xt70k649rw4n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70k649rw4n/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1988 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, April 1988 Vol.57 No.4 text The Kentucky Press, April 1988 Vol.57 No.4 1988 2019 true xt70k649rw4n section xt70k649rw4n , V l‘ ‘u
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‘ l.‘3ii’€‘i':t,tléi.. - SS ASSOCIATION
. Volume 57 Numb. 332 CAPITOL AVENUE A ril 1988
j , ' FRANKFURT KY 40501 p '
f. —
‘ - Freedom of Information
. ___———-———_
, One-way Ticket * . .
« - _, ~ 1~ : _, , Supreme Court ruling
. afimxflVgVAv‘exv/‘fxoW‘syw\Mgfis‘x“,vt{Eli-fig::{vfig‘xzu'l‘j’il s“ . ,tj ._-' v. .. ' '
- 2*» ffiewwwm ‘~‘ . . <
eke“ m wwfiwtt MW " Wmi ' has an advant
§§~§§§ wwym§§§$§§§$§ "" m»! Ix . s. l' ' l i ‘1“ . y ages
“fizngtfigfij§‘$a at. '- @é . ° '
ere ' ‘S my w it for IOU mahStS ’
se$§$t e». “if“ . Ix 7'“ 7M
twtew t ' is , . .. ee 3 ».e we. , B K' c
Attemg'fistt ~ eat, a 5&3 ’ . Y 'm reezec b
«f”*mzm.,;w-:»\ ‘\ _ .- ; " it ‘ . 5x“? .~ Wyatt, Tarrant an om s
~%W”K§:§2” , N f H” “3%.. 5 “ s w E; On March 3, the Kentucky Supreme Court issued an extremely
“of” L W ‘ i ”5 - . u - 2 f important First Amendment decision when it ruled that news
as? . z '” ma ., , ' W . .f’ ’2 A w; _ a , 3 ‘ ‘ ' l' ‘ted ri ht of access to
‘ Ht ',~ ,5 4W. é,” _ 42w .2 3 5%.» a? “We '22? M. organizations and the public have a imi g . .
,7 “5 gli- id“ *2” 13.3.“ R,” , W; ' .. f f“ ‘“V if; <2 i ‘t‘ documents in civil cases. The ruling has several salient pomts.
' “yr-fix °'= ‘ j I ‘4‘)?" “ , if " 1“ in! e ‘3, ’ . ’ '77:“? 'Q First, the Supreme Court has told the news media exactly what
. - . m; 42% . ,. - 4 ii? , . I? Q’ g: V, £3? " - I procedure we are to use to contest closure of a court proceeding
. . ' _, 535 .. ‘83:“: i‘ _ § “3%” ‘ "’ t“"\ 6“ g; . . .. it ‘ or a court file. The first step is to file a‘motion to intervene in the
“‘- :33 _ f . a negroceedin, foreurposes, of challenging thewmotion or order for
1‘ _. . _ . , . ‘ ' \ . ___,._ wefiflsfieenréw 'tih‘th’e ‘court
3 fr” . ' z ’ _-, 3,, #3" : I clelines to conduct a hearing on the media/s objections In
;- t“ 3 2%. . ,2, '4‘}. 1" tag”! ; 4 a Closure, or if the court orders closure after a hearing, the
Ni}; VI 3%; ,, '--.__jj.fE,;,‘.,::..5":;)g,i,-ft} ”ffléif} [gigs 1? newspaper has a right to go directly to the Kentucky Court oi
,ufi _ ‘31; 49.2%" "E .5.“ " fig? Appeals. The paper would file a petition for mandamus or
M "éwfll‘w‘gfi‘ task " ’ '“ R f; e if.- prohibition, asking the Court of Appeals to review the action of
’ ~!:._§r.‘~ W 43%! . o @433?“ 31%": - , the trial court in an expedited fashion. '
figfma * if.» E j " g mike“ ti}; 1%? _ 133} , ’ This procedure is preferable by far to the procedure the Court
5:11“: A" 3: '3. \afe“ R ‘_ “fit We fit fig?“ .2 ' of Appeals had mandated previously. That is, the Court of
WV t~ $te*wgt*w *‘I’W s}; a? M Appeals would have required the newspaper to file a lawsuit
. ”Egg 3‘ M“ . W 1 5* 1~ Egziatg; «3”. against the court which ordered closure. That procedure would
* ' if 3“ ‘2: , r ' egg 4» be extremely cumbersome, time—consuming and expensive. The
"‘e‘ ...-; the 7‘11_ ‘5’ 1 -‘ " "’5 - 7 ~«W't r tea lawsuit would be before a judge of equal stature to the judge You
. were suing and, if handled in the ordinary course of that court’s
These students of Campbellsville Middle School are sending books to Peace Corps volunteers in affairs, would take an extremely long time to complete.
‘ the Solomon Islands. The books will help former Kentucky journalist Jane Marlow Willis start a . The Supreme Court explicitly recognized that, where access to
resource library for primary schools. For the story, see page 3 the judicial ctiargcess gas been denies, th: netws metdiat n'tiay
intervene an eman access even oug no a par y o e
. underlying litigation.
0 o o h . d From CJLTCo. v. Peers: “The news media is entitled to no
' e ' l rivile es sim I because it is a owerful business.
Active ournalist ].S. Moran onore sp p g n . . . p . ..
. Nevertheless, the law recognizes it occupies a unique posmon as
o o o o o the eyes and ears of the public, a status authorizing it to demand
on , [1'8 1 00th bl rthday In SprI ngfIEId access as the public’s representative whenever the public’s right
to know outweighs the litigants’ lawfully protected rights.
Reprinted from the Herald-Leader folks pulled out all the stops to mentator Paul Harvey offered Lap/fully péotehctedrifghts tnclu'de bOth constitutionally protected
SPRINGFIELD—The way 15. mark the centennial of the best wishes on his nationally ”g ts an I tdefrigdt O pmc/iacy m ,lts various aspects as
Moran tells it, the Louisville & grand old man of Kentucky syndicated radio show. appropriatey e me In court eC'S'OnS' . .
Nashville Railroad ran the first journalism. All the fuss is understand- lrlt establishing thegroceldute for expedigted relyiew of an order
rail line-to this Washington It was J.S. Moran Week in able when you consider that sea ing a court rim; or cosmg a procee ing,t e Supreme
County seat in February 1888- Washington County. Moran’s very few people live to be 100, C05“ tecognize. .t e urfgency - ‘ -
That was two months before birthday was J.S. Moran Day in much less continue working at an tlmhe-SCHSIthlty O the INSIDE »
Moran was born. Springfield. And The Springfield that age. news gat enng Process‘ ,,
The railroad is long gone; the Sun, where Moran has worked But Moran’s column, IFrom CJLTCQ V' Peers. In —-—-—-————-———,, ’ “ ' “
rails ripped up; the depot torn for more than 70 years, held an ”Through My Bifocals,” is still re ative'term's, Inf rehporting the . “-, ' , ‘ - 4
down. open house to honor its most followed by the Sun’s 4,100 Rews, Itime '5 Oh t (.3 :ssence. T'Ve journalists ,have been
, But Moran, who turned 100 famous writer. readers in Washington County ews ls news W en 't, appens Inducted intoUKs KEDtUCkY
on April 13, is still steaming The week before Moran’s and more than 20 states. Each and theh.?eY‘t’5. Tfid'a need; Journalism Hall Of Fame.
along. . _ birthday the Springfield Lions week, it Offers ideas, opinions aceefis tw leTlh '5 5", nefws an See page 3-; .
~ ”l’ve outlived the railroad,” Club held a dinner for Moran, and observations on fife from no ,'5 cry. 9 V3 ue 0 inves- ‘
said Moran, thought to be the and his close friend US. Rep. the perspective of a man who Sgatlve reporting as a t00l t'O TWO Kentucky newspepers
oldest. working journalist in . William Natcher of Bowling has been writing for 90 years. . iscovery ofmgttersl 0f PUbl'C have rECEIVEd . national
America and perhaps the Green was on hand. President Writing is a passion that importance '5 irecty propor- awards from SCFIPPS HOW-
world. ' Reagan and his wife, Nancy, tional to the speed Of access. ard Foundation. See page 4-
The week of his birthday, sent greetings, and news com— Please turn to page 2 Please turn to page 5
A97. :3 Reed
:«uwi‘sziy at W

 . 'x
Page 2
f ' ‘ f W ° ° ' l' 'll '
A ter ninety years 0 riting, iourna ist sti at it
Continued from page 1 track of life in this rural. com- ing Moran’s various ' achieve- to celebrate. l’People went ville once, and lldidn’t like it; in
—————————-— munity. He’s an institution ments, including his Induction Wild. They used every method a big town, you re Just another
began during Moran’s child- here. into the Kentucky Journalism of noisemaking that was cog in the machine. Out here,
hood on a Washington County A widower — his wife, Mar- Hall of Fame. . possible." you know your neighbors, and
farm. , gie, died in 1963.— Moran has He spends the morning Moran rates Woodrow Wil- they know you.”
”i was just a small kid, and two daughters. Slender and still reading his mail, scanning son the best president he’s Now, the neighbors arehon-
my Dad took the weekly Cou- ’ ramrod straight, he walks with- newspapers and perhaps seen — ”he was a conservative oring Moran’s century in this
. rier-Journal. l would lay it out .out assistance, although he ”pounding out” a few column gentleman” — and he puts community.
on the floor, lay on my belly ' carries a cane. While he some- items. About 12:30 pm, he Franklin D. Roosevelt second. It might seem like a good
and copy it and make believel - times has difficulty hearing, he strolls over to the Home But he frets about American’s time to retire. But Moran said
was writing stories for a big has instant recall. Hearth restaurant, where he declining interest in politics. that his ,main concern Was
newspaper.” ”They say the first 100 years likes ”whatever they have on “The thing that really angers getting his vision problems re-
At age 10/ Moran began writing ,,,.are‘ the toughest,” Moran said. . the menu," After lunch, he me is that people don’t vote. I solved .. he recently had cat-
. local news‘items as the ”com-3,: ."But l’ve had good -health,‘felt"'._;f may drop by Springfield State have always contended . that aract surgery __ so he can get
.3 igfénunity gorrespondent’" for theeiagood and felt like working; And. ,1; ,Bank' to pass the time of day. every indiwdual who is eligible back‘ {0‘ Writing. He said’ he
duntyfs?“_,yalley‘-IH_ill $37955if"lfis’jiiifilfvé"awfoufid’iia‘ifgreatgdealfigoffiAbpm 3 p.rn., hehas- someone should vote.” ‘ ‘ ‘ didn't know what subject he
"1913, ’_he began L, to '» "write“ liii'pleastire'": in . working” in drive him‘home. ' He said he never was tempt- would tackle first ,
» obituaries. 3 i ' -' newspapers.” . , s. ,, ‘ It may not be glamour jour- ed .to move to a bigger paper But no one here is worried.
Then, for a $1,500 down \ Vision problems . recently nalism, but it works for Moran. in a bigger town. _ ' . 'With 100 years of experience,
payment, he bought the week- have kept him from writing his And, anyway, he doesn’t have ”I spent two years in Lows- Moran Wm think of something.
ly Springfield News-Leader and column. But most‘mornings at much patience with newspa— ,
merged it with the Springfield 10 he still has someone from pering as it’s practiced many
Sun. The year was 19163, and the newspaper drive him to places today; ———THE____.—_
the United States was still try- work. ’l'heres too much sensa- , ,'
ing to stay out or World War I. Th S , h b' k tionalism, and i don’t agree -' .
Moran hasn’t worked any- b 1d? unsC omr‘e‘, . a St "Ct ’ with it. A newspaperman has a ENTUCK! . RESS
where else since. - , 3 . isual mgtgtuor: ofrglsj antai'rr‘nodgfn’ great deal in common with a —————.——_
. _ ' . . ' minister, he has to keep watch ' ‘
For more than 50 years,- he ‘ There are tall ceilings and var- on the congregation, and if he The Kentucky Press (lSSN-0023-0324) is published monthly and
was owner, EdItOT and PUbllSh' nished wood doors With tran- . . . . .
Aft L d k C m un't k , bl finds something wrong he second class postage paid at Frankfort, Ky., 40601,.and at additional
. er. er an bmarh (:1 m ',Y somes. BUt ‘I’OC mUS'C ares should try to correct it.” mailing offices. Subscription price is $4 per year. POSTMASTER: Send
Newspapers oug t t e Sun in from a radio and employees That’s not to say that Moran change of address to The Kentucky. Press, c/o Lexington Herald-
1973, Moran stayed on.as col- prepare ads on a MaCIntosh has shied away from contro- Leader, 100 Midland Avenue, Lexington, Ky., 40507.
umnist and editor emeritus. computer. versy in his career But he said ‘
A\ways natt'i\y dressed ~m 5U“ Moran has no computer and that he had received ”more Official Publication of Kentucky Press Association, Inc.
"5'51?ngfiéttéiéfqtiufislpamsrthe,ggxfsn'?"z?3b9§,lt.c-,t0.tirade-“é!!! his .33,b,ou uets than brickbatsfil'tv'f---"-I~- .. ,4 . . 1938 5”“ “Fired?” 3, u’ i . . Ma “ " '
" T ‘ fight Springfield‘to'gamer§3--{‘fi“venerable’isUnderwood'"iFYPef .33: ' Hg still says the biggest‘storyi'f is David'Reeves I’» "5 ‘ ‘- I "'3 teeth???” '
material for h'5 writings. Times writer to get one. “'5 Office '5 he ever covered was a 1917 oistricti _, Admca‘e'Messenge'
have come and gone, but small, most of it taken up by train wreck at Shepherdsville. Murray Ledger&Times .; ,
Moran has always been an old roll-top desk he has B t h i ll h d If Ea'murd‘f'e'd
. f u e a so reca s t e ay that ]e d Dilli h . State At Large
around, getting the facts, ‘re- usedhorm more than 70 years. World War i ended 39d District? 3'" Middlesboro Daily News
porting t e news, keeping On t e walls are plaques mark- crowds poured into Springfield Dawson Springs Progress ,
, . lane Joplin-Evans
At 9 4 I . t E S t Rob Schorman . State At Large
, C0 umnls Z ra parrow PU S .oismos . Commonwealth-Journal
d b 0' I O I 0 Jerry Lyles
own pen, ut sti quotes Kip in g 3,333,153 335,253,;
Reprinted from the Herald-Leader ing over a World War | photo- Sparrow loves to quote po- Logan Ledger/News-Democrat Joel Rawson
' LAWRENCEBURG—ln early graph of a young, handsome etry——Longfellow, Kipling and Dorothy Abernathy State AtLarge
March Ezra Sparrow said good- Army lieutenant. Shakespeare are among his fa- District 6 Lexington Herald-Leader
bye here on the front page of ”I walked on roads that Cae- vorites—and to write it. He can O'dham Era 1988 Offi
The Anderson News. sar built, i saw the square recite hundreds of lines With- Kelley Warnick cars
He wrote his final weekly Where Joan of Arc played as a out repeating himself. - District7 Steve Austin
column for the newspaper. The child, I saw the works of Napo- In his column, he once de- Gallatin County News P'eSident
column, called ”r his ’n That; leon. It was quite an ‘ scribed the bright colors of , ”mdersm‘ Cleaner
Here ’n There," had been ap- education." autumn leaves as "a gaudy ”Diflflf'gdmkm" - Lar Crai
pearing Since 1961. Sparrow, who graduated shroud with which nature lays ’ me Ledger-independent Pregdent-glect
Sparrow is 94. That’ s only 17 from the University of Ken- away dying things.” Green River RePublican
years younger than The Ander- tucky in 1933, spent most of _ . Ken Metz
son NeWS, which was founded his life as an educator and He walks w'th the a'd Of an 0mm" - Dav“ HaWPe
in 1877. - farmer. . aluminum walker and reads ' 33‘“ C°untY NEWS'OUtlook zice.P'eSide”‘ .
_ ”I’m. from the horse-and- . In 1925, he was the founder through a double-lens magnify-‘ John D'el Santo ouner-Joumammes 3
buggy era,” Sparrow said dur- of Western High School in rural ing glass. _ District 10 Celia McDonald V
ing an interView. ”My great- Anderson County—”l began Failing eyesight and a heart Dai'Y'mel’endem Treasurer
grandfather was a half-brother with eight students in a coun- condition finally caused him to H ' ”Rue C°umy He'a'd News
to ’Abraham Lincoln’s mother. try store"—and the school, give up his column. oifliiiimm Max Heath
I remember. when the trad- which has fewer than 100 stu- "B t | , . me Martin Countian Past President
ers used to bring their horses dents and is one of the small- u as orig as you ve St'" , ‘ Landmark Community
into town on Court Day—the est public high schools left in got something from the ”neck 9”“? Ha‘make' NewsPape'S
third Monday of the month— Kentucky, still continues. up, ‘93” what counts, he TDiiStmir12 '
and exercise them on Jockey He began writing his news- salfi't I never gar: to be a ejac so" “mes _
Alley, as it was called back paper column at 65, after retir— m, eone aroun t e neck 0f Richard Anderkin ' ' DavrdT. Thompson
then. The name of the Street’s ing as director of pupil person- my am y. . 0‘5"“ 13 Executive Director
- n - M . v ‘
smfie peenhchanghed. _ nel for Anderson County In 1986, Sparrow was named t mo” 5'8“. The Kentucky Press
at as c anged Since schools. _ the county’s “Outstanding Citi- David Davenport
Sparrow was born in 1894. , _ It was a rambling collection zen” by the local Chamber of ”‘5‘"? 14 332 “PM. "cm"
’This is what I lookedllke of homespun philosophy and Commerce. He and his Wife, The T'mes"°“ma' "F“"HM' KY' 40601
whend IF was ’perambulatlng verse, along with memories of Mayme, celebrated their 69th 502/223-8821
aroun rance, he said, pass- days long past. wedding anniversary in April.
-i '

 , , Page 3
k . . ~ . ' ; 5 jou rn ists inducted
. _ - ~ t UK H II fF
A h i""“-“““ ‘ K .. , e‘ae‘es‘fi‘fi"? ‘1‘“?N Five distinguished journalists publisher of the Shelby News
‘¥ _ as 'j H , i“ he 525' . We. of“ f.” N were inducted into the Ken— from 1941 to 1960, former
Ling... .. 2 .17,” t. is. gas”; gs _ fag ff??? ‘ fififiwagetg Q tucky Journalism Hall of Fame president of the Kentucky Press
-- _ j . -- we” f. as T. y. a“; g 36" ‘3 at the University of Kentucky Association, weekly columnist
91% _ rag . kid 3 fish;e_§, 1%; April 14. and writer for the Burley Tn—
" f__.;j~;' E. . . j g 1:; Q}: ‘,..§}~ - 542‘“ They include: bacco Growers Cooperative;
. ‘ .'2 . is it . '3 Xegjvsyt‘is‘ t "33‘ e , 0 John F. (Sonny) Day a and
3 WW» ‘t . ~ . it \‘a it» ’ ‘2 “" N”; f .‘ . . . . ' -
a€ a j. “at. g; h§ s if?‘ a"~i ‘3 j g . former managing editor of the 0 Earl Ruby, sports editor of
was as .~-.~. is” W so as i ‘ e Lousivi"e CWWJ' a “’P the ”“5“”6 CW'M’d“
’ as: Wetwfi‘é‘wk‘m s N “1 his ' news executive at CBS, owner for 30 years having starte in
‘ . “fl“ safeties "“‘ " vi of a weekly newspaper in Eng- 1920 as an office boy and
_ . ~33! egg; ' estgssdkt we... " .i' i __ . land, and a. cum laude UK author of his daily sports col-
; f2. gig: is “a . j“ ' a .2. , § . graduate Who‘served as editor umn, l“Ruby’s Report."
EM sits .. “WWW " 1 . . of The Kentucky Kernel during The Hall of Fame awards
_ "she... . ¥ of the years it was named ceremony was he'd at the
. "a: §§i§§$$fimafewam the nation’s best college Singletary Center for the Arts
- ‘ V awash“ - George Hackett, a 44-year activities invoiving the trth
‘ _ s§\§jhe:‘t,§§§§a§ if wag. veteran newsman with The A5- annual Joe Creason Lecture.
..~ ‘% Shag? gé‘iiixow‘ofigiiéfi“ :- . I General Assembjy and the cgal . turer was John Ed Pearce, COl'
' "is stairs ere fields, to 35 Kentucky Derbres umnrst and writer for The Cou-
. — .4gs . sass " or ' ., ., sea UK photo iourhairsrh professor iished in 1981 by the UK Jour-
ggéw“ i“ s f airs-1 j \ .5321»); ‘ e - who worked for the Associated nalism Alumni Association. The
3%“ Lg» ié a2” fig} “*9. _ ,. ,‘ g Press 26 years as a photogra- five inducted in 1988 bring the
W‘yfiofi ; g others ff“. . ‘ ' " pher, reporter and editor in total to 61 journalists honored
_ New York City and Atlanta; for making a significant contri—
Walter Johnson affixes postage stickers to 12 bags of books that were'mailed to the Solomon Islands. 0 Bennett Roach, editor and bution to the profession.
The books represent about 685 pounds of educational material contributed to the Peace Corps. ~
I _ . Advocate now usmg soybean base ink
_ T I ‘ t . The Mt. Sterling Advocate is jomirig other publications across
News 0“ rna _. a -O_r oun Ians _. ,, ., ,the count ,in4usin ink‘made from ~. '. bea'npilin an effort to
W ., . .,. . ...~.... 's'; (3-.‘2 _... ~:.;,x ~ ~.-, sums-deviat-rs- magneto“: Egg, v1» ;» . Wes-mus . . w. , _. .ryr. m- get :; Ate.» 7., WY -... ma.» “4:..-
._ . .i . j » ’ .'3 s.- ‘1?le ‘ 35f-zi.v 26* F’“{ “.11,;'.“"{:+; an»... .s' ,..,un .‘i‘Vi‘ W .‘W ”W?” hEla'g "Rifle .lfidns . .:.’~~w:~r~u:: w _ , “fl, .
' i l I l P ' I Fuel, plastics, paints, lubricants and road deicers are among
sen . ' . 00 S 0 ea 9 0 p other products that can be made from corn and soybeans.
{ The Central Kentucky News- library for the primary schools Middle School contributed ,
7 Journal, Campbellsville, recent- of New Georgia. And I need three 55 Gallon garbage con- ' .
' ly completed a project'to pro- help from my friends and tainers full of books, ..and.'. .j ‘ . ‘ - ,
’ vide books and magazines to ' neighbors at home.” ' " magazines.» - ' “5 an n 0
elementary and junior high The News-Journal took her The rescue squad housed ’ , -
students in the Solomon request to heart and With the ,the books as they were being i . '
Islands. _ _ help 0f the Campbellswlle/Tay- , donated and later on the _ PETROEEUM ' AGRICULTURE
Jane Marlow WIilIS. a former lor County Rescue Squad initi- books were moved to the W W
newspaper owner m Branden- ated a_ bOOk and magazme newspaper office where they 15297"? It '6 'ldin. ~ entuc Vh “Eb ”59a"
burg, jomed the Peace Corps collection pr0ject in the were categoriazed _ ‘3' 5 U' 8 120'Sout Hu ar Lane
and is stationed in the Solo- community. i-OUISVIIiei KY- 40202 lowswlle, Ky. 40207
mon Islands. The end result was 685 . Gary Huddleston
‘ In a letter the newspaper pounds of reading material , _ (502) 897-9481 .
received from Willis in Septem- that was shipped out on March BOLITHO-STER|_|NG
ber of 1987, she said ”My main 18. Ashiand 0" inc Mom -
’ . . - l - ation on
project is to start a resource _ Students in Campbellswlle NEWSILAPER SERVICE - P.O.-Box 391 . ”HWY and Health Care
' ewspaper ' . Ashland. KY 41114 .
- .. ‘ - - r._W_.___.._ Appraisers.Brokers-Consultants C ‘ ' Kentucky Pharmacists ASS"-
‘ ' . on ac :
SERVING KENTUCKY - ‘ gsgfifigghéll _ ROBERT N, 30mm) a... my ‘ me vs. 127 South
NEWSPAPER BROKERS j ( i,“ W mm WW W ! .421010hnson Dr.~—suite IOOA _ Difecgon Public Relations 30‘ 715
~’ AND APPRAISERSr ‘ ' 1 ”£2111L;‘;;“E..qy:;,xf;,'j ’ i ’. ~-Fairway, K566205 l9l3) 2355490 (606) 329-3148 Hapszggnigy.m2
f IAMES A MARTIN ' . i MP5 Mv'g’iislwi'sleisis ”M” l " ; JAMES C. STERLING ‘ ‘ , m. - ., ' - Paul F. Davis, Executive Director
PO Box 7” l Toll-Freei 809 5.2111597 ‘ . _ P.O. Box. 492 Bolivar, MO 65613 , - v , , , -. .
'- Dublin Ohio 43017 . . lfi_“_w_ i” (417’) 3255700 . , _ g
. .(614) mm? W . . . '
“ . l d with _ ' it. 2» . V
' j 4; . ; TV LISTINGS FOR LESS! ”was” WW“ ' . ,
. ‘3’? 0 As the only Kentucky-based tolovlslon listing service, we j ”ll“ ~ _ GKBC“
I , NEWSPAPER SERVICES are close enough to batter servo you and altlclant enough _ ' ' ‘ _ .
,. . - to give you what you want at lower prices In tour listing , i ”ll" _ . ._ . . . . .
:2 Linda Castaldi Iovsls: ‘ m
ML 35°22’32“? 1. * Full lnlo network primatlmo grid for $17.50 F . t _ fixilremllckv Blood Center
- NeweYsork.NYllfi?)01 2.: Titles only rolling log tor as little as $17.50 - cznta'czmmmm °" ell? “'9 mininfi'xefi‘sa
' J 1.300-223.1500 3. Full description listing for .as little as $37.50 “muck optommc Association (606) 255-373}
~ 4.. Listing designed especially tor your situation Box 572's“ Capim' A“ Sum, wum’ public
. , i. ' . I , - .
”mtggggfiggegfirgfiingm . cENriiAt SERVICE gages-mister Frankiofl. Ky. 40601 "‘°""°"-‘ C°°"“""°'
» Mum ..,.’.,...,,.,,.’,.,..m ' WE EVEN WOIIK mains 10 SAVE YOU MONEY! (502’ 8754516

 Page 4.
. O
2 news a ers receive national L'teracy StUdents
P P lished
d f S . H . (i may be pub
awa r S r0 m C rl p ps owa r Kentucky’s adult literacy stu— athon Kozol, national literacy
dents will be given the oppor- advocate, will give adults who

Two Kentucky newspa- per and its staff.” They Singled Other finalists for the award tunity to become writers for traditionally have been denied
pers—the Lexington Herald- out the Herald-Leader’s spon- were the Knoxwlle News-Sentij other new adult readers this the pleasure of seeing their
Leader and the Kentucky sorship of a ”Learn to Read" nel and the Kentucky Post. spring. Under the auspices of words in print the chance to
Post— received national series on Kentucky Educational The Kentucky Post. also was the 'Kentucky Literacy . Com- become authors of the
awards during the Scripps Television and the production honored for tts activrties on mi55ion, a group of literacy anthology.

Howard Foundation National of a 16-page special section on behalf of the First Amendment. directors, profe55iona| educa- Patterned after the language
Journalism Awards ceremony illiteracy. Tihe Cayingtgn csmspapser won tors and nzwfspaper persoglne: ehpiine'i'flet meth‘odology
' ‘ ' ' ' _ t e war i is cripps ave joine orces to pu is w ic vai aes eac person’s
m Cincmnati April 5 _- The special section, written Award. the first Kentucky Adult New life experience, the anthology

The Herald-Leader received by education reporter Mary Reader. will also enable the students, 35
the Charles E. SCT'PPS Award Ann roser, was first published The Herald-Leader and 'the Students from the state will writers, to record a portion of
for '5 efforts to promote last September as a series of Post joined seven other news- .be asked to submit their own their culture not previously
tllteraCY- ' , . daily stories. Southeastern Ken-w papers receiving awards from compositions, poems, stories, possible. .

7 The ‘aWard Was for a year- tUCk)’ bureau reporter JUdY the ' Scripps .H0wardv letters and jOurnals. The selec- . An accompanying work-

'Iong campaign involving news, Jones LeWIS also worked on the Foundation. tions .Wlli be chosen based book Will allow the. anthology ,
editorial, advertising and other PTOJECt- The Herald-Leader series also upon Interest for other. adults, ,to become a teaching tool to
divisiOns of the newspaper. has been selected by the Edu- appropriateness of reading lev— be used in Kentucky’s literacy
' - The Herald-Leader received cation Writers Association as el and. quality of the work. programs. The workbook Will

Judges cited the ”scope, ac- a $2,500 cash prize .and a one of the five best printed or Illustrations for the selectins be. produced by the team of
complishment and level of $5,000 grant for a literacy pro- broadcast on the topic of Will add tothelr'gen'eral appeal. editors who are compiling the
commitment by the newspa- gram in Lexington. literacy. . The proiect, Inspired by Jon- anthology.
Obituaries ‘ ’ '

Anderson ' for WFKY-AM in Frankfort, died nal. He also had worked at The Survivors include a nephew, nist Sue Wahlgren said-

Jack Anderson, a veteran April 12 at Capital Hall Nursing Richmond Register and The Andrew Dwyer Hardaway, and In 1952, after an automatic
Western Kentucky newspaper- Home in Frankfort after a long Harlan Democrat. a niece, Elizabeth Wood elevator was installed, Morbley
man, three—term Mayf'ield City illness. He was 86. Caywood, a Morehead na- Hardaway. was assigned to write the Lead-
COUHC“ member ‘ahd a Graves Caywood became managing tive, was a graduate of Frank- . Morbley er's ”Colored Notes" column.
fignendied Marcth» edith 9f the Erankfort newspa- fort High School. He was,ed_itor a Rseilnled from the Herale-Leeder
. J, ,, eHe wa$g65aer~m *t‘-"%?*per"in""1940"' and held that of the schools yearbook. , . Morbley was transferred in

Anderson retired as state position for about 10 years. He He was a resident of 110 East d Gertrude Mae Morbley, who .1969 to the Herald-Leader’s
ditor of The Paducah Sun In 'once worked there as a Campbell Street in Frankfort at eVOted mor? than four .de- accounting department the

984 after 19 years of news reporter. his death. cades Of her me to the Lexmg- last department l" Wthh she
ndsports ecl't'hg- The newspaper, a morning Caywood was a charter ion [Herald-Leader CO" died worked. I
H's journalism career started paper at that time had two member f F . kf ' arc. 22 at 600d Samaritan
n 1940 in Ma yfiel d, the town . , . - 0 a ran ort barber- Hospital. she was 69. ”Gertrude was a stabilizing
. f reporters. Caywood did every shop chorus and aformer pres- force and h ' I
IS “ancestors ounded, as he thing from writing headlines to ident of the Franklin Count Morbley worked at the Her- . er Presence/[is a-
.arried on a newspaper tradi- la in out a es t - - - y ald-Leader for nearl 44 ears ‘ ways gomg to be here, Her-
|0h started b his f th Y 8 P 8 0 aSSIgnlng Chapter of the League of Ken- _Y Y , ald-Leader benefits ma
. 'Y .a er, Jess, stories to the reporters. The tucky Sportsmen. He also had from May 1937 until her retire- S A T 'bbl 'd nager
ho _'5 a retired editor Of The publishing company that ran been a member of the Frank- ment in February 1981' At that ue nn H e 5a] '
.ayfield Messenger. _ . the newspaper at that time fort Kiwanis Club. time, no one had worked long— Morbley had many other
a/SXt gzfigeldoéigl: Aanndiersca): also did the state government’s Surviving are his wife Emma :r for the company. She had intereBstS, includ‘ing lGreater Lib-
_ _ , printing work. Blewett Ca wood; a s l - een an elevator o erator, re— e’tY aptist C UTC ~ She had
Villardjwmning sports Later, Caywood ran a cigar more T. Caz/wood Jr. 03%;]? porter and bookkgeper. She been an assistant church clerk'
Ogmhhtd h d h and newsstand out of Frank- fort; andagrandchild. continued to be involved in for 35 years, taught Sunday
. e J0me '5 e Pa “C3, Sun- fort's old Capital Hotel. The H' k Herald-Leader activities after 5Ch9°l and sang in the ChUFCh
emocrat as sports e itor 'h radio station decided to have .lc ey . her working days had ended. ch0ir.
965. Two years later, he be- him do an evenin news ro- Barbara Hickey, a senior in- . . .
ame night editor and was in gram from the hottgel lobb pHis formation specialist in the pub- She was the last person to Also active In the Dorcas
harge of the morning Sun- _ “Capital Comments” shows-was llc relations department of the write the ”Colored Notes” C0" ChapterNo. 29 0f the Order Of
emocrat until it was merged on the air for about 25 ears UnverSity 0f KentUCkY for more umn that appeared in the Old the Eastern Star, Morbley was a
ith the afternoon paper. An- ”He knew eve leyislator than 30 years, died April 7 at Lexington Leader. It included past grand matron of that or-
erson later was named state They all stayed there git was her home after a short illness. obituaries, wedding announce- gainzation. She also had served
oitor. . about the only place to stay She was 57_ ments and general news about for many years as treasurer of
He was a Marine veteran of then ,, said former State Journal A native of L . . blacks. it was abolished in 1969 the 1959 SOCIal Club.
orld War' ll, a Murray State . . ' exmgton, H'Ck' after public complaints that Aft " f -
, . editor S.C. VanCuron. ey had worked at the UK News - er retiring mm the Her
niver5ity graduate. and. a When the hotel closed Bureau since 1954 segregating news about blacks ald-Leader, she devoted hun-
errgber .of th: Mayfield First Caywoo d did his broadcasts 5h ‘ from news about whites was dreds of hours as a volunteer
eSs yterian C lIJréh. h' 'f from the radio station, He b s vyas a member of the - racist. at the Black & Williams Neigh—
i dgwiglogsidiirnc uAed is wi e, opened another magazine and Lgiln ot tenaznt serVices of the Morbley was 16 when she borhood Center. She learned
' St P A g n etson, ka newsstand downtown. Co tg (en ayette Urban began working as an elevator ceramics and taught it to sen~
r2, h'eve ntersan o drill] — Caywoo d was managing e di- Th utn YS' ovegrn-ment and. of operator at the old newspaper ior Citizens at the center.

r, '5 paren s, h ah ls‘ tor of The Park City Daily News e a igma i, a Journalism building on .' Short Street. Morbley, a resident of 631

55 Anderson, Mayfield, a 5'5' in Bowling Green before he honor SOClety' Through that JOb’ she learned Shropshire Avenue was a

gyflifirdha NillndAndertsvo/n, assumed the same position in thShJZ‘f/lrignwgs at: member of all facets of the Herald-Leader’s Fayette County native and
_ i ' 0 Frankfort. en er. operation. graduate of the old Dunbar

undChlldrCelalywood While in Bowling Green he A graduate of Cardome “Gertrude was a vital part Of High SChOOl‘

rimedfromthe Herald-Leader also was a correspondent for Academy, she earned a bache- almost every department of Survivors include her hus-

Delmore Thomas Caywood The Courier-Journal in Lows- lor's degree in journalism and a the Herald-Leader from the band, COFHEllUS; a 50“, Darrell
former longtime newscaster Ville and he had worked for the master’s degree in political sci- time She came to work in her Morbley of Lexington' two sis-
old Bowling Green Times Jour- ence from UK. ‘ , teens,” Herald-Leader colum- ters; and a grandchild:

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