xt70k649q72g_483 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70k649q72g/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70k649q72g/data/2009ms132_0088.dao.xml McClellan, George Brinton, 1826-1885 1.66 Cubic feet 3 boxes, 1 flat box, 1 map folder The Wade Hall Collection of American Letters: Civil War soldier letters (1798-1986, bulk 1854-1915; 1.66 cubic feet) comprise correspondence, newspapers and newspaper clippings, photographs, journals, military records, affidavits and pension claims, poems and songs, other manuscripts, and realia of Civil War soldiers and their friends and families. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Wade Hall Collection of American Letters: Civil War soldier letters Affidavits Civil War in the North Correspondence. Envelopes (Stationery) Legal documents. Mayors--Kentucky--Louisville Military correspondence. Military history. Military life. Newspapers. Petitions. Prisoners of war--United States Reconstruction (U.S. history, 1865-1877) Reports. Slaveholders. Slavery--United States. Soldiers--Correspondence. Soldiers--United States. Songs--United States. Transcripts United States--Armed Forces--Military life United States--History--19th Century. United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Photographs United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865. Veterans--United States. War and society Washington (D.C.) Might have become President, Tri-State Trader text Might have become President, Tri-State Trader 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70k649q72g/data/2009ms132_0088/2009ms132_0088_160/2009ms132_0088_160_10/2009ms132_0088_160_10_2/10972/10972.pdf 1986 February 3 1986 1986 February 3 section false xt70k649q72g_483 xt70k649q72g O • . Mlght Have Become President He was known as "the general of the southern siege was broken. It was Rosea one mistake." Had it not been for that crans’ plan for lifting the siege that ` mistake, on the second day of the Civil Grant had used, but he got no credit for War battle of Chickamauga, Maj. Gen. the victory. A broken man, he was trans- William Starke_Rosecrans`,of Cincinnati, ferred to unimportant posts and quit the Ohio, might have `Becorne president of Army a year later. thi? United St8t€S· Vindication came to Rosecrans 25 In late Summer 1863, Rosecrans Was years later, at a battlefield reunion pic- - perhaps ih€ b€Sl·k¤0W¤ g€¤€F3l in tht? nic for Confederate and Union veterans Union Army. His bloodless 03P¥¤1`€ of at Chickamauga in 1889. Ten thousand Chattanooga, T€¤¤-, ihfi South’S m0$t men cheered Rosecrans as he stood atop important railroad center, had sent the 3 table updgy the mam time A news- Q North into joyous celebration. The end of paper reporter wrote that ·‘e1d veterans the war seemed imminent. i cried like infants" upon seeing the old But Rosecrans, goaded by an 1mpa— commandel-_ tient War Department, barely paused at · y . - ‘_ Chattanooga. With rebel Gen. Braxton mggggg2)fIKgO?lig:§(i1Ie]iJ&?0r$};€rH(;;}l3viglgggt Breeze al`mY in apparent _diSa“`3Y» a monument anywhere. But at Chicka- Rosecrans split his own army into three meuge, his iieme lives Oni as a general wings and followed the retreating south- Oi imdeubied ability who made one miS_ erners into northern Georgia. take, in the heat of battle, and paid for it Bragg, however, was not in retreat. He the rest of his life. — kt was lying in wait for his overconfident opponent. On the night of Sept. 18, the two armies blundered into each other Amgflca S Fl]‘St’ Largggf along the banks of Chickamauga Creek, , , , i 10 miles south of Chattanooga along the National MZllta]`y Park T€‘m€SS€€‘G€0Yg1a b<>rder· The next two The story of Gen. William Rosecrans deve Saw Some ef the blppdlest flghtmg is told at America `s f`irst. largest and ef me Civil Wan most-visited national military park. Rosecrans, who had never seen defeat ChickamaugaChattanooga. in his battles, had graduated fifth in his A quarter century after the end of the West Point class, and become a success- Civil War. Americans raised money to ful architect and engineer in Cincinnati. erect monuments, plaques and markers When the war broke out, he was pressed to the pivotal fighting that took place in back into service. the Chickamauga and Chattanooga Perhaps for the first time, Rosecrans araaa in 1863- realized he was in a fight for survival in NO_W» $aY$ the Challaaaaga Area Call- [hgg raging Chickamauga battle Bragg VGHUOII and VlS1tOI`S Bureau, €le1eOI`tS HI'?} attacked the morning of Sept. io, and all underway to deed end repair el! df the day the two armies clashed in the deep Parkys 666 mamlmaatsl la Praparailaa wggdg and undeybmshv for aimajor national celebration of the The next morning an over-tired Rose- perk S Certerral In ieee The menu` crans checked out the Union positions. ments were fundedr deslgned andpleeed Aiiei. Brigadier Gen. Themes Weed i~eil_ by veterans from each state who fought ed to move his troops as quickly as Rose- there . . . crans wanted, Wood got a vicious public Suppe"terS.em/felon efneler pmgrem tongue-lashing from his commander. _e1eeg teelmeeef the Seve the Statue Rosecrans would come to regret that ef Llbeety preleet _ te preserve the outburst. mememele . . . Later in the dey, Rosecrans eel 3 i_e_ For more. information about the im- port of a gap in the Union lines, and not perteeee ef the Ce1eke}]]euge`Chette" bothering to check the accuracy of the Heege eree to the CIW] Well; er emerge information, ordered Wood to move his treeeene m end eeeund eeeeeneege troops there Weed, fearing eiieiliei. i,e_ contact the Convention and Visitors Ber- buke, moved quickly eeiioet 1001 Market St., Chattanooga. liv Ironically, at that same time 11,000 Confederate troops came crashing through the woods at exactly the spot that Wood had vacated. The result was a rout of the Union troops. Rosecrans’ beaten army was able to retreat into Chattanooga, but the fiasco . led to Rosecrans’ downfall. President Abraham Lincoln named Ulysses S. Grant to head the Union armies in the West, and Grant chose to dismiss Rose- crans. Two months later, Grant won the ad- miration of the northern public when the A wat°'C°°'T °w L. " ° " I ° Ives pnnts" he • •- .L L L I Hugo H' F1Sh€r‘2O x30 ' "The Brave at Home"; BOOKS: MiIIer’s '· · - ' LL , Le Photo History; Compendium of \Nar of Rebel Fllillcll ll¤llQ Strobridge 8. Co. Cin. Ohio signed Yours llllald Wllllt? lll¤l"1>l l Y V 4 truly, AL Lincoln; many more books & arti- m'l'0V· 'll3l‘1>1€"l0l£> i agi S » r . I facts. letters&paper goodstoo numerousto $11OWCa$€;,311r’ 13 , L L LL L L. L mention, Oval iss ters. base 30 mqlieaa l _.·;;;;_——;·;;~Yg·;;;;;x;;;;~;_s£,;L2*L,L??_TL;a.aLLL ANTIQUE FURNITURE; Fine collection ol 1810 blackél 0856% ‘ OH on board ,_Bé;éh`écené ,, Louispo} English furniture; round center pedestal d'“"1€ VOOH1 Cl1j1'l5· ‘ 13,, 10V,, ‘ ‘ ' ‘ mahogany dining room table; pr. of walnut 10011 back C113l'>- X 2 ‘ Empire tables w;orig. porcelain casters; wal- DECORATOR F ` l L L L LL LL LL .. / nut Chippendale side chair wlneedlepoint $1Y1€ hand CNVEC1 ‘ seat; curly maple corner cupboard; curly $1Z€¥ma€n'1·1€€*11l€l | " LZ L LLLL L,A,L __, _ LW __,A WL ____ ll maple & walnut Hepplewhite five drawer $*119 Chal'53 '“O€1€"' Chest; painted Pennsylvania cupboard; $UlY9i €><€€¤llV€ wal l g `Q painted pencil post bed wL’canopy;brassand- mE11€1"1l3€"€11€"lZ¥1— ‘ LL,. irons; folding brass fireplace screen; park NNE CO1-1—ECT1O ‘ l;] bench; pr ol matching Empire love seats; CNVBS- '¤¤ll¤*l> GE :~?°‘_3,}-;’L~· Eastlake glass door bookcase wldaisy carv- background. Sltilwll ‘ _Q_ » ,5 ·r“ ’;~%“ § ‘* 4 ig ing; upright piano from England made by On €3”V¤$· 1'l(1'11fl> | W" Shenstone. Shenstone & Co.; pr. Sheraton 1—€OM11'iD11Y·‘111 *1* l ;lL· ll style banquet ends; Queen Anne mahogany €3ll}’B$·_v €11?$1"€1€1— fi ·_,, _ _ __ lg side table wldrop leaf; pine bracket base 11 *111 ·O'1O'l Dill? l L. _L L L,. 1 L;·;,L},’L chest. 2 over 3; pine 2 door bracket base Clllll ¤'“1l$1~ 0*1 Oll C l O. L, L L ;, L _ scene wfloral bord il on canvas, Indians in Camp, sign- . _·._, L LL , 16--M6-- mmm l ed V. Casnelli, 14"x22". A- Belle Oy Old M l »—-~ q _·,L,; -»»_· L_ LL 21‘L~"x1g7‘ oil on i . sigriea e Rayner I L °‘ ‘ "“ ‘“""""‘” ‘‘`‘ L ;;- L Reading the tea ‘ \ j { Roseland. 16"x2b": l l _ L Q edinpencrllhe Att l j · ic; Ly L. Krumberg. J Rol l Y}; Q _ K KL Wrtholrn Francis J _, j in en mi timer : L ‘ W L Drew; J. Berlnl i f [ py, n GL Loendaeu; EC ‘ " r M » ' r V [ [ mundL Cliasell t ’ _ __Mi_ I 2 '< lathiers Ann Cook l i$*” [» r .`VV 11-;; LLLL.. - LLL LL Florence Topping _ - ” .' " L` ' Oil on canvas "BeIle of Old," Glacl ¤ SLIsl:L5%2iLL$"$3F&l2‘l‘a" ""'· Se"; $‘g'IF‘1 E- my HUMMHW ‘ · · 21% x17%"_ Wayside Haimmiv l p A if *__/ ww Market. Little boa y - - ¤ L L - er. A Stitch ln lin l · ’ twsocks on dolll. Q t ‘“L‘ L;. Lim, ' BEE" Puppy Love ”~f"L _' L Share. Hear Ye. ·le LL Lv teers. Doll lllbtlmi | tj ; fl L aa, t~.~¤»sil l¤·L~r· = i s&*§§§’L Qs- r·=¤· ¢ r— ·— ` ‘ - ‘ s HL ‘‘ I = I LLLL L ;L`L; ·L 1 `‘L‘ ; L L `·LL\ ` 1 L" ‘ " “ I ` I `VEQMS OF SALE Cash. ‘ V-.,_M ____,,Le~ 1 ;· ;as?Ie; s l‘·'l.tsta ’ H Lithograph Or Un(—CI`;; by ii lull Diy Dt SAM- AWG l1‘l ' ` ' ‘ Sr rsclae & -. ;, l Oil on canvas, "Rveclinihg Nude," signed g(T_d1aE?11;i`_ SIELWQ ` `LL\Ql.lJI'v~rEilA:. t JL Rolshoven, 16 x20 L Yours tmlyv A_ L,mm;;n` J5U"~~‘~1l;r;l;rl-ex; ‘ A oval, 13"x16". ‘ efae,t,aLLg,.La,LL.L,.s.. LLLL L L mm-,»L`,,;,_L€L l - 1 ~ ~ cAvALoctLii2s Avrtnrxe _ _: A _»” T · 1 ·~ ` R "( ~-LL 11"°“· » - ` a ’r·. . L 4- `_ 1 _ it L M 1; LL A `; xx ” ’ `V ¤l L 'ZTLL · L tle V VL A 1 “ 1 n. Ol. Collection ot Hummel figurines (see listing i ad;. = "@·‘$· 7%% Uk-`WeL`&'t§;‘!b,‘%-.\}‘§¤ %CW¤L'ii$·Wx‘B. ~