

State University of Wentucky.

April 7,1911,

The facul,y met in the president's room in the gymnasium
building, those present being President Parker, President
Emeritus Patterson, Professors Anderson, Curtis, Frankel,
Hamilton, Jones, {elly, Latferty, Mackenzie, Mathews, Va,son,
Horwood, Patterson, Pryor, Poberts, Rowe, Terrell, Turner,
Tuttlc, White, Zembrod.

Presiden RarLer then called for the reports of committees
in order, as follows: Committees 1, 8, 3, 4 and 5 had no
reports to offer.

Committee 6, Library Committee, reported as follows:

"The Library COmmittee met in the officd of President
Emeritus Patterson in the Library Build‘ng, on Tuesday
morning, April 4th, at ten o'clock. There were present
President Fmeritus Patterson, Pr.Terrell and Professors
Mackenzie, Anderson, Jones and W.K.Patterson.

Motion was made, seconded and carrtcd unanimously
that the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting
be omitted.

Motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried
that Pr.Terrell be appointed a committee of one to confer
with the authorities of the Pniversity and to get them to attend
to supplying the necessary grass seed to son on the plot
of ground surrounding the Library.

Motion was made, seconded and duly carried that
the requisition for chairs for the Library be repeated
and the urgency of the need for then he insisted on.

Motion was made, seconded and carried unanimously
that the Poard f Trust=es be requested to apply to the
next Legislature for an arnual appr03riation of fiBOOO
For the purchase of books for the Library.

Motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn.

Hargaret I.King,
Secretary of the Committee.

On motion the report of the Library Committee was
ordered received and filed. Committees 7 and R had no re~
ports to offer.

Professor Norsood on behalf of the Committee on Student
Publications reported that his committee had recently met
to consider the lniversity Annual but on account of the
sickness of the editor and the absence of one member, the
work had been deferred until the coming week.

Committee 10 had no report to offer. Committee ll
on Entertainments NonmAthletic reported through Professor
Mathews as follows:



' arch 10,1911.

"The Committee on Entertainments met in the office
of the agricultural building, all being present.

An application was received from Mr.Paul L.Cocke
for permission to present a play af er Pastor. On motion

it was ordered that the request be granted provided the