xt70gb1xd84d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70gb1xd84d/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19190326 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1919-03-mar26-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1919-03-mar26-ec. 1919 2011 true xt70gb1xd84d section xt70gb1xd84d MiAnutes of the Ileeting of the Executive Co.mrimittee of the Board of irustees of the University of Kentuclcy for its regular monthly meeting, i.arch 26, 1919. The Executive Comittee of the Board of Trusttes of the Uhiversitv of Kentuczi.z met in regular iaont-nly session in the office of the President of the University .t 11:00 o'clock, a. m., M2rch 26, 1919. The follo.-ing-i-zm embers %were present: R. C. Stoll, P. Johnston, Jr., and J. M. Elliston. President Frank L.. hcVey and Wellington :Patrick-, Secretary of the Board, vere also :.?resei-t. he mninutes of the previous -meetinlg v;ere read, and after certain imiinor Cer-* rections vwe.e m^lade, tne followorinS resolution w-ith res-.ect thereto was adoi-)tod:, i7hereas a :,iecting o- the hxcacutivc Coia- raittee was held ou 1ebruary 19, 1919, e.t v.xhich thcre was nit a ouoruai of the rmernbers )resent, (.the )rescilce o' Denltor Pro- man vfho was asked to attend as a i.1cmober of the Board mahings the necessary niunber to transact t:he business of the Co;m-.uiyittre), and, at h-.riich cer-tailn Univeirsity -:azttez-s \jere l.ese21ed anc . passed u-on, now therefore be it resolved that the actions taken at the mceting of the Conmittee at that time are hereby a-proved' ratified, and adopted as the .action of the Erecu- tive Comnittee. (1) A counniication was read from 'mr. .LcCorkle, Cosmnis- sioner of Public V.Works of the City of Lexington, asking tirht the University of Xentucky cooperate with the City of Le:;i-n,- ton in paying for certain paving on South Limestone street on the west side of the University campus. On motion, ma,;de, seconded, and .unanimously adopted, the President of the Univer- sity rwas authorized to inform i*. 2.cCorkle that in the opinion of the Attorney General an institution cannot exienc! money specifica11y asv.propriatcdfor .wving-. 1nProTCotts. (2) A commiunication was read from i-r. Dunlap, COIqis- sioner of Public Property of the City of Lexington, offering to give to the University the tract of land in front of the University Imorn as Scovel Parl, the land to be held in per- petuity by the Institution, the City retaining the right to continue to use the park as a city dump, and also reserving the right to place bn it a children's playground. A r so- lution was offered, seconded, and unanimously ado:,ted, in- structing the President of the University to thank the City 2. of Lexington for its generous offer and to empress hus appreciation for the cozsideration shDovn by the city officials for the University and to tdicata the purpose of the University to accept the gift. On motion, the matter was referred to the Board of Trustees for further action. (3) President 'IecVey presented to the Committee the suggestion that a school 6f phanmcy be established at the University, stating that such a school would cost the Institution about $0,000 annually, and that there would be an income of about i3,000 annually, leaving a net outlay to the Institution of about p3,00O annually. After dis- cussion, a motion w-as passed asking the President to pre- sent the details of the matter to the Board of Qrustees at its next meeting. (4) A motion was made, seconded" an1d unanimously adopted, authorizing the President to establish a fund for the publication of monographs prepared by members of the faculty and others connected with the Institution, (5) The re-port of the Business Agent was then pre- sented, read, and ordered incorporated in the minutes. The report appears as addenda to these minutes. (6) President :.cVey preseuted for the consideration of the Committee, vouchers against the c~ar Department aggregating approximatcly .j$68,000 for expenses incurred in the operation of the Students' Army Training Corps. It rwas moved, seconded,. mad unanimously adopted that the 2resident and Business Agent be authorized to sign the vouchers, eand that the President should present an addi- tional claim for student fees not covered in the vouchers. (7) The President reported to the Committee that re- cent communications from the ,-Jar Departmont required that the governing body of the Institution should designate some person who should be responsible for the signing and receipting for Government property issued to the Institu- tion. On motion made, duly seconded and unawqimously adopted, Senator D. H. Peak, the Business Agent of the University, was so designated. (8) At a previous meeting of the Committee a committee on memorials to those who had lost their lives in the Great War and in the Spanish American Wlar wcas appointed. The committee made a report indicating that up to the 3. present time only inquiries had been made. A communi- cation :Zrom the Registrar was read in whdich the statement was made that the records of tho Univorsity fail to sho;w that any University students had. lost their lives in the Spanish American .War. 2resident ;.IcVey then stated to the Committee that several proposals had bocn maue for a memo- rial to those who had lost their lives in the Great '.iar; that the senior class had presented a proposal to share in the memorial; and that it had also becn proposed that a memorial building be crected on the campus, the build- ing to be used for student purposes, ead the funds to be raised by subscription by mombors of the Alirm-i and friends of the Institution over the State. Hc stated further that in the discussion which hand taken place regarding the matter it had been snggested that a campaign for raising such funds be launched in the near future. The Com-mittee re- ceived the matter favorably and asked the President to present a detailed plan to the Board of trustees at its meeting on the first Tuesday in April. (9) President :-.cVcy presented a comnunication from the Al-oha Tau Omega fraternity asking that a site for a * fraternity house on the University campus be granted them. He indicated that it viould .3robably be advisable to lease such a site at a nominal annual payment and that the ex- pense of the building be undertaken by the fraternity. He further stated that such a plan was in keeping with custom elsewhere. After discussion" a resolution was adopted indicating that the Executive Conmittee approves of a plan to reift land' for a site for a fraternity house, the details of which are to be presented to the Board of Trustecs at its next meeting. (10) The report of the Committee recently appointed to draft rules for nominating Alumni members of the Board of Trustees was read, ordered incorporated in the minutes, and referred to the Board of Trustees Iat its next meeting for final action. The rules dravn up by that committee eere as follo-.s: Under the provisions of the act of the General Assem- bly of Kentucky knovma as House Bill Nd. 173. January 24, 1918, three mermbers of the Board of Trustees shall be ap- pointed by the Governor from the Alumni of the University, the term of office being for six (6) years. One of these is to be appointed biennially and from three Alumni men.- bers nominated to the Governor by the Alumai of the Uni- versity. 4. The act further provides that the Board of Trustees of the University chall prescribe the method by whnich the Aluni of the University shall make thc nomination to the Governor of the three persons from whom the AUumni mem- bers of the Board of Trustees shall be appointed. Tho following are thc rules proscribed by the Board of Trustces: ( 1) Nominating ballots shall be mailed - to each person entitled to vote not later than July 1. Each person entitled to vote shall have the right to nominiate three persons for members of the Board of Trustees. (2) The ballots shall be mailed to the Secretary of the Board in an envelope Turnishod for suc.1 purpose. (3) No person shall receive a duplicate nomination or election ballot unless upon satis- factory representation to the Secretary of the Board that his ballot has either been lost or destroyed. ITo person shall be pcrmitted to vote otherdise.tlhan by ballot. (4) A11 nominating ballots shall be cast br nol oDf the day previous to the regular meetin of the Board of Trustees, but not in any case later than noon of September 15, and at noon on said date the said ballot shall be opened by the Socretary in the presence of tho Exccutive Com- mittee and of such other persons as desire to be present at the opcning of said ballots u md the ballots shall be opened in the room at the Uni- vcrsity set apart for the use of the Board of Trustees of the University. (5) The naxacs of six persons receiving the highest number of votes for nomination shall be placed upon the clection ballots, cmn no other persons shall be voted for* In case two or more persons shall rccive an equality of votes, the Secretary of the Board shall determine by lot the person who shall bc the nominee. (6) The election ballot shall be mailed to each person entitled to vote on or before Octo- ber 1. 5. (7) The names of the candidates shall be arranged on said ballots alphabetically, and opposite the name of each candidate shall be a square and the vote shall be cast by malding a cross in the square opposite the names of the persons to be voted for' and shaall be placed in the proper envelopes and mailed or delivered to the Secretary of the Board. (8) WJith the election ballot, the Secre- tary of the Board shall mail a short biography of each candidate; which biography shall contain, amorn other things, the date of the candidate's birth, the date of his graduation, the degree which he has received, his present and past occupations, anry public service which he has rendered and such other facts as might aid the voters to make a proper selection. (9) Other than the short biography above men- tioned, no other matter shall be mailed by the University to those entitled to a vote except the nominatoion and election ballots and the envelopes in -chich the ballots are to be returned to the Sec- retary of the Board. (10) Ro person shall be permitted to vote in the election exce]:,t by ballot. (11) Thc election ballots shall be cast by noon of the day preceding the December meeting of the Board of Trustees, and no ballot cast after noon of said date shall be counted. (12) The election ballots shall be publicly opened at the University in the room set apart for the Board of Trustees, by the Secretary of the Board in the presence of the executive Con, mittee of the University and such other persons as may desire to be present. (13) The three persons receiving the highest number of votes shall be nominated. (14) The Secretary of the Board shall certify to the Governor ok the Commonwealth of Kentuckyo, the names of those who have been so nominated in order that the Governor may select therefrom one name and issue a commission to such person. G. (15) All ballots shall be mailed to those entitled to vote to their address as appears from tne books of the University and with said ballots there shall be mrailed envelopes upon vwhich shall - be printed "Ballots for NTomination of Almlmi Dle;m- bers to the Board of Trustees", or "Ballot for Election of Alumni MBabers to the Board of Trus- tees" as the case may be, which said envelopes, shall be placed in another envelope, on the out- side of which shall appear the name of the person casting the ballot with the date of receiving his degree. (16) These rules and regulations shall be printed and a copy sent to each person entitled to a vote %when his ballots are mailed to him. (11) Piesident .1cVcy stated to the Committee that the dormitories which had been converted to other purposes, should have appropriate nanes. After discussion the matter was referred to the Committee on Graduate Study for sug- gestions to be prepared and returned to the Committee at some future meeting. (12) P:esident HcVey presented to the Committee a proposal of drunk Battaile for the establishment of a Uni- versity book store on the campus. In the discussion which followed, it was indicates that the Committee favored such a project, but final action was delayed pending the report of a faculty committee which the -resident had appointed for the consideration of the matter. (13) The President reported to the Committee that last year students had purchased uniforms and that the statement had been maie to them by the military officer, that ..hen the uniforms -were turned in the purchaser would be reimbursed. About thirty students, he said, held receipts, but the Government had failed to make provisions for the funds for reimbursement as promised by the military author- ities at the University. The President asked if the Co=m: mittee wished to make provisions for taking care of the matter. After discussion a motion was offered, seconded, and adopted indicating that it was the senseoof the Co- mittee that the University lwas not obligated, and express- ing regret that no provisions could be made to take care of the matter. 7. (14) The account of Marwick Mitc.,ell, Peat and. Com- j'any for .,700 for devising a sysdern of books for the in- stitution was p resented and ordered paid. (15) On motion made, seconded, and adopted, the I'resi- dent of tlhe University was authorized to arrange for an annual audit of the books of the University as of July 1, 193w, (16) On -ecomnendation of the Tresident of the Univer- sity, the title of professor I-Villiam S. ;',ebb was chanEed to ;professor of fhysics and head of the de-atment. (17) President McIey then presenlted the following list of arpointmonts, resignations,, and transfers, wchich on mo- tion waLs ajprovcd as recommended: prointments Appointment of Roscoe R. Rudder, emergency cpunty agent, 'hitley Co-unty, XentucjW, effective Karch. , 1919, for a period of four months, at a salary of $100 a month, payable from. emergency f-mds. Continuation of emrployment of 1rs. Frances Y. 1aine, emergency home demonstration agent, Livingston. County, ebntucky, for a period of twelve months, effective 11arch 1, 1919, at a salary of ;125 a -month payable from emergency funds. Reappointment of Mrs. Boxjie Cainpbell Perkins, emer- gency home demonstration agent, Whitley County, R.'ntucky, effective gaxch 1, 1919, for a :eriod of eight months, at a salary of $102.50 a month payable from emergency funds, $65 a month, aand $37.50 a month frorm 'iWhitley County. Continuationa o0 employment of Arch M. Allen, energency county agent, Union County, Kentuc7kyT, for a period of twelve months, at a salary of $160 a month, payable W5 a month from emergency fund and $75 a month from Union county. This is an increase in salary of $200 a year. A travel allowsance of $P25.00 a month is to be -.id from extension funds, Collego of Agriculture. Continuation of employment of 3. PW Ricketts; county agent, Owen County, Xentucky, at a salary of $'150.00 a month, effectiove January 1, 1919. No travel allowane. so Continuation of enploynent of J. W. Worthington, county agent, Campbell County, Xentucky, at a salary of $133 1/3 a month, effective January 1, 1919, payable frot Federal Smith-Lever funds a-nd Cxapbell -Couity. An al- lowance of .,25.00 a month is mawd for travel. Continuation and moCification of employment of Mrs. D. K. Rawlings, emergency home demohstration agent, at a salary of $100 a month, effective April 1, 1919, payable from emer- gency fund. This ae'escnts a -alliry increase of $25.00 a month. a Reappoint ent of L. XWarren, emer ency county agent, at a salary of hi185 a month, effective MLrch 16, 1919, pay- able from emergency fund. sin allo-,wance of $`25 a month for travel. Continuationi of employnent of Jamnes S. Davis, emergency county agent, at a salary of Ql,600 a year, effective April 16, 1919, payable ,:840 from emergency fund and $760 from Bell County. This represents an increase in salary of $,100 a year. Continuation and modification of employment of W. C. Wilson, county agent, at a salvary of $200 a month, effective M.arch 16, 1919, the salary to be paid from Federal Smith- lever funds, the Fiscal Court of Pulaski County, and the Banks of Pulaski County. Appointment of iss Lora Baker, clerk to the Editor of Agricultural publications, Stir. James Speed, at a salary of $6000 a month, effective February 1, 1919, payable from ex- tension funds. Reappointment of A. L. Brueckner, in the veterinary sec- tion of the animal industry groups effective 21Jarch 17, 1919. He was given indefinite leave of absence on account of mili- tary service beginning Mgiay 15, 1918. In accourance with the terms of the leave of absence granted, he is entitled to re- turn. Temporary appointment of Dr. C. B. Olney in the Depart- ment of Veterinary Science, for a Period of four months, to take up the work left vacant by tile resignation of Dr1 R. L1 Xiontius` beginning February 26, at a salary of $125 a month. Appointment of ir. P. E. Thomas, Assistant in Geology at $40 a month. 9' Appointment of K. M. Cregor, Assistant in bacterology at a salary of 41,200 effective April 1, 1919. Resignations Resignation of Dr. R. I. Pontius of the Dleprtment of Veterinary Science, effective February 25, 1919. Resignation of Professor W. L. Jillson of the Depart- ment of Geology" effective March 15, 1919. Transfers Transfer of RMiss Anna Wallis, bookkeeper in the Busi- ness Office, to the Experiment Station, effective Mcb:.3 1919. Increases in Salaries Increase in. Salary of aUss Mary Daviess, stenographer for the Hor'ticultural De;partment, from $60 to $70 a month, effectiveyhirh1, 1919, and to $75 a month offcctivc July 1, 1919. There being no further business to come before the Com- mittee, the Committee adjourned. Respoctfully submitted, Wellington Patrick Secretary of the Committee. 10. Addenda Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements. . August 31. 1918. Previously Current Fiscal Year ........ ... ..._--- Reported : Month To Date Cash in Bank and on Hand July 31, 1918 ........... ($ 17608.46) : ($ 11019.76) : (O 28628.22) Receints Genenal Fund Incoime... 74511.36 Experiment Station 1ncom...... 12674.C9 Extension DivisioL Income............... accounts Reeeivable 1037.11 Old Material etc. sold )2....50 Tnust Fund Income ......._ ___-1.7 Total Receints .... $ 882_b6. ;7Z Total...X.. 70668.27 : w' 38015.16 : : 16648.23 : : 44959.17 : : 5375.82 : 140.00 : : _t41,67 : $105180.05 : : 9416o.eg : $ 112526s522 29322.32 44959.17 6412.93 152.50 683.34 . 4266* 0164828.56 B xnend.i tu7 es Aecountu Payable ...... . $ 665383.03 Notes Payabl.e .......... 150o. O0 Total xpenditures $ 016080C5 Cash in Bank and on Hand August 31, 1918 ..........] 019.76) Total. .X 568.27 Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements. Septemiibe.- 30. 1918. Cash in Bank and on Hand August 31, 1918........ (O 28626.22) Receints Gen.eral Fund T12come .. 0112526a52 Expe-ivemt Station Ino0m3 .............. 29322 32 Exteiision Division Incomne. Accounts Raceivable... 64 2.S Old Material. etc. Sold . 0 Trust Fund Income .......,, Tota1 Receipts ..... .... 34j) C i__ Total ......... .. 664328.56 EPaenditures Accounts Payable... .. . 01316~YOeal Notes Payabie. ......... _I Total Expenditures.v"1454O, 1. "UMk in 3ank and on Hand Deptember 31, 1918. .18.8.. Totaal......... E164828.56 $ 13640.,74 : : 14748.43 : 3230.44 : I 901.68 8 : ~~~.. It 5 : I 1 : __.1% : 61Z71,82 : : 82 -2$276 : : L~ 5 .94) : : 61771.G2 % 64952,38 : $ 64952.38 : 292791- -: $ 94160.29' : 13J.640.41 *14664.041 4164828.56 4 29207.91 : 4 5'"9.69 .' 7 81 Le)-.,8 . l.36 -266u0,5 _ w(. II. Statement of Cash ReceiPts and Disbursements. October 31) 1918. _______________________________________________________________________________ Previously Current Fiscal Year Roported Month To Date Cash ir. Bank and on Hand September 30, 1918 ...... Receipts General Fund Income-...- Expurinent Station Inc one. ....... Extension Division Income............... Accounts Receivable.... Old Material etc. Sold. Trust Fund Income...... Students Uniform Accts. Notes Payable.......... Total Receipts.... Total ......... Exgendittures Accounts Payable. Notos Payable.......... Total Expenditures. Cash in Bank and on Hand October 31, 1918........ Total ......... $ 579.69 126167.26 44070.75 48189.61 :73.4.S1 153.25 125.01 0226020.69 ;226600.38 213968.17 15000.00 228968.17 (2367.79) ;226600,38 Statoment of Cash Receipts amd November 30, 1918. ($ 20555.94) 10456.80 20939-55 3338.03 1118.92 41.66 342.65 80000.00 ~16237.61 0 95681.67 128686.87 128686,87 ( -I ,5.20) f. 956681.67 Disbursements ________________.________________________________________________________--__ Cash in Bank and on Hand 0c0ober. 31, 1918 ......... U (V 19976.25) (O 33005.20) U) 52981.45) Fecei-pts General Fund Income.... Experiment Station Incomei.............. Extension Division Income .............. Accounts R-cvivablc.... Old Material etc. Sold. Trust Fund Income...... Students Uniform Account. Notes Payable............ Total Receipts...... Total.......... Emendituros Accounts Payable......... Notes Payable............ Total xoxoonditures.. Cash in Bank and on Hand 1.ovember 30, 1,918. Total... 136624.06 65010.30 51527.64 8433.73 153.25 166.67 342.65 80000.00 =322282.05 342655.04 15000.00 357655.04 (.35372.99l =322282.05 97432.25 22713.17 3213.16 1430.09 41.66 124830. * 3 P 91825.13 126120.36 126120.36 (34295.23) V~ 91825.13 234056.31 87723.47 54740,80 9863.82 153.25 203.33 342,f5 80000.00 46708863 .s4A1107 .18 468775.40 l15000 .00 483775.40 (6_68L22) .414107.18 (O 19976.25) 136624.06 65010.30 51527.64 8433.73 153.25 166.67 342065 80000.00 at342258. 30- 4t322282.05 342655.04 15000.00 357655)04 (3537222.99 V"322282.05 2,. Statematt of Cask Receipts and Disbursements December 31, 1918. Previously: Current : Fiscal Year Reported i'onth To Date _______________________________-_______________________________._____________ Cash in Bank and on Hand November 30, 1918 ......... ($ 52981.45) (i; 34!295.23) : (? 87276,68) General Pund In.come . 234056.31 Experiment Station Incomne....... .........87723.47 Extension Division Income.... ...... 5 74 0.80 Accounts Receivable..... 9863.82 Old Y-aterial etc. Sold.. 153.25 Trust Fund Incore ....... 208.33 Students Uniform A~ccount. .... r . .2 Notes Lyd'cle; ........... 80000.00 Total Receipts ......4. b6708B.63 Total . ...q"414l07.18 69248.33 14147.23 - 3159.45 * 1425.58 41.66 : _ 88022~.25 : ;53727.02 : 3033)04.64 10O1870.70 57900.25 11289.40 153.25 249.99 _sLZ41',s65 80000.00 555110.88. V467834.20 Exjpenditures Accounts Payable .4... ..... A68775,,40 Notes Payable............ 15000,00 Total Expenditurus.. 483775.40 Cash in Bank and on Hard December 31, 1918,....... (69668;.-22) Total.. . . .. .... Q41410Y.18 Statement of Cash Eeceipts January 31, I 70740.15 70740.15 i 539515.55 15000.00 554515.55 517013210 ) 46834.5 2 s?53727O.02 : X6783 .;20 and Disbursements .918. Cash in Bank and on Hand December 31, 1918......... (87276.68) (17013.13) : (104289.81) Leceints CGenural Fund Income.. 303304.64 Experiment StationIncor-ie. 101870.70 Extension Division Income. 57900.25 Accounts Receivable... .... 11289.-I0 Old Mlaterial etc. Sold.. 153.,25 Trus t Fund Income .......... 249.99 Students Uniform AccouLt.. 342.65 Notes Payable .. .......... o oo.. 0 000 0 Total Recceipts ...... 555110.06 To ta"l ...... ..... V.. 6?834 20 Bmendi tures Accounts Payable. 5395].5,55 Notes Payable. ...... . 5000,00 Total Eixprlditures 55452.5.55 Cash in Bank and on Yand January 31, 1919 . . (86681-.15) Total .......... 67841.20 II 223190.73 5264095 ,17 31201,86 133072'56 3306.10 61206s.35 1287..61 12577.01 : 1.553.25 41.66 29I6 5 : 1-2( 65 10000.00 269027.96 Y,)25201.4.83 : 157144.82 : _0~ _00 : 40 ,1470 B2 L0'11448 2 * '252014.83 9000 r Q _0 .1S i "01 ;1 ;r. 0 3 C964 6 5 S') e 3 I' 761s,,U-37 LV EL -3 -) :v~ I4L 11 13 Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements February 28, 1919 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Previously Current Fiscal Year Reported Month To Date --------------------_------------------------------------------%----------------- Cash in Bank and on Hand January 31, 1919.($104289.81) $ 1 44870.01 :() 59419.80) Receipts General Fund Income..... Experim-nt Station Income ...... Extension Division Income......... ....... Accouants Receivable..... Old Material etc. Sold.. Trust Fumd Income ....... Students Uniform Accornt. Notes Payable............ Refund on Insurance..... Premium. Total Receipts... Total .-..... Exoendi tures Accounts Payable........ Notes Payable........... Total Expenditures.. Cash in Bank and on Hand 526495.37 133072.56 61206.35 12577.01 153.25 291.65 342.65 90000.00 824138.84 $719849.03 696660,37 65000.00 761660.37 February 28, 199 . (4181.34) Total.. $... 719849.03 34612.02 : 561107.39 I 16495.90 : 149568.49 37226.82 : 1989.44 .1.67 :lO,-Q3: - : 90375.91 _ : 135245.92: * 67595.22 - I 67595.22: 67650.70: : 135245.92: 98433.17 14566.45 153.25 333.32 342.65 90000.00 ~1"93 - 855094.95 764255.59 65000.00 829255.59 25839.36 .85509.95 14. Statement of Income and Exponditurcs Aonth of August 1918 -------------------------_--__--------- __------------------------------i--____ Income . Previously: Current :Fiscal Year Reported : Month : to Date Gcneral Fund Federal Appropriation ................. i,:$,i2,50.O .......... . : 42,750.00 Vocational Edunat-ional Board ....... . ...... 4,991.66 *4j9aJ.66 Goneral 'dunat~i.n Board............. 750600 ..... 750.00 State Tax .......................... Interest onjaTdowmontBonds. Studont Foes ... ................ Student Act. Athletic Association Student Act. KentuclW Kornel ....... Student Act. Y. M. an-d Y. W. C. A. Miscol3ancous Recopts Rontal.s ......................... Store Room Cash Sales .............. Lectures ...... *...... Alitary First Ca.MP ...............I..... Socond CLp .......* ............. Patterson Fall Board ......... ............... Room Deposits ........ ... *..... Key Deposits ...... Miscellaneous Recoipts . ............. : 4,322.25 197.00 . ...,.....: .....t4 : ....... : 211.81 : 135.00 : 14.15 : 24, 983.81 : 924.l51 12.5.00 .......... 5.33 18,808.01 : ..... ......... : 80.00: 14.04: 2.16: 1.08; .35: 60.00 . .......... ............ . .72 : 13,762.94: 164.20 - I ( 1 50)0 18,808.01 4,322.25 277.00 14.04 2.16 1.08 212.16 195.00 14.15 .72 24,983.81 13,762.94 1,088, 71 230.00 ( .50) 5.33 Total General Fund ........... 74408.86 : 37,999Q66 112,408.52 -= ~===_=W_=;;==__:........................................................ __ =____=_z====__ Erpor`nmclt Station Hat'el Fi eleoral App;,opriation ......... Lilkg, u ;,toe otetc. S s l .s........ S'WiLe saLLOs . . . lPoultry sales.. ................... Farm Produco sales.. . . . Horticulture saesq.. ....a......... Sodd Tes ... Houseont .r.et... ............... Iliscellaneous Recoipts .............. Fees Feeding Stuffs ............. Poes Fertilizer and Tag sales ..... Mdams Federal Appropriation, ......... Serum sales. ..................... Virus and Live Stocl2 sales .......... 3u: l~ii3.' Re303-4ts.i.. ........ Supply Sales ..................... State Appropriation ................. Dept. Ag. A-ppro. U. S. Coopertion Total Experiment Station ....... 809.17 2 ,206.31 13.(5 :13 ,00 25.18 3.00 71.00 2,798.50 5,419.00 2,555.65 35.30 11.15 36.00 L3,537,2l 2g5(O00 0Q 51 15: ........... ...... 71.00 :30.00 3,061.50 4,062.08 2,500.00 2,389.75 53.45 : 5.10 ; 19d50 1,399.70 17 ,592 .46 2,500.00 1,560.65 1. ll.31 246 .70 13.00 76 33 3.00 142.00 30 .00 5,860.00 9,481 .08 2.,500.00 4,945.40 88 .70 16 .25 55 .23 i .639 9 70 31 ,1 24 I 15. Income : Previously: Current : Fiscal Year Reported: Liouth : to Date. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Trust Fund Fleishman Scholarship ............... Total Trust iAad ................ Extension Division Federal Smith-Lever ................. State Smith-Lever .................... Total Extension Division. Gross Income ................... : $ 41.67 : : 41.67 : 41.67 41.67 : ........: 441,904.30 : 3,054.87 : : .... 44,959.17 : 67,987.74 : 100,592.96 * i? 83.34 : 63.34 : 4_.,904.30 : 3,054.87 : 44,959.17 : 188,580.70 Expenditures Instruction .................. 8,065.44