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W 75"; - ~:. ...;,-.fg._a.e.. r._-.,. y '- @143, > are ., .4. x?r_',=.,. .s--Vms m . 7.53? 4 ' *:J-..":.. satin;- '1" *f K " " - 123 ""1"; " ' H W" ""1! in? . at. 3:13.52 :2 E", 2 an"? em; 3e h N W... 5. x. iiseiibigvga ;; it 7': i = .w i g'w 1 re . a - if? i~ 5&3 . . a y. ,, .t(. v. .- , .~ ...-.:.n. was. a. ;- $7.4": ' <1; ~tbtif.:.y; sor-3taegtg; .{If Aieiifiiifi"....j"f,=:f33." 34,... 4.* "1 17:17:17.." orel-.2;taxi-1713443.$5;2 taii35fusi ~ 7" .-$1 . *_ '. -.. l;~,e_-,:vti'7i-; ' ' ' l V I V 37" ' ~15 2. .-----__ . ...-<,ie.: . f : - :.:-.'".T ".xx':v'v7' f 2003 PROGRAM 3; 3:32, "g Twent 'Nlnth Annua| \ 53:64}? It -1 C . zeta 1%}\ _ ' .- -,~. Ju 8:30 am. Registration and Continental Breakfast fibronectin region and a putative kinase domain. The gene encod- 2 3 12,, Symposmm on .2511 {k Atrium (Room 1-65), William T. Young Library ing Kalirin uses multiple promoters and alternative splicing to gen- g g .3 '3 l? 3':i'.":#:.;.::t-=i: ;T.:%ii::,2f6="3 , erate over a dozen different combinations of functional domains. E 1 ac) - 1i ! digit-'75:. at I I I I t..;t.":..i,& 9:00 am. Welcome by Dr. Lee T. Todd, J_r., president, The spectrin-like region of Kalirin and Trio is the site of interaction 3 8 e x 2 tn : C he IStry J 1, University of Kentucky. - Auditorium (Room 1- with peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase (a secretory : 0'. < S E ifg" 13" #:- tfm 62), William T. Young Library granule enzyme), the inducible form of nitric acid synthase. and E (D. o. 3 a; WFIQ V & Eigfii'mf . . huntingtin associated protein. The first GEF domain of Kalirin and q. 3 E 0- :?"? bz' {29.33.59 9.05 am. lrftroductory Remarks - Dr. Tae H. Ji, Univer- Trio activates Raci and RhoG while the second GEF domain acti- 5 3 igbkh I if. Pyi 0 Sity of Kentucky vates RhoA. Expression of dual GEF isoforms of Kalirin causes 2 i,~%.i:, " b Mo Iecu Iar s;: . exuberant outgrowth of axons from sympathetic neurons while I'ilr'ifw: (5 3 9.10 am. Dr. Susumu Tonegawa, Massachusetts Institute expression of a mono GEF isoform of Kalirin greatly increases the if: .5.{_ "A I ' .. [if it t Technology ,, number of dendritic spines in hippocampal and cortical neurons. iiikggf BIOlogy ,?:f;i;{i';~; L Memory Ftecall lmportantly, antisense-mediated reductions in Kalirin expression vm {WSyi} J; . .. . result ins ineretract' n " " ' k ,9 .I H Father?) compiet'oni the ability to retrieve complete memo and Trio rzay play pivotingligsci:l:?;:acl)ifntgigmgggcaawtidoe12]:in it? Ne \ Iggy. 5:33;? ries on t e asis o incomplete sets of cues, is a crucial function ' I. 221% 13: m1w1sf 9f biological memory systems. The extensive recurrent connec- of extracellular signals and the actin cytoskeleton. :1 \ \ w: tiVity of the QAS area of hippocampus has led to suggestions that 1:50 pm. Break 2 'fitji'f" *7 hay? it might prowde this function. We have tested this hypothesis by E; :3? it, I. $4.4" generating and analyzing a genetically engineered mouse strain 2-00 p m Dr Ashley I Bush Massach MSW: A ti;giw? . . . . . . . usetts General in... "i" " " 7" In which the Nmethyl-D-asparate (NMDA) receptor gene is ab- Hospital and Harvard Medical School "IE? / \ $91? lated specifically in the CA3. Pyramidal cells of adult mice. The Metal Ions, ,B-Amyloids and Alzheimer's Disease ii? 55in LEV-'2 I \ \ :l' :5; mutant mice normally acquired and retrieved spatial reference , 7:35inf-3.:Qf. 1:33;: (:3: 1 memory I} the Morris water maze. but they were impaired in re- , AB is the principal component of the plaque pathology which 3313:3354 2"?! g???" 5 trievmg ihl? memQVY When presented with a fraction of the original Is the hallmark of Alzheimers disease (AD). We have characterized my a. ' fix it? W3 l 0995. Similarly, hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells in mutant mice AB asauQ'qutOUS metalloprotein, With selective high-affinity binding $3? if eStabllShed m the memory Of pr, displayed normal plaCe-related activity in a full-cue environment Sites. for Z'nC (K5!z 100 nM) and copper (K31z 10 attoM). Several angst; T3; Anna 8 Na 597? Eigdi i but showed a reduction in activity upon partial cue removal. These studies have reported that there is an elevation 0f zinc and copper I 353;;33e5i3" i I high 34 1 result? Provide direct evidence for CA3 NMDA receptor involve- in the plaques in Alzheimers disease. Furthermore, genetic ablation i I I {1332 ----- {'in 33 merit m assomative memory recall. of the ZnT3 transporter, which loads zinc into the glutamatergic lt?:{s- Skiff; t} . SYnapse, abolishes amyloid de osition in the T 2576 mouse mod I a. ~ 1' ' 1) 10:00 am. Poster Sessmn, Room 137, Chemistry-Physics for AD. p g e .o x NeurOSCIence Wag Building :43 binds Cu and Zn through a site that involves oligomeric Lo Hf: 5:} Pepti e assembly. and resembles the structure of SOD1. When Lo r N 11 :45 a.m. Buffet Lunch, Faculty Club [Please return regis- synthetic AB binds copper in the absence of zinc, it is highly redox v? 8 3%15 '65 '2; Fl-f .1". tration card by April 11, 2003 for reservations] active. Biolo ical reducin a ents such as do a ' ,9 > ' 1'5: $53.9} {if L, ">::;ji$m ' I g g g p mine, cholesterol x <.0 1hr. Vi SPEAKERS ',v. e m..-_. r: A. . _ . _ . and Vitamin C can act as a reservoir of electron donation, so that E O 0 g 2} FIE; .~'T~:=7..'E-fii 1.00 pm. 3r. littllfleardtMains, University of Connecticut the AB/Cu complex acts as a catalyst generating H202 (Km: 5 pM g 3 8 1H t.:z?g~, ea en er Vmax: 3O nM/min) The toxicity of AB species is pro ' , C ttux I tisif'iiret-L: n . . , ,. . , - portional to O V "m" ' at: H Kalirin and Trio. A Medley of lnteractors the peptides ability to reduce Cu or Fe and generate H20 (AB42> M E >_ 17:.- ,3 Susumu Toneggwa *3 rft . . . .. AB4O >rat AB). / 2 0 ._ x 4 31314 Richard E. Mains 31" PreCise control of the actin cytoskeleton is critical to many Chelators of copper and zinc both disa K t A E o Iw )&M cellular functions; members of the Rho subfamily of small GTP from post-modem human brain and al i biaa: p13 dipt3t8* CD 3 If git/3353:) AShIey l' BUSh Qaki"; bindin rowing Ia esse . . . . : n. _ "re? ti. .T; .;. GTPagepactivatirFiJQ actorsnt(|g|Agl:)s ggRs/CgToFfejihrnzgdflggpotr: Vile haveirecengygndhtgat one such bioae c elator. E 9 g; le {1in . ,. . , , 0 io UinO, mar e in - - . . . . a) 15" ,2? .gws : 3. ""5-'.= 'il (GEFs) of the Dbl family are critical to the activation of the large mic: This corn 0y d -| 8 brain am y\K-j path ogy In 92576 8 2 E Mi?" 533*; F Id A II 18 2 Q family of Rho proteins. While most Rho GEFs have a single Dbl com .leted a Phapseu; clilns' alrtetir|ed Elngbioticlegd h recently a) C is hit? 5'?an I'I av, p" 5 003 43"}: homology (DH) domain, Kalirin and Trio define a small family of P ica net in z ei e. D D _l iiak" Jami structurally related dual GEF proteins facilitating the coordinate 3-00 ' ' \ ' 35? Si; Riff- 5 W. . . . 1 . pm. Reception and Meet With 8 akers Atrium " 9 M - *5 4:31.43: regulation of multiple Rho family members. In addition to their (Room 1-65), William T. Youpn Library :Iggji Department Of ChemlStry iyf: two DH domainsaboth have a Sec14p domain. 9 spectrin-Iike re- Vii??? University Of KentUCk :fm; peats, 2 pleckstrin homology domains, 2 8H3 domainS. an IQ- (http://www.chem.uky.edu/seminarsln f elcome html) :6; I y 2"? WEI? _ : : . . _ ,2; Lexmgton, KY 40506-0055 if? .z' MMJJE? "'iiltt."e.,i*imgh., get-.3aurora-.2; 51:. .e , A39. 9:. , u. .., . .* ' .. .. . ' " " " ' : at) I M 36}.. a; .392 a: tit-y'V-fgwf ,,_..-., .E-Siguz .. 7-73,, 32"? 431,45.Egg-:42, 5;.g-.:-=:<"vl."' 5.; . .f-vre' 25$ ; 2 55.3.. gaffalgyt. f__;v:_gi,.,i;; .' W" ;, c, - :A y...,l;{,:.,~ifx-l-.";.rjgi;i.1":1.15.:,jehf'g.,..~,jl_..4_ty_;:;-jgl':;-,.y.::;:us:_';.v;; .453: ;._~:5_ ,5. ' 33 .. 53: 43.5 =:.'-' 3:9,, . emphatic" '3. . . are . t. m,' .:_l, -. L... T-f . f : nix-J: " __-i._. .1. 1:. ' .,-;' f: i .2 .g.'< g. l 53 ',..~ 2; .lgyfi _, 11; , "- ._ 9! - "G 59, . :3 3 >~-.\.;.~.v '5 . as? v': 333' .- ,a 'I' RH ; (1.1.,1- w' " 9 ~ -,. '3. v " 1 "3'7 h 9" 7 " " 3 V, I" " 3 ~; 1 1 {2}; 4 ~ e53 wage. 333?,gy .5: goose: : timed? it}; v 5': 3 '- 3W {5 .1. 415"? egg g1 ""Mgg u.*-eb . Y5f 13. s 9 we 26 rt ,. 1 ,JP'FS. ;~ - .9: 9' i 5 w 3 at? s/Eyiatx aevawgeigwt lttvgwig my)&,xme.% beg; tenet... wim 3? weerts: w . .1. a conga? . eerie ,-; =.:v i... 3.. 41}3O~" e " A..$q t iii I! I: _ I. '1 marijgudiu.1139... 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