xt70p26q2562 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70p26q2562/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-09-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 12, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 12, 1977 1977 1977-09-12 2020 true xt70p26q2562 section xt70p26q2562  

Volume LXIX. Number 17
Monday. September 12. 1977


l'K cornerback Larry (‘arter 4th and strong safety Rick Hayden (16)
double team North Carolina wide receiver Walker Lee (28) in the L'K end

zone . . .



touchdown. However . . .



an inde endent student news per

h ; ts. “$35,

"1" I:

. . . and succeed. as Hayden comes down with the ball, the first Wildcat
interception of the year. The play averted a second-period Tar Heel


University of Kentucky
Lexington. Kentucky





I I Photos by Stewart Bowman

. . . Hayden landed on his right ankle, tearing ligaments and sidelining him
for an indefinite period. Dallas Owens (6) and Jerry Blanton (92) carried
him off the field.

Nobody gives up as Cats squeeze out 1 0-7 win

Sports Editor

No one wanted to concede defeat No one was ready
for it No one dared.

But college football games cannot be sliced much
thinner than UK‘s 10-7 rally over North Carolina
Saturday afternoon before a Commonwealth Stadium
crowd of 57.796.

Kentucky coach Fran Curci admitted as much. “Not
to take anything away from North Carolina. that
fumble on their 33 was the difference and we got the
dadgum thing.

"I guess if you stay in this business long enough,
things go your way sometime down the road." Curci
said in his post-game press conference.

But even in the exultation of victory, several breaks
did not go the Cats' way. Kentucky had the misfortune
of losing three defensive starters indefinitely and the

offense could not score a touchdown behind its young
line until 2:33 remained in the game.

First Jim Kovach went out early in the first quarter
with a shoulder separation. Rick Hayden suffered a
severely torn ankle on a leaping interception in the
second quarter. And Tim Gooch hurt his knee with less
than two minutes left in the game.

“Our defense was playing superbly and perhaps the
most concerning thing is to lose three good players in a
game like this." Curci said. “It was a very costly

Despite these losses, the smiles of Curci and his
players were wide and filled with relief.

Noseguard Jerry Blanton and defensive end Art Still
were two defensive players who deserved a reprieve
from the last-gasp UK touchdown that wiped out a
North Carolina lead.

Both had already joined defensive end Bud Diehl in
compiling six quarterback sacks and making up for

the inefficiency of the offense.

“I'm kinda surprised we got to their quarterback,"
said Blanton. “He couldn't get outside on us."

Still was pleased with Saturday’s effort but knows
about the work ahead. “We‘ve got the bench
strength to do the job," he said about the three critical
injuries. “We need to hustle more. We started
lightening up. We can’t do that with anybody."

Even though the two defenses kept the opp0sing
offenses out of the end zones for the first three
quarters, both teams wasted opportunities to capital-
ize on big plays and mistakes.

Rod Stewart broke for 31 yards in the first quarter
before the drive fizzled out. Then late in the second
quarter Chris Hill scampered for 36 yards in a
dazzling display of broken field running, to set up the
field goal that sent Kentucky to the locker room ahead

were Derrick Ramsey‘s slipping and sliding as if the
field were coated with a layer of ice and a couple of
busted punt returns that could have been disastrous.

“We very much miss Warren Bryant," Ramsey
said. “But we knew we had the game when North
Carolina fumbled."

Even after Tarheel Mel Collins fumbled a punt on
the NC 30-yard line, the UK offense had a net gain of no
yardage on the next three plays. 0n fourth and 10,
Ramsey scrambled to his right, dodged one tackle and
suddenly spotted Chris Hill wide open, about 15 yards
downfield. His pass was perfect and Hill carried to the
NC 14.

Ramsey said he had not expected to find Hill when
he looked back to his left. “There was a play in the
first half when (Randy) Brooks was wide open in the
end zone but their line backer (Buddy Curry) forced
me to do what I didn‘t plan,” he said.




UNI". 0F PRESIDENT (‘ARTER‘S lop assistants says
Budget Director Bert Lance, embroied in controversy
over his personal finances. should resign “to relieve the
President of this burden."

Midge Costanza, special presidential assistant for
public liaison. told a Rochester, NY, television station
Lance should step down.

“I think that in light of the burden that the issue has
brought upon the President. Bert Lance should consider
that he is prevented from domg the job he was hired to
do.“ Costanza told WHEC-TV in an interview Saturday.
The White House had no comment yesterday on her

The Senate Governmental Affairs Committee continues
hearings Monday into Lance's personal finances; Lance is
scheduled to testify Thursday.

TWO YOlTNti MEN ASSOC! -\Tl‘3[l with a Chinese youth
gang were ambushed early yesterday, apparently in
retaliation for a massacre in a Chinatown restaurant a
week earlier, police said. They quickly announced a
crackdown on gangsterism among Orientals here.

Authorities say the current battle. is over such items as
jobs in gambling houses and extortion rights.

Since the current wave of youth gangsterism erupted in
1969. some 44 persons have been slain,

A l9-YEAR-OLI) VANDERBILT COED, kidnaped four
days before from her college campus. was driven to North
Carolina yesterday and released unhurt after a $150,000
ransom was paid.

Five hours after Annette Adams‘ release, the FBI
arrested a man and a woman after a chase on Interstate
40. Authorities said more than $148,000 was recovered.

Adams. a blonde banker‘s daughter from Maryville.
Tenn, was reunited with her parents at the Burke County
sheriff‘s office in Morganton. NC.



A SYDNEY FASHION MODEL dubbed the “Camel
Lady“ has ended a 62l-mile, five-month trek across
Western Australia's forbidding Gibson Desert accompan-
ied by only four camels and a dog.

Robyn Davidson, 28, dropped from sight two weeks ago
after her journey attracted widespread publicity. But
Dawn Priddix, a constable's wife in the small town of
Wiluna, said yesterday the Camel Lady had slipped
quietly into Wiluna, her final destination on the western
edge of the desert

Last month, editors of National Geographic magazine in
Washington said Davidson was on a free-lance assign-
ment for them and had proposed a story about her trip to
the magazine about two years ago.

HOPEFL‘L or BOLSTERING HER foreign policy
credentials, Britain's Conservative Party leader Margar-
et Thatcher opens three days of talks today with President
Carter and other senior administration officials.

It has been a tradition for British opposition leaders to
come to Washington. and Thatcher, 51, who has led the
Conservative party for the past 2“: years, is no exception.

Thatcher's views differ little from those of the average
American conservative. She is strongly antiCommunist,
pro-free enterprise and suspicious of government
programs to redistribute wealth.

weath or

SUNNY AND MILD TODAY WITH highs in the mid-7th.
Becoming partly cloudy with a 20 per cent chance of
thundershowers tonight. Lows in the mid-505. Partly
cloudy and a chance of thundershowers Tuesday. High
tomorrow in the low 803.

Compiled from Associated Press dispatches



.ao»..—.-.~. .0.

But interspersed between these two breakaways

Continued on back page

Gasoline guzzlers take heed:
marvelous moped is coming

Kernel Reporter

There is yet another alternative to
driving a two-ton, $4,000. 15-miles-to-
the-gallon automobile. The moped is
soon to make its presence known on
the streets of Kentucky.

Although there is only one US.
moped manufacturer, motorized bi-
cycles have long been popular
overseas, especially in Europe
where the trend was set in the early
’70s At that time mopeds started to
outsell motorcycles. Since then, two
to three million have been sold in
Europe each year.

The attraction of motorized bikes
are many. Their initial cost is
relatively low, compared to other
forms of motorized travel, priced at

$300 to $800, depending on the model.

Gas consumption is 150 to 200
miles per gallon, depending on the
model. But for short, around-town
trips, it could take a few weeks
before the gas tank would have to be

Mopeds are not designed for
longdistance, highway traveling.
Top speed is about30mph.

Mopeds operate in a number of
different ways. Some must be rolled
to a start, while others have automa~
tic ignitions. Once moving, a true
moped can be pedalled just like a
regular bicycle. Or it can be pedal-

assisted—pedalled while the motor
is on. This might be necessary when
going up a steep hill. The moped can
also be turned on and driven just like
a motorcycle.

Despite the many advantages,
mopeds still can‘t be bought in the
Lexington area. Current state laws
classify mopeds in the same cate-
gory as motorcycles.

These laws state that a driver
must be tested and licensed for a
motorcycle, wear a helmet and

carry liability insurance. Such rules
make national moped distributors
hesitate to sell them in the state.

Jim Roberts, a state Transporta-
tion Department official, aid the
subcommittee on traffic safety is
currently investigating the possibili-
ty of exempting mopeds from the
motorcycle laws. He said that the
subcommittee will be meeting Sept.
27 to decide if they will recommend a

Continued on back page

Community system
OK, council reports

A recent study of Kentucky's
community college system recom-
mends that UK continue to operate
its statewide network of 13 two-year
schools, according to a copyrighted
story in yesterday’s Courier Journal
a. Times.

However, the study, conducted by
the state Council on Higher Educa-
tion, recommended changes within
the system. These include more
emphasis on remedial programs,
improved financing of community
colleges and representation for com-
munity colleges on UK‘s Board of

In the late 19605, two community
college studies recommended that
the two-year schools be cut from the
University. These studies were criti-
cal of UK‘s slowly developing voca-
tional programs.

But according to the newspaper
story, the new report suggests that
UK has overcome this criticism
even though these and other pro-
grams are still not adequately

Yet a major problem still exists as
to whether UK can be “all things to

all people,“ the study said.
Continued on page 3









N”; Editor (bk-l l'holugrlpbcr ('upy I-Zilltoro
Steve Hailinger gmmmo |ml~hflm Ilill Klimt .luiiilli I-Igcrton

l yniie Funk

Mulluglng Editor Amnchtr 14.1“." Sports Editor lchsy l'rarci-

W? Iiii-k Gabriel m...“ Mitchell iiiivb‘l llibbltu I'llllliu'JedmI

l-‘nliloflnl thor ...“ \. it“ Art: Editor All» i-rtbing Manager
Joe Kemp mm...” ism. m. ’l‘IIm t'iiirk ‘l'uuy (hay
[I a
/ ,3 4
a .
*7: ,“s I WELL.
\« \



La nce's motto:



Follow the bouncing checks

“The minute (1 person becomes a public official. he
has to be one cut above what goes on in private
business or it doesn 't wash. "

vvRep. Robert Michel, D-Ill.

Washington is filled with rumors that Federal
Budget Director Bert Lance will resign this week. We
hope the gossip will become reality before the week's

Lance‘s problems. which began as a haze of
uncertainties and evolved into a national issue. have
tarnished President Jimmy Carter‘s image as a
zealous upholder of ethical purity.

Carter. on the other hand, did nothing to enhance
that image when he gave Lance a resounding
aidorseinent iii a nationally televised press confer-
ence three weeks ago.

That support came on the heels of a 394-page
document issued b_\ (‘omptroller of the Currency John
Jeimann. which concluded that Lance had done
nothing illegal in his financial dealings.

The report did find. however. that the director's
banking habits "raised unresolved questions as to
what constitutes acceptable banking practice."

It accused Georgia‘s Calhoun First National Bank of
permitting "L'nsafe and unsound banking practices"
while Lance was its president in 1973 and 1974.

The report was appareniiy reterring to the bank‘s
policy of covering overdrafts in Lance’s 1974
gubernatorial campaign fund. In fact, the campaign
overdrafts exceeded Lance's $110,000 certificate of


deposit by up to $152, 000 for 10 weeks.
According to the report Lance’s wife, LaBelle,
overdrew her account by as much as $110,000 in the
last four months of 1974. Between September, 1974 and
April, 1975, nine Lance relatives amassed overdrafts
totaling a hefty $450,000.

Federal bank examiners ordered the unsavory
banking practice stopped.

Carter‘s backing of Lance was all White House press
secretary Jody Powell needed to challenge reporters
to turn up any instances of illegal or unethical

It wasn’t long before the Associated Press met
Powell’s challenge.

The AP disclosed that Lance used the same
collateral for two separate loans at two different
banks. In June, 1975, he pledged 148,118 shares of stock
in the National Bank of Georgia, plus any expected
stock dividends, as collateral for a $2.6 million loan
from the Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co.

But a year later, Lance gave the stock dividend—
worth $274,000—to the Chemical Bank of New York to
secure a $150,000 loan.

Since these relevations, comptroller Heimann has
taken a more critical view of the Lance affair.

He said the most serious problem area “has to do
with the pattern of borrowing” at banks, than
“establishing correspondent banking relationships
with the lending institutions."

And the comptroller’s office said Lance violated two



national banking regulations by failing to properly file
forms required of bank officers who borrow money to
buy bank stock. The forms are also required of bank
officers who are involved in business interests outside

Lance will have the opportunity to tell his side of the
story this Thursday when he appears before the
Governmental Affairs Committee.

Because several newspapers have called for
Iance’s resignation, there will no doubt be people
crying, “The press is out to get good ol‘ boy Bert!”

The next time you hear that, remember this basic
political question:

Do you want your nation’s budget directed by a man
who is having unbelievable trouble with his own

Willi: (Mitzi
US INT)...





Wéiat history is trying to tell us

By P.\l'l. ii. FUR-XVI)

Your recent articles concerning
marijuana laws iii the US. and
(‘nriada Sept. 9'. bring to mind an
account of the controversy that
acionipanicd the introduction of
another plant tobacco. into the


Middle East in the ltith century. The
account is lett to us by a well known
l)ttoman Turkish soldier and scho»
lar. Hajj) Khalifa. who died in 1637.
Translations from his narrative are
quoted without the author‘s kind




iebegins with an English doctor‘s
(IISCOU‘I‘). in the New World. ot "a
kind ot leaf that was burning.
which. when inhaled “with an
instrument it’vmlillng a pipe."
appeaicd to cur“ a lymphatic dis—

order ilis example having been

followed by the ship‘s company. the

habit spread. upon their return.
throughout England. France and
other parts of the continent.

()t’ficial reaction to its appearance
in Turkey. about 1601, was imme-
diate and vehement in official
circles and the religious establish-
ment. A noted surgeon gave “warn-
ingtalks at a special meeting in (the
principle) mosque (at Istanbul)...
but he troubled himself to no
purpose: the more he spoke, the
more people persisted in smoking."

Soon. the sultan himself officially
banned the practice. but “...people
being undeterred, the imperial
anger necessitated the chastisement
of those who. by smoking, com-
mitted the sin of disobedience to the
imperial command. Gradually his
Majesty‘s severity in suppression
increased and so did people‘s desire
to smoke. .and many thousands of
men were sent to the abode of

When the sultan was going on the
expedition against Baghdad, at one
halting-place 15 or 20 leading men of
the Army were arrested on a charge
of smoking and were put to death
with the severest torture in the
imperial presence.

Some of the soldiers carried short
pipes in their sleeves, some in their
pockets, and they found an opport-
unity to smoke even during the
executions. At Istanbul, no end of
soldiers used to go into the barracks
and smoke in the privies. Even
during this rigorous prohibition. the
number of smokers exceeded that of
the non-smokers."

After the sultan‘s death, the
practice was sometimes forbidden
and sometimes permitted, until “the
late Shaykh ul-Islam (the highest
administrator of religious affairs in
the ()ttoman Empire) ruled that
smoking was permissible. Occasion-
al reprimands from the throne have


lDoes (or lilHlE J'lfAUDJ’









been generally disregarded and
smoking is at present practiced all
over the habitable globe.”

The author himself seems to
regard smoking as a “bad habit, but
is tolerant of it to the extend that he
believes that “...the duty of people...
addicted to such things is to refrain
from committing a breach of good
order by using them in the streets.
But in his own house every man may
do as he pleases...what work for the
censor within a man's home?“

Among the evil affects of smoking
tobacco, he says. is that “it ends by
becoming a basic need of the addict.
Also, excessive use of tobacco
causes “an evil odor to arise in the
mouth, by comparison with which,
in the nostrils of the non-smoker,
halitosis is as alocs-wood and

No use, he continues, to interfere
with its addicts: “To try to put them
off is not a practical possibility and

is generally agreed to be in the
category of preaching to the winds."

Yet the practice should not be
forbidden, he says, on the principle
that “it is preferable not to declare
things forbidden, but always have
recourse to any legal principle that
justifies declaring them permitted,
thus preserving the people from
being laden with sins and persisting
in what has been prohibited. "

For this reason and because it
would be “an act of compassion
toward the addict,” he argues.
declaring it to be lawful is “in the
general interest." And even a judge
who so rules “may perhaps acquire
merit and reward (in the afterlife)
for delivering a believer from sin.”

In conclusion he recommends an
arrangement for control of tobacco
which rather resembles what Mr.
Gatewood Galbraith advocates for

marijuana (if my memory serves
me correctly) :


Socialist talk

The Lexington Young Socialist
Alliance (YSA) would like to invite
everyone to a talk on “What
Socialists Stand For" 7:30 pm.
Wednesday in Room 119 of the
Student Center.

We will discuss what the capitalist
system is and how a socialist system
will differ. We'll also talk about the
US. government and imperialism,
and socialism’s connection with the
black movement and women‘s lib

An important part of the discuss-
ion will be: What can we do now to
build the movements of working
people and oppressed that can
change society and end the exploita-
tive we have?

Anyone interested in finding out
about socialist ideas is invited.

A wide range of literature on
social movements and socialism will
be on hand including the Young
Socialist and Militant newspapers.


about marijuana

“Hereafter, the most useful thing
for rules to do is this: They should
farm out exclusive concession. to
deal in tobacco-leaf in every part of
(the Ottoman Empire), appointing
custodians. Tobacco will bear a
fixed contribution to the Treasury of
20 piastres per okka (approx. 214
lbs.) It should be sold in one
appointed place in each city and
should not be allowed in the markets
at large. This will yield 100 million
aspers a year."

A possible conclusion from all of
this is that if “history repeats
itself," as suggested in this case and
if history also “teaches us a lesson."
that “repetition" is a pedagogical
failure, because we seem to be
congenitally unable to learn the


Paul G. Forand is an instructor in
the Slavic and Oriental Language



Bring your questions and ideas—
find out how the socialist movement
relates to you.

Margaret Kelly
YSA member


Can’t help but wonder what sort of
howling mania would possess Kevin
T. Ellis to write that pus-filled little
screed for your Sept. 1 issue.

Also can‘t help but wonder what
sort of dementia gripped the copy
desk to let that slip through.

If this Ellis fellow thinks the
Washington nightlife is any better
than Lexington’s, he's either never
been there (as I was last month,
unfortunately) or he's crazy on acid.

But worse, if he thinks the ageold
Search foraGoodTimeisany sortof
jistification for taking that job in
Elizabeth Holtzman's office-well,
that boy has a lot to learn.

[might remind him that it's that
sort of waterhead thinking that
turned Washington into the night-
mare cesspool that it is.

As for law school. We‘ve got too
many lawyers already. They’re
popping up everywhere, like warts,
rolling around and breeding. . .1 think
they‘re preparing papers for the
Final Solution, but of course. I can‘t

Still, it’s good to see the Kernel
doing its usual bang-up job of hitting
15 with thought provoking stores.
Teeth right down on the bone and
god's mercy on anyone who com-
plains. Truth will out. But I still
think you could use Simian Medulla
onthe copy desk.

Scott Payton
UK graduate

Letters policy

Letters and comments should be
addressed to the Editorial Editor.
In Journalism Building. University
of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky.
M. Letters must be typed. and
include the writer's name, address.
telephone number and class


 KENTUCKY KERNEL. Monday. Seuemberll, 1977—4


ILStllll 1: 10 um. All cinemas "rcpt “Star Won"



United Way
plans fall drive


A haunting vision
0' reincarnation


_ ,,,,,, Tired of being
.., one Of the Old

Now Showlng!






JIudréy 7: I ‘l Sig-Vii


"""""" Times;:l‘:o!::3;5355:35 [o as II
By DEBBIE McDANlEL “We have a ‘Fair Share’ "" ______ , Rmc fall‘s at home ?
Kernel Reporter plan that is based on in-
come,” Hearn said. The plan mam"! o Ilttglcli'cigligielrice Get out

The United Way of the considers factors such as not ROBE!"
Bluegrass, which serves met- hourly or annual wage earn- NEWMAN gunman a nd see
ropolitan Lexington and cen- ings. At $2 an hour, a Fair ' m “It STING Tlm;sl:52,z.0:54:40 '
tral Kentucky. begins its Share gift would equal 14 . ' .. ........ 8 movie!

yearly campaign tomorrow
with a kick-off luncheon.

The UK-United Way pro-
gram will follow suit on Sept.
22. UK President Dr. Otis A.
Singletary will speak at the

Anne Wilson, Singletary’s
secretary, said that Single-
tary sends a letter to faculty
members urging support for
the campaign as the fund-
raising begins.

George Hearn, executive
director of the United Way of
the Bluegrass, said “United
Way is a community service
organization. It uses this
fund-raising drive to support
31 separate health, recrea~
tional and welfare agencies in
Lexington and surrounding

Agencies such as Red
Cross, the Lexington Deaf
Oral School and Georgetown
Street Orphanage receive
funds if they meet United
Way standards.

“Agencies receive 95 cents
out of every dollar, and that 5
per cent goes to cover cam-
paign costs,“ Hearn said.
Almost all workers are volun-

The goal set for Lexington
is $1,256,710. Placement Cen-
ter Director James Alcorn
said UK's goal is $102,000.
General Chairman of the 1977
UK-United Way Cabinet, Al~
corn said “UK was a contri-
butor from the beginning“ of
the school‘s history.

The 14 UK cabinet mem-
bers each represent a college
or department. Each coordi-
nator assigns approximately
15 solicitors to speak , to
faculty and staff members
about the United Way.

Other schools and large

minutes’ pay.

Dave Stockham, vice chair-
man for student affairs, said,
“A donation of any size is
welcomed, whether it's $5 or
$25. Donation is not manda-
tory, and employes aren‘t
forced to donate.”

There is no pressure ag-
ainst people who don’t contri-
bute because all donations
are placed in sealed envel-
opes. They aren‘t opened
until they reach the down-
town office of United Way.

To encourage students to
donate. letters will be sent to
Greek organizations, resi-
dence halls and other student
organizations. They are fol-
lowed up by a personal visit.
“Fund raising events are
good ways to have fun and
help a charity,” Stockham

Each donor this year will
receive two cards—one for
donations and one for a draw-
ing. “By donating to the
United Way, you become
eligible to win two free tickets
to (unspecified UK) football
games." Alcorn said.

Alcorn said that three 1978
Pacesetter awards, for an
organization’s increased par-
ticipation, might encourage
the UK communtiy to donate
quickly during the first week
of the campaign.

If all members of an organ-
ization contribute, they win
the 100 per cent award. The
second award is for a 50 per
cent increase in the number
of employes donating and the
third prize is for a 25 per cent
increase in the amount of
moneyagiven by an. organiza-


Winners are determined by


I Rites of fall?


«Steu- .‘i'hubr

The air was cooler and fall shadows lengthened earlier as two

students walked through the

parking lot behind the

engineering building yesterday afternoon.

Council report calls
University deficient
in per—student funds

continued from page i

[n the report. some faculty
members noted that many of
the services currently pro-
vided by UK would have to be
duplicated at increased cost
to taxpayers if the commun-
ity colleges weren't part of
the UK system,

Of the 60 per cent of
professors responding to a
recent questionnaire. 51H per
cent said they supported UK‘s
continued control over the
two-year schools.

The University system has
colleges at Ashland. .Eliza-

bethtown. 'Hazard. Henderi

son, Hopkinsville, Louisville.
Lexington. Madisonville.

career-type programs, (re-
medial) studies progarms,
counseling and academic ad-
visement, continuing educa-
tion and community service
programs.“ the study said.
The study added that Ken-
tucky ranks last among 14
Southern states in per-student
spending and $1.30 below the
H—state average of $1.147 in
per student expenditure.
Other study recommenda-
tions include: high-cost, low-
enrollment career programs,
expanded responsibilities for
advisory board members at
UK colleges. development of
a separate financial aid office
for l'K‘s system and creation



TURFlANDMAll immovizrt!
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Now—you can learn the art of Oriental

self-defense at a special UK student rate

Most everyone who has watched Karate
experts on TV or in motion pictures has secretly
wished to learn how to do it.

But, since it looks so difficult, so complicated,
they figure it must take a long time and lots of
money to become good at Karate.

Not necessarily so!

In our Taekwondo preconditioning classes we
make the difficult less so. By practice and
repetition we condition students to react
instinctively and to counter-react effectively. We


teach balance, develop coordination and instill
sclfdiscipline. Out of these principles come
skills, a new physical fitness and the self

confidence of achievement.

It is done gradually so both mind and body
learn to work together with a new efficiency.
liit, it does not take long nor is it expensive to

mine this far. It will surprise you.

Come see us. Talk to us about it. We know the
results will give you satisfaction that will far

aitweigh the modest investment.


Phone 255-9335
921 S. Lime

(across from UK. Med. Center)

A member of The American Taekwondo Assoc.









tould businesses are using the the'largest per capita contri- Maysville, Paducah. Preston- of no new community colleges
n. to check-off card system and button based 0" total mem— burg. Somerset and Cumber- presently.
wt of UK is no exception. bership,g1vmg bothlargeand land. Last fall, the colleges The Sis-page report will be
nting Each employe receives a small groups an equal chance enrolled 16.743 full and part- discusses at a council meet-
ir a checkoff card from solicitors to wm. time students. ing in Frankfort Wednesday.
ry of If the employe wants to The collected check-off The council study. con-
. 2‘4 donate, he 01‘ she places cash, cards are given to the UK- ducted by Dr. Ted Morford
one check or a pledge for an United Way Cabinet mem- and Gerald Bell, said Ken- ATO honored " ,u'
and amount into a sealed envel- bers and taken to Alcorn. The tucky still has not completely ’V V Id 1)
”kf‘lb' 099- cards are then sent to the developed a “comprehensive The UK chapter of Alpha ,1 ,1! CO“ ecome
”“0“ H a pledge is made, a United Way office, where community college program. Tau Omega was named most I] ’ '
‘ United Way volunteer Will donations are marked and “If community college edu- improved during the recent 6 C0 Sam‘s "em
I“ 0’ contact the employe, and tabulated. The totals are sent cation is to be truly compre- national congress of the fra»
)eats determine if the payment Will back to UK and broken down hensive in Kentucky, then ternity, said UK chapter pres-
eand be made monthly, quarterly, into total cash amounts per greater emphasis must be ident Bill Otto. The congress
0“. ' 01‘ takeapayroll deduction. person in each department. given to the expansion of was Aug. 17 through 21.
. be m “ I Junior Men’s
th ‘ |' 1'" “C erne , ourn IIV 0 I II I on C .
( K:mhu:liy,l4o;y6.lls mill: llve tilugix‘e'Ldl'yn‘diii-IIIL aggu'rlexesthoifiomnd LA N E s H on orary F rate rn 'ty
— stream?-.:::'.at;.t:::.'7.1.:':.".t;.'.:r.:::°::assistants: 5:2: ANNOUNCE
r ear mom-I .
or in :wl’uyhlshed by dieiernel Press. Inc. and founded In 1771. the Kernel began as The A RE Q U IRE D M E E TING
ideth Ind. Tl! I or ha been ubllohed conl ooi-I n e e oclt Kern
um «m 191-2 , " " ‘ ’ "' ’ " K "' ’ " Attendance Mandatory
Advertising is intended only to help the reader buy and any full: or mlsldldlng
::.‘:..".1:::.:.":."':;:.::rz'.':‘.:.7::.'::.::.:3::‘t':‘.‘::'.:.’.‘::.extant?"W" WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 14. 7 pm.
..'.:::1:a“.may::ra".:°.;:::r:*;:‘.:: tartar.t:::.f‘tr.:.::.:::::;: Student Center R m- 30 7 F R E E
phone number and address should be Included. Letters should not exceed 250 word: . .
—— f;:::?;:z:::flf:e no longer than 750 words. Editor: reserve the rlght to edlt F or fu rt h er Inform at ion ca” Ed R ay‘
president, at 269-7859
ey’re High fashion frames at bargain basement
. prices Discount to UK students...Where? At:
arts, A . . . - ..
think "
the 9 I
W FOR THE 1 77 78
ernel KEN I [J C KI AN
dulla 0
W111 Be Taken From
iyton o
it... 9 a .m. - 5 pm. Monday thru Friday


y Sept. 12 thru thru 23

:l‘y’. Fashion Frames, unltd. ""UB I YWW'VW Don t forget to Sign up for

at their 4th anniversary party
.lnn‘ and Tune I $0,, ‘2 & ‘3.

Drinks 1.00 Palm Draft Door 2 ‘

:31 > 2459 Nicholasville Rd.
~» ' Lexington, Ky.

drawing for FREE PRIZES












4—KENTUCKYKERNEL. Manda .Se emberrz 1977


September 17

8:00 P.M.





with special guests:
Graham Central Station 8: Bohannon

Ticket Prices: 36.50—57.50 Reserved

WCKET LocaTIQNS Lexington Ten Central Banks
and Lerongion Center Box Office.
Louisville Beethoven’s House of
Mus-c. Subways, Karma 8. Leatherheads






is looking for


who want to get


Directors are needed for the following departments:
Political Affairs
Public Relations
Student Affairs
Student Services

Also. interested students are needed to serve on commissions under the pret eding
departments among thes