xt708k74vs56 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt708k74vs56/data/mets.xml Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1954 journals 021 English Lexington : Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.21 text Progress report (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n.21 1954 2014 true xt708k74vs56 section xt708k74vs56 Progress Report Z1 August, 1954 e ` YIELD RESULTS -GF SMA-·LL GRAIN VARIETY TRIALS IN KENTUCKY, 1954 ' By Verne C. Finkner and J. F. Shane (Not for publication without permission) AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LEXINGTON in cooperation with the Agricultural Research Service U. S. D. A., , and the Pennyrile Grain Improvement Association - g - Yield Results of Small Grain Variety Trials in Kentucky, 1954 On the following pages are summarized the yield data for named varieties of wheat, barley, oats, and rye tested in 1954. Yield data for these varieties are also given for 1952 and 1953 if the varieties were tested in those years. ` The fall of 1953 was extremely dry and uneven stands of small grains were general., Yield results from the Princeton Substation and from Owensboro are not reported because of the extreme variability in stands. The winter was mild and very little winterkilling occurred even in non—hardy varieties., Where fair stands were obtained in the fall, spring tillering was suf- ficient to thicken stands. The spring moisture supply was sufficient, and good yields were obtained where stands were adequate. Diseases and insects were severe only in isolated cases and caused relatively little damage. Late freezes following a warm period resulted in some sterility in winter barley. Hot and dry weather matured the crop quickly, and early maturing varieties yielded relatively higher than normal. Conditions for harvest were ideal, and the quality of the crop was good. Some unnamed experimental strains of small grains performed extremely well, and it is believed that new superior varieties will be available to Kentucky farmers in the near future. , Rye Varieties — Lexington ( *Recommended variety. ) Yield in Bushels per Acre Variety 1954 1953 Two Year Av. Balbo* 44. 9 45. 8 45. 4 Tetra Petkus 57. 9 49. 4 53. 6 von Rumker 54. 5 55. 8 55. 2. The recommended rye variety for Kentucky is Balbo. Recent interest has been shown in the two new imported rye varieties, Tetra Petkus and von Rumker. These newer varieties appear to offer possibilities of being superior to Balbo in yield as well as other agronomic characteristics but have been tested only a short period of time under limited conditions. More testing is needed before a definite recommen- dation should be made. - 3 - _ Winter Wheat Varieties - Lexington (*Recommended varieties) Yield in Bushels per Acre Variety 1954 1953 1952 Three Year Av] Two Year Av American Banner 47.0 41.9 35.4 41.4 44.4 l Clarkan* 45. 6 34.0 39. 3 39. 6 39. 8 ~- Currells R47 37.1 33.2 37.9 36.0 35.2 Genesee 53.5 47.4 36.2 45.7 50.4 . Knox 48.1 35.4 —-— 41.8 _ Pawnee 22.6 32.1 --— 27.4 Pennoll 36.5 43.0 40.9 40.1 39.8 Purcam 38. 3 35.4 45.9 39.8 36.8 Royal 32.3 36.8 —-— 34.6 Saline 40.4 40.8 41.9 41.0 42.6 Seneca 41.0 38.3 ——— 39.6 Thorne* 39.9 38.2 44. 8 40.9 39.0 Triumph 28.1 35.9 "' 32.0 Trumbull 42. 9 36. 8 39. 6 39.7 39. 8 Vigo* 33.6 35.4 42.5 37.1 34.5 The recommended varieties for Central and Northern Kentucky are Clarkan, Thorne, and Vigo. The recommended varieties are superior to the older varieties, American Banner, Currells R47, and Trumbull, in many agronomic characters as well as generally super- ior in yield. The hard red winter wheat varieties, such as Pawnee and Triumph, and the white wheat varieties, such as Genesee, should not be grown in the state since Kentucky is a soft red winter wheat state. —— Other varieties, such as Purcam, Royal, Saline, Seneca, and Knox, are satisfactory but at the present time offer no great advantages over the recommended varieties. - 4 - Winter Wheat Varieties — Hopkinsville (*Recommended varieties for Western Kentucky) Yield in Bushels per Acre Variety 1954 1953 1952 Three Year Av. Two Year Av. _ Clarl