l Extension Division THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director CIRCULAR NO. 221 ANNUAL REPORT . FOR THE . YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1927 P .*4%.* — .l¤*‘“Y~;*f*.y=~a »§s3%`—·l£i i ,2r>s ; ,‘n1 ‘ · $3 r;_1&*\ _ /;' S VL? 1 ` ··A I . ' :_‘ —., . _ I ~“ 49 Z ¢ A ¤ ’ ‘+i »~‘·’ .. L is 1l|"·`€Si§$V,P ‘;.: _ , .j.”’¤ :i. .> i ,, . " ’*` -g. "° *F·**e` ` -!· 1 ·‘g gi 2 {Z V ' E i' · L is W ‘“~2;;*€é;; . ’ . _ C; > ; :_ { Y ·'r. stlv I 2 . V A;‘ , 9" ’·—=’_ i ,,` i," "‘ _, " ` " ' r " F { ·· , n’··~»· P _ x` ¢ _ , ‘ Y \ _` ig) ’ O .~ V V g ·.“_ ;$,, ,*2* ' ~— ‘ · ' ’ `‘`‘ · - . »· =.. ` . gg ..,», < $V.· q· 1.- (_ I . · ,_y~.,_ »· ·;_;=» V'., . _ 4 » » Group of farmers being instructed in keeping fnrni accounts at the home of n community project leader. Lexington, Ky. July, 1928 Published in connection with the agricultural extension work carried on l*>‘ couiperation of the College of Agriculture, University of l{euiu¢·ky, wml the U. S, Department of Agriculture, and distributed in ful‘thel‘£ll1<‘€ uf the work provided for in the Act of Congress of May R, 1914.