xt70gb1xdq07 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70gb1xdq07/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19391114 newspapers sn89058402 English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November 14, 1939 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 14, 1939 1939 2013 true xt70gb1xdq07 section xt70gb1xdq07 The World 11 Whirls On HE KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY By JIM WOOLDRKDGE ' Crackling over the wires last week tame the news that Hitler was VOLUME XXX massing several large motorized di- Visions of his army on the borders of ' Belgium and the Netherlands, that Jiis soldiers had kidnaped several prominent citizens In the frontier region, and minor attacks had al ready taken place. King Leopold of Belgium and Queen Wilhelmena of the Netherlands immediately called meeting to determine joint defense measures in case of invasion. They decided to order complete mobiliza- tion of their armed forces and to evacuate civilians from the danger ones. As a final preparation, the! two sovereigns reluctantly opened lhe famous dykes of the low coun- tries and flooded the terrain through Bhich the Nazi legions would have to march. Europeans wondered whether Hit- ler was planning a lightning nan movement along the route which the Germans followed in 1914. The old timers remember how the Prus- TV" OF KENTUCKY LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER Z246 Volpone HOME EC GROUP RNEL NEW SERIES NO. INSURANCE PLAN The Campus Mourns STATE MEETING ARE ANNOUNCED; ARE TAPPED TO BE HELD HERE CUP ISOFFERED WIESTDECLARES ...... t Convention Will Include lalKS, Orders Will Be Taken Until November 23 For Yearbook Faculty Of All Colleges May Subscribe Pi BY TAU BETA TO BE OFFERED TYllir Tpa XOUIS, Hi " j XwO-Da- V KERNEL SEMI-WEEKL- 14. 1939 PR's Weisenberger KYI AN SALESMEN TUESDAY ISSUE V! AT X -- I fq rzft X Gives Prize To Penna 5 ' : Honorary Engineers ; f ' For Protection CONVOCATION ?. $ Tau Beta Pi. honorary scholastic Dean Edward Wtest of the Colpersons were Names of thirty-on- e engineering fraternity, tapped nine lege of Commerce, chairman of the released yesterday as Kentuckian engineering students during a gengroup insurance administration com salesmen by Chick Young, sales ' eral convocatnon for the engineering mittee, announced yesterday that, manager of the annual. Kentuccollege Friday in Memorial hail. after being successfully used by the kians may be ordered until Novem College of Agriculture and the dePledged were John V. Kalb. ber 23, according to Kentuckian partment of buildings and grounds, Floyd Brown. Ashland: hospitalization insurance is now officials. A gold cup will be awardthrough Gerosre A. Lancaster. Paducah; Rosian juggernuat crashed available to the faculty and staff ed the fraternity with the greatest Belgium, despite the valiant but bert B. CottreU. Chicago: Theodore number of annuals ordered by of other colleges on the campus, W. Cozine. Frankfort; Edward V. futile resistance of the soldier king. requiring only a vote by 75 percent Thursday night. Albert. Harlan; Edgar S. Foreman, Albert; how they rolled over the Sam Nuckols, English instructor, per- of the grour to subscribe to the Lexington: Joe Y. Jackson. More-heaporthern part of Prance with Students ordering books now will wiill have the leading role in Ben Courtrsw f!eraldLrudr insurance. fecly calculated precision; how they and John A. Rossenfoss. Mt. Kpnnpth ljGrande. who "Volpone," Guignol's sec- save $.50, since the price in the fnr Johnson's After a thorough investigation last came within 40 miles of Paris before an Sterling. victim ond production of the year, which spring will be $4.50 instead of $4. year theh Equitable Life Insurance died Saturday, theroad to of Presented with the honorary san- ihe Allied forces could catch their on the Atlanta wl" 0Den December 4, as announced If ordered during the current cam company of New York was authori- auto breath. They remember that the nual $10 award to the sophomore enyesterday by Mrs. Lola Robinson. Se- paign, a $1 deposit is required with insurviczed to write hospitalization gineer attaining highest scholastic the Kaiser would have won his lection of the entire cast has not the remaining $3 in the spring. will her presen- ance for the faculty and staff of The tory but for blunder by one of his rank in his freshman year was WilSalesmen are: Effie Kemball and tation, ball Blue feature "en completed. ExWhite and the the College of Agriculture, the generals. liam Penna of Louisville. Tau Beta Lysbeth Wallace, Alpha Gamma wearing of uniforms. Agricultural periment station, the and the Pi President John Russell of In 1914. this flank attack was very Delta House and Boyd hall; Anna Extension and the department of gave the award. successful to the Germans, but in Mae Bevins. Alpha Xi; Chick Young. buildings and grounds. Thomas R. Underwood, editor of 1939 It wouldn't be quite the same Chi Omega; Betty Eliot, Delta Delta Under an agreement entered into the Lexington Herald, was convocasituation. In the first place, the Delta; Wilya Graves. Delta Zeta; among insurance companies writing ' tion speaker. border of France which touches Margaret Smith. Kappa Delta; Marge to group insurance in New York state Initiation for the honored nine Felgium is not the same defenseless contribution of home economics on Thompson, Kappa Kappa Gamma Game-Boun- d the same charges are made by all laL P""08resf otner speakers will follow a dinner Friday nighs plain that existed in the early days end Patt hall; Iva Barbee, Zeta for like benefits. With a monthly j in the Union building. f Wfwlrf War T Tt is fnrtinea ai- Tau Alpha; Margaret Abel, Jewell premium of 94 cents the benefits are home economElected on the basis of scholarmost as heavily as the Maginot line Miss Frances Seeds, will talk on sehall; Sara Triplett, Shelby house; ics department, $3 a day for 31 days for hospitali ship, personality, leadership and and has been recently reinforced by lection of new who fabrics; Miss Johnny Clore, Alpha Gamma Rho; ' Kenneth LeGrande, 19. freshanm general interests, the pledges stand zation service, a maximum of $15 ejitire British expeditionary army, Florence Imlay. dress specialist, in 4 6 Robert Moss, Alpha Sigma Phi; for laboratory fees, and a maximum from Fort Knox, was killed in an in the upper food poised of the Whose motorized divisions are Jim Johnson, Alpha Tau Omega; program, who will of $150 for surgical fees. The automobile accident on U.S. highway senior class or the urwier ht to dash forth and engage the Nazi state extension fortifications; Prizes, refreshments, and inter Bob Ammons. Delta Tau Delta; amount Of the surgical fee allowed!., Miss . nri must- hjto get discuss food of,rf..,. . . , , of tho jinninr rla advance forces before they can Frank Keys, Delta Chi; Allen Kar- company of depends upon the character of the "I l uc.i m.ia4ia uaiuiw.i The Pershing Rifle Dorcas Lyons, graduate student, mal dancing will be featured tt started. In the second place, the will have as her subject. "We Make Strom. Kappa Alpha; George Ter- - the university's ROTC will hold its operation. Tech a scholastic standing better than 2. rout to the Kentucky-GeorgiOfficers and members of the ac- weather isn't as favorable as it was Ends Meet with Low Cost Menus." the first Sweater Session from 4 to rill. Kappa Sigma; Rollins Wood, first dance of the year from 9 uu.j rhp in;;urance prwides for full footbaU game. 6 o'clock, this afternoon In the rective chapter of Tau Beta Pi. one ot during that hot August of 1914. The Phi Delta Theta: Floyd Dickerson, ti, 12 Saturday night, in 24 hour coveraee. which means .mm. nf th nth..r Mrs. W. T. Laflerty, principal reation room of the Unin building. Phi Kappa Tau; Jim Powers, Sig- the oldest honoraries on the camground has frozen and snow is fallQormmr r.Vmr..,To Tr, pus, are John Russell, president; The house committee, sponsor of ma Alpha Epsilon, John McLe lan the Blueerass room of the Union that anv illness or nrriHpnt rwrnr- - rhai-iing to attempt a sustained offensive speaker at the banquet to be held program Duiiding. L. M. at 6:30 p. m. in the Bluegrass room the session, has announced that Sigma Phi Epsilon; Tommy Wat- - will be Featured on the of Mary ring either while on duty or at home Harris. Morganfield. and Legon Harry Weaks. would be out of the question. is covered by the policy. the presentation Cason. Lexington, all students, did Ballard, recording seicetary; D. K. Union, will discuss "Pioneer entertainment will include compe- kins Sigma Nu; Paul Combs Sig- What Hitler plans, they say, is of the LoUise weisenberger. recently elect- -; Dividends that may be returned not games, a Professor Quiz pro- serious injuries. Blythe. corresponding secretary: G. Women." Presiding at the banquet titive xv... Dot an extended campaign against will ea sponsor, to memDers 01 tne com- - to tne group are distributed amon? head of gram, and Informal dancing. Bob ford, men's dormitories; Dr. Statie State patrolmen indicated that W. Kurachek. cataloger: E. C. Rail- Marcia pany by captain J. O. BelL the French right wing by way of homebeeconomics atErikson. the members. ey. the University, Ammons will, act as Professor Quiz turned over the two little neutrals, but a short and president of the nun, uniiurmau- - m ue wiia.u-- : uean wiest sam tnat only tnose ths machine the pavement after and treasurer; and Hal Scrugham ckjddim, on given to the nnt. Dave Graham, and John Con- F J Fisher Home and prizes will and ..ui-- i. j , ..hi.h """CB thrust into the low countries them- - Economics association. State Helen smartest guests. be """wu .'J ul "le slluI crashed into an embankment. LeMiss , Thn vrMit-t- : sav that he is taa, hiKinew staff . . . . of the vear. Ad-- 1 aerepd to snhRnriro tn th n an uranae . s necK was .orosen wnen .ne T. ",. 7 T. T 7 Refreshments will be served and planning another lightning war of Horlacher, Lexington, who is mission will b $1.00 per couple, and would be eligible for the protection. . was thrown from his jQn in .inSt Poland in tary of the State Student club sec- - favors m'ill be distributed. A blanket music will bei furnished by the Blue, This is done to insure large enough the rlght of the coupe charge of arrangements pinned order to acquire air bases closer to tion. is in will be entertained at Invitation has been issued to all returns from premiums to make the under the automobile. and White orchestra. Delegates students. England and begin his long threat-cue- d piau leaMoie. ine minority not in LeGrande. Pi Kappa pledge, was Morry Holcomb, chairman of the mass air attacks on London tea at 4 p. m. in the Music room University Home the son of Mrs. M. J. Kehoe. wife of and Pmris. They agree that the of the Union. Theand members of house committee, has charge of Seraeant Kehoe, now stationed at the house committee, has charge I Nazi's air force is their most potent Economics club not be protected by it. Fort Knox. weapon, that Hitler has kept it in the home economics faculty will f the general arrangements. He is Several Pi Kappa Alpha members being assisted by the following comcheck because he wanted his peace be hostesses. np1po-ntColumnist. Newspaper Man plan to attend the funeral services Speakers slated for Saturday's mittees: refreshments, Anna Jane A appeal to be taken up by the public- McChesney, Barbara Hanson, and t0 held 2 'clock Monday of France and England and the fu- meetings are Dr. Lucille Williammilieu w . ivun noon in LouisvUle. Burial will be in son, specialist in economics of the June Mehne; program, Joe Massi3, Phi Theta Etpecially-price- d lite war ended, as soon as possible. student tickets Evergreen cemetry. university; Dr. J. C. Bondurant, Atlee Wilson, The Nazis are not only looking- household at Cornell University for the four legitimate theater Orders for 'Mums for the KentucMarshall Smith, and Bob Ammons; Three delegates, L. T. Iglehart, Joe Jordan, "Four Bits" writer ky-West Belgium and the Nether- Alexander Capurso, toward plays, to be presented this season in Virginia- game Saturday mm they are also concentrating sic department; and Miss (Marie publicity .Mildred Murray, Lorralnj editor of the Kernel. John H. Mor- - and newspaperman will discuss fea may be placed with members of 3lCV HemT clar nih 84:11001 aud'- gan, business manager, and W. B. ture writing and selling at a meet Swiss frontier, Barkley, University home economics Harris, and Grant Lewis. a huge army on the m iwinwrrow, "t country hasn't been department. Crutchrield. member of the adver-- 1 ing of Theta Sigma Phi, women's Mwiioi uuaiu ucguiiiin Although their The house committee plans to it was announced yesterday. Orders President Frank L. McVey is in tne Lengton Junior League, have over 200 years because - tising staff, will represent the Ker- - honorary journalism fraternity, at will be accepted until 6 p. m. Friday make the Sweater Session a regitinvaded for Washington attending meetings of recently been placed on campus lar affair to be held from 4 to 6 ne' a tne annual fall meeting of 7:15 tonight Room 205, Union biuld- at the check room desk in the the National Association of State saJe- cf its impregnable mountain terrain, GrOUD Kentucky Intercollegiate Press ing. to De caugni the every Tuesday. the watchmakers aren't First Pla' of the series will be Union or at any fraternity or soror- - Universities, and the Assocation of napping. They, too, have called for Land Grant Colleges. "T army and are college in of the honorary and professional ' Teachei Western State mobilization of their Saturday the flowers wiU be sold is a member of the executive com- - Jackle Coogan. It wiU be present omnn Thft nrtootirm h thA first. Bowling Green. hastily preparing for any emergency. Proposed Series Of Forums On tne Phoenix drug store and at, mittee of the Land Grant associa ed on the night of November 22. Germany bristle of a series of six professional pro- - a' Strategic roads into Included on the program is a tne stadium gate. tion. He is past president of both Other vehicles included are "On Business Opportunities grams to be held during the year. guns; with barricades and machine tour of Mammoth Cave Friday Proceeds from the sale will go organizations and past secretary-t- o Borrowd Time" December 13. "GoldTo Be Considered govPersons interested in journalistic .the purest form of democratic nd a luneon Saturday at the charitable activities of Mor- - treasurer of the Association of Stato en Boy" February 15, and " Hedda Urges Students To Manifest to attend accordernment in the world is determined vhlch lence HaBer' Past Presl" writing are invited Gabler" April 3. Universities. A meeting to discuss the organi- Iriiie In Annearance ing to Ruth Bennett, chapter pres- tar Board. to resist any Nazi move toward the Tickets for individual performdent of Uie Kentucky Press asso- Single zation of a commerce employment ident. Committee members in charge corsages "Mums will cost $.40. and Alps. Of Campus ances, available only to students, Nation, will speak. will sell for $.50. LIND SPEAKS association for seniors of the Col- of arrangements are Miss MarLAST MINUTE FLASHES: are priced at $1.30. and are being Friday afternoon Miss Richards, guerite McLaughlin, faculty adviser lege of Commerce will be held at ..go many beautiful girls and by Martha Hume and Barbara Foreign 4 p. m. Friday. Room 303, White BIRTHDAY LUNCHEON sponsor of the College Heights Her- for the group, Ruth Bennett, and HELFINSKL Finland The November meetng of the good . looking boys need a good -ald will lead a discussion. Alvis Louise Calbert. ington chapter of the American MacVey. Miss Hume s address is minister Eljas Erkko announced hall, according to an announce- - lookino backm-ound.-" James Wine. Temple, editor of the Park City 06113 Delta sorority "Birthday lunch for Everybody" Chemical society was held Monriav the that nniana nas reacnea m um t yesterday bv tne acuity com. U1 ?ear law student told Arts the theme or tne meeting night in Kastle hall. Dean S C house- 3:!9 Aylesford place, tele-of hep concessions to Russia and mittee on emplojonent for gradu- - and sciences freshmen yesterday Daily News will speak on press m c?'f hone 6153: Mlss MacVe s is 'of the Dutch Lunch club Friday. Lind of the Minnesota Institute of i associations and makeup and their will call the Finnish negotiators ates. morning in Memorial hall. Wovemoer ZT- - 8t tne Maxe" Street Technology. relation to college publications, and an home from Moscow within a day FApHino- internationally ea piace' lelePnne Seniors taking secretarial practice informal talk. Wine Kelly Thompson, director of puboa church. There will be twelve birth-- I known authority on radloactivv are to thrugnout the r two, anless some formula is and majoring in economics are also In a short uay cun.es. one ior eacn monui. and president elect of the American Season tickets will cost found immediately to break the invited to attend. In addition to explained the current ODK cam- lications at Western college, will sheepmen will meet Thurs-Mar- y State $5.12. ..r,-- La Bach is In charee of the rhPm,.i deadlock. He added that the .Finns organizing the association a pro- - paign for more pride in the ap- talk on college publicity. Kernel . campus. utt.vA v The second balcony of the audi activitv " rerused to De imuiuoaiea oy B."'"ip0sal to conduct a forum series pearance of theparticularlyHe cited Editor Iglehart is to address the uaj at mc jiAiAjijiumii, brought on program. problems Washtorium has been saved for students, journalists on editorials, news, and consider food accusations of an "irreconcilable navmg t0 d0 with opportunities for other schools, by the extended drouth. ington and Lee and Michigan, as editorial columns. league officials announced, and all attitude." college men in various fields of Farmers and livestock men will seats will be reserved. Entries submitted by the Kernel ROME, Italy Pope Pius XI stated business led by business men will examples of institutions where civic making the best use of pride is maintaned. He urged the in a contest to select the best col- discuss "What i Life" brings forth Jackie in an official pronunciamento ad- - be considered. Cooean in person known to millions frshmen to keep up with the best. lege paper in the state and the bst roughages, grains, and other feeds. dressed to a Catholic conclave in, feeding as "The Kid" of the cinema: JoseThe ODK campaign will include articls and advertisement include: There will be an exhibit of Washington that the Christians . . , rp phine Diuin. former film actress another talk by Wine on Novem an editorial by Iglehart, feature equipment, including troughs and throughout the world would have to Vljjlld fiCld 1U1 will and well known to New York thea.- ber 23, before the agriculture fresh- - story by Ben Williams, column by hay racks, and a demonstration on wUdify their faith or they would: tre audiences. Frank McGlyiui men. Alan Vogeler, senior law stu- - Andrew Eckdahl, a sports story by be given in making equipment By ROBERT W. BURGGRAF ho overcome by the hollow phil-- 1 that they played rvhthmicallv to- - turns to the staae alter a lona and dent, will deliver a short talk be- - Joe Creason, news story by George the farm. C. sophy of the evil forces now ram The University Symphony orches- -: gether and their tones blended well. successful career in the films, Miller will be in Richard Alpha Zeta. honorary agriculture fore the engineering freshman as- - Lamason, and an advertisement pant in the world." tra, conducted by Professor Carl A. At times the tonal effect of the charge of the meeting. "On Borrowed Time." with fraternity, will elect a beauty queen sembly at 10 a.m. Friday. No- - designed by Morgan, who is WASHINGTON, D. C A rumor of the music department, orchestra was a little too heavy for lor Holmes, recently of "I d Rather two attendants for the fall fes17. president of the association. gather strength in of- and of the Block and Bridle club, continued to presented the second of the Sunday this type of composition. Be Right." following George M. Co- tival ficial circles that the German it was announced yesterday. The Afternoon Musicales last Sunday in The "Slavonic Rhapsody" by han as the President, and as Jeeter received full charge d'affaires had Memorial hall. A capacity audience Friedmann. while being somewhat Lester in th Chicago production, election will be held Friday night. "Early Kentucky" will be the sub- gave the orchestra warm instructions to approach President November 24. in the stock judging and gen- - light in character, offered a lot of "Tobacco Roa3" one of the ject of a talk by Dr. T. D. Clark, of a applause, and a spirit of real dash. Although the brasses played most actors of the New York staee. Roosevelt an the possibility pavillion. author of "History of Kentucky" appreciation was eviaent. behalf jMace appeal to the Allies on together with good attacks and a"1 is cast in the role of "Gramps" All-Studeand professor of history at the nt of Hitler. The program opened with Glin- clear tonal quality, they were too and in his support is the celebrated University, before the members of boy actor. Tommy Lewis. and Ludmilla" over-tur- predominate occasionally. ' the Freshman Y Club tonight at ka's "Russian the tempo A string ensemble presented the in which was main"Golden Boy." Eric Linden, scree:-- . 7 o'clock in the Y lounge at the Guignol's first laboratory plays of farmer's daughter who eoes to col- Lois Campbell, Butler, senior mastar, who created the title role in tained throughout, and the thema- ever popular "Traumerei-RomanzUnion building. joring in education and minoring the year, written, produced, and iege and returns with tic development was clearly em- - by Schumann. The group did not the London stage production of the in journalism, is the author of an portrayed by University istudents, farming methods. phasired. The violincellos had good always play strictly in tune, and Odets" drama, will be seen in th KHivvnv tTirvnn -By BOB AMMONS article, UK Home Management opened last night tor a two night s oil" tells the story of a Ken is the rcle. Dr. Jaisp.--r B. Shannon, associate tonal QUality and Played smoothly. certain entrances were a trifle late, same Houses," wnicn wm oe puDiisnea run. tucky family waiting for the gush- professor of political science, was but the accompaniment of the However, a good tonal balance be- -! screen and radio star. Bermce wUh pictures of the interiors of lo- pi.ays make up tne er. All of the authors have grad- elected generally main-- '. Claire. Also in the cast Suzanne QUESTION Pour oneact of the South- - strings and woodwinds during their tween the parts was houses, Caubaye. who was brought to the "What is the best popular song cal home economics project College bilI WhiCh includes "Lost By a uated since the writing of these ern Political Science association for sol was not soft enough- - In the tained. in the December issue of by William Worth; "Shadow plays. Head," eter written?" the coming year at the annul meet- - fortissimo passages the brasses were ' The concert ended ith the play-- ; United Staie by the late Saraii Years, national intercollegiate mag- - Df neavy ioT tne other sections of iiig of the perennial favorite "Tales Bernhardt. IB. 14 students comprising Mountain," by William Of the 10 ing held Friday in Knoxville azine. joran; "Grapes," by Anne Jame- - the characters in the plays, all but Mrs. Shannon and Dr. Amry Van- - the orcnestra- - hich may be ac-Vienna Woods," by Strauss. At F.d Rankin. A & S sophomore Eva Le "Hedda Gabler Kim-- ! three are making their first appear son; and Oil," by Jeannette "Moonlight Serenade." as recorded head of the political counted for by the large number of the beginning of the composition. liene in her own actmg version of ance on the Guignol stage. Accord science department also attended trumpets. berlin. the violins played slight ly flat on the Ibsen masterpiece which she by Glenn Miller. No seats will be reserved for the ing to Mrs. Lola Robinson assist the session. Jim Caldwell, A &, S junior ine iiiuaa; ut waiter s Prize tne open u struig. several times will produce and direct, nas tar; Song," from Wagner's Mastersing- - the tempo was exaggerated as to Larimore. New York Theatre Guikl production and tickets for tonight's ant director of the plays. Those "Tea for Two," as recorded by any performance may be purchased at showing best possibilities thus far er, was particularly effective and slowness, and certain pickups after star, as leading man. body. delightful. The first violins played retarded phrases were faulty, due the Guignol box office for 25 cents. are Mary Clare Howard who plays Aside from the principals, trie Ruth liardman, A 6c S freshman well hi tune, but their high notes 'to a lack of understanding Worth's play was written in a Mrs. Jenks in the Toran opus and of the members of the cast of all produc- "Flying Down to Rio." ' playwriting class last semester. The Sally Owens in "Oil;" Claude Trapp, were a bit ragged. Here was an! heat. tions are in the main members o; Bob Long, A & S sophomore scene of the story Is laid at the ca.t as Uncle Tom in "Shadow Of excellent opportunity for the or- The orchestra ably demonstrated the original New York or Chicano "Goodnight My Love." old Lexington race track, in the The Mountain" and as Skinner Mcchest ra to play real pianissimos. its musical ability and versatility. companies. Also, all scenery, hght-- ! Lida Belle Howe, A & S sophoStudent diiectories will dtys of the "tout" and the "bookie" carty in "Oil;" and Grant Lewis, The tonal effect of the bassoons The concert was satisfactory in ing. and stage effects will b? more "Star Dust." out from 9 a. m. to 12 was good, but again the matter of many ways, but it might be well brought from the New York pro-- : and deals with the rivalry between who portrays Papa in Toran's play John Conrad, Commerce Junior The second meeting of the noon Thursday and Friday in and Joe Harris in "Oil." two followers of the track. a softer accompaniment should for an orchestra such as this, which ductions. "Beer Barrel Polka." Room 124. Union, according student legislature will be The other three plays were also The current program marks the have been observed during various has now reached a certain stage of Bonnie Middleton, Education senheld at 5 p. m., Thursday, in to an announcement made solo passages. wiitten hi the special class and all third year in which Guignol has DEAN BOYD WILL SPEK technical maturity and instrumen- ior "St. Louis Blues." yesterday by Dave Salyers, the first year law room, have sou-of Kentucky as presented dramas. The Dr. Paul P. Boyd, deua of In? "Polanaise," tation, to include in its future pro--. Juanita N'itkell, Commerce freshsecretary of the Alumni assohall, according to an containing many different contrasts grams niusio of a symphonic nature, arts and sciences college, will nei. their Toran's plot deals idea was inaugurated in 1937 for man "You Leave Me Breathless." ciation. Bach student murft announcement yesterday by ' Getting with tho s'.ory of a Kentucky coal the purpose of presenting an opin the melody and accompaniment so that their ability can be devel- - on the subject. ANY QUESTION'S . . . Your , , , for his directory as they call Bill Duty, president of the .J ... . ...... . k. . n '1U nn thA iviiirie miner aud the effect of the labor portunity for students of the Uninuu luiicj a nuilii. vui UA you would like to have asked w. .. well pcriurmcu. vficv f mic mgucMr ucicc n not be distributed. will student body. Particularly commendable was the deeper and richer musical exper-- ! Thursday night at 8 o'clock tn the union on hi 1.1 and his family, while versity exclusively to show their in this column may be sent to the Grapes" work 01 the clarinets and oboes in iences can be enjoyed by all. Y room of the Union. u.volves a Kentucky talents. Kernel for consideration. j i: Members of the State Home Economics association will gather on the campus Friday for a two-da- y meeting. Plans for the week-en- d include talks on foods, clothing, the relation of home economics to social progress, a tea a banquet, a breakfast, a luncheon, and tours of the Bluegrass. The student club group will be represented at the annual fall banquet when Joyce Cotton, president of the Home Economics club, will ex tend the welcome. A response will be given by Mayme Bales of East- em St jie Teachers collegk, and president of the student division of the State Home Economics club. Dr. Howard W. Beers, sociologist on the staff of the College of Ag- riculture will address the senior :.: f S' 5 v DIES LEGRANDE lle SWEATER DANCE SET FORTODAY f IN SPONSOR TO BOW Students AT RIFLESDANCE Will Be Held In Union From To p.m. j AUTOWRECK Have Accident Year's Second Formal Set For Saturday ' one-fourt- n ,,, one-eis- a j & rec-ev- e """j' """' i.e secre-T.on.- ioin i lu"71' , H ,. STUDENT PRICE KERNEL TO SEND THRFF On KIPA Convention ' What A Life" Is First MuitlS Will Be Sold Fnr Fnnthnll flnmt Udme, ifpnrl Will 5, SET FOR PLAYS WillsS?. Feature Writing (IF STAFF! JordoS Sima On Theatre Bill . mu-lsn- ds - ey Attends Meet ' j ' Commerce Will Be Organized i i I Wine Tells Frosh Of ODK Campaign! ' ' 0i oneepman lO Ollt ccuuife PrnhlpmS ... - nets ' ...it ' University Orchestra Plays Before Appreciative Audience ( r4- - T,1 VUeen, Attpnrlants Tay-Lamp- Clark To Lecture j Guignol Presents First Series Of Campbell Publishes Season's j fore-ero- Plays ; What They Think e" "new-fangle- d' mfft i j ; j " J ' Directories Are Ready; Come 'n Get em , Legislators Will Meet Thursday Laf-fer- ty I Rimsky-Korsako- !'.-.:(- . 1 . T 1 .. 1 * mE lias the War IVpanment sighted an invading armv off sliorp? Or has someone again made up our minds 10 go over and kill to "save demo-- . er;nv." "slop Hiilerism." or check ilie "advance of imKi ialisni?" Are I lie apeals of youth all oxer i he country coming to naught? Listen once more to James F. (ircett. "Other s eaker hae much at stake; we have even more, for e are literally righting for our lives. It is nit general ion which will lie called nKn to surrender all thev consider worth while in order to liccome largets for machine gun Indicts and victims of ihe latest jioisonotis gases. It i voting men ami women of mv age who will Ik- commanded to commit suicide. It is mv generation which will he requested 10 destroy the of human culture. pcrhas civilization lot causes whith future historians 'will discover to Ik' erroneous, if not utterlv stupid or aciuallv vicious. MV have thus lost interest in ''' "'.II 'rcmred for tnnnon fodder." In deX'st seriousness, we echo "We have lost all interest in lieing prepared for cannon j THE KENTUCKY KERNEL omoM, nfwspapfr op thp STnrFNT9 OP KENTUCKY I'NIVEKSITY PI'BI.TSHFD EXCEPT op me nt'RINO THE SCHOOL YEAR HOLIDAYS OR EXAMINATION PERIODS j T,ntrrr at th Port Office- - at Kentucky, as wrond cmv mnuer unaer inr aci 01 iwarrn 3. J8,s. MEMBER Kentucky Intrrollfginte Pr"R Association Lcslnpton Board of Commerce National Advertising Service, Inc. tUtX Publisher UeftreseMttitv Mew York. N. V. Boro Lot Ma c r l r t S. 20 Maoison Ave Cmkaco fcrco RATES 12 00 One Yeaf SUBSCRIPTION $1 90 One Semester I .oris T. 1(1 m art Fditor-inChie- f Ik-s- i Mtitmgitig Fditor I'mkkia Hsmimon (.low i .mwi Jiiiiv H. Mcrc;v Xrirs i.tiilor Ihsiness Mnntiger Sports Editor Circulation Manager Cartoons JOE CREASON WYNNE MrKINNEY JIMMY HALE JACK TREADWAY VIRGINIA HAYDEN CHARLES A. SMITH Staff Photographer Society Editor Advertising Manager Associate Editors BEN WILLIAMS LAURA LEE LYONS MABEL LOVENS LOUISE C ALBERT JIM CALDWELL SCRAP IRONY Reporters By HARRY WILLIAMS Mary James. Riia Sue Laslie. Fred Hilt. Bob Ammons. Jean Williams. Jim Wooldndge. Mildred Murray. Roy 8teinforl. Jim Bromn. Russell WriBht Niirclv the radio is omniscient, for nothing vigileme. From it we learn cscaies its argus-eyeall manner of things; good and eil, sordid or romantic. If in Simpson counlv, the oldest mule dies, we know aliout it: when a man poisons his wile in Dubuque, we are informed. Facts pour Imin the loudsieaker and heap up about our knees until we are fair lgged down. I.Hst week, lor instance, the Iirilislt Ministry ,, nlot mat iou announced, rather ajK'ilogct ically, that Neville Chanili