xt70k649q72g_263 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70k649q72g/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70k649q72g/data/2009ms132_0088.dao.xml McClellan, George Brinton, 1826-1885 1.66 Cubic feet 3 boxes, 1 flat box, 1 map folder The Wade Hall Collection of American Letters: Civil War soldier letters (1798-1986, bulk 1854-1915; 1.66 cubic feet) comprise correspondence, newspapers and newspaper clippings, photographs, journals, military records, affidavits and pension claims, poems and songs, other manuscripts, and realia of Civil War soldiers and their friends and families. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Wade Hall Collection of American Letters: Civil War soldier letters Affidavits Civil War in the North Correspondence. Envelopes (Stationery) Legal documents. Mayors--Kentucky--Louisville Military correspondence. Military history. Military life. Newspapers. Petitions. Prisoners of war--United States Reconstruction (U.S. history, 1865-1877) Reports. Slaveholders. Slavery--United States. Soldiers--Correspondence. Soldiers--United States. Songs--United States. Transcripts United States--Armed Forces--Military life United States--History--19th Century. United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Photographs United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865. Veterans--United States. War and society Washington (D.C.) The 1st Wisconsin Cavalry Regiment, Wisconsin Volunteers by S. F. Darling text The 1st Wisconsin Cavalry Regiment, Wisconsin Volunteers by S. F. Darling 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70k649q72g/data/2009ms132_0088/2009ms132_0088_159/2009ms132_0088_159_18/2009ms132_0088_159_18_2/10197/10197.pdf undated section false xt70k649q72g_263 xt70k649q72g THE lST CAVALRY REGIMENT,JI;30m5IN VOLUNTEERS
I BY S.F.Darl1ng
_ Some years ago, an elderly friend of mine, Mrs. Robert wolters,
O who has since passed away, gave me a package of civil war letters.
These letters had been written by her husband's uncle, Willam E.
Spencer, who was a volunteer member of Company G, First ylsconsin
Cavalry whose commander was Captain (later Major) Nathan Paine of
Spencer volunteered on Oct. l, 186l and after training at Camp
Fremont at Ripon, then at Camp Harvey at Kenosha and finally at Ben-
ton Barracks, St. Lou1s,Mo. was sent to Cape G1rardeau,Mo. where
different companies of the regiment were dispersed to the interior
of Missouri and Arkansas for active duty. Spencer's letters cover
all these movements and his last letter was written on Sept. 7,1862
from Helena,Ark. On September 26, 1862 he succumbed.to disease on a
steamboat near Memph1s,Tenn. He was the son of Elihu Spencer, an early
· Appleton p1oneer,to whom most of the letters were addressed.
From the time he enlisted until he died he wrote thirty one let-
ters home and in my possession are twenty eight of these letters and
their covers. Fortunately for us his sister, Fidelia Spencer, saved
  every letter her brother wrote home whether they were addressed to
her, her father, or another member of the family. Each letter has
been numbered consecutively beginning with N0. 1 dated Oct. 15,1861
and postmarked R1pon,w1s. to his last No. 51 dated Sept. 7, 1862
written from He1ena,Ark. and postmarked Memph1s,Tenn. The actual
letter No. 51 is missing ln its envelope and ln its place ls a
clipping from the local paper, Appleton Motor, of a copy of his last
_ letter.
1 · Letters numbered 5, 16, and 22 are missing. Mrs. Nolter told me
· ghe gave these three letters to a descendjént   Captain Paine in
C)maosh because he was mentioned in these letters. I tried to con-

tact this descendent to get copies of the contents of these three
missing letters but was unsuccessful. However, the remaining twen-
. ty eight letters form an almost unbroken story of the life of this
soldier in the Union army from the time he enlisted until he died of
According to the 'Report of the Adj. General 1860-l864' from I
which I was able to gather many facts not included in the letters, e
the First Cavalry Regiment lost fifty six members in battle includ-
ing Major Nathan Paine, sixteen died of wounds,three hddred mine _
died of disease including Pvt. w.E.Spencer and eight died of acci-
dents. This story of the First wssconsin Cavalry was repeated over
and over again in every unit of the Union army with most of the cas-
ualties of war being caused by disease.
The first four letters of the series are postmarked Ripon,w$S.
and represent Bpencer's trainging period at Camp Fremont from Oct.
• 1, 1861 to November 25, 1861. The company was then moved to Camp —
Harvey at Kenosha where his first letter from there is dated Dec.l,
1861. Letter No. 5, one that is missing,cou1d have been sent from
either Ripon or Kenosha.
Letters No. 6 through No. 17 were written and postmarked from
Camp Harvey at Kenosha. This represents the four month training per-
iod when the regiment was completely outfitted and its ranks brought
up to the maximum by further volunteers. The last company was muster-
ed in on March 8, 1862.
On March 17, 1862 the regiment left for St. Louis and arrived on
March lgth and were quartered in Benton Barracks until April 28 when
five companies were sent to Cape Girardeau,Mo. followed by the rest
the next day. This period corresponds to letters No. 18 and 19 post-
· O marked St. Lou1s,Mo.
ietters Nos. 20 through 25 are all postmarked Cape Girardeau,Mo.

Actually cover No. 2O contains two letters, one headed Cape Girar-
) deau and the other headed B1oomf1e1d,Stoddard Co., Mo. The next two
  letters Nos.2l and 26 are headed Kennett,Dunkl1n Co.,Mo. and Nos.24
and 25 west Prairie,Q;ddard Co., Mo.
The next four letters, Nos. 26,27,28, and 51 are all postmarked 1
Memphis,Tenn. but were written from Suttersville,Maryanna,Ph1l1pps Co.,
Ark. and the last two which includes his final letter from Helena,Ark.
These lest letters are from the period when the companies were on
active duty in various parts of Missouri and Arkansas during the sum-
mer of 1862. Later they were all united at Cape Girardeau on Oct. 1, '
1862 but without Private w.E.Spencer who had succumbed on Sept. 26,1862.
Three other letters belong to this interesting series, two from
the treasury department at Washington which seem to concern an appli-
cation by Spencer's father, Elihu, for a pension or payment from the
government for the demise of his son. These letters are postmarked
· '.·Jashington,D.C. in 18625.
The final letter addressed to Elihu Spencer, the father, was from
a comradcof his son who returned a pen holder he had stolen from W.E.
and in a period of remorse for his dead comradereturned the pen holder
in 1867 in an unsigned letter.
Most of the letters are still in their original covers and are
mainly civil war patriotics. Begg are in excellent condition; others
have had the stamp removed and are in poor condition. The letters
themselves are very vell preserved and are easily legible. Spencer
had a very good hand at writing even though his spelllng and grammar
mas not always the best. It would take an article longer than this
to summarize the salient parts of this period of enlistment from
Oct. 1, 1861 until his death on Sept. 26, 1862

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 Copied from
Host r of Wiwconalm Volnot¤oro,Har of tho Hooolllon 1361-1885 Vol 1.
iWMUY£i of Go G. int Vlcooiwio Cavalry from Aoo1@tom,Nis.
· The o<·1g··1r.¤l ’L;·‘·oi;¤fT; ¤’ t`*1¤;» :o·:ep;»¤r1y war;   P·;j_r1<; from Cishlzooio who
vo1»nt=¤r»; oa Dog. 6, l%5l and ¤wco1ntod c¤ot¤lm on Nov. 16,18Bl. On
genoogr Fl, 1¥3l -’-  hw www m~¤o Major ¤n£ was killed in zctioo oo July 28,
l¥M@ ¤t tin: ¤ctioo :»t Covnb¤lltown,3a.
The ?ol1owfn" in the list of Aooloton volunteers
9~to of ¤o1i“tv¤ni
hoot. TM. l@§d Join H. Bqroos Qnl Lt.,lst Lt. July 11, 1865
f.J. Jgly 19, l@55
pot. WV, 14S? Alovrt A. Ersitumg. Prisoner at Gzmpbo11towm,Goo.
July ?%,1%@4 M.Q. Any 1, 1885
net. Q, lxél Giorge H. Solo Died Deb. 19, 1362 Bt. Louis,Mo.
fro? dleesse
]~;t. 7, 1QGl Bow. J. Downs D12. Oct. 29, 1962 dioobillty
Boo;. #7, lkwl D¤nial E. Nlehar §1ggksmith_woum@e@ Apr. 28,1385
Mud Crook,Mo. M.G. Oct. Bl, 1864 term expired
Luv. li, TMS? Heinrich Loonan Died Jct. 19, 1%52 St. Louis dlocaso
Al;. X., l”Ul Roierlcx KoL2onnn,Qg;g, Died M¤r.51,lB54 jrizgoport,
Alo. il¤ooH2
;v;. 7, 1BQl xmory Ulier Frisoner Oct. 19, 1852 r2p’i. discharged
2¤rch 5, 1863
,21. 61, l%il John D. Pryce fziyior dioch. Foo QE, 1265
Boot. Q1, 1QGl &o¤~ell K. R¤ndall,Qom,5ergt. M.O. Oct, 51, 1854 Torm.Ex.
Tent. fl, 1*dl Hniicon J. Rogers M.3. Qct. 51, 185% “ "
O A21  lu, 1~Y€3l Frodo O. Rohrboro. PLO. Oct. 51, 1864 " ”
?*ot. “G, 1351 Elotchur D. So¤mmn DiSch¤r§9d Oct. QQ, 1352 iiS2b111ty
Seo:. Q, 1BMl Eloriogo E. Smith Qui;. M.G. Oct. 51, 1BG% Term. Ex.
Jet. 1, 1*61 William E. Sqoncor Died Sept. 25, 1QGQ on steamboat
Hqmp A2mohi2,T@no. disease
Jgg, lu, 1%¥1 Jorluh R. H§it@ grtljlgqr dleo Oct. 29, 1852,Mound
Qéoz. QV, l€3l Jnmox G. Mood M,O. Dot. Sl, 1%64 Toro stoirod
Iota: No ~A FJ"? l< yjvei for many VO1UHE€9T$ S0 it 1% UOSSib1% MOTB
¤¤l€1»v® from tHl¤ or other como¤nlc@ were from Apwlotonc Such
v~· tl» v~¢» o? Tilliwr S. Sowocor ~ho¤o -.,·· homo town iw not mon-
LfWS*. ir iE~ ¤¤ov¤ book out is known from other cvliencc.
V¤r~i*r: lrwo worker or ol¤ck¢¤ith
Ar$?f2*or: Nilltwry mochzoio