xt70gb1xd697 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70gb1xd697/data/mets.xml Simpson, Joseph Cairn. 1868 books b98-47-42334688 English W.A. Townsend & Adams, : New York : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Dexter (Race horse) Horses. Horse racing. Horse portraiture : embracing breeding, rearing, and training trotters, with their management in the stable and on the track, and preparation for races ; including histories of the horse and horsemen ; with an appendix containing the performances of Dexter and a portrait by Scott / by Joseph Cairn Simpson. text Horse portraiture : embracing breeding, rearing, and training trotters, with their management in the stable and on the track, and preparation for races ; including histories of the horse and horsemen ; with an appendix containing the performances of Dexter and a portrait by Scott / by Joseph Cairn Simpson. 1868 2002 true xt70gb1xd697 section xt70gb1xd697 liO It S E PO RTR AITTUR E: EMBRACING BREEDING, REARING, AND TRAINING TROTTERS, WITH THEIR MIANAGE- MENT IN THE STABLE AND ON THE TRACK, AND PREPARA- TION FOR RACES: INCLUDING HISTORIES OF THE HORSE AND HORSEMEN. WITH AN APPENDIX PERFORMANCES OF DEXTER AND A PORTRAIT BY SCOTT. BY JOSEPH CAIRN SIMPSON. NEW YORK: W. A. TOWNSEND & ADAMIS, PUBLISHERS. 1 8 a 8. Entered, According to Act of Congress, in the year 1567, by W. A. TOWNSENI) & ADANIS, In the Clerk's Office of the District Curt of the United States for the Southern District of New Yoik. Stereotyped by SMITH & M c)oUGAL, S2 & 84 Beekman St. so hfnf . J-Li/ES AA'7, 1iarenport, Iorva; and .aff. S. CA, Jry., Chdceio, ZIllnois: Yhis N'ork is dedicated, in token of the es/teen in jshieh they are held by the author, vlho e,-Voys their friendship, and has been bene/ited by their advice and counsel. This page in the original text is blank. INTRODUCTION. I PRESENT this, the pioneer work of its class, to the public, with both trepidation and confidence. Aware of the many faults in construction, style, and the manner in which the ideas are conveyed, I claim the leniency of my readers, and can only advance the plea, that as no writer, more scientific, polished, and practiced, had attempted the task, the errors of a novice in literature would be overlooked and excused, that would meet with severe criticism in a Veteran Author. This book has been written in the hours intervening between the morning's drive and the evening's walk; and when the rigors of winter put an end to active training, the labor of composition, and care of the horses, about equally divided the time. The practice recommended to be followed in these pages, in order that a horse may acquire condition INT ROD UCT IO . and learn to trot fast, I offer with confidence. The treatment advised is no pet theory, but the result of years of practice, when the effects of any change in the work was anxiously watched for and carefully noticed. The system, as here exemplified, I have found the best that has come under my observation, and I do not hesitate to rest my name as a horse- mcat on the award of those who will give it a faith- ful trial. The chapters on sweating, food, and drink are not offered as being scientifically correct in a veterinary view. The want of a medical education would have prevented me from writing such a treatise, if I had been ambitious to do so; but the results deduced I know to be correct from the practical tests of every season's experience in training horses. Should this effort meet with the favor and support of the public, I will be encouraged to follow the plan I have sketched, and continue the history of the trial stable in the journey from New York westwardly, through the main places to the Mississippi, and down that stream to New Orleans, describing the manage- ment when on the steamboat or railway car, with the care necessary to keep the horses in condition while traveling and frequently trotting in races, accompanied 2 INTRO D U C TI ON. with descriptions of scenery, courses, &c., and inci- dents illustrating turf sports. The reasons why I have broached subjects other than breeding and training are the same that would induce a person not to work a favorite colt entirely on the track. Allowing him at intervals to jog through shady lanes, where the hawthorn would shower its white blossoms on his glossy coat, and by the sea-shore or the river-bank, where the ripple of the wavelets would moisten the hoofs parched on the dry, hard gravel, he would return with new life, and knock off a few seconds from the time it had formerly taken him to accomplish a mile. And so the writer felt refreshed after wandering, and returned to the dry details of training, in better spirits and with a keener zest, to im- part what knowledge he possessed to those who join with him in enthusiastic admiration for " a fine horse and a fast trotter." JOS. CAIRN SIMPSON. BIRD FARM, October, 1867. ,3 This page in the original text is blank. SUMMARY OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. rVAG INTBODUCTORY.-Arrival of the "trial stable" ................................ 13 CHAPTER II. Description of Never Mind.-Merits and defects in his form.-Cutting his quar- ters.-Naming horses.-History and description of Jane.-Proper manner of driving.-Guarding against striking the knee.-Contrivance to prevent a horse from striking, &c . ......................................................... 19 CHAPTER III. Poor feeders, probably caused by want of food when young, the stomach never recovering from the injlry.-Camnp life.-Smoking.-Old method of travel. ing with race horses.-Preceptor examines the Falcon.-Ifis description of him.-Finds him nearly his ideal of a model roadster.-Pupil recount3 his history up to that time.-Bad driving.-Debt to the Falcon acknowledged.- A home on the Mississippi...................................... ........... 27 CHAPTER IV. Patience required to teach a horse to trot.-Different breeds of trotters.-The pleasure there is in rearing fine colts.-llistory and description of Clipper.- Admixture of French blood promotes higher action.-Dangers of a bolter.- Best plan to drive one.-Contrivance that might be of benefit to stop a horse from " flying the track."---MaLnner of handling a horse in a break.-The ap- pearalce of the horses shows that they have been well wintered, being in pro- per order to commence work.-Preceptor's remarks on wintering trotters.- Proper way to feed, and what the food should consist of. - Location of stable.- Pietture of a fine natural situation for a breeding farm.-The kind of stock to breed from.-Examples of pedigrees.-Treatineut of the colts, weaning, win- ter quarters, food, &c ...................................................... 49 CIhtPTER V. lBree ing farm continued.-Desc ription of the house, and grounds surrounding it.-Ornamnental planting.-Out buildings.-Yards.-Further treatment of the colts the first winter.-Brood mares, their quarters, food, and treatnent dur- ing p;'egnaancy.-The stallion used on the breeding farm.-A western prairie.- Advantages possessed by Iowa for breeding fine horses ...................... 65 CONTENTS. CHAPTER VI. PAGU History of the colts in the trial stable.-May-da3-Hlirondelle.-Disadvantages of a half-mile track for training-Width of track.-Importance of a horse learning to recover from a break without swerving-Best soil for a track.- Mavourneen.-Oriole.-" Four white feet and a white nose."-Lexington and Sallie Waters.-Lexington at the St. Louis Fair.-Clamor about horses break- ing.-Advantages gained in teaching a horse to go without breaking.-King.- Pedigree and description.-Wildness when a colt.-Failure of knee straps .... Zt CHAPTER VII. Remarks abont May weather.-The beauty of the American climate contrasted with that of England.-The walk to the blacksmith's shop.-A trainer's prac- tice of giving his horses hard work.-Walking.-The reasons why horses are walked in traihing.-Thc benefits and damages from carrying it too far.- Amount of clothing required when walking.-Remarks of the Preceptor on shoeing.-The plan he formerly followed.-The system adopted, and the reasons for the change.-The swedged shoe, and a " low hold " for the nails.-Proper form for the hind shoe to guard against cutting the quarters.-Preparing the foot to receive the shoe.-Thje wall of the foot only, allowed to be cut.-Black- smiths not to be permitted to do a "finished job" by rasping the outside of the foot. - The weight of Never Mind's shoe, and the precautions taken against "grabbing."-Snatching a horse when in a break the frequent cause of cutting the quarters and striking the knee.-The evils of a short mar- tihgale.-The reasons for wearing a light hind shoe.-Difference between shoes and plates, and the effects of weight in the shoe on the action of the horse.- Making the sides of the shoe of unequal weight.-The reasons for so doing.- Treatment recommended for injury to the knee from having been struck.- Loss of a fine colt from the shoeing inducing the lock-jaw ..... .............. 89 C'1APTER VII. Hot ley to a punctured foot a preventive of lock-jaw.-Importance of stable management to forward condition.-Division and arrangement of the horses.- Groonuing.- Can be carried too far.-Value of a good groom.--Sweating facilitates the removal of the dandruff.-Arrangement of the stalls.-Fur- nit aire and necessary articles, and how to take care of them.-Rlules to be ob- served by the stablemen.-Qualifieation and encouragement of the boys.- Instance of cruelty in a groom-Hair mittens -how to rub a horse.- Material for rubbers-The wisp.-Skewers, and their uses.-B. Adages.- Thoroughbreds for trotters.-The use of bandages.-Wiet and dry bandages.- When the legs are swollen, how they should be applied-Reasons for enmploying wet bandages -How t, apply a bandage.-Uses of, when a horse is at exerese. -Benefits of pressure to reduce swelling.-Clotbing.-The quantity to be used.-The kind needed for sweating.-Care of the clothing -Decoration.- Order and sobriety e seutial in all those who are employed in the stable.- Necessity for condition in race horses imperative.-The effects of sweating must be studied.-" Washy " and " baked " hories.-Thme setting muzzle..... lfli ni CO NiT E NTS. Vii CHAPTER IX. PAGb Indigestion. -Eclipse and Henry.-The epicure.-Speckled trout.-The mode of cooking them in the woods.-A straight bit in a horse's mouth compels him to masticale his food better.-Kepler's story.-Breeding farm resumed. -Field for the yearlings.-Short herbage the best.-Feeding during the sum- mer.-Salting.-Haltering.-Examiination of the feet.-The horn to be kept in a proper shape.-Corn as food for colts.-A variety of grain recommended. -1ligh feeding, prejudices against it.-Instances of lotgevity in thorough- breds that have been well nurtured.-Anierican Eclipse.-His great age.- Training two-year-olds.-Capacity of the well-bred one to stand work.-The fastest Cesarawitch.-The winner. -Mr. Sykes, a half-bred.-Letter from an American breeder in England.-Ilis astonishment at the size of the colts- Age of imported lhorses.-Instance of great speed in a trotter for a quarter of a mile.-His inability to " stay."-Reasons for the withdrawal of horses from the turf when young.-Betsey.-Mtalo-ne.-Charmiier.-Training stable on the breeding farm. -The location, and ground plan, showing the arrangement of the stalls, walk, and alley.-Description of the arrangements, and method of taking care of the provender and grain.-Capacity in cubic feet of the upper story.-Foreman's room.-Books, pictures.-Material for building. -Cost.- Guards against dampness, &c . ............................................. 119 CHAPTER X. The evening walk.-The benefit Clipper's legs would have derived from blister- ing-Iodine recommended to be given himu.-Bandaging and wet sponges - Remedies for swollen legs.-Remarks on walking.-Necessity four discrimina- tion.-Time required to get a horse in condition.-The three stages of pre. paration.-The amount the horses eat in the first stage to be increased as they progress.-Routine of feeding, work, and duties during the first stage, with the time they are to be fed, watered, and exercised.-Where to commence the walk.-Its effects on the mnscles.-Working with colts.-The fight at the quar- ter race-Shakespeare's description of the horse of Adonis.-"-pred gives bottom."-Symmetry of form a quality of the blood horse.-Colt stakes.- Danger of working them on a bard track -Colts playing in a pasture-field taking more exercise than would be required to prepare them for a 3 i-i 5 race. -Colt races more interesting than those of hackneyed performters.-Starring. -lippodroming.-Mercury ...................................... ......... i3b CHAPTER XI. The importance of good weather for horses to acquire condltiol.-Their work sltoul(i be given if the weather is unfavorable.-Iorses cannot be conditioned without work.-Directions for working in the mud-Effects of moisture on the feet.-Injumry done with the knife and rasp.-Govcrmnertal aid solicited to further the improvements of horses.-Argument in favor of a donation by Contgress.-The necessity for better horses for military purposes.-General Grant at the Illitois State Fair.-Naming a colt.-Quotation front the "EnglisA at ffome."-Femahl luveliness, and race horses.-Tre horse and civilization.- Stable tricks.-( rib-biting.-Weavin-_.-Pa;wing.- Dislike to go through a doorway--Kicking the sides of the stall.-A stall that curebd :, kick .......... 143 Viii CO NTENTS. CHAPTER XII. PAGE Building a track on the breeding farm.-The form, a parallelogram connected with selai-circles.-Season for plowing it deep.-Form of a track scraper, and manner of using it.-Track harrow.-Brush for sweeping the track-How to make it-Prairie soil an admirable material.-Fencing.-Close board.-Wire, with growing cottonwood for hupjborts.-Breaking the colts the fail after they are a year old-Details of the method employed.-Lessons to be given before they are pelt in the shafts.-A practical exemplification.-The cruelty of the old plan of bitting.-Forming a mouth-Allonging.-Breaking the cheek.-Tie Kemlble Jackson check.-Commands to be distinctly given and rigidly enforced.-Style and fast trotting compatible.-Horses to be closely watched to apportion the feed rightly.-Teeth. to be looked after ..... ........ 161 CHAPTER XHI. Bits.-Snaffle.--Bar.-Chain.-TLeather.--Curb.-The snaffle, the best adapted for all horses of any one pattern-Necessity for frequent changes to find out Which suits the best.-The Injury done to colts' mouths with the old appli- ances-Thie chain bit can be made very severe.-Pulling horses-Patents for controlling them.-The only cure is not to pull at them.-Chiffney's slack rein. -Not "taking hold of the bit_-The reason why they do not.--The bearing rein in the education of the trotter.-The Keisible Jackson check.-The advantages of the check and driving bit being distinct.-Illustration of the effects of the head check.-The weight differently distributed by elevating the head, as shown by experiments of French veterinarians-When the Kemble Jackson should be used, and when avoided.-Allonging with a small rope.- If proper care is observed, there is no danger to the feet and legs.-Instance where a curb bit was of benefit.-Trotting on Michigan Avenue.-Carrying the tongue out of the mouth, a large leather bit often cures the babit.-Sorenesd of the angles of the lips, wash for it.-Contrivance to keep the bit in the lower part of the motth.-Plluing on one rein.-Hlarry Hieover's advice.-Callosities. -Retrospect of the training-Time to recuperate.-Inertness of the muscles. -Food.-Fat forming necessary.-Walking exercise.-Roman bath.-Direc- tions for workin.g the colts, &c .........................1 .................. .T5 CHAPTER XIV. The return of the Preceptor from his country jaunt.-His description of Silver Lake and the residence of his friends.-The Falcon is harnessed, and driven by the Preceptor.-He is delighted with bim.-Instructions for working- Difference between the track and road.-Never Mind is harnessed.-A habit of backing.-HIow a mare was treated " that would not stand for a person to get into the wagon.'-Breaking King.-The mode adopted-The work the colts have had.-Green food, and bran mashes-The benefit of allowing a io: se to pick grass.-Van Leer's method.-May-day, her form and action- Tine LAt of her hocks and hind legs influencing her gait.-Cutting between the cooronet and lipper pastern joint.-flow to reum dy it-The way a horse soo.i- ea his feet in the) trot and gallop.-Speedy cst.-Dehlle.-es votsle6s. . . 1S9 CONTENTS. ix CHAPTER XV. PAGZ Preceptor relates his manner of life in the country-Description of Mr. P- and his daughters .......................................................... 207 CHAPTER XVI. Oriole and 31avourneen.-A sylvan picture.-A love for the beautiful not in- compatible with training horses-Necessity for a liberal education. Incipient lameness often shown by a change in the walk.-A divided nail in a horse's foot.-Less liability to accidents from the present system of shoeing-Never Mind's manner of walking-The probable cause.-The necessity for sweating bim.-Comimencement of his preparation for the sweat.-Physic.-Rieasons for not uising it.-Ilow it acts.-Lassitude following it.-Hlow to get ridl of super- fluous matter without purges.-The more a horse eats the more work he will require.-The study of llippopathology._P.Reniedy for looseness of the bowels. Colts scouring.-A homoeopathic prescription.-Cruelty of quacks ............ 21T CHAPTER XVII. Harnessing.-lhow to harness a trotter.-The bad effect of the martingale being too short.-The method of different drivers to recover a horse from a break.- The Preceptor's plan.-iIorses pulling when scoring.-The advantage of "get- ting away from the score" well.-Remarks about driving Jane.-Governing the teniper.-A moment of passion may render nugatory the teaching of weeks.- Messenger blood in Maine.-Driving on the ice.I-low to shoe for ice driving. -Care of horses when driven in the winter. -Trotting on the Chicago river.- An exciting race.-" A runaway" ............................................ 229 CHAPTER XVIII. The after-dinner smnoke.-Further remarks on the martingale.-Ilarry Ifleover's and Carl Benson's views.-Rtnning and standing martingales.-Importance of the first lessons-Pulling horses, and those that are easily driven.-Fasgion.- Miss Foote.-Launicelot.- Blinders.-TThe proper adjustment of bridles.- Cleaning and preparation of feed.-Mixing hominy and oats.-lIorse conimis- sary department.-Oats, hominy, corn, and bran.-Oat-'ieal and sago.-The amount of bran on oats, barley, and wheat.-The effects of corn on " washy horses ................................................... ............... 24 CHAPTER XIX. Regularity in exercising.-The work of Never Mind on the day preceding the sweat-Conversation on sweating.-The objects of sweating.-Relief to the respiratory organs.-Benefit to the muscles.-lIorses not liable to "bake" when this plan of sweating is followed.-The action of the heart and lungs during fast work.-Greater increase of respiration than arterial action.-Dif- ference between a fat horse becoming tired, and one in condition.-i'owers of ree uperation.-The diaphragm.-Fat within the chest.-Hlow fat impedes the action of the beart.-Change in the blood.-Its passage to the extremities- 3etting rid of the watery particles.-Oily matter in the perspiration.-.ub- traction of the fatty globules probably makes the blood easier to propel. Rhythm of the pulse and step-Lungs, heart, muscles, and digestive organa, CO NTE XTS. PAOa all benefited by juadicious sweat ing.- Expa:sion of the chest. - Intercostal mnscles.-Modificationg of sweating- Injury to the lungs permanent.- Fat, where deposited.-Change in the muscles from work.-Roman bath.-lncrease in the size of the muscles as the fat is wasted-The local effects of sweat- ingr-Illnstrations.-Benefit of a well shaped neck.-Strain of the loin.-In- terval between the sweats.-" Drawing" a horse.-Long and short races.- Seasoning.-Efects of scoring.-Inducing perspiration between heats.-How to induce perspiration.-3lanner of clotbing.-A race where the favorite was beaten, probably owing to suppressed perspiration ...... ..................... 256 CHAPTER XX. An adventure in St. Louis.-Intricacies of sweatinig.-Decarbonization of the blood through the pores of the skin.-Pnrifying the skin.-Constant grooming produces soreness.- Dandrnff.-The effects of sweating on the skin.-The veins of the thoroughbred prominent and large.-Insensible perspiration.- Bblck 'Maria.-Mr. Stevens' training stahle.-Advantages of scales to weigh horses aftcr the sweats-laney's Maria.-Improvennent in tracks, horses, and training-Difference between sweating colts anid old ]orses.-Not so necessary to rediue colts.-Mlasb previous to sweati!og.-lHow to make it.-Remarks on drivin, and shoei:ng May-day.-Directions for feeding Never Mind the night be fore the sweat .................. ....... I ............................... 280 CHAPTER XXI. The morning of the sweat.-Temperature.-Thc management when postponed - Mulzzling. - Bedding.-Other material than straw.-Advasitages of sand.- " Wallowing bed."-Never Mind's walk. - Thne preparation. - Itow lie was elothbed-Gnards against injuring bimself.-low to prepare the drink.-The work he received.-Management in the stable.-Inducing a free flow of pesrspiranion.-How to prolong it, and when to stop.-Scraping and rntbbing.- Adjustment of the clonhes.-P.estriction in his drink, and the reasons for it.- The walk after the sweat.-Illis appearance, final care, and how to feed.- Reasons for puitting addittonnal clothing on. when first brought unito the statle. -The manner of sweating wrill vary as tie prn-par.ation proceeds.-Dr ivingJane. -Bireediung trotters.-The teachings of the past.-Messenger.-George Wilkes, ) xt er. ant General Bnntler.-The Pilot fannnilv.-Andrew .Jackson.-,Jtpiter.- I:vsdvks Ilatnnbletonian.-Talnilar pedigree.-Ilis in-breeding.-liambletonian,'s Andrw Jackson and One Eve.-Crosses of Messenger in the Falcon.-The Ilainbleltoniatn, and Anmerican Star cross.-Cassius M. (,lay.-Geo. 1. Platchen. -Win. T. Porters de-scription of Abdallah.-Mr. Morris' certificate of the bl,)od of Mambrino.-Ariel, her exploits.-Tabinlar pu digree showing- her in- breedinrg to Messenger . ......................................... 294 CHAPTER XXI. Danger of smoking in the stable.-Care of Never Mlind.-Loose boxes and stalls. -h1orses should not be distnnrbed.-Injury to the elbow while lying doimn- Remedfies.-(,narles Lannnb.-Quotation from the Turf Rcfis14er about Mes- senrer-Partial nistory of him.-lDissemination of blood in the N'orth-east.- Trotters of the olden time -Paul Pry.-Further consideration of tine Mles- senger blood. -Goldsmith mare.-Alajor Winfieln.-Sqnnire BiRiglla.1e.-Str Archy.-Planet.-Bonnie Sentland.-Horse Heraldry ...........1. ......2..... :l x eCO NTE NT S. xi CHAPTER XXII. PAGE Pedigree copied from an advertisement.-The importance of the weather in training operations.-A "green horse."-Pleasure and disappointment.-Train. er wrongfully blamned-Jealousy.-The work the day after the sweat.-Signs showing that the sweating was not overdone.-Directions for driving the Fal- con and Jane.-Precepts to he enforced in breaking horses.-Mental power.- Clipper.-Firing.-Percival's remarks on firing.-May's performance in new shoes.-Changilig the ground surfiace of horse's feet.-Directions how to pro- ceed with the horses for the ensuing three weeks' work. - Sweating, feed, bandages, rattles, &c ...................................................... 329 CHAPTER XXIV. Day-drcams.-Scotch character.-An old nurse.-The food of horses in training. IIay.-Corn blades.-Straw.-The best hay.-HLow to determine it.-The tiihe to cut.-Mowburnt hay.-Corn blades, their advantages, and how to feed them.-Effict of diet on the respiratory organs.-Lord H. Seymour's stable in France.-The uses of straw as food, when training.-Prairie hay.-Prairie on fire.-Immunity from heaves in horses that are fed on prairie hay.-Objections to it.-Thick and thin seeding.-Table of relative value of different kinds of food.-Stemming corn-blades.-Pulling hay.-Time for feeding hay.- "Crav- ing " and delicate horses.-Oats.-Proportion of carbon and nitrogen in oats.- Light and heavy oats.-The qualities they should have, and how to test them. -Corn.-Bran.-Lindseed-meaL-Oat-meal.-Sago.-Sago when horses are "haked."--Nunher of feeds in a day.-Time of giving them.-Green food.- The benefits of it to horses in train.-Cutting grass, and grazing.-New way to give horses excercise. -Watering horses after driving.-Directions for driving Never Miiid....................... ...................................... 344 CIJAPTER XXV. Letter from Chicago.-Pupil recounts the work lie has given the horses in the absence of the Preceptor.-Driving when the rattles are worn.-KIee action increased by driving on sandy roads.-Effects of snow on colts.-Alloinginig.- Sherry wine between heats.-Wlhen it slhoh'ld be given.-Water.-Rlhiii, river, and spring water.-Danger of change of water.-aring.-Temperature.- Acidulating-Liglht feeders to be enlourag-d to drink.-The amount to be givert-Frequellcy of watering.-Griiel.-Sponging mouth and nostrikl-The difference in sweating the Falcon, and Never Mind.-Sweating Jane.-Iiistruc- tions for driving.-The work for the next two weeks.-Minute directions for the management for that periol-Capacity of swallowing .................... 36:3 CIHAPTER XXVI. Cutting the quarters.-Ilow to dress the wound.-Horses should not go out too early in the morning.-Preceptor examines the Falcon.-Remarks on his e.ndi- tion.-llov to judge of a horse being in order-The appearance of horses '!-i iln condition.-Piipil gives a history ,f the work the horses have hid for the past three weeks.-Preceptor's couninents.-Errors il Pupil s management of Never 3iind.--The benefit of trottingg hor.4,s in races to furthuer their condi- xii CONTENTS. tion.-The Preceptor's ideas of the best form for a model roadster.-" Points," and why a particular form gives superiority.-Nerve force.-IIow to detect it.- Action.-The natural action a horse should have to make a trotter.-Long and short horses.-Driving colts.-Flow they ought to be worked, sweated, &c ... 378 CHAPTER XXVII. Walking in the dew.-Hoof oiutments.-Cracked heels.-How to dress them.- Glycerine, and its nses.-Drtving the Falcon, with instructions from the Pre- ceptor.-Carc after the drive, and how he is to be treated in the future.-The race, the best school to teach horses to trot.-How to manage a " dark horse."-Thle work of Never Mind.-low to drive him to keep him off his quarters, and manage him in a break.-Galloping a horse with a trotter.- Driving Jane.- Her speed and length of stride.-Short and long striding horses.-The stride of horses, with diagrams showing the position of the feet in the trot and gallop.-Length of stride explained-Advantages of measuring strides so as to know the reasons for a falling off in speed.-May's trial.- Necessity for f:urther care that she does not strike her pastern.-Skill more effhctual ill managing a horse than physical strength.-Running away.-The order horses should be in whe n commencing a campaign ..................... 400 CHAPTER XXVIII. Tri: .-- ther and track favorable for making fast time.-The way the horses r Iprepelled for the trial.-rhe Preceptor reconimands changes.-Time re- qriled for digestion--Clipper's l-gs.-Symptonms of "breaking down."-Ef- fi cts of weight.-Qualifications of a driver.-Trial of the Falcon.-Directions fur driving-I)iffoence in the appearance of the sweat.-Instructions for driv- i i,, Never Iuild.-lis first inile.-S!!raping him on the track, and the reasons for doing so.-How to drive him in the repent-The time made.-lfis dis- tres.-sHow to recover hiin-'rhe after car .-Preceptor's instructions how to feed, work, &c., till the tnornii-g of the race ....... ......................... 416 CHAPTER XXIX. Never 'Mind, trots in a race.-Minute instructions for driving.-Management be- fore the race.-The treatment between the heats, and the care after it is finished.-The manner of feeding, making a mash proper for a horse to eat after a hard race.-Boots, &c ............................................... 430 APPENDIX. Dexter.-His Measurement and Description .................................. 446 HORSE PORTRAITURE. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY-ARRIVAL OF THE " TRIAL STABLE." PUpIL.-Good morning, my esteemed Tutor. You per- ceive I have taken you at your word, and have come with my whole family, bideps and quadrupeds, to avail myself of your kind teachings. Nature smiles on the commence- ment; I never remember a morning when everything looked more gay and cheerful. A choir of birds in every tree, making melody such as you cannot hear where gas pollutes the air, and the caller air exhilarating like cham- pagne, the very poetry of breathing. Look at that black thoroughbred, the one with no ear pieces to his hood. He is telling you, as plainly as though he was gifted with speech, that he enjoys it, and wants you to know it. He is a physiognomist, and the first glance at you told him that you knew the next most difficult thing to a woman, a horse, as old Sam Weller says. Look at the beaming of the hazel eye, the expression of the long, slim ears-it would be a sin to cover them with ear pieces-the exten- ded muzzle and expanded nostril inhaling the aerial treat, while his eye enjoys the beauty of the scenery. But I do not want to tire you at the outset; so come to the stable, where I will introduce to you the pupils of your pupil, 4HORSE PORTRAITURE. telling you what is not apparent, history, pedigree, con- stitution, tricks, &c. PREcEPToR.-WYhen I made you the promise of teaching you my craft of managing and training trotters, I hardly expected you would give me so good an opportunity, for I should judge, from the looks of your string, that you had nearly a specimen brick of all kinds, and I will wager a dozen of wine that I can give a good guess at their different natural qualities. What they have acquired from bad teethings would be harder to tell. Let us move to the stable, where we will become more particularly acquainted. Looking at a horse in his clothes is a good deal like telling what a book will be from knowing the author-you have a notion of his ideas; and you can see