xt70p26q0g37 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70p26q0g37/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19890224 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen. Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, February 24, 1989, no. 545 text The Green Bean, February 24, 1989, no. 545 1989 2014 true xt70p26q0g37 section xt70p26q0g37 Number 545 February 24, 1989 t ISI TRAINING AVAILABLE UPraining on how to use the various ISI databases is scheduled for March 14-15, 1989, in the Micro Lab of the College of Library and Information Science on the fifth floor of King South. The training workshop is designed to develop and enhance searching skills on ISI databases. Concentration will be on each element in ISI files and covers cited reference searching in detail. If possible, hands on searching will be available. WORKSHOPS: March 14, 9:00 a.m. — 12:30 p.m.: DIALOG: SciSearch and Current Contents 1:30 p.m. — 5:00 p.m. : DIALOG: Arts & Humanities Search and Social SciSearch _ March 15, 9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.: BRS: Arts and Humanities Search, Social SciSearch and Computer and Mathematics Search 1:30 p.nn - 5:00 p.m.: BRS: Current Contents Search (Seminar, cost $25.00) The cost for the first three workshops is $45 each or two workshops for $75. As listed, the last session is a seminar and costs only $25. Attendees at the workshops receive educational materials, quick reference search aids and a free User Guide of their choice. If you are interested in registering for any of these training sessions or if you wish further information, get in touch with Mark Ingram at the Medical Center Library, 233—6568. l O I 'EE Newsletter of the Umversnty of Kentucky Libraries PERS(DTL*¥$IQfiEZI.» NGTES ZXEBCDXIIZ ZXIJID IBIEEZCDIJID was comprehensive and excellent. I received genuine positive responses from the students and I feel as if Ddr. Willis (and the library staff they have had their eyes opened to received the following letter from the wealth of information available ° Ruby Herald who recently retired as to them. After all these years, even head of the Communications Reading I was happy to know there are many Room: more resources available to me than I have previously used. Thanks again My retirement party was excellent for a job well done. I hope to be from beginning to end and something I able to work with you again in the will remember with pleasure for hxure. years. I know what great effort it takes on the part of many people to put such and affair together. So thank you and thanks to the library IJIEVV I?E{C>IiIE IQIJDEIBEEEK - staff for making it such a memorable afternoon. ESharon Miller, Director of the The beautiful framed print of the MicroCon Project, has a new telephone library will always reminds me of number, 7-5926. Her office is now in many happy experiences at UK. Library Science, King South. Thanks for a tremendous send—off. I‘ll miss you. IQEEVV_"E3TEZ&If}§ Elobin Waller ............. Circulation Adil_Razeeq of the Reference Department received the following letter from Dr. Ronald Bulbulian, Director of the Exercise Physiology IDEEIPZXIQZPZKIGCE E3UD1%I?I? Laboratory: Thank you for taking the time to meet Eillen Skidmore ............ Cataloging our class and acquaint them with the reference materials. Your presentation I 2 C A Ill EZ N I) A ZR CSIXIJILIBEQSZ E5EEE{]ZEEE5: I?ebruary 24: "Star Black": Message Theatre, Martin Luther King Cultural Center. March 3: Our Faces Were Bright: Jamaican Women as Primary Health Care Workers: , Eileen Van Schaik, Department of Sociology March 10: Eastern Kentucky Women on Strike: A Discussion of Women and Labor Organizing in Pikeville and Brookside: Sally Maggard, Department of Sociology ` All presentations are at 12 noon in the Peal Gallery, King Library North. C2C>b4I?lIG?Z\UDJZCDPJZXIL _j§C3ZKIEDQ<3IEE3 ESIREE KIJCS ESIEDGHEDJZXIQES Ddarch 1: Opportunities in Computational Chemistry and Materials Science: Thomas Weber, NSF and Bell Labs March 8: The Use of Computers in Archaeological Research: Christopher Peebles, Indiana University CDCDIIEEIQES bdarch 1: Granddaughters of Corn: Guatemalan Women and Repression: Marilyn Anderson, photographer, Jonathan Garlock, writer, opens in the Peal Gallery, King Library North. The exhibit will hang until March 22. QT CD E3 ___jZ3 I? E3 IG' ZE EQ` C3 ES UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY Ann Howell in the Diz:ec€.;or‘s Office, 7-3801. Library Technician IV, grade 8, P/N/M (Night Supervisor). Llbrary Technician II, grade 6, ALABAMA P/N/M. Library Technician II, Cataloging. The following positions are available If you are interested in any of these at Auburn University: positions, please get in touch with 3 Humanities Reference Librarian. $20AmO mummmm Salary: $22,000 minimum. Deaollne: Non—book Catalog Librarian. Salary: March 15, 1989. $20,000 minimum. Microforms and Documents Reference Reference Department Coordinator. Librarian. Salary: $22,000 — $25,000 Salary: $30,000 minimum. minimum. Deadline: March 15, 1989. Reference Librarian. Salary: $20,000 Humanities Cataloger. Salary: nunhmm. $22,000 — $25,000 minimum. Deadline: Serials Management Librarian. Salary: . March 15, 1989. $22,000 minimum. Technology Cataloger. Salary: $22,000 Library Software Specialist. Salary: — $25,000 minimum. Deadline: March $20,000 minimum. 15,1989. Special Collections Coordinator. Programmer Analyst III. Salary: Salary: $30AMm minhmmn $25,000 minimum. Deadline: March 15, 1989. Assistant Archivist for Arrangement and Description. Salary: $25,000 Qg&l§QB§lA minimum. Deadline: March 15, 1989. Interlibrary Loans Librarian. Salary: $22,000 - $25,000 minimum. Deadline: dead, Catalog Department, University Mard115,l989. of California, Berkeley. Salary: Serials Cataloger. Salary: $22,000 ~ none listed. Deadline: April 25, $25,000 minimum. Deadline: March lj, 1989. 1989. Assistant Director, Resource Collections, J. Paul Getty Center for the History of Art and the ARIZONA Emnenitiesb Fasadena. Salary: none listed. Deadline: none listed. V Serials Cataloger, University of Reinhard Family Curator of Judaica Arizona, Tucson. Salary: $20,000 and Hebraica Collections, Stanford minimum. Deadline: March 17, 1989. lhiiversityn Salary: $29,'700 · $50,000. Deadline: March 31, 1989. The following positions are open at Minority Librarian Intern, Stanford Northern Arizona University in University. Salary: $27,000 — Flagstaff. No deadline is listed; $57,200. Deadline: February 28, date of hire for the positions is 1989. July 1, 1989: Acquisitions Librarian. Salary: $22 » 000 mi¤i¤¤¤¤- QQl}.·;@;Z’él222 Archivist. Salary: $22,000 minimum. Field Services Librarian (half—time). Sakmy: $10Aw0rmnnmm. Head, Nerlin Access Services Media Services Librarian. Salary: Department,tndversity of Colorado at $22,000 minimum. Boulder. Salary: $30,000 minimum. Monographs Catalog Librarian. Salary: Deedline: April 1, 1989. 4 DELAWARE MASSACHUSETTS Data Base Management Coordinator, Associate Librarian, Humanities University of Delaware, Newark. Library, Massmjnmetts Institute of Salary: none listed. Deadline: Technology, Cambridge. Salary: March 15, 1989. $32,500 minimum. Deadline: April 3, 1989. 2 §LORIDA MISSOURI Chair, Acquisitions Department, Unhmrshy ofFiorida,CkdnesvrUe. Catalog Librarian. Washington Salary: $37,000. Deadline: March 8, University, St. Louis. Salary: none 1989. listed. Deadline: April 3, 1989. GEORGIA . INFOSouth Information Manager, NEVADA University of Georgia, Athens. Salary: $19,700 minimum. Deadline: April 14, 1989. Assistant Government Publications Librarian, University of Nevada, I Director of Public Services, Reno. Salary: $24,000 minimum. Emory University, Atlanta. Deadline: April 15, 1989. Salary: $40 , 000 minimum. Microcomputer Specialist / Reference Deadline: March 6, l989. Librarian, University of Nevada, ‘ Reno. Salary: $25,000 minimum. I Deadline: April 15, 1989. ILLINOIS y ` NEW JERSEY Undergraduate Services Librarian, I Northwestern University, Evanston. Salary: $23,000 minimum. Deadline: Librarian of the Marquand Library of March 31, 1989. Art, Princeton University. Salary: none listed. Deadline: May 1, 1989. 7 Curator of Public Affairs Papers, Princeton University. Salary: none FUMNSAS listed. Deadline: May 1, 1989. I Assistant Curator, University of Kansas, Lawrence. Salary: $22,000 NEW YORK —$26,000. Deadline: March 31, 1989. Science Reference Librarians (2 positions), University of Kansas, Bibliographic Instruction Lawrence. Salary: $21,000 -$26,000. Coordinator, SUNY, Buffalo. Sal tv: Deadline: March 31, 1989. 5 k N ix. $23,000 minimunn Deadline: none University at Erie. Salary: $23,000 listed. minimum. Deadline: April 15, 1989. _ Assistant Librarian, Cataloging Department, SUNY, Buffalo. Salary: $22,000 minimum. Deadline: none . listed. 'I‘EXA_§ Collection Development / Reference _ NORTH CAROLINA _ Librarian, Rice University, Houston. A _ Salary: $22,000 — $25,000. Deadline: none listed. Librarian for Professional Development and Education, North . Carolina State University, Raleigh. Salary: $35,000 mhUmum.lmadLUm: YIRGINQA March 1, 1989. Assistant Head, Reference Department, North Carolina State University, rrincipal Bibliographer, Virginia . Raleigh. Salary: $26,000 minimum. Tech, Blacksburg. Salary: $29,000 Deadline: March 1, 1989. minimum. Deadline: March 31, 1989. Head, Record Production / Consistency Unit (REPROCON), University of OKLAHOMA Virginia, Charlottesville. Salary: $25,000 minimum. Deadline: March 30, 1989. Assistant Humanities Librarian, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. Salary: $19,200 minimum. Deadline: May 1, 1989. QQASHIEQEQQQQ Head, Access Services Department, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. Salary: $30, 000 Head, Southeast Asia Section, ' minimum. Deadline: March 15, 1989. University of Washington, Seattle. Salary: $28,000 minimum. Deadline; April 14, 1989. PENNSYLVANIA Reference Librarian, Penn State NEXT GREEN B§i_gN;: FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1*2489.. · DEADLINE: FRIDAY, MA.R.C1Z·1 3, 1989. GREEN BEAN S‘I“E&E“£é`;: Bcuun1€x.Le&rx Ccuc, euiltcur ermi tyqolstz. Cecil Madison, L¥£’I`.Zll.3T'}'YYL<;?.iI‘.£`.". 6