xt70p26q217f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70p26q217f/data/mets.xml Mississippi Mississippi Historical Records Survey 1939 Prepared by the Survey of Federal Archives, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Works Progress Administration; The National Archives and Louisiana State University, Cooperating Sponsors; Other contributors include: Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.), United States Works Progress Administration, National Archives (U.S.), University of New Orleans; iv, 51 pages, 28 cm; Mimeographed; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.2/23 books English New Orleans: The Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Mississippi Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series II The Federal Courts, Number 23 Mississippi text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series II The Federal Courts, Number 23 Mississippi 1939 1939 2015 true xt70p26q217f section xt70p26q217f   kk   Y-7*   Q!] LUN H UNIVERSITVOFKENTUCKYA ‘
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fg Prepared by
`§ The Survey of Federal Archives
j Division of Professional end Service Projects
yi Works Progress Administration
  The Netionel Archives
ig and
[Q Louisiana State University
Ei Cooperating Sponsors
  No. 23.
i New Orleans, Louisiana
or The Survey of Federal Archives
· 1959

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{iz The Survey of Federal Archives »;
Tl I  
` V, 
)% Q, MOTION DOCKET NO, 1, June 1889 - June 1915. Indexed. (Never.)
gg lh x 19 vol., 5 in., in enclosed wooden cabinet. R. 200. (19)
Q1 5. LAW DOCKET NO. 1, Ney 1889 - Ney 1911. Indexed. (Never.)
§Q 10 x 15 vol., 5 in., in enclosed wooden cabinet. R. 200. (19)
¥§l 6, U. S. DOCKETS, Dec, 1889 - Dee. 1910. Record of cases in which
_EG the U. S, wes e party. Indexed. (Never.) lh x D9 vols. (2), 8 in.,
T. on 2 open wooden shelves. R. 502. (18)
ifi 7. GENERAL EXECUTION DOCKET, June 188Q - Juno 1905. Indexed.
  (NGVCL) 20 X 2), VOL, br 5m,, gn open wooden shelf. R. 502. (18)
dd g_ EXECUTIQN DOCKET, Dee, 1895 · June 1895. (Never.) 20 x 2h vol.,
)‘P L in., on open wooden shelf. R. 502. (18)

fi Clerk of District Court, Oxford Q
Q 9. FINAL RECORD, Dec. 1889 — Dec. 1906. Vol. 1 indexed. (Never.)
( ti t Yariously sized vols. (5), 10 in., in enclosed wooden cabinet. R. 200.
 .  9)
A 10. FINAL LAW RECORD, June 1887 - June 1897. Indexed. (Never.)
—Q; lh x 19 vol., R in., in enclosed wooden cabinet. R. 200. (9)
2 1
QQ 11. JUDGM NT ROLL AND INDEX, Juno 1889 - Juno 1909. (Never.) 15 x
{Q 19 vol., 2 in., in enclosed wooden cabinet. R. 200. (20)
  12. INDEX TO LAW CASES, n. d. (Never.) 15 x 19 vol., 2 in., in en-
JQ closed wooden cabinet. R. 200. (20)
il 15. INDEX TO U. S. CASES, n. d. (Never.) 15 x 19 vol., 1 in., in en-
éy closed wooden cabinet. R. 200. (20)
    ( Eq¤i*¤y)
1) lh. CHANCERY MINUTE BOOK NO. 1, Dec. 1867 — lhy 1869. Indexed.
y, (Never.) 15 x 17 vol., 5 in., on steel shelf of wooden bookcase. R. 502.
pw 15. CHANCERY DOCKET NO. 1, May 1889 - Feb. L915. Indexed. (Never.)
1, lh x 19 vol., L in., in enclosed wooden cabinet. R. 200. (19)
if 16. CHANCERY DOCKETS, Juno 1867 — June 1888. (Never.) 15 x 18 and
FQ lh x 19 vols. (2), 7 in., on open wooden shelves. Bindings broken.
  R. Bee. (16)
gi 17. CHANCERY BAR DOCKET, Juno 1871. (Never.) 15 x 19 vol., 5 in.,
Q_ on open wooden shelf. Binding broken. R. 502. (16)
gi 18. CHANCERY ORDER BOOK, Juno IBD5 - Mar. 1882. (Never.) 15 x 18
{ _.., vol., 5 in., on open steel shelf of wooden bookcase. Damaged by care-
fj less handling, binding broken. R. 502. (8)
1% T9. EQUITY CASES, May 1856 · Apr. 1898; Apr. 1900 - Dee. lolz. Com-
Ey plaints, answers, depositions, exhibits, etc. (Never.) D x 9 and
,{ 9 x 15 folders and covers, 01 ft. L in., in 6 drawers of filing cases,
QQ 2 pasteboard boxes, 1L pigeonhelcs, and on shelf of wooden cabinet.
g —`·  Damaged by vermin and faulty containers, brittle, dirty, torn,ink faded.
{f j Rs. 5oz end zoo. (6, 7)
(QQ 20. CHANCERY FINAL RECORD, June 1868 — May 1871; May 1872 » Feb,
yi 1885; May 1886 - Mar. 1899. Indexed. (Never.) lh x 19 vols. (5),
Q1 1 ft., on open steel shelves of wooden bookcase. Damaged by careless
(QQ handling, bindings broken. R. 502. (8)
N11 21. CHANCERY FINAL RECORD, ABERDEEN, Lpr. 189h - Apr. 190h. Indexed,
N12 (Never.) lh x 19 vol., A in., in enclosed wooden cabinet. R, 200,
.  F (10)

 p ll llll 2 `R TORO I
1% Clerk of District Court, Oxford 5
ed 22. CHANOERY ORDERS, Oct. 1889 — Au . 100 . Never. 1 x 1 vol.
_ , , e . 5 9 .
iq L in., in enclosed wooden cabinet. R. 200. (28)
gg 25. INDEX TO CHLNCERY CASES, n. d. (Never.) 15 x T9 vol., 2 in.,
5% in wooden cebinet. R. 200. (20)
 §E (Miscellaneous)
wi 2h, REGISTER OF OFFICERS, Nay 1881 · Nar. 1911. (Never.) 12 x 18
(Eg vol., 2 in., in enclosed wooden cabinet. R. 200. (27)
d8 District Court Records
wl (General)
Q1 25. MINUTE BOOKS, Dee. 1858 · Dec. 18hl; June 18Q2 - June l8h7.
,}g (Never.) 9 x 15 and 12 x 18 vols, (2), 6 in., in enclosed wooden cebi-
ppp net. Brittle, torn, bindings broken, ink feded. R. 200. (12)
ly 26. PROBATE MINUTE BOOK, June 1855 — Dec. 1860. Labeled "Probate
;¥ Record." (Never.) 15 x 18 vol., 5 in., on steel shelf of wooden book-
ie case. R. 502, attic. (15)
El 27. MINUTE BOOKS, Dec. 1866 - Deo. 1905. Recording all metters com-
QF ing before court except bankruptcy. Indexed. (Never.) lh x 19 vols.
{Q1 (9), 2 ft. 10 in., on 17 steel shelves of wooden bookcase, R. 502.
gi 28. BAR DOCKETS, Dec. 1858 — Dec. 1902. Issue and appearance dock-
gy ets. Indexed. (Never.) 15 x 19 end ln x 19 vols. (5), 9 in., en open
ry wooden shelves. Bindings broken. R. 502. (16)
if 29. ISSUE AND APPEKRENCE DOCKETS, Dec. 1857 — June 1899. (Never.)
J? Veriously sized vols. (6), l ft. 8 in., on open wooden shelves. Bind—
in ings broken. R. 502. (16) .
if 50. EXECUTION DOCKET, June 1859 · June 1898. (Never.) 20 x 2h vol.,
Qt 5 in., on open wooden shelf. Binding broken. R. 502. (16)
if 51. U. S. DOCKETS NOS. Q — 5, June 1880 — Dec. 1898. Record of
1%, cases in which the U. S. wes e party. Vol. L indexed, (Never.)
§ 11 x 15 vols. (2), 6 in., on open wooden shelf. Bindings broken,
jQ R. 502. (16)
(li 52. GENERAL RECORD BOOK, Dec. 18h2 — Mer. 1885. (Never.) 12 x 18
_1 vol., 5 in., in enclosed wooden cabinet. R. 200. (17)
?§` 55. JUDGMENT DOCKET END INDEX, June 1859 - June 1852. (Never.)
dvd 15 X go vol,, 5 in,, on open wooden shelf. Binding broken. R. 502,
i s (16)
g»’ 5h. MOTION DOCKET, June 187h — June 1890. (Never.) In x 19 vol.,
  LL in., on open wooden shelf. Binding `D!‘OkOI1. R. 502. (16)
i   >

jfr Clerk of District Court, Oxford 6
u‘ »
 ‘. Q 55, U. S. DOCKETS, Juno 1855 — Doc. 189h. (Never.) Varieusly sized
§ vols. (5), 1 ft. 5 in., on open wooden shelves. Bindings broken.
  R. 502. (16)
§, 56. U. S. SOLICITOR DOCKETS, Doc. 1878 - Feb. 1888. 2 vols. in-
1§ dexed. (Never.) 12 x 17 vols. (5), 7 in., on open wooden shelves.
jg Bindings broken. R. 502. (16)
$ 57. U. S. SOLICITOR DOCKET NO. 5, ABERDEEN, Apr. 1885 — Apr. 1885.
 F Indexed. (Never.) 12 z 17 vol., 5 ini, on open wooden shelf. Binding
.1 broken. R. 502. (16)
Q 58, LAW AND CHANCERY WRIT DOCKET, Dec. 1871 - Dec. 1877. (Never.)
Q lh x 19 vol., 5 in., on open wooden shelf. Binding broken. R. 502.
E 59, U. S. WRIT DOCKET, Dec. 1871 - Juno 1878. Record of writs in
Q U. S. cases. (Never.) lh x 19 vol., 5 in., on open wooden shelf.
1 Binding broken. R. 502. (16)
g DO. U. S. CASES, Dec. 1858 — Dec. 1899. Indictments and processes.
1 Filed numerically and chronologically. (Never.) D x 9 and 9 x 15
g folders, loose sheets, and covers, 58 ft. 9 in., in 59 open pigoonholes.
1 Damaged by vermin and faulty containers, brittle, dirty, torn, ink faded.
L R. 502. (5)
Q hl. U. S. FINAL RECORD, Doe. 1869 - Aug. 1870; Dec. 1879 - May 1889;
pf June 1892 ~ Dec. 1905, Complete record of U. S. cases. Vols. 2-5 in-
Q dexod. (Never.) 15 x 19 and lh x 19 vols. (8), 2 ft. A in., on open
{ stool shelves of wooden bookcase and in wooden cabinet, Damaged by
{ careless handling, bindings broken. Rs. 502 and 200. (B, 10)
’g [Q, lAW`FINAL RECORD, Feb, 1869 - Deo. 1887, Indexed. (Never.)
E lh x D9 vols. (5), 1 ft. 1 in., on open stool shelves of wooden book-
)? case. Damaged by careless handling, bindings broken. R. 502. (8)
Q? D5. INTERNAL REVENUE RECORD, Jan. — Aug. 1871. (Never.) 12 x 17
{ vol., 5 in., on open steel shelf of wooden bookcase. Damaged by care-
Q less handling, bindings broken. R. 502. (8)
») hh. RECORD BOOKS, June 1859 — Mar. 1876. Relating to all court
1 Q matters except bankruptcy. (Never.) Variously sized vols. (5), 1 ft.
Q 5 in., on open steel shelves of wooden bookcase. Damaged by careless
Ԥ handling, bindings broken. R. 502. (B)
*E D5. CIVIL DOCKETS, Dec. 1866 — Feb. 1871; July 1896 - Oct. 1915.
E Indexed. (Never.) 11 X 16 and 19 x 21 vols. (2), 6 in., on open wooden
Q shelf. Bindings broken. R. 502. (16)
é D6, CIVIL CLSES, hug, 1858 - 1861; 1866 — lby 189o. Depositions,

hr ?
  C1€I`k of District Court, Oxford '7
Ig ',
rp pleas, judgments, etc., in cases. Arranged numerically and chrono10gi— n
(gl cally. (Never.) b_x 9 covers, 51 ft. Q in., in 58 drawers of 2 filing
gy cases. Damaged by vermin end careless handling, brittle, dirty, torn,
.§ ink rides. R. 502. (3.,.)
5 Q7. CIVIL CASES, Hoy 1859 — Jen. 1885. Depositiens, pleas, judg-
1% ments, etc., in cases. (Never.) 9 x 15 folders, Q in., en open shelf
·¥ of closed wooden cabinet. Brittle, dirty, tern, ink faded. R. 200.
ll (5)
1 Indexed. ((N§ver.) 12 x 17 vols. (5), 7 in., on open wooden shelves.
I R. 502. 21
vi (Bankruptcy)
Q M9. BANKRUPTCY MINUTES, July 1867 · Mor. 1899. Indexed. (Never.)
j Vsriously sized vols. (8), 1 ft. 9 in., on L steel shelves of wooden
( bookcase. R. 502. (1E)
E 50. BANKRUPTCY DOCKETS, July 1867 - Feb. 1869; June 1875 ~ June 1908.
pi Indexed. (Never.) Voriously sized vols. (L), l ft., on open wooden
1 shelves. Bindings broken. R. 502. (16)
pl 91. BANKRUPTCY CASES, July 1867 — Aug. 1878. Petitions, schedules of
E assets ond lisbilities, certificates of discharge, etc. Filed numeri-
¥ cally. (Never.) b_x 9 and 9 x 15 vols., folders, loose sheets, ond
p`; covers, 278 ft. 7 in., on 65 open wooden shelves and in enclosed wooden
E csbinet. Demnged by vermin, C&FC1QSS handling, and faulty containers,
l brittle, dirty, torn, ink faded. Rs. 502 und 20h. (1, 2)
1 V2. BANKRUPTCY RECORD Mn l8’8 — Aus 1880. Indexed (Never )
_, Q , y O Ds K • •
3 9 x 15 end 11 x 16 vols. (2), Q in., on open wooden shelves. Bindings
_§ broken. R. 502. (16)
$2; r .
E 55. BANKRUPTCY RECURD, Jen. 187n - npr. 1881. Vols. 1 - 8, 19, 20,
`Q ond unnumbered vols. Indexed. (Never.) 15 x 17 ond lh x 19 vols. (11),
Q 5 ft. L in., on open wooden shelf. R. 502. (11)
§ (Criminal)
jg 5b. INDICTMENTS, 188n - 1888; 1891. Copies of indictments from
{ other states for arrests of defendants. (Never.) b.x 9 bundle, l in.,
g in open pigoonhole. Damaged by vermin end faulty container, brittle,
  <1a.i~ty, R. 502. (59)
Q (United States Commissioner)
é 59, U. S. COHKISSIONER*S REPORTS, 18n8; 1866 - lP6P; 1871 - 1878;
Q 18RO; 1882 - 19eo, Reports of triol, final mittimus, werrdnts to appre-
  hend, transcripts of proceedings, ctc. (Nc‘x/OT.) 11}: 9 loose shoots.,
§ 2 ft. 6 in., in Q open pigconheles. Densged by vermin end faulty cen-
ag teiners, brittle, dirty, torn, ink faded. R. 502. (58)

 %@( Clerk of District Court, Oxford 8
13D (Fiscal Accounts)
gi 56. cnsu BOOK, sept. 1ee6 · Feb, 1892. (Never.) 1n.x 19 vol.,
Q 5 in., in enclosed wooden cabinet. R. 200. (2L)
§ 57. RECEIPTS, 1872 - 1899. Co1lector’s receipts in internal rev-
fp enue cases. (Never.) L x 9 bundle, 5 in., in pigeonhole. Damaged by
ug vermin and faulty container, brittle, dirty, torn, ink faded. R. 502.
, Q
i? 8. FEE BILLS, U. S. CASES, Dec. 1872 - Nov. 1Q07. Indexed.
, 4 5 ,
li (Never.) 10 x 15 and ll x 15 vols. (L), 1 ft., on open wooden shelves.
3 R. 502. (22)
( 59. FEES OF WITNESSES, 188Q — 1897; 1899. Records of fees of wit-
pi nesses in U. S. cases. (Never.) L x 9 bundles, Q ft., in 6 open pigeon-
E holes. Damaged by vermin, brittle, dirty, torn. R. 502. (L2)
5 60. FEES OF JURORS, 1885 — 1898. Records of fees of petit and grand
( jurors. (Never.) Q x 9 bundles, 9 in., in 2 open pigeonholes. Dam-
gg aged by vermin and faulty containers, brittle, dirty, torn, ink feded.
I? 11. 5e2. (50)
(E 61. CLERK*S FEES ON VARIOUS ACCOUNTS, 1887 — 1890. (Never.) M x 9
_Q bundle, l in., in open pigoonhole. Damaged by faulty container, brittle,
  dirtv ink mace. R. 502. (661
  .1 J - J /
  62, PAY or B1.1L1Fr, 1887; 1892; 169/. - 1896. (Never.) 2. X 9 bundle,
Q 1 in., in open pigeonholo. Damaged by vermin end faulty container,
  byittie, dirty. R. 502. (1.5)
( 65, CLERKYS QUARTERLY ACCOUNTS, 1887 — 1809. Annual, semiannual,
Q end quarterly accounts. (Never.) M x Q bundles, 5 ft. 1 in., in 9
w§ pigeonholee. Damaged by vermin und faulty containers, brittle, dirty,
~€ torn, ink faded. R. 502. (6h)
1% 6g. EMOLUMENT FEES, ABERDEEF, Dec. 1807. (Never.) 15 x 19 vol.,
~@ 5 in., on open wooden shelf. R. 502. (51)
e@ (Miscellaneous)
1 -
(Q 65, JOURNAL C, Apr. 1871 — Sept. 1886. (Never.) 15 x 19 vol.,
f L in., in enclosed wooden cabinet. R. 200. (25)
1g 66. JOURNAL, Oct. 188M - Aug. 1887. Register of c1erk's certifi-
E cates. (Never.) ll x 16 vol., 5 in., on open wooden shelf. R. 502.
VY (Never.) lh x IQ vol., 5 in., on open wooden shelf. Binding broken.
is R. 3