xt70cf9j6c8p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70cf9j6c8p/data/mets.xml South Carolina South Carolina Historical Records Survey 1939 Prepared by the Survey of Federal Archives, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Works Progress Administration; The National Archives, Cooperating Sponsor; Other contributors include: Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.), United States Works Progress Administration Division of Professional and Service Projects, National Archives (U.S.); iv, 14 leaves, 27 cm; Mimeographed; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number Y 3.W 89/2:43 F 317/ser.5/no.39 books English New York: The Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. South Carolina Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series V the Department of Justice, Number 39 South Carolina text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series V the Department of Justice, Number 39 South Carolina 1939 1939 2015 true xt70cf9j6c8p section xt70cf9j6c8p /@lll@l IHI[I(@ ¥ ¤ mea FEDERAL ARCHIVES I IN THE STATES I SERIES V E THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE I I NO. 39 SOUTH CAROLINA THE SURVEY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION INVENTORY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES IN THE STATES Prepared by I The Survey of Federal Archives Division of Professional and Service Projects Works Progress Administration The National Archives Cooperating Sponsor SERIES V. THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE NO. 59. SOUTH CAROLINA t Albany, New York The Historical Records Survey l959 INVENTORY OF FEDERAL ARCHIVES IN THE STATES Prepared by l The Survey of Federal Archives Division of Professional and Service Projects Works Progress Administration The National Archives Cooperating Sponsor SERIES V. THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE NO. 59. SOUTH CAROLINA I Albany, New York The Historical Records Survey 1939 ii The Survey of Federal Archives Philip M. Hamer, National Director Edith Belle Layman, State Director Division of Professional and Service Projects Florence Kerr, Assistant Administrator Margaret D. Davies, State Director WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION F. C. Harrington, Administrator L. M. Pinckney, State Administrator iii I I PREFACE The Inventory of Federal Archives in the States is one of the products A of the work of the Survey of Federal Archives, which operated as a nation- wide project of the Works Progress Administration from January 1, 1956 to June 50, l957, and has been continued since that date as a unit of the Historical Records Survey, also operating as a nation-wide project of the Works Progress Administration, and a group of state or local projects of that Administration. The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows: Series I consists of reports on the adndnistration of the Survey, acknowledgments, and general discussions of the location, condition, and content of federal archives in the states. Succeeding series contain the detailed information ‘ secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory form, a separate series num- ber being assigned to each of the executive departments (except the Depart- ment of State) and other major units of the Federal Government. Within each series No. l is a general introduction to the field organization and records of the governmental agency concerned; the succeeding numbers con- tain the inventory proper, separate numbers being assigned to each state in alphabetical order. Thus, in each series, the inventory for Alabama is No. 2, that for Arizona No. 5, that for Arkansas No. 4, etc. For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of related records, is presented in the following order: title, inclusive dates ("to date" indicating an open file at the time the information was ` secured), general description of informational content, description of the system of filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and purpose of use, form of the record itself (bound volumes, sheets in folders, etc.), linear footage, description of the containers, physical condition of the records (not stated if satisfactory), location by room number or other identifying information, and finally, the number of the Form 58SA on which this information was originally recorded by a Survey worker and from.which it was abstracted for the Inventory. This form is on file in The National Archives. When it contains substantial information on addenda sheets which has not been included in the mimeographed abstract, indication of this is given by use of the reference "See addenda." In South Carolina the work of the Survey was directed by Miss Edith Belle Layman. This Inventory of the records of the Department of Justice . in South Carolina was prepared in the Charleston office of the Survey, with Mr. Benjamin M. Badger, Jr., as chief editor, and was edited before final typing by Dr. Richard R. Stenberg of the Washington office. It is repro- duced in mimeographed form through the facilities of the Historical Records Survey. Edith Belle Layman, Formerly Regional Director of the Survey of Federal Archives for South Carolina Columbia, South Carolina May 27, 1959 iv CONTENTS N Page ` ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO THE ATTORNEY GENERAL I Charleston, United States Attorney ............................. 2 Charleston, United States Marshal ................ . ............. 2 General Records ............................................. 2 Fiscal Records .............................................. 4 I Correspondence ............... . .........................;.... 6 I Columbia, Deputy United States Marshal ......................... 7 { Greenville, Assistant United States Attorney ................... 8 Greenville, United States Marshal .............................. 9 Spartanburg, United States Attorney (not surveyed) WAR RISK LITIGATION, BUREAU OF Columbia, Field Office ...... , .................................. 15 ¤ I \ I { I ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO THE ATTORNEY GENERAL l . Ty'}? 4 ADNINISIRATIVE~ASS1STANE“TO THE ATTORNEY GENERAL 1 CHARLESTON · UNITED STATES ATTORNEY Federal Bldg., Broad and Meeting Sts. This office was established December 14, 1789. l l. GENERAL FILES AND CORRESPONDENCE, 1902 to date. (Frequently, offi- cial.) 9 x 12 folders, 8 ft., in steel filing case. R. 11. (24) 2. GENERAL FILES AND CORRESPONDENCE, 1902 to date. Relating to cases. 5 x 5 card index, 6 in. (Frequently, official.) ll x 12 and 9 x l5 paste- I board letter files, GO ft. 9 in., in lO steel filing cases. R. 15. (25) 5. PENDING AND CLOSED CASES, 1902 to date. Records of cases closed and pending, monthly reports on cases, no-prosecution cases, records of seized automobiles, complaint and witness dockets, and grand jury information. 5 x 5 card index, 25 ft. (Daily, official.) ll x 16 vols. and loose-leaf books and 4 x 9 folded sheets, BOS ft., in 9 steel filing cases. R. 15. I (26) ( 4 UNITED STATES HARSHAL (A) Federal Bldg., Broad and Meeting Sts. (B) Custom House, Market and East Bay Sts. This office was established in 1789. 1 general Records 4. RECORD BOOK, 1866 - 1872. Showing proceedings of the marsha1’s of- ; fioe, commissions issued to deputy marshals, libel decrees, counterfeiting J and smuggling cases, libel for salvage, violation of revenue laws, etc. (Never.) ll x 16 vol., 2 in., on open wooden shelf. Dirty. Tower storage room (Bldg. A). (922) 5. BANKRUPTCY DOCKETS, 1868 - 1885. Showing date, parties, nature of process, date returnable, date of service, proctor, and remarks. (Never.) _ ll x 17 vols., 6 in., on open wooden shelf. Dirty. Tower storage room . (Bldg. A). (eve) I )_ United States M rshal, Charleston · 3 ;{ 6. ADMIRALTY DOCKET, 1868 - 1896. Showing date, parties or boats in- volved, nature of process, date of service, returns, remarks, and attor- ) neys. Indexed alphabetically. (Never.) ll x 16 vol., 2 in., on open I » wooden shelf. Dirty, bindings broken. Tower storage room (Bldg. A). I (ev4) Q 7. CIVIL WRIT DOCKETS, 1868 - 1912. Showing date, nature of writs, ¥‘ ledger page, fees, expenses, issuance, execution, and return of process, Q. and fees earned and expenses incurred and paid in service of process. In- , dexed. (Rarely, official.) 19 x 20 vols., 1 ft. 3 in., on open wooden W shelf. Dirty, bindings broken. Tower storage room (Bldg. A). (876) i 8. CRIMINAL DOCKETS, 1878 - 1909. Showing date, defendant, charge, ) 1 commissioner issuing warrant and date, deputy marshal serving and date of I service, guard, number of witnesses, place of arrest and distance, commis- sioner hearing case and date, disposition of prisoner, witness fees, and marshals costs. (Rarely, official.) 19 x 21 vols., l ft. ll in., on open wooden shelf. Dirty. Tower storage room (Bldg. A). (877) 1 9. REGISTER OF DEPUTY MARSHALS, 1881 - 1885. Register of deputies in u South Carolina, giving name, post office address, and date of com ission. Indexed. (Never.) 10 x 15 vol., 1 in., on open wooden shelf. Dirty. ‘ Tower storage room (Bldg. A). (907) 10. MEASUREMENT OF LUMBER FROM WRECKED SCHOONER, Dec. 14, 1885. Record of measurement taken at Beaufort, S. C.; name of schooner unknown. (Never.) 8 x 12 vol., { in., on open wooden shelf. Dirty. Tower storage room (Bldg. A). (aio) A 11. RECORD VOUCHERS, CRIMINAL WARRANTS, AND SUBPOENAS, 1872 - 1897. 1 (Rarely, official.) 4 x 9 packages, 134 ft. 5 in., on 12 open wooden - shelves. Dusty. Tower storage room (Bldg. A). (171) 12. REGISTER OF U. S. PRISONERS IN COUNTY JAILS, 1888 - 1916. Showing date, prisoner, offense, court, to what jail committed, name of officer A committing prisoner, period of sentence, amount of fines and costs, and cl dates of com itment and discharge. Indexed. (Never.) ll x 14 vol., 4 _ in., on open wooden shelf. Dirty. Tower storage room (Bldg. A). (957) 13. WRIT BOOKS, 1892 — 1898. Showing defendant, deputy marshal, length Q of sentence, jail and county of com itment, date, amount of fine imposed, 1 subpoenas, etc. (Never.) 9 x 14 vols., 5 in., on open wooden shelf. ;‘ Dirty. Tower storage room (Bldg. A). (920) J 14. ORDER REGISTER, 1908 — 1910. Giving date, name, holder number, é size of different kinds of lumber, merchandise, plumbing, recapitulation, ] etc. (Never.) 7 x 17 vol., 1 in., on open wooden shelf. Dirty. Tower 1 storage room (Bldg. A). (960) Q 15. JAILER'S RELEASE AND COMMITMENT CARDS, 1913. Cards sent to U. S. ( marshals releasing prisoners from or committing them to jail. (Rarely, ( official.) 4 x 6 cards, 2 in., on open wooden shelf. Tower storage room ;h (Bldg. A). (14) 1 I *'* 1 it 7 AQ United States Marshal, Charleston 4 fj 16. RECORD OF BAILIFFS, 1924 - 1928. Giving bailiffs’ names and dates ’ ji gf service in the court. (Rarely, official.) 8 x 10 vol., 1 in., on open " wooden shelf. Dirty. Tower storage room (Bldg. A). (924) Q 17. MISCELLANEOUS FILES, 1931 to date. Correspondence, monthly re- Q ports, reports on service, writs, commitment cards, and jai1ers• receipts. I Q 8 x 14 index vol. (Daily, official.) 8 x 14 vols. and variously sized i` cards, receipts, and loose papers, 16 ft., in 3 steel filing cases. R. 24 »_ (Bldg. A). (140) Q 18. RECORDS OF PRISONERS, 1932 to date. Showing prisoners in jail dur- { ing quarter and those suspended during quarter. These records are burned g periodically by authorization of the judge; originals are sent to Washing- Q ton. Filed by jails and alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 3 x 5 cards, ` ( 1 ft. 6 in., in wooden card cabinet. R. 24 (Bldg. A). (180) i - 19. FINGERPRINT IDENTIFICATION REPORTS, 1934 — 1936. Reports of iden- f tification. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 8 x 11 loose papers, A 2 ft. 5 in., in 4 cardboard and wooden transfer cases. R. 24 (Bldg. A). I , (178) ) y 20. MARSHAL‘S MILEAGE BOOK, n.d. Showing distance traveled from * Charleston, Greenville, Columbia, and Florence to all points in South Caro- lina. (Never.) 8 x 13 vol., 2 in., on open wooden shelf. Dirty, bindings _ broken. Tower storage room (Bldg. A). (958) Fiscal Records I A 21. MARSHAL‘S SALES BOOK, 1866 - 1874. Showing sale of articles by A marshal under court orders and decrees. (Never.) ll x 16 vol., 3 in., on f open wooden shelf. Dirty. Tower storage room (Bldg. A). (902) 1 22. MARSHAL'S CHECK STUBS, 1876; 1885 - 1912. Showing marshal's dis- 2 bursements for expenses, salaries, and fees for witnesses and jurors, for Z support of prisoners, pay of bailiffs, and miscellaneous expenses. (Never.) 1 Variously sized vols., covers, bundles, and check books, 41 ft., on open Q wooden shelves. Dirty. Tower storage room (Bldg. A). (170, 951, 882, 1 885, 888, 903, 952, 959) A ii 23. WEEKLY CASH STATEMENTS, 1883 - 1890. Showing draft number and jr date, judiciary warrant number, and amounts disbursed for fees of jurors, Q fees of witnesses, support of prisoners, and miscellaneous expenses. g (Never.) 15 x 17 vols., 4 in., on open wooden shelf. Dirty. Tower stor- A age room (Bldg. A). (915) E. 24. RECEIPTS, 1883 - 1895. Showing date, marshal, deputy marshal, Q money collected in each case, money paid out, etc. (Never.) 8 x ll vols., ) 9 in., on open wooden shelf. Dirty. Tower storage room (Bldg. A). (954) § 25. DAY BOOKS, 1883 - 1922. Showing witnesses and jurors, amounts A paid to same, dates, and total expenditures for each day. (Never.) ll x A Q 16 vols., 1 ft. 2 in., on open wooden shelf. Tower storage room (Bldg. A). A (ees) A I I {Q United States Marshal, Charleston 5 ` Ig 26. ACCOUNTS WITH THE U. S., 1884 - 1885. Record of receipts and dis- id bursements, showing date, jur0rs' and witnesses' fees, support of prisoners, {Q miscellaneous expenses, fees and expenses of marshals and special deputies, CQ etc. (Never.) 9 x 14 vol., 1 in., on open wooden shelf. Dirty. Tower · IQ storage room (Bldg. A). (962) if 27. SUPPORT OF PRISONERS, 1889 - 1899. Record showing sheriffs, and ‘j amounts of money owed for up-keep of prisoners. Indexed. (Never.) 8 x QQ 13 vols., 2 in., on open wooden shelf. Tower storage room (Bldg. A). j p (sas) 2Q 28. U. S. FUNDS RECEIVED AND DISBURSED, 1889 - 1914. Record of funds Q) received, deposited, and disbursed, showing date, total amount, and specific . IQ amounts of miscellaneous expenses, bai1iffs' pay, prisoners support, wit- I f_ nesses* and jurors' fees, and marshal's expenses. (Never.) lO x 18 and pr 17 x 19 vols. 1 ft. 8 in., on open wooden shelf. Dirty. Tower storage E room (Bldg. A). (913) I f·· I I. 29. MARSHAL'S LEDGERS, 1890 — 1915. Showing debits, and credits for I. salaries, fees and expenses, jurors’ and witnesses' fees, prisoners' sup- I ff port, bailiffs' pay, salaries and expenses of district attorneys, U. S. ` Ii funds account, fees, and costs. (Rarely, official.) 11 x 18 and 15 x 19 Q vols., 10 in., on open wooden shelf. Dirty. Tower storage room (Bldg. 1). (sos) rlfj . I 30. RECORD OF PAPERS SERVED AND RECEIVED DURING QUARTER, 1894 · 1898. IE Showing date, case, deputy, total fees, deputies' and marshals' fees, kind I if of papers served, and page number. (Never.) 10 x 15 vol., 1 in., on open rp wooden shelf. Dirty. Tower storage room (Bldg. A). (981) ;Q 51. WEEKLY DISBURSEMENT BOOKS, 1894 - 1898. Showing pay of bailiffs, 9, miscellaneous expenses, marsha1's fees and expenses, prisoners' support, fp and witnesses’ and jurors' fees. (Never.) ll x 18 vols., 5 in., on open I wooden shelf. Dirty. Tower storage room (Bldg. A). (875) N} 52. FEE AND EXPENSE RECORD, 1902 — 1905. Showing civil or criminal ° L- docket number of case, date account rendered, period service was rendered, gf name of case, fees, expenses, deputies' share of fees, and amount due fi deputy. (Rarely, official.) 18 x 19 vol., 5 in., on open wooden shelf. fp Dirty. Tower storage room (Bldg. A). (914) we 55. LIST OF DISBURSING OFFICERS' CHECKS, 1915 · 1922. Showing check fg number, date, payee or deposit account, object or voucher number, amount E of check, balance carried forward, and amount of deposit. (Never.) 9 x gx 17 covers, 10i in., on open wooden shelf. Dirty. Tower storage room Q. (Bldg. A). (888) §I 54. CLERK'S CHECK STUBS, 1915 — 1918. Showing check number, date, rj clerk, cost of affidavit, docket fee, filing fee, special master's fee, `I Sto. (Never.) 9 x 13 check books, 8 in., on wooden shelf. Dirty. Tower {i j storage mem (mag. A). (ssc) I I · I ·,l nj pg United States Marshal, Charleston 6 ) Qi 7 lf; 55. CLERKS' VOUCHERS, 1915 - 1919. Covering docket and other fees, 'Q( disbursements, costs, wages of deceased seamen, marshals• fees deposited, gg fines and costs, and bankruptcy funds. (Rarely, official.) 10 x 14 vol., ig 2 in., on open wooden shelf. Dirty. Tower storage room (Bldg. A). (895) ‘ ZE 56. DOCUMENTS AND EXPENSE RECORDS, 1920 to date. Documents, card Y? files, requisitions, questionnaires, certificates of deposit, contracts, E) and records of marshals' expenses and fees of jurors. (Daily, official.) 1;% variously sized vols., folders, envelopes, and cards, l0 ft. 7 in., in 16 ig drawer steel safe. R. 24 (Bldg. A). (172) I ii i; 57· MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS, 1925 to date. Quarterly reports, trust . £l funds records, expense accounts for jurors, disbursing officer*s checks, 1 Ai blueprints, warrants, and bonds. (Frequently, official.) ll x 16 vols., gf 10 x 15 envelopes and 9 x 14 covers, 4 ft., on 7 open wooden shelves and in g{ metal strong-box. R. 25 Vault (Bldg. A). (161) tg 58. U. S. MARSHAL’S ACCOUNTS, 1952 - 1954. Trust funds, civil, and QQ criminal ledgers. (Daily, official.) 15 x 17 vols., 2 ft. 1 in., in steel , cabinet. R. 24 (Bldg. A). (179) tj? 59. ACCOUNTS CURRENT, June 1954 to date. Quarterly report on money de- ti posited to the credit of this office by the U. S. Treasury and the amount Qi disbursed by this office in connection with the court. (Frequently, offi- Nj cial.) 10 x 15 loose sheets, 1 in., in closed wooden cabinet. R. 25 # 1] (Bldg. 2.). (isc-A) I ii 40. MONTHLY LIST OF CHECKS DRAWN, June 1954 to date. Showing sums (ff drawn for salaries of court officials and other court expenses. (Frequent- yl ly, official.) 8 x 15 loose sheets, 2 in., in closed wooden cabinet. R. 25 (Bldg. A). (160-C) 1 j j t§ 41. MONTHLY REPORTS OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEM NTS, June 1954 to date. its Amount deposited to the credit of this office by Washington, and the amount QQ of money paid out. (Frequently, official.) 10 x 15 loose sheets, 2 in., in tt) closed wooden cabinet. R. 25 (Bldg. A). (160-B) (EN Correspondence (Ei 42. GENERAL LETTER BOOK, Jan. 7, 1870 - Apr. 21, 1871. Correspondence if) pertaining to the taking of the census in South Carolina during Reconstruc- QQQ tion; letters from deputy marshals te the marshal at Charleston relating QN} their experiences; copies of census forms enumerating farms, industries, ' QQ home owners, families, and individuals; letters requesting compensations, ,¥) etc. See addenda for excerpts. (Never.) 9 x ll vol., 2g in., on floor. AH) Damaged by careless handling, dirty. N. storage room, basement (Bldg. B). n l; <989> TQQ 45. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE, 1886 - 1905. Correspondence between cj; the U. S. marshal, Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue, commercial con- .€g Germs, and judges in regard to subpoenas, witnesses, marshal's sales, ex- ) Q ,1 t ii) Deputy United States Marshal, Columbia 7 7; penses for transporting prisoners, commissions for deputy marshals, etc. ‘ lj Indexed. (Never.) 11 x 15 vols., 2 ft. 6 in. on open wooden shelf. » , Dirty, ink faded. Tower storage room (Bldg. A). (894) ( I lj. 44. MISCELLANEOUS LETTERS, 1889 · 1902. Letters from U. S. marshal to gj First Auditor of the Treasury, Attorney General, First Comptroller of the I ij Treasury, and General Agent, Department of Justice, relative to jurors' and (tj witnesses' fees, transportation of U. S. prisoners, support of prisoners, E,) and fees, expenses, etc., of the U. S. marshal. Indexed. (Rarely, offi- )j§ oial.) 11 x l2 vol., 1 in., on open wooden shelf. Dirty. Tower storage room (Bldg. A). (901) F l ¥j 45. MISCELLANEOUS LETTER BOOK, 1894 - 1916. Containing subpoenas, x QQ writs, and tickets issued by the circuit courts, showing witnesses and ad- l jj dresses. Indexed. (Never.) 1O x 15 vols., 1 ft. 1 in., on open wooden yy; shelf. Dirty. Tower storage room (Bldg. A). (956) YQ; 46. OFFICIAL TELEGRAMS, 1898 - 1899. Telegrams between U. S. marshal, l Q1 Attorney General, Secretary of War, deputy marshals, and others regarding \ {Q transfer of prisoners, release of vessels, delivery of enlisted men to n pg marshal for trial, requests for funds for jurors' and witnesses' fees, etc. Y§ (Never.) 8 x 15 vol., 2 in., on open wooden shelf. Tower storage room (Bldg. A). (soo) iN; 47. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1918 — 1952. Official business. (Never.) kji 9 x ll loose papers, 2 in., in cardboard transfer case. Dirty. R. 22 (Bldg. A). (175) * i€ 48. REGISTERED LETTER RETURN RECEIPT CARDS, 1952 — 1956. Return re- l§ ceipt cards of summons sent to jurors. (Frequently, official.) 5 x 5 f€ bundles and cards, 5 ft. 8 in., in closed wooden cabinet. R. 25 (Bldg. A). {3 *. (160) A coLUMB1A ;E DEPUTY UNITED STATES MARSHAL QQ 17OO Block Main St. 3% 49. DEPUTY MARSHAL'S PERSONAL RECORD FILE, 1954 - 1956. Record of per- XQ? Sons who have been served with warrants; all records of cases are sent to V fyg the marshal in Charleston. (Occasionally, official.) 8 x 10 vol., l in., Q2 on desk. ? ! y?§ E i .7 .t Y I I hg Assistant United States Attorney, Greenville 8 GREENVILLE A -Q gg ASSISTANT UNITED STATES ATTORNEY _ ,2 h Federal Bldg., S. Main St. l( This office was established in 1915. )% 50. CRIMINAL DOCKETS, 1915 - 1926. Record of closed cases. Indexed. Nfl (Seldom, official.) 12 x 16 loose-leaf books (18), 5 ft. 4 in., on roller fj; ‘‘ shelf in steel case. R. 218. (575) 1%% 51. CLOSED CIVIL CASES, 1915 to date. Records of civil suits in which ( 7%, the U. S. is a party. Indexed. (Seldom, official.) 5 x 9 bundles, 54 ft. · (fj 2 in., in 41 wooden file drawers. R. 218. (580) (gl 52. CLOSED CRIMINAL CASES, 1915 to date. Records showing criminal, pf) crime, sentence, date, and disposition of prisoner. Indexed. (Seldom, I ,§, official.) 5 x 9 bundles, 7 ft. 10 in., in 61 wooden file cases. R. 218. ($82) I · ig 55. GRAND JURY DOCKET, 1915 to date. Showing cases presented to grand fj jury, title, violation, action of grand jury, and date. Indexed. (Fre- Ff quently, official.) 10 x 12 loose-leaf book, 4 in., on roller shelf in "yi steel case. R. 218. (574) ID; 54. MHSCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE, 1915 to date. Correspondence per- IQQ taining to all matters of office. Arranged alphabetically. (Frequently, I if official.) 9 x 15 folders, 5 ft. lO in., in 2 steel filing cases. R. zis. (eve) §§ 55. TRANSCRIPT OF TESTIMONY, 1929 to date. Transcript of testimony gl? taken in war risk insurance cases. Filed alphabetically. (Seldom, offi- 1,j cial.) 9 x 15 folders, l ft. ll in., in steel case. R. 218. (576) iff 56. VETERANS' WAR RISK INSURANCE CASES, 1950 to date. Filed alpha- (ii betically. (Daily, official.) 9 x 15 folders, 5 ft. ll in., in 19 steel g g; riiing eases. R. 218. (578) ljl 57. CIVIL DOCKET, ACTIVE, 1951 to date. Showing date of filing and ill title of case, attorneys, nature of proceedings, and witnesses. Indexed. _§€ (Daily, official.) 11 x ll vol., 2 in., on roller shelf in steel case. AQ R. 218. (585) lj) 58. PENDING CIVIL CASES, 1951 to date. War risk insurance suits fl Jri brought against Government, income tax cases, violation of food and drug Q; act, and scire facias. Filed numerically. (Daily, official.) 5 x 9 All bundles, 5 ft. 5 in., in 5 drawers of wooden filing case. R. 218. (579) #l 59. CRIMINAL INDICTMENTS PENDING, 1954 to date. Records of criminal }? cases pending trial, showing offense, date, and witnesses. Arranged nu- ; merieaiiy, (Daily, Official.) 5 x 9 bundles, 1 ft. 5 in., in wooden 1 1 ;, ease. R. zia. (581) Q (Q I Sl VL Q A 1 Q1 United States Marshal, Greenville 9 ` Q 60. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, 1955 to date. For property acquired by govern- t Q ment. Filed alphabetically. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 11 folders, 15 `Q ft. 4 in., in 8 steel filing cases. R. 218. (584) , Q 61. CONDEMNATION SUITS PENDING, 1955 to date. Filed alphabetically. QQ (Daily, official.) 9 x 15 folders, 5 ft. 10 in., in 2 steel fi1ing·cases» 1 z; R. 218. (577) W (K UNITED STATES MARSHAL % Federal Bldg., S. Main St. l ,%{ This office was established about 1915. §; 62. U. S. FUNDS RECORD, 1914 - 1956. Showing salary, fees, and ex- pg penses of marshal, fees of jury and witnesses, support of prisoners, pay of ?‘ bailiffs, and miscellaneous expenses. Indexed by terms of court. (Rarely, 1 /; official.) 16 x 17 vols. (5), l ft. 7 in., on floor. Dirty. Attic, 5d ii rieer. ($45) li Ilty 65. RECORD OF MARSHAL'S CHECKS, 1915 — 1922. Form 20501, showing 1 payee, amount of check, and purpose. (Rarely, official.) 9 x 17 vols. tg (54), 8 ft., on floor. Dirty. Attic. (546) ), 64. REGISTER OF U. S. PRISONERS, May 1917 - Jan. 1927. Showing I {L prisoner, offense, committing officer, date committed, date of discharge, 3» period of sentence, and manner of discharge. Indexed. (Seldom, official.) Q_ 15 x 16 vols. (2), 5 in., on desk. Dirty. Attic. (519) (QQ 65. SALES LEDGERS, 1920 - 1929. Showing dates, items, and amounts and 17% sales of property confiscated for violation of prohibition act. Indexed. Q) (Rarely, official.) 16 x 17 vols. (2), 5 in., on floor. Dirty. Attic. @48) §) 66. PROCESS RECORD BOOK, Aug. 16, 1920 - Mar. 29, 1950. Showing papers lg given to deputy marshals for service. Indexed. (Daily, confidential.) ‘§§ 6 x 11 vols., 1 ft. 1 in., on roller shelves in steel case. Dirty. R. gi 221. (sae) Alf 67. CIVIL DOCKETS, May 9, 1924 to date. Showing summons, complaints, iff orders, subpoenas, and papers served by U. S. marshal. Indexed. (Daily, l All official.) 15 x 17 vols. (7), 1 ft. 1 in., on roller shelves in steel ij} case. R. 221. (525) Q1 68. CRIMINAL DOCKETS, Jan. 25, 1955 to date. Showing service of war- QQ rants, subpoenas, and orders in criminal cases. Indexed. (Daily, confi- QQ dential.) 15 X 17 vols. (9), 1 rt. ll im., on eheir. R. 221. (asv) C i 1 li) 69. GOVERNM NT AUTOMOBILES, STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT, 1928 L 1929. 1 All Records showing kind of car, license number, car repair bill, gas bill, and ( ij storage bill. Filed alphabetically. (Seldom, official.) 9 x ll folders, if 1 ft. ll in., in steel filing case. Dirty. R. 507. (520) T. il . A N) United States Marshal, Greenville 10 1 lj I ‘g 70. DAILY REPORTS OF AGENTS, 1929 to date. Showing number of persons _ y arrested and work done by agent each day. (Rarely, official.) 9 x ll )é folders, 8 in., in drawer of steel filing case. Dirty. Attic. (547) )¥ 71. MARSHAL'S ACCOUNTS, Apr. 1, 1950 - Sept. 50, 1954. General Account- Q ing Office Forms 2084 and 2085, covering suspensions and disallowance re- 7) garding marsha1's quarterly account. (Frequently, official.) 5 x 10 .{ bundles, 1 ft. 1 in., in 10 drawers of steel filing case. R. 221. (551) EQ 72. RECEIPTS FOR FEES AND COSTS, Apr. 1, 1950 — Sept. 50, 1955. Form ,£ 71, receipts for fees from individuals and corporations for each quarter, N listing officers, title of cause, marshal*s docket number, amount of earn- ; ings, and amount paid to clerks. (Frequently, official.) 14 x 17 bundles, p€ ` J 2 ft., in drawer of steel filing case. R. 221. (525) )m 75. GENERAL LEDGERS, Apr. 1, 1950 to date. Showing marsha1's and iw deputy marsha1's accounts, appropriation for support of prisoners, fees of N jurors and witnesses, pay of bailiff, miscellaneous account, and salary IN e enses of district attorney jud e and clerk. Indexed. (Frequently I ; XP I g ) 3 Q} official.) 15 x 17 vols., 2 ft. 6 in., on roller shelf in steel case. lg R. 221. (527) ®i 74. COMMITMENT AND RELEASE CARDS, Apr. 1, 1950 — May 21, 1956. Cards {Q from jailers and United States marshals showing commitments and release of Hg prisoners. Indexed alphabetically. (Daily, confidential.) 4 x 6 cards, ff 5 ft. ll in., in 4 steel drawers of filing case. R. 221. (555) I )(1 75. CORRESPONDENCE WITH DIVISION OF ACCOUNTS, Apr. 1952 to date. Re- fj garding suspension by Attorney General of items in marsha1s' quarterly ac- Q counts. (Daily, confidential.) 10 x 15 bundles, 16 ft. 2 in., in 5 ij drawers of steel filing case. R. 221. (555) IE 76. FUND BOOKS, Apr. 2, 1955 to date. Record of departmental appro- gd priations. Indexed. (Daily, official.) 15 x 17 vols. (2), 5 in., on ci roller shelves in steel case. R. 221. (554) we la é tf 77. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1955 to date. All correspondence relating td to business of office. Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 9 x 15 EQ folders and 9 x ll bundles, 4 ft. 5 in., in steel filing case and in paste- board box. R. 221. ($50) M) 78. CASH BOOKS, Mar. 27, 1956 to date. Showing money collected from yy individuals and corporations, money paid out, trust funds, and judiciary tj funds. Indexed numerically. (Daily, official.) 15 x 17 vols., 5 in., 1) in safe. R. 221. (529) M1 E) 79. EXPENSES OF JUDGES, Apr. 1956 to date. Records of traveling ex- @1 penses of judges. (Daily, official.) 9 x ll loose sheets, 1 in., in %i( drawer of steel filing case. R. 221. (522) 1 tg 80. FEES PAID OUT IN VETERANS' INSURANCE CASES, Apr. 1 - May 21, 1956. tQ‘ Witnesses' fees and court reporters' fees in connection with war risk in- E) Surance cases. (Daily, confidential.) 9 x 11 loose sheets, 1 in., in jg drawer of steel filing case. R. 221. (540) ll Q? I i V 2 United States Marshall, Greenville ll 5; 81. MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES, Apr. 1 - May 21, 1956. Vouchers paid out IQ of appropriation for miscellaneous expenses such as telephone for judge and IQ traveling and general expenses for judge*s secretary. (Daily, official.) tg 9 x 11 loose sheets, 1 in., in drawer of steel filing case. R. 221. (526) Ii QI 82. QUARTERLY REPORTS, Apr. 1 - May 21, 1956. Form 14-D-A, quarterly [§ report on work done by the marshal. (Frequently, confidential.) 9 x ll § loose sheets, 1O in., in drawer of filing case. R. 221. (558) i 85. SALARIES OF DISTRICT JUDGES, Apr. 1, 1956 to date. Vouchers cover- y ing salaries of judges. (Daily, confidential.) 9 x ll loose sheets, 1 in., IA in drawer of steel filing case. R. 221. (541) I I 84. SALARY AND EXPENSES OF U. S. ATTORNEY, Apr. 1, 1956 to date. Q Vouchers covering salaries of district attorney and his employees and at- fI torney's expenses. (Daily, confidential.) 9 x 11 loose sheets, 1 in., in sj drawer of steel filing case. R. 221. (542) U 85. SALARY AND EXPENSE OF DISTRICT CLERKS, Apr. 1, 1956 to date. Rec- I Q ords of salary of clerks and deputy clerks, traveling expenses, and office {I expenses. (Daily, official.) 9 x 11 loose sheets, 1 in., in drawer of HQ steel filing case. R. 221. (552) y Qi 86. SUPPORT OF PRISONERS, Apr. 1, 1956 to date. Vouchers paid out of {I the appropriation for prisoners' support, jail fees, jail physician, den- ,I tist bill, transportation of prisoners, and maintenance of prisoners. QI (Daily, official.) 9 x 14 loose sheets, 1 in., in steel filing case. R. I ; I 221. (szs) I ti 87. VOUCHERS FOR PAY OF BAILIFF, Apr. 1, 1956 to date. Vouchers cover- ti ing pay of court bailiffs. (Daily, confidential.) 9 x ll loose sheets, {I 1 in., in drawer of steel filing case. R. 221. (544) tg 88. VOUCHERS PAID OUT OF MARSHAL'S AND CLERK'S TRUST FUND, Apr. 1 - QI May 21, 1956. Vouchers for fees and collections made in clerk’s office Q; and refunds of deposits for cost. (Daily, confidential.) 9 x ll loose ;§ sheets, 1 in., in drawer of steel filing case. R. 221. (559) ig 89. SALARY, FEES, AND EXPENSES OF MARSHAL, Apr. 1956 to date. Record gi of salaries, fees, and expenses of this office. (Daily, confidential.) I 9 x 14 loose-leaf books, 1 in., in drawer of steel filing case. R. 221. I- (:645) f5 90. CURRENT FILE OF EACH DEPUTY MARSHAL, Apr. l, 1956 to date. Records QE of traveling expenses of each deputy marshal. (Daily, official.) 8 x 14 E; loose sheets, 5 in., in 6 drawers of steel filing case. R. 221. (524) Xg I . I rr I .A L j 1 1 4 J 6 1 , i (Y $ € 1 1 ’ BUREAU OF WAR RISK LI TI GAT10111 1 _ ‘ j ]. 5 jg BUREAU OF`WAR RISK LITIGATION é ( COLUMBIA ng FIELD orrics og Federal Bldg., 1700 Block of Main St. ig 91. VETERANS' FILE, 1918 to date. Records relative to veterans' ail- 3) ments, service records, litigation, etc. Filed alphabetically. (Fre- l ~` quently, official.) 10 x 14 loose sheets and 9 x l2 folders, 50 ft., in 25 { drawers of filing cases. R. 17. (207) l il 92. CLOSED WAR RISK INSURANCE CASES, 1926 to date. Records pertaining 4 jg to court litigation. ,Filed alphabetically. (Frequently, official.) 9 x I fg 12 folde