xt708k74x74t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt708k74x74t/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1962 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material: 2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, December 1962 Vol.29 No.3 text The Kentucky Press, December 1962 Vol.29 No.3 1962 2019 true xt708k74x74t section xt708k74x74t 9' ‘ 9 , , i' ' ' ‘ ‘ " “"‘1 " “ ‘5‘“ 9 r - e?“ . i 1‘ ‘11 ‘3 * , ,. ' v I i ‘l 1‘ f , , «':’;»_."}?:":§9 . ;_ ‘l ‘l‘ ‘ “ ““‘ - " ' 9 ‘ .frr “ ‘ -“ 59 1“: i 9 ” 1 ' ’ " 1“ ‘ .‘ l ‘ s 3 9' '5, . 4 1 ' ‘ ‘1 9“ l ‘ 5‘ f ‘1 9 ' _ 1 1 1 .. 9- 1 1 ‘9 1111119111 ; J 1/ I ‘ ‘ H, ‘1 ; ' i, 3 1 ‘1 ' 1 1; 911 1 11 : . ":7 . l - 9' .7 1 y ‘ ‘9‘? “w ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ , , / . ’ , _ .7 11 1 g 1 ,i 1 . 5‘ i' 3 ‘ ‘ . ‘5“ l 9 1 .. , 9 , ' l‘ ‘1; 33““ l f ’ ' 529“ 1111‘ :1 1111.1" - . 19““‘1‘ ’ a 9 “‘9‘21192-111 :; L 1 ‘ ‘ ‘1 l “ I 1|1 . ‘1 1 ~ Decem her I 962 ~ 4-“ ‘1‘; 9 . 9 ' ‘1" - l “‘1‘“ oh“ ‘1‘: f‘ 1 ‘1 111‘ 1 111111; 1 l 154;.“19‘1‘3 ‘11‘ :l‘ -9 » » ' ’ l HM“: «N‘w. 3‘ .1 9 - ’ 9 . . ‘ "1 ‘1 1'1“} X, 9 ' l 1“ :‘l‘lv‘fi‘illl‘é . 9: i- ' ' .‘ J‘: ‘1‘1'9‘5‘1‘11 : ' 1 M99“ 1 , , . ,, 5W?“ 3‘ 9 «,9 * i ‘g‘l‘ :11“ ‘ ":5, * ‘9 ~1 , 1‘ “‘1“ ‘ iijiii‘ 'i‘ ‘ '3 i“j:I§‘ 1 2‘ 11“»9‘1‘932‘ j ‘ ' .. .. . . ! ‘91.;511’ l‘:' §f . 1‘ PP IIIBfi §fi$£fi2figfififisa%%g>§ 1 19111 1 9 1, 1 . , i 11.111 119 Schoolaofmjl Offlcle-I At this same season nearly two thousand years ago, Truth incarnate, 1 1“ 1 ‘ 1 ~ ‘1 U . . ourna Ism made its advent into our World. Recognized by the Wisemen, they offered “1 ‘ f ‘ 11 1 1%, Myers"), Of Kentud‘y unto the human Babe material gifts of Gold and Frankincense and Myrrh. ‘ 1 1 1:11 i ‘1'. Lex'nston 2 i“ 9‘ ; , ‘2 : “3“ In that tradition it has become custom through the years for us to 1 19 1 1‘ 9 g 1 v, ”is. . exchange intrinsic tokens of our affection and regard. But He whose Nativity 1 1 11 1 ‘9 1 1 . 1 . flected the spiritual reality of man and He taught that above l ‘ 9 1 ’ 9 l f VOL we celebrate re 1 1 11 1 1 1 1‘ 1 _ UME TWENTY-NINE all things we should love one another. 1 1 1‘ ‘ 1 1 11:1 » 1 .-. UMBER THREE So in this season of tinsel and lights and good cheer, when all men seem ‘ 1 1‘ 11 1 1 111 j to express more than the usual portion of love for one another, may there 1‘ 1 ‘1 ‘1 ‘ 1 " .11 come to you an abundance of the precious things of life: 1 1‘1 11 ' 1 1 1‘ “ “ ‘ l «A . Health, Happiness and Enduring Friendships and Faith In the Truth 1 11.1 , that became incarnate on that first Christmas more than nineteen hundred 1 1 19 1 l ‘ ' ‘ 7 " ; r years ago. 1 1 11 ‘1 :1 11‘ l . . . . c . 1 ‘ 1'11 .; 111;:1 : - 9‘ ““ i “ ix \ I , . " e v u' The Ke ’ Eb V l “t“‘ky Press + A :1 :29Numbers 5 8 See It + ‘ i Kentuckvfifig belication Y0" Are Invited T Pm . fAanZ Meetin 1 KeM’uck PS 55°Ciation In 94"] An 0 The ‘ lldnt t0 the . g I } V‘ Y fess Servicp, Ihc c. nual KPA M . 1n the By-La legulatiom > DECEM I Ferric?" R‘ I’°"mann Eld- . We h Gehng ism Follncht'wS Of the SchOol Prescn'bed ; Y ' ASH"! Associate 23:“ 10 atten (fpe, and invite all each 0f yeulon 0f Kentucky I 0f Joumal‘l N Mamba I‘ . C the 94th '1 ) ne\VSpaper f 1 annl‘ ] are 1161-61 ’ _ 11C.7 you ‘ eVSPaper M r 111g at L0 . . ‘lmual mid . 0 k 1‘1 meeti )y Dohfi d and ,1 ‘ gemucky Chaxggers Associafi on gatherin msVllle alld antic-j 'Wlnter meet- be held “it 2g of Said Foue that the I ‘51 : e"er Businegs Maggi CfemynerCe tiVe pr 5 fm- an int el‘estjnpate the largest Kentucky out I: Brown Hotelndatlon Will I x ‘2 z - ’ " a ' . ‘ l ‘ Natiosuslngning Member '"9t0n Louise 1:111]? \Ve agree afindénstruc- 2:00 p.111 £01 ltllday, Januarv ZSLiglsV’lllefi ‘1 "a dit - ~ W er A- ' ’ 1 1 1' .. " ' 16 - ' > 63 ; I ‘ Orlul Ass . . t1011 ‘ 7 1km]: ‘ anager egtflal .- PlllpoSe :al‘ 1‘ ‘ ‘ N . ASSocia ocuuhon 7 When 3118 saw“ 51“ Press Ass .1 for busmess, the .0f conduc- 5:0 ‘ ut|°na| New te Member EVervO .5. Gem. the year 19 , heal-mg tml‘ p.m. R 1 1 P' papa Pf0motion A . . Vent‘ . 118 has his 0W the £011 . 62, and for of l'epom ]: wd P 550mm“ 1", 1011s, but one of tln reaction to con B0‘11-d 2:an officers. (‘hthe electionof 5'01p R , 1 _ reSS 6 eHCOunte. 18 1110“ . ~ . - . < , resident " ' J airman ' .m, ‘1; , thThe K‘Wucky P __ Pless A , {ed appeared i mtelestlng t“"Y-l’rocCsS A ’ V’Ce Pl'esid of th’ 5:29 Pm, K W trgstfundamntal “Cf“ ASSociatim , E SSOCmtIOn lelleti 1n the Ark'um; b61's of th gent? Treusm em: Seere ' 0 ea - ve ' n. ‘ ‘i- ‘ ‘eru . '; 1; w of puma: mam: 0;; dflw 5:32:53 he Cam of cm; {030% 8 BW of 13% mp m H H "938, deg“ “’70”. It st 11 iSSeminati ‘ 11 IS di‘ddel ' c S (“V 011- M IS or thr‘ . ‘ ' W i ‘ of new "10% and d ands for tru h 0" leSPect t C 11]to thr ' ’ 1 as- embers of E“ s - S, as set f qce'wy in th ‘ 1 fair- . 0 the attit 68 Parts - term ‘ the 13011-1 ‘ 1; : mm. It ad 07”! m the c e meSEntat' COIWentio “C16 0n t1 “’lth 0f offi- ‘ ( 0f Dire .“1 ‘ d0 ‘ . , UOCates Stfl’ ' anom of to" _ , us- There . le Sub'e - R41" Ce expil‘ ' CtOl‘s Who “1 " ertiSLng col ct ethwal Journal. “Ont 'It ale thoS 1 Ct 0f 5' Mart} e thls - 5* 8-0] I ‘ 0f propagand um". It 01? Standards , ‘ tend C01 y ‘ (3 “7110 do , d 121 C0n]e_ In€€tmg ‘ - Cl.m_ R - ¢ ‘ Poses th 111 its Conv . “ entlol fit and ent; J( h 1, Ma . are . \ !‘ firms the bl} under the . e wbucat. CRUD”S f . 15, thoSe ) I] B - ysVllle 8 16 A ,, . . - wh B - - Ca Inde ' 0-m 1 ‘ ‘ honest 0 hgfltton game of new '0” 111 . 01 the b 0 850 t O‘Vlln Ines P - pen‘ ' B - ‘ and feal of a new 3' It a— e Plogmn enefits de-‘ 0 g Cl’een- - ’ 31k Citr T 9'16 a ‘ Spec“ equal- Tess editorial “map” *0 flan}: Vent' ‘ 1 and thos uved fI‘Om Harrods] ’ M155 J'u ' 3 he“ ‘ O'm' B ; ‘ individual ”y of Opinio 99: 793350113 , 10115 just f ' 6 W110 att . ‘ )lll‘g Herr] . c 1e Bll'd H 1' to - . nandt - - 1t re— m - 01 the 1 end co Clty T' “(L An , “”0“ 1 guarantee pa’t‘cmation ' enght 02‘ ea Ole formql ' leCk of it 11' 1meS-Ar 105 StOne c , 1“ in the ,1 of FTeedOm 1" the Consr - er” Se .- ‘ mfol‘nnt' - ' You get AdeC t gus; Enos S - ’ em” I ’w z > ewspa of the Pre ttutzonal 531011 th‘ln , < 1011 1n 1 _ , a e-Messe waln D . r 4 ; ecomm- Per as a v» 8,8. It be' . ‘ you 11 . ‘ COnve t' Barb . . ngr; c ’ anwllr 1.! 2 31 091017111231} :Zfial’ and 01111532153 edmm for 23;? Stfudy' But ope Ofget 111 Weeks Of perls1 1011 Gun/1116 AdVOcate 111d Cecil Wilson i fl f attending our q thf great advqntonal ' A .1 v j ' A . ‘Dnua . ‘ ages ”1 =r- J Ken OlnLfl meet’ 1neet1n S _ . w >L= W T ;; tuCkY Pres; A55 - . bull seg ' mgS’ 01' Even t1 g .15 “0t the NOt'iCe Of A R , 3 1‘ Jolm B G" °Clat|on I _ ‘510115 In 1 , 16 HIV-1 “nual \ . , ' i § ' Alues, President I “C. IGaHV gl‘e’lt 1 Obb1e5 and l ‘1 11511)]6 PurSLl‘1nt t h lleetmg . ‘ 7' F- Pa ~ - ' ‘ 2SSet , '00ms_ ' ‘ 0 t , [Ni ‘ 1‘ 18d 1' Bl‘rk‘mrd réiccétEQN‘egvs’ Bowling a {Rental and “101"111)l:ttthat 1t 1"echal'ges 316 1-D the By'LaM of :hlefélflations Prescribed 1006 A 1 ‘ - ’ ' '832' Ice : A ‘ ‘t er * le Ice . ‘ e Z _ ‘ E1 Ii ‘ I 1Y3??? Portmlmgag‘gy Counetzt News L b n 1111311]: Although V011 mypivand even pthic- notaifilenlc.) lyou and eqch enf’FLley Press Sen: O.m. I, , 1i ‘ ‘2 . - Ashl ‘ ’. 907‘6t0r1_1\, ’ i erty A "l-m. H ' " DOt ' C tut ( O V011 ‘ a ‘ FIOnd. R ey‘ ASStsta J {Wager 0v ~ Ometow get to bel Aw - the ‘11 ' me held“ 11 ! ~ 4 .Garrison A ."t Secretar -1\ elworked n Newspa . C 5500mm”1 . ‘ 1mm] meet' mm ‘ , , smt y lana , -, _ > too b . . Pmmen -- W111 1 mg Ofsalc t _: Unzugrm't {mt Treasurer ger 15 lal‘e' T} 115)], Tllne . . dle Hotel, L ' - )6 held 10-5] ; }: i Dis". t E U 0f Kentucky, LeXingtOn Stimulatiohle {sause in 110nm11 £101 tflnnking January :éllfizléle, Ke11tuck:t the Fl‘irgm Chm. ‘Hr I ‘ “3 Xe ' ‘b 0 bad . ‘ ‘01] ine th , " a . 63 '7 0“ l'i m: ' 4‘ Chm-m cutWe COmm- ‘1 Out his - . mg Ideas ’ e pmPose of . ’ at 2:30 ‘ 11:2 ’1 i°n18rslgtn’(%ie;;ltgf Joplin III c 'ttee rather thin“): in tenns of 7'1 of tfalking hearing of :Ollducting l'egulqlpgfl's’. forge 60m. A‘ ‘ ‘ . - a 0 . ‘ c - . ‘ ‘ .' ~e ~ . ‘ l ‘ 3 , : 535:1]; Clam“! Hamil FEE? Wuiuia$m¥nw§“l‘h, bm‘“ Cells Gettcimle’fthese Dex-kpilopeimn for the electigomffor the Ve'u' 1316835,“: - _., » - . - - '. ngof. - il‘el P- - n 0 th " 1 - 3.1511 C essenger‘Afgus y“ e, SECOnd aVIS’ much, talk ‘1 d1(3t . C lesldelt . e fol] ' . I . z . aum ' ) Ce . : Lar mg t = Sm0k - 1 = Fl' - Ong OH ‘ 23] LOUlsvill Inlsar C0 . ntral Clty- 13’ “On 00 mllCh 111g too V1 lst Vlc . wen, p‘m ‘v ‘ 1 6; Fifth ' “WV-Jam Th" 6 0f th . ’Sleepin . Ce'Pl‘esid e Pre$1de ., ' LL 7 1 t ‘ : cm; Bedf (1 ’Frank C B ml and Time’ E1 ese thlngs . g too little '1 ent Se .. nt, Secom . , , . . . h H , t t S . ’ C“Star -T- A . w ‘ ‘ Lebanon-OsI ,Szxth, Geo; 611’ Tnmble D 5* g y LeSS0115 01 W111 appear ' n eeletal'y ’ y lemme“ A5551 ( V i 1 Carlisle. 'N-evemh, Warr ge Trotter, Ente ”('0‘ Oplnion th 1 LongeVitv B m 10 “‘embers ’ ASSIStant T ’ 1" : dent A, mth Jam e“ R. Fish muse, b at the 1 " “t it’s 0fthe B . reasm'el‘: “I“ ‘ 1 I , sh .’ es T. . er Me Olln - ' 01311 e ‘ 111 02nd 0 ' ‘ l. § : gews, M11339esgenth, MauTigfanI? E: Indepmuerg’ that :6 I; the step and fig lilto-f pace pllts Z * f DlreCtors for 1%" ‘ . . - u ‘ ‘ 1‘ i ‘ Eaisgr’dStfile 10135;) Sage-€10,“ eé'ryé Daily Ther: l'lps and knee b61151; the Shoulders Natic * * * 20] P m ‘ s , . ’ ' . , . . 6 ‘ . V ‘ ‘ $19.“; State-etngghn’ ng§?étigzge_at-Lar;: While attells‘ldz-1 Story abOut ’1 1;:Vel wlll. Pm Of Annual MGBting A, x . lmes_Tn~b ‘ e, Jam ' er, Le' ’ mg a Ch ‘ l'mer Wh . ‘Suant t 2‘ 1 , d une’ c . as L Xmg- Came d‘ urch 0, 0 the - . F 1 (mt, W. Foster Afirgls’ gamedift: Pcagiv‘l’ford, taken ulgguSFid because 50 ifnffil‘ence, be— :2 {the By-Laws of tlllegllélatlons prescn'bfi' ,1 1 » ‘ K ’ ”1‘9", Bere '98" W“ a di - - “C time Clam)“ In 6 entUCkv Press a; F' , Wt, ‘ entlick)’ Pr 3' people to SCu531011 cm was hereb ’ .0" YOU and ' " n ‘1 j George M. Wils e55 SerVICe' lnc At a farmfltfend Church H how to get meet'y nohfied that th each Of VOW AC 51 ' ‘ Breck- -°“’ Preside ' ab e1 5 COnv ' e l‘emark 1 mg of s ' e aImual businei , 3! ‘ ‘ LandOn willlsnngge Heraldfi] Ont hoW to entlon’ We Deve- e(’ at the Br 31d ASSOCiation willb hek ‘ 1}, ‘ . ‘ , first ViCe-Presiévs’ Hardinsburg feeding l‘ack vaet the cattle u I talk on gut ‘Own Hotel, Lows .11 9 \ . } , leham T, Davis cgean countyelcléw for them ,, I’ e talk about th 1? t0 the purp ( Ulday, January 96 V11 e, KentuctL; ;- 1 . , econd V' s, Calh . , ~ Sn’t thu e estf 056 of - -‘ , 963 for T n ‘ Victol- R Lyon c ’ce'P’esiden Oun Soclatlon . ‘5 t1‘ue ab Beds th h - Conducti ’ he K ' 1% P ~ Portm (“My He 1 t . meetmgs? out pres ‘ . 6 921nm 11g regular busines‘ St- , eIStE‘I‘ , ‘1 , erry ' ann, Se m d, Ed . tee w . . - Your . S ‘15- ‘ g of re . lasbl. ‘ ‘i ‘ Floridg. 111mg?”.ASSistargestzgy'T'easurerdywne so 011,11 pIOVIde the “be Progmm Commit- and for the e] pO-lts for the year19fii ChuI'cl 11g, Vh'gir if ‘ ' amSOn, Asa- Mary y u 1 not 0 St food” fo- Officers: . ““011 of the fllom'm f 1 ads th 1. . “ant Treasure g away diSq - I You_ H Presldent \7- 0 I Orm, Th at 1 ‘ Ch . Boar d 0f Direct r * * LPPOInted tmn of the Exec; t‘ Ice President, Chm! Price Ca e ads ar ‘ a . . _ a . . 1 don-lr1lz4w'l’.Martin Dych "5 W' h * * . le'Ma‘mger, Ass‘l we committee! 5““ Ads al‘en be 0th ; 130,6, 3““06 K. He 6’ sentineLE h It POStal . SIStflDt Tr 15mm Manager andAS for 10 I I' Sprix’xg:I 1:3 0- Dillirrlgfi Daily Newschzzdfifn— upward bound }ates and 80cm easmer for 1963 ’ ca] , ‘ l Fay 3;}: o Gardner C am, “Ogre“: 1 es_ Su 1. 11] the ‘ Schrit ' I \ I r 0 ' . ) D pp 163 ' ne‘V . . y n t . j Officio’ elby News, Shuner’.Hleman- aWson are . COStmg more yeal, 2111 d a] * 1e: ,3 * Tic‘ he dls I elbyvllle. 1 Robert feéllng th . ’ thOSe of 1 SI 1patfi‘d p ay ? , Officers ex just'fi . e meVitabI You Wh 0W collect‘ hol’d *andt ‘ - 1 ed m b . e SqUe . 0 1110‘ . 10115 are . 1 3Y8 O( . fl ‘ ‘We 5 Oostmg VOUI- etc are fullv Ie mto the b1 ' gettmg more an: peOpl ’ don’t k V 1‘2 ‘ 0 reCOmmend.‘ SubScription Tatets vertisers cannOt ‘Slness news. If )vourflfl el‘s f6 and Your] . ‘ . tljouble paying COHect, they may haw Uralsglget that t}: ‘. tlons. YOU—50 Watch your COHK "Mir for their bu . ‘ s tiv ’ and n v e adVertisingeW ng DECEMBER, 1962 E E EEE lEE "iii; E TH .3 i‘ j . ‘E; its; E: Prescribed E KENTUCKY PRESS E E EEE EE “it“?! ’Eiwmal‘ PAGE ONE EE ‘ : i 2‘ E.,youaiil 94 h M-d W. , t. E E EE i E '1 i that ii E I Inter Meehn S f F E 1 EEE ll g7?” imam iii 9 or anuary 24-26 -“ ill ii i - tiles-‘4‘“: ““5“” Afternoon E z i :l El - -. 7 'Ea . . . Premie . I E . E E . ; E Cinducfinl 5’0] pm. Reg'Strij'oni R00f Garden Foyer, Miss Roundtraeblsehovlle' Ag”? 5 new Promotion film E ‘ EEE E E , 0 i'epom Orrison , y est Advertising ldea u E EE EE i, ' _ . election 0E 5:01 pm. Reception—Wassail Bowl—Derby Room 30] p m DefieoEgge M. Wilson, presiding I E E: El EE E E ' lilt 0: the 5129p-"‘- KP? ExecufiVe Committee Meeting KPA 4:0l P.m Annhalomreilgble/Efmlors A'B'Ci Mezzanine E .EEE E E E , ‘ 7 90r- uite ’ ' mg, entuck As - i H .E l l , , dsixmem- 7:29pm. Hawaii P Parlors A-B-C y SOC'Ofed Press, 3 ; i l 1 E E ,3 A for three on arty, Roof Garden 413] pm, KPA nominating . E ; lE E V . . Comm'fl- . , .- ‘E E , 17 7E Friday Morning 50E P-m. Reception, Roof Gardeln eehofiiéillwté ' E E E E EE E7f1EE, :torswlioii 8'0l am R . i Journal d _ I e Curler- E E E El E : . . E . . . egistration, Mezzanine Fl - _ an Time5, Lexin ton H j E i l ELEM ietEIEEieSEE 8:l60.m. Buffet Breakfast Crystal SZEEE—m'l: Garrison 6‘0] p m A LeadEerb, and KPA hosts 9 emld- l E i E EE E ‘ L_l «l ‘- ~ . 9.l . I ‘ I . - . - nnuo an : E E E E E :7: 7 i11tyi\‘eiis 60'“- Buglrgesj Sessmn, PreSIdent John B. Gaines Show__DanuCeE:ErgCrystal Ballroom —— Floor E i l EE E . ‘ Hm“ 5' ”‘9 ’ : i g i i ‘67 Centri “vocation Rev William H z Saturda M - ’E : E I ‘ F , ' I E ' 0 cm E E El EH E _;l ,- , Danl'llli mg Editor, The Record Louisvil'llreerl Manag_ 9:0] a m B ff y "‘9 E EEE‘E EEEE ' 15E ’7 i1 wflm Address of Welcome Honorable W'Il‘ 9'46 Olm. BU Eet breakfast, Crystal Ballroom E LE EEEE: ill EE E _ F ._ R Cowger, Mayor, City of Louisvillel Iom O. I . ”Eggs 563:5]th Vice President Fred J. Burk- El E 1EEEEEE'EIHIEE E E E eSponSe, GGOI’ 6 J . . . , Er 5] mg .E [E EE'EEE ElE‘EEE EE E‘ :E . wig “V9 COmmitEee Oplm I“, Chairman Execu' :res'dems annual address EEEE‘EEEE,"EE E i E, Appointment of c - . . nnUOE report, Secretary-Mano er E EEE‘EEEEE‘EE‘ E f . rescriei 2 am. HT 0 . . , rap lC res n . ,, E i i“ E E~E EEEIE EEEE _ , E; p E) 1006 he Ne nvention C‘Z’E'E’EE’THE'it-Z'es E00] 0 m Panel "G h' P e tation 9 E E“ EEEEE‘ E EE E a . PressSeii Beele WSEZEaPer In The ClaserOm”__JE J_ EESOE am, Report on Kentucky Comm-ft ; E E,E EEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEE f are herebE men r on Dr. L‘ N‘eE Plummer, CO—Chair- tional Research John Klotlerees totrh Correc- E E E EEEEl‘E EE EE 175?: E . . , ,ou _ Emmi l ‘ ‘ 'llg 0me E015E07m7 “National Safet Pr II Ice Institute 8m PO] E El EE EEEEEEE E ii i EEE ‘ ‘ 3 'me PEE'EEEEE l .' National Safdty Coogdgyf Cigymond J. Ellis, ReEPOrt on Kentucky Government Council W” E ‘ EEE EEEEEEElEEE E EE 5‘ l:26a m Add II I’ 'COQO EGm S. Bowmer E ' ’ ' i i‘E'Elfi‘l“ ‘E Ell 'i’i . 3. form, r - ress, The Washington Ne 7 , xecutive Secretary i l. l‘EE li‘EEiEl. rl EE ‘5; .-: 1 W5 B t“ 11210-m. - E E' ‘3' E “E l 'EEE . “vi " Hiness’thi Mollenhoff, WOShEnQEon Bureaeo I CCEOI’k Reigns of Standing Committees E ‘ E‘EEEEEEEEEEEE EEE 1 ; " 1962,2mf l2-3 PUblicGtions u, OWEeS 'CEOEEEEm l , EE’ElE‘EEEEEEEEiEEElE EEEE E ig officer E 1 pm. Luncheon, Crystal BOEErOOm Legislative E E E EETEEEEEEEE EIE EE'EE , it, SeCOlii Address; Harry T Mo t Postal Committee ENEE‘EEEE E, E l «E‘E , :E . rei‘, Assisi erOE Mano er A n, gomery, Deputy Gen- l962 Seminars EJ E EEEEE EEEEEEE :EEEEE IEE . E E SUE-€13 m g ’ SSOCIOted Press Old Business EEEEEEEEEE‘EE EJE EEEE L i [.5f01'19EEE Friday Afternoon New Business E iEiijEEEE‘fEE E 1; EEE ; ,: 20] I Ne E E ‘EEEEE “ E E iEE s ‘7 Pm. Annugl meeting, School of Jour |' Ecrolon E EEEEFEEEEEWEEEJE EEEE 7 iii , ing thlon of Kentucky lnc P n: ismGFoun- l EEeC'l'lon Of officers E i E. EEEE‘iE“ E E EEEi c . I -, I'ESI enl‘ 9 2-2 ll 3E EEE E‘EEE E EEEE 3 pi-esciilii' FE Joplin Ell, presiding orge l p.m. Luncheon, Crystal Ballroom E lE’EjEE‘E. EE EEE 3:3} ,- ' no I ' EE“.‘.‘EEElE ,Epressli AddnCial rlelport, Secretary—Process Agent Presentation of Award to The KPA Outstand- EEEi E EEEEEEE E iEE‘ E EEE E of voulll r855, National Ad - - 1/ Ing Kentuckian f v ‘ l xEEEE {E E E‘ EjEi , . vertismg J KG 0 The Year by Fred B ‘E ‘El E“ E “r i ‘ . al but“?! AEdUS, Director of Public Relatihns Am 'y WOChS ' EEI E EE‘EE E E l‘EEE ’ 5 E New can New ' ' en- - El‘ J‘EE Eli? . E 3 ENE The Keistel id E ' OU'SV'E'e Courier-Journal and Times El E‘EIEEEENE‘ E W . E : 5 E7 - , y .-. . EEEEEEEEEEEE E EEEE '13. l' bum SUE-“burg Vii- - - mtlsmg Sel‘VIce, Inc. A . EEJliilliu : E l Eli , E . a glnla> has . 7 nearby state newspa er I 7 r E EEEEEEEE ‘E EE . "E -. year 196! church ad a new series of ‘ _. PE \\ as lecently Fhe Gre l , , , 1E .“ E EE E E E EEEE i'E . follow? form, Thalia: can be obtained in mat 2:315:33 £210: EgrocEer ofIlettmg competitors Vises compoesliltsojizliog‘gafi:EEEEIERECEEISEW lad- E EEEE E E ‘ I E EE 7 'EE ., i E. re co ,.- h , rs p1~1ceS. t is not . 1 )6 WI a ine EV EEEEEEEEE i l Eli :E 3, eiit, Chill Dlice can b _ Phig ted. Proofs and mo ‘h . an uncom- gauge 1n measuri ti 7 7 l,3‘EilE i; E Efl E . tee, Secrl Ads are foreEObtamed by writiflg the firm. selfn c Tge Every grocer Who finds him- out a piece of rullg tlle Eque length. Slmply E E} El E E EE , E f . di‘ ocal SpoHSOrshl- unc eicut always seems to think the 1 ~ . 8 ie ength of the page, E E lEiE E E: E _ ”E a" E \’ 13- newspaper lets the matter leak out VVe’ve Fhacf It bIBSIde the type and space out to fill E l. E E E E E 1 EE x . ‘ - . _ 7; ,EE E E :E ’. . EEIn the display slu E run into no unusual methods of rev t' 1e engtlEof the rule. Saves time and as- E‘g‘EE 7* ‘i :EfE .EE Llapated‘and to l(mp thats usually 2111- such occiirre1 b t fi d h P en mg SL res accurate page length. E i; Ei 7‘ E l ‘i . 3's olida. , 0 0 ten realized_ ft . Ices u n t at most news- P-' t . . WXEJ'EEEE‘ E E El ‘ , .:, i :5 . Our < . - Cl‘S \VO - EEEEE E . E EliE E ”El [E Willi 9“ forget that thocal Contractors and build- 5.01.1 mm the back Shop, Where the adver- their CllStomers if thev :11;th weiu £01 i, Elru lEi ‘7'5iE mayCEEEEE Elrals” for their buseiiEZaflY InOnths are “nat- trsmg COPY Could be viewed. If you do use Of the Area Code Ai‘e'l Caogcl; the “Eli E E EEEE EEE 7 ' '9‘. S ' . - ( {ll' ’EEEEEEEIE E E EE 7 E m“ fling: and new builfiii 11813101116 and farm not have such a rule, better consider adopt- Pecoming more and more important and if: E E‘E‘EE E 1 «E E E Verhsing- g gOOd prOSPeC- mg it. It’s Your major defense if a grocer IS a “”1916 matte;- to make the letterhead E EE E‘ E E E El gets on the War path. Enigzzement Source Of this necessary infor— EEEE E E I E ' E E‘ i ‘i’ EEilEl‘E E i: {E E [E L‘E EEE ~ E i ,5 E‘EEEEMEME ‘li , iiElEE EEEEE EE i EE ‘: l 1 r 1 1 11 PAGE TWO THE KENTUCKY PRESS DECEMBER, 1962 1 DECEM lllll'nl'lll '1 . 11 I b . . . Report sheets are also used for funent g1zphfl$swn 11 homes. These save time in rov" i es - oung 11 Re p0 rt Form For C u ACfIVItleS curate information. Another Ifornidliggp: She herdsvill 11 . vided hospitals for birth announcement M 015111] to ha 1 A 000 erative hospital business offi '1 1 , . Proves TI me Saver To Reporters ......u;’b. ad to mad. the amt :1,::;§;§;P:;; 11 with these blanks. Our forms include 11;; Ida Matilda, B: 1 By PHIL MCMULLEN paper as well as other subjects which might names of grandparents as well as parent ports the Hebr 111 1 Craland, Texas, News be interesting to the group. The club editor Actually the grandparents many timesafi Sprinkles, 8, W1 1 then explains why the reporting forms are more interested than are the parentsTli Mt. Washington 1 Most weekly newspapers and small dailies used, why she can’t attend all meetings, information also puts more names int ‘ Mrs. Anna 11 have more demands on their reporters’ time the importance of prompt reports, import- newspaper . . . and that’s our mainstod Pioneer—News 1 1 -1 than can possibly be met. ance of uniform style in using proper names, in trade. ‘ certainly the ’ 01 1‘. The modern community is now such a spelling, addresses and other technical in- Consistent use of these forms will \rod particular news 1 complex and highly organized group of formation which is necessary for a satis— wonders in keeping your contracts spra areport from a 11 people, reporting their activities has placed factory news story. We emphasize the neces- over all facets of community activity. Hot has such an age 1 1 increasing demands on the newspaper sity for promptness in turning in reports. over it’s like all ideas—the editor andtl Both of the Ir ' 11 1 1 which conscientiously tries to record these This is our third year for these orienta- staff have to make it work. It takes mm in stories in the I. 1 events. tion meetings. The interest and acceptance work because the staff handles more cop; Mrs. Holsclaw 1111 In addition to two or three dozen of this event has been demonstrated by the But it also means you can produce abett the age of 1011 1 l 1 churches, each with auxiliary guilds, study attendance. Each year attendance has in- newspaper. Hebron Column 1 clubs and related activities; three or four creased by 50 percent. . activities in the 1 civic clubs, several lodges, PTA’s, School Another field in which we have found Tiger. It is estir 1.1 ‘1 groups, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, garden the reporting blanks invaluable is little How Does YOUR Paper Look? 3,800 newsletter 1 clubs, riding clubs and golf clubs, every league baseball and football. Confonted “_ 1 7, the three-quarter 1 day or every week, reporters must cover With a program that inVOlVed 1,300 boys D0 y?“ 111515 get It out or do you 111 Mrs. Holsclan 11 emergency news. with almost 50 teams playing in the vari— some Pl‘lde 1“ the appearance 0f your “6111 community actii 111 With all of these activities, put end to ous stratas of league clasifications, a ten— paper? A large percentage 0f newspape She was 21 Sum 111 end, it would take a “housefull” of men man sports staff could not have covered 0011M be improved in appearance 1111 years, retiring j 11 3 f and women to do nothing more than at- these events. This is also a field which, we PUthhel‘ ‘VOUld take in“ a few “11““1 age of 98. She r 11 1 1 tend meetings. ‘ believe, offered a perfect vehicle for reader and check some 0f the @110ng P01111511 friends who stor 111 1 1 All of these organizations compete for interest. First, it attracted youngsters to 0111‘ 1' LOOk at your nameplate to 58611; Vickie, a thi: 11.1 1 11 public attention in a community. Conse- Sports pages. Readership was greater than is in good shape. You’ll thabll’ W Washington Elen 111 1 1 quently all are very jealous of newspaper in any other type story. Not only are the battered UP and worn OUt- There ““1 called the world: 1 1 reports. Most editors know by experience young players interested, but the brothers, shop In the state that doesnt have $01“ respondent, whi( 11 1 ' that it is courting trouble to try to staff sisters, papas, mamas, grandpas, grandmas, type decent enough for a good “311169111 wants to make a I '11 some of these meetings and not staff all uncles, aunts—are anxious to read about 2- LOOk at YOUI‘ masthead on 11191 and is consciou: . 1 1 1 of them. “Little Johnnie’s” home run, or no—hit game. side page. Still using the same type )1 0f time which wi . 1 This problem can be solved with a gen- However, we found reporting these set five years ago? \Vhy DOt re-set the/1111 as the “youngest 1:1 1 erous use of printed reporting forms. These games was most difficult to cover accur- Dress “P the masthead, use Your memli She is given a 1 1 1. forms not only provide accurate and timely ately. Reporting sheets came to the rescue Ship emblems. It makes a httle advert by her editor, M 1 reports of acceptable news value, but most At the first organization meeting of the ment for your paper. 1 1 1 ,1 range Widely fr. 1; . important, it permits a limited staff to leagues which includes the coaches, scorers, 3- HOW long has 1t1been 51119611111111 POlltlcs and chm 1 ‘ - spread itself thin, yet be available for the and league officials, the sports editor dis- he‘seh all Of those standing ads, an 5111 the Training Uni, ' 11 1 ‘ emergencies and big stories. tributes the reporting forms. A few min- mg 5185? We notice some that are 50111 and is treasurer ' 1 ' These forms are mimeographed with utes’ time at this point saves a lot of prob- down and hhll‘l')’ you can hardly ill? Woman’s Mi . 1 1 , pertinent questions designed to cover vari- lems later. Prompt return of forms are them. 1 1110106 and piano 11 1 1 ous types of organizations. (Although im- emphasized. A night drop at the office per- You COUId remedy these needs $151111 In a recent style 11 1 portant, it is surprising how little change mits these people to drop the reports at during a slack day—a papers name 551111 the first four g1 . 11 1 is necessary for a reporting blank for the our office following the game. Once the ShOW 11p crisp, clear and pFOUd-‘ 3011001 last year. 1 1 PTA and the church missionary group.) majority of the teams report, the stragglers Dakota Bulletin. We l(now the 1 Because most clubs are inactive during the are forced to come around as the report- 1 yohngest,” report . 1. ‘1 1 1 1 . . . . . . . ———-—-—-—.————-—-" this He . 11 summer, we usually contact the various lng pollcy lS explalned to subscribers who the Wspaper. , groups each September to provide a new call and ask about omissions. Pressure from John s Harris Takes staturecord clear 11 1 . supply of reporting blanks. the parents and players is much more effec- N P 1' At B b rville u k s. 1“ others 11 The past three years we have found it tive than from the newspaper. ew OS or all 1111 111°j1vlngly. thr 1'. 1 saves a lot of time, as well as Providing Reporting forms are also used for en- John S. Harris, for the PaStfour1] Cledlt' a good public relations contact, to have a gagements and weddings. Here prompt: editor of the Cynthiana Democra, 11211 \ 1 . “coffee” at the beginning of the club sea- ness is stressed again. A strict policy of signed to take a new mm as efiltms0 Did V011 k 1 son. This event is in charge of our club accepting no reports that are over a week Barbourville Advocate. He is 3195 11 ad secti . now 1 . editor. Invitations are mailed to all club old soon orients the people to the idea uate of Berea College, and sewedas 1 and th On In Its- 1 1 presidents and reporters. At 2:30 pm. time that if we are to maintain a status of a porter on the Bel-ea Citizen bef°m11 f at the“? at 1 seems to fit best. At this meeting the edi- newspaper, rather than a medium for pro- to Cynthiana. His successor h351111111 or member new 1 1| tor or publisher tells about some of the viding clipping service, these items must been appointed. Harris Will take \ T | problems of publishing a community news- be timely. post the first of the year- E. E 'E‘fi ' E EMBER 1962 THE K E E EEE E EE 5E ' . . :E : EE 3 E962 E DEC . ENTUCKY PRESS PAGE THREE E E EE EEE _ . . E. E :; HE 5 for turn shepherdswlle N635 Clalmsd SUQgestions For Havdling Watch Legal Implications EE EEE E EEEE » E fending“; oldest-Youngest orrespon ents And Storing Newsprint In Double Billing Practices E.E EEE .‘E E 3 { arm is pro Shepherdsville’s Pioneer-News may well As a result of heating outside cold air An article in Advertisin A e th t E E EEE EE E ouncement, lay claim to having the oldest and young— to pressroom temperature, most printers “double billing” is le allvg Eng ”Silly; aif E EEE E ‘E . ”E, ~ 5 office mi est newspaper correspondents in the world. must cope with the condition of using the injured advertisersg'r “l thdssaI fl“ e E E EEE EE E . new parent Ninety-four years separate the ages of Mrs. paper in heated buildings quiesce. This is *motliceiic \ "I? mfec 1a a C— E E. EE E : E . include EEI Ida Matilda Ball Holsclaw, 102, who re— Lowered relative humidity in the winter that double billing is a frar‘id3 101' Siyilig E E EE EE “ _ as‘parent ports the Hebron news, and Vickie Ann lowers the moisture content of paper. If a manufacturer if he does not aclfiidgcs e E EE 3 E E E * iy timesar Sprinkles, 8, writer of “School Daze” from pile of paper has its wrapper removed, the Newspapers have for many qrears ebeen E E E E E E E )arents.ThE Mt. Washington. edges will immediately start to dry out. cautioned against the practicd hnd the E5 EE EEE E 7 E amesrnii Mrs. Anna Hawkins, editor of the And if the pile is left standing and not used, FCC is apparently now cam 'll bin '1' E E EE E 3 ‘EE': 'mamstod Pioneer—News, reports the two writers are then the paper will become distorted. Be- tivelV against radio and TV $150,133; E 3 EE E E E E . certainly the oldest and youngest on that cause the inner portion doesn’t dry out, the resort to it. By “double billing’: we mean EE E E E E E ‘E 15 “EEEE‘WEE particular newspaper. She has asked for sheets will have a baggy or bulging center. the custom of'billing a local merchant tat E E E E E i E‘ ”.10.“ 5W1 areport from any other publication which To help correct this, never unwrap paper his local rate and furnishing him with‘a EEE E . E E E E fthltY-HOE has such an age span in correspondents. and leave it standing. Don’t expose the second statement at a higher rate the EE I E El E E E “01‘ WEE Both of the reporters have been featured paper until the time of actual usage. latter to be submitted to the national ,man- E E‘E E E E E '3: E 3 takes 11101 in stories in the Louisville Courier-Journal. Bringing cold paper up to the temper— ufacturer. When used on a 50-50 deal the E “E E‘E E ‘3 E E imore COP} Mrs. Holsclaw was reported last year at ature of a pressroom is another problem. practice forces the manufacturer to’pay E EEEEEEEEEEE‘EEE EE33 EEE 11109 New the age of 101. She has been writing the When ordering paper in cold weather, in- more than half the cost of the ad. E E E EE EEEEEE3EE EEE E E ~ E. ' Hebron column for 77 years, beginning her clude sufficient time to allow for temper— Station \EVDOV, Dover, Delaware which E. EE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EI‘EE EEE E I _ activities in the 1880’s with the Salt River ature seasoning of paper; keep in mind that pleaded guiltv to charges of double, billing lEE EEE. EEEEEEEEEE E E ‘ E. Tiger. It is estimated that she has written this takes at least several days. Never, under of advertisers, has been fined $5 000 by . E-EE EEE EEEE‘EE EE EE E E 3‘ _ook? 3,800 newsletters from her community in any circumstances, should cold paper have the Federal Communications Commission, E3 E3 EEEEE 3E E E TEE“. ‘3 do you til the‘IIthrequiiaEters of a century: . its wrapping and outer covering removed. for this and other offenses. The forfeiture . E‘E‘ EEEEEEE 3 EEE E; E E f-EgE f rnew E 15. . 0 so aw-has been active in many If cold paper is suddenly exposed to warm was ordered on a 3-2 vote, with Chairman . E EEE E EEEEEE3 3EE EEE EEEE E you community activ1ties throughout her life. air, condensation of water can occur at the Newton Minow not participating and Com— E ‘E ‘l‘E’E EE EEEEE ‘E E E EEEE E ' [8126035335 :Ejrswars taiir'Sunélay Sciool teacher for 53 edges, and this produces swelling and dis- missioner Robert T. Bartley absent. This EE EEE E EEEEE'EEE3 E E 5 E3 few minut age of 9; :11: 11:32:,“ :tfiZrSPfiSIEIOD atf‘the tOISZJID as “712“?" Sages- f . started out to be the first test'case of the E EEEEEEEE EE EE EEE , :‘E J ‘ng points: friends “71-10 t b g her news 10m .161 unc eisua e consequences 0 usmg illegality of double billing, With an ulti- EEEEJEE EEEE‘EEE EEE . :3 E to see if Vi k‘ s lop Y to see e1. paper 'that has been dried out are loss of mate court decrsion expected. But the sta- ; EE EEE IEEEEEEE EE EE‘3, EEE ;‘;E -.1 )ably fini Waslf'leEt 8E; 1nd grade student at Mt. pliability of the. fibers and of coating, re- tion admitted a violation and agreed to E E EEEEEIEEEEE EE ‘EEE i; ‘_ [‘here isn't calleduii on Iedmentary School, wants to be sulting in cracking at the fold, flaking of accept a line. Thus the forfeiture ends the E ii EE EEE‘EEE3‘