Witnesses said some descrtcrs
were beaten as they were taken
front a run-down psychiatric hospi.
tal in Vilnius.

A trail of blood led down the
steps and out the front door oi the

“They beat them with their fists,"
said a dirty nurse at the hospital,
where windows and iron beds were


(300:0 3&0 :inncn Gris-1m






 Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday, March 28. 1990 — 3



Jesus and Mary Chain concert flawed but entertaining

Editorial Editor

Toto, I don't think we're in Kar-
StlS anymore.

— Dorothy in “The Wizard of

Imagine walking into a room
filled with a large crowd of people.
most of whom look like Robert
Smith from the Cure and aren't
even old enough to vote.

Then there is a small percentage
of people representing preps, jocks,
grecks, hippies and any other stere-
otypical social group you can

On stage a band is playing a
cross between guitar rock and in-
dustrial noise with a definite Bau~
haus influence.

Subliminal messages are flashing
on a star-shaped screen in back of
the band. Sometimes it’s a picture
of a gun, an act of violence or it
could be the words “Jesus" or “Psyu

Sounds like something out of :1
Stanley Kubrick film, right‘.’

I kept waiting for Kubrick to
come from somewhere behind the
crowd at the Jesus and Mary Chain
concert iii the UK Student Center
Ballroom Sunday night and yell

It was just weird.

Lead vocalist Jim Reid never said
anything to the audience the whole
time the band was on stage. Tltey
came. they played arid (after one en-
core) they left.

Reid‘s brother and Chain guitar-

ist, William, led the band through
songs from all three of the group’s
albums with an emphasis on the
band's latest release. Automatic.

However, it was songs front the
band’s first release, I’i'yeimi‘rimiy,
that got the older members of the
crowd moving. Songs from their
second, and more laid-back release,
Dar/(lands, didn't fair as well.

Automatic is similar to l’syr-ltri—
candy with its heavy guitar and use
of feedback. Lyrically. the band
tends to be more down.

“I’m never gonna get otit of this
place/I’m a stone dead tripper/
Dying iii a l'antasy...l.ook out kid/
You gotta get a hit/Looks like
you're never gonna make it off the
government list." Jittt Reid sings
iit “Blues front a Gun," the first
single front Automatic.

The Jesus and Mary Chain are
notorious not only for the group‘s
moniker, but their open drug use:
front the second half of the show
you would have thought that they'd
taken a little too ntuch of sortie-

The band started out with a num-
ber of dance tunes. including their
MTV hit, “Head On." but by the
end of the show they had evolved
ittto a rttass of sortie noise. It was
hard to distinguish one song from

The battd was having trouble
with its equipment all night and lor
a while it was hard to tell what \vas'
the result of mechanical errors and
what was the band‘s fault.

But in all the band put on a
good, if flawed show.


Hunter Hayes
Arts Editor



the Veldt (left) opened for the Jesus and Mary Chain (right) who performed Saturday night in the Stucco? Center 1-" wt 95"", ' ..

’l he opening act, the Veldt. fared
.i little better with the audience.
The IltlllIlAr‘ttL‘lLli band front .\'ortl‘.
Carolina I\ exactly what happen»
when they let people il\Ic‘ll to the
Rantories iii the Bible Belt.

There \\.Is even a pretty active
mosh going on by the end of the
show. The \‘eldt have an album
coming out on \lgtittouth Records.

Carson to read at Transy

Staff Writer

Jo Carson is an eavesdropper.
She prides herself on listening to
other people's conversations while
at the beauty shop or standing in
line at the grocery store. It makes
her a better writer.

Carson. a poet and playwright,
uses the extracted dialogue along
with other language she hears to
write what she calls “people piee

“These poems are really a collec‘
tion of monologues and dialogues
with people I have met in the Ap-
palachian Region." Carson said.

The Johnson City, Tenn., native
said she has lived tn other areas of
the country. but has returned to the
southern region of Appalachia be-
cause of its beauty arid people.

”I‘ve lived tn New York. but I
moved back to Johnson City be-
cause I wanted to." Carson said. “I
grew up with the. mountains cIOse
and I love them dearly. There is a
sense of play with the language
here. There is metaphor and siittile
and use of narrative not heard much
in urban centers. It‘s wonderful and
rich and I love to listen to it."

She is an occasional commenta—
tor on National Public Radio‘s “All
Things Considered." She also has
been wellreceived on the stage.

Carson will give a staged reading
of [)uytripx. a higltlyuacclaiittcd
play about a family coping wttlt
Alzheimer‘s disease. at tv‘ tottigltt iii
the Coleman Recital Hall at Trait.
sylvania University. Dirt-trips re-
ceived the National Arts Club‘s
198‘) Kesselring Award.

Carson avoids calling Utiytripr a
play about Alzheimer‘s.

“It's not about Al/lteittter‘s; it‘s
about duty arid love. It happens to
have someone itt it that is very old
tutd has Al/.he.iitter's." she said.

But Carson said the disease is an
issue that should concern “baby
boomers." who now are moving
into middle age.

“I‘m part of the ‘baby boom.‘
which is a generation that is grow -
ing older," she said. “As we as the
bulge grow older. there will be a
tremendous problem. It seems to be
a problem of health care, which we
do very badly."

Ditytripr will kick olf the 13th
Annual Women Writers Conference
that will be held through Friday at
the UK Student Center.

Each spring more than 500 regis'
trattts front across the country par-
ticipate in a series of workshops,
discussions. readings and perfor-
mances presented by women writ-

This year‘s conference includes
readings by Pulitzer-prize winning
poet Gwendolyn Brooks. Brooks‘
43-year writing career includes the
Frost Medal from the Poetry Sociev
ty of America. the PSA's highest
distinction. She also has been lion-

ored as Illinois” Poet Laureate.
Other writers featured are poet
Toi Derricotte. fiction writers .\le-
lissa Pritchard aitd .-\ttne Rednton.
and satirical skits perlormed by The
Spiderwoman 'l‘lieatre. Inc.

J0 Canon will read from “/Mtw

Into" (1! o’ it i:. :i'tt irt [hurry/tutu;
['riivi'rrily'i (7 ii'num It’cyilul ll;t.‘.

lit‘kr'is tire tori/(title at (/u' i/ r
for $5 for Mr general {iii/tin iifl'ltf
$3.50 for Ancients.

l“rtrfiirtiu'r information on the lf‘
('itrxrm reading or the II omen L't'm.
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 4 — Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday, March 28, 1990





[IIIIIIIIIII'I'ES Hill 'I'IIE 1990-9] Slill 5mm:




makes Boyd

Dedication is
an essential
characteristic for
any student
leader. I became
a member of the
Student Govern—
ment Associa—
tion three years
ago. I have been
a member of the I
Freshman Rep- BOYD
resentative Council, Student Advo-
cates for Education and Administra-
tive Director of the Freshman
Representative Council

For the past year I have served as
a Senator at Large. I organi/ed and
served as consultant for the Senate
Retreat, sponsored legislation to
fund the Black Issues Teleconfer»
ence, lobbied for higher education
and fought for student rights and
representation. Through these and
other experiences I have proven my
dedication to students.

My ticket tPutman, Payne, Smi—
ley and Boyd) wants to implement a
Campus Rap Session Series. Each
session will be set up similar to a
talk show. The panelists will con-
sist of students. laculty. administra~
tors and people trom the Lexington
community. Students will be invit-
ed to ask questions oi the panelists
and voice their opinions. The Cam~
pus Rap Sessions w ill address a va-
nety of issues. including racism and
discrimination on campus and the
role of traditional and non-
tradiuonal students

Putrnan. Payne. Smiley and Bovd
also will establish a L'niversity Life
and Relations Committee. Minority
Recruitment Program and a Pros:
pective Student Program.

Ashley Boyd ts ti candidate for
Senator at Large.

Mussler making

a difference

There is a dit—
fe rence bctw een
holding a posi-
tion and work-
ing for student
rights. i

As a member ’
of the Mussler.

Goodwin. Rich»

ardson and Ras-

i‘ilt‘lti Itc'ls‘t‘l. I i
am confident

that we have the MUSSLER
drive. desire and ideas to achieve
benefits for the student body. In ad-
dition. we have the knowledge of
SGA which will enable its to tnake
our ideas a reality

Personally. I have gained this in-
sight through serving terms on
both the Freshman Representative
Council and as a Freshman Senator
this year. I have learned the proper
channels to take to get legislation
passed and have succeeded in such
tasks. Now. with great anticipation
and excitement. l look forward to
addressing the issues of our ticket.
We have a tour-point platiorm that
covers long-range goals and ones

urn 'IIVrr'Iiii it‘li \ nut in nun. cos


i. yr .-
‘ 3'

ulnaallnieni oi additional 2-1-
hotir study areas to accommodate
North and South campuses

‘./‘\il'.ocatioii of fair student repre-
sentation on administrative deci»

‘.Creatioii of a more convenient
residence hall atmosphere where
items such as cop; machines are
more available and computers more

aIinpleniczitatttin of a llcuble
spending account that would en-
hance the purchasing use of the lit-

After a year oi involvement in
student government (four years
combinedt. w e see our platform and
the year ahead as a was to work to-
ward student concerns, Our path has
termed, our futurc is bright. our
difference is ‘slthLfilIlIliil.

t'n'. \Ittsslt‘r it it unilnlittt' it!”
St 7241.5 r iti‘ lorer

Payne means

Will. the cv
pericncc l have
gaincd in the
SGA t.“.‘tllll‘.C
branch this year
I will bring the
Hunt and work
ing ktwwlctli'c
HCt‘tlt'iI I” hi, it
productive sena-
tor. This year I
have been .i PAYNE
member oi the freshman Represen
tative (‘oiiii.il. ('lta'rman of the
Freshman l‘iiblic I’wlations ('onis
mtttee and Vice ('hairnian oi the

National Issues Forums which has
given me the experience to deal
with problems quickly and eifecr

One of the issues that our ticket
(Putman. Payne, Smiley and Boydi
will address is minority recruit—
ment. We would like to establish a
Minority Recruitment Program that
would be highlighted by a Minority
Recruitment Day. The day would
include displays by the colleges and
student organizations followed by a
campus tour in small groups to en—
sure personal attention. The day
also would include a panel of stu-
dent leaders and administrators to
answer questions from perspective

Other issues are a University Life
and Relations Committee, a Per-
spective Student Program and a
Campus Rap Session Series.

Putman, Payne, Smiley and
Boyd have the experience and drive
to ensure that students‘ needs are
met and that their interests are de-

Chris Payne is (1 candidate for
Senator at Large.

Updike serves all

There are sev~
eral reasons
why l decided to
run for Senator
at Large. My
ticket of Heidi
Fugeman, Keith
Sparks and
Scott Crosbie

sees vast chang- ‘ . £3.
cs that need to a to:
be made at UK. UPDIKE

As a member
of Pi Kappa Alpha social fraterni—
ty, I have learned what it takes to
make an organization succeed, I
have the leadership skills to repre-
sent students as a Senator at Large.
and I am willing to listen to stu-
dents' needs and make their voices

One of the major areas that needs
to be dealt with is education. L‘K
desperately needs more money to
enable students to receive a higher
quality education. Through greater
lobbying efforts in Frankfort, Ky..
increased state funding can be ac-

Other dilemmas UK faces in-
Cludes the safety of students and
their vehicles through increased
campus safety, buddings equipped
for handicapped students and more
representation of minority stu»

My ticket cart adequately serve
the students as Senators at Large.

Dawson Uptit/v't‘ is (I tttndiduletiir
Send/or at Large.

Hester man with
campus plan

I am the best qualified cand