University of Kentucky J J l "Hard work and desire, along OUtlOOk 86' — PAGE 4 with good shooting, are going to _ be our strong suits this year’” § Players — PAGE 9 p —Coach Terry Hall . i l:i€COl'ClS — PAGE 35 f EEA D Y E% I S Vol. Metro Final Lexington, Kentucky Z D · I d A4 .._,s,_r J »·.a;·;i . t· GSI F9 COU A _ ._ itltu . —·r. be ke fo E ll P r= lh ' .. .’ ‘ ” l_"'_` \ /’ . I ’ ’ J ‘ 8 C7 A~.. »._, Kats ll'l 86- 87 » ttrlrri etllU&:se?§»*illfflA... _ V or ·· <+ g ··.» · A " r ‘: r = _ r j ‘ il" bf _ 8*5);. / A4; i / _ ._ its Although a considerable hole was created ek *‘ li A , ~ A `‘l in the lineup with the departure of standout ‘ i '_ / `_-Qi r , `{c;\\\;.,& ·_ ) forwards Leslie Nichols and Karen Mosley, f g i j ._ ” NAA _ `\\YQlZ_§ l M ‘\ 4 »— “ \`\ Coach Terry Hall believes the 1986-87 Ken- E lxg, ‘ _‘*‘r‘J;'$··i·“*lii*y· { LC l ¢ ·_ 8; _ if \\ tucky Lady Kats may be even better than last H ·? -` [ ri i ’~~. . `rv J5 { . r. A A A A A , it { xYT" -_ s » = yearseditron. That squad finished with an 18- ,t _ ; =· · V _ gg qs - . =- ·§ , 4 ll record and an NCAA playoff berth. Hall _ L _ . 3% · _ 8 J ‘ realizes that her prediction may raise a few gg ¢ § ` if ` H,. V `J 'J VV ii Fal? lf V i ` A , . i A Z { eyebrows, but she explains her reasoning with J _ · ’fg}i?, li k rt l ¤. r one word: _ _ y . i_.. ' A · ; V· _· lj _ Y x_ _ `\\ I ‘ " _L_ . ..D€Sir€_» ·a·· · _= _· — K ¤· . _ \ -. *3) ~A·>¢A f Senior Sandy _ ‘ .__;>\ F ‘ i"$’i‘i;,,$y ii ·j .. ’ \" ’* R Harding should A V A' ' lf _,.a .k i ` A i t_ wow `em again. ; {Q; V ll ’i . if-`; if 8* ‘* ’ ' l / I ”. we , [ . v~ g ; * ···. . rag.; .1; ·· in A A ~ A Artr A A ( rr " L A · ` " A~i?· ‘ ff ‘ A A M E ‘ ' e—r€'§t» ¤ T r“ * A A » p lt ·. A Mgl i `· »— .A.A ···e · ‘ A - ‘ . ‘— et ` . ,5.., ,5;., .;., _, _. __,i` Cl Ar ,tr_ rf, .- . r., » 1 A; _ 4 g e Y" ' +/3 rf- ie ~ = ·· Coach Hall discusses strategy with Lady Kats squad. 3 { K _ n A i J With four eager newcomers and three cagy candidate for that honor in her final season. U ll seniors, Hall feels youthful enthusiasm could Harding. sophomore guard Jodie Whitaker, — `‘°‘ °l**' '‘“’· ·‘··* ‘‘··i`` i ‘ ‘A‘· —‘ blend with experience to produce the kind of senior center Debbie Miller and junior for» » ·-»- - A·»»....,.A. chemistry that often results in championship ward Bebe Croley all started at least 20 games i ` seasons. "Hard work and desire, along with last season good shooting, are going to be our strong suits "We lost our leading scorer and rebounder this year." Hall said with a confident smile. in Leslie," Hall said of the thrce—timc all- "We will have to be totally team—oriented. We conference player. "and we lost a very fine and 4 ` don`t have an All-American on the squad." underrated player in Karen. liveryone must ___ _;_,:g __>> _P - V ln fact. the Lady Kats don`t even have an play together and depend upon each other to ;__` " '`‘'‘ P"` »· . all—confcrencc player this season, although be successful this ycar." Yi, A _ _ _ "’ point guard Sandy Harding is surely a top (Turn {O Back CO`/Gr)