xt70rx937t9n_108 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Laura Clay correspondence with Harriet Taylor Upton text Laura Clay correspondence with Harriet Taylor Upton 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_6/Folder_5/Multipage4805.pdf 1914-1915 1915 1914-1915 section false xt70rx937t9n_108 xt70rx937t9n / OHIO WOMAN SUEFRAGE ASSOCIATION HONORARY PRESIDENT C CORRESPONDING SECRETARY FRANCES M. CASEMENT ETHEL R. VORCE Painesville 10321 Ashbury Ave., Cleveland PRESIDENT TREASURER HARRIET TAYLOR UPTON ZELL HART DEMING Warren Warren FIRST VICE PRESIDENT ‘ AUDITOP T t 1814 33:15:) zipgllliveland MRS. ELLIOTT PENDLETON ’ . 1736 Madison Road, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati SECOND VICE PRESIDENT DORA SANDOE BACHMAN I MEMBER NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Eberly Building, Columbus ., MRS. 0. F - DAVISSON l , 307 Central Ave., Dayton RECORDING SECRETARY > CLARA SNELL WOLFE 'i‘ ' ’ Oberlin Miss Laura Clay, Lexington, Ky. Dear Miss Clay:— ‘Esther B. Bennett has sent $260.00 to our campaign. I am writing and telling her that we shall use this religiously in the organization of a county and shall do our best to have it carry a county on the Kentucky border. Things are coming on splendidly and we are more hopeful of success each day. Yours most cordially, OHIO WoMAN SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION HONORARY PRESIDENT _ CORRESPONDING SECRETARY \ FRANCES M. CASEMENT ETHEL R. VORCE Painesville 10321 Ashbury Ave., Cleveland PRESIDENT » TREASURER HARRIET TAYLOR UPTON ZELL HART DEMING Warren ' .. Warren FIRST VICE PRESIDENT I ' AUDITOR 1814 gif‘gg g: Pglllg‘eland MRS. ELLIOTT PENDLETON " - 1736 Madison Road, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati SECOND VICE PRESIDENT DORA S ANDOE BACHM AN MEMBER NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. O. F. DAVISSON Eberly Building, Columbus 307 Central Ave.. Dayton RECORDING SECRETARY CLARA SNELL WOLFE Oberlin HEADQUARTERS: MASONIC BLDC., WARREN; CHIC “ Sept. 26, 1914. Miss Laura Clay, Richmond, Ky. Dear Miss Clay:— I had Just answered your letter yesterday and now comes this good news in regard to Kentucky financing one of our counties. Isn't it perfectly splendid? I am as excited this morning as I was at age five on Christmas morning. The mail is Just filled with encouraging news and it does seem to me as if nothing could keep us from winning now. Surely nothing.that is in sight. We are all so well and so happy and have our job so in hand that not a minute nor a cent is lost. Everything counts. I think that the national officers are beginning to see how unfair Miss Shaw has been not to count us as a campaign state from the beginning and they are going to try to make our condition right. ‘Altogether'l am mighty happy and I am especially glad to have Kentucky lend a hand. Cordially yours, HTU.B ’ ' W (Art/Lt Um W Richmond, ‘y. Doc.28th, I914. fly dear nrs.Upton, I onelooe a receipt for the interest on the Coalo note. ’I notice that you say about *illiams intoroot. that about the interest on the Turner and the Bartholomew notoo.? According to my book that I have here, the lost interest 1 row oeivod from tho Bartholomew note woo in tugust 29th, 1913. I huvo left part of my books in Lox ngton; and T uassick in had last finn- nnxgx spring when the interest was due, and may havo noglootod to mako the oropor entry in my book. But I havo not roooivod the Aug~ ust interoot. 4 . (j ‘ho last interest T received on the Turnor note tag in ipril I914: YOu must not lot your courage fail because you more fioPCntod in Ohio at the fiovombor oloction, You got o splendid voto, and oars Lain y soured the enemy, for they got out all tho voto agoinot you. I am new setting my hoyos on tho *oderol ‘pffrage bill. The Congressional Committoo seemed to no onthusiaotio about t ht 4a$h~ ville, and promiood to work hard for it. If it . iu;;3s:ful it will be of ~ great deal more importance than tho ‘onstitntifnal Amendment, for it will holy " hs‘ u' to get suffrage, mhilat htho amendment would not be phoned by the stntoo until at lanai 36 4'41“. ~ roefly hafl the suffrage. If the federal oi zugo hill ouoooooo can go to tork with strong help, and maybo you car So keep your courage up, and know that all your fri put up a Splendid fight. A “ishing you a Happy Few Year! I am Very cordially your friend, Richmond, Ky. ' 1 Dec.24th, 1914. Received fram Tarriet 3.Ugton, check for 158.80, interest finr Decemn bar on note 0f iilliam ’ole for jBOOO/Qeef which ?I9CO/@o fislongs to the trust of Laura 3.Bruce, and *IO0.00 to Laura Clay. Trietee for 1.9.3ruoe. Egan-int E. llptnn 33ml Estate flinrigztges anh iguana Alias-unit fluilhing Imwwmfll Ded.23, 1914. Miss Laura Clay, Richmond, Ky., Dear Miss Clay:— Coifiglosed find check for $58. 80 interest due you from Williamrgsygyl on the $2000 mortgage at 6%‘with my 2% commission of 2$ taken out. I was perfectly stunned at the defeat and had worked so awfully hard that I was fairly incapacitated. I seemed to have no normal, moral or physical vigor and have sat around half working, half dead and half alive for weeks. I have just come to and have had to be in Cleveland one or two days on suffrage business and have been devoting part of each day to business affairs. I found on checking up yesterday that the Williams interest had not been paid. This really is a bank matter. The bank owns the property and makes the loans but it does it through an agent I suppose to avoid some bank con- ditions and banks are so greedy that although they make you pay interest the instant it is due they do not pay it themselves when it is due. I called them up yesterday and told them about this interest so I will send it to you in a few days. Our two Ohio delegates Miss duPont and Mrs. Vorce were perfectly delighted with you at the National Convention. They thought yogiggrgygigag.to Mrs. Bennett and accept Christmas greetings from me, Cordially your HTU. B L (J OHIO WOMAN SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION HONORARY PRESIDENT C CORRESPONDING SECRETARY FRANCES M. CASEMENT ETHEL R. VORCE Painesville 10321 Ashbury Ave.. Cleveland PRESIDENT TREASURER HARRIET TAYLOR UPTON ZELL HART DEMING Warren FIRST VICE PRESIDENT 3 I AUDITOR ZARA du PONT z 1814 East 89 St., Cleveland MRS- ELLIOTT PENDLETON 1736 Madison Road, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati SECOND VICE PRESIDENT DORA SANDOE BACHMAN MEMBER NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Eberly Building, Columbus : . MRS. O. F. DAVISSON ' 307 Central Ave. Dayton Warren RECORDING SECRETARY CLARA SNELL WOLFE Oberlin HEADQUARTERS: MASONIC BLDG, WARREN, OHIO Jan. 27, 1915. Miss Laura Clay, Richmond,‘Ky., Dear Miss Clayz~ Your letter is here. I have written Miss Gordan about the conference but have not heard from her. I will write again and ask her to speak. Of course I wanted her to and the committee would want 1- toland I will attend to this right away. am glad you told me about Miss Ryan and Miss Blackwell. No one was there from the Woman's Journal last time. I am purposely not asking anybody outside of the Mississippi Valley this year to speak. I am hoping this way to keep the fight between the Congress— ional Union and the national Committee out of the conference. It was awful last year. Miss Paul was there and she had no interest whatsoever in the conference and did not come inside hardly but stayed out in the rotunda and got members for her Union and talked over the situation all the time. Her friends Mrs. Evans and so forth were inside and were helpful. Mrs. Booth of the Congressional Committee was just asset as bad or worse. She was not in the convention any n o J n o 1 more than Miss iaul. There were conferences in their rooms and tney were trying to work up national tickets and the spirit of it was awful. I have told everybody every where we were not going to have #2. L.C. that spirit in this conference. The truth is it is too much like the national spirit. What I want to get at this time is some methods of work. Something that will be good for campaigns. Let the national people fight out their own troubles besides this sitting on the edge of a vulcano is bad for nerves and bed for the work. We don't need to have it any way. Everybody'cen't love everyhody else of course but people can be straight even with enemies. Cordielly yours, BTU/B // /é<\f{ fifkfljkfl u _/ OHIO WOMAN SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION HONORARY PRESIDENT CORRESPONDING SECRETARY FRANCES M. CASEMENT ETHEL R. VORCE Painesville 10321 Ashbury Ave., Cleveland PRESIDENT HARRIET TAYLOR UPTON Warren FIRST VICE PRESIDENT 7 ' AUDITOR 1814 3:1:29 :1: P%Ili::elancl MRS. ELLIOTT PENDLETON * " ‘ 2736 Madison Road, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati SECOND VICE PRESIDENT MEMBER NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DORA SANDOE BACHMAN ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' - - " MRS. O. F. DAVISSON Eb 1 B ld , C 1 b . er y 111 mg 0 um uS i 307 Central Ave, Dayton RECORDING SECRETARY _ CLARA SNELL WOLFE Oberlin TREASURER ZELL HART DEMING Warren HEADQUARTERS: MASONIC BLDG, WARREN, OHIO Jan , 14 , 17115 , efififie Laura Clay, Lexington, Ky. Miss Clnyzm Your letter in regard to the Mississippi Valley Conference is here and I will answer it in a day or two. I am going to Cleveland in the morning for a committee meeting and I may be delayed in ane~ wering some Raye. I went to acknowledge receipt of the $85.00 which you sent for the Mieeieefrpi Valley Conference. You Certainly are generous ae.well as thoughtgul. Lovingly y ours, HTUzT fichmand, Ky. Jfifl.l2th,l915. fly fiebr firw.fipt®n, Yaur lfittfir by thm 1&3t mail ranged me te the remembrance tnat I was en the ,regram Com. @f the 'iss.V.Canfer¢nce. What deas fra.”arpar want t3 talk about? If it 1% nbthimg which will le&d ta cantrovarsy I think mg had bettar give har all the time she wants, as gas 13 an intarb ting speaker. ‘ I supgasc, a3 twday ii the time sat fgr the CfinSiC&Tfitjflfl in Cengfaga 9f the sndell reaeyuti n, that that muttar will be settlcd \cne way wr anethar, bafere the :_nfbrwnc&. I will mbke my few suggritians by number. (I) The dates ygu mantign seam tx ma vary'gued. (2) I think this 18 the physechblegiebl time fer the auffragistfi to briflg befora tha public_that wemam.$uffraga nguld help Lhfi causo a! universal paace, by nitibnal arbitrabi n uni a pregar belies farcé; tharafwre, I think we ghenld prbvide fer an interesting dis— cubzibn an «mace and rbitratian. (3)1 believe we sheuld fully discuss Faderal Wuffragc as n Con~ greas’wnal made at precedure. Thu Natibnal adaptbd a rasolutien ta that effact; and Trs.McCormick and firs.Funk teld me thy were much in faver @f it. I think we sheuld have a lawyer, if bebsiblc, whe wauld give us the cenatitutibnal sida bf the questinm. I was teld by flr$.0atharine ‘.McCulloch, at the Tashingtbn canventien that she baliovod it was osnstitutibnal. ”erhaps Mrs.Funk harm isglf weuld give a speech abcut it. I fael myself at a disadvantage by not having been present at tna imat year's Lenfercnce; therefere, I am only geing to make OHIO WOMAN SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION HONORARY PRESIDENT CORRESPONDING SECRETARY FRANCES M. CASEMENT ETHEL R. VORCE Painesville ‘ ‘fi ’ 10321 Asllllgury Ave., Cleveland PRESIDENT , 2 , I. YTREASUREJL HARRIET TAYLOR UPTON ," ' I" t ' 'ZELL HART DEMING Warren 9. i 'J i. If Ex.“ WaILI'EII-i“ I FIRST VICE PRESIDENT - 1’ AUDITOR 131 4 $255139 :1; P%Iige1an d MRS. ELLIOTT PENDLETON " 1736 Madison Road, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati SECOND VICE PRESIDENT DORA SANDOE BACHMAN Eberly Building, Columbus RECORDING SECRETARY CLARA SNELL WOLFE Oberlin MEMBER NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. O. F. DAVISSON 307 Central Ave, Dayton Miss Laura Clay, Richmond, Ky., Dear “iss Clay:— You know you, Mrs. Pyle and I were elected the officers or the program committee of the Mississippi Valley Confer— ence. Our campaign Was so exhausting and the after work so heavy that I have done little or nothing about it. Now it is high time we were at it for they want the conference to be held the 7th, 8th and 9th of March. It will be in Indian— apolis. Let me hear from you right away in regard to any suggestions for the program. I am enclosing a copy of a letter which I am sending tolhe presidents of the States. The only thing that has transpired in regard to the program is that Mrs. Harper has asked to speak and she says she does not want to have any little ten minutesneither. I have written her nothing has been done about the program and that she will hear from us later. Hastily yours, HTU/B . OHIO WOMAN SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION HONORARY PRESIDENT FRANCES M. CASEMENT Painesville PRESIDENT HARRIET TAYLOR UPTON Warren FIRST VICE PRESIDENT ZARA du PONT 1814 East 89 St., Cleveland SECOND VICE PRESIDENT DORA SANDOE BACHMAN Eberly Building, Columbus RECORDING SECRETARY CLARA SNELL WOLFE Oberlin HEADQUARTERS IT. m. r I hlSS DEurn {"7 5‘17 .1 __ "LU , '3 - _ [-1 'v Li?.C}LHN)J]Il, II“ . ”'v I «R ."‘ . f“, n . ', Val;ey honierenee Tn es NOTneS we a iion from the Ihfiiana Women #0 hold anfi W vofied to 60 iflIEIWB tilis E“UT5J*” , my) 6 ~n . .,.,. ‘. "u. -I, ,' "‘ . I '. Wfilfi ho was; WlEL the OaMpalgne and I , - ." ‘ ’ I. , Vflifi O‘fefi' tlyit 11; H ‘I 1!: (‘ L .39 .,, , .I.. a: 1.. I , LOLO be maaIxzrfl now Deaf n- ‘— a ~»'- " _ - .‘V.’ .- . " VII?()7 (a Ins; IIIIEI‘I ',;1F3;' IJIIII-LI1 on the 7th, 8fih and 9fih fir 81 I pOOp;e 3 nave a bu mess Or .1. [1 10th. Ehe 7 h is flundmy and they Wan meefiing in the affiernnon and they h: lluilltiatzr :IIIIi i?1143&3:;ai:7. 'ii})()?1 3"ea<3eei.yui: (>1? know whether these dates suit you an sugg,: tney will want an exfira fine program T10011- Of us feel : MASONIC BLDG, WARREN, OHIO Jc‘fl'l . ) “J. -. anions for fihe promram Send them that we in not w CORRESPONDING SECRETARY ETHEL R. VORCE 10321 Aslibury Ave., Cleveland TREASURER ZELL HART DEMING Warren AUDITOR MRS. ELLIOTT PENDLETON 1736 Madison Road, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati MEMBER NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MRS. O. F. DAVISSON 307 Central Ave., Dayton 9. 1916 anepfieh our conference N b O. gmfiheriug Hp fie— hulidmy fiime be~ "hen DI. Keller The CORVention Indianapolis convention tefl to conference V €33 5') U. I' V E is please let me i A d if you have any ‘. C c along. I suppose h 1036 flundny after~ ant em); (11“‘1‘431QSL03’1 or politic." in this; (tonfeiwy‘ice. simvur 1'30 be :3 Work cor’1_..~"eno 3. Efnm<31‘:1-.ing that q 118 in the futuma and 0:? (murse we can ne helped i’tl‘flL/‘e "W 0111* eitherfi' annex of 5. i. ‘1~v..; 310.3386: trifle me "' ' U ' - .. _ ' ' ' “ ~r"'r~63(;~_., ‘7- 1 r1 ’v‘g; nux'Y‘I" '1‘0 [j "‘13-“ r} W)(;'] 'i (317‘, mp --—— I u.--” ._. . ug-ij." - J .. -. 1. ( .VL ;_ -._v,.1_., ‘ . .1. 3/ra111'r.~., Mississippi 13211ng $ufi°ragv annfvrmw INDIANAPOLIS, MARCH 7, 8 and 9, 1915 yrmjram Olmmuittrv HARRIET TAYLOR UPTON, ()hin MAMIE L. PYLE. South Dakota LAURA CLAY, - Kentucky VVARREN,OHHLFeb. 26, 1915 Miss Laura Elay, Richmond, Ky. hear Miss Clay:- The tepic "Woman suffrage in the South " will occupiy the last hour of the morning session of March 8. At this writing there are three Speakers, you, MissGordon and Mrs. Jacobs. I suggest that you each speak fifteen minutes leaving fifteen minutes for ques- tion. Mrs. Jacobs isn't absolutely sure she can get away in which case you and Miss Gordon would divide the three quarters of an hour. I want you also to Speak at the dinner on the evening of Monday. We are going to have six toasts and I want you to respond to "We of the South“. I think the conference is going to be fine. I certainly have done my best to put a good Spirit into it and keep that Spirit there. It seems to me it would be bliss to have one suffnige convention with the old time Spirit. Miss Blackwell's doctor says that she needs the change and so she is coming. Isn't that sphendid? You and she and Mrs. McCulloch and I will have a good time anyway. Gordie lly My urs, cry/KW . m nxehington, L. b., Feb- 17. 1915- Mrs. Harriet Taylor Upton, masonic Building, Warren, Ohio. my dear Hrs. Uptonz~ I am Very much surprised at your letter of Feb. 15. Do I understand that you expect to put the Congressional Com~ mittee on trial? If you do, please let me say that we do not sub~ mit ourselves for any such purpose. he are willing and anxious to discuss all matters of policy and to serve the women of the states, but we are not on our defense in any sense of the wdffl word. You are quite mistaken when you say that a large number of the campaign states of last year m if you meant last year ~ disapproved of the blacklist. I have heard of no disapproval from any of them except Ohio. I am perfectly willing, and have no doubt that Mrs. McCor~ mick will be, to make a full explanation of our report on Congress— men. This will not be a matter of general statements, and it will not have to be given an acid test to determine its truth or falsehood. the congressional records, the records of caucuses, the records of committees, and the public ddcuments disclose certain iacts about the various memhe s. he compiled this information concerning, I believe, every member of Congress and sent it out to the women of the various states forizheir enlightenment, believing ourselves to be their agents, and knowing of no reason why they should not know what the public may know if it cares to about their delegations in Congress. The records of certain of these men were particularly significant in their rela~ tion to suffrage, and the newspapers naturally enough took hold of them and christened it ”the blacklist", so I am unable to guess how we might be called upon to "prove it”. The records, documents, etc., that I have mentioned are not private; anyone may verify the truth or falsi~ tv of our report who cares to do so, so I do not understand what you gv‘mEn'by "getting at the truth of all these matters". I did not know that there was any question at all as to any of them. I did not know that anybody's truth nor anyhody'o veracity was in question. I Was under the impression that the controversy regarding the so—called black— listing has grown not out of whether we made true or false statements, but as to whether or not it was policy to publish the records of cer— tain of these members. I have not the slightest intention of making any general statements that may be misleading. On the other hand, I do not espect to go into any meeting and have it assumed beforehand that I am a liar or anything approaching it. I will say quite frankly that your letter is a good deal of a mystery, and I am not quite able to make out what you are driving at. I have received one letter from you saying that hrs. McCormick and myself will be asked to lead some dis— cussion. This inexplicable letter of february 15 follows. Bossibly you have written one in between that would make it clear. I have not ‘ received it if you have. Your letter strikes,me, Mrs. Upton, as being not as you suggest, ”plain but not personal“, but on the contrary, personal but not plain. YOu say you”talk to peoole but no: about them". I fio not understand What you.ere talking to me about in your state— ments about falsehoods, truths, proof, eto., anfl I do not appreciate innuendos or remarks as unpleasant as yours, Very truly yours, Antoinette Funk. 57831). 1%, 31915. 111. 1ntoinette 1111, 1% 3.7!???» , 11cw Work Emn?:~ Your ather pegynry lettar'ig hera. I am sorry I g1ve you a'mrang unany$t1nfiivfl 991% 11 fine of the r1rn1qg $11 ions of th1 11111111511 111113 saierancr 111.11 devafiefl to fiiffarenfi 11 . r; 9f Songres1igm1l 1011 111 there 11131 he Emu? 1p11kera. l have makad 111. mC‘QTm1 k to spea an fihm ghmfrafih amenfiment. 1h1 61111 sub to 111 111 the aundell 111111111, pramiflentis" , f‘*.1; anfi $111111 1% thfi 19111111 1 0f @1111 £111 1 19y;‘1 ibere 1111 be a $111111 $11 011*“0n. ixhafi 1 wafi trying t0 make you 1111111113111 to he 1*L~zxru 10 dTpL*1“ wheat t}?,e 11161 1191113 fihe hanwfitx of it ané Caxfi 11 11111. it may be 1111 ms 011 will 111rybcfly 11 311111111 ubumi 11 but 1101111 111”“ mfiefi 1111111111 $1 flyininn 1 431131 13 tha 11¢; Bimylg 111111 5011 111611113 . W 11 parfeatly fiumb *111111 “ 'Hve 301 111111 hhat the n“ 119 iammixtea 111 to hm am 11111 at 11 1.1: 1‘ 11. Erllay €0nfer1ace. Hubu‘ {5 13 an trial at that fienffirence. 11111 21 no flaminaiing grmup in fihmt Cénfarence, there is nothing but a apirit of £111 glay 1111111- mzt it 113.. I think gnur statemént 11 we g that fihan 11. the anly st1we Whifih fiisaypruvafi of black 1131113. 1 W11 not 11 the flatimnal convann tiam hat I am Sure I r611 in the I‘thv1170 papaya that Maa$1chusat. 119115111 anfl gave 119 remaon for protcffing. Ehst flflramchurct1: 1911 #2AF . not opprove of it and Ohio does not approve Goes not make it at all certain that it is not Wise. The Conferunoe would not wont you or ore. Moflormiok to make a report on the congroeomen. That is something xiehya which e committee heloiogint to fihe national organization woulfl make at a national con- vention. what we went at this wooferenoe is light on all toyioe which have anything to do with State organization ano Etefie campaign work and for that reason thio Gangreerional matter is brought up because states have legieleifire work to flo one the national legislation effects in a certain way the work of the Etete legislative ooomitiees and in a certain sense has to do with organizetion anfl has to $0 with conwaigns. what I meant by Afiproving anything was I thought you might want certain iota one might not think to bring it, I oo not know ee you will but I was simply trying to have you know that me as a Conference wanted all facts one wenteé everybofiy reeay to euhetontiote thooe foote. So for es I know nobody is accusing enybofly ona I ueei the word truth in a sense of feats. . I am eorry thot you should thin? of me as you.epporently do, or as you apparently did when you wrote that letter, namely that as chairman of the Program committee of a great meeting collea to con- sider-methode I would &0 anything which was not perfectly straight- fOrwerd, honorable for all portioipomfis in that Cooferenoe. I hooe you will forget that you hove thought that or that you wrote me as you dia goo maybe someday When you know me youreelf you will not be able to then remember it. As for me I have simply washed it off the slate. I was just about to write you to ask you to spook on the advisability of party alliance. I want you to leafl that fliecuesion and ifi comea on Tuasflay. The hour is not ywt set but I will but you know later. I do not know whether I told you fihat I forwarded dianapolis your sketch anfl year photograph to the press chairman in In anfi I am'very much obliged to you fox senfiing it promptly. Yours tryly, miaaiaeippi Halley Smfiragp QInnfermre INDIANAPOLIS, MARCH 7, 8 and 9, 1915 {Jrngmm (finmmitttr HARRIET TAYLOR UPTON, Ohio MAMIE L. PYLE, South Dakota LAURA CLAY, - Kentucky VVARREN,OHHL Feb. 17, 1916. Miss Laura Clay, Lexington, Ky. Dear Miss Clayz~ gfl I am enclosing two or three Calle if you know where Miss Eliot of Tennessee.lives do write her and urge her to come to conference. The regular folks in @Bnnessee are not paying any attention ‘to my letters. I‘do want a representative from them so much. I am sending you the block of the program as it is now laid out. Look it over and make any suggestiong you can. The two most important discussions are the two in Which you are interested, the southern question and the National Legislature. I really wanted to have the dinner on Tuesday night so all the delegates would be there for the one evening meeting, but for some reason or other the local people did not like Tuesday night, said Monday was better, find I thought they ought to know and have their way since I was not sure it would make any difference with us and since they'were going to a lot of expense. At Des MOines our conference was farily Spoiled by the fussing between the Congressional Committee and the Congressional Union so that I determined to have a free discussion on everything and If I can arrange it not to have any special recommendations on any of the things. Do not know_how that will work out. Mrs. miller k} #2. L. 0. pf Missouri, who was elected to the National Board has invited Mrs. Field of the National Publishing company. I have written and told her that we were not going to have anybody from outside thecyalley, but as she had invited Mrs. Field, of course, we could not very well with draw the invitiation. I told her that personally I liked Mrs. Field very much. The beauty of the Mississippi Valley conference in the past has been its democ atic spirit and we do not want to have too many “ational officers there changing that spirit. Do you agree with me about that? You see this year they elected three officers in the valley and I think that they elected two of them because of the Miss— issippi valley Conferrnce and Mrs. McCulloch agrees with me. Mrs. Clark of Michigan and Mrs. Miller of Missouri . Mrs. Breckenridge is got going to be there, she is going away on a trip with her husband. Please upon receipt of this read carefully this skeleton program,make any suggestions and return right away and please sand me one of your good pictures. You gave me one and I just loved it and somebody teased it away from me in the Ohio campaign. I have nothing but an old front iiew of you and I do not like it nearly so well. Cordially yours, . I M I ’ §K7M WWW dfl M Gym~ 3” ig/WW W KW”? W WM\ A’ WWW“ W :ZJQ. mm/ L W 944% WO