xt70p26q2676 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70p26q2676/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-04-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 28, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 28, 1986 1986 1986-04-28 2020 true xt70p26q2676 section xt70p26q2676 ‘t
P R I Vol. XC. No. 120 “Ml.” L University at Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky Independent since 197) . Monday, April 28, 1986
W _
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.. . . , arcos C aims
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' «5 3 x .4}. ‘2. , a * . .4
1 .. * a“... to be President '
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,. ,, - ci,.,.;~a y! _ l \ Ousted leader speaks at rally 1‘.
’,.,.~ \‘~ r; Q.,, ’P. I t':
o ‘ 5;: W) (i } is "* By CRISELDA YABES orate. according to the source. who '. I,
a . . , a ‘3 » ' . AssociatedPress spoke to The AssoCiated Press on -, C
V, .. , ‘ _ ‘ I. L MANILA Phl 0 ted coadition of not being identified ’ 4' . ' t’, -' i ,
LWN 1L 3.» ‘ \ - ‘ I 469313}. i» ,, i i' . iipplnes —— us eagan had called A who last ..L-:-.' ~ , " H, :
L , y t ~ ' ‘ ., . h ' ' N, , m,” 2:3“ W” 3 President Ferdinand E. Marcos told week It was their first C(gh‘ersalltm f..-
" .. - x... x 4;, . g t , l . ’ - y": ,L 12.000 followers yesterday he was since she assumed the pl‘t’Sldent'} ‘~ _" {if
, = ”a,” " . new ”a, ”t“ = a ,. _L ...-3 . 3-1573; “ ‘ the legitimate president of the Phil- shortly after Marcos fled the presi "J j fi-z’gg ,f'i
.-”..L_ a... M" ‘ - ‘ . ‘92 ’ . , L e w ° , «3' ippines and urged them to keep dential palace on Feb 25 during a 4 ,,
..,.,,......i., Nip @ylgafi», . it “Q , ; i. L demonstrating against the govern- popularly backed military rebellion .- L "((5-1 it:
81“.“ “ .~ rate: , . " 'ij, :“3 - ,.. f " ~ .8: f“ mentof Corazon Aquino. L Marcos has been in male in Hawaii - 4 . L.-' if. -L'
.. -..Wxg‘ dew &, ,.L . _ '“ '__ a», ‘ ’3 3.55“,” _ _ , ., He urged that they keep their pro- since then. it ' . 4;-', .~_ it ‘
' L,‘ ., ,‘ W5 * LL ', t tests peaceful and avoid violence. "I _ '.~‘ ‘, .21.."
LL .L wage 59;:an . ~ , : x‘t&‘ , ».~. . . am healthy . . . I am ready to At the rally. Marcos spoke for 20 I”.
is ;,,3 L Mg. riffs; ' \ . L44. . fight." Marcos. speaking by tele- minutes m_ a prearranged call to a - ,‘ ‘, i,-
”it“ . We; 1'." ‘ on»: .. phone from Hawaii. told a cheering former aide. Lito Gorospe. who ,‘ - '~
.‘ “» -. . ”5"“ . it? ' crowd that gathered for a rally at hooked up the receiver to a loud- .‘ _ '. .Lf-J,
' . ' * was 5““ ~» - i a . = Manila's Rizal Park. speaker Some maple sobbed as . '. w '
. _ 2 V, ...a'fists ,; 3' ; I i .ve; , His wife. Imelda. referred to her- Marcos‘voice boomed outat them ' "‘4 vi = - ‘i . ' .
,i ' “.fcifir " L .. , ' $32523; ; L 4 self as “your first lady“ and . . .. _ - ._ . »
it, . " ‘s L~Tr Q“ - his}; ... *L "i » sounded in tears as she told the Le" b.‘ former gmernment 0”" I ‘ , .
- . “ ,4? cfli‘rfivi .. ‘ ’, ...» {35% figigifii, crowd she and her husband "will do “€115 and some film celebrities. “’5" .'- T 4' .
.. . ‘ ‘ ' ... * »' I g; 9.“. ‘ a. . - a J. . everything" to return to their home- allsts rallied for the third straight .' _ , 9
'. . ‘1»: . . .,- -z\ y . . land. Sunday to demand Marcos return - .- '» , » ~- L
.‘ ~ 4.., git“ . ’ -, d t ) ‘1' Earlier Saturday. Marcos talked For the past two weeks, Marcos g I. '
' ' ' ' ‘5’ MM ‘ i” is, .* ' . by phone with PreSident Reagan. supporters have also staged vigils .' ' ‘ _ .
. », ~““' ‘ ’* ' ... h a who stopped m Honolulu on his “'33 on the lawn in front of the L" S Em» ' ‘ ‘ _ . ' . t‘
_\ .‘ a ‘ ‘ ‘ AV, ,4 air». , f , "L. to 38]" IndoneSla. where h? “'1” bassy. accusmg the L'nlted States of '- - . , L i
x Q 2 ', si we 1 .- *gzi- - - -4 ‘ > . u meet leaders 0f.th.e “90‘3““ 0f kidnapping Marcos from his former ‘ . , _ ‘ . .
3 L , c. .. .11. . t“. . A} - I ,. , {vying Southeast ASlan Nations this week palace , . i. ' ‘.
' . Jfi‘t . ’ . ' r L } « .,-" Afiyifi, ,1. " - A source in Manila called Marcos . ‘ ‘L
. h > w .. ..." : X9 &‘.: ,i « t -" - ”pt later and quoted him as saying the Marcos urged supporters to go - . ‘ '1
’ '9 t . , s ' , , talk With Reagan “'85 "friendly. ahead with a planned rally on May . ‘ z . 'fl
.. L a, .. a}; congenialrraductwe and frwtful.", 1. which he sald was not only a day ' - - .
.v ' i. ‘ 3"”3 ' Marcos 531d LheLandL Reagan Ld‘S' for workers. but also the annli'er- ' ‘
s: . .s _ . . rgs‘i‘h cussed Marcos Situation “realistl- sary of his marriage to M”- Marcog L. . ‘.~ 4
..i 1 . . uflifig via. .a“ . a, . ‘ , , catty" but Marcos did not elab- in 1954 1 . - ,
"i": ...f r . 1 4 . K} i f “e, f , ‘31,. _ ’ ‘ ”LY" ' . i a
s’ ' _, i H“ 3, k, ‘1" ' } 1’ ‘ i A ' ‘ > . ' i.
, .. .. - . y . . 4. . ounc1 ends irst year .
. 1.2. . .LLLfs‘i L Li: . . _ . -
. L“ .3 d _ . .
...... With awards reception .4
C i .
Knlght C0lll‘t $8Rgg:f(\);wtfx said Louis Straul). Student Dexel ‘ . *
nior ri er . .- .. . ,. .. . ,
Barry Atkins, left, and Don Leach practice yesterday behind the The men are part of an international organization called Socie- ODEeE‘SEZEEhIlgtlEhrTf‘fhmul 3,, ,m I . .
Student Center for an upcoming t0urnament at Mammoth Cave. ty for Creative Anachronism. Last night the Student Devel- dents and administrators at the H, ' , .
opment Council celebrated the end ception. Raymond Hornback. \lL't‘ , '. '
or its first year as a student ”83“" president for l'niverslty relations . .. '
0 O O I O C zation b." recognizing “"9 new part- said he was satisfied with the Unit] ' ' .' I .. I
O ortumties increasm in soc1al work ' - » ~'
« At 3 reception held at the King "t'l‘he councilt has done ,lll e\ ' {
Alumni House. the commit an- tremely good JOl) in setting the two ' ; ‘ . . "
Ble-ZNI)YS.SMITII “many new social workers we «aggre§W@sai“§§ . , . - nounced the wmners 0f ”5 Partners datitm. setting the bis-SO ti" Emit , ' "
Senior Staff Writer need." said 5. Zafar Hasan, dean 0f @‘Efii‘tfi? N< " 7 it? a Ls? sit-<33»: 3.. i-«i “:32 for Excellence program. The pro things to come in the days ahead." .~ . - V ’ .
the college. afifiri , :3; ,5, gram was deserted to encourage llornbacksald ,‘ , . .,
The General Assembly appropri- This decrease in enrollment was \~\\::‘§c§; t News» student organizations to raise money In addition to the Partners tor lix- L _. , . L
ated $8 million last year to hire 200 basically due to the development of ,«ygifisgfi’, ' .' i: § for LK, cellence program. the ('tiunt'll also .4 , , '_
new social workers for the Kentucky several new social work programs ifi§§§§§3§§‘s¥g,t ”’1, 3“ There were five divisions in the acknowledged the winners of ll.\ two - g: ' -4
Department Of SocialLServices. but ‘F‘ Kentucky '. the prevailing percep- aieeiiia‘rmwcig, * W‘wfi council's program: sororities. fra- $1.000scholarshlps , V ’ - : " .
it has had problems finding enough tlon 0f minimal Job opportunities @fifififiwdgsw1‘ xi ternities funded student organira- Jody Hanks. a business iidlllllll\' 'L , - ._ j. ,
people to mime positions. and low-ranging salaries. Hasan sefidr§ ... nons non-funded student organiaa- tratwn tumor and John Masha!» . ' z'V ~‘ .
Because of a shortage of trained said. i,««2§‘«. my” tions'and residence halls. a music and [901mm] “"9““ 59"“"7 4' ' ‘z 1' - :3 ‘- -
social workers. many people with With President Reagan‘s recent , L I were selected from 32 applicants in . , *1" . -.
degrees in areas other than social budget cuts, many social work jobs “V‘Yisofi‘ $5,: Those who were recognized as the scholarship recipients . '. . .
work have been hired to fill many of were lost. Seven years ago Gov. tie,,,}fi,.mm “partners of the University“ were Hanks has a 3.4 grade point ilit‘l‘» [ LL; . '. '-.-
the jobs, said John Ballantine, asso- John Y. Brown cut social service iiegwifth‘iiiti‘“ the Delta Delta Delta sorority. age. He is an SGA senator at large ... . ' “ ,.
ciate professor and director of the jobs. which added to the prevailing Miieaésmissiws Sigma Chi fraternity, the Student and a member of the lnterfratermty . .4 ‘L I ".5- , -L
educational practicum of the College perception that social work prcvides .. ..._...” .55... ..,,. m ., . .. .. . c,“ .,, . ,c. A .._ , .. .., » . . . .. Government Association. Greek AC' Council and the Student :‘l‘l'dlrh I LL ‘. . , , {,LL ‘v
ofSoClal Work. minimal opportunities, hesaid, L tlvities Steering Committe and Houndtable. ,‘ ’L . 541:1:
“Overall. 1 see this as an unfortu- But now states are starting to pro- uate students enrolled in the fall of US. Department of Labor. Bureau Keeneland Residence Hall. Menkhaus has a 3.9 GPA. is an ‘.- L 4. ’
nate kind of trend.“ Ballantine said. vide more money for social services 1983 to 155 undergraduates and 179 Of Labor StattStiC§~ PredlCtS that em- The Partners for Excellence Pm- SGA (‘Ottegt‘ 0f Fine Arts What"? , ’74.- . ".4 .":.i
States start lowering their qualifica_ because of the growing public con- graduate students in fall of 1984 and ployment of soc1al workers is ex- gram was just one of three pro- and will be next year‘s chairman of , ‘ , y "‘3'“, _. .' 3'
tions for people. ”which we think is cern for child. spouse and elderly 179 undergraduates and 232 grad- Pected to increase about as fast as grams the council coordinated this (‘ollegians for Academic Excellence. ‘,'.fi".f.'_ f 7;. ,l
a disseririce.” and this results in the abuse. Ballantinesaid. uatestudentsin fall 0t 1985 the average for all occupations yearin raising $12,000. The council also gave a plaque to 4‘ "1.1? ,- .fr ',:_ :35,
lowering of the quality of social With this growing concern. enroll- Hasan said the college expects a through the mid-1990s. Overall. the student organizations SGA Presidentelect Donna Green- ,VIJ :L', - ‘, {aft-fl} .‘7
work services provided to people. ment has increased steadily since somewhat higher increase in enroll- This increased need for more participating in the program raised well for her efforts in raising money u" .‘ 1,: -. ,L ,' .3},
“But it is hard to put up a very the fall of 1983. ment for the fall of 1986 because the trained soc1al workers seems to be 360.000 for the University. SGA led for automatic doors at the {\l l King . .-. "1‘
strong battle when they say supply “In the last few years, enrollment number of applications are even happening all over the country. the way by raising about $16,435. Library “ ’ . .5 n3 .4
usand we can‘t.“he said. has increased. while in most other higher than last Year-f l ked t Hasan 531d -' -. ‘Lf ,3,
Enrollment in the College of Social colleges it has decreased,“ Hasan 901‘ years ago i one 00 a “We even receive letters from I IK f d f' ,‘ ‘
Work has declined drastically since said. This increase is basically due th? immediate future. ”1 WOUId have other states looking for more social re use coverage 9 '-
1973-74, the year of the highest un- to “a lot more jobs than there were Sétid the: were fiat 9:130th 0pm”? work students." Ballantine said. - . - f ~ ., a 4'
dergraduate enrollment with more before." m 165." 358“ 581 u now ings “This semester people from Indiana 4 .‘ . _ . ‘. '
than 400 students. Because of this Enrollment figures in the social are moving in a 037019 0f more and have even come here to interview by Delaware company ' .,- .. .' i,"
decline, the college has not been work college have increased from m°r910b5-" students who are going to graduate . . . ‘ .
able to provide Kentucky with the 144 undergraduates and IT] grad- As far as the job outlook goes, the totrytorecruitthem." , , _ _ . . .
. .. . _ .. B" DAN HASSERT to find liability insurance. said Patti . . . .
. . i gt, Staff Writer Kirk. administrative assistant to the ' . ’. . '
In creasn ng dollar donations reflect . 4 ...,“ ... . . -
“straw: UK continues to be unsuccessful in “SR management. _ _
. . its efforts to find professional liabili- "We‘re keeping Our finger‘s "05>” . 4
growmg support from private sector ...... 53m. :Z’Ztiit'.ti'.;:.". “ii".ilf' - 4 ~ -
i ' ‘ i .
"I. Milli. gun. was the Thursday. a DelawareLcompany ums won‘t be outrageous.”p Kirk .
L . only thing kicking at the an- withdrew its offer to provide errors said .
By SEAS ANDERSON _—“ d%,lw'th 9“; large increase, and nual Bluaowhlto scrimmage. and omisswn insurance in "9590"“ The office is pursuing three ave»
Staff Writer “There IS a greater yveiilrgslg—Bfi‘syrofltfloflfiegoé 2653;31:?:L: For game results. .9. ‘03 UK application. nues of insurance possibilities. she .
Y .‘ ‘ ' ' . i .
For the third year in a row. p“. awareness out there gift every year" _ it should still be m' Page 3. hail}: employees have been without said. These are traditionaltmerage
. . . ity coverage Since Feb. 5. when tsuch as the expired p0llC) l. collei-
vate contributions to UK have in- that the UfllV I' 't agoodyearfor UK' the revious ins rance li ' e tive insurance and some sort of self»
creased. dramatically. This year ,e 81 y “We are already ahead 9f where Inodlng'o Wt" 5' "t. alto piredpand the comianv thzftohgd pr: insurance All three would provide
brought in $23.8 million. (1088 need private we were last year at this time, he ’0' "‘0 ”COMI annual 50".- vided the coverage decided it would errors and omission coverage. .
The 1985““ '5 “P markedly "0m ' sa'd' 1‘ w°"' be a cams‘mt’h" ‘f tit for s n o ted In F l ff th t t r . Ki k '~ - t' "t" 'b i th-
e calmed ...... SUPPO“ ‘0 d0 things ..23 «...... 1:. ”mm“ 3’ 2:. ° “ a W ° arr-2.2: aria
private sector '" 1984- That, m turti: that WOUld OthCI‘WlSC ' ' The University insurance office age) — definitely before the fall se-
was almost a 96 percent increase _ . One of the factors that could con- Page 6. h . . -~ -
, . . . n - . . . as Since been able to secure a lim- mester. About 10 companies are
from 1933s $9.3 mllllon. said Terry be impOSSible. tribute to this years ""31 is the 0" ‘ted I' that ni t t 'de ‘n cx i4 r . f . .
Mobley. directorof development. T ganization of the Student Devel- L .. .. ,. i Pole. covers 0 y Lrusees conSi rt 3 L. app ica ions or (0L
, _ , erry Mobley, . . < - and executive officers leavmg fac- erage, she said.
u, don t know of any other institu- opment Council. Hornback said the ' .. : h r- . . lt d taff ’th ‘ t . UK t1 ~ , k' v'th
tion with that dramatic an increase director of development council is an idea he has worked on u y an s . V" out pro ectlon. ‘ curren y ‘5 wor "‘3. “'
. . . ,, . - - - . .. The policy offered by the Dela- about 400ther colleges and univerSi-
m suchashort period of time, said — for several years and in its first \ c .
Raymond Homback vice i dent . . year of existence is no“ to a fine ware company would have covered ties to develop some type of collec-
for Universit relatiohs pm Homback agreed, describing the start and will grow to some signifi- all employees and cost the Universi- tive insurance. G. Bruce Miller Jr .
M Ohio 38%, d the increase in i- work of volunteer leaders and. the cance." Today will be | ty 3 little more than $60,000 a year. director of employee benefits and
vote cogtributionc is due to a mgr” staff of the development Lcouncd as M” “M The previous policy cost UK 833.500 risk management, will attend a
concentrated effort on the rt of “outstanding“ and praising PTCSI- One example of the Student Devel- and warm with o 70 Wt for three years. meeting of the institutions Friday in
. . . . pa dent Otis A. Singletary's effort with . . . dune. of m and M The current limited policy for Washington to discuss this poss;bili-
UmverSity administrators and vol- individual donors H a] . opment Councils work is the $3,600 . . . - .
un . e so said UK it raised from alumni during the MM. m ”m be m trustees and executive officers is ty.Kirksaid. . . ..
tears. . has made a will? attempt {0 work Little Kentuck Derb olf tourna- h M ”I tmm w". costing Stamforoneyear. Until it is able to acquire liability
"There is a greater awareness out with corporations. ment y y 8 ' The Delaware company did not insurance, UK will continue its offer
them that the University does need “Acros- the board, we have had a ' ,5. ""7 ,W, N m specify why the offer was with- to defend, at University expense.
private support to do things that grant effort outofpeople," henid. Information for this story was also MKWM”. . drawn. any employee who is sued in connec-
Wwid otherwise be impossible." he Hornbock sold last year's :5 mil- gathered by Senior sum Writer , , L', The rejection will not change the tion with carrying out official Uni-
said. lion and 83 million gift: had much to Brad Cooper. ~ ' " UK insurance office’s daily efforts vanity duties.she “id-
! I ~ A


Information on this calendar of events is collected and coordinated through
the Student Center Activities Office, 203/204 Student Center. University of Ken-
tucky. The information is published as supplied by the on—campus sponsor. with
editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student orga-
nizations or University departments to make entries on the calendar, a Campus
Calendar form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office.

Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceeding the
publication date.

0 Movies Barbarella - Tickets on sale at Noon open to 0 Conferences: lmproving Personal Communication (4 fl
students faculty staff 8 guests ST 75 Worsham Theatre workshops) $45-one day or SBO-total confernece: Carnahan
. 7 309 m 03” 74287 Conference Ctr.: 8:30am-4:30pm: C°II25“1060 4 28: Movies: Barbarella - Tickets on sale at Noon open to 5 23 M°Vi°53 Free Premiere 'About L0” N59”; Free:
. o Concerts Cotincil in Aging Spring Concert Free Cen- - Movies: Barbarella - Tickets on sale at Noon open to students, faculty, 5'0" 8 guests: $1.757 Worsham Theatre: Worsham Theatre: 7:30p.m.: Call7-l287
ter for the Arts 7 30 p m Call 7-3l45 students faculty, staff and guests: $1.75: Worsham 7:30pm.: Call 7-1287
- Sports UK Womens Softball Team vs Berea Wood- Theatre 7‘30p.m.: Call7-l287 4 29 Movies Barbarella Tickets on sale 0' Noon 0
, ._ . . - - pen to \
land Park 4 00;: m Call 72898 I ipfigsslblg Baseléalll';s8,8;J:w York Tech at home, Shi students, faculty. 5'0“ and guests: $1.75; Worsham
' vey '9. pm a ' . Theatre:7:30p.m.;Call7-l287
_ . o Recitals. Recital: Jonathan Glixon and Jack Ashworth, _ _ . l .
. Baroque violins, Schuyler Robinson, Harpsichord: Center 4 30. Movies. Barbare la - Tickets on sale at Noon open to
~ . - ‘ for the Arts: 8:00pm. Call7-4900 students, faculty, staff 8 guests; $1.75; Worsham Theatre;
». ‘ 0 Sports: Japanese Karate (Shotokan) - Japan Karate As- 7:30 pm; Call 74287
‘ ' sociation,AlumniGym Loft:6~Bp.m.;Ca|l7-4394 5 l: Movies: Barbarella; $1.75: Worsham Theatre: 7:30
" - 0 Religious: TNT - Baptist Student Union Tuesday Nite p.m., COW/“787
' _ _ _ , Together Baptist Student Ctr.; 7:30pm.: Call 7-3989
‘ 0 Meetings. SAB Public Relations Committee Meeting:
' ‘ _ 115 Student Ctr., 4:00 p.m.; Call 7-8867
0 Workshops; Bicycle Repair Workshop 'If you ride it.
' you can fix it': Free; 206 Seaton Ctr.: 5:30-7:30p.m,: Call 7- ARTS & CONCERTS
. .- l4ll
' a ’ 0 Meetings. UK Waterski Club, everyone welcome,
‘ : - .- please stop by, 205 Student Center: 7:00 p.m.: Call 268-
I , - ~ 3992
.‘ >1. _ , . 4 28: Concerts, Council in Aging Spring Concert: Free:
. -.'.' ' Center for the Arts, 7:30 pints, Call 7-3145
-' . . 4 29: Recitals: Recital: Jonathan Glixon and Jack Ash-
'- worth, Baroque violins, Schuyler Robinson, Harpsichord:
' . Center for the Arts: 8:00 p.m.: Call 7-4900
. , Conferneces Improving personal Communication (4 0 Movies: Barbarella: $1.75; Worsham Theatre: 7:80 SPORTS
- - workshops SAS-one day or SEQ-total conference Carnahan pm. Call 7-l287
‘ . Conference Ctr 8 300 m -4 30p in Cali 254-1060 ' Other SelfADefense Clinic: 5100. 135 Seaton Center:
0 Other Last day to apply for May Certification for Tea. 4 00am Ca|l7A3928
cher Education Students 1018 Taylor Edu Bldg 8-430
pm Call 71“]
' Movies Barbarella ‘ “the" 0" “”9 m N00" open '0 4 28: Sports: UK Women's Softball Team vs. Berea; Wood- 5 3: Sports: Japanese Karate (Shotokan); Alumni Gym
students fac’glty staff 8 guests 51 7S Worsham Theatre land Park: 4.009,“. Call 72898 Loft; 1-3 pm; Call 74394
- 7-l 7 -
7 :iOSDDZrtsCOUK Bjsaeball vs New York Tech at home Shi- 4 29‘ Sports UK Baseball VS' New York Tech at home; Shh
- vely Field 3 p m Call 78829 vely Field' 3 00 p.m. Call 7-8829
0 Sports Aikido Beginner Aikido Classes Alumni Gym 4 291 590'“: Japanese Karate (Shotokan) ‘ Japan Karate
Balcony 8 30 p_m Call 266-Ol02 As-sociation' Alumni Gym Loft: 6-8p.m.. Call 7-4394
' D Religious Great Commission Students Wednesday 4 30; Sports: UK Baseball vs. New York Tech at home: Shi-
. Night Bible Study 231 Student Center 7 00 p in Call 254- vely Field 3pm., Call7-8829
. I 3997 4 30: Sports Aikido. Beginner Aikido Classes; Alumni
0 Meetings Concert Comniittee Meeting 228 Student Gym Balcony:8:30 p,m.;Ca||266-0102
Center 5 009 m Call 7-8867
' 0 Religious Wednesday Evening Fellowship Creative
, worship for students - free dinner served K-‘fouse 412 .
~ Other A Debate on Nicaragua Socially Concerned
' Student 8 College Republicans: Free Old SC Theatre 7:30
' p.m,:Call7-l4ll
4 29, Conferences improving Personal Communication (4
workshops) S45-one day or SBO-total confernece: Carnahan
_ Conference Ctr, 8.30 a.m.-4 30 p.rn., Call 254-1060
4 29 Meetings SAB Public Relations Committee Meeting;
1 15 Student Ctr. 4 00 am. Coll 7-8867
4 29. Workshops: Bicycle Repair Workshop 'If you ride it,
you can fix it Free 206 Seaton Ctr.. 5.30-7.30p.m,: Call 7‘
‘ FRIDAY AY 4 29. Meetings: UK Waterski Club, everyone welcome.
. please stop by' 205 Student Center; 7:00 p.m.: Call 268-
, 'Academics End of C1055 Work ’ h ' _ I . t- 4 30: Conferneces' Improving Personal Communication (4
, 0 Movies Free Premiere About Last Night Free 1-1; 5:? Calchi/‘ijggje Karate (S o okan), A umm Gym LOf ' workshops) $45-one day or SBO-total conference; Carnahan
Worsham Theatre 7 30 p m Call 7-l287 p. ' Conference Ctr.: 8:30 am. - 4:30 p.m.; Call 254-1060
‘ 4 30* Meetings Concert Committee Meeting: 228 Student
' ‘ Center 5.00 p.m.; Call 7-8867
. ‘ . ‘ y l
1 3
‘ ‘ it?»
f . g A‘ I, . 4 29* Religious: TNT - Baptist Student Union Tuesday Nite
'. _ . a ' . . Together: Baptist Student Ctr; 7:30 p.m.; Coll 7-3989
.‘ ' '. ' -’ 4 30 Other Last day to apply for May Certification for
g ‘ J. . ' -|. . A_ Teacher Education Students: 1018 Taylor Edu. Bldg, 8-4130
‘, ‘i p.m Call7tl4ll
-‘ . gt. ' ‘3 . f 4 30. Religious. Great Commission Students Wednesday
fr. 1 . 2 Night Bible Sludy 2st Student Center 7:00 pm, Call 254.
3‘ ‘_ - ' ‘ r" I 5 3997
’ f‘fl‘. , .A; 4 30 Religious Wednesday Evening Fellowship: Creative
. 7 .‘ worship for students - free dinner served, K-House 4T2
,, i . .l I, i: ROseSt, 600p.m,,Call254-1881
i-' . '3'? 4 30- Other A Debate on Nicaragua (Socially Concerned
‘ , i A -, . '. SUNDAY MOND A Y Student 8 College Republicansl, Free: Old SC Theatre: 7:30
"i ' .- }' pm. Coll7»l4]l
I I 4 L ' I f7, 5 l: Other Self-Defense Clinic. $1.00: l35 Seaton Center:
". f". ‘ OAcademics FinalExaminations 4:00pm. Cal|7t3928
‘ l ‘ ' 12": , 5 2 Academics End of Class Work
‘, . I I I : I 5 5 Academics Final Examinations
- :9 i :5
. ‘ S 6-5 9 Final Examinations
5 9 End of T986 Spring Semester - Residence halls close:
Call 7-6298
: 5 9 Last day to request a refund for the 1986 Spring Se-
5 IO' Commencement Day
0 ' ‘

 _ KENTUCKY KERNELMomhy, M23, 1“ - 3
. “in
Sports Editor
Assistant Sport. Editpv ~
" ~ _. I . . __- A» ' ‘ 7 .*t‘4§¢“§% ‘aggfis‘fig .,
Blue team downs W hites 22-
S ‘ By BRl-I'VI'I‘IMIT six kicks. Nelson punted three running well he's blocking “ell." he
, 5 5: «V . _ Staff Writer times.averaging 49yards said - '
53.," j 5 § 4353‘“ “They kicked the ball out oi The Blue team scored again on its
a; ' There wasn't much at "steak" in sight." Claiborne said. "That was next possession. this time going 57 »
“a“. 2.-_-_.: M," ,.. ' the annual Blue-White Spring l00l' one of our erratic things this yards on 10 plays Gardner's and , .2 5'
l. "5; _ ’ __ I...” b?" Same. b"! there were Still 59018 spring." Groves‘ running moved the Blues .
Q. >5 *ii-iiéfj” 3??? ’ disappomted players Saturday Night But Claiborne could find little else into striking distance, but redshirt 4 .
" 5%_ “‘ f ‘* at Commonwealth Stadium. to compliment. as penalties and inis- freshman quarterback line Green ..
.:*'i.'""""i..~ ' 'f:- M _:* . , ' '- <- “I was hoping to get to eat steak takes dominated the action A lace- capped the time vtith a 10-yard 'V ’ V ' -
' 1- ' -' l 49* this time around." UK defenswe mask call and personal foul on the scoring run 1 V . ~ '
. w. ._ captamTom Villkmssald. Whites led to the Blues“ first toueh- . . . . ,
l s.” 5.. 5 Instead. Wi kins and the remain- downinthe third quarter .. _ .\ . ._ _, . . _ .'
._ .55???” \s .7 der of the White squad had to settle --1 certainly will correct mm he thl-lllliirllv :15"15:13:!“:‘rnlfldkm): , ~~ ’ ‘ ' -.

_ we“ ,5 . ...,..__..: 5, -:'§ st..-.A...;....-..;..,._‘.:.:(.:.,;;..;_.;---.\~_t._:-.;;..,....-- for the losers' rations of hot dogs fore next fall,“ Claibornesaid , _ l p . , . ' . - .' . I. ' , 3
--~-;.»&,;;‘,;._._,:3...:;._...-..-_;‘:-~;;;;,,; _ I)?" ~o-;;j:;:;;_ “(S‘h\q.z"-;\ . :::__::.;:5~;:-_‘¢x:::.~3§.§:5;;;§k~..»‘$ . llfllll >ltlt Ill lllt‘ (ltlt‘nhe (lullltllllt' , ' . -
“*.> W mamt“e‘w>~e : 3\&‘~‘v’“«t. and beans as they '05! [0 the Blue The Blue squad 5 first score eame . . . . . . _ ‘ : ’ ' . ;. .
som‘s’sv fig \ ' : «tur'tes’ssn cages:ski-2.2.2.,-WA“. .. . . NH" >1“ h PM.“ “011‘ m" “\Pt‘klt‘tl . ' _ ’ .,‘ - .
~)vv‘§§$‘§$§‘§§t§ f§a§thfl§§s§§sa$w __..:. (:1. team 22'0' on the opening drive “l the second "He \t‘Ul‘t‘tl on a hmtleg but the (le- '~ ‘ f 7 'V I "-3,
egé 55 a“§..£$§§‘*é§\ if .» $32»? .' The winners were rewarded With a half when tailback Mark High” CW" tense “am I expecting. that " he ' h V l 'l . is
é9§e§é§r . 2‘ . Hfirfi‘fififiw steak dinner. but not before battling pleted a Ill-play. 70-yard drive mm mm ‘ ‘ ' '_ .5 t .' x,
C%% ' .-“~W m. Wes a defenswommated rydthd ' -.
/ 2.x " ,. f" ”"99 $“0nd'ha'l ”th0““ (M drive and finished the same mm 78 scoring m the tourth quarter. (1m. " ,‘ I . ‘1
24/32.“\ 5. Mar. 5., i "‘9 95“"‘3‘9" ”0““ ”f 1523‘ have Yards 0“ 13 cam“ “959""? ‘a'l- me 99 mm m We more Ihan Me ‘3 ' 31-2" ‘
gf§£§mw '3 .15? if ‘ “A QN°M§“»“ 5:} “I thought “'8 WOUld have a pretty yards. Wh‘le fullback John ““0"“ )1“er out and plut‘ekieker Joe Won 1,51,". - ‘5-L‘,‘:“..‘r,.'l,“.:;f‘
”lg 15%: asa2g’sa"« Vii’xtw high-scoring game" 17K Coach tamed 33- The “hm “hm'm‘d "U‘ 3‘“ l8) curried In M plh'hout tor a mo- ‘2. 3} 5:2; .5;
“. --”’.sw§e 2. .2. pointed that the White team didn't “Overall expem‘m't‘ came their32—h“unmwnarmn -a,‘.,.f;-a:.-;;':
,0anwwa . Claiborne in fact was disa - tight end Mark \{l'heeler said. "espe- coaching tum going mm ”pl-”1g r,‘ 1- f ‘.7 . "-.‘-.1 l.

.. ma§h§§5s¥s§ai mm... W... a... g... in general Clally0n°fienw m]... “krfw’ptlrutfl mg urge» we... -. :. ..
. \‘ .ée» °" x" - , ' _ . . sue me. \\ it 1 us our s r r -r. :5 . .‘ j . 5 - r
V were ’T: We?” excel“ “’r the Dummg 0' J35 T93“ cram... sand 1...... appeals in from 1...... ‘ i l . - "
Mmfimwsem&% «- w r fimot'§:‘:.‘:- ‘Wm%*‘s&$%vm“w“'=*-=‘.I5’='=~s=::5..-.5:I:_:, and Jeff Nelson. Tesar averaged be fully recovered trom last sprlllg'r "'I‘hov lune all worked hard ” \Vil— W ' w H‘. i "
°"'°°°'“’""""5'°" 437 yards per punt {or the Blues 0“ severe knee injury, “He‘s not onl) kins NM ' -; .' 3; “ ‘9 ‘2’ if.
The Whites’ Doug Houser grabs hold of Blue shutout over the Whites in the UK spring scrim- :_. " 13?: V' .
quarterback Bill Ransdell during the Blues' 22-0 "‘099 Saturday night. .‘. . 3 5-
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Editor-in-Chiof News Editor \ ‘ 5 _
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_ . = . z . . ‘ ' Right now. out there somewhere. are some discouraged ,. 3 ,/ 3 'E///J// ‘ ' é' '
L '. . t'reshnienV ‘- ’/’ ‘9' r 1 I _—
. ; . '- , “ A student retention committee found that half of the stu- ‘ ' ‘ f
’ . dents who drop out do so between the time they are ad-
: ' mitted and their sophomore year.
. ' g ‘ . ’ That committee urged a hard look at UK‘s freshman 0 0
. . . .. . . orientation process as one answer to this problem. and an 0 umnlSt comlng to en 0 on road
~ ad hoc committee agreed. according to a report released
‘ ' ' last week. .
- . . . . . Re I e d . tak heart. Th , w —————-——-——-—————————
The bottom line of that reports suggestions was the is mfiurigxtr—tg-lggi coin?“ for yo: i 2%, ~ .
thought that UK‘s efforts at making freshmen feel at home Kentucky Km“. i , V s Jam A Over the years I have watched the adVisers,
. should be a yearlong “process rather than a once-a-year After next Monday‘s edition. I will i . ia“ 08 - editors and ' - v
. . . . . . .. . , writers come and 0. Now it s m
. . . event.‘ as Robert Zumwinkle. Vice chancellor for student he h‘story as far as "“5 "ewsPaPe’ ’. STOLI. g- - y
V . , affairs. pui ii is conctérrliid. h h be] M turn to make that long, slow cm into the
. “ ' . ., . . Soun iesometin tat on -- -
. . j . About the only thing L Ix does now Is the summer adviis- in David betterman'sg“Museum g: ObllVlon 0f Kernel history. . . .
. ‘ , ing conferences. an attempt to blend a whole UniverSIty the Hard to Believe"? Believe it. Of