xt70cf9j6m7z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70cf9j6m7z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2004-09-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, September 24, 2004 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 24, 2004 2004 2004-09-24 2020 true xt70cf9j6m7z section xt70cf9j6m7z Friday September 24, 2004 www.kykerne|.com newsroom: 257-1915 First issue tree Subsequent issues 25 cents. K THE KENTUCKY er ne Celebrating 33 years of independence 1 By Danielle Komis THE KENTUCKY mm There were no slick po- litical posters or SLOOO-a- plate tickets. This was a no-frills ap- pearance of just one man who happens to be running for president ~talking to a capacity crowd of students at Worsham Theatre an the Student Center yesterday afternoon. Standing against a cur- tain backdrop. independent candidate Ralph Nader spoke calmly but confident- ly about the evils of corpo- Sam a “prisoner of business." include welfare rate crime costly handouts. against rate America. calling Uncle big Problems with America corporate corpo- (‘Oi'l' sumers and the environ- ment. a lack of affordable health care and businesses that will cross the ethical line to get to their desired bottom line. he said. Americans have been "raised corporate." he said. and do not even how much they are being manipulated by big busi nesses through the things they hear. watch. do and eat. While street crime is heavily discussed. corpo- rate crime is virtually ig- nored. he said, “We don't see it. we don't study it. but you suf~ fer it." he said. Yet past generations had their challenges too. Nader said. "It's important for you to know what they did so you can put your arm through the wheel of ills tice." he said. Nader said he does not believe in the war on drugs. which brought a round of applause from the realize crowd. especially after he took ati informal poll to see who smoked marijuana. “We don‘t send alco- holics total]. We don't send nicotine addicts to jail.“ he reasoned. Nader also said a televi- sion or radio station should report on what colleges are doing academically: not .just athletically. Someone who didn't know any better would think universities are just spiii‘ts teams. he said. Near the end of the event. Nader brought up the presidential electlon He acknowledged that cast- ing a Vote for him will not lead to a traditional victo- ry. but said it w ill help break the vise the two par ty system and big business have on the country. "You have to vote your colisclent‘e." lit‘ stiltl. ”ll. you're not willing to lose. Independent presiden- tial candidate Ralph Nader spoke to a packed Worsham The- ater in the Student Center yesterday afternoon. Nader has spent 40 years as a consumer and environ- mental advocate. ln his campaign speech, he criticized corporate power in America and said voters should pay more attention to cor- porate crime. unis m | sriirr Nader knocks corporate power you‘ll never set sail." Some students in the audience. such as political science freshman Jon Levin. did not agree with his view of corporations. "He's talking about how big business is bad for the country. but we‘re the rich- est and most powerful country in the world." he said. Levin said he is a Re- publican and plans to vote for Bush. Psychology freshman lilyse Stern. an undecided voter. said she agreed with Nader about corporations and respects him for com mg to l'K. “You see Kerry and you see Bush." she said, “But they don‘t come talk to us " E mu 1! (l/romts a A‘_vl\‘erne/.coni Cameras roll on Lexington movie set By Doug Scott THE itiiuny'n'mi “We‘re rolling!" Voices echo the call across two more rooms. DreamWorks‘ latest picture. Dreamer. has been shooting in the Lexington area since the middle of September Synchronized counters start running at the bottoms of monitor A (“Gary") and monitor B (“Buzz"). Crew members and oth- ers suddenly stop talking and gather in front of the two small screens. Some stand. while others sit iii black director's chairs with names across the back: "Kurt Russell." Kristofl'erson." Morse." The slate claps together. There is no sound. Only one crew member has access to a set of bulky headphones that are plugged itito the monitor rig in the room ”Gary" is focused on two Middlellastern gentlemen. both of whom look rather concerned. “Buzz" offers a “Kris "David wider shot of the scene. and we see that the!" is a room full of people. all dressed in contemporary business at tire. There‘s a sudden out- burst of movement. People begin looking at each other and lean to look at the right side of the room. A little girl jumps up and hugs an older man seated to her left. then turns around and hugs the other man seated to her right. Now everyone in the room is on their feet The two men in "Gary“ are now not only concerned. they are visibly upset. They stand up slowly and begin to walk off catn- era. “(‘ut?" The actors that dominated the screen are now overtaken by crew members. adjusting props and discussing the last take. Kurt Russell «Miracle. Rack- drafti leans over and says something that amuses both himself and Dakota Pan ("N‘t‘ See Movie on page 3 UK receiver doesn't plan to hide in the Swamp Page 6 A Dirty Shame is all in good fun Page 3 Scavenger hunt comes downtown with ideaFestival By Audrey Edmondson THE KENYUCKV‘ mm Grab your running shoes and a friend and brush up on your texting skills the Verizon Wireless Urban Challenge is coming to Lexington. The event hits the streets of Lexington tomorrow, chal- lenging up to 300 twoperson teams to compete in a race that will test their knowledge of downtown Participants have five hours to solve clues. race to the lo- cation and take a picture using camera phones furnished by Verizon Wireless. Any communication or means of travel is acceptable in- cluding text messaging. using the Internet. traveling by foot or by taxi. "It's not how much you can cram into your head. but how much you can marshal your resources." said Kevin Mc- Carthy. the Urban (‘hallenge creator. The first team to submit photos of all of the locations will win a trip to Miami Beach in November for the national championship where they will compete for a $50.0“) prize. The race has taken over the streets of nearly every major city in the country Cincinnati. Atlanta and Kansas (‘ity have all had races this month. McCarthy said the idea sprang from a scavenger hunt he made for his daughter‘s birthday party, with each team solv- ing clues while taking pictures. “Kate and her friends had so much fun that I decided there must be away to create that experience for a lot more people." McCarthy said. Last year David ()lds and Damian Garcia of Los Angeles won the prize at nationals in New Orleans. Registration forms are available at Third Street Stuff on 257 N. Limestone St . at the l'rban (‘hallenge Web site and at the race. The entrance fee is s30. The race is sponsored by the Martin Luther King Neigh» borhood Association. National (‘ity Bank and several other partners: The sponsors are raising funds for the neighborhmd asso ciation's coitimuuity protects and to promote the neighbor- hood as a safe. inviting place The l'i'ban (‘hallengc gave several integrated strategic communications students the chance to compile a promo tions campaign and then compete to implement their plan. “We‘ve used specific ideas from different student presen- See Urban on page 2 Water ski team goes its own way By Ch’IS Johnsor 'HE “EN“ it It'll“. Last year. two students (li't‘llll'Il fliei. wanted to bring back the water ski illll‘ They received iiioi‘c and :noie interest. tuiidraised for months and led tut i:' new icaii: to thc highest finish in school history Their reward was it wild “.th r skim; weekend in scenic Milletlgevllle. (in But. oh \cah Ilii'\ Such is 'll" life ot his team ‘We practici- it Lalo- t :iiiilicrland.” said year Elizabeth Milli-r. treasurei ol the wot-r ski club and a captain of the water ski team ".\lost south» in st hools have lakes and boats Bil-.lo inuiutesawai lioni tact; campuses ‘ Lake t‘uiiilierland is in the stillllll rn par: of the state. two hours away fio:ii campus on .1 light iixiftic d.i\ Miller and her co captain. jo-az‘ 'l'ra'i is Kellei. s.ll(l some of the team iiieiiiliers us»- tlieii own boats to piactice "'l‘wo veal s ago, when Yhe team was an actual club sport. the\ had a limit." said Keller. who is the tllll\\ president. “They lost it when they lost llllil status. and now we use ours " Keller uses his l.lllill\ s boat for the team's pr utices and is the most talented skier on the team. .iccoi'diug to Miller “lies hm ii ible to do ii. men daft \llltt‘ he was a kid." Miller \Jlill ‘l wish I had his pireiits had the boat and skied every day ' In the tliiee events that are iudged iii competition. Keller's experience has led him to be the best all around skier on the team The obstacle course event has six bunw s around which the See Ski on page 6 irwc to split the gas moner~ It sllt‘t l‘\\l-lll i'tillt‘w' Hill \t‘l'il ('lllll-Slllc UK Police to use new motorcycles, bomb-sniffing dog By Dariush Shata "if krktucrv’kreiiri Bikes and biscuits are the new angle to fighting crime on campus for UK Police. UK Police held a press con- ference at the soccer complex yesterday to present UKPI)'s new bomhsniffing dog and to discuss how two officers on motorcycles will be keeping students safe. ‘Ouiet motor, quiet mind' For Patrolman Bob Pearl and Lt. Bill Webb. these words are part of the job they do. it rings fresh in their minds since returning from a two week course at the Notthwest- ern University (‘enter for Pub lic Safety in Des Moines. Iowa. 0 Pearl and Webb also said when they are on their motor cycles. having a quiet mind means they are focused entiie ly on their surroundings. al ways thinking 12 seconds ahead enough time to antic ipate what other drivers are doing and maneuver around possible hazards “Nobody sees me. Every body's out to get me." Pearl and Webb said together. The two officers trained every day. spending 73 hours out of the titlhour course on their bikes. and both agreed it was the most difficult training they'd ever been through. Pearl. who iode Mottx‘ross when he was I i. said it was a big change learning how to i ride as a policeman “I had to reprogram every- thing i learned on a motorcy cle." Pearl said. adding that some lessons were m’t‘l'y day “ But these Loot» traffic. the bike is shield the officer from harm. The training and motorcycles ability to maneu ver where a police cruiser can‘t “0n the (‘\'( le I can go be tween buildings and between i parking structures." l‘earl to train. All of Becka's train- ing was paid for by the Bu- er and handler. ()flicer Robbie Turner. said Becka rarely harder than others “We wiped out pound Harley liay ltlstili Road King bikes ant so sturdy. l’earl said. that if an officer went down iii tough enough to act as a butler and the tough lessons were well worth it. Pearl said. reflecting on a said. “Response time is going to be faster." That‘s not the only thing that Pearl said was a positive factor to his job. “Students love the motor- cycles." Pearl said. “Girls love the boots and guys love the bikes." Going to the dog l'K's newest police force member is gaining the ap pmval of her colleagues. "Becka is the bomb." said Webb of UK‘s newest addition to the police fotce. Though Webb laughed at the pim he made. UK‘s new bomb dog‘s abilities are noth ing to laugh at Becka's train I misidentifies a bomb threat "She‘s pretty much reli» able on everything." Turner said. demonstrating with cans filled with explosive residue intermingled with empty cans. The lt'Hiiol‘ltli old black Labrador spent 16 weeks iii training and now can detect 16.000 scents that explosives can give off or leave behind. When Becka sniffed a can with nothing in it. she moved on to the next can. if she smells bomb residue. in the case of TNT cans or another explosive. she sits dovm and waits to be fed a doggy treat A special advantage is that Becka didn‘t cost l'K anything reaii of Alcohol. Tobacco and Firearms. in exchange for having her. UK agreed to let Becka work for the next five years at special events like the Su- per Bowl. Not only does Becka train with Turner. she lives with him and even sleeps in the same room. Turner said. “She's with me pretty much every day. all day." Turner said. “it‘s a big re- sponsibility. but it's well worth it. You get to see things you wouldn't see as a (regular) police officer" E-mail dshafa'u kykernelcom Putz | Friday,Sept., 24,2004 Doobie Brother advises Congress HMSM mmm There are two things that Jetf “Skunk" Baxter won‘t a‘ rather. can't —- talk about. “I don't talk about any- thing that’s classified. and I don’t talk about anything that‘s got to do with Barbara Streisand," Baxter said at the Lexington Radisson Wednes- day evening. What Baxter will talk about is everything from jazz to terrorism to creative thinking to ballistic missiles. Baxter is best known as a studio guitarist and member of ‘70s rock groups Steely Dan and the Doobie Brothers. The musician is also a defense ana- lyst and consultant for Con- gress and the Pentagon and a terrorism and missile defense systems expert In addition. Baxter cur» rently serves as a chairman of the Civilian Advisory Board for Ballistic Missile Defense and is on the Board of Regents of the Potomac Institute. “Sometimes what you see is not what you get." Baxter By Blaine Harden mi “summon POST SEATTLE h Two Forest Service workers hiked several miles and more than 2000 feet down a mountain and were spotted by a passing motorist Wednesday. two days after they were reported dead in a plane crash near Montana‘s Glacier National Park, Burned and exhausted. the two had survived a crash that authorities believed had killed all five people aboard the plane on Monday. Flat head County Sheriff .lim Dupont was inspecting the charred crash site when he got the word, “I was standing there in the rubble when my cell phone rang and my office told me that there were sur~ vivors and I thought it was a prank." he said. “I looked around at the total devasta- tion and I said. ‘Get out!” Dupont's deputies had combed the area for signs of survivors. They had found nothing but melted airplane parts and pieces of charred bodies. Dupont had already told family and friends of the five people aboard the single- engine Cessna that everyone was killed when the plane went down above the tree line on a mountain south of Glacier. But on Wednesday after noon. Jodee Hogg. 23. and Urban Continued from page 1 tations. rather than adopting am one its entiretyi.” Rona Roberts. board member of Martin Luther King Neighborhood ..\s “The [SC students gave out presentation (in sociation. whole event a huge boost. bowled over with the results they pro duced." The students suggested with the residence halls to get students involved. aligning with 104.5 W1.K'l‘ FM and inviting students from nearby eol vrsn’ suuTANCIHcOM FOR Mont MONEY-SAVING TANNING OFFERS' m TA WELCOME BACK STUDENTS! vrsn SUI mi cm Aim GET 2 FREE WEEKS or mouse And don't forget to sign up for unlimited tanning at one low price with your “IDS“ membership? said. whose ponytail and han- dlebar mustache aren't exactly standard issue in the defense department. Baxter's presentation. ‘Thinking Outof-theBox in an lntheBox World," addressed what he believes is the need for people to change how they think for a changing world. "Skunk Baxter is a repre sentation of that." said idea Festival organizer Kris Kimel. “He represents this transition (and) integration of ideas." Baxter said his transition from a guitar player perform ing in soldout stadiums to ad- vising Congress on missile de fense systems began on the tour bus. While his fellow band members were living the stereotypical “rock star" lifestyle. Baxter said he was heading military history books and defense technology maga- zines. He eventually wrote a pa- per on aircraflcarrier missile defense that he submitted to a congressman on the Council of Foreign Relations. "And the next thing I knew. I got an appointment on the House Armed Services Com- mittee." Baxter said. “Only in America." Baxter said people today are not being taught what they need to know to function. “They’re looking for outof- thebox. nontraditional ideas." he said. “They don’t care what you look like or where you come from anymore right now. folks. we need results." Baxter is currently in- volved in counter-terrorism ef- forts and strategic planning and analysis for the war on ter~ nor. Baxter said he believes the real solution to defeat oppres- sion is not only in military might. but also in the power of culture and individualism. “We have to get into the de cision-making cycles of the people that are trying to kill us look at what is happening in Iran right now.“ he said “They want TV sets, they want satel- lite dishes. they want blue jeans this is a war of ideas. of philosophies. “You can‘t sell it like tooth- paste and tampons. It's got to be a little more subtle than that." he said. “There are peo ple thinking about this. and they're thinking about it in a very eclectic way" A common theme of Bax- ter's presentation was that "most people are hard-wired for something." He used a jazz combo analogy to illustrate his point; while each player is spe ciallzed. they also work in sync with the other plwers Baxter said he believes this sort of thinking and orga- nization will bring about more productive ideas and insults in national intelligence and poli- cy-making, especially concem- ing the war on terror. “I thought we could have done a much better job in the post-war environment. There's no doubt about that,” he said. “(But) this is a very different kind of war. and we're going to make mistakes. just as we have in every other major conflict. “But just remember what Winston Churchill said ‘Ameri- ams can always be counted on to do the right thing after they have exhausted all other possibilities.’ So we will perse vere." E-mail dsmtttwkykemelmm workers survive crash Matthew Ramige. 29. were living proof that the sheriff. his staff. the deputy coroner. several pilots and several ex- perts on aviation accidents had all jumped to the wrong conclusion. “We are just flabbergast- ed and overwhelmed with joy and angry at ourselves." Dupont said iii a telephone inter view. Over the course of two days. Hogg and Ramige had made their way down through forested moun tains to Us. 2. where they were spotted by a motorist and flown by helicopter to a hos- pital in Kalispell. the largest town in northwest Montana. Hogg. front Billings. Mont. had a sprained ankle. sore back and some burns. according to her father. Jim Hogg. He said .lodec's twin. Kyna. had insisted since the crash that her sister was alive. “Now. she is walking on cloud nine." he told the Billings Gazette. Ramige. from .lackson Hole. Wyo. was much more seriously injured. He was flown to the intensive care unit at Seattle’s Har'borview Medical Center. where on Thursday he was listed in se- joy leges Roberts said. ”We are just flab- bergasted and overwhelmed with Hathead (Wont i County Sheriff and universities. "it was a terrific. practical example ot university based knowledge and skills serving a community interest.“ “We already have bigger rious condition. Local press reports said he had a spinal fracture and burns on his face. hands and chest. Upon returning from the crash site on Wednesday af- ternoon. Dupont had a closed-door meeting with families of those who did and did not sur< vive the crash. They were furi- ous at him for announcing on Tuesday that everyone aboard had been killed. Dupont said. and told him au- thorities should have continued to search for survivors. “They said ‘The survivors were out there walking around and you weren’t even looking for them." said Dupont. who said he apolo- gized. “Unfortunately: we are humans. too. The next time I look at an airplane crash I will probably look at it a lit tle differently." Davita Bryant. 32. was killed in the crash along with pilot Jim Long. 60. One other passenger. Ken Good. 58. may also have survived the im- pact of the crash: He appar- ently managed to get out of the wreckage. but died a few feet away. There were three unbuck» led seat belts at the site crash Jim Dupont hopes and plans for next year. and l exr peet we will be able to implement some sniil llti' such We were working LEXINGTON Beaumont Shopping Center Next to Kroger 3181 Beaumont Ctr. oi the student's ideas that appealed to us that we couldn't tackle this year." 'l’lanning the lirban (‘hallenge was a great opportunity because it i L’uye us. as students. the chance to work in a real world atmosphere where our ideas and work were taken seriously. as opposed to a hypothetical scenario you might only study in a textbook." iiior Nicole Followell said. 1 "i think of all my college experience thus far. the opportunity to plan a real lenge “ stone St. lSC se- #63 SUN TAN CITY' '----‘ '----‘ Challenge yourself What: The Verizon Wireless Urban Chal- and “now I know why.“ Dupont said. The sheriff said he began to examine seats on the plane on Wednesday afternoon af- ter getting the call that there were two survivors. He said it took 2 1/2 hours of digging through the crash site before he could find the unbuckled seat belts. “I have never seen an air- craft burned that badly." he said. "I don’t know how they could have survived the ini- tial impact. In a very short distance the plane went from a very fast speed to stop." The plane left Glacier In» ternational Airport on Mon- day afternoon on a planned 30-minute flight into the Flat- head National Forest. accord- ing to the Forest Service. Those aboard were supposed to do a plant survey and fix telephone equipment. Bad weather interfered with an air search on Mon- day and the crash site was not found until Tuesday, when Dupont announced that one intact body had been found and the other four ap- peared to have been badly burned. “When the call came and I learned there were sur- vivors. I thought that there is just no way." Dupont said. “It was astonishing to me. It still is. If there is a definition of miracle. this is it." event that will take place here in the Lexington community has been by far the greatest learning experience. lowell said. " Fol- E-mail featuresru kylrernel. com l i i l 1 When: 8:30 a. m. Saturday ‘ Where. Ihe Sayre School, 194 N. Lime Web Site: m urbanchallenge. com Registration begins at 7 a. m. Tickets cost $30 per person to enter i visit us at www.kykernel.com K j Bourbon n' Toulouse , . I “.- i, [:91 “,1. o, .1 all dishes $5 1 w n A list ‘ 'n-t‘nscit’i l3bO EASlLAND DR . \W , new, OBrand Name Shoe Outlet OFull Service Shoe Repair 0Complete Leather Repair Open Monday- Friday 9am-6pm Saturday lOom»5pm v‘vav‘v'lliEl«.[‘.\“1Hif‘/‘:H< i 'M 25? 78M @635 advertising creative services the Kentucky Kernel -A Variety of Fish -Aquariums N0 more FISHING “VOMHd! Q I"! STUDENTS GET 15% or! with Student ID. Exp/res October 375i, 2004. Offer excludes dog a cat foods and sale Items, -Fish Food -Cleaning Supplies Regency Pet Center Your Real Pet Connection! A! the end of Moore Dr. Across from K-Mari an Nicholasvillefld. Mocha Monkey Gufé awesome SIQQ'I‘IIICS VilD WEIPS opeat (BF-Fee new L9Cil‘l’i9ll2 RiCHHQIID RD. aISQ VISI‘I' US at GUI? Beaumont (:8qu I9Cfli’i9ll oooooooooooooooooooo sueetuie wean on (applicant: Vlfll me muase 9F anetuep like new: 9" canal OR 6098189 value! One coupon per Visit per customer Exp. October 24. 2004 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO twee mmess IIII'CIPIIC'I’ ACCESS r A? WW.I9CII6I9IIK€YC6F€.C9I 3 3 5‘05 3 7 RICIIHQIID RD. 22 3 " 9 I 8 ‘I aeauuom (W. \' 1 O Friday Sept. 24, 2004 PAGE 3 1:35... 912m "it KENTUCKY KERNEL First. a general disclaimer on this one: A Dirty Shame is not for the faint of heart. or people who find alternative reproductive ac- tivities to be the slightest bit disgusting. You’ll be galled. offended and rather put-off by this one. It’s rated NC-17. which is pretty much the holy grail of dirtiness in a movie that is- n't pornography A Dirty Shame, directed by John Waters. and starring, among others, Tracy Ullman. Chris Isaak. and Selma Blair, chronicles an odyssey of sexual discovery and addiction among Maryland suburbanites. Ullman portrays crotchety housewife Sylvia Stickles. who is stuck in the rut of fending off her husband Vaughn (Isaak). running a convenience store and caring for their daughter, Caprice (Blair) who is under house arrest for, among other things. naked drunken driving. One thing you’ll pick up on immediately is that Caprice is nursing hoot~ ers that look like Howitzers. However, on the way to work. Sylvia runs out of gas. and through the malfea- sance of a squirrel. is whacked in the head and given a concussion. Ray Ray (Johnny Knoxville. everybody's favorite Jackass) comes to Sylvia'a aid. and from there. the film takes off. According to Ray Ray -~ a sexual healer. sexual saint. and lots of other things starting with “sex" concussions loosen sexual inhibitions. Apparently all inhibitions take the form of various fetishes. As Sylvia is indoctrinat- ed into being a sexual apostle (she‘s the 12th addict and will supposedly invent a new sex position —— the Resursexion is at hand). she learns about all sorts of fetishes under Ray Ray's constant battle cry of “Let's go sexin."' as they try to teach the town of Hartford the joys of being a nymphomaniac. Of course. some people aren't overly happy about it. including Sylvia's mom. Big Ethel. who leads an anti~toleration move— ment. “Neuters (people who properly hate sex) for Normalcy" They. as well as Prozac, support groups, and more accidental head injuries, strive to stop Ray Ray and his party of the promiscuous from taking over the town. As to whether this movie is worth see- ing. 1 think it‘s worth a peep. At a ground level. this one just takes its topic and works. It doesn’t really espouse any amazing points or seek to reach some new realization. except perhaps that you‘re not really your» self until you undergo head trauma. And the cast knows what to do with it: They keep the film clearly ridiculous and obscene with- out leaving behind a light heart and putting a good snigger on being self-righteous about debauchery. There is nudity but it’s not given enough overexposure to be off-putting. It’s supposed to be completely bizarre and unexpected. (It's also distributed equally among both men and women. which it fairly unusual.) It’s a movie made in fun. and perhaps for Waters. revenge. as the movie was shot in his hometown. The film and the cast don‘t shirk from gratuitously rolling in its subject material to see what they can pick up. Fetishes and eu- phemisms for cunnilingus abound. Sexual orientations of all sorts are each gleefully paraded around. I guarantee you'll never sing “On top of Spaghetti" the same way again. Big Ethel's expressions of pure prudish- ness are amusing and keep the sexual hu- mor from becoming blasé or making any one group look boring. All in all. it‘s a funny movie. 1 would see ‘Voices' resonate diverse message By Danielle Komis THE KENTUCKY mm Their motto is “stand up. speak out and be heard" 7 and that's exactly what diver- sity performance group Reso nant Voices plans to do Satur- day at the Downtown Arts Center. The New York City-based group celebrates diversity through music. and poetry Six of the 10 members. in- cluding hip-hop artist Baba and slam poet Regie Cabico. will perform in Lexington on Saturday as part of the ideaF- estival. While the group performs mostly around New York. they travel around the coun- try to share their message of understanding as well. “Tolerating someone is not good enough." said Reso- nant Voices slam poet Kevin Burkhart. who founded the group in 2001. Burkhart explained that diversity does not refer only to skin color or gender. While a group of people may all look the same on the surface. he said. there are still dif- f e r e n c e s. from politi~ cal beliefs to sexual orien~ tation. Burkhart Burkhart. who is original- ly from West Virginia. ran a performance group in New York prior to 2001. After the events of Sept. 11. he said the suspicion and animosity among different groups of people prompted him to make his group evolve into some- thing more. “That was an impetus for us to take what we were do- ing and put more into it,” he said. “We thought it was just the right time to put out the message of celebrating diver- sity" With the help from a friend in education. Burkhart said he devised a curriculum for high school students that emphasized understanding. along with literacy. leader- ship and teamwork. Resonant Voices accom- plishes this by getting their audiences involved in what they are doing. While Burkhart said the workshops they hold are flexible. they have a definite flow of direc~ tion. First. members of the group perform. focusing on diversity and writing. After- ward. audience members are free to share what they learned or present their own work. Burkhart said the free event would be valuable to all college students “It‘s all about the interac- tion." he said. “At the end. we‘re the audience.“ E-maz'l dkomisa A‘j'kernclcom If ou go... What: esonant Voices , When: 1 pm. 3 pm. 1 Saturday 3 ‘ Where: Downtown Arts lCenter . Admission: Free i l SAB jazz series begins Sunday By Ashley Graves m: KENTUCKY mm The longest running col- legiate jazz series in the nav tion begins its 27th year this Sunday The Spotlight Jazz Series. presented by the Student Ac- tivities Board. brings jazz to the UK campus and to the community and will feature Nneena Freelon. a five-time Grammy nominee. “We wanted a vocalist that is a world class jazz artist.” said Director of Spot- light Jazz Nikki Wooton. “Her awards speak very highly of her and she fits the mold perfectly“ “It is a kick off for the se- ries that is a statement and testament to the artistry of the series." said Director of Student Activities Rhonda Strouse. Freelon. a contemporary vocal jazz artist. combines both vocals and instruments while interacting with them both. “My father used to listen to big band music. which is dance-based. So now 1 have that connection with dance in my music.“ Freelon said. “i want people to know that music is alive and well. in living color." Preelon said. “i was first introduced to Gospel and l still listen to it. I like gospel. old spiritual. classical music. Brazilian. and African. l love music that tells a story" Preelon's most recent re- lease. her l.ive album. was in 2003. Freelon. has won the Bil- lie Holiday and Eubie Blake awards. received a standing ovation performance at the Grammy‘s. and made her fea- ture film debut in What Women Want. “She has an appeal to stu- dents and a younger genera- tion as well as traditional jazz fans." said Strouse. “Her music is a blend of contem‘ porary jazz with a classic touch." Strouse said this will not be Freelon's first visit to UK. She was a part of the 1998» 1999 Spotlight Jazz Series. Bringing Freelon to cram pus is part of a shift in the series to promote more con» temporary artists. Jazz mu- sic has changed over the years. and SAB is hoping the series will include more pop- ular artists of the time, ac- cording to Wooton. ”We want the students to have a new cultural experi- ence." said Megan Powell. SAB director of quality con- trol. “Students will have the opportunity to learn about jazz culture and how it has changed through the years." Spotlight Jazz is a way for students to learn and enjoy something that students would not normally experi- ence in college life. Powell said. The next artist to visit campus through the Spot- light Series will be Doug Wamble Quartet on Nov. 12. In the spring. the series will bring the Ritzll and hip- hop influenced Russell Gunn. who features turntables with his music. "We want to continue the tradition that was not only started on campus but in the Lexington community." As- sistant Director of Student Activities (‘rystal (‘layton said. "We want to spark an in- terest with jazz." Wooton said. "Once they have the ex- perience of a jazz concert. hopefully they will come to see ot