xt708k74x760 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt708k74x760/data/mets.xml Maryland United States. Works Progress Administration Lowe, Robert C. (Robert Chapin), 1907- Lander, David S. 1937 13 p.; 27 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number Y 3. W 89/2:36/M 36 books English Washington DC: Works Progress Administration This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Maryland Works Progress Administration Publications Public welfare -- Law and legislation -- Maryland Social workers -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- Maryland Constitutional law -- Maryland Analysis of Constitutional Provisions Affecting Public Welfare in the State of Maryland text Analysis of Constitutional Provisions Affecting Public Welfare in the State of Maryland 1937 1937 2019 true xt708k74x760 section xt708k74x760 c I /. .' . , I
. . h .
W O R K S P R O G R E S S A D M I N | S T R A T | O N
MAY 1, 1937
O .
. . . i
This bulletin is one of a series presenting
State constitutional provisions affecting public wel—
o fare, prepared to supplement the State by State digests
of public welfare laws so as to provide in abstract
form the basis for the public welfare services of the
several States.
The provisions quoted are those concerned
0 directlv with public welfare administration and such
others as may substantially affect a public welfare
program. even though only indirectly related. It would
be impossible to consider within the limits of this
study every remotely connvrted constitutional provi—
. sion. The indirectly related provisions included,
therefore, have been restricted to those concerning
. finance, legislation, and the methods ofconstitutional
amen drn en 1, .
An attempthas been made, by a careful selec—
. tion of the most recent cases decided by the highest
courts of the States, to indicate wherever possible how
these provisions have been construed. These cases are
included in footnotes appended to the constitutional
provisions shown.
. It is hoped that these abstracts will be
useful to those interested in public welfare questions
in indicating how State and local public welfare admin—
istration may be affected by constitutional powers and
‘ o
Incidence of Responsibility for Welfare Program.................. 1
Financial Powers and Limitations................................. 1
. Taxation and Assessments.................................... 1
Exemptions.................................................. 3
Borrowing and Use of Credit................................. 4
Other Income................................................ 6
Appropriations and Expenditures............................. 6
Provisions Affecting Legislation................................. 7
. Constitutional Amendment or Revision............................. 12
- - ., ... r. .. , , . 1
l‘iiilldi‘ WlCIdMlth H Hilli‘ilinhi)
o l. lnvidmn-o oi‘ lh-spmlsihilil}; For Welfare Program
The oi'i‘iite oi' ”.‘~li’.a\ie Pension Commissioner” is hereby abolished;
o , . . . . . .. . .
and the Legirzlziture shall pass no Low creating such oil ice, or establ lshillt’;
any general pension system within this Hi‘aie.‘
ll. Financial Pom-:2; and l.lli‘.li£1ili>li‘~
O \_ l‘?‘,‘.‘:il inn and .‘iwriwssznvntr;
{l} Wain
(:1) 'i'har ihr- levying .;:':».,;;.~; by (he will is grievous
and. oppressive and (night to he prohihiivlz that pnnpers ought not to be
. assessed for the snpporfi oi‘ “the do‘xnrxnnwnt; that the General Assembly
Shall», by uni fern; ruins. prov ill.“ for Si'li‘il‘v‘il assessalani (11‘ land and classi—
. f'ieation and sub—classii‘§,<::ati~.,:~ns iii l:l:_i>.-w'*:i:<'3tfrr; on land and personal
properfit. 5L7; ‘5 ma}: «germ printer; and All (cums; i?im:*-e.=.i‘tw;’- provided to be
levied Lil“, “limit: {Ha-r ihe ‘Sllisp'n u" if: -; my: a? ":t“i,1‘ =‘%:)‘.’»“r'nnwni. and
by the counties zindhfx the (1} ty oi" Hal: imor: 1h"- i z- :‘uspewi i\ e purposes.
shall by nni i‘m-In is ((7 izmd within i’n.- (14.in .:::' iii-airs» . 1111:: anilioi'm Within
the class or snhw‘lass of ,5.Ill];i‘i."(*tlli“ii{.fé .222 1.4.1125. and taxi-scum} property which
the rent-mi ive taxing; powers may have directed in W subjected to the tax
levy: yer, "t‘ine': duties: or taxes may pz'bjwi‘iy 'iiill justly be imposed, or
o """"’"' .
10:11:21Minolta:(1-1527). :5' l"ii.,7l1~lj .nr! jn1lulix.hei 1:53 i;- (flr r‘f wt" in the Mary—
l“.}1'l 13:93.11 (1.307); win. all anmnhnrrii: I: fit; 1.
The :olice power of the State ”'Ni.’ 1‘i’it‘n2eriii ~77," i‘j‘u ‘. ti» ,\:*~tmti'\n :7 the
public hdzillfl, nmrais. :nid .eii‘eu'. By rnr own rmwti d. *i.:i.,..x_: i1, is now recognized
1.: evil'enfiimi : 1m; .‘JV-,':T"1l '.‘.':;lf‘lr;:. :1: .9: :1 5-1:. .g;v‘:i :. .7 tower Ly the
Legislature :n‘muld not he did to he. Vol.1 i." there arm my Mn"iii»‘1‘ii.icns related
. "cg"- "111." .‘v‘ulf.’.l“i by whisra it. Jan I» .‘zi:i;.v“?~i." .A. :‘A .1;2riz:g any dealer
in trailing stamps to ply .l license iii-e was held 1;. t... i1,l‘_i',".,‘l‘ “It wife of the police
power. .jtate if. Sane; (Joznpany. l'd’f 3.. 181'; 155 {lrléi-
“,‘uz,ez.:=':‘v’é::, 7:7,,
'Eni. acuiird. was insertmi in the i‘nrngtitiitihn with 'rX ‘luuiv-s reference to mili—
tary ;»3::i=:.:;,,: uni was not inzexui-éri to include "33:13"? fii‘l‘i-iii‘fz-‘i ”‘3‘ r—ntirely differ-
ent CTILJLI‘51,f‘, tar, not than in existence and unknown to the rir'wti‘wrs of the convention.
O fierce ”Tint/hers“ Relief” matures cf “ii-531,: and 114531, frautinn 1‘7Ii..'iCI1:‘~ 10 IKUCI‘H‘TS 0‘5
' dependent children, were held not to violate this section. Mayor and iity Council of
' Baltimore City '.':r'.. l“LlL:/’lfft, 16‘; Kid. £51935, 165 A. 61E? (16.3). ‘
. 1
'3 ‘liuzw,v’!:lnal
ll. ll‘lzmnl 1::i l’:r‘..’. 1‘s. :nnl him; inlziolzs——l‘mll,inuwi
\. '2‘:~\:z' -: Ema :tnll "~.‘->‘-;l‘>lK-;llli‘lltfiv“ i‘(>;1i,lnuv(i
"fé'uw Vl‘lli‘filllll’li
l'tlli will: ; .» l l. 11".: for 1h” gowi go‘vvrnnwnt and bone“ L ol‘ till:
l‘nmnninl J‘
, 0
ll); This. 4-» n,igl:~7::;i.aii‘v., " o
it) The Legislature, nt its first session after the
I'Jitii’ir-nitilm in thin“ l‘nlw‘liifniilluu shall provide hy law for State and
llllliiii‘ipdi 19...; v. im: upon: (llw I‘l‘~\::m1n-s accruing; from business done in the
Cirillo h}; all illi'x‘iijl atrwgaul‘aii’,iLuis.”
(l1) um henmui :issmnhiy, at its first sessmn alter
tlw anioyzjuz: :l‘ this f‘nzzstllmxflnx. shrill? h}; law} establish throughout
the Stan‘- .-:-_ thorough 12ml el'i'iuglvnl SySClz‘lll ()i‘ l'r‘ee public schools; and
: . . . . - x ‘ ' ' , , I
snail in-ovnu— i=3: I_l..\;.‘illluli., or olzliGi-Wiso, [01‘ their: nunntenunue.L
lL’.‘ aouni 10", and llinwz' Lovell lnits
\s-l 'w' ”:.'Li'll.,li'l".l‘,3ll llll .‘shnvr‘.
‘. lo 1 ti‘u; .. ‘3 1 ., Rajm ,. i“h if. f allnlv: 1:15.
' ~ , 'M. l: 1, ' :I - ;:‘l‘::;l 11' ll, gamers exempts:
‘ *' . ‘ " ’1 , ‘; ‘ 713;: "it wax; not tn;- pl.;l";i:v’l.~.=: P5 .
=53.“ s : . lvleai 11.1 ' :m 91:03.}:1: ::.;; (it'll-:1: fi,‘,:l‘,i"3.‘3 of taxation, tut Lo
i 'l An,“ fl , ' il _:'.;:.. 11$? f:;:=;::.; ,‘.1 the necessities of 25.»:
2 . ‘ ’ ‘_ -' 1 :‘j‘alu: ;.1 il..‘;>:‘f‘i7122‘7»:$ Vii; tlitr‘einr‘e valid.
in 11g -. . " ‘1' L": air. I‘lil'k‘2. ”7:923:93 Till"; under this section,
V ' i ‘ .13 .ll “51:7 £1,133". 1»:t'i>.>'i :1le rrfipv’rtjy', should be equfl
, . __ , . .7 ‘ - . ;‘: av, 1-;1 :x .4: *, it, was no: :1» ,
‘. ' .‘ :5 11:2 ;'~::‘;,1»: Acne Adopted it, it: rlw .
‘ " ’ l"l', “'1" ’l '7 viii" ill I. #2:»):th ‘1‘ 351-: ‘ l‘i’ taxation *4 * >l= i‘.
‘ ' ' ' __ ._ " :ifvv‘ 11:): T11 ;f<3rr-;-1‘L:y‘ ‘rliiili; L12:
, ' l‘., .3 V . E. 1" 11,11.) (Tonininy, 4:; Fill. Lid}.
\ ’1 l
‘ . ' . " v :‘ [ :‘ll‘r u:::’.t:‘ ;:;,;,l‘;~r :0 property taxes; i‘l.
" ;_ ~ l ’ . - Winnie (Mus, finlitn may lw Ci'issifled :30 Jong :15 in;
, - ' . ‘ ~, - .' . .‘ l'l‘fm ‘Iff-h :Al'iLir-V Er MHZ-:1: cormarclzal 111i l'I‘i~
" ' ‘ V ‘ ‘ ' ' .iif ‘_ 11.:1'1; .71""l.l1;‘.:{‘ tire; from those using mum .
‘ ~ :' I" ‘3: w L'u- 1»? i mi. ', l. Influx»? BSVr‘l‘d Mannro Prmnrts
" .vj .~ .3 .l a, ~ ‘T‘i‘wilgffll;‘.I"l.1.",iL'Ti‘I'lllfv' f' li‘uysl‘ifiv’ taxation is :satisl‘ied
. '1 - ' ‘ ‘W . l . M1 l.:37_”*.‘:71 ‘.':‘.?.:.:1 “in twin»: Jilsti‘lcl. .“icilri'vx vs
'_ ~ . ~ :13. ., ‘V Juli}.
' ‘,‘l ’,~.1v 315‘ .l- .‘li‘l. 1.}.
" , ; ll::,fllfl_illl§,r 7:: n. ‘l‘lllél‘illlif, bolls" with llzni tell powers. They can exer— .
" v . ' ' 3/ nah .. u:-;~:~.:.i‘-,j:. «71".15 ‘L rennonablv inn? l~
H , ~ . ' 1mg} jm:~.mi.«).r:l'l: ti‘.» fl‘rejr-ricl: founty vs. Page, 16:1» Md. .
big. :31; up: !'|.l.‘,,‘,.
Murylzuul Si
N. 1-‘innnrini Powers mid LimitationS—(‘ontimwl
A. Taxation and Assessments—(Toni,inuwi
(3) (‘ountjes and Uthor Local Units—(‘ontinuwi
(h) Spe page 1.1!.‘11‘zlgrnph (:1). :1an 1‘5111'" L3. i'ontm 12- 33.
(P) The personal property 01' reshh-ntH ()I' this Slutt-
‘ s;i::1ll 1w sulyjm-t to taxation in the county or rity where the i'i‘xi-It‘lll
honn i'iiiw rosules For the greater part; 01' the year i‘or which the tux may
. or shall be levied. and not elsewhere. (xv-opt goo-M and (:hzit'tois‘ pox-nine
. nontly lornted. whirh shall be taxed in the rity or rountv where they Hi'l‘
so im Mimi. but the General Assembly mew by law provide for the taxation
m“ mortgages upon property in this State and Hie-h-hts‘ swrurl-ri thereby in
. , . t
tim— muml) or rity where. such property 15 Situated;j
. ((1) See page 13, paragraph (r) .
H. Exemptions
i v . -
I .\o prov1$10n.9
Under the f‘oie or Public General 1.12-1.22. Art. XXV. flux). 7. molar-:9 :111’.
I munigi .,-'::a.‘_;:.:ion-3r5 shall levy all needi‘ul tax-2.; 1.“. '-.."::»';:':.t~.bl»- .cr-Ljs ‘.2'.’..:'.i:.
.- 53 -";‘.::it:.' .ii:-.":le :< taxation. itwas held t?i-.‘ 1:.5- "cunt: corri. ‘icnnr‘: 1.-: .c.'.-::‘ -‘:
law e. tax for the purpose of erecting '3. i'ireiroo.“ .' 211:". :‘or ii- gr-’-::--r'.”-.t,1t": .i‘ ':
. r».:corw1:; of the Clerk. of the court. 3. F. Smith E?"‘i--_:-iioof F.‘o.r.1'tru"t'on “omen? 2's.
iiflfifine, {-7 T1. .-‘7o. :15; A. 515 (1903).
H: :..'.-;-.w.. Art. ill, Sec. 51.
1‘.» Object 0-." this: section is that remonal {TOfo‘iff .1. ‘: -:t'.:-:~ :‘ IRS" :';t :t'.
. i This. one-f2. “1‘129 ordinary situs of personal grim-rt: "or ; 3.. :1:-:-.‘.1-::: 1-
::1“ Wain-'1»: Oi’ the owner, but this seftion 1‘1'1}Z"9 2.“. »i:-:-3»>'.‘..10': ;.-t‘.'::.~.l ;'ti’_;~
art; j€F"'-1:’1:?Ii[l_\' located in some other city or County. ':z;i 1-rox'. 1:1‘.‘ :‘321. jl‘Of‘
:_- -. '-:‘:l. (131-bit) at the place 01‘ its: l'-C:it1::.. .-‘-. “.~i':.-.r.-’.' .7'» ' i: if"1‘.i: .2113.
1‘" z.»:;»;:i.-;::al property "permanently :fiéltf’i" :3: nun-1:." :" (it-3.1.:
72“."; “2?: lift taxable in the City Where located. 99:. 7-- iii.
This. (1922-4).
2‘13?- .'-. 1' douse of this section was held to settli- Lr‘f izi-esfim. -..t .:‘-:2'-::-:' _
. ”. 63.»:- lug.” Zuzure to tax mortgage debt: at :21:- f:::. o“ L'2~ L’Y"\‘,~:‘T..‘»'. A. :11“:‘
L: "- i.‘ .-‘ LIL-:i'eI-i‘. or“. real estate mortgage:. r 21.»: own-r ::‘ “:3’ , v.
i2 resi‘i lint ..>r :1 nonresident, washeld valid. Ail-3: 1.‘ -.Ti:-;:1l “‘13.“. 0‘.‘ .‘ 0;: :.. :S.
;: 2'11. 9',- ‘o. is it. (1901)-
'='::'. original motion was first incorpor:'-'t in 2%.»- ‘cnstitxition of 1.111.; 31.23:”
-.‘u'..3i;lYZUClC-fiil convention of 1867. fcr the ;1IT‘I-7.‘-F _::i n:,in.: iii-.ii‘Jii‘ials.
3’11“??? 1‘:"§":::3 of ’usiness were in Baltiwwre City or in one 01‘ 1 1Y‘.l-'-'T‘i{. .1-
'11 :- ’i {ii-'- :.'-;»r-.jrc.'-1ter part of the year, fro.n escaping amnion ‘:y {111$ OILS! 0T‘
. ’» I" 1‘ ..-r1.'.;-*-:'.alty, through establishment or 3 resiirnc»; :‘w tLXltiOn in (31-2 ‘17:: or
' “1 ‘ mere -.kr.:y resided for but 1 short period of time j:-'-.:'." “ti-.ni 12“.. lit-c: ot‘
ligand. Court. 1.56 Md. 155, 145 A. 636 659 (1928).
W T“ 1‘1111 power to exempt any 0115.3 of property '1: it ". 1:; 157' t moori—
in' to 1:..5252’ifioi’ public policy. It cannot nofibequestioned tii’tt a .‘tLt-‘z "173 CT."«.~‘—
.aii‘y pit-perm in Kill proper reasonable ways. prorideri the riiimriwjndtinns: TiiT'i" :r
Mme-1 agar. sound reasons of public policy, and are not ir.:.itr:1ry or hostile " 'w'illi in
. i". Will/3:11". ’70mp'my VS. Mayor. etc., of City of ‘ill:inor:.. 1013'. lid. 1393. GSA. :a‘Ll MED”)-
11i1: 13'. Wall Chittled that the Legislature. :13". ‘Nitzzout wontr :‘~"5I1.‘.i'i.j aim-2r the
1‘ --i:,.-».i '1‘ .st'lte constitution, exempt certain species of pr‘mertr-‘ Trim”: mini-10:1- “-1101:
i’ 1102' not amount to an arbitrary discrimination." A El"? ."i(3.‘.0:"...'.i1‘.t.‘flt istfitute. pro—
1-"-.-:E:.; for nip-2 'ieduction from the capital stock of domestic :‘ir. inssurince congenies
1.113 .".:-1:v.t of mortgages on land within the State held by I.11-.:iii.1-‘»'c.1 meld not to b»;
. an arbitrary discrimination. and so did not Violate the F~“l-‘-T‘l] 0r Stat-2 Con:titutiun.
.1. Maryland
[1. Financial Powers and Iiimi tations-l‘.ontinued .
(l. Borrowing and Use, of Credit
(1) State
No debt shall be. hereafier contracted by the, General
Assembly unless such debt shall be authorized by a law providing for the
collection of an annual tax or taxes sufficient to pay the interest on .
such debt as it falls due, and also to discharge the principal thereof
within fifteen years from the time of contracting the, same; and the taxes
laid for this purpose shall not be repealed or applied to any other ob— .
ject until the said debt and interest thereon shall be fully discharged.
The credit of the State shall not in any manner be given, or loaned to,
or in aid of any individual association or corporation: nor shall the
General Assembly have the power in any mode to involve the state in the
construction of works of internal iziipriivement, nor in granting any aid ’
thereto, which shall involve the faith or credit of the State; nor make
any appropriation therefor, except in aid of the construction of works ,
of internal improvement in the counties of St. Mary's, i‘haries and Cal—
vert, which have had no direct advantage from such works as have been
heretofore aided by the State: and provided that such aid. advances or .
appropriations shall not exceed in the aggregate the sum of five hundred
thousand dollars. And they shall not use. or appropriate the proceeds of
the internal improvement companies, or of the State tax. now levied, or .
which may hereafter be levied, to pay off the puhlii- wei-l'lt io any other
purposes until the, interest and debt are fully paid or the sinking fund
shall be equal to the amount of the outstanding debt: but the General .
Assembly may, without laying a tax, borrow an amount never to exceed fifty
thousand dollars to meet temporary deficiencies in uh? i‘reasury. and may
contract debts to any amount that. may be necessary for the defence of the
State. And provided further that nothing in this ser‘i‘ioi. shall be con—
strued to prohibit the raising of funds for the purpose ti‘ aiding or com- o
pensating in such manner or way as the General :isseiiibly of ihe State shall
deem proper, those citizens of the State who have served. with honor,
their country and State in time of war; provided. however. that such ac—
tion of the General Assembly shall be effective only when submitted to
is. .ii___ii,__i .
i-iiyor, etc., of Baltimore vs. Eermnx—i‘izir-rizin E-‘ire lizsizr'insy 15:? Pic“. 58;),
10:) A. 980 (1918).
The uniformity clause. of Art. K‘J if the i‘ecliration i.:' Elisats (see p. 1, par.
(M), constitutes no bar to the rigid. of the Leninlritnre to :?L£:31'1,\i property from tax—
ation, when that exemption is not an :irbitriry discriminitinn ll; favor of a particu-
111‘ Class. Unless the discrimination be: arbitrary. ti»: wisdez‘. of ti‘r- exemption is
within the discretion of tn c Legislit‘irc. A st Lime whicn flxwi Li:- :ixcr‘igiije bonds of .
corporations, but exempted the mortgmze delta oi‘ individumz; ..cld not to provide
for an arbitrary and unreasonable discriimitation, on the grnnizd that ihero was a valid
distinction between corporate and individual dwbi i‘or i-zii*;m;:~~as n1” ta:-:.ition. Simpson
Vs. Hopkins, 82 Md. 4’78, .345 A. 714 (1890').
Tax exemptions contained in legislative acts must be. strictly construed. Mayor,
etc., vs. llavre de Grace and Perryvillu Bridge Company, 12:: A. '70“: (19:74). .
Maryland 5
II. Financial Powers and Limitations——Continued
C. Borrowing and Use of Credit—~Continued
(l) State-—Continued
and approvedby a vote of the people of the State at the General Election
next following the enactment of such legislation.10
, (2) Counties
. No county of this State shall contract any debt, or
o . . . . . .
obligation in the construction of any railroad, canal, or other work of
internal improvement, nor give, or loan its credit to or in aid of any
association, or corporation, unless authorized by an Act of the General
Assembly, which shall be published for two months before the next elec—
tion for members of the House of Delegates in the newspapers published
0 in such county, and shall also be approved by a majority of all the mem—
bers elected to each House of the General Assembly, at its next session
after said election.11 '
(3) other Local Units
. From and after the adoption of this Constitution, no
debt (except as hereinafter excepted), shall be created by the Mayor and
. City Council of Baltimore; nor shall the credit of the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore be given or loaned to, or in aid of any individual,
association, or corporation;norshall the Mayor and City Council of Bal—
timore have the power to involve the City of Baltimore in the construc—
tion of works of internal improvement, nor in granting any aid thereto,
which shall involve the faith and credit of thecity, nor make any appro-
priation therefor, unless such debt or credit be authorized by an Act of
the General Assembly of Maryland, and by an ordinance of the Mayor and
City Council of Baltimore, submitted to the legal voters of the City of
' Baltimore, at such time and place as may be fixed by said ordinance, and
approved by a. majority of the votes cast at such time and place; such
loconstitution. Art. 111, Sec. 54, as amended 1924.
The "internal improvements" contemplated by the framers of the Constitution
were activities of private companies,such is railroads and canals. It was not meant
' to include the ordinary and necessary activities of the State. Therefore, the con—
struction of State roads was held not to come within the scope or this section.
Bonsal vs. Yellott, 100 Md. 481, 60 A. 595 (1905).
The construction of a drainage and sewerage system was held not to be a "work
of internal improvement"; such works being internal improvements in one sense, but
not the type of"internal improvementsrl intended to be included within this section.
Welch vs. Coglan, 126 Md. 1, 94 A. 584 (1915).
. 11Constitution, Art. 111, Sec. 54.
The”worKs of internal improvement" contemplated by the framers of this section
were private enterprises, such as railroads and canals. It was not meant to include
the ordinary and necessary activities of the governmentalunits of the State. There—
fore,it was held that a county might borrow for the purpose of building roads with—
out complying with this section. Bonsal VS. Yellot. 100 Md. 505, 60 A. 593 (1905).
See p. 5, footnote 9.
6 Maryland
ll. Financial Powers and Limitations—~(Tontinucd
C. Borrowing and Use of‘ Credi t——-Continued
(3) Other Local UnitS—w—(Tontjnued
ordinance shall provide for the discharge oi‘ any such den; 1.:- .,y-1-,:1t 1.11111
in the period of forty (40) years from the time oi" ironiiu I, Jul-3 Lin; some,
but the Mayor and City Council may, LOIIIVUI‘UJWI‘Y/ inn-1111.. intmint 1.1‘ 0
- money to meet any deficiency in the City ’lzuaruarg. s;.<: no“; vul‘i‘u‘u’ any
amount at any time to provide for any emergency sari-in; .‘ ‘Mni the nieces—-
sity of‘ maintaining the police, or preserving, tlix’ indium and san»
ltary condition of the city, and may make duo (xiiil gmw ‘1 wqmwnts and
agreements for the renewal and extension, in Elmiw' ;, i or 1113' and
all debts and obligations created uncut-[1111p in ' -» '3'3:-, z,(f(‘fiti()li
of‘ this Constitution.12
D. other Income
The General Assembly shall hm": pane ., v'-‘.":'f3 from the
United States any grant or donation of land, ni(;i.=("y o- » , r... 131:» for any
purpose designated by the United States, and snaii - _. or distrib—- .
ute the same according to the conditions my int- so, ; 5,. ‘
E. Appropriations and itxpendltum—s .
(i) No moneyshall he drain) from tin» ~, l (in: State
by any order or resolution, nor except in ammunition . 1i , 21;.11‘1:pr;iation .
by law; and every such law shall distinctly .~,lp:':t_fli.i} xiii: xiii-yupi‘ldt‘ed
and object to which it shall he applnwi; pray Lit-d, $11.4 1.5.1111; herein
contained shall prevent the General ASSPIth}, i'ic-m fit/1i 11 contingent
fund at the disposal of‘ the Executive, who shall region 1-1» the, ('{eneral
Assembly at each session the amount expended; uiifi Hm {'."“r~v..<'-h 1;. union .
it was applied.”‘ * ;; ’r‘
12 7 . ,_.
Constitution, Art. Xi, Sec. 7, as amended i-anu.
Subject to the exceptions .sct forth in this suction, no :i: 1 '1 creme—(i tr
credit involved on behalf of Baltimore City unless it is first 1's‘r;;.;i 1,15; 11.13 act
of the General Assembly and approved by a majority of Hit 1mm} r‘n—‘js artl‘r the .
submission of the question to them by a. city ordininos. jgszdw; '. . and City
Council of City of Baltimore, 146 M. 277, 136 A. i551 (HEM; t \w'. hiyor and
City Council of Baltimore, 148 A. 209 (19:50).
Where a statute passed by the General Assembly and Llli r:‘-rc11::-;';:15- nithm‘ising :1
bond issue by Baltimore City did not specify the rate of intern." it 1119 thawed, it
was held that the city could properly delegste Elie fixing 1:1“ 111,: 1:11: or interest
to the finance commissioners. Douty Vs. Mayor and City Council of ':1-.;i.ii:nii‘c, 155
Md. 125, 141 A. 499 (1928). 0
If the ordinance submitted to the voters of {initimxrg i ”firs int 18.1.12
01‘ interest, however, the Mayor and City Council C.’.i’;ilOi’. viimr lingo {ii-sh rate.
Thom vs. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore. i‘oi nd. 275., 141 1:3,; (Hanoi.
1”i‘lmmtitution, Art ill, Sec. 4.6.
14Constitution, Art. iii, Sec. '62. .
\lary l and ‘3“
Il. Financial Powers and him]tatians—J'ontinued
E. Appropriations and lprenditures—(Jontinued
- (:3) The General Assembly shall not, appropriate any money
out of the Treasury except in accordance with the following provisions:
Sub—Section A: l‘lvery appropriation hill shall he ei~
. ther a Budget. Bill, or a Supplementary Appropriation llill, as hereinafter
mentioned. * ‘t *
Sub-Section (3: 2? :1: 4‘ Neither [louse shall consider
’ other appropriations until the lludgetilill has been finally acted upon by
both Houses, * ‘7‘ *z (1) Every sin-h appropriation shall be embodied
in a separate bill limited to some single work. object or purpose therein
stated and called herein a Supplementary Appropriation llill; (2) Each
Supplementary Appropriation llill shall provide the revenue necessary to
. 0 pay the appropriation thereby madel)y a tax. direct or indirect, 15 ’3‘ * *.
II[. Provisions Affecting Legislation
A. Regular Sessions of Legislature
(l) The General Assembly shall meet on the, first Wednesday
. of January, nineteen hundred and twenty—four, for a regular session, and
shall not meet again for a regular session until the first Wednesday of
. January, nineteen hundred and tvw"nt},'~sevon. and the General Assembly shall
meet on the same day in every sw‘onil year thereafter and at no other time
unless convened by proclamation oi‘ thr- {EUEHI‘noIn 10
a (2,) The General lssemizly may continue its session so long
as in its judgment the public lnt’l’.'<-st may require, for a period not
longer than ninety days:17 *- 4: 33‘.
(:3) * =-“- * [f the, Budget, Hill shall not have been finally
acted upon by the Legislature three days before the expiration of its
0 regular session, the Governor may. and it shall be his duty to issue a
proclamation extending the session tor su<'n further period as may, in his
judgment, be necessary for the. passage of such hill: but no other matter
than such bill shall be considered during such extended session except a
provision for the cost tiiermd'.“ ’1‘ n: ::
l5. Speeial SesSJons oi Legislature
(l) The Governor shall convene the Legislature, or the
. . . 19
Senate alone, on extraordinary occasions:
15, . a. in,
‘ Constitution, Art. Ill, net. .,.,,.i
16COnstltutlon, Art. XVII, (lac. r13, aioz'ted 11-122.
17Const1tution, Art. III, Sec. 1:3
18Constitution, Art. 111, Sec. 53;, Still-2312C. Ii.
. 19Constitution, Art. 11, Sec. 16.
(g ‘ 4 ‘
L vllllj, llLlll.
Ill. Provisions Affecting IKiLfilSléLllUll-w—liollt‘illlled
13. Special Sessions of‘ Lugislm111-4:~-»€‘:u ::\v-r:‘vg~=:_‘ 3‘ :21:
:Eltl») Hulls Connnisslon ls; wnv OI me 3:03 l".;‘/:‘L:;1:L. l’i'illiltfifi‘lzfilml_'\"“113:".:lll,
.wn’n’: pr‘ovldlmj money to rumble it to pcl‘l‘wr‘l: 11:; llul,lL-:~. in it was lull": [5.12.1 1.
314,131,735: lncruaslng we msnlln»; Lllx Ln pruvlllv 1111‘ Llll,‘ nm)n:5:,mclll:xl cf 111,91an roads
Liam; wl‘uil‘lin L'nls excuphlnn ind L01, :2'.:x,.glch in» [,[w lulllrlwinuzu: .{im-lmnb—y vs. 0
.J'llzmn, 142 A. 7135 (19:38).
""f‘onq-LlLutlon, Art. XVI, Sen. .3 (cl). AdllDUfl 11:15.
Public local laws afl'cctinc v. pollilml subtllvlszlnn m‘ l!,‘ fawn r‘rvzml' [$19331
lall 'ulmr‘e film 01‘ om of we cmnmlus warn) mll'lgwt Mini“ m- «,m w 1m «1' ml; .21:—
Lllflw. :30 statute designating l myth); m' mlllmrn mnm‘v.‘ 2.: axlmz'mwllt‘uwA
Maryland 9
III. Provisions Affecting Iiegislation——Continued
D. Legislative linactment
(1) No law enacted by the General Assembly shall take effect
until the first day of June next after the session at which it may be
passed, unless it contain a. section declaring such law an emergency law
. and necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health or safe—
ty, and passed upon a yea and nay vote supported by three—fifths of all
the members elcried to each of the two Houses of the General Assembly;
° provided, however, that said period of suspension may be extended as pro—-
vided in Section 3 (b) hereof. If before said first day of-June there shall
have been filed with the Secretary of the State a petition to refer to a
vote of the people any law or part of a law capable of referendum, as in
this Article provided, the same shall be referred by the Secretary of State
0 to such vote, and shall not become a law or take effect until thirty days
' after its approval by a majority of the electors voting thereon at the
next ensuing election held throughout the State for Members of the House
of Representatives of the United States. An emergency law shall remain
in force notwithstanding such petition, but shall stand repealed thirty
. days after having been rejected by a majority of the qualified electors
voting thereon; provided. however, that no measure creating or abolishing
any office, or changing the salary, fermof duty of any officer, or grant—
. ingr any franchise or special privilege. or creating any vested right or
interest, shall be enacted as an emergency l8.W.24 * * *
. (2) No law passedby the General Assembly shall take effect
until the first day of June next after the session at which it may be
passed unless it be otherwise expressly declared therein.25
district for the purpose of providing adequate water supply, sewerage, and storm water
drainage system was held not subject to the referendum and could therefore be made
. effective immediately according to the terms of Art. III, Sec. 31. Dineen vs. Rider,
152 Md. 343,. 158 A. 754 (1927). See par. (2), above.
24Constitution, Art. XVI, Sec. 2;, adopted 191:3. -
Sec. 3 (b) provides that if there is filed before the first day of June more
than one—half but less than the full number of signatures required for a referendum
petition, the time for the law to take effect and for filing. the requisite number of
signatures shall be extended until June soth.
\ This provision does not apply to the types of laws which are not subject to the
o referendum (seep. 5, C, par. (2), and footnotes 22 and 23). As to laws not subject
to the referendum, Art. iii,Sec. 51 applies (see par. (:3), above). This result was
held to follow from the fact that this provision concerning the effective date of
statutes was contained in the referendum amendment passed in 1915, and so its opera-
tion was intended to be limited to measures which were subject to the referendum.
Dineen vs. Rider, 152 Md. 5115, 158 A. 754 (19137).
2500nstitution, Art. 111, Sec. 31
. Since the adoption of the referendum amendment in 1315 this section has been
held to apply only to measures which are not subject to the referendum. Dineen vs.
Rider, 152 Md. 343, 135 11.754 (1927). See 13.8, C, par. (1) and par. (1). above.
The effective date of a statute not within the referendum provision of the Con—
stitution may be fixed by the Legislature without a declaration of emergency, and
does not require passage by 2. three—fifths vote. Culp vs. Commissioners of Chester—
. town. 154 Md. 620. 141 A. 410 (1928). See par. (1), above.
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