xt70cf9j6k9k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70cf9j6k9k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-09-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 04, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 04, 1997 1997 1997-09-04 2020 true xt70cf9j6k9k section xt70cf9j6k9k  

.. .......__-.---_ - ,.





_.-__-..-/- -.L... ..







party host:
is innocent

By Mat Herron

Gimp/I1 ['.1/HIM

No ha/iiig. Not even close.

"\o. 1 repeat. no hazing 11.1s
going on. 11 11 as a iiiisunders'tand—
ing. nothing but .in innocent cele—
bration." said Seth liuriiett. .1 civil
engineering senior .11111 .i iiieiiihei‘
of the Sigma .\1pha 1"psiloii social

\-ll haling .1111' gitions i.ie
iefi..itil1le 111 1111' 1'1 n11. 111111' .111 1'1'1
ilence has been presented. 1 feel
confident 111.11 111' 11111 be cleared
11f.1ll charges. "

111111'1111 hosted 1111' \1 a1 1111.1r11
for \ -\1 pledges .11 111s home on ~11“
P1iii1sv'l1ania ( oui't 11111-11 police
shim 1d tip .11 -211) .1.111. iespondiiiU
to a neighbor s complaint 111.11 thev
11 ere being too loud,

\lso 111111 111'. 111' said.

15111 Burnett and the rest of the
frateri1it1' charges of having 111'
L K officials have left them guilt1'
1111111 pi'o1e11 innocent he said.

“ilt s path1111 the 11.11' this case
has been 111111111 11111 ofproportioii.‘
Burnett said. “In fact 11 e're innor
1ent.11hen ever1oi1e has alread}
condemned 11s 111 1'111 'ir 111111 minds

1111' \la_v 1(1 Le\111gton Police
report documents 1111' citations



cite ZAE

Tbefi'aternity was cited
M10116 at 2: 30 a. m.



1 . , CHARGES: L
‘1"‘1110 rectum mm ‘
to host“ the Al “
liltiatlon party, to which
(8) m: we cited 1111‘

111111111- li possession at







against Burnett. 11 hosc fi' ateriiitv
Lls officials said h.'1/1d pledges
111.11 night.

District (:(Illl'l records 111111
shovv Burnett receiving .1 citation
for violating .1 noise oi'dinan1e and
pi'o1idiiig alcohol to minors.
Police also cited nine minors for
possession of alcohol.

“L‘poii approaching to the
house. 1111' officer could hear
veiling and holleriiiU bcvond

boundaries of (1'111) r1sid11111

wrote Daniel Bauer. the off i"11i
11 ho took the report who has since
left the Lexington police deparr
iiient. ”'l‘he resident admitted to

Female police

Lon ngston [ms
[72g role to fill

By Jenniler Metcall


Linsurmg safety on a college
campus is .1 difficult iob full of
unexpected tvvists.

Rebecca Langston.
faces the challenge.

As the new L‘K Police (Lhief.
Langston is in charge of 1.111'
1‘111111‘1‘1'1111'1‘11 operations on cam.
pus. Langston. of Louis1ille.
didn't seem headed for .1 career in
law enforcement -(1_1'ears ago.

\fter receiving her bachelor's
degree in 1 nglish literature from
the L niversitv of L ouisville
Langston planned to become .1

For .1 11'hile. she planned to
take .1 teaching position .11 Alice
1 111111 (Jollcge iii Pippa Passes.
Plans changed 11111'11 bv 1"hance
she stopped .11 .1 friend s house on
her 11'a1 to an intei'vie11 for a
teachitig position .11 \111111a1' ( :ol
lege iii W7 1.11111 heard 1111' l 1'\—
iiigtoii police depaitiiieiit needed


a first

fcinale officers.

"1 found otit Lexington \\".is
giving women .1 chance to actual'
11' go on patrol. Prior to the earlv
'70s, police women ivorked most—
11' 11ith juveniles and on less chaL
leiiging .tssigniiieiits." Langston
said. “This 11'.is .1 111-11 field and
challenge. and paid better 111.111

She spent 11'ai's 111111 111:
Lexington- l.11ette L rban ( .oiiii—
11' Police During this 111111' sti1
held assignments both in 11'.-
patrol bureau and the bureau of
investigation. Responsibilities
included work as .1 polygraphist
and coiiiiiiandei' of the famil1'
abuse section.

For the last four years.
Langston has served with the 17K
Police. 01111111 1 ofthis year. she
became chief after serving as .issis»
taiit chiefsiiice ()1'1. 1 oflast1'1'ai

Asked what aspect she finds
most challenging about her job.
Langston can‘t decide.

"l"ver1111ing"she s.i.id “lhere‘s
.1111 .11s somethingne11'.diffe1cnt

ller staff r'a11's'saboiit her per—

“She‘s heeii evti'enielv effi—
cient. picked tip things enorv
mousl1' “ell. She has ottr



iiostiiii' 1|11~\ '1
1\ \1' 1111111. 1111111 p.1i'i1.

\ssistini Dean of

111 Ill\{'

Moons. th'.


p.iit\ in 111s \ug.

\11-111 \lpha l psiloii

\ictor l 1.1/.11'11 included these V10-
.111111‘1'ss .11111 the
111'11g1sili.1t .1111'11111-111111'

WHIHB XIII/In; 17/111111”!

7i. (.‘leiu' 11ml

today. lug/.1 Ilt’IlI'

cool tonight lot." of“. XII/mi

again tomorrow.

high of 7!).

HEY FREAK L'Iv .-lI'I .1 [men/II [1111111 boat to
"I be xlrr oft/71' Sidet-bott'. ' (I loo/1' III [Mimi/II

freaky ofIIIIIIII'I'. See [)I'z'c'Iti'Iom'. page 6



President Peter \L'slllllli.

1111' letter \1 as sent to 1)1'.tt
Students l).i\id Stockhaiii


Dean of Fraternities 111111 111.1117

ton. Dick Lies. 1111' national 1'\1'
iii 151.1nstoii.
111.. also received .1 1op1' but was

1111' director for S \l’






iespei't.“ said \lai'il1 ii ,\1l.1111s. .111
.1diiiiiiisti';1ti\1- assistant .11 the
L 11 Police l)1'p.1.i'tiiient
5111' s familiar 111111 opc'r itioiis
1e1'1 e'11111111' 1111111111s1. L'ls
Police Detective 11111 11.11es said.

111 addition to .1 positive l‘t‘pll-
littlon. Langston
plishcd. She recei1ed .1 master’s
degree 111 ciiiiiiiial justice iii I‘M-1
from l'.1stei'ii Kentuckv L lll\1‘l'sl-'
1. She t)t‘t‘.1slt1ll.lll_\' teaches .is .in
adiiiiict professor .11 the 111111 ersir
t1‘s(111111'g1' ofl..111 l‘illlttl'cclllclll.

(,oncei'ning the ftitiiie.
Langston is optimistic.

“()111' internal include
plans to ensure officers 11.11 c 11p
tordate training and to work
together 111111 the dean of stii

is .ilso accoiii




SHE'S THE CHIEF [1"[1'1'1'1/ [II/IQVIII'H looko:'1'I'.I.~'I/11' net." il'It'f of [Jo/111' in

l I' III/1 ill/Il/HII' 5/11 [on lite/I III [111." info/11"mIIII for J1 1":.11II1


dents. tltc (iffice of Residence
Life. ph1s11al plant personnel
and other departments to ensure

111.11 problems are taken care of

eai'l1'." she said.

Students shouldn't be intiiiii—
dated 111' the police. Langston
said. Instead. they should reali/e
their problems will be addressed

"( )111' staff is helpful. “tiling."
Langston said.

8111 said she thinks the ('.llll'
pus is faii'l1 safe. and that most
problems are theft 1'e..lite1l Still.

she said. ‘11 doesn 1 inc 1.11 people
shoiildiit take care of them-
se '111's. 11111 need to he :111.1r1'

alert to potential problems 11.111
gers. l1'rc r1oiie needs to \1ork'


Internet IIBIIIS roommates 98! along


A roommate “
contract and - .1‘
to alleviate .1
Ionflim can be ‘
found online at '



‘\\\\ \\

By Jaclyn Holt
Sniff H I'm-1'





! ‘ i .x ‘ A

for Title.

A smell emanates from
the other side oftlie room.

Deciding to investigate.
\ou venture bravel) to the
other side of the room and
discover a sandwich bought
at L'K's (Iom11ex (Iom
mons the week 1efore.
finds a pair of stinky socks
and an overf owing pile of
latindrv that is screaming

lilten, the door of
room starts to open.



and .1 face mask on.


visited “11'“




look up and see 1‘11Hl‘ room—
standing on his side of the
room With rubber gloves

have been avoided if these
new rooiiiies 11oiild have
and created .1 personalized
“No 13.8. Roommate (Ion-
il'he website offers
a free 11.11 for college stti~

dents and their room—
tiiates to work 11111 the
details and problems of
liv mg together

for e\'a111ple.1111 11111


tract has .1 section for
working out paying the

According to the con»
tract. “Failure to fork over
one’s fair share 11111111111 .1
reasonable excuse shall
. result in selling off of trti-
ant roomie's wordlv pos—





on vacation and could not be

reached for comment.

\11 officer fioiii 1111' fraternit1‘s
national headquarters '.ls 11ell as
officer from the L 11' chapter met
111 1111' dean‘s office 1111 'l iiesdav.
1111cre ~\tockhaiii and other olli




SepIeInbeI 4 [997

o ( .l/II'W1


‘ [)I. 111/11w 6
(.IIIIIoli 8 \‘Iwii 2

(Ammo/1 9 ll. .11/um! 8




MATT BARTON hr 11.1.

l ’[l/C't l‘ilf) .1./1.1 I/‘Ia [VI/1.11m]! 411/ [’1'/II11'1'II'1II/III (XII/III 711/» 1/11 1/I1' :."['1'I'1' Sign/M . HIM/'.1 [polo/I [vino/g oit'III'I't'If UH \I.I1' Ii,

clalspicsenttd1'11111'1111'1111'1 said

()n \\ 1'1lii1'sda1 Siot kliaiii said
8A1" “111 most likel1 respond to
the charges 111 ()11. l. .1 intasiirc
l'Hlllllltfl1' extended to fi'aici nities
111 this situation.


Ollice plans


By Ellen Lord

(.111/fl [/‘IHIIIQ ll I II. I

vli\\L'lll.\-lil\1' L 1\ students 11111
gain .1 111-"111i iiiideist. Hiding of
him then tiilttii1s influence theii
li1'li.i1iors and interactions 111111
others 111 attending :1 11111 11.11'
Ll‘()ss'1'lllilll‘.ll 11oi'ks hop in
l".lllltllsll. R1. later this month.

1111' (ill-ice of International
\llait‘s sponsors this sum annual
event to teach students from varis
ous ethnic backgrounds to apprev
ciate cultural differences.

'l’his fall‘s \ioi'kshop .11 the
K1'111u1'k1 Leadership (Ieiiter11'ill
111' held on Sept. .‘llvll fora cost
111511). 11111111 covers housing and

Pending approval of an \(i \
bill. food 11111 cost .11'1otl111 Sll)
cil. (Iosiiiopolitaii (:liib. \1'1s .11111
Sciences SenNtac1 \lc( ..irth1 and
Senator at Large (:Jrllt‘ llagan
are sponsoring the bill.

Because enrollment is limited.
students must 1'111111111'11 .111 appli—
(21111)!) .11 .11» Hr .11111'1 11.111 or from
resident hall directors and 1e1ur11
it 111 New §.( ii'oliiic Holmes. .1
foreign s111111111ad11se1 \1ho has
helped org. 1111/1 iiid lead 1111 1"11111
for the past se111' .1l \1' .'.11s said it
gives international and \1111'111'an

students .1 chaiitc to get away
from campus and make 111-\1-

()f the 1.101) international stu—
dents at L'K. about half .11'1' under»
graduates Holmes said Sheh as
found that students \1ho are ne11
to the countrv h' 1'1'1' trouble mak
mg 111-11 friends because of cultural
differences th' at teat l1 l11'1ondius't
language and customs.

Americans tend to interact dif-

ferentl1' and have .1 11'1111' range of

friends. Holmes said. liiterii. mon-
.11 students 11 ho geiieralh h'a11'
fe11er but crlose relationships ~—
oftcn interpret this openness as an
invitation to deeper friendships.
in addition. Holmes said. some
Americans .11111 different ethnic



groups tend to stereotype and
ignore different ii.1tioii.ilit1 groups
“S '.l \\'h()lC.

lo counteract thcs1 behaviors
around campus. Holmes and her
colle tgtlcs 11.11e tlcsl'rnctl 1111'
workshop lioiii information 1111-1
received .11 national \1111’ks1111ps
and training sessions

lletre lohanssoii .1 gi'a.diiit1
student lioiii .\oi111.1 111s liclpetl
lead several \1ork'shops and has
used past 11oi'kshop evpei'iences to
guide her preparations.

\Vhile leading last spring‘s
11orkshop. johansson attempted
to include aspects of her .‘illilll‘tt-
pologv background. but the core
of the workshop centered around
i'olesplaving simulations and small
discussion groups.

Although students are never
taught to stcrcot1‘pc or label. the
role~plavuig games are designed
to contrast 11111 simulated cultures.

~lohansson said.

1111' example. students acting
out (Itiltiire ,\ 111111111 11.11 1' .1 list of
specific characteristics to follo11
such as “euroverted personalit1"
and “aggressive mannerisms."
11'hile (illllllrt‘ 11 might 111' 1111111-
\ei'ted and 11111111.

(ii'aduate L111 .'\r.l\.ll‘.llll.llll.
11 ho participated in the “orkshops
111 NW said one role-111111111. sini—
ulation also included speaking I. 'm—
guages iiiik11o1111 to the other ciil
tiirc111distussions.1111'1'11ai'1l she
found 111.11 each c'ulttiit llllsllitk‘r'
preted the other‘s actions as

-\rasaratnam had difficulty her'
self adapting to .\iiiericaii culture
after her arrival from Sri Lanka. .1
small island off the southeastern
c.oist of lndia. She said she had
problems making friends With
American students “ho .ilre1d_1' had
.111 established .1 group of friends.

lhrotigh the 11orksho1 s and
With time she realimd that she onl1
had to reach‘ ‘otit of her comfort
7on0" to meet other students and
has since found 111.1111' American
and international fnciids.





~ ”My“. 1' -



2 M, September 4. I997, Kentucky Keiml




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»' ElfitorInChiefW. ............. ..........Jemaifcr$mith
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Editorial Edimr . . ................................... Todd Hash
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Photo Editor ...................................... Matt Barton
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l The hidependcnt Newspaper at The University of Kentucky
i Founded in 1894 . . . . . . . . ; . . ........ . ...... Independent since 1971
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Yourfim copy of the Kentucky Kn‘nel is free.
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o c . a
.‘u . s n'o'o'o‘b't'u'l‘o't . u‘.‘¢‘-‘o‘~ s‘n‘u .‘s's


MATT BAHION [\i-imu’ iii/ll’

[EIP H106 CK right cud Jimmy I Iii/qr 17in gain-fit)?” ilw .VN‘t’t'fX ofBoi‘mn m Hurt/(Ill! Ii‘lll’ t/Jc (Ii/Ix. Hit/lav mug/II right plla‘a‘t'X in ("Kit Il‘lll uz'cr I animal/c.

Academy SBI Haley on path

came second

By Brett Dawson

_ [um/ill: Ia/Ilw

You know thc kid. llc was in
your kindcrgartcn class. alhcit
rcluctantly. Had to hc draggcd in
kicking and scrcaming cycry singlc
morning. l‘iy cry school had onc.

\Vay hack in thc day. in l.o\\cll.
.\lass.._limmy l lalcy \\ as that kid.

"\ly girlt‘ricnd‘s son was thc
samc agc as _llllllll_\. and hc'd hc
cry mg cycry singlc day hclorc
kimlcrgai‘tcn." says (iail (irccn.
\\ ho works in thc athlctic dcpart-
mcnt at l.owcll High School. “I lc
\\ as onc ot thosc littlc kids \\ ho had
to hc carricd in may singlc day."

By thc timc llalcy ioincd
(irccn at Loyycll lligh. hc wasn't
much morc into school. to hear
thc man himscll'tcll it.

“\thrc l grcu up. in thc city.
thci'c wcrc inst so many things to
do. so many distractions from aca—
dciiiics." hc say s. “You didn't hay c
to ask inc micc to drop homcwork."

lint that‘s not c\actl_\ thc minds
sct that creates c‘ollcgc iitlilctcs.
and hy thc cm] of his iunior ycar at
l.o\ycll. llalcy was still a long way
from mccting \(Iv\;\ rcquirc—
mcnts tor l'rcshiiian cligihility.

,\nd thcn. "inst out of luck."
llalcy says. his coach at Lowcll
lligh. l)cnnis Scanncll. ran into
thc coach lirom .\larmc Military
.\t‘.lilclll_\ at a summcr wcdding.

llalcy's pi‘cdicamcnt camc up

thc talcntcd tight cnd didn‘t

Injured Stayton
gone till October

[is “oinCli-s soct‘cr coach \Varr
rcn l.ipka annonnccd that i'cdshii‘t
l'rcshman Dcanna Stayton will hc
out four to sit wccks hccansc of a
hrokcn collarhonc.

Stayton. a lornard from
lsiiigsport. 'l‘cnna hrokc hcr collar-

want to hayc to losc a ycar liy
'oiiig to prcp school attcr Lowcll

and thc \yhccls that scnt jimmy
llalcy to thc strict military school
\\L'l't' sct in motion.


it) say thc \cadcmy had a pro»
found ct‘l‘cct on llalcy's litc would
hc an nndcrstatcmcnt along thc
lincs of “Nau- Ncwton is hig."
.\nd so thc solitsspokcn L'ls' tight
cnd docs anything hut undcrcsti-
matc thc school's signilicancc.

“\larinc \lilitai'y has really
liccn my sa\ior w thcy' got mc cli-
gihlc and got mc to lsciitncky."
llalcy says. “It. it wasiia tor thcm.
I‘d hc on thc hack of a garhagc
truck soincyy lici‘c. prohahly

You say (i.\R—hidgc. llc says
(i \l lshidgc.

'l'hc Boston (or l3:\.\3tnn) acccnt
scrycs as a rcmindcr oi llalcy's
roots in lamcll. lint thc Jimmy
llalcy L K knows was l’orgcd in
lai'gc part in l larlmgcn. 'l c.\as.

'l‘hat‘s whcrc. at \lai'inc .\li'itaiy.
llalcy play cd onc ycai' ol' foothall
and did cnough growing up to coycr
tour ycars at any rcgnlar school.

"h was ycry strict you always
had sonichoily looking oycr your
shoiildci‘. tclling yon \\ hat to do,“
hc says. “You wcrc on a sct roiitinc
cycry day. and 1 think that‘s \\ hat I
nccdcd. to kind ol'hayc somchotly
sct a hoiiih undcrncath inc."

Changing shirts

.\t‘tcr .\larinc got his “prioritics
straight." llalcy' says, hc madc L'K
his collcgc choicc. primarily
hccziusc of thc school‘s ol‘t'cnsiy‘c
coordinator. l'illiot L'Iclac.

ll-alcy spcnt his first scason at



L'ls planning to rcds‘hirt. -\ prc—
scasoii iiiiury had hindcrcd his
shot at compcting tor a starting
tight ciid ioh in L'Iclac‘s two tight
cnd sci. and so hc watchcd and

l5or Ill gamcs.

\nd thcn. inst hcl'orc thc (Eats
wcrc to lacc ninth—rankcd 'l'cn~
ncsscc. thcnl'ls' coach llill (Iurry
gayc llalcy thc opportunity to
makc his first collcgiatc start.

“('l’hc coaching stat-ti) camc to
mc. thcy put thc proposition on
thc tahlc. hut thc dccision was
totally minc." llalcy says. “I was
kind of siii‘pi'iscd. hcing it \\.is tlic
lasi gamc ol my l‘rcshman ycar. l
thought ahout it during thc wcck.
talkcd to my parcnts ahout it and
dccidcd to go ahcad and play.

“'l‘hcy totally lcl't it up to inc."

So I lalcy droppcd thc rcdshirt
in tayor ol L‘K hluc and whitc.

lint thcrc‘s no fairy talc cnding
to thc story. no last—sccond touch»
down catch lor llalcy. llis start
camc at hillhack. not cy’cn his natu—
ral position. and tlic ( Lats lost Wi— lll.

l lalcy is onc gamc of action cost
him a scason otcligihility.

"l ,ooking hack at it now. I prohv
ahly hayc somc rcgrcts." hc says.

\ lcw morc giycn thc pass
happy llal \lummc stylc hc could
lic spcndmg an cstra ycar in?

“Vt-ah. dctinitcly." hc says. u‘l'his

ollcnsc itscll and thc coaching stall

is likc a drcam conic truc tor mc."

Changing styles

It's no wondcr llalcy is so
ciiaiiiorcd with thc llal \lummc
systcm. It's a dramatic changc
tor thc hctici‘. from his pcrspcctiyc

from cyci'y thing hc‘s nscd to.


litlllL' Sunday in thc (lats‘ I‘ll loss to
.\lichigan. It is [llt' third timc shc
has hrokcn hcr collai‘hi inc.

“ l his ycar shc was going to play
and play sonic kcy inintitcs." l.ipka
said. “It‘s inst unlortunatc."

Stayton cntcrcd Sundays com
tcst lcs‘s than a inimitc hcthrc thc
lliilll’y'. Shc iumpcd in thc air. lost
hct halancc and t'cll dircctly on hcr

“'l‘his tli>csift hclp hcr aduncc

and iiiiproy'c hci‘ lcycl of skill."
l.ipka said.

“l lopcl‘ully w c can gct hcr hack
loi’ tlic licai't ol tlic Solitlic‘astct‘n
(,oiilci'cncc scason and gct hcr
hack hcalthy."

Cat: to lace George Washington

‘l hc Hih .-\nnual .\laui lnyita»
tional liaskcthall ‘l ournaiiicnt.
hostcd hy (Ihaminadc L'niycrsity.
rclcascd its 1007 hrackct which lcav

“Back in Boston \\ c always had
a dominant rushing tcam. and
cycn whcn I got to 'l'c\as. wc had
l)crick Logan rushing tor ahout
3.llll() yards." lit: says. “\Vc always
rnshcd thc hall. hut \yhcn thc
opportunity camc to throw. thcy
inst always happcncd to go to inc."

You‘d throw it that way. too. il-
you had a targct who was (Hoot—i
and 23()~plus rock—solid pounds.

llal \lummc's no idiot. 'l‘iin
(Ioiich. cithcr. \nd whilc
llalcy won‘t hc gctting thc hall
cycry timc thc (lats pass. hc'll gct
his lair sharc. llc ccrtainly did
against Louisvillc. \yhcn hc caught
cight halls in a i834 L'ls' win.

llalcy calls thc win important.
lhc catchcs hc calls "a honns."

ll .\lummc has his way. llalcy
will gct plcnty othonuscs.

“I think hc's a natural tight
cnd. 1 look for him to hc a pro
prospcct onc day." .\lummc says.
“I lc"s mayhc not as hig as sonic of
thc tight cnds that go on to thc
\l‘il“ hut hc‘s ccriainly approach-
ing that si/c."

17.x cii morc important. ,\liimmc
adds. is llalcy"s dcmcanor. .'\
droppcd pasts, thc coach says, gcts
him no morc hnmiiicd than a hig
catch gcts him pnmpcd.

his a dcincanor llt ii'ii of ncccssity.


jimmy llalcy's sccn murky watcrs‘

and had his ship rightcd. llc‘s past
duc for sonic smooth sailing.

“'l‘hc cnyironmcnt l comc from.
I think til-it as crahs in a huckct M-
you try to gct out hut somcthing
inst pulls you hack down. and not
that many pcoplc makc it out." hc
says. “.\ly parcnts might tcll you I
cai‘iicd it. hut l can tcll you thcrc‘s
hccii a lot ol‘luck in my lil‘c."

tnrcs L‘K along with 100'," national
champion \ri/ona and l)iikc.
lils will takc on (icot‘gc \Vaslr
ington in thc lii‘st round of thc
toiirnamcnt on Not. I—l. ()thcr lirst
round pairings includc (Iliaminadc
against Dukc. \lissouri \crsus
l)cl’aul and ;\ri7ona against Boston
(.ollcgc. scttmg up .i possihlc .\ri—
/onaiL'l\' hattlc in thc sccond
(.‘rmi/ii/iv/ from \le n'lmrii.







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