v.l, no.l May 1972
The President's Column been patient which we have usurped their
staff members for committee work.
Several weeks ago, Mrs. J. Farra Deanna Hudson
Van Meter spoke to the Staff Organ-
ization about the International Book
Project and it was decided that the Picnic `
members of the organization would do-
nate books and money to defray postage V `
to the Project. The first of June will The University of Kentucky Library Staff
be the deadline for contributing books Organization will once again sponsor the
officially from the Staff Organization. annual spring picnic. It will be held
The collection box is located in the Friday, June 2, at M;oo p.m. on the lawn
area beside Elizabeth Howard's desk, at Carnahan House. Eating will be held
just off the Mail Room of MIK. If you around 6:00--to allow plenty of time
have books or money that you can do- for all to assemble. All staff members
nate, please bring them soon. and their families are invited--and urged--
The officers of the Staff Organ- to attend.
ization and members of the various Baked ham and fried chicken will be
com ittees have worked very hard to supplied by the Staff Organization. The
make the picnic a success. I want to officers of the Staff Organization are
thank those of you who have contributed furnishing paper plates, napkins, cups, and ,
time and energy to planning all the de- plastic utensils. In spite of earlier doubts,
tails of the picnic. Specifically, I there will be adequate seating for every-
want to recognize members of the Food one so it will not be necessary to bring
Committee, Becky Heath, Mildred Iegg, folding chairs or tables. A com ittee is
Judy Fugate, Vivian Hall, Joan Gatewood, planning games and entertainment and ·
and Betty Sutton; and the Recreation Dr. Forth has generously offered to provide
Committee, Janet Ehrmantraut and Rose the "spirit."
Proehl. In lieu of a Clean-Up Committee, Those who wish to attend are asked to
we officers ask all of you to cooperate l. bring food (salad, vegetable, etc.)
in leaving the grounds at Carnahan enough for he and his group plus one; 2;
House in good condition. Our special 2. contribute $1.00 per adult and .50 per
thanks go to Dr. Forth who has vol- child in his group. In addition everyone
unteered to provide liquid refresh- must bring his own drink. Contact Mildred
ment and who has been particularly Legg or Gail Kennedy, Catalog Dept., King
helpful in helping procure tables Library, if you wish to come and have not
for the picnic. ` p already signed the list.
We are also grateful to the depart- .
ment heads and the supervisors who have