xt70gb1xgs0c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70gb1xgs0c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-07-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 14, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 14, 1988 1988 1988-07-14 2020 true xt70gb1xgs0c section xt70gb1xgs0c  


Kentucky Kerne

I Vol. XCtl, No. 7

Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Independent Since 1971

Thursday, July 14. 1988



Staff Writer

In response to Lexington Mayor
Scotty Baesler's declaration of a
full water alert, UK is taking
measures to cut back on water

”UK is looking at methods of
recycling its own water." said
Physical Plant Director Jim Wes

Wessels said L'K has no plans
to buy untreated water at this
time. but he said the plant is
doing everything it can to use
water more efficiently.

The campus buildings are di-
vided into odd and even sections

or‘s ruling.

"Any water usage that is not
necessary is turned off. inside as
well as outside.” Wessels said.
Water used inside buildings is
being regulated and adjusted so
that no leakage will occur. he


in order to comply with the May-

Lawn watering was stopped
several weeks ago. Wessels said
The damage to lawns cannot be
determined yet. but old sod will
probably go dormant while new
sod will probably die.

Only newer trees are being wa-
tered, Wessels said. According to
Kentucky-American Water Com
pany, it is critical for trees. one
to six years old. to be watered
once every two weeks. Trees
older than six years only need to
be watered once every three to
four weeks.

Baesler declared the full alert.
based on the Kentucky Water
Shortage Response Plan. The
Kentucky-American Water Com-
pany requested that Baesler take
further action due to the decreas-
ing flow of water in the Kentucky

In a recent press release. RA.
Edens. vice president of Ken-
tucky American. said: “With the
continued concerns about the
flow in the Kentucky River. we

can no longer permit customers
to water their lawns, even on an
odd/even basis."

Under the new restrictions.
customers may only water vege-
table gardens. trees. bushes.
crops, other woody plants and
golf tees. The water company
suggests that soaker hoses. drip
irrigation or deep—root feeders be
used in order to reduce evapora-
tion. Watering is permitted be-
tween 6:00-10:00 am. under the
current odd/even watering pro-

Addresses ending in an even
number may water on Wednes-
day. Friday and Sunday. Tues-
day. Thursday and Saturday are
reserved for odd—numbered ad-
dresses. .\'o watering is allowed
on Mondays

The new restrictions are out-
lined iii a threepage declaration
from the mayor's office. Non»
commercial car washing. filling.
refilling or adding to a private

See WATER. Back Page

A sprinkler waters a tobacco tietd .

Fayette County.

UK cuts back on water usage in response to alert


errev WADE. Kercoi Stat“

"iii": i". wcslcm


Chandler is
reappointed to
athletic board

Sports Editor

Former Kentucky Gov. A.B.
Chandler was one of four people ap
pointed to the UK Athletics Associa-
tion board of directors by UK Presi-
dent David Roselle last month

Chandler. who turns 90 today.
JOInS Charles Wethington, chancellor
for the community college system
and university relations. and Board
of Trustee members Jerome Strick-
er and Larry Porgy.

"Governor Chandler has been on
the board for a very long time . . .
and has expressed a desire to con-
tinue on the board. We‘re pleased to
be able to do so." Roselle said yes-

When asked if he felt there would
be negative reaction the appoint-
ment. Roselle said: “I hope not.”

In April. Chandler caused an up
roar when he made a controversial
racial remark at a BOT committee



Chandler said he felt the incident
was “put to rest" long ago.

“I don't think I‘ll be castigated be-
cause of that moment.“ Chandler
said yesterday. “I‘m going to contin<
ue to serve (the University) as long
as I am above ground. I‘ve been a
supporter of the University (and) its
programs for more than a half cen-


See CHANDLER. Back Page

Setting the Pace:

UK Equine Center

Sports ....................
Viewpoint .....
Crossword. . .
Classifieds. .

optimistic about
the future.
See Page 5

SGA votes to bring actress Somers
to speak about effects of alcoholism

Staff reports

The Student Government Associa
tion Senate voted Monday night to
co-sponsor entertainer Suzanne
Somers to speak on campus this fall
about drug and alcohol abuse.

“I heard she gncs a \‘ci‘y. \ci‘y‘
good presentation,“ \‘ald SGA I’resi
dent James Rose, w ho sponsored the
bill. "It's a very serious speech. she
doesn't come oft as her character
(Chrissy on “Three‘s Company at

SGA is interested in having
Somers speak during the National
Drug/Alcohol Awareness Week
which will be held in October.

In Somers' past presentations slic
discussed her experiences of living
with an alcoholic father and the Iliir
pact it had on her life and on her

Somers is the author of Keeping
Secrets. a book that tells how she
tried to hide her father's alcoholism.

SGA will sponsor Somers for
$2.500 in conjunction with Student
Activities Board. who also will pay


Jimmy Bufiett is back

Rose \‘dld he thinks Somers t.\
asking about $8.ooo ‘o speak t'lx s
Substance Abuse I‘rctciitioii ‘llllt't‘
\\lll allocate sonic of tlic rt-iiiaining
luiiils. lit-said

"We‘re gathering iiioncy iron;
lot of different sources to ask her It,
«ionicj \tltl Lisa Stotei xxitti ”tic
Suhstaiii c AliUst- l’l‘t'\ t'llllth". \ Him

In other at tion. the senate tailed .i

lt'ht)lult)tll sponsored '~y ”Inn-Li
llilucatior. \ci...‘oi l‘a: :ia. "n.
proposed st..»\ support 'tit "in. l.
t'ai c Awareness

llull this not illt'M'fi'. it» up: ~-
'ns litli. but senator ..f
l*'ii.\ ll'l stroke or) lll\ llkllmlli

\h- ‘A .ll l'z‘t'l

q”; 011‘

l‘ltl—V- “-i

t ‘0‘” RN '«

Casey files suit against Emery

Staff reports

Attorney Joe
It. Campbell
filed a $6.9 mil-
lion suit on be-
half of UK as-
sistant coach
Dwanc (‘asey
against Emery
Worldwide Air
Freight last

The lawsuit DWANE CASEY
seeks almost $7 million. plus interest
dating back to April 14. in compen»

sation toi uiinagt-s .i
fled amount at puni‘iw Li'iiagt-x ' 1:
Casey lt .ilso .isks til i 'r ;i? 7}
jury. as well as all «the: :t-ln-f ‘
whichheiscntitleit '

The suit nanicil I‘Zint-i'y i‘liipliiy't-s
Wayne Erit- tisltorii. l‘aul Perry
Richard Flanders. hand .loncs .tlli‘.
John Zawrl Also naniwt \H'l't‘ \‘t-rii
rity Experts. lnc . and t‘laicntc ll
Bulterman. an agent for Security
Experts. Inc

The \ull alleged the ilctciiilaiits

knowingly disclose or discuss
without the consent of the ship
\ce ('ASI“. Back Page



Chandler appointment a bad idea


 2 — Kentucky Kernel, Thursday. July 14, 1988



Bland ‘Phantasm’ brings back the ball along with boredom

Arts Editor

Back in the late ‘70s a low-budget
horror film made by Kentucky na<
me John Carpenter called "Hallow-
een“ spawned a flood of carbon-copy
celluloid that came to be known as
“slasher" films.

Jason Voorhees is still hanging
around and stickin‘ it to 'em. but
pre~teen audiences (who weren‘t
supposed to be at R-rated movies)
soon grew tired of nymphomaniacs
getting knifed and shifted their at-
tention to teen comedies, where
horny high schoolers could catch
glimpses of naked girls without fear
of getting impaledona pitchfork.

There were few exceptional horror
relli’s “Phantosm.” It was the kind
of movie where you still don’t feel






safe in your bed. even if you‘ve
taken the necessary precautions and
turned on all the lights and set traps
at your bedroom door.

“Phantasm” told the story of a
kid named Mike who noticed some
strange things going on at the local
cemetery. Seems like the Tall Man,
the mortician, was taking dead bod-
ies, rejuvenating and compacting
them down into dwarves and then
shipping them off into another di-

As wildly inventive and creepy as
the original was. “Phantasm II"
comes as something of a disappoint-

Attention All Student


Organization Assembly

Wednesday, July 20 at 7:30 pm.
18th floor P.O.T.

in rooms F 8: G

Attend summer meeting at



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The Kentucky Kernel

The KM Kernel la whitened on due days during the new": year did My during the sum

Ymmmq-pautuwmwisn uwmrnmwwm.

The Kernel I W I Stand“ Plowing ltd Printing. 534 am SI , SWIVIIO KY 40l65

W M he messed to the Mucky Kernel. Room 0! Journalhm Holdings UnNerIi
ty 4 KM. Leah's-i. KV mm Phone (In 257-2171

Thomas J. Sullivan
C.A. Duane Boniter
Heidi Probst

Rob Senq

Tom Spalding
David Sterling

Linda Collins
Krista Ginn
Scott Ward


ment. especially when considering
that Coscarelli is again at the helm
as writer and director.

its haphazard storyline picks up
where the original ended with Mike
and his dead brother‘s friend, Reg-
gie. escaping from the Tall Man
tonce again menacingly played by

Angus Scrimm) and his miniature

Coscarelli introduces a girl who
has visions of the Tall Man and can
psychically communicate with Mike.
The movie then jumps ahead seven
years (although the girl doesn't
seem to age) and Mike and Reggie

Rob Seng
Arts Editor

decide to track down the Tall Man
and his reign of terror.

Coscarelli parallels the dying out
of rural Americana by having small
towns the target of the Tall Man's
plunder, Mike and Reggie carry
around an arsenal that would render

Sec PHANTASM, Page 5









A Fish Called

A Dcceptivcly Funny Comedy.


' I‘mmfl IHIITI‘B I










 Tequila troubadour Jimmy Buffett
overcomes middle-age ‘Hot Water’

Arts Editor

Jimmy Buffett
MCA Records

It has to happen sooner or later.
the time when we all have to grow
up and take care of our responsibili-

Nobody seems to know that better
than Jimmy Buffett, who must have
endured a large amount of trauma
whenheturned 40.

Now, the same man who sang
about the inevitable fate of aging in
“A Pirate Looks At Forty" has
come full circle. has set aside his
partying days and become accus—
tomed to his roles as husband and
father. He‘s even shaved off his
trademark mustache.

“There's almost no mention of
booze or sex on this album," la-
mented one of my friends. True. on
Hot Water. Buffett has abandoned
the drunken sailor persona in favor
of a more mature perspective. Hot
Water is also the most musically di-
verse album Buffett has done.

Buffett's style has always been
hard to pigeonhole and here all of
his influences are on display. In de—
ference to his roots, Buffett serves
up a satisfying gumbo of rock ‘n‘
roll, rhythm and blues and New Or—
leans funk.

Buffett accomplishes this with a
little help from his friends, The
Memphis Horns keep the opening
cut. “Homemade Music," moving at
abrisk pace.

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Seen as an extension of 1974‘s
“Makin‘ Music For Money," the
song sets the mood for the rest of
the album. Technology and big busi-
ness may have overtaken the music
business, but Buffett still finds plea-
sure in a song. He also laments his
one-time hippy girlfriend who‘s died
and gone to the suburbs — "Raisin‘
puppies, havin‘ yuppies/Where did
all the wild ones go? "

Middle age has also enabled Buf-
fett to sit back and enjoy the simple
beauties in life as chronicled in the
ballad “Bring Back The Magic." in
which Rita Coolidge contributes
some lush harmonies.

Steve Winwood stops by to play
organ and sing background on “My
Barracuda" which sounds as if it
came right off one of Winwood's lat-
est albums.

Accompanied by James Taylor
and Timothy B. Schmit, Buffett
sings “L‘Air De La Louisiane" en-
tirely in French, which should
please his Cajun relatives who are
scattered around near his hometown
of Mobile, Ala.

it‘s not until the sixth song that a
tropical breeze is felt in "Prince of
Tides" which, despite its upbeat
tempo, has an underlying sadness to
it that is punctuated by Greg "Fin-
gers" Taylor‘s wailing harmonica.
[n it, Buffett bemoans the condo
commandos that have overtaken
beachfront property and says fare-
well to friends like Steve Goodman
who have gone on to that great is-
land in the sky ("Heaven knows but
God decides/When to kill the Prince
of Tides").

Robert Greenidge's steel drums
highlight three consecutive songs on
the album including a cover of John-
ny Clegg's "Great Heart." "King of
Somewhere Hot" continues the
oceanic daydreaming begun in "Son
of a Son of a Sailor" while "Smart
Woman rln A Real Short Skirt r" is a
song. as Buffett coyly admits. about
“being in my 405 in the ‘80s“

On "That‘s What Livuig is To
Me." Buffett closes the album with
a philosophy inspired by a dedica-
tion by Mark Twain in one of his
books —Be good and you Will be It»
nesome/Be lonesome and you will
be free/Live a lie and you will live
to regret it. it's a song about break-
ing free of the restraints of the mod-
ern world and taking off on a simple
flight of fancy.

it‘s a trip Buffett has been taking
for the past decade and a half. My
bags are packed and l'm ready to
join him.

Yamaha percussion symposium opens

Staff reports

UK's School of Music will host the
Yamaha Percussion Symposium in
the Singletary Center for the Arts
July 17-19. The symposium will fea-
ture concerts, clinics and workshops
by the nation's leading percussion
artists and educators.

A free concert by the UK Percus—
sion Ensemble at 8 pm. Sunday in


Beg/e y

Service Available

the Center‘s Recital Hall Will open
the symposium.

Workshops will feature Spyro
Gyra‘s Dave Samuels. drummer
Vinnie Colaiuta and electronic per»
cussion specialist Phil Bloch.

Registration for the symposium is
at 5 pm. Sunday at the Singletary
Center for the Arts. Tuition fee is
$60. For more information, contact
James Campbell at 257-4900.


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Kentucky Kernel. Thursday, July 14, 1988 — 3

~ :rT—MHH_MM,


No longer content to "waste away in Margaritavnlle," Jimmy Buffett

now has a more mature perspective.


How would you like to increase your sales volume
immediately? By advertising in the Kernel you can target

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So put your advertising dollars to work where they count!

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Linda M. Collins, Advertising Director





4 — Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, July 14, 1988



Tom Spelding
Sports Editor


Claiborne rising through one hot summer at UK

While thumbing through the col-
lection of tennis magazines, health
guides and cook books, I came
across a copy of Southern Living

Normally 1 would have thrown it
aside — it was nine years old and
was so ragged you could tell it had
been read and re-read and had lived
most of its life under the water pipes
— but this issue was special. It was
the magazine’s September 1980 col-
lege football issue, and for nostalgic
reasons I decided to read it.

It listed 1%0 predictions, which in-
cluded the accurate — picking South
Carolina's George Rogers to win the
Heisman Trophy — and the not-so-
accurate —— UK. which finished 3-8
that season, was picked to finish
third in the SEC.

But past those pages was an arti<
cle on 52-year-old Jerry Claiborne —
then head coach at the University
Maryland — called “The Voice of
theTm-tleisheard in Maryland.“

It was an intriguing story about a
man who had risen from the deptm
~ in the 194th. “a high school advis-
er urged (Claiborne) to corsider the
infant air-conditioning industry“ —
to a major college coach. Claibome
first coached at Augusta Military
Academy and then at Virginia Tech.
from 1961-69. After Blacksburg he
went on to Maryland where he
coached for 10 seasors.

It seemed ironic that this mag-
azine would turn up, especially with
an article that was so positive. be—
cause the last few months have been
anything but positive for the UK

In April, he could only stand by
and watch as members of his foot—
ball team walked out of spring prac-
tice after the infamous remark UK
Board of Trustees member “Happy“





Chandler made. A potential hot situ-
ation was quickly put out, but one
can only wonder what the lingering
effects of the move are.

And in a period of just under one
week, Claiborne saw David Scott, a
20—year-old redshirt freshman. hospi-
talized after a horrible car wreck.

And just recently, the 60year-old
coach's sister passed away.

Combine that with the upcoming
football season -— just two month
away before UK‘s season opener
against Central Michigan —— a night-
marish schedule, one that aptly has
been named “the toughest yet."

It’s a death-defying lineup of oppo
nents — segen teams that finished
ahead of UK and always-tough In-
diana loom in the distance. But one
can‘t help but think Claiborne will
survive this. He has before.

Before he took over the head job
at Maryland, the Terrapins hadn‘t
Five coaches in the previous 16
years had combined for a 60-100-1
slate. All five were good, but even
their talents couldn't make the
Terps that way. Claiborne did.

“The first thing 1 had to do was to
convince the players, the alumni
and the athletic administration that
we could win," Claiborne said in the
article. “The first year, when some-
thing would go wrong during a
game, they'd just drop their heads."

The first year there wasn‘t great
(5-5-1), but Maryland went 8-4 in
1973 and received a bid to the Peach
Bowl. In 1974, Claiborne won the
first of three straight ACC titles and


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Buffet :









UK football coach Jerry Claiborne is carried off
the field by his team after defeating Wisconsin in

was named coach of the year by The
Sporting News.

In 1976, Maryland finished the reg-
ular season 110 and was ranked
No. 4 in the nation. They lost in the
Cotton Bowl to Houston. but the re-
vival was complete.

Kentucky's revival isn't complete
yet — at least not in Claiborne‘s
eyes. His goals haven't been
reached yet. UK has, however, gone
from laughingstock to respected foe

But even though UK‘s football
team is changing for the better,
Claiborne hasn't changed. The 52-
yearold in the 1980 magazine shares





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many traits with the 60-year-old of


. . While Claiborne is friendly,
intelligent, gracious . . . he, like his
Wide Tackle Six defense, is not ex-
actly flamboyant. He does not wear
Indian jewelry, slam his headset to
the ground, quote Gen. George S.
Patton, or otherwise endear him,
say, to the editors of Sports Iiius»
trated or New York Times. "

But then again, he doesn‘t have to.
He‘s gotten things done anyway.
Kentucky has gone from the middle
of the pack to the. very top academi-
cally in the Southeastern Confer-
ence. Grade-wise, the Wildcats have
few peers in football.

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the 1983 Hall of Fame Bowl. Claiborne came to
UK from the University of Maryland.

As for establishing itself as a
threat on the field, Claiborne still
wants to do that. But he won't cheat
to get his team in doing so. He didn‘t
do it eight years ago, he doesn’t do
it now and he won't in the future.

“I want to win as bad as anybody,
but when a player leaves here, I
want him to be a better person as
well as a better athlete," Claiborne
said in the magazine. “I want him to
beabletousewhathelearns in the
football program to make a success-
ful life for himself and his family. “

Sports Editor Tom Spalding is a
journalism sophomore.




Contributing Writer

John Gaines had little idea
what he started in 1983. The
owner of Gainesway Farm ar-
ranged the meeting between
Maxwell H. Gluck and then-UK
President Otis Singletarry that
resulted in the $3 million chal-
lenge gift from the Glucks,

The money was given with the
stipulation that the University
raise an amount equal to the one
the Glucks donated

The University succeeded. and
with the additional contributions
from local business people in the
community - including, Lt. Gov.
Brereton Jones, former Gov.
John Y. Brown, Gov. Wallace
Wilkinson and The Keenland As-
sociation — over $10.5 million
was raised

“One day, the Equine Center
will serve as a focal point for the
study of equine disease on an in-
ternational basis," Jones said.

Currently, the Maxwell H.
Gluck Equine Center has four
floors with 40 percent of the lab
space dedicated to viral disease
research. The remaining lab
space is used for research in
pharmacoloy, pathology, para-
sitology, immunology and physi-

The center also had several of-
fices. a library and an auditori-

James Rooney, the director of
the center, said he‘s very opto-
mistic about what has happened
since June 5. 1987.


Setting the pace

Equine Center wants to be ‘focal point’ of research

Horse 224. a.k.a Classic Fold. gets a mild workout on the
treadmill at the Maxwell H. Gluck Equine Center.

“As of right now we are excited
about a $2.5 million grant do-
nated from the Markee Charita-
ble Trust." Rooney said. “With
this, we can attempt further re-

Sensitive testing is proceeding
on determining drugs in race
horse's systems.

“When we can trace drugs in
race horses, then the results and



tests can be used upon other ani-
mals, including humans." Roe
ney said.

When the construction on the
center began there was hope that
further buildings could be con-

“There are always plans for
further construction," Rooney
said. “One day we will see anoth-
er facility.“



UK sophomore is crowned Miss Kentucky

Staff Reports

OMIkka Darby. a UK sophomore,
was crowned Miss Kentucky Satur-
day night at the Macauley Theatre
in Louisville

Darby, 19, of Salyersville, Ky..
represented Eastern Kentucky. She
competed against 25 other contes~
tants for the title, and will represent
the state in the Miss America Pag-
eant this fall in Atlantic City. NJ.

Darby won a 85.500 scholarship
and a wardrobe valued at $3.000.

oRobert G. Figg. associate dean of

the UK Extension service, has been
elected chairman of the Association
for Continuing Higher Education Re-
gion VII. Figg‘s election was an-
nounced during the association's re
cent annual conference in Jackson.

ACHE is a national professional
association of more than 500 institu-
tions and 1,500 individuals involved
in the promotion of lifelong learning
and excellence in continuing higher

Region VII, the largest in ACHE,
is composed of 10 Southern states.

0The UK marketing campaign for
University Extension programs won
the Best of Show award and nine
gold awards of excellence during a
recent national professional confer-

The marketing awards were pre
sented by the National University
Continuing Education Association. a
group with more than 3.000 mem-

University Extension has also re-
ceived the Region VII Exceptional
Programming Award from the Asso-
ciation for Continuing Higher Edu-

See FORUM, Page '7

Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, July 14, 1988 — 5

United States’ purpose
in Persian Gulf has not
changed, professors say

By CATHERINE .\I()\'Zl\'(;tl
Contributing Writer

Two ['K political science prcfcs
sors said the l'nited States wish:
for being in the Persian Unit has not
Changed since the rimming of :in lra
nian civilian aircraft by a l’ S \‘zivj.
cruiser 11 days ago

Vincent Davis and Andrew Ross
said the l' S Navy should iontiniic
to keep international waters open
for trade. however Ross silltl im-
cause of the recent incident ‘ no ‘iro
going to have to be more cart-ful
about monitoring civilian aircraft"
in the Persian (iulf

Davis said that "under iritcrna
tional law. the {'5 is not obligated
to pay" any compensation to the
families of the passengers

If the l'nited States offers any
compensation it will he offered on
the grounds of the human compas-
sion United States‘ citizens. as rep-
resented by Congress. he said

One of the reasons the lranian airy
craft was shot down. L' S officials
have said, is because the pilot never
answered calls from the ['8 ship
Vincennes and the plane also was
equipped with a miltary transpond-
er, a device that broadcasts an iden-
tifying signal.

“The Iranian aircraft violated es-
tablished procedures for operating.

not, only an a 1")?‘2l‘ifg’ mm
combat mno \khf‘rt‘ .i
was going on :it the rronwnt ‘


. u I
' titii. luf‘lt-

liri ~»

dismissed tm- -: 3. -~ .' .

lranian i-lano it'is o" ' ' . .

'l'ho li‘filltliitl>
ftiiiigs‘ in: mi: i
' lx lil‘l 'i ’
Mud ‘ims‘l

states“ allies ixar'i.'i".. .
.irid W-is' Germain s-chiw . t
'ion taken iv the \“ni'onhm
they '.!t‘\\ the iiici'icn' [9‘
(iv. but probably iinzivmdablv '

because [run In!“ ~r'txi'“ ‘
friends" and has ~ tad t--:iii"i
lion (if I78 'm‘n' Davis said ’Jrcr‘c '
little chance of ‘hc tiii'cd
being \iewed negatti'cl)’ try Pimp“
and Japan. \tho heavily rely «1‘ HM
tile Eastern oil that travels '-’Zl‘"=lL'll
the Persiantiulf

k'it‘i '



‘ “l 1;.


As to lranian criticism. ltavis said
that Iran "can scarcely complain \H‘
violated international agreements
They x'iolated all international law
and kept our diplomats hostage for
444 days under very harsh (”ill’lfli
tions "

ltoss said lran will probably rotalr
iate against the United States

"I suspect tlran villi Some “ax
somewhere." he said

Phantasm 11 too much

Continued from Page 2

Stallone speechless which isn't
hard to do anyway) that includes a
four-barrel, sawed-of f shotgun

Mike and Reggie finally stumble
across the girl and find the Tall
Man. but Coscarelli has spent so
much time building up to it that the
final confrontation seems abrupt
and anti-climactic

Characters are introduced merely
to serve as fodder for the Tall Man's
guardians three flying silver
spheres These little beauties soar
around the cemetery's corridors
seeking out any cranial target with
their blades. As if that wasn‘t pain-
ful enough. they also come equipped
with a drill. infra-red motion detec-
tor. lasers and as one guy finds
out who gets hit wtth one in the back
and gets his innards turned into giz-
zard casserole a rotrHiller What

home security system would be
complete without one

(‘oscarelli would have done better
to tighten up his rambling narrative
instead of being impressed he had a
big budget towork with

A lot of questions raised iii the
first film go unanswered. such .is‘
why does the Tall Man get his jollies
making cadavers look like .lawas
from "Star Wars"" Did he “rink!
some sick aspect of necrophilia V-llh
him from that ‘ other" dimension"

Since the predictable and disap-
pomting ending is openended. ‘iie
next time out. t'oscarelli uould ilvi
well to take some of the guts oil the
screen and put it back into


Phantasm H” ;s nitod h‘" and
is playing (if Nnrlh Park and ("ass


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6 — Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, July 14, 1988



C.A. Duane Bonlfer
Editorial Editor

Rick Maynard
Editorial Cartoonist

Thomas J. Sullivan
Editor in Chief

Heidi Probst
News Editor


Athletics board

not a place for
Gov. Chandler

The decision by UK President David
Roselle to reappoint former Kentucky Gov.
A.B. “Happy“ Chandler to the Athletics As-
sociation board of directors was a bad move.

Without question, Chandler is one of UK’s
biggest supporters — just ask him.

Chandler’s unwaning support of his alma
mater is famous not only in the state, but
across the nation as well.

Usually a during break in the action of a
regionally or nationally televised UK basket-
ball game, the camera will focus on Chan-
dler and one of the announcers will remark
how Chandler is synonymous with UK.

At Tuesday night’s All-Star game in Cin-
cinnati, Chandler — wearing his patented
blue baseball cap with a white “K" — was
shown sitting next to Gov. Wallace Wilkin-

For many people outside Kentucky, Chan-
dler is UK.

That is why UK should examine if Chan—
dler is the type of individual it wants as a
member of its boards — especially after sev-
eral incidents that have occurred over the
past three months.

At a committee meeting during the April
UK Board of Trustees meeting, Chandler
made his now infamous racial remark about
the African nation Zimbabwe.

However, instead of apologizing for what
he said was a mere slip of the tongue, Chan-
dler refused to admit he made a mistake
until his arm was finally twisted hard

When he finally sort of apologized, Chan-
dler said he had learned not to open his
mouth during public discussion, except when
he had something worthwhile to add.

Apparently he forgot his promise. because
two BOT meetings later Chandler interrupt-
ed discussion when he told fellow BOT mem—
ber Tracy Farmer: “Hey dummy, wake

One would have to think how members of
the UK football team feel about Roselle‘s de-
cision to reappoint Chandler. During the con-
troversy in April, the UK football team
walked out of spring practice and marched
on Lexingt