xt70rx937t9n_216 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. General correspondence text General correspondence 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_11/Folder_15/Multipage10684.pdf 1913 May 1913 1913 May section false xt70rx937t9n_216 xt70rx937t9n Overstreet & Rudy



R. F. D. No. 4

Owensboro, Ky., w___§:;L_ 1911













EolTon-m-Cmur’ ,,



 J [LI



 Ifirs.Desha Breakinrifige, Kiss Laura Clay

Hrs. .C.Bennett, “ichmonfi, Ty
189 E.Jill it.” flexington, 3y.

._ a

Bear Hrs.£ast0n,
I have it: r.‘ " 6 '~ fa: '~ "‘:"."<)r‘:?"“.":"15.f‘; curds be:
ad to huvs a new su Lly 5"F;£C on my return home. Under mentor 00? r
I am sending one ‘undred. Vhen yen need mora, mrifie to 3F.Equnl flights
fiequzar‘ers, 0(1913 and ?uilding,.39xjngton. I am u1%o senfiing some.to
rs.31hckf0rd and telling har that you, as County Canirman, have appoint-
Ved her as chairman of the Iewisport precinct. A V


I am enclosing a little‘locul aonatitut on, as a help when you care

organiié with a full stuff of officers. Until nhat time, yen will be

‘1»chairmun; and T fiofie also you wnuld be elected preeifiant, if there she
be $3 alanificx of offlieeré.

- '_I want to tlank Jou again for a.suming the mknixnhtsshiyx chéirmann
ship at the critical t1me. I trust 71m L511 not find he auties too oner
ous; and that our efforts ”51] he cvovnen wilfl success next aintar

m0 ing 10 he r fror vou [Ton t1me t0 time, anfl assuring you mhat :"
sha11 be g3.ad to render anv hell I cufi. I an


Very Sincerely yours,


Correfi onfling ‘ wretary Of‘”y .5fifigkz.

*Mrs.8roox1nriflge hepes to make a Jaci;ure 1(ur in the near £2: nfié;


’hOpe the Waneook’fl;R.A. vill secure a 1e¢ture from har."



 Mr8.Desha Breckinridge, lexington. E188 Laura Clay.

Hrs. .C.Bennett, fiiehmond, 53;

189 K.Kill *t.lexington, If-
Jay 7th , IRIS- ,
Irs.Lnella H.31ackford, .
. Temisyort, Ry.
vDear Mrs.31&ckford,
" ‘I thank you very much for your letter of fpr.28th,
which I-reoeived-in Hawesvilla. ' w. "
I had a good meeting in Hanesville, secured 35 names as helieVaing
in suffrnga for women; unfi nnile i did not have time to qrganize_a reg-
ular associaticn, I enceaafiefl in getting Trs.3nrgaret naston to act a
'chhirman for fiancobk County. She tells me she is acquainted with you. Mrs.
M.H.Hennen thinks she is a very capable woman; and I ffiel 1h work is
left in goofl hunas. ‘ '
it will be her ffice to get the membership cnrfis as widely circulatefl‘
and‘signefl over the 0(unty as possible. She desired me to say to you,-'
when I wrote to ynn, that she nished you to he subechairman far the lewis»‘
,port’precinot. E'trust you will accept tfiis position, for I an confifiant
‘you 1111 fill it well. It will be your duty grincipally to get signaa
tures to the membership auras, unfi from time to time to let J?s.flaston_
‘ hear of ycnr success; 9he will no doubt let ycu hear from her chm tima
-*to time as she needs coaoperatinn in her plans from the different grew \‘
Weincts of the county. g 1 ; f ‘ “ ,
I am enclosing a few membership-cnrfls filled out for the o:unty, and Iv
am senfling,pthers under another cover in uhich tha ccun y is not’writ an
, in. ,ThisQis becazse the postage is greater when there is type-writing on]
‘jthe cards When you need more cards, please writa to the_Kentucky fiqual"
Rights ASfio.‘EaadQuarters; AcClellnnd Building. Lexington; They aregsup-'V
plied withoujffifipstage or othar expense, RS'WG want to keep them unifdrm'-q

‘ tfor the whale state.

In addizion to getting signaturas to the cards, I Strongly recommengn-


that you shouad.get subscriptions to the'”oman's Journal, 585 Boyiston

‘1'“*$treet; Boston; Maasnchusetts.v It is tha suffrage'fuyer andorsed by thefifl73


luny,E.R:A.,¢which Owns a shafe an tha stock; We consider it thegheatisnf¢
gfragepyuper‘puhlishad.‘ I enclose a subscription blank. ,Gopé‘rntea-aref‘

\ “

'given by the Gantor for those who get up clubs for the paperQ‘ Iffiyou.feéli’5s

Cdgfifihat,you~gan K0 anything like~thak, pleasa Write a.post&1 oarfl to the 25y“

wgw*omnnfs.JOurna1,.ask1ng fo,-a sample ooDy and rates.fv ‘ -

, _- ‘WJ "“: g
A‘.I hope'very much you will continua tn help in the Work as you have $\

,gzun; and particulfirly that you will acéayt the qhfiirmanship~for“;ewisafw{C'


't. as er.xastonfdeairas:

“ fining to hera from you from tinefltc tim§,u&nd thankingquu,£qff3he_3351 ;§;
HnQenyOfiwhavfiwgiYeni 1|3m'7- ‘ T: ‘y _. .   \3qV  n j‘»  ‘,_V"
'4 -_: ‘fil'uggVery gingernly ynurs,g


j 2 .

, |


., 91 ‘h’E-fil‘k $353901 mbnw

,, , ,4,;
‘L rwm


 00 9‘ Overstreet & Rudy
N0. 9 COAL

R. F. D. No. 4

Owensboro, Ky., ~__’5;5_/1913_


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 189 N.IILI St., Lexington, FJ.

may 10th, 1913,
Hy dear Kiss Ryan,
Your letter of Jay 5th afiflressefi to Frunenise Rup'tfi of

the ¢.C_g_g. was duly receives, I wish very mush to help the Journal;

and T shall be giad to receive I00 of the printea folders for getting up


clubs. I can use them, but I do not care to have at one u . ICC sample
coyies, as they may grow old hefore I use them, and I feel the imbortence
of recent news in samples of the Journal.

In lexington, the qual R.Asso. is oonsifiering the best way of pre»
Senting the Journal to the news stands. We do not know of any One who
mould undertake selling them out of interest to the cause. >It must be a
business unfierteking. I find I need series frequently for samples; and it
has ocourred to me that our headquarters might take five or ten annual
scriptiens, or short subscriptions, get some one to seli What O°u1d_P9

and retnrn the others to the office, for semfiles wnen they are neefied.
Mrs.3reckinridge is out of the city for a few weeks; and I gromised to‘

write to you for terms to news stands, etc. Have you any suggestions to

make more,than whet ere contained in the little‘folder? If so, please

write fully to me at once. ' - ‘ *


In writing letters to my correspondents, me; say that e sample copy


of the,Journs1 will be sent from your‘office hv writing a.postal care sokn

ing one? I frequentlv floinot'like to give up my own eofiy to send out

Very sincerely yours;‘


Dear Sir:~

T ercloye * 7 Stamps

to lfisa Touellu

flelivered to


_ A j‘ ~ -
Corresponding ”ecretarr'fi "4


 4t. Lexifi ton, Ky.

George Kong,
33 Dear Ire. long;-

I had a ruLhe: t ’ . .fu ”v Fweusboro after 7 Left Hopkins R

ville. because I had 39 unit so long at Henderson for'my train.

HoWever I was met at 1he train at Owenfiboro by the friends anfl


went immediut913 to the ”oman's Club rcom where I aaaressedysohe~
of the Club womén. I .ade an addraus.at fihe Court House that

inight and 3 ; a gnad many signatures to bar carés. Ina next 6&3 I
Went to Henfiersoh, where I'£18O fbund many suAfrageiaes anfl left

Hrs: 3.21 Cunningham aa {Jairman of the fenderson %.R.A. On Hon?
any I refiurnaé tb Owanéhon for 1ha day an& arganizea the Cmensborox'

~~ ~fi


ville; thence to “ueJVJV1 eand than home mhere‘I arrived at . .00

1 /

‘at night Ver3+ t3.r9 ed but E ."in~ that I had done a ngodk two .weeks'5

work Ear the Ce Lusé: ; 3 ‘ I , - 'i'k«”

I found an acu‘ma‘ation of mail n31 I have been bu83 with  tz1at;

1 J ' /
‘flra; firecxinridge has gone to Virginia icr a few eeka on a17601ure


tour and on 3 vi 81t 10 her brot yher, ,JuQ e enr3'C. “Cuowja7.of l

qhburg., When she comes back Lhé hbpes to go on filledtfife thourg‘


IHTOHSE Kenéuony? and I wfi.sh verv‘much +nat {ophihfifiillé "ou;a25K.VFF"



3.3.I. wifih er.,George 3n 3 a839resifienfi._l want-thence Ito IaWesa “vQ

 secure her for an afiflress an» that a sampleta arganizatiox ghoulé

e are Havana“ a (1:03.11 .32; . ,: . .1 col: (3111..

\taiion. i trust ; A -g 5 corn anfl Pther vegetables are

Sufiflect ‘38? Wd 1' : ¥orkin5 thufi corn enough.


I woulfi like fin know Low ’* .r cowing on. I enjcyed my iiiéle

visit in your hospitable ho,- very much, amfl I shall hope.that

my work there will trodun .a ,~ .‘fruit both


anfi for {oman's

“lease remember me to Kr. long unfl to Miss,;


Very sincerely yours;


 189 fi. Hill St., Lexington, Ky.

Jay 12, l 1;,

firs. Gecrge a

fiht rwaah me until
cause T 60 not raceive mail at the ”engucky T.?.A. headquarters.
firs. Bre C :infliflge is in Chgrge of the heafiquurters anfi she fie
'absent frcm home,, . had” however seat you a hundred nemhersflup
Ca (£61 V .1“ E SULyOSB 7x 3* : ‘n>:i ‘. We 60 no? keep im


steak lifierature for . it ' ”y a Lfiile for samples. ‘You
‘ \


,1 ti} sehd a fiime to the rationbl heafiquarters 505 5,h Avenue
Hen York for ans lea Cn Baturfiay f senfi yam a few gwnbles
uni catalog by which you can orfier from‘the national heafiquarters;

and I reehdloaad%our‘stgm;3 tc you.

Your letzer of ay 5 as; just reached me th a

an reenolosing th xe wt me8 becwwse we cannot supply fine
V . \ ~ \

Ynder unotnev cover am senfling ovr last ”.,ate minfitas with a

marked a asaage telling €.rxe basis of=represfintation in the ?

‘L‘ . /
Very Sincerely ours,

C \


CarreSpond in;



 159 7, gill 3,., Lexington, ;3.

‘V- r, —'
Jug 1;; , 1910.

‘. C. willis,
Shelbyville, Ky.
fly Fear Hrs.

I mas delayed in dehfiinfi you the membership card because we

had to have a new sucqlv urinted. But 3 am_now sanainT lCG‘un—
,V L v L _ ‘x b

der another cover. Also I an .ending some suggestions yor as 5
31am of work-mhich may 6r may hot he uséful to you.

Hrs. Bredkinwifiée is absent for a few weeks in Virginia on a
lecture tour anfl on a viSit to her brother, Jufiga‘fienry G. 3.30w—1
ell, of 1;m¢h_‘:mrg. Then sh reafurns 5119. enacts to 2mm 3»; t;cur_

in Ventueky unfl than T h one » Vill securn har fbr “halbyville.



Tishing you great success in your 2.2.A., T am,

Very sincerely yours,


Correspdhfling Secretary



have been wanting , : a to you every since I raturned

home to tell rou how much a .1; gun :he viSit to your heme aha the


Convention at gdairville. a; ‘\“ a numher of places after

leaving kaajvvilla. I afidrasaed the meating at Eopkinsville an»
» “ - ‘ / i « ,
lder the-auspices of the T,.T.V., ad I WLS amusefi to_find that

‘some Cf them wera'quifie afraifl of the 2 tier of Woman's~fiu"fr&ge.

chever T was ansure¢ that T and treated the Subject in a way difi

a v” ‘: ri‘ffa
‘ A J ‘

not an§i*”*i.‘% why one an& which left Friends for the cause ..

‘ ‘ ' " ' ‘4“ A ‘ . L V, '
I was 1nv;tea to give an account 0: my trip to Adalrville to our


‘“.C.T.V. ané fihey were mugh interested in ahafi :‘hué‘tthell about
k . / ‘ - -

the Convention. . I hepe’they are going to put into piactiée some

‘. :

painfis thafi I gave them ubont wnafi the Afiairville»00nventipn propose
‘ , ‘ ‘ - ‘ \


-to do in rg}ation to ”The_0nristian Cifiizenshih League;
’ (-4 . 5 *‘ ' f V ’ '..T '; , ' s"»
;lea$e rememhar me to Kr; Tucxer.und-to all your family. aha to

I \ \‘9;

the’ peacner if she’ is :2; ‘yopu. ”Alsp'td ixr; Davie “

. A ‘,_ V“ ‘w . ..n:) ‘ . 1’ ‘ a, K. , J v , .,
‘Vghapking you for our hosyitglifiy and for your helpfulness all.


Iqalong in my wbrk, I am‘ a w ‘z . -‘ ,,‘\H /


i‘ ‘ ‘ YUery sincerely yofirs,
  _ ‘ . _\_»_*‘==





 maazarhuzptm Ifinlifiml Equality 13mm




BostonI Maes., May 16, 1913.

The Massachusetts Political Equality Union hereby applies for member-

ship in the National American Women Suffrage Association; it has at
41.4 team? ‘ W
present five (500) hundred members and eubmitehof the major portion


These members are distributed through thirtyufive of the forty Senatorial
Districts of the state,

The Political Equality Union was organized in December, 1912 and held its
first meeting in January, 1913.

The enclosed printed circular was issued some months ago and is already
somewhat out of date in regard to the committees, although the Executive
Committee remains as printed.

As soon as we are notified of our acceptance, we will forward our check
with statement of theAmemberehip at that date.

(Signed) _ ecrefery



Branch of International Woman Suffrage Alliance and of National Council of Women


President ,\ Recording Secretary

Annu Howard Shaw 2 / / V/ I// I Sunan W. FitzC-erald
Moylan. Pa. mg/{% I ' ' 3‘ 7Greenough Ave.,Jamnicn Plain,Mnxs.
/ // «'

lat Vice-President cu ”fl ””1 ‘/ V Treasurer
Jane Addams ‘ ' / I v " ‘ Katherine Dexter McCormick
Hull House. Chicago, I“. J 505 Fifth Avenue. New York

7 I
2nd Vice-President ‘ / ///i I 1.: Auditor

I '2 ./"
. . 'I/I/ % m L.‘ . .
Charlotte Anita Whitney j '3' #4; r 1.! Harriet Burton Lmdlaw
2121 Webster Street. Oakland, Cal. ////4 6 East 66th Street. New York

Corresponding Secretary -~ , —— , , 2nd Auditor

Mary Ware Dennett WH'T‘ STATE. ' ‘ FULL SUFEWGE Louise De Koven Bowen

505 Fifth Avenue. New York ” ” 1430 Astor Street, Chicago, Ill.


National Press Bureau, Elinor Byrnl. Chairman. 505 Fifth Avenue. New York

College Equal Suffrage League Friends Equal Rights Association The Equal Franchise Society
M. Carey Thomas, President Mary Bentley Thomal, President Mrs. Howard Mansfield. President
Bryn Mawr. Pu. Ednor. Maryland 535 Park Avenue, New York

Telephone, 6855 Bryant ~ - Headquarters, 505 Fifth Avenue, New York

.A.r.ty.t ,l ,. .7.;,. :. :
WI DL-LAlfiué.) «v “4.. ~.i-’.7 “grouwug-uwu J’s,»-

r' ,, ‘ ,
' .I ' -.' "by: M ' ,' :HA- '»,I V'.. ‘7“ ~~v e T} 3 ' : , ‘-
.r..»»—L'I..Lu. l‘9b~/L.Lu w-» I; I ._ u ;; «AL»! ubbuCJMSC-‘uvb‘ 94'...» u go's-Li.


when“ ,_ In, unwimu $.51 L31 Inumbpi'fi. I .m

(j u. id « v y-. ~44 “so“;ubas (A Vl.\‘ ‘-:..it,.u1t5:; “-14 K,‘M/.;_m:.-A_-IVC‘U, («.5

~ ._ -4; arranged .



 fl /
,/;,4, /‘, (”x/it,


g ./


, ,
fl/V/f/fyf—rZ—a/ 1’. ,



15,321.13. Street, :exjnlgxcn, ;7;r2,-

find enclosefi a postal order for one;
Woman's Jaurnal for cue-year.« Fleafie

axe iasue for-flay Ith,,if you can i

DfihGTWifie» fi~*¥ ' w ‘ Vri 2&firess the Faflér to:

Miss ; ,y-, ‘ r‘ » v  ’ - u
e Cortlfindt,

Ken mm ky. ,
aspectfully,’ ‘ , v


 O‘fimgfill 1t., Iexington,

”w . .. -,~
{in} 2‘21““, A?! :7: .

my dear Kiss Gibson.
recaivefi gGur note adflraasafi to ma at
Richmbnd, anfl am w.iting at once to explain my nj8a«rrex Lsion of :01

subécriptinn to the ’omun's Journal. ”hen firfi.3rec%inridge an& I


1n it.Louis at the :iSSiSfiiywi “alley *uffruge Conference we aeoid R

. .n.

., . w

to buy for fihe Ty . Tqual ”lgnts ;- I'.ic: One of

stock of the Tommn's varnalg but as we were not inst

and gnare mas no more; in the ftate treasury for :hnt purpose,
obliged to depenfl upon donatjor ; that-purpose. The share was
to aid the ”oman's sv‘rnel union me 1hin}: is verv fine suffra g9
anfl to ,ive tn, -n ore 0”“)? of the 3¢'Y £4A‘ to the,pagef. I h&é
afibscriptimn in my mind mhen I Spoke to our ionisviile ffienfie,I

I was also tak n3 subsnripti for the Xournal; as that is a‘gost

Excellent way of helping, too. But I'underétooi that you were

a dohat;on tharfis tha purchase of the Shafe of stock; anfi I 3e"

ynur éheck for one dollar to that purpdse,xthoucn if I had not

(thaf 3mg? esgion'in my minfi, I mighfi‘have seefi from the note :L

you écn1 it“ check that you intenéad it far a subacr ipt j0;n tn the figpe$;Q

-. ' a _ I- .. I \>—‘, ‘ \ g!
~I am very glad you nave written, apa'I shall immeulately,fnrward \


qur subscripf,10n to the; oman's Jaurfial. AS the nuhher‘of flay 10th,-


is particugarly interesting; havihg as supplement the.minutes Offfkq

" V. ‘ , \ “ > ‘ I ‘. I I I L‘
Conference at St,Louis,=I an going to ask-the Journal to start your\

.ubserintifinfwith that number, if fihQV‘stiIl have them on hand
_r‘ ‘ Q .J‘ ‘
*wise, «Ifhe.uhe lav Ezra numbar. ‘You should receive vour! paperxf ’

time next wéek. If vou a0 not, p3.ease drop mg a line .x

' 1

Very pincerel, yours, V“


Lexingtonr Ky.
2-18.37 24th; :9 15.
dear Wrs.00ffm&n, .

I coulfl cone to ufifirass your Civic leagué later
in fines not make your meeting at an inconvenient time t0

The week after the-meeting in Hiddlesboro,- that

the I8th, éf you want a ”ednesfiay, wfulfl suit me very Wail;

If won wish this date glfihfle let me know at vnur earliest con; ”
I . 9 WV V M

vénience, a3 I ‘~ ‘ r ”nrlisle.fiuring June, nnfi the-date iq in»

.aefinite till I hear from you,

Very sincerely yours,


 Lax: ngton,

.ay Wat‘:1,

deem 11139,

T have '1 ‘ .2 5' ' y? no1n .ea 3

other thich 9X;

~r-y. 4 1

Itself. .1 Skull mrite ufi once + 1 rs.“ransburv uhfif I {lfvs
flanker fio you, and that fine "vlicafiior \ill be oxxuldel,1.
fore the converticr is short, unfl as I see tha" tha


5f file 3x. C0M111f0\ must be faken, 1 send my vote now far
I have also ohtuinéfi the vote of firs.fireokinridgayfbr a
'Eion. 'fihe sgifi she wfls not 5 member of the Tx.Comnit%ee, but
hfir i:tdnught She wasfl a§1theW ember oi the Hatinnal~30a§d1 How eve“ #1
yhat may béé if she hés a Vote1'ifi hrs ween given for aimihkion.‘ 1


You“have not yet told me “ timer n1" ud;i razs shcfild‘occapy atr-
Conve?tirnq lease let ma know‘ff. ? 1 fi *. ufies, a; I &: pre1
‘f9r11ng mv 940%8
