xt705q4rn83h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt705q4rn83h/data/mets.xml Kentucky. Department of Education. Kentucky Kentucky. Department of Education. 1934-10 volumes: illustrations 23-28 cm. call numbers 17-ED83 2 and L152 .B35. bulletins  English Frankford, Ky. : Dept. of Education  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.) Education -- Kentucky Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "A Program of Curriculum Study in Kentucky", vol. II, no. 8, October 1934 text Educational Bulletin (Frankfort, Ky.), "A Program of Curriculum Study in Kentucky", vol. II, no. 8, October 1934 1934 1934-10 2021 true xt705q4rn83h section xt705q4rn83h    



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Prepared by




Published by


Superintendent of Public Instruction


Entered as second-class matter March 21, 1933, at the post office at
Frankfort, Kentucky, under the Act of August 24, 1912.

Vol. II 0 October, 1934 0 No.8














The State Curriculum Committee appreciates the excellent

help that has been given by a number of persons in the production
of this preliminary announcement.

The Committee especially appreciates the help given by the
Committee on General Educational Objectives and by the members
of Dr. Adams’ curriculum class in the first term of the 1934 Sum-
mer Session at the University of Kentucky. These two groups are
largely responsible for the list of general objectives in the bulletin.

The Committee also wishes to express its appreciation to
Charles Thurmond, Louisville Public Schools, and Mary E. Rans-
dell, Lexington Public Schools, who rendered special help on the
list of definitions given and the general arrangement of the bulle-
tin; and to Frances Martin, Katherine Conroy, and Etheleen Daniel,
critic teachers in the University of Kentucky Elementary School,
who rendered valuable assistance in preparing the suggested out-
lines for discussion at teachers’ meetings.

The committee also appreciates the excellent work that has
already been done by the divisional committees. The results of
their work will appear in later publications.

Chairman State Curriculum Committee



















Introduction 5
Committees 6
Divisional Committees 6
State Regional Committee 14
District Committees 15
Problems in Curriculum Making .................................................... 16
Suggested General Objectives .......................... 20
Knowledges and Understandings ............................................. 20
Attitudes 22
Automatic Responses 24
Appreciations 26
First Meetinnghe Philosophy and Principles Underlying
Modern Curriculum Making ........................................................ 28
Second Meeting: How to Determine Educational Objectives 30
Third Meeting: Evaluating Objectives ...................................... 33
Fourth Meeting: Selecting and Organizing the Materials of
the Curriculum 34
Fifth Meeting: Principles of Good Teaching ........................ 36
Sixth Meeting: How Shall Outcomes be Measured ................ 38













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The Kentucky Education Commission, realizing that the ulti-
mately important consideration in any educational scheme is What
and how we teach, recommended that a careful study be made of
the elementary and secondary curricula of Kentucky.

Acting upon the recommendation of the commission, James H.
Richmond, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, appointed
a State Curriculum Committee early in the fall of 1933. The mem-
bers of this committee are:

James H. Richmond, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Chairman

Jesse El. Adams, University of Kentucky, VicevChairman

R. E. Jaggers, State Department of Education, Secretary

Robert E. Sharon, Superintendent Kenton County Schools

Arville Wheeler, Superintendent Paintsville Public Schools

W. M. Wilson, Superintendent Pineville City Schools

W. R. Champion, Superintendent Lancaster Schools

1 W. Smith, Principal Breckinridge County High School, Hardinsburg

Robert ‘B. Clem, Principal Shawnee High School, Louisville

Mary E. Ransdell, Teacher of Social Science, Morton Junior High School,

R. A. Edwards, Eastern Kentucky State Teachers College, Richmond

W. IS Matthews, Western Kentucky State Teachers College, Bowling


W. J. Caplin‘ger, Superintendent Murray City Schools

Warren C. Lappin, Morehead State Teachers College, Morehead

T. E. Cochran, Professor of Education, Centre College

Mark Godman, Public School Supervisor, Frankfort.

L. N. Taylor, Agent for Negro School, Frankfort

The committee held two or three meetings in an attempt to
define the scope and function of its work. As a result of these dis-
cussmns it interpreted its function to be twofold. First, to con-
Stht; with the aid of its various divisional committees, new
Courses of study for Kentucky in both the elementary and secon-
flary fields. Second, to stimulate teachers and educational workers
Exile state to study intensively the curriculum and its many prob-

_ As a result of its first conceived function the committee ap-
POmtcd thirty-two divisional committees. This does not mean of
course that the committee immediately divided the curriculum into
thlrtY—two different fields. The committee did conceive of field


















divisions for its tentative start. A study of the divisional commit-
tees appointed, however, will show that the curriculum was thought
of in terms of not more than six or seven major fields, and even
this number was considered tentative, and was made in order to
get a working organization started. The committee felt that the
final field divisions would be largely determined by the results of
the work and thinking on the part of the various divisional com-

In regard to the second function of the committee, the presi-
dent of the Kentucky Education Association, together with the
presidents of the eleven district teachers’ organizations, was asked
to serve as a State Regional Committee. Also, the president of
each association was asked to serve with the secretary and board
of directors of his association as a district committee for his terri-
tory. The purpose of the district committees is to stimulate teach-
ers and other educational workers in the various districts to study
intensively some of the current problems of the curriculum.

The purposes of the present syllabus become apparent at this
point. They are:

1. To present certain problems which the curriculum committee faces.
2. To set forth what has been done thus far by the committee.

To suggest a list of curriculum topics for discussion at teachers'

It is hoped that the contents of this bulletin will help to stimu-
late every educational worker in the state to think seriously about
the school curriculum in Kentucky. It should be understood that
this bulletin is presented as a tentative production, and it is hoped
that a critical attitude will be taken toward it. If every person
in the state who reads and studies this bulletin will write the com-
mittee his opinion of any of the problems involved it will be greatly
appreciated. Outlines of procedure m‘ade thus far are only pre-
liminary and are entirely subject to change. ,The final outoOme
of the study should be a result of the thinking of each educatlonal

worker in the state, whether he happens to be a member of any
committee or not.


The State Curriculum Committee has appointed three types of
committees—the divisional committees, a regional committee, an
the eleven district committees. Below are given the purposes and
membership of each committee.

Divisional Committees. The purpose 0f the divisional com-
mittees is to produce new courses of study in their respective fields
on both the elementary and secondary levels. These COmImtte‘eS
have thus far been working on objectives for their respective fields;
and as soon as this project is done they will begin an intenslve

. 0










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study of the material of the curriculum, probably writing it up
ultimately in some form of teaching units. The members of these
committees were appointed in January, 1934. Since that time a
number of changes, especially among the county superintendents,
have been made in the personnel. The list of the members as given

here, however, is the original list.

Committee No. 1. Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade (all subjects)

Frances -K. Martin, University Elementary School, Lexington, Chairman
Virginia Story, Eastern Kentucky State Teachers College, Richmond
Minnie C. Winder, Public Schools, Ashland

Geneva Bolin, Isaac Shelby School, Louisville

Adeline Cubbage, Public Schools, Georgetown

Margaret Wooldridge, Murray State Teachers College, Murray

Patty Richmond, Public Schools, Pikeville

Henry H. Hill, Superintendent City Schools, Lexington

N. 0. Kimbler, Superintendent Henderson County Schools, HenderSOn
Mignon Newbern, Lincoln School, Lexington

Committee No. 2. Reading and Literature, Grades 3-6

Nan Lacy, Public Schools, Lexington, Chairman

0. A. Rubado, Assistant Superintendent Elementary Education, Louis-

Ethel Clarke, Western Kentucky State Teachers College, Bowling Green

Nellie M. Wyman, Murray State Teachers College, Murray

Mattie Sallee, Public Schools, Danville

Dorothy Stephans, Holmes High School, Covington

C. T. Ward, Superintendent Anderson County Schools, Lawrenceburg

P. H. Neblett, Superintendent City Schools, Jackson

Jeanette W. Pates, Public Schools, Lexington

Mrs. Phoebe B. Worth, Principal Lincoln School, Lexington

Committee No. 3. Oral and -Written Expression, Spelling, Handwriting,
Grades 3-6

W. M. Wesley, Superintendent City Schools, Harlan, Chairman

Maggolia Scoville, Western Kentucky State Teachers College, Bowling

Mrs. Claude Allen, Public Schools, Madisonville

L. C. Caldwell, Superintendent Boyd County Schools, Catlettsburg

R. F. Flege, Superintendent City Schools, Irvine

J. K. Powell, Principal Elementary Schools, Harrodsburg

E. F. Hartford, Superintendent Public Schools, Williamstown

Committee No. 4. English, Oral and Written Expression, Handwriting,
Spelling, Literature, Grades 7-9

Mamie West Scott, Superintendent Estill County Schools, Irvine, Chair-

Mrs. S. M. Chinn, Public Schools, Georgetown

Evelyn Sandusky, Public Schools, Somerset

Mrs. J. Preston Bryan, Public Schools, Nicholasville

Clara Rimmer, Murray State Teachers College, Murray

H. C. Burnette, Superintendent City Schools, Nicholasville












Committee No. 5. French, Grades 7-12

Merwin R. Holtzman, Male High School, Louisville, Chairman

Marjorie Clagett, Western Kentucky State Teachers College, Bowling

Catherine Dunne, Morton Junior High School, Lexington

Elizabeth Gasser, Daviess County High School, Owensboro

Juanita Minnish, Morehead State Teachers College, Morehead

Lillian Rasch, Holmes High School, Covington

Everett Howton, Superintendent City Schools, Princeton

Committee No. 6. German, Grades 7-12

A. E. Bigge, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Chairman

R. A. Johnston, Murray State Teachers College, Murray

H. F. McChesney, Western Kentucky State Teachers College, Bowling

Charles E. Pauck, Berea College, Berea

Committee No. 7. Latin, Grades 7-12

Hallie T. Gaines, Western Kentucky State Teachers College, Bowling
Green, Chairman

Gretchen Bergmeyer, Public Schools, Dayton

Tossie M. Thorpe, Mayfield High School, Mayfield

Emily Shelburne, Maysville High School, Maysville

Mabel Martin, Second and Lee St. High School, Louisville

Rebecca Lewis, Public Schools, Pikeville

Paul Garrett, Superintendent City Schools, Versailles

Robert E. Traylor, Public Schools, Princeton

Ruth vDriskill, City High School, Bowling Green

Bonnie Richards, Highland Junior High School, Louisville

Committee No. 8. Spanish, Grades 7-12

Mrs. J. M. Server, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Chairman
H. Brandenberger, Maysville High School, Maysville

Hilda Pehrson, Holmes High School, Covington

Lillian Elrod, Shawnee High School, Louisville

Committee No. 9. General Languages, Grades 7-9

Amy Rose Troxler, Highland Junior High School, Louisville, Chairman

Ruby Rush, Eastern Kentucky State Teachers College, Richmond

Merwin R. Holtzman, Male High School, Louisville

A. E. Bigge, University of Kentucky, Lexington , ,

Hallie T. Gaines, Western Kentucky State Teachers College, BOWhng

Mrs. J. M. Server, University of Kentucky, Lexington

J. 0. Lewis, Superintendent Public Schools, Fulton

D. J. Carty, Superintendent Magoffin County Schools, Salyersville

J. 'B. Carpenter, Male High School, Louisville

Margaret Arnold, Shawnee High School, Louisville

Committee No.10. English, Oral and Written Expression, Handwritingy
Spelling, Literature, Grades 1012

Presley M. Grise, Eastern Kentucky State Teachers College, Richmond:
Chairman -

. . O






 —' o—————_——'——0 i, 1.5
( Sherman G. Crayton, Director University High and Elementary School, ‘35 : . ,.
Lexington . ‘j _ ‘ :
howling Pansy Pence Dinkle, Danville High School, Danyille , ‘ '
Inez F. Humphrey, Morehead State Teachers College, Morehead . 1.1 u i E
Attie Faughn, Public Schools, Benton ,
Bronston L. Curry, Public Schools, Bowling Green ‘ . ‘ j ‘
Lenora Johnston, Shawnee High School, Louisville ‘ ‘ ‘ 3 ,
Mrs. Emma E. Ross, Public Schools, Hazard
Mrs. Lucy L. Smith, Superintendent Henry County Schools, New Castle
Mary A. So'ward, Frankfort High School, Frankfort
Green W. Campbell, Superintendent City Schools, Corbin

fip- .__ _. ‘_,_


Committee No. 11. Number Work and Arithmetic, Grades 3-6

Roy J. Bell, Principal Salisbury School, Louisville, Chairman

Mattie S. T'rousdale, Murray State Teachers College, Murray ‘ ‘l‘i
May K. Duncan, University of Kentucky, Lexington «i’
T. 0. Hall, Superintendent City Schools, Greenville f: : . ‘ Z- l ‘3
*Orie P. Gruelle, Superintendent Kenton County Schools, Independence i ‘;
wling , Emma Bandle, Public Schools, Newport

r Committee No. 12. Mathematics, Grades 7-9

i A. P. Prather, Superintendent City Schools, Earlington, Chairman
{ Tomie Bronston, Morton Junior High School, Lexington
[ Clarice Hines, Butler High School, Princeton '
GUY G. Nichols, Superintendent City Schools, Barbourville
( Amy Irene Moore, Morehead State Teachers College, Morehead
D. B. Palmeter, Principal Elementary School, Frankfort.
i Sue Howard, Western Kentucky State Teachers College, Bowling Green
' J- ‘G. Long, Superintendent Schools, Hellier
' Roberta Whitnah, Murray State Teachers College, Murray
I E. F. Birckhead, Superintendent City Schools, Winchester
Frank Stallings, Parkland Junior High School, Louisville , .
( Roland Roberts, Superintendent Jessamine County Schools, Nicholasville _‘ ‘ , ,
Mrs. Harry H. Tanner, Public Schools, Winchester ‘ ‘ i
: Orme Doolin, Public Schools, Bowling Green ‘ i




man r Committee No. 13. Mathematics, Grades 10-12

l i i
Merrill E. Schell, Western Kentucky State Teachers College, Bowling ii i‘
' . f 'Green, Chairman ' 1
[111g , Katie Galt Miller, Second and Lee St. High School, Louisville ,
I J. S. Mitchell, University High School, Lexington ‘
i H. L. Ellis, Superintendent Public Schools, Louisa
EVElyn Ross, Public Schools, Corbin l
Eunlce Bone, Madisonville High School, Madison'ville J . ,
R. B. Cartmell, Spears High School, Route 5, Lexington ‘
GOIda M. Huff, Holmes Junior High School, Covington .
Eugene Kifer, Central City High School, Central City 1
Mrs. Forrest Mercer, Frankfort High School, Frankfort
K. G. Gillaspie, Superintendent City Schools, Morganfield
Paul B. Boyd, Superintendent City Schools, Carrollton
Kenneth R. Patterson, Superintendent City Schools, Mayfield ,[z


* - . .
Term has expired smce apporntment was made.

-. Q_—Q E








Committee No. 14. History, Civics, Geography, Grades 3-6
L. G. Kennamer, Eastern Kentucky State Teachers College, Richmond,


Katherine Conroy, University Elementary School, Lexington
Lillian Logan, Principal Stoddard-Johnson School, Louisville
Evelyn Odom, Morehead State Teachers College, Morehead
T. W. Oliver, Superintendent City Schools, Pikeville
Elizabeth Zachary, Louisville Normal School, Louisville
Catherine Braun‘, State Teachers College, Morehead

Lee Kirkpatrick, Superintendent City Schools, Paris

Z. 0. Price, Superintendent Grant County Schools, Williamstown
Winifred D. Broderick, Ahrens Trade School, Louisville
Mary Marks, Public Schools, Hartford

Marjorie Leonard, University Elementary School, Lexington
W. M. Caudill, State Teachers College, Murray

Committee No.15. History, Civics, Geography, Sociology, Economics,

Grades 7-9

Freeman Tanner, Principal High School, Russellville, Chairman

Mrs. Clyde B. Oates, Public Schools, Central City

Mrs. Maynle W. Randolph, Public Schools, Franklin .

Mary Lawrence, Western Kentucky State Teachers College, Bowling

Margaret Campbell, Murray State Teachers College, Murray

Alma Owens, Parkland Junior High School, Louisville

Mrs. Norton Peel, Public Schools, Nicholasville

R. E. Hale, Public Schools, Maceo

Louise McKinney, Public Schools, Midway

Mildred White, Senior High School, Ashland

Eliza M. Hanson, Public Schools, Richmond

Robert K. Rudd, Principal Forest Hills School, Covin‘gton

Fan Lee Dalzell, Morton Junior High School, Lexington

J. W. Snyder, Superintendent Daviess County Schools, Owensboro

Harper Gatton, Superintendent City Schools, Madison‘ville

T. D. Clark, University of Kentucky, Lexington

Jesse Baird, Berea College, Ber‘ea

Committee No. 16. Social Studies, Grades 10-12

**J. D. Williams, Principal High School, Danville, Chairman

Fred Boyd, Principal Parksville School, Parksville

William R. Bridges, Public Schools, Mt. Sterling

L. C. Curry, Principal Senior High School, Bowling Green

N. ‘G. Denes, Corbin High School, Corbin

Irene French, Daviess High School, Owensboro

Dan R. Glass, Principal Public Schools, Wilmore

G. K. Gregory, Principal Butler School, Butler

W. Ross McGehee, The Training School, Bowling Green

Anna B. Peck, University High School, LexingtOn

Mrs. Elizabeth Peck, Berea Academy, Berea

*Mrs. Mary Isabelle Wood, Public Schools, Shelbyville .
W. Witten Horton, Superintendent Bath County Schools, OwingS‘.’111,e
H. E. Binford, Assistant Superintendent Secondary Education, Louiswlle
Samuel H. Morton, Principal High School, Owen'sboro

L. H. Lutes, Superintendent Schools, Falmouth


“ Recently resigned to accept superintendency of schools, Norris, Tenn.
‘ Term has expired since appointment was made.

. 0



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. fiy— ._.- _ v ,

Committee No. 17. General Science and Nature Study, Grades 3-6

Etheleen Daniel, University Elementary School, Lexington, Chairman

Mildred Bott, I. N. Bloom School, Louisville

Irene Downey, Arlington School, Lexington

L. Y. Lancaster, Western Kentucky State Teachers College, Bowling

Andrew Owens, Superintendent City Schools, Newport

J. A. Payne, Public Schools, Cynthiana

Louise Willson, University Elementary School, Lexington

Artie Lynne Snider, Jefferson Davis School, Lexington

Winifred Sweeney, Maxwell School, Lexington

Mary ,Louise Dreyer, City Schools, Frankfort

Committee No. 18. Hygiene, Health, Physical Education, Grades 3-12

J. D. Farris, M. D., Eastern Kentucky State Teachers College, Richmond,

Arnold W. Winkenhofer, Princeton City Schools, Princeton

Ethel Fitzhugh, Shawnee High School, Louisville

Ernestine Troemel, Morehead State Teachers College, Morehead

Jesse Keep, Morehead State Teachers College, Morehead

M. E. Potter, University of Kentucky, Lexington

Thomas E. McDonough, Eastern Kentucky State Teachers College,

J. W. Bradner, Superintendent City Schools, Middlesboro

F. W. Hood, Superintendent Scott County Schools, Georgetown

Committee No. 19. General Science, Grades 7-9

W. 'B. Moser, Murray State Teachers College, Murray, Chairman

R. V. Anderson, Principal High School, Cold Spring

Charles C.‘ Graham, Berea Academy, Berea

Chester Igleheart, Daviess County High School, Owensboro

Victor E. Moore, Public Schools, Somerset

Minna Pickard, Second and Lee St. High School, Louisville

H. C. Taylor, Superintendent City Schools, Elizabethtown

H. A. Cocanougher, Superintendent Boyle County Schools, Danville
C. ‘R. Lisanby, Principal High School, Georgetown

Lewis Thompson, Public Schools, Lexington

Committee No. 20. Biological Science, Grades 10-12

Clay Tharpe, Superintendent Carroll County Schools, Carrollton, Chair-

Gladys Merritt Archer, Public Schools, Danville

R. W. Garden, Greenville High School, Greenville

W. F. Jones, Principal High School, Winchester

Jessie E. Jones, Second and Lee St. High School, Louisville

N- L. Ross, College High School, Bowling Green

H. L. Smith, Superintendent City Schools, Paducah

Luther M. Ambrose, Berea College, Berea

Edgar W. Bailey, Public Schools, Ashland

Committee No. 21. Physical Sciences, Grades 10-12

T. A. Sanford, Principal High School, Danville, Chairman
Agnes J. Bergman, Shawnee High School, Louisville
F. H. Coker, Holmes Senior High School, Covington













< Committee No. 23. Art, Grades 3-12



Meredith J. Cox, Eastern Kentucky State Teachers College, Richmond

R. Y. Cravens, Daviess County High School, Owensboro {

Z. Coleman Daniel, Public Schools, Hazard

William Evans, Public Schools, Lexington i


J. S. Jackson, Senior High School, Bowling Green

D. F. Nisbet, Princeton City Schools, Princeton

Roy G. Smith, Ashland High School, Ashland

W. Gayle Starnes, Maysville Public Schools, Maysville

Ernest Woford, Public Schools, Danville , 'Cor
Duke Young, Principal High School, Frankfort ‘

Earl ‘G. Robbins, Meade Memorial School, Williamsport I

John Shaw, Superintendent City Schools, Maysville

G. R. McCoy, Superintendent Christian County Schools, Hopkinsville

Mildred S. Lewis, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Chairman

Ellen S. Blending, Paris City Schools, Paris

James E. VanPeursem, Eastern Kentucky State Teachers College, Rich-
mond ‘

Lewis H. Horton, Morehead State Teachers College, Morehead ‘

Catherine Mathis, Danville City Schools, Danville

Virginia L. Hollis, Southern Junior High School, Louisville

John Lewis, Jr., University of Kentucky, Lexington

R. D. Perry, Western Kentucky State Teachers College, Bowling Green Go

Oscar T. H. Schmidt, Covington Public Schools, Covington

Lynn Thayer, Louisville Male High School, Louisville

Josephine Mitchell, Louisville Normal School, Louisville

Irma Huckriede, J. M. Atherton High School, Louisville i

Marcia E. Lampert, Public Schools, Lexington

Stella Pennington, Maysville Public Schools, Maysville ‘

Nell G. T'ravelstead, Western Kentucky State Teachers College, Bowling

Mrs. Willie C. Ray, Superintendent Public Schools, Shelbyville

Orville J. Stivers, Superintendent Jefferson County Schools, Louisville

Committee No. 22. Music, Kindergarten-Grade 12 [

Mrs. Ruth Haines, University of Kentucky,

Reed Potter, City Schools, Bowling Green .

Jessie Cox, Public Schools, Frankfort (

Ralph M. Hudson, Morehead State Teachers College, Morehead

Lela Lowe, Public Schools, Covington . ‘

Allie Fowler, Eastern Kentucky State Teachers College, Richmond

Alice Cane, Second and Lee St. High School, Louisville _

Minnie S. Martin, Western Kentucky State Teachers College, BOWImg

W. F. O’Donnell, Superintendent City Schools, Richmond

James B. Heird, Superintendent Woodford County Schools, Versailles ,

Edward Rannels, University of Kentucky, Lexington

Kathryn E. Watson,‘Monsarrat School, Louisville

Lexington, Chairman

Committee No. 24. Commercial Education, Grades 7-12

A. J. Lawrence, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Chairman
S. E. Cranfill, Bowling Green College of Commerce, Bowling Green
Carter H. Eads, Holmes High School Supply Store, Covington
Margaret E. Heil, Atherton High School, Louisville

 0 fl 0
{ W. C. Huffman, Danville High School, Danville ‘

W. J. Moore, Eastern Kentucky State Teachers College, Richmond

l J. T. Miracle, Superintendent City Schools, Catlettsburg

, P. H. Hopkins, Superintendent City Schools, Somerset

r Betsy H. Morton, University High School, Lexington

‘ Robert D. Haun, University of Kentucky, Lexington

Committee No. 25. Agriculture, Grades 7-12

M. C. Ford, Western Kentucky State Teachers College, Bowling Green,

R. H. Woods, University of Kentucky, Lexington

0. W. Barker, Public School, Bandana

C. A. Hollowell, Principal Trimble County High School, Bedford

C. A. Horn, Principal Butler High School, Princeton

Joe C. Towery, Daviess County High School, Owensboro

J. Ernest Threlkeld, Madisonville High School, Madisonville

Hargis Ison, Public Schools, West VanLear

Mr. Glascock, Rural Schools, Bowling Green

*George L. Evans, Superintendent Mason County Schools, Maysville

W. E. Lawson, Superintendent City Schools, Cynthiana

i Boswell B. Hodgkin, Superintendent Clark County Schools, Winchester



u—‘ .___._\ _.,__


Committee No. 26. Home Economics, Grades 7-12

‘ Ronella Spickard, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Chairman
Margaret Byrn, Public Schools, Dry Ridge
‘ . Nancy Pickard, Public Schols, Greenville
(‘ Jane Lewis, Picadome High School, Lexington
Ruth Latimer, Danville High School, Danville
. Katheryn Sullinger, Public Schools, Louisa
' Katherine 'M. Werner, Newport High School, Newport
ille ' Mary L. Adams, Eastern Kentucky State Teachers College, Richmond
i Ata Lee, State Department of Education, Frankfort
Cornelia Stofer, Morton Junior High School, Lexington
‘ J. W. Lancaster, Superintendent City Schools, Georgetown
Anna L. Bertram, Superintendent Lewis County Schools, Vanceburg
Virginia James, Parkland Junior High School, Louisville







( Committee No. 27. Industrial Education, Grades 7-12

i ROY A. Lawrence, Southern Junior High School, Louisville, Chairman
R. H. Carter, Butler Consolidated School, Butler
ng ’ D. P. Denison, Public Schools, Greenville
Jesse Mays, Morehead State Teachers College, Morehead
Norman J. Ranum, Somerset High School, Somerset
, L. T. Smith, Western Kentucky State Teachers College, Bowling Green
' Ralph W. Whalin, Dan'ville High School, Danville
i E. M. Lovell, Principal Theodore Ahrens Trade School, Louisville
' D. W. Bridges, Superintendent City Schools, Fort Thomas
, 0. L. Shultz, Public Schools, Hartford
,' James H. Garner, City Schools, Bellevue
i H. D. Schultz, Berea College, Berea
Roman T. Brom, Western Junior High School, Louisville
E. B. Stansburg, Lancaster High School, Lancaster
Edwin Hundley, Parkland Junior High School, Louisville

r a . . .
l . { Term has expired Since the appomtment was made.

I .w.











Committee No. 28. Defective Hearing, Kindergarten-Grade 12

Mary Jeflers, George W. Morris School, Louisville, Chairman
Lula M. Bruce, The Kentucky School for the Deaf, Danville
Madison J. Lee, The Kentucky School for the Deaf, Danville
Glenn 0. Swing, Superintendent City Schools, Covington

Committee No. 29. Defective Sight, Kindergarten-Grade 12

Catherine T'. Moriarity, Kentucky School for the Blind, Louisville, Chair-

Helen Peil, Shawnee High School, Louisville
Harry Best, University of Kentucky, Lexington
H. G. Wells, M. D., Scott County Health Department, Georgetown

COmm'ittee No. 30. Mentally Subnormal, Kindergarten-Grade 12

A. M. Lyon, M. D., The State Institution for the Feeble-‘Min‘ded, Frank-
fort, Chairman

M. L. Billings, Western Kentucky State Teachers College, Bowling Green
Ann Poindexter, Georgetown College, Georgetown

Grace Schneider, Southern Junior High School, Louisville

Florence Martin, Johnson School, Lexington

Artemis Underwood, Poplar Street School, Bellevue

Mabel Downey, Public Schools, Madisonville

Mary J. Harlowe, Parkland Junior High School, Louisville

Committee No. 31. Defective Speech, Kindergarten-Grade 12

Pearl Buchanan, Eastern Kentucky State Teachers College, Richmond,

Eleanor McGregor, Public Schools, Frankfort

Louise A. Blymyer, Berea College, Berea

Hildreth M. Cross, Asbury College, Wilmore

Etta M. Paulson, Morehead State Teachers College, Morehead

Committee No. 32. Library, Grades 7-12

Ruth Theobald, Supervisor Public School Libraries, Frankfort, Chair-

Mrs. Ben Grogan, Murray High School, Murray

Katheryn Sullivan, Western Kentucky State Teachers College, Bowling

Ella Churchill Warren, Second and Lee St. High School, Louisville
Mary Christian Adams, County Schools, Lexington

Katie Murrell, Trimble County High School, Bedford

Mary Floyd, Eastern Kentucky State Teachers College, Richmond
Susan E. Miller, Henry Clay High School, Lexington

Mrs. W. R. Wood (Lucy Gragg), University High School, Lexington
H. R. Brown, Principal Elementary School, Ashland

H. A. lBabb, Superintendent City Schools, Mt, Sterling

Mildred Semmons, University of Kentucky, Lexington

. State Regional Committee. It is the purpose of the State Re-
glonal Committee to correlate the activities of the district commlt'
tees in stimulating a state-wide study of the problems of the 0111“













445 w... _ ..

‘A -—..—\ _

riculum. The following persons are the members of the State
Regional Committee:

John Howard Payne, President Kentucky Education Association, Chair-

Tullus Chambers, President First District Education Association, Benton

Gladstone Koftman, President Second District Education Association,

Barkus Gray, President Third District Education Association, Woodburn

H. C. Taylor, President Fourth District Education Association, Elizabeth-

H. R. Kirk, President Fifth District Education Association, LalGrange

W. M. Wesley, President Central Kentucky Education Association,

John Howard Payne, President Eastern Kentucky Education Associa-
tion, Morehead

W. M. Watkins, President Middle Cumberland Education Association",

Robert Sharon, President Northern Kentucky Education Association,
G. W}. Campbell, President Upper Cumberland Education Association,
C. V. Snapp, President Upper Kentucky River Education Association,

District Committees. The District Committee in each of the
eleven districts consists of the president, the secretary, and the
boardof directors of the association. The purpose of each of these
committees is to encourage the teachers and educational workers of
the state to study the various problems in curriculum making.
Below are given the names of the president and the secretary of
each association.

First District Education Association:

Tullus Chambers, Superintendent Schools, Benton, President
Kenneth R. Patterson, Superintendent City Schools, Mayfield, Secretary

Second District Education Association:

Gladstone Koftman, Superintendent City Schools, Hopkinsville, President
N. O. Kimbler, Superintendent Henderson County Schools, Henderson,

Third District Education Association:
Barkus Gray, Principal Woodburn Schools, Woodburn, President
Bronston Curry, Principal Bristow School, Bristow, Secretary

Fourth District Education Association:
H. C. Taylor, Superintendent City Schools, Elizabethtovvn, President
Ella L. Cofer, Elizabethtown, Secretary

Fifth District Education Association:

H. R. Kirk, Superintendent Public Schools, LaGrange, President
W. B. Jones, Anchorage Public Schools, Anchorage, Secretary





















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Central Kentucky Education Association:

W. M. Wesley, Superi