xt70p26q2b2g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70p26q2b2g/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1911-04-07 minutes 2004ua061 English Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 7, 1911 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 7, 1911 1911 1911-04-07 2021 true xt70p26q2b2g section xt70p26q2b2g m-mu'lux‘nmhwwmn—uw 26. State University of Wentucky. April 7,1911, The facul,y met in the president's room in the gymnasium building, those present being President Parker, President Emeritus Patterson, Professors Anderson, Curtis, Frankel, Hamilton, Jones, {elly, Latferty, Mackenzie, Mathews, Va,son, Horwood, Patterson, Pryor, Poberts, Rowe, Terrell, Turner, Tuttlc, White, Zembrod. Presiden RarLer then called for the reports of committees in order, as follows: Committees 1, 8, 3, 4 and 5 had no reports to offer. Committee 6, Library Committee, reported as follows: "The Library COmmittee met in the officd of President Emeritus Patterson in the Library Build‘ng, on Tuesday morning, April 4th, at ten o'clock. There were present President Fmeritus Patterson, Pr.Terrell and Professors Mackenzie, Anderson, Jones and W.K.Patterson. Motion was made, seconded and carrtcd unanimously that the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting be omitted. Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried that Pr.Terrell be appointed a committee of one to confer with the authorities of the Pniversity and to get them to attend to supplying the necessary grass seed to son on the plot of ground surrounding the Library. Motion was made, seconded and duly carried that the requisition for chairs for the Library be repeated and the urgency of the need for then he insisted on. Motion was made, seconded and carried unanimously that the Poard f Trust=es be requested to apply to the next Legislature for an arnual appr03riation of fiBOOO For the purchase of books for the Library. Motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn. Hargaret I.King, Secretary of the Committee. On motion the report of the Library Committee was ordered received and filed. Committees 7 and R had no re~ ports to offer. Professor Norsood on behalf of the Committee on Student Publications reported that his committee had recently met to consider the lniversity Annual but on account of the sickness of the editor and the absence of one member, the work had been deferred until the coming week. Committee 10 had no report to offer. Committee ll on Entertainments NonmAthletic reported through Professor Mathews as follows: ”4 l ~n< ' arch 10,1911. "The Committee on Entertainments met in the office of the agricultural building, all being present. An application was received from Mr.Paul L.Cocke for permission to present a play af er Pastor. On motion it was ordered that the request be granted provided the 4) m-mwn-mew.mmw Minutes of Faculty, April 7,1911. 87- production of this play .eceive the approval and super~ vision of the Department of English of the Unive sity in accordance with the long established rule of the faculty. It was also requested that Hr.Cocke should make aprlication for a specific date in order that the e should be no conflict with other entertainments that might be authorized by this committee." March 22,1911. "The Committee upon Entertainments NonwAthletic met at the usual time and place to consider an applies, tion from P.T.Rtandrod and there representing the Freshman Class for permission to use the Armory on Friday, March 31st. The subiect was discussed at some length, but it was finally agreed that in View of the feet that there are three separate entertainments of a similar character already provided in April it would be unwise to add another to this list. The Chairman wa. instructed to write to Mr.8tandrod to that effect." On motion it was ordered that the report of this Committee be adopted. Committee 18 on Student Organizations had no report to make. Upon request of President $arker, Professor White then read an extended statement regarding the reworganization of the University as adopted at a recent meeting of the Executive Committee. Professor Poberts called attention to an error in the statement regarding the organization 0? tie College of Agriculture in which it was implied that the Department of Agronomy and the Department of Soil Physics are two separate departments. A partial list of standing committees under the re~ organized system was then offered by President Parker and read by the Secretary as follows: Courses of Study: Deans of the University, Professor Anderson, Chairman. Calendar and Pulletins: Professor Terrell, Chairman, Mackenzie, and Carmen. Graduate Study and Honorary Degrees: Prof.Scovell,7hairman, Anderson and lembrod. Examinations and Daily Schedule: Prof.$ackcnz'e, Chairman, Rowe and Maxson. Commencement Exercises: Mrs.Stout, Chairman, Commandment Kelly, Turner and Iustaine. Student Publications: Prof.Norwood, Chairman, Tuttle and Allen. Athletics: Prof.Wilson, Chairman, Curtis and Kelly. Prof.Zembrod, Chairman, flood Entertainmentl NonwAthletic: ss TIamilton. and Hi Student Fees: Prof.Penee, Chairman, Roberts and Tuttle. Buildings and Grounds: Prof.Frankel, Chairman, Prof. Scovell and Judge Lafferty. University Publicity: Judge Lafferty, Chairman, Hooper and Willis. Chapel Vxercises: Fean of Women, Chairman, Mathews, Zembrod And Pillis. C) wwwvmmrs~wnnmm '- , ., . , . > , 1, . . ”inutoa of Faculty, April 7,1911. 89. ProfGS3o: ”Eite 3tauoo that a change had boor 3nu~33t3d in tho time of no1ding Feni a iinations uni rat itiNK O .7 been prop oosed that they be hoid two weeks 3331133 :33: 0 new 1. H '"1 >: StanlriLJOnG .01 various very arraront roaoons, enfl no moved that Loose R3nior aminations 03 Po Prranged for two woehs D . in advance of the roguiar cx3minn+1or o; Lorma ' ‘33 econ C1 by Pr.7yyor, 1 . remarks rcsident Tme 3ritn3 Pat arson, Dr.Torr311 and Uacko zi and with an 333n‘3w\nt as3ept3d by the mover in oas= failurx3, on1y on: oxaminnuion in addition be ' ’ no+ion wag 03 i :3 onfessor TackonVie 03113d attention to the fact that our orcoart mchod of havi r; Senior orations at oommoncom3nt time wan now beoo ming somewhat antiquated and thought that the fim3 I COmB to 200113h 311 th333 'rations. Professor Pob3rts Ltd L“3' fino 33nzin o? rr3sont3 ta *“3 Tostium on oommenoow flay be abolished. The motion was stoonoed by Dr.ToTro 11 ann wa3 refovrei bv , 't=nL ‘arkor to t ' \om ittoo ULon \QMVEFPPndnt Wt333133 . A motion W82 mane ov “Tofossgr Wilson that :33 ’QFOC1CJOD of rofessor Jaokenzie be put in opomation, 9 namely, tEIRt tho 1311v33v 0193n=or orations upon oommPncemont C) .J day be g:”3n UL. Th3 motion was seconcled and r3fo:i"r :3d also to tn? TJnlmittoe up0n Coin3no m n: Fxoroises by President T7ar1:3:r. Some :u3t13 r oisongsion 1.0110wod relative to tn? authority of standirg oommi itteos to not President ;arkor 11 31 that in _ n '1 L. N ’) O 1 “ . the case of matter» rziurn3; to anon commiuboes L13y must Tepoi back to the faou1t3. heignt in the ordinary routine matt3r for whiLCIi L33 wonnittees were primarily formed that they shoulds not as H1r3Lo ore. 1. Upon motion the faculty? o iournsd. President of the Vnivovsit”. n13r3*3vv of the T"acuity.