xt70cf9j4s9v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70cf9j4s9v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19790706 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen. Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, July 6, 1979, no. 281 text The Green Bean, July 6, 1979, no. 281 1979 2014 true xt70cf9j4s9v section xt70cf9j4s9v UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LIBRARIES' NEWSLETTER ‘ ~ · , ._,._.._.... I LLAIINDAR No events reported _ § EXHIBITS: King North Gallery & Foyer: Fifty Fine · Books at Kentucky (rare books from Q Special Collections. June 1 - August 3. Q R I Contributors: Colleen Holmes, Peggy Lewis, Rebekah Harleston (editor), i Faith Harders, Paul Willis. I s PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT THE MARGARET I. KING LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, LEXINGTON, RY. 40506 ‘ ` 5 E ` i V ` ` 1 \ { ` V 1 l Y 1 1 { I \ l V ` ` 1 ` \ { \ { ' ` i { ` . -2- ABOUT THE I-LBRAM The ACTS nominating committee will immediately begin to consider candidates for office in that organization. _If you are willing to serve in an elective capacity, let Lynn Shrewsbury know. I Fine Books n l "An exhibition of 50 of the most important books in the history of T Religion and Philosophy, Fine Arts, Science, History and Travel, x- and Literature drawn from the rare book collection in the Department of Special Collections, University of Kentucky Libraries." An illustrated catalog is available for $2.50. The books in the exhibit were selected and described by David Farrell. The story of "Freedom of the Press”is as alive today as it was when John Milton wrote Aeropogitica in 1644 (no. 47 in the exhibit) ERIC Wants You The ERIC/IR Clearinghouse is actively engaged in acquiring materials for entering into the ERIC data base. The Clearinghouse on Information Resources is seeking materials in its field, and that field is widely interpreted. For further information about the Clearinghouse and its pruposes, types of publications accepted by the ERIC system, see Mr. _ Willis. Library Support Positions Available y LT II GPD LT II Acquisitions If interested, see Faith Harders Lunch Time Can Be Fun Time Remember the Summa? Noontime Film Festival of Classic Films, July 9-l0 at the Student Center. Venture farther afield for "brown bag" lunch in the Park at Cheapside, with a musical background. OPPORTUNITIES FOR PROFESSIONAL EIYIPLOYINENT Reference Librarian/Latin American Area Specialist, Arizona State University. Salary $l3,444—$l6,000. Application deadline August l. Reference Librarian/Latin American Area Specialist, Albany (NY), Application deadline June 30. Monographic Cataloger, The Univeristy at Albany (NY). Salary $ll,800—$l5,500. Application deadline June 30. Head, Bibliographic Processing, The University at Albany (NY). Salary $l4,000-$18,000. Application deadline June 30. Non-Print Services Librarian, The University at Albany (NY). Salary $l4,000—$l8,000. Application Deadline June 30. · ’m\ rw -5- Reference Librarian, The University at Albany (NY). Salary 14,500 — 19,000. Application deadline August 3l. Assistant Coordinator, Information Retrieval, The University at Albany (NY). Salary, $l2,500—$l7,000. Application deadline August 3l. Reference Librarian & Biological Sciences Bibliographer, The University . at Albany (NY). Salary $l3,800—$l9,000. Geology Librarian. University of North Carolina. Salary $13,800+ Application deadline September l. ‘ Head, Bibliographic Control Department. University of Saskatchewan. Current Salary range $19,319-$24,093. Appliation deadline August 3l. Head, Cataloging Department. University of Louisville. Salary $l8,000—$20,000. Application Deadline Sept. l.