xt70gb1xf80k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70gb1xf80k/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1988 athletic publications English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Basketball Programs (Women) University of Kentucky vs. Vanderbilt University, January 6, 1988 text University of Kentucky vs. Vanderbilt University, January 6, 1988 1988 2014 true xt70gb1xf80k section xt70gb1xf80k Fridciy, Jdnudry 6, 1988 8
Memoridl Coliseum, Lexingion, Ky., 7:30 p.m.
The Keniucky Lody KoTs hope lody luck will smile of The besT inside pldyers who ore very mobile ond
. upon Them in l989 os They open Souihedsiern Con- severdl ofTheirgudrds con score fromTheThree-poinT
ference ploy ogdinsi The highly-regorded Vdnderbili ronge.'
UniversiTy Lody Commodoresin whoT UK hopeswill be Keniucky, coming off on upseTTing 74-70 loss Gi
‘ iTs firsT win of The new yedr ond in conference iv‘lorehedd Tuesddy nighT,willfdce The Commodores
ploy. The gdme is dlso The SEC opener for Vdndy. wiTh d bdlonced oTTdck ThdT is led by gudrds Jodie
The Lody KoTs, picked To finish ldsT in The con- WhiToker(i2.9ppg)ond KrisTiCushenberry(l2.2 ppg).
ference in d preseoson poll of SEC codches,finished Forword Pom Shrum (l2.l ppg, 5.8 rpg) ond cenTer
The l988 sedson wiTh on 0-9 SEC record. VdnderbilT, Vonesso Fosfer-SuTTon (i0.3 pgg, 7.i rpg) ore UK’s
mednwhile, wds picked To finish si>”·i T·4». 9;*;; iiii Denion, d long-
her Teom will fdce dgdinsi Vondy. "VdnderbilT hos Q iT·` T rdnge bomber,
consisTenTIy hdd some of The besT TolenT ln The con- . Q i i_y¢ pifches in T7.9
ferencef sold UK’s second-yedr cooch. "Wendy poinTs for Cooch
Scholiens wds one of The besT pldyers ldsT yedr ond pm gmm gvgqggs T2] pgimfg Gnd Phil Lee’s sduod.
everybody on Their Teom con ploy. They hove some 5.8rebounds.
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Front row, left to right: Kris Miller, Malinka Salhi, Theresa Stewart, Jodie Whitaker, Ruth Mountain, Kristi Cushenberry and Bacye Davis. Back
row, left to right: Asst. Sports information Director Rena Vicini, Manager Jenn Holman, Asst. Coach Andy Barnes, Asst. Coach Cindy Noble-
Hauserman. Mary Custard, Pam Shrum, Angel Stevens, Lora Spencer, Vanessa Foster-Sutton. Jamie Hobgood, Stacy Mclntyre. Coach
Sharon Fanning, Trainer Sue Stanley, Graduate Assistant Jane Dalton, Head Manager Sharon McCauley.
Numerical Roster
3 Lora Spencer 6-4 C JR Russellville l Logan County HS
4 Ruth Ann Mountain 5-8 G-F JR Columbus. Ohio / Lees JC
._ 5 Theresa Stewart 5-4 G JR Columbus. Ohio / Lees JC
40 Stacy Mclntyre 5-8 F FR Georgetown l Scott County HS
44 Malinka Salhi 5-4 G JR Mons. Belgium / Independence (Kansas] JC
42 Kristi Cushenberry 5-9 G—F FR Hendersonville, Tenn. / Beech HS
44 Jamie Hobgood 5-9 G—F FR Madisonville l North Hopkins HS
45 Jodie Whitaker 5-7 G SR Austin, lnd. /Austin HS
24 Tracye Davis 5-8 G SO Lexington l Henry Clay HS
23 Mary Custard 5-40 F—C JR Cynthiana l Lees JC
24 Vanessa Foster-Sutton 6-0 C JR Chickomauga, Ga. /Truett-McConnell JC
32 Kris Miller 5-4 G JR Owensboro l Owensboro Catholic
34 Pam Shrum 6-0 F-C SR Monticello l Monticello HS
‘ 55 Angel Stevens 6-4 C SO Jackson / Breathitt County HS
Head Coach: Sharon Fanning [Tennessee—Chaltanooga, 4975]
203-444 career [42 seasons] 44-45 at UK (4 year]
Assistant Coaches: Andy Barnes [East Tennessee. 4980]
Cindy Noble Hauserman (Tennessee, 4983]
Graduate Assistant: Jane Dalton (Appalachian State, 4988]
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The 1988-89 Vanderbilt Lady Commodore Basketball team ls pictured at the Parthenon in Centernnial Park. Seated (I to r)
Wendy Scholtens, Usa King, Chris Dunn, volunteer assistant Karen Booker, graduate assistant/Xgnie Penrod Sarah Mannes,
Lori King, Renae Sallquist. Standing (I to r) Jeanie Carroll, Deborah Denton, Nicole Marcelli, Jade Huntington, manager _
Julie Gibbs, trainer Anne-Louise McDonald, head coach Phil Lee, assistant coach Eileen Kleinfelter, Kris Becker, Nichelle
Kennedy, Ji/I Goldberg, Nicole Hare. L V
A Jade Huntington 5-5 G Fr Bradford, \/T/Oxbow
5 Jill Goldberg 5-9 G Sr Raleigh, NC/Broughton ‘
11 Kris Becker 5-6 G Jr New Berlin, Wl/New Berlin
12 Michelle Kennedy 5-6 G Fr Nawesville, Ky/Hancock County
14 Jeanie Carroll 5-8 G Jr Clifton, TN/Frank Hughes
22 Deborah Denton 5-8 G Sr Atlanta, GA/ Pace Academy
24 Chris Dunn 5-9 G Fr Salt Rock, \N\/A/Barboursville
31 Lisa King 6-1 F Fr San Antonio, TX/John Marshall
32 Nicole Marcelli 5-8 G Sr Canton, OH/Perry
33 Nicole Hare 5-10 F Sr Nashville,TN/Overton
40 Wendy Scholtens 6-A C So Ft. Smith, AR/Southside
A2 Sarah Mannes 6-0 F Fr Yankton, SD/Yankton
44 Renae Sallaulst 6-3 C Jr Volga, SD/Brookings
Head Coach: Phil Lee (Campbell University 1970) 162-108 (9 Seasons) 1441-95 at Vandy (8 Seasons)
Assistant Coach: Eileen Kleinfelter (Findlay College 1979)
Graduate Assistant: Angie Penrod (Belmont l988)
Coach: Sharon Fanning Assistants: Cindy Hauserman, Andy Barnes, Jane Dalton
No. Player Position Field Goals Free Throws Fouls FG/2 FG/;°°°|°FF TF,
3 tm spm¤r,a-1,J.—.,¤ _ 111111111111
4 Ruth Ann Mnuntain,5-B,Jr.,G/F
5 Th »r=~¤ S=~=r=-5-4——·r·-G jEEllEEEIIII@-_--
··= =‘·==·=~ M=··· ·~r¤ --I-
1* M=··¤··~=· =¤·~¤·5-Mr-~G -_--
12 Kristi Cushenherry,5—9,Fr.,G/F .
*3 jIIl¤IEIlIII@--l-
‘·=· ~·~··*·= ~~~¤¤~¤·5-9-Fr-G/F 1lllNlIElII@-_I-
F 15 Jodie Whitaker,5-7,Sr.,G
=* *~··=v·= -_--
24 Vanessa Foster-Sutt¤n,B-O,Jr.,C
32 Kris iviaiie»·,s-4,.Jp.,e - 111111111111 I
34 nam si11·um,a-o,sr._r=/o _ 111111111111
55 Angel s:ev¤¤¤,s-1,s¤.,o 111111111111 12345 K-
University of Kentucky Lady Kats
Friday, January E5, 1989
' 7:30 p.m. Memorial Coliseum
Coach: Phil Lee Assistants: Eileen Kleinfelter, Angie Penrod, Karen Booker
No. Player Position Field Goals Free Throws Fouls FG 2 FG T;m°FT TF,
4 Jade Hu¤u¤gu¤n,s-5,Fr.,e 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
5 Jiu c¤iu¤4rg,s-s,sr.,a 111111111111
11 Kris ¤em.—,5-a,.ik,G 11 1 1 11 1 11 1 1 1 1 2345
12 Michelle i<¤m1¤uy,s-s,rr.,s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2345
14 Jeanie Carrcll,5-9,Jr.,G 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2345
zz nsbmi. Denton,5-B,Sr.,G _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
24 cha.; ¤..n..,5-g,Fp.,G 111111111111
31 Lisa K1.1g,B-1,Fp,,F 111111111111
zz Mamie Mamu1,5-8,s.—.,G 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2345
33 Nicole Hare,5-10,Sr.,F 111111111111
40 Wendy s¤i1¤i¤¤¤¤,e-4,s¤.,e 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
42 smh Mam1e¤,s-o,i=p.,F 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2345
44 new sai1qu15t,a-;4,.».,¤ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2345